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File: 81Q8rawyr8L._AC_SL1500_.jpg (205 KB, 1500x1215)
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So does anyone have this reissue? Should I get it or is it as bad as I've been hearing?
I ebayed an original long ago, but it has a ton of misapplied stickers and missing pieces. I was hoping to get a more complete version.
Just spend the money on a good old one. There's complete ones in good condition on ebay right now for a little under $400. Worth it for a playset that actually works and isn't undersized floppy garbage.
Wait for the $50 sale or grab the OG new for $400. How bad do you want a technodrome anon. If you never had the OG than this new one is fine.
The action features don't work because it's scaled down. The figures don't fit in it because it's scaled down. It's a whole new mold and they botched it. Do you want it as a display piece? It might be fine then. It doesn't beat the original though.

You can watch Pixel Dan's review of it and see how frustrated he gets with it.

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