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Who is this made for
"Who is this made for"
this could be said for 90% of toys today
Star Trek fans, a lot of them actually liked strange new worlds.
How is this garbage getting great looking figures but I can't get a decent TOS trio from anyone?
Yeah, I wouldn't call myself a Stark Trek fan since I haven't seen most of them and am not really interested in toys from the franchise, but this show's been leagues better than Discovery so far. Lower Decks is also pretty fun.
I actually like SNW and the Abrams trilogy. But I don't really want figures from them. If they do the TOS crew I might consider getting some.
>and the Abrams trilogy
You're an animal.
>and the Abrams trilogy
You're based.
Strange new worlds is actually one of the best treks. Too bad they went for 1/18
Not really. From the Trump bashing in the first episode and the actor playing Pike being a full-on "kill all conservatives, fuck them with a razor dildo if they don't like Kurtzman's rape of the franchise, hang Trump from a tree" screeching online, it's pretty much on par with STD in terms of being hated.

The only reason Lower Decks is popular is that it's full of fan service/cameos from other Trek shows and takes place in it's own side universe so even if you don't like it, it can be ignored.
I don't watch Kelvin Trek shit. What did they say about Trump?
Basically had Pike say January 6th was one of the darkest moments in Earth history and implied that it led to the downfall of western civilization and humanity prior to the Vulcans rebuilding Earth society and introducing us to the other great space powers.
>Abrams trilogy
The first wasn't the most offensive thing. Old Spock was dumb memberberries shit though.
I liked evil Peter Weller in the second one. If the Khan memberberries bullshit had been left out after a rewrite, it would have been a good movie.
The third one was awful. My friends hyped up that Beastie Boys bullshit, and watching it made me feel revulsion. People use the word cringe a lot, but I did physically cringe during that scene.
what the fuck is strange new worlds
Hiya has been doing the Trek figures in both scales so I'm sure they'll announce a 6" version in a few months.
Better these than Nacelle's wave of literal whos (and Sulu)
Well.. I hope you re right on this one anon

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