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It's happening
sad face
You couldn't come up with a better OP than this?
Good grief. I know the movies don't have too many of the game characters to make toys of, but really? Whats next, the fat sister in law?
Ey fuck you, Agent Stone is GOAT

Best Robotnik lackey since Scratch and Grounder.
Does this mean we will get Maria figures too?
What is it with every Sonic thing pushing humans? Archie added them, Sonic X starred them, and then there was that completely unimportant wedding scene in the 2nd movie
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They should make some figures of the 90s American characters desu
Where are all those goddamn 3P's that need to make "Green Drilldozer" and "Big Cock"?
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Seconding at the very least their in-game counterparts (is mean bean machine a possible loophole)?

Kek 10/10 names.
Found a Knuckles at Target. Had to get someone to help me get it, cause of their stupid "only three figures on a peg" setup. Thankfully they had a Chao Tails on the peg, so I knew they had that wave. God forbid you give toylines more than one peg when that particular toyline thrives on packing 20 of one character in the case, Target.
Does Sega even own them?
Sega definitely owns the SatAM and AoStH characters, they just actively choose not to use them.
>Still thinking Robotnik is some kind of walrus
Looks like Chadwick Boseman
Well, we're supposed to get Gerald Robotnik in wave 3. I'd be surprised if they didn't do Maria eventually.

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