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Where is the best place to get NECA in the USA?
NECA store where you can be shipped two of the same item and be banned if you don't ship it back.
And illegal charged for items you didn't order.
Target, Best Buy, or Walmart for in person, places like BBTS or EE for online.
What this anon >>11250998 and this anon >>11251076 said.
Right now you can order a blind box of shelfwarming NECA products from the NECAstore for $129, and it will have $500 worth of stuff in it. That's like 20 Toony Terrors, or 50 keychains. Each day, one lucky random recipient will receive a special bonus box that has $2000 worth of stuff in it. I can't even imagine how many Toony Terrors or Head Knockers it will contain. I've been told that randomly filled boxes of unwanted stock make for thoughtful Christmas gifts, so you should buy one for the whole family.
Get you wife the Pop Culture box. Remember ALF. He's back. In Toony Classics form.
Get your nerdy teenage son the Sci Fi and Fantasy box so that he hopefully stops talking about how robot anime waifus are the only thing that can prevent the extinction of the human race.
Get your moody goth teenage daughter the Horror box and hide the razor blades after she opens it so she doesn't do any cutting at the Christmas dinner table.
And get the youngest a Turdle box so that he can question why they don't have any Skibidi rizz in their gyatt.
And after your previous low effort thread, thank you. I want you to know that you are appreciated.
Now you’re gonna get RB’d Zat, you messed with the wrong general fag
>order one box
>recieve 20 boxes
>due to a shipping error, we accidentally sent you extra boxes. You will be charged for them and banned from future purchases from our store. Happy Holidays, Baldny.
They have to cover blainerthings legal defense bills somehow
You’re taking that item away from another collector.
why does this board hate that guy so much? jealousy?
Mods this is a retroblasting spam thread. Look at the image in the OP.
I thought that was the NECA Hannibal Lecter
And where gay sculptors get screwed over, meanwhile the employees like Blainer virtue signal by making lgbt products
>I want you to know that you are appreciated.
very comfy anon, we need more of this
No, we need you banned for trolling.

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