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I have bought BMC Marx and Tim Mee in the past and they were just ok in terms of quality and value. Some different historical periods, 1/35 as well as 1/72

>do you recommend any Army Men playsets from them or others that are value for money and decent, varied sculpts?

>are there any dioramas or playsets you recommend?

>have you ever played a wargame or photographed with your setup or played with them outside?

>any aquarium or playset scenery you recommend?

>do you ever paint, weather, wash or varnish your guys?

>any castles, knights or sci fi models and monsters you use with them?

I know it's a bit niche and the thread might die off, but it's a fun thing I wanna get back into. I have a few small wargaming projects but this feels like something I can enjoy cheaply.

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I had a bag's worth of the basic green army men but for Christmas I got the Naverone set and suddenly my Dad got interested in it and began painting the soldiers, he painted the howitzers camouflage and anything else he thought wasn't 'right'. I just loved that the green army men that came with it were so different then the standard bag assortments and that there was actual wounded figures.
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We have a recurring Army Men General, latest one is in its last days but a new one will always follow >>11228948
Growing up, while I had WWII stuff that my grandfather gave me, my main interest was Wild West stuff. In fact, stay tuned for my Christmas pics. Also, here's a bonus...
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>do you recommend any Army Men playsets from them or others that are value for money and decent, varied sculpts?
If you're in burgerland, dollar general carries the soldier force line by Chap Mei. The details pretty damn good, and the plastic is also of good quality. They're a little smaller than Timmees. And they're geared up to be more like a soldier from the GWOT.
Lanard should also get a mention for having excellent scuplts with a near future theme.
>have you ever played a wargame or photographed with your setup or played with them outside?
I have photographed a lot of the little wars that occur throughout my house and yards.
>any aquarium or playset scenery you recommend?
The garden section at home improvement stores offers a lot of materials for walls, terrain features, and buildings.
>do you ever paint, weather, wash or varnish your guys?
No, I don't have anything against people that do. I just like how they look in their monochromatic glory.
>any castles, knights or sci fi models and monsters you use with them?
I have some playschool castles I use, and then I also have a collection of dinosaur and animal toys to use as wildlife.
And there's an army men thread up usually with fairly regular posters.

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