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/psg/ - persona slutposting general

Post persona sluts
RP time?
Any ideas?
One or two.
I wouldn't mind playing Yukari (or some of the other girls) myself either.
What would a lewd date with noot be like?
Well with this post it would most likely involve a lot of jerking off in the corner.
For me, it's mind control.
Looks more like charm than brainwash desu.
Same difference, no?
Pretty sure with brainwash you can get them to do anything where as with charm they ONLY want to fuck you.
One is victory over the mind.
One is victory over the mind with cock.
Very important distinction.
I'd much, much rather have something romantic and sweet. Romantic tomboy love is peak
Should have posted my boy Kanji first then.
He is too cute.
I just didn't have many persona images in general, especially not Noot. But lately I've been feeling a bit of a craving for her. Having some sweet love from her would be a treat.
And Kanji? What makes him so cute to you?
Just his personality.
A guy like that actually thinking he was gay cause of Naoto lol.
I'd assume he only needed a good look at her boobs to throw such thought away. Her feminine charm can't remain hidden for long
I do wonder what her exact technique was for hiding that.
Rise seemed very jealous.
It had to have taken alot of commitment, as it had to be at least somewhat painful to keep those jugs contained. There's probably been so many close calls where they burst out. The look on her face as they flopped out in public would've been one of a kind
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Fuuka's been found...
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Sex with Aigis
Reverse NTR
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sucking CHAD cock at Gekkōkan High
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Aigis has been "benched" due to her relatively poor performance in Tartarus. However, thanks to some 'modifications' SEES have found a use for her after all.
What girl would want to be cucked? And by who?
Given her canon inability to fuck herself, Aigis would probably enjoy watching the MC fuck other girls.
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Need the maiden of relief...
me in the back
Why is hacked/controlled Aigis so fucking hot?
Tae is sexo
What girls have the most massive tits?
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>Tough guy who is actually a big softy who loves animals and pretty colors but will still beat the shit out of anyone who causes you problems
He's perfect
classic corruption. Innocent, sweet girl becomes a debased slut
Do we KNOW she doesn't have something down there?
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This isn't debasement because she's becoming a slut for only 1 guy,
Judging from it never being alluded to, Aigis' social link and P4 mentioning her angst over being a "machine who can't be a true partner to him", and that her rank 10 has that weird heart-touch scene to stand in for sex, it's pretty well established that she has nothing.
Also if you use free cam, Aigis is the only girl (iirc) in P3R who can be upskirted without a black void.

Not that hentai artists care of course, take your pick of engineering or magic.
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My honest thoughts:
Futaba going out streaking one night, only to be discovered by another streaker like Tae
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God that's so hot!
I've only played FES, so I didn't know that last part. Interesting.
>Can't be a true partner to him
If you really wanna cope you could view that as her being unable to get pregnant and be a mother, but it's most likely what you said.
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Waiting patiently at her desk for easy access.
I wonder just how she "relieves" them
P1 posting?
Don't quit your day job.
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nice tits
Made for older men
How old?
Twice her age.
Sumi so sexy
Which girls?
not them, but i'm also fond of yukari!
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She's pretty cute
She's pretty hot.
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I'd go down on her desu
I love the idea of making her submit. She's supposed to be this all powerful fighting machine who could bench the entire classroom and has enough firepower to take on a small army but with one click of a button, she's nothing more than a toy for your cock, one that's wholly new to such sensations in the first place so now you're also making this war machine feel things it can hardly grasp while its greedy pussy tugs and hugs your cock, desperate for more.
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makoto sucking it looks great
i fucking love ann's outfit she looks sexy as fuck and i love it when she bends over
her ass looks great and both their faces look amazing
i love double peace signs
this is hot damn
nice booty
fuck yes aegis
i love ann's tits
damn this is great
i love the open legs and expression
nice tits
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>going into a bathroom or portable potty and having the biggest, hardest and loudest sex, almost stripping nude forgetting the location or if anybody else will notice
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Anal sluts
All persona girls
Bathroom sex is always amazing. And her expressions show she's having the time of her life, especially with that cum flowing inside her!
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You can't spell anal without Ann
She must be very tight having all that cum extracted, overflowing to that degree. I bet she won't even clean up afterwards, having it drip down her thighs as she gets up, realizing how undressed she is.
The question is will anyone find out? Will anyone ask where she's been?
Hmm... Her moans might be heard outside. Do they really have to ask why she spent so long in the bathroom, with all of those moans leaking as she gets filled and overflowing with cum? Her outfit being more dirty afterwards, with a new smell and stuff leaking from her legs. I think her friends would be jealous.
Jealous ot have the most amazing sex in a dirty-filled place like the bathroom? They have the right to be jealous. Would they go to the same man that fucked that nice pussy, wishing to be filled and fucked in a similar manner?
Maybe... But that is a lot of cum leaking from her cunt like that, she's bound to be pregnant afterwards. All of that seed is could be used up, nothing left in the balls for them. Or maybe that is what she wants them to think.
Pregnant while still attending high school? Can she carry all that responsibilty at once? Either way, I bet even during school she'll engage in lots of sex with the horny man eager to dump his thick seed in that tight pussy until she'sc ompletely satisfied. All while her friends are watching from afar; they do tend to make lots of noise after all...
I wonder what a robot's cunt feels like.
They will all know where she is going, and why her belly and been a little more fuller than usual. They might even try to peak inside when the door opens once done, to get a sight of that cock they have been hearing about.
Once done? I have a feeling they might be too horny to neglect the door hasn't been completely locked... her friends might peek inside and see their friend getting roughed up and fucked hard by that magnificent cock that shook and came inside her many a times and gotten her pregnant. She can't live without it...
And now her friends are hooked on that leaking cock spurting another huge load inside her. And the best part? That's only just one load of many on that day...
She would see that door creaking open, giving her a sly smile as they look at her nude body and that cock all inside. Would they be shocked they forget to close the door before they leave, or will they try to enter and close the door behind them?
Well seeing as she's having sex and her friends aren't, I think she might be shocked initially that she's been caught until it's all gone and she gives her friends a show. She's riding that cock and she'll take that cock with pride while her girl friends are horny with jealousy. They wish they get to have sex just like that. They might even masturbate to the scene in front of them or barge right in, demanding to join.
Them closing the door and pulling their panties down as they hear those moans, and have some fun with themselves as they watch. Maybe they might get their face closer to smell it, and maybe even try to feel it slightly as it goes up and down, but mostly feeling the leaking cum instead. I bet she knows the moment she gets off, they are going to try to jump on.
>I bet she knows the moment she gets off, they are going to try to jump on.
Will that ever happen? And if her friends are going to join in, how many are we talking? 2? 3?
Let's say 2-3. Everybody has to go to class eventually, but her cunt cries out for more seed... Maybe she only gets off knowing it's flaccid. All they could hope to do is clean it up, hoping it gets hard again for them.
They better try to get as much cum as they can before that bell rings.
I wonder though... are the other schools and other Persona girls as horny and jealous?
I'm not sure about that, but probably every cast is the same.
Really now? Even Persona 1 and 2's cast are just as horny and jealous as Persona 5's or 3's? I can see that, which one intrigues you the most?
3 or 5
Very nice choices. Which cast is the more horny between them? I have a feeling 5 is the most horny.
You'll find out in a few years.
I feel like P3 and P4 non party member social links don' get enough love. Who are your favorites? Mine are Yuuko and Ayane respectively
P3: Chihiro
P4: Ai
P3 and P4 really need some love. I always tend to prefer the non-party member SLs more than the actual ones.
Yukari or Mitsuru next?
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Licky licky
Liz isn’t even a social link and she’s the best P3 by a mile
How do I get Rise to make this face?

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