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/femfat/ Female Fatfur Thread: Miss American Pie Edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66915388/

Writefag Pastebin: https://controlc.com/0b7441a9

Paid content: https://kemono.party/artists

Download artist's Furaffinity archive: https://furarchiver.net/

>Keep it female.
>Try to keep a slow pace of images and embrace discussion!
>No 3D please, there's other threads better suited for that!
>Try to keep a good balance of related fetishes and sub-fetishes.
>If someone doesn't care for your specific tastes, don't bitch about them.
>Avoid reposting images from the past few threads. Keep it fresh!

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5ecvBaqHBk

TOTT: What was your first exposure to fatfurs? Post if you can find it.

(Im tired of these OPs degrading in quality. So fuck it. If /mfat/ can have a splinter thread. Might as well give this one a try.)
Who put >>67035836 on the board?! Ugh!

Okay. Here's one of my first exposures to fatfurs.

Time to kick things off with an excellent piece of artwork and hope that /mfat/ does not become /fatfurs/.
Does anybody have that great story of Pavita moving to the Florida panhandle and becoming a fat redneck? That's what I always think of when someone mentions "Americanization" in a fetishy context.
Anon, why do you space like that?
Here you go lad
Might want to add it to the writefag archive at some point.

To separate the post links from the text. You gotta try this.
No, that's not the one he's talking about. It's the one where she moves to Gainesville and we see her shop at a Wal-Mart.
THAT'S the one, thank you. As good as ever.

Though it makes me wonder this year if Redneck Pavita voted for DeSantis in the primary or if she was ride or die with the Trumpster.
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No, I am not going to try that. And you don't need to do that beyond the thread copypasta.
Just keep it bunched up like a normal person so your posts aren't formatted like garbage.
>TOTT: What was your first exposure to fatfurs? Post if you can find it.
Picrel activated my fatfag neurons.
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Anymore fat art of her?
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Is this new? Also, did cardlin ever make a new twitter account?
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Did someone make a mod?
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does someone have images of the nsfw version of the mod? They're behind a paywall
Wildcat has autism please understand
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Imagine the earthquake
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And he is proud of it.

Autistic people forever.

(Really, he was. Too bad he's gone and dead.)
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Oh great, now he's virtue signaling.
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Fucking Redditors, I swear to god.
I fucking LOVE size difference
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It’s pretty obvious you’re trying to get people to think you were “banned forever” so they quit blaming you for shitting up threads. You’re tired of the negative attention, but want to keep posting here for whatever reason. It’s too bad you can’t shake your characteristic speech patterns.

Wildcatisms to look out for, or, How To Spot a Faggot:
- Would you stuff this character
- Would you rub this character’s belly
- Should there be more art of this character
- Replying to himself as different people to make it seem like his garbage posts have more interest than they do (>Does anyone have art of X? >Yes I do. >Gee thanks.)
- Sexual attraction to childish properties meant for toddlers
- Interest in obscure artists of low quality that nobody but him has heard of
- Overall niche interests represented by horrible mspaint circle tool art and edits, probably made by himself
- Tendency to spam without regard for imageboard etiquette
- Accuses everyone of being a bully/cyberbully
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You also know its a wildcat made thread when the OP is made almost comically bad.
I figured he removed the thread theme section in his attempt at a thread after getting shit for not even using an actual song.
Stay positive, everyone!
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I have rediscovered Fapolantern's vore frog.
We'll be positive if you finally stopped coming around here with your spamming. But god knows you won't unless the mods put you on a forced sabbatical.
Either learn to take the punches people throw at you wildcat or go someplace else.
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>artist never came back to finish their latest Olivia
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Before they went tranny also by the way they got a new Pride month thing this month called DisabiltyPrideMonth.
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Who actually made this? I swear nobody has an answer.
jeez, pick a struggle id say lmao
Are there any draw anons here?
Likely not. People been chased away and pretty sure wildcat didn't help with his flooding.
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>Disabilty Pride Month
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Guess the bullshit from feed could not stay in feed, could it?
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Thanks for finding these. Can you get more?
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Damn, I guess all the times Cardlin came around was just Wildcat falseflagging.
I never said all of them. I mean a good chunk of the people who usually hang around here have long since left because this general went down the shitter.
And wildcat is not helping.
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Yes I am. I'm helping out. And I'm not wildcat. Believe me!
hey wildcat did you rape any children today
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Wildcat's not smart enough to know what a nitter instance is, so I'll believe you.
Sex with ghosts
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It looks like an extended version of this animation by BitterBosc:

I don't know if he made it and is keeping it exclusive somewhere, or if someone else extended it, because it's not on his FA. I do have the original WEBM saved, but I can't remember where I found it:

(Catbox because it's too long to post here)

I know what a nitter instance is! I'm not stupid!
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No joke there. As I am serious.
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Stop laughing. It's serious.
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Kek L
I thought you wanted more positivity around here! Laughing is a good way to get it!
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I was referring to laughing at bad jokes.
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Hippo's are underrated
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don’t look up this artist, worst mistake of my life
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Based pachyderm enjoyer
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Sumo's for the win
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Too late. https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=boardom
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>This artist
Oh so this is where the spammer from a bit ago kept getting their ammo.

Here it is
No spammers or ammo. And even then, I would take my life before it comes.
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Stop snorting cocaine.
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Nerd gals are great
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>No spammers or ammo. And even then, I would take my life before it comes.
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Who asked? Also this is /femfat/.
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Well lookie loo, it's that time of the year again.
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Pride in your people and their accomplishments is bad. Pride in who you want to fuck, your sexual preferences (unless it's the standard), and your literal mental or physical defects that would have resulted in you being left to rot just a century ago? That's progressive or some shit.
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What spammer?
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Mommy milkers
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Still mad
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>Still mad
About what?
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Second image is just him getting fat and her being skinny instead her getting fatter.
this is still the best and most perfect noelle
Need chonk retail worker gf
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Happy 4th July wow
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When did stacpac do this?
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Sex with Claire
What do you do?
This set is so damn good (mostly the first three sizes) and I've still never even it posted anywhere but anon imageboards. So much fat alleycat but so little fat alleygator.
>just visible fupa that almost reaches the knees
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>Unzips my harpoon

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