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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3132

>"Independence Day" edition


By Jixijenga
>Broken Sanctuary (Ch. 6)

By SouthwesternCrunchwrap
>A New Herd (Ch. 3)

By YolkedWithChrist
>Flames and Flour

By M4rsh4l_Legacy
>The Frost on her Feathers (Ch. 11)

By 7834non
>A Story I Suppose

By ReckfulAbandon

By TheHonorableAjax
>The Tales of Prince Anonymous (Ch. 5)

By PapaDelta
>Tusks After Dusk: Hag's Lament

By Anonymous
>Broken Dreams, and Dead Friends

By Worker_9
>Memories of Bunny Game

By ItsAMadhouse
>Claws of Helion

By Tacticool_Dad
>Unlikely Meetings (Ch. 25)

By TheSignalRemains
>Wilderness Hearts (Ch. 15)

By Meklab
>The Fox & Hound (Ch. 5)

[ Story Masterbin ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa | [ Story Update List ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa_updates
[ Word Filter ]: https://rentry.org/fsdnd | [ Image Filter ]: https://rentry.org/sksge
[ Writing Guides, Media, Misc. ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa4

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67104258
Missed a thread or two?: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/hmofa/type/op/
why is the op image an ugly tranny
American Chicken
I see you’re a bit confused. Not every ugly person is a troon, but every troon is an ugly person (inside and out)
Got fireworks to launch with my dad. Tonight's gonna be great.
dino-bully gfs
(may the artist forgive me, as I had to remove the furboi from the picture)
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Happy America Day!!! USA #1!!!
the shading on "her" chin makes "her" look like an ex-convict Irishman
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Say something nice about my wife.
explosive titfur
Bringing an underbarrel noobtube to the range is kinda cool I guess.
>pussy that could kill you at the most unexpected moment
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Merry Christmas /hmofa/

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That one's a brit though.
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That's not how Happy Tree Friends works. They're not Flippy.
>That episode with the totem
>You die after sex with Flaky because she rolls over in her sleep and impales you.
Does happy tree friends hold up or is it steeped too deeply in the maximum edge late oughts early 10s newgrounds mega gore humor
yeah I know but tried to post a chicken as fast as I could. anyways see you guys next holiday
Yeah but I'm referring to their natural tendency to die in horrible ways

Idk I haven't watched it in a long time
No idea what episode you're talking about. Regardless, does Flaky impaling you in her sleep sound like murderous tendencies to you? Or murphy's law? Dunkass.
i want to drink her fucking milk
At least you died a happy man
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Happy 4th of July. I lackna relevant image so here be fox tits
doberella paizuri
gender-affirming waifurs <3
She literally convinced him to be trans and start taking HRT.
She's literally THAT doctor.
Dangerous sex with spiky wife
Nah. The Sable sisters would unironically be amazing lovers. You can befriend the older one in one of the DS games. She gets to a point she tells you parts of her life, and you hear secrets from her. The gal ends up really liking you.
From her past she'd be very loving towards you & so would her younger sister. And good chance you could nail both if you get with the older one first lmao if you're ballsy enough.
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waifurs laughing at your comically oversized testicles
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Well see you tommorow then. Since tommorow is a holiday for me
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>Lives rent free in all of the world's mind
>Makes lots of Anons seethe, including Britbongs
>Is the main core of 4chan itself, holds it on it's back while others take for granted (Many such cases!)
>Celebrate one day of the year for being this based

Why aren't you grilling?
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STinky & Shittered SLUTS >;3
>Why aren't you grilling?
Because not a 60 year old
Grilling is a primal human trait, Anon.
So is reproduction and raising offsprings, yet very huge ammount of population (Atleast in "western" countries) doesn't do it that much anymore
Just shut up and post more Blazikens.
This show is diagusting. Probably made by troons and government funded.
>/pol/bait on burger day
Not on my watch.
actually now that I think about it ill just be here for a week then ill be on hiatus

>Why aren't you grilling?
ill start in 5-6 hours
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Guess I'm not welcome in this thread anymore then.
Nobody said that you're not allowed to post here, just don't start /pol/ debates and post /hmofa/.
Then see you next week
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Tell me polish anon. How much zubrowka do you have saved in your cabinet
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Not much, I'm more of a Jagermeister guy, cuz when I drink it I want to taste it. And I don't drink that much. Yet I have idk 2 liters worth of Jager stashed away.
NVM get out.
If a Pole isn't drinking fast enough to keep his cabinet empty he's not a true Pole.
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Communism is that bad, actually.
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There is also something else that might turn this thread into another /pol/ rant.
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1/10000000th of lenght of either of the poles to the equator. Made during by the french during the french revolution. So it is likely that george washington the "anglo-american who knew german" probably actually what the fuck it was before he died.
It always made me sad seeing Flaky die horribly. She was a good girl.
That's some trigger anarchy she's doing there.
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The PLC will never come back.
Wait that's a meter
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Żubrówka wasn't even Polish for the longest time. From 2013 to 2022 it belonged to Russian Standard, and by the end of 2021 Maspex was preparing to buy it out from them. It just so happened that it got finalized right around when the invasion started.

Also if you're drinking fast enough to keep your cabinet empty then you most likely look like picrel
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Sorry dude. But I'm a chang kai shek fan and authotarian tridemism enjoyer
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The funny fox woman (not the blue one)
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I can't tell if those are fireworks or gunshots outside but i'm glad people are getting into the July 4 spirit
In England
This pic takes me back. I nutted to this on the 3DS browser over a decade ago
I think they want Reform to win
Those are screams of the average englishman getting stabbed in the nutsack by a rusty knife
Don't worry,that rusty butter knife is licensed:)
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you also used the 3ds to look up stuff to jack off too?
so fucking zased
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i think someone crashed actually, it sounded like someone fucking smashing a metal drum and now there's a burning smell in the air
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I hate to post AI again but I am really impressed with how much free AI sites have changed, you used to never be able to throw a human in the mix.
Plebs, I used to use my 360 to look up porn back in my old days.
Probably a wreck, yeah.
Norf fc mf forgot that he can't drive
>Top screen had tits or aheago
>Bottom had pussy or ass
>Tags on rule34.xxx were bookmarked
>Cached raw images/gifs and saved pics for future use
It started with pokemon. Now look at me. Pic related, and the accompanying jasonafex animation, did a number on me.
Now I'm here raving about how much I wanna rape Fay or whatever.
Boomer here, pretty sure Dr. Comet's ancient krystal image set was what did it for me.
beat off to this pic way too much
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Hey hmofa!
It's the 4th of July!


Which firework is the most like your waifur?
>That wani pic
Is doublespace just slowly becoming a hyper_penis artist?
for me it was pic related on the PSP
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Anybody got a road trip planned for the 4th of July weekend (or is currently stuck in one)?
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I wanna DRAW but there is a fucking HUSKI COOKI on my SCREEN
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You can always hide layers just on your end if the Hussy is distracting you.
btw, there is a new NWB update
Cookie you said?
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I have to admit to considerable jealousy towards our decedents. With coming advances in genetic engineering, coupled with some kind of organic AI behavioral brain overlay, they'll be fucking enthusiastically willing bimboized blaziken in their spare time.
Is it more non-human bullshit that pretends to fit into this thread because
>Well he waaaaaaaaas human, but then he went to hell and now he's a vampire boy with cat eyes and bat wings
They have AI, we have God when we die.
There is a major difference.
>July 4th
Deserving of death.
>Independence Day
I hope you find your waifur soon.
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I'll take the AI.
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I think you got that story mixed up
there is no vampire in here
Is STD dog the waifur?
the syphilis was hard retconned, iirc
Post proof, anything really.
Anon I think he's doubling down on 'America Fuck Yeah'-ism not rejecting it. Calling it the 4th of July instead of Independence Day obscures it's importance.
I don't watch the show or anything that's just what I saw from people talking about it on /co/. Though, granted that isn't exactly the greatest source I will admit
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>that's just what I saw from people talking about it on /co/.
Please go back.
Puffy vulva
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It’s a pretty nice day out in Pittsburgh
Bretty Gud!
It's still a good question.
I do not want to read it if some featherbrain gets dicked.
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in the story, yes, but she shares the human mc with the succubus
both are hot, so that's fine for me
Though not everyone's cup of tea, I understand.
>Human Loona

Please go.
Some facts for this Independence Day! Did you know…
>…that Thomas Jefferson had several bunny wives?
>…that more anthro women joined the militias than the Loyalists?
>…that after gaining independence, American interspecies marriages quadrupled?
>…that not a single furboi signed the Constitution of the United States?
What kind of homogay doesn't like puffy vulva?
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Holy shit again2, you absolute madman.
That looks like I spot people will actually walk past!
>it was just a prank bro
STD dog got used for sex and nobody wants to admit it.
Need a story where the demon bitches end up on earth and feel homesick but end up in love with a human man with his BHC so they never wanna go home but then other demon bitches wanna bring them home so they're on the run and then it was Stella and (Me) the whole time, so Stella gets pregnant with my child so she now has to stay with me so we can finally be together and she's not a bitch anymore because she doesn't have to spend every waking moment saving face and she knows that I love her for who she is deep down inside
Dunno. Different peeps have different tastes in anatomy I guess.
I just know I like what I like, and she would be a dream come true.
anon, I think you have a reader comprehension issue
Holy based
I’m grilling and drinking
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Yes yes very good!
Semi related it's on my list to go to Anthocon at least once. Seems like it's the Mecca of furry cons so I wanna see what it's all about.
So I feel like this one kind of gives away what you're doing.
You're either really good at photoshoop or using AI, right?
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you glorious bastard you did it again
nice Lucy btw
It’s a bike path, I easily had 100+ people pass me while making this.
A few even stopped and gave compliments or asked what it was hehehe
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Anon I...
Wow, that's so cool
Why is there no spray paint on the grass or the barrier at the bottom?
some peoples brains just couldnt handle raise of AI created art
you have legit schizophrenia
Post a pic with a timestamp then
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Anon you need to Bomb Rush Hmofunk more spots. Go all city with thread OCs and waifurs
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I'm not him you schizo retard
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NTA but I was checking just in case, and everything seems in order. Also, there is your paint
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It’s kinda shit so far desu, I might end up missing the fuga 3 release since registrations taking an hour. Also 95% people here are fatties or troons
Because I didn’t point the cans at the grass, stoopid
god bless cyberconnect, it doesn't matter how good or bad fuga sells, they're making more of them
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>fatties or troons
I think it's cool if he did it, but it simply doesn't look real enough to me.
A simple timestamp would disprove this, and I too would assist in giving him more (You)'s than any story update gets.


There's just not substantial evidence, and if he does do this, then doesn't it just act as an advertisement for normies to shit up the board?
Anon im pretty sure the average person in pittsburg isn't going to make the random connection that a random bit of graffiti is advertising a thread on a hidden board on 4chan
Right, all of the AO3 and plebbit links TOTALLY don't lead back to here.
That's TOTALLY not how I found this place a year ago.
>fatties or troons
It's weird because I thought there was a growing sect of straight furry girls growing at these fur cons but tiktok/twitter post be lying idk. Also seems a semi fit guy should do really well. Immature goal of mine is to go to one of these things and mog.
I don't really know much about that, but I think when hmofa is literally put into the context of what it is, and you like it, you're going to be looking for more of it anywyas, that graffiti isn't exactly sitting next to a picture of an anthro french kissing a guy
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If they are half as annoying as you, then I see your point
weird how he tries to get rid of and move on from the idea that it's fake.

timestamp the next one, fraud.
just checked it and second google result for "hmofa" is urban dictionary page directly mentioning this board and thread
so yeah
No fucking way I know where this is
>A bunch of crips and bloods find this thread because Anon covered up their gang tags
Hello my fellow N-words
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>muh timestamp
I did this hours ago, I’m not gonna go back there just to do one and get (your) (you) lmao. I’ll post another pic I took though
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In the retards defence it is kind of an advertisement.
reminds me of the protgen meme
anyone got it saved?
As right as anon is that if you look up hmofa, but would the vast majority of people even do that? I feel like the pool of people who would bother looking up what a piece of graffiti is trying to say instead of just looking and moving on, seeing it's a 4chan thread, then attempting to find it are infinitesimally small.
What the hell is that on the right
I have walked past the same grafiti tag thousands of times.
I have never punched it into google.
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Has anyone been to the other sites in New Jersey? I'm returning home in like a month, I might want to check them out and snap a pic.
>Liberty Bridge
I know exactly where this is, I'm staying the hell away from the city this weekend but I'll try to make a pilgrimage soon.
Damn I wish I could spray paint at least somewhat decently. I know some spots in my area that would be perfect for some hmofa tags
Can't learn if you never try, not like most graffiti isn't kinda shitty tags and dicks
i saw a booba tag once, it was pretty funny
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>then doesn't it just act as an advertisement for normies to shit up the board?

This dude really thinks normies will infest this random board cause they saw it on a graffiti
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Songbird Chapter 2 is finished! Warning for my lousy attempts at prose. Like with the previous chapter, comments and critique are really appreciated!
yeah and if they do come here they'll turn away once they realize it's mostly porn lol
That assumes most people wont be immediately filtered by like the 5 furry inflation threads up at any given time on /trash/
at least I think that's still the case I haven't really checked
and all the weird gooner/erp shit
I suppose I could just steal some cans from work and write the letters in black. But what I dont get is how you get such neat edges, especially between two colors without getting run or fade. Is it all in the speed that you move the can?
NTA you're talking to but Aare you near a big box store (or any store) that gives away free boxes? Go to those and get some big ones, open them up and use them as practice. Start off with basic black, get a feel of pressure, can control, direction and speed of how you move with the can. Just get out in try fren.
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Yeah that anon is stupidly paranoid about an imaginary enemy, that's why anons should go out and get a bit of sunlight more regularly
>what I dont get is how you get such neat edges, especially between two colors without getting run or fade. Is it all in the speed that you move the can?
It’s a shit ton of things. Speed, can control, can pressure, cap type, paint type (Home Depot shit or actual graffiti paint like Montana/Loop), spray angle, and ofc a shit ton of practice. Watch YouTube tutorials and doodle stuff in a legal area if you want to learn and improve.
>Box stores giving out free paint
Lol lmao. You’ll only get free paint from those places with the under-the-shirt discount.
This image reeks of stinkditch and shit.
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>Background is in the same focus as the foreground
>Buildings look copy pasted
>Windows jutting out like the architect didn't design them like everyone else
>K&L gates is an actual hotel
>K&L gates is near Hawthorn bridge
>Start at the bridge before hawthorn bridge
I started out wanting to prove him wrong, but either I'm missing something or this is actually fake. I know that google maps takes forever to update, and I'm not going to find the image on the right now, but I can't even find a matching skyling on this bike trail.
If you're brave enough sure but I meant getting big boxes to open and practice spray painting so you're not messing up a wall or if someone is just starting out, it's good practice. I use to get big boxes from BJ's Sams Club to mess up for painting and more.
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They're all real buildings, it's taken from here looking across the river
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Okay, yeah there we go it's a real fucking place and not everything is AI.
I am still on the fence about it being an advertisement for the thread, but at least one point is now moot.
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What the actual fuck is this autism over some spraypainted graffiti.
Jaką waifur by se żul wybrał?
found exact location
last google street view photo is from 2009
I don't really see how it could be an advertisement for the thread, simply because graffiti isn't seen as an advertisement in the first place, who the hell goes around looking up what graffiti means
jak orzeł to jakaś orlica
jak oczy kobry no to kobrÄ™
ale ĹĽe anthro a nie kobrÄ™ bonzo
The dude is just genuinely autistic. Pay him no mind.
this is advanced autism
Threadshitter threadshitting
NTA, but didn't somebody just say they came here from reddit?
Do you really want people from r/graffitmeanings coming here?
Bro is having a mental breakdown
>where do you think you are right now.jpg
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is that seriously the latest version?
the fuck Google? I thought you yankees would get their streets updated first
No one cares about Shittsburgh that's the thing
are we really about to schizopost on the off chance that someone posts this on a reddit thread.
If people are already linking to this site on reddit, I think some random graffiti subreddit is the least of your worries
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Christ. Think they will ban that episode now that the conservatives have taken over in France.

Shit, they might just ban the whole show!
At this point I legitimately wouldn't be surprised if google completely forgot that there's more to the US than the west coast and NYC
It was a joke Anon.
A joke about reddit being overspecific and having dumb subreddits for dumb things.

I think you might be the schizo anon. I think you might need to take a break if youthink everything is a shitposter.

I also think that 4chanX ruined a bunch of Anons, and that without the IP counter to help them sort through things they're going insane and turning into retarded faggots. Like you.
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I'd forgotten about the troonerbear in Peepoodoo.
Why'd you have to remind me?
Holy shit its real. Even the cracks on the F and A are there. This took me literally 30 seconds on maps to find
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>One day, in the far future
>/hmofa/ggots will have to make a pilgrimate to all the HMOFA taggings that vandilism-Anon has made
>There will be 7 in total
>And any anon who seeks a waifur must visit them all

>Random cloaked figures with wizards staffs are seen roaming the dirty gutters of cities
>Seeking out the sacred mark
>So that one day
>They will be permitted into the Archives
>And allowed by the elders to read such tales as
>HATSSSSS (truncated version)
>A Roo'd Awakening
I think you can forgive me for not parsing that as a joke when there's several people searching google maps trying to figure out of this is real
Also I wasn't even accusing you of being a shitposter, but it's not like people being schizophrenic about "thread purity" isn't a thing
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I'm going to choose that HMOFA graffiti bro is legit and that makes me happy. Using it as inspiration to up my own skills. Thanks Graffiti Bro.
Still fake gay AI photoshopped etc and if any other anon goes up and records a video it's also AI fake after effects shit etc etc etc
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I think he's cool enough, that's why when I posted >>67123269 I was kind of dystopic. I just wanted to prove that the PLACE was real.
Fortunately, My autism wasn't strong enough, but we found the truth out anyways.
Maybe one day an Anon will go there and take a pic, who knows.
Tigress Anon took a selfie with Tigress at Disneyworld or whatever, so who know?
sorry to burst your nice story but this graffiti won't even live for a year given the complete redesign of all the bricks in street view compared to 2020 and 2019
We will pait it again, and again and again
I'd leave a geocache with hmofa merch there if I lived anywhere near that.
>hmofa merch
not enough of it unless you count waifur merch
lol England is lost, America won today and even on her birthday. Pottery at its finest.
How much does it cost to get something on a billboard? I have an idea.
3.5-8k a month, apparently. I don't think that's worth the shitpost
England won thanks to the double agents of so called SCOTUS
Don’t do it
rates vary on where the billboard is
>middle of nowhere road is pretty cheap
>middle of big city is huge prices
it's free if it's digital and you know how to break in
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Custom made hmofa merch
100 bucks for a week where I live.
Try to do it in some smaller town.
You could go for some dead at night time times square too, I heard there were a lot of Pikmin shitposts shown for a while there.
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We're inching closer and closer to a Cyberpunk universe, and I like it.
Nah. Post modernization hellhole.
So which waifur would listen to MF DOOM?
MF DOOM himself
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She uses shotas
Blessed. Will read soon
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Happy 4th of July, guys.
Work's been murder last few weeks, but here's part of something I'm working on with Kelly.
i wonder if sonokido know if his dike character has been completly recontextualized by some randoms
why can't human males be real
This one?
Need timid bimbo Kelly who thinks guns are fun but scarey
das rite
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>4th of July
Independence day if you're American. The American Independence day if you're not.
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Nice gun. How much does it cost to fire single bullet from that weapon? It's probably a good thing costco sponsors her antics.
I am SURE that she is ripping that gun off a A10. Also, It's great to see Kelly again.
According to people on Quora a single 30x173mm round costs about 24 Big Macs, or 136.70 in Dollars.
And what did you tell them?
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May she mow down as many VC as she can.
Any sneak peeks on your next hmofa graffiti?
>24 Big Macs
todays economy...
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Nothing about STD's.
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waifur on my parents fridge
>The pilot is pretty obviously not functionally canon?
This doesn't explain shit. The pilot of a cartoon makes the same rules as a first draft of a story except there's others telling you you're being retarded and perverted. See "three dog band" on youtube.
The shows pilot ALSO acts as episode 1. This is on the wiki, look it up copefag.
Same goes for Hazbin Hotel.
FFS Just be a big boy and go ask her if Loona has syphilis or not. What? Not willing to embarrass yourself on twitter?

Guess she has an STD then.
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Loonafags are so pathetic.
Happy 4th.
Repubs left
Dems right

Who you voting for /hmofa/?
Stopped reading there.
I fucking hate Loona. If you had an elementary school reading comprehension you would have figured that out. You're shitposting,and you need to figure out something better to do with your time than shitting up random 4chan thread.
So fucking zased TY blokfort
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Human men are real. The government just doesn't want you to know.
Cute buns.
>Seething over my post
Eat lead nigger, nobody wants you he re.
>Make a character and of all the traits give her, you choose a disease.
I'm not a writer or an artist but I think you got a few other options as traits for your character.
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Cope harder and smash airplane mode more often

Total furboi suicide when?
BHC wins over all anthro women when?
>Anyone I dislike is ban evading
I think this is his new trope now.
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The rounds have more calories too since they've got depleted uranium in them. Just as George Washington and Old MacDonald intended.
Wasted and a bad post.
>"Ban evading"
>1 result

Okay apogeeposter. Call me schizo next.
Of course someone makes an edit.
it's apogeefag for sure
Absolute Human Male X Equine Female big W
Huh. So that's what a sparkleman looks like.
Is this real or an edit?
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Yeah, you are acting like one. Please fuck off and never return.
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Fucking, What? I am 100% honest when I say, I have no clue what you're talking about. Cope with what? I didn't say anything about a fur boy. Airplane mode?

So, I guess I'm sorry to hear that or I'm happy for you. Take your pick.
more than 1 anon likes her you know
you're ruining perfectly good waifur who deserves a story for everyone
nah it's clearly just one person responsible for all apogee spam and all shitposting in general
Thanks, guys. I's part of an actual comic this time.
Fukkin' A.
Thank God for /CFA/ for posting their repetative slop to combat the shitposter.
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I enjoy how small and fluffy they are.
She looks like she shivers when you say "fat man" to her
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I need more IMAGINE tier foxes in my life.
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The syphilis mention was only in the pilot and hasn't been brought up since. So unless it's mentioned again, it's not canon alongside everything else in the pilot.

I don't go on Twitter because I don't hate myself.
And if the creator outright stating that something isn't canon isn't enough for you then I don't know what you want from me. It seems like you just have a furious hatred of Loona, so you just want something to use as an easy dunk against anyone who likes her.
Sorry but I still think she has STD's. I will wait until Viv declares it.
I just kind of feel bad for cheetah, she really doesn't feel like she's remotely strong enough to be wonder woman's arch nemesis and barely any material treats her like she would be
"henchman to a terminal jobbervillian waifur" is something I've always wanted to see, tbqh
>I don't go on Twitter because I don't hate myself.
It's on youtube, retard.
But the franchise already has a cat woman so they can't let the guest writer's idea get too much traction.
all this chatter about loona's supposed cookie disease is stupid
whether is canon or not, in the story posted above she had it, and then she was subsequently cured
Cheetah is an extremely old character, almost as old as wonder woman iirc. Granted, her anthro incarnations are more recent, in ye olden days she was just literally a woman in a cat costume.
We should not be defending this guy, doing this is asking for normies to flood this place & destroy it.It does look good tho.
If it's not the cure for syphalis then her or the black man/ Hellhound male that she's interested in, the SHE DOESN'T WANT IT
Yeah but it's a story, not cannon
Human and horses were made for loving each other
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What does that have to do with anything?
You know, (you) were the worst writefag this general ever had.
So self-indulgant and up your own ass.
One off fapfics were better than than that story you tried so hard on.
I'd feel bad if you weren't such a prick.
>stop contributing to the thread so that i can see it die
kill yourself shitter
The thread should live on
Certain bad actors butthurt about their "underappreciated" works should fuck off

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