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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Remember to do your stretches edition

Previous: >>67131738
But I'm tired and lazy I can't do them
The fact that stretching is tedious and feels awful while masturbation feels good is proof that there is no god.
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3D > 2D
Who's a good lil puppy?
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>he's never stretched his legs out while masturbating
Could be an evil god
Dogshit > Shit
One time when I was on character.ai I was writing a bunch of self deprecating shit to my bot then it just kinda snapped and started calling me this over and over. Fuck it was hot.
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The Demiurge perhaps? I've always found Gnosticism way more believable than Christianity (Cringe, reddit moment I know)
Imagine being one and waking around with your ass wobbling while fat noticing all the wet spots you're creating in fat disgusting neets's pants~
based 1D enjoyer
I need to pump real bad...
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Me when night comes (I need someone to validate my existence)
Are you the NEET?
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Nah I want to be a thick loli that drive them crazy~ and I want drag another curious anon into drooling over BIG PXDO COCK
Pumping... I want to be that anon!
why are you shitposting like this
No, I'm "THE NEETâ„¢" I guess that's my epic gamertag for the thread now?
can you blame us though?
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stretching with lolicons!
Post tag then stupid sis

absolutely. you pervs.
I would... But account is being deleted!
Stretching my HARDEST muscle with cute lolis
Then stop teasing us like that
how is it our fault if they are flaunting their bodies so freely~
Here's mine for any of you slutty anons <3 : lilbubbleth
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which muscle would that be?~
That big muscle that gets bigger and stretches my pants everytime I see a cute little girl with a fat behind
Fuck... Shit like this makes me want to reactivate my account...
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hmm~ that sounds unusual. shouldn't you get it checked by a doctor?~
No, it's totally normal for grown man to feel like this. And my big muscle shouldn't be checked by a doctor but it should be checked by cute girls like you actually.
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I need to cum
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ehhhh~ i'm not a qualified medical practitioner. what if mess it up~
I'll teach you don't worry it's pretty easy and it will make us feel really really good
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oh! I'm always happy to learn new things~
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ah my bad anon! I didn't notice your reply. if you like it so much, why not do it?~
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Man all it takes is two beers for me wanting to suck cock
You sound like a total lightweight
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it takes zero beers for me to want to get sucked off
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And I love teaching cute girls like you. Why don't you give me your tag?
black, tarry stools
blistering, flaking, or peeling of the skin
blurred vision
changes in patterns and rhythms of speech
changes in vision
dark urine
decrease in the frequency of urination
decrease in urine volume
difficulty in passing urine (dribbling)
dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
false beliefs that cannot be changed by facts
fast heartbeat
fast or irregular breathing
feeling sad or empty
feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior
feeling that others can hear your thoughts
feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there
increased muscle spasms or tone
itching or rash
lack of memory of what takes place after a certain event
loss of appetite
loss of bladder control
loss of interest or pleasure
loss of vision
lower back or side pain
outbursts of anger
painful or difficult urination
pale skin
slurred speech
sore throat
stomach pain
trouble concentrating
trouble sleeping
trouble speaking
ulcers, sores, or white spots in the mouth
unpleasant breath odor
unusual behavior
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual feeling of excitement
unusual tiredness or weakness
vomiting of blood
yellow eyes or skin.
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would you mind giving yours?
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Haha whats up retards
add me
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what can I say? the way you ANONS act so slutty only adds to it
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o mai gotto! it's /dft/ discord fappy talky!
Don't talk to me, don't mention me, don't post about me directly or indirectly, don't quote me, don't even look at me, you disgust me and I consider what you have been doing non stop consistently and keep doing, off avatar and on avatar to be sexual harrassment, you're a creep, this will be the only time I acknowledge you as I've been trying to ignore you after what you've done, I don't want your apologies, words, anything, get the fuck away from me
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What should I jerk off to? Or should i reactivate twitter and try to sext whores with dm open in their bio
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Plutonium get (finally).

...god, that took most of the night. But it was worth it to (nearly) build the Sliquifier on round 3-4. Shame I'd have to get DS4Windows again to use my controller tho.
Post more
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"If pumping is sure to result in edging, then you must pump!" Veri said that, and I'd say he knows a little bit more about pumping than you do, pal, because he invented it! And then he perfected it so that no living man could out-goon him in the ring of weebsex. Then he used his betabux to buy two of every non sex haver discord nitro. And then he herded them onto a thread, and then he edged the neetsludge out of every single one. Hehehehehe... and from that day forward any time a bunch of avafags are together in ONE PLACE ITS CALLED /DFT/! Unless it's f-list!
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we goon our cocks to porn here, sir
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Fuck off, Moom brought it up a while ago and it only now finished.
I thought of making a lewd account on twitter but it's just too much commitment to get a single person to lewd talk with, which is a shame because lewd twitter has what I'm missing from threads like these
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Whatcha gooning to anon
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...Hahaha... so... Wow, what's up Veri? It's a pleasure to meet you, man! So you're a leader and organizer of the 'Killallsexhavers' on um.. what was it, Jamie? Re- yeah! Reddit... That's quite the statement! Hahahah! So, I hear you're a goonstud? I hear you jork that shit all day from your peers that we had here before I hear you're really good at it. Is that good for you? I read once gooning your cock to blacked while pretending to be AGP gives you cancer. Is that true? Jamie ca- yeah Jamie just look that up. Fucking goonstuds man! You know, Veri, if you ever need a hand? Give me a call, man. No problem. I'll pyu my dork load to some hot 3D bitches with you!
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What happened to all the epic nonners
it's not just a tranny dick! it's a gock!
Looni absolutely solos when it comes to pastas it's crazy
>quiet after the exchange.
Wow, I'm jealous. I kinda want in too.
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It doesnt feel like too much of a commitment from me honestly, all the people I've lewded with are pretty chill and dont care too much if you pop in and out or just disappear, my problem is I sink into some bad rabbit holes that I dont like
Shut up Looni
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Hey look, fapbuddy. I'm an gooner, that means I solve problems.
Not problems like "What does a woman's touch feel like?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your sexual life or philosophy.
I solve practical problems!
For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean broad shouldered tranny Mother-Hubbard dom from tearin' me a new failed 9 hour long goon streak?
The answer? Use a pump partner.
And if that don't work, use more pump partners.
Like this heavy-caliber discord-dms-mounted little-old-femboy found by me.
Groomed, by me.
And you best hope...
Not gooning with you.
I didn't make these two im a big fan howeverthougheverbeit
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Boom. Cumshot.

Milkings a good job mate. Challenging work. Inna thread. I guarantee you'll not go hungry. Because at the end of the day, as long there are two paypiggies left in the thread, someone is going to want their goonstick findommed.

Veri... I'm a... I'm not a schizo avatarfag Veri, I'm a shitposter. Well the difference being ones a job and the other's mental sickness!

I'll be honest with you, my shyanons, do not care for it. I think his mate ghosted me... Yes, yes he did.

Feelings? Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelings? Blokes who say I love you after a 6 hour edging session and get ghosted. Professionals have standards. Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to milk everyone you meet.
Veri.. Veri... Put... Put cuddles on the phone...
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You are nothing but insignificant insects to Aku... and insects... get... RAAAAAAAPED
Really? It feels like you really need to put up a good lewd account for them not to see you as a spammer, happened with me with hot lola loud account

There's also the case of finding really tempting account with very VERY hot posts and not being able to actually talk to them because they have like 20k followers
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I suck GHOST-A one anon
Ily Sour
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Actually, they're called Goon Studs, Bri.
You wouldn't get it, i'm a goon stud too.
Can I suck your cock anon?
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OH HO HO AH AHAH wait, wait. It gets better! When the paypiggy woke up his betabux were missing... and the findom was never heard from again! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aaah... anyway... that's how I got kicked out of /beta/... VERI_NYA! NO! It's filthy in there eugh... Blackedfags! Hahaha. Now, most cocks couldn't withstand this ona... but I'm very certain your cock-

What was noise?

The sound of pumping, my friend. Ah, perfect.

Milk me.

Later. Now. Come on.... come on ahahahaahah

Should I be awake for this?

Ahaha, well no. But as long as you are could you spread your asscheeks open a bit? I can't... seem....


Oh, don't be such a baby. Anal virginities grow back!
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ONE STROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Overwatch, we are in an gooner zone, sector niner.
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Ya' strokin'? OK. Lube flows, (You)'s are shared, threads die, and gooner'- I jerk off people. NGHH! I'm a force a' edging! HNGHG! If you were from the thread where I was from, you'd be f***in' cummed!
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Hey, wake up king. The goonsesh isn't even over, we still have the 50gb big my little pony folder to go through, lube up that half limp dick king
Hi doll anon
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quit fucking inventing words retard
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I am 17 Hour Straight Edge Session Guy, and this... is my findom. He weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and shoots two hundred dollar, custom-tooled zinc enhanced cumshots at ten thousand ropes per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to message this anon... for twelve.. seconds. OHHAHAHAOHAHAHOHO Oh my God, who messaged my shynon? Alright...WHY AM I BEING IGNORED? Some anons think they can outedge me, hmph... Maybe... maybe. But I've yet to meet one that can outedge Goonhound. NGHHHHHHH! UOHHHHHHHH! Ahahahahaha! Goon some more! Heheh... goon some more.
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Domloss me? If you're my family, you ain't ever gonna lose me.
10/10 post
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>dude I almost gooned you
Almost gooned me? You never even gooned yourself.
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the tf2 ones are kino
hi nonny, lets get dumber and sillier with just horny silent hill fog in our brain trading ecchi and hot bitches porn!

Some are. Scout and Soldier were gems, the others are kinda coal. Less findom shit.
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Listen, uh, can I say something? You know those, uh... those nonnies? The ones I wringed dry, the nonnies I milked? I want you to know that I'd do it all again. This is a circus, all right? It's a charade, it's an act. It's bullshit about how prison gay I am. I ain't prison gay! I'm not prison gay. Okay? I know what I did. I know who I am. And I do not need your help. I'm smack-dab in the middle of my right goddamn mind, and any blackedfag, any... any footfag, any maggot piece of shit into depredation that I milked, I did it... because I LIKED IT! HELL, I LOVED IT! I'm sittin' here, I'm... I'm just itching. I'm itching to do it again. And you think... what? You're gonna send me to a nuthouse? Some doctor, they're gonna get me to stop doing what I want to do? Well, that ain't happening! Not on my watch!
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You know its over when you're on /aco/ looking for something to turn you on
what's all this yapping in the thread and where are the BA anons
you just don't understand my vision
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Wasn't gonna post in the new thread but at this point hey
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Vamo' a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico
Hasta que las olas griten: "¡ay, Verito!"
Why are you falseflagging anyway
does looni hate veri... why can't we all live happily and fap in peace...
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Not a falseflag, just a coincidence
I don't buuut everyone knows him so it's the easiest choice to pick? making the pastas about myself just feels weird
But you do it to rile up sillywilly thoughbeit.
I wonder what inserting my dick into that would feel like. Too bad dysgenic FREAKS like me aren't designed for that.
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how could I decline?
None of these are funny.
Im tired of these threads. I hate all of you
What's troubling you, friend? It's me isn't it.
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I miss professor sex he disappeared after fumbling that get
That's pretty hot, mind telling me more about it? Was that the first that came to your mind? Not being designed for lewd sweaty pussy?
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hot lips! i've been enjoying bigger ones lately.
Damn that's awful
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He'll be back for ze next get, trust
The gimmick got old fast
Why didnt you just leave?
Fucked up how I don't look like this
I have to break them with my bwc
Is this imbred?
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Im not needy, you guys are just bad at communicating
b-but... where's supposed to have fun here, not bully each other...
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What makes me a good milker? If I were a bad milker, I wouldn't be SITTIN' HERE SPAMMING MOMMYS AT YER COCK, NOW WOULD I?!


Not one of you's gonna survive this!

One sample post, one wayward pinch of a wrong emote, one errant letter, and ILL GET GHOSTED! ...I got phimosis... I'm a black Scottish incel.... They got more fu- #!#!$!#!#!!#!#!#!!#!!#!#!#!#! than they got the likes of me...


T'all you fine nonnies, so proud, so cocksure, prancin' aboot with yer balls full of cumslop... come and get me, I say! I'll be waitin' on ye with a whiff of the old goonmusk! I'm a real bloody milker! that'll give you a happy bloody end!
Oh, I'm going to have to unglue my fingers apart...IN THE BATHROOM!
I just thought how beautiful that pussy was and how I wasn't allowed to fuck it because I'm genetically inferior. I wouldn't want my disgusting genes to poison hers and create uglier offspring than she deserves. She deserves someone beautiful like you anon :)
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Bigger lips bigger ass ,perfect goonbodies
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Long ago in a distant 4chan thread, I, Aku, the shape-shifting Master of Gooning, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Samurai cummer wielding a magic onahole stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final plap was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my gooning is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku!
Why are there so many normie gooners here? Dont you faggots have pfg and pag? Stop ruining the only good general left on trash
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No you won't. I hereby forbid everyone within a 100 thread radius from cumming until I say the word 'now'... And of course, I'll rape anyone who violates that rule.
HahaHAHAHAHAHA... not yet...

...still not yet...

I'm ruining the thread...
I'm so sorry...
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True but only when it comes to asians.
Aw, so cute of you to assume I deserve to put babies in these cuties... It'd be lovely to get your tag so we can discuss more about the adorable gachagirls you'll never be allowed to even touch~
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>meet a cute anon a couple years ago
>lewd for a while
>they're a lot more eager and excitable than i am honestly, but it's nice to get my rocks off easily
>have the worst two years of my life
>treat them like garbage but they're still happy as can be, always seemingly trying to see the best in me
>admittedly they're a little clingy but they're just a little more of a nice person than i am
>think i eventually un-added them at some point, don't really remember doing that
>suddenly remember them, go looking for them
>see me being an absolute hard to reach cunt of a person and them just trying to be kinda helpful
i feel like shit man. i wanna apologize but at the same time i feel super embarrassed. it'd be one thing if it's just one person too but that was just kinda the way i interacted with people online for a while, there's probably dozens of people i've forgotten about who probably got this lame cold shoulder treatment.
Accept white beauty into your heart Anon
I just got back from my holiday. Did I miss anything?
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Ruin has come to my edging streak.

You remember our venerable thread... opulent and imperial? Gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the bot usere? I pumped all my years in that ancient, cum-shadowed thread. Fattened by decadence and voreposting. And yet, I began to tire of conventional milking sessions... Singular, unsettling tales suggested the thread itself was a gateway to some fabulous and unnamable shy anons. With relic and ritual, I bent every effort towards the excavation and recovery of those long-buried milkers, exhausting what remained of our board fortune on... Discord nitros and.. tag sniping. At last, in the cum-soaked crags beneath the lowest foundations we unearthed that damnable milker of antediluvian evil. Our every step unsettled the ancient thread but we were in a realm of blacked and spadeposting! In the end, I alone fled filtering and spamming through those blackened arcades of antiquity. Until consciousness failed me.

You remember our venerable board, opulent and imperial. It is a festering abomination! I beg you, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our avafags... from the ravenous clutching shadows....

...of the Blackest Dungeon.
lonely pumpies bump
who is this pessimistic nonny? I've seen him a lot ITT
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I find a Cum Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man gooneapocalypse.
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>someone is spreading how great dolls while I sleep
Let's go!

Good morning /dft/
I saw people are talking about Ashes of Creation and MMO again... They don't understand that the last good MMO was WoW and WoW died in 2007...
Do you play wow dolly Chan
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>Late sf5 is objectively better than early sf6,
This is true, IT IS A FACT!

It's not even close! SF6 is SO BAD
Bad music
Bad sound effects
Bad hit effects
Bad animation
Bad gameplay design
Bad graphically
Bad with microtransactions
Bad with the story/single player
It's just bad, it's atrocious
Literally who asked
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I used to! Last time I played was WoW classic hardcore, which was really fun
Private servers are a bit dead and blizzard servers are not worth playing, sadly
Cuddling with Misato~
wow is and was always fucking shit
>classic hardcore
yeah that tracks
Do you ever think you could put a dolls entire feet in your mouth haha just to see what they taste like haha or maybe a cute boys feet instead haha and suck and rub your tongue between their toes just after they have taken their sweaty socks off hahaha wouldn't that be funny.
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I'm playing on a pserver rn, what do you think of season of discovery
None of the anons i meet here ever stick around
just had a massive orgasm after 5 days of gooning. I dressed up in girly clothing and listened to hypno and after that a bnwo video on repeat, just rubbing my clitty with one finger through panties. It is still throbbing

Now I just need the willpower to not cum for the next 5 or so days and binge on sissy hypno. Help me do it
My balls are pent up!!!
You need to serve my p with that fat ass
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Do you have the words to explain how WoW vanilla is bad?
What the heck...
>what do you think of season of discovery
Not a fan, I don't really want blizzard to modify vanilla too much because I don't think they know what they are doing, and it feels like they don't with season of discovery at all
It's basically cataclysm/mop updates on top of vanilla...
Why the heck would I want to play a tank rogue or warlock tank? or a mage healer? I don't think new blizzard, and to be fair sometime even the players, understand what is so great about Vanilla
I think a Vanilla+ would be great if they just finished the game, because there is a lot of content in Vanilla that was never finished, lots of zones that were not finished, and so on... but the problem is... where do you find non stupid devs to do that work...
WoW vanilla was also the last good mmo because it was made before web 2.0 and the philosophy of turning players into retention numbers and having trimester stock meetings
I don't think you can make a new good MMO today, ever

Which Pserver are you playing Anon?
erm? what the sigma?
Fully pent up? We need to do some tests. Grab your scrotum just above your balls and gently pull on it for me. How far down it goes will determine if there is still room in your boy butter tank.
I am nobody.
I wouldnt mind a beer and cuddles rn
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You could probably fit more than just a foot in if you got the smallest size, kind of a choking hazard though. They're vinyl so I doubt they taste too good
It's been 35 hours since I jerked off who is going to reward me with a milking
Someone wanted me to be up early in the morning so we could masturbate together.
It's about 3 hours until they wake up and I haven't slept yet.
Thanks for reading my blog.
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Good one
>me playing DD2
This image made me cum all over myself
Yucky dude. Why would you want to do that? There's nothing even remotely sexual about feet. Have you considered getting your head checked?

For me it's like 3 weeks.
boring as fuck easy ass game built for beer gut dads who can't handle real damage rotations or real social interactions. not nearly as socially dependent as old mmos, not nearly as difficult as even its own later expansions or other newer mmos. anyone who dies in hardcore literally only dies because they fell asleep at the wheel and pulled a crowd that gangraped them or forgot about healing in between pulls.
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Doppelfren! Who do you main in SFV?
Enjoy your early morning masturbation
No mmos are hard
Me in the middle
What if we all just avatarfag the doll? It would become like the default profile picture when you sign up to a new site.
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I do think SoD goes to crazy with the spells theire adding but vanilla is fundamentally a flawed system inside a perfect game if that makes sense. Everything is pure kino-comfy but remember that it was also very rushed when it released and they didn't have time to finish classes like paladin as well as do many little tweaks that make the experience so much better.
Rn I'm kinda playing on Turtle wow although haven't logged in in a bit, I'm looking for other servers rn
not surprising you'd think that when you've only played world of borecraft.
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Alex then Oro when he came out
That would be funny I think
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Me on the bottom
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Wow you sound like someone blind and egotistic... One thing if its just randoms, but if he's been there for you for years, nice and supportive... and you only neglected and dropped him? Dont ever do this to your friends even if things go wrong in your life
Tag? I hate fighting games too
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Please! Let's do this!
>he founds some mmo hard
Oh no no no...
>but vanilla is fundamentally a flawed system inside a perfect game if that makes sense.
It does! I think this is well said!
>Everything is pure kino-comfy but remember that it was also very rushed when it released and they didn't have time to finish classes like paladin as well as do many little tweaks that make the experience so much better.
I would be fine with them finishing classes that need it, but again... I don't trust nu-blizz to do anything well, and with SoD I really don't think they did this well
>Turtle WoW
Ah, I liked the few changes on this server, but I don't know how the server is now that they let china play on it (but I heard Chinese people have their own server too now? I don't know)
Pretty good taste! What else do you play?
Do you still play SFV?
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I'm so lonely it's unreal.
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Hi so lonely it's unreal! I'm dad! Lol!
Same. And i love sf6
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>And i love sf6
You deserve to be alone...
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If you knew who I was you wouldn't be being nice and friendly to me. Assuming I'm talking to Doll#1

Slime Fighter Dix is pure kusoge.

Doll#2 is best doll.
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Cute little fag looking for a cock to surrender yourself to.
I would recommend to add them, wait to see if they accept, and tell them how you feel. Acknowledge your behavior, tell them how you've changed, apologize, remind them that they don't have to forgive you, and thank them for being there for you for so long.
You will regret not doing anything about it for years, so just deal with the awkwardness.
I love you
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This has become beyond usable... sigh
What other threads are still alive and active?
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>If you knew who I was you wouldn't be being nice and friendly to me.
That's where you're wrong
>Doll#2 is best doll.
This was also my post...
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Let me help you goon your brain away~ i coom so much that my cum is now almost all water. I usually goon 5 times a day but my goal is always 10 (which i really need help reaching) I can also bully you with non-nude and official art
Tag: dommyshiri
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But I like them
+R and kof mainly but I've tried almost every main fighting game. I would like to get into virtua fighter but it's dead so I'm waiting for 6. Classic tekken is really good but t6 7 8 are basically pure garbage. Sometimes I get on sf5 still but the queues are bad and the netcode is not good.
bro your filename...
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Im straight!!!
It's not the first thread Sillu ruined
Why do you autists just copypaste the same message, it comes of as so lazy and impersonal you clearly dont give a fuck
Wow anon i love fighting games! Im so good at smash bros for the wii!
Is doll anon good husband material
Honestly I think it's people like you who killed this thread actually

>turn a general about lewd talk and discord dm thread into a weird clique of basic bitch anime fags with basic bitch normie kinks
>discourage anons from posting anything outside of what the clique deem is hot, there by homogenizing the thread
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Let me hump your fat ass you stupid milkers!
You just made up a whole ass person in your brain
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How is the thread not usable?
Post what you want and post your tag, it's not rocket science
>I would like to get into virtua fighter but it's dead so I'm waiting for 6
Hell yeah, same here
I tried V with someone over parsec and I was impressed by how fun it was, I did play 3 over fightcade but it wasn't as smooth
Hopefully 6 doesn't have a + oB slime rush wild assault ultimate skill dash attack heat drive mechanic
>Classic tekken is really good but t6 7 8 are basically pure garbage.
I hate 7 and 8 but that's the only ones I played, I wonder if I would enjoy the classic ones... I heard Tekken Tag was great too but never had much experience with this series...
>Sometimes I get on sf5 still but the queues are bad and the netcode is not good.
Yeah... To be expected... The last time I tried to play SFV again, I would just match with the same Cammy from Russia over and over again
>+R and kof mainly but I've tried almost every main fighting game.
Who do you main in +R and KOF?
I tried to give KOF multiple tries but I just can't get into the series, I find hoping around to be too gorilla for me
I would say I am but I'm obviously biased! But I'm also not going to live for long so I have a date expiration...
Why would you write a new bespoke ad every time for retards that are going to add you and send you ass pics of that red guy from cow and chicken
Shes bad wife material
Hello, Milkers Inc.? Currently jorkin it, and need a little help. Mind sending over one of your best?
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#2. I'm gonna be honest, I think you're capturing my heart. I want to cuddle you. Sorry if that's totally out of pocket to say.

Also #2 I think I got you and smelly #1 mixed up in the past. Do you remember doing your "I baked you a pie" joke to an anon talking about how he cried to a song? Well.. that may or may not have been me...

Ugh, Smelly #1. My filename can be whatever I want it to be.
>wanna see my gf?
Kill yourself sunny
If you just copy-paste same ad of course you get
>red guy from cow and chicken
I dont even know what that is, can you post it
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I type like this and say this.
A straight guy posting pics with no girls in sight... And surely you aren't looking for another man to jerk off together with while fantasizing about the many different ways he would manhandle you and abuse your holes.
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Both of those people were me but I'm also doll1 and doll2... As long as you don't call me a schizo I'll be nice to you, I'm nice to people who are nice to me
>Ugh, Smelly #1.
This one is Doll2! but not the Doll2 that I am! And he isn't smelly he is pretty nice!
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I am holding my tongue so hard right now.
>I'm nice to people who are nice to me
Is that the doll spammer?
Well, I'll go nibble on someone on my friendlist
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See, no need to cry like a BITCH
Sillu is the one spamming yes. He has made mutliple threads unusable and dead.
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How can he be stopped???
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Wait so there is only one doll poster? You're full of shit. There's at least 3... maybe even 4.

This is 1.

this is 2.

I've finally cleared it up.
Looks like its several people spamming this ugly doll now - I just glance past them but still it makes the thread unusable for any real communication and hook ups...
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Okay there is at least 3 right now! But I'm the original! I 'm Doll 1!
Aaaaaaa both dolls you named are both 1! Both me!
>ugly doll
He always starts samefagging chronically days before he has a breakdown. This is just his life cycle.
I fucking love sillu
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Tekken 5 is the one I have the most fun with but tekken 3 and tekken tag 1 are good too, just more basic. Tag 2 also seems ok but I haven't put any real time into it. Sadly only t3 has rollback at the moment. Tekken 5 is the most refined with a good roster before they ruined the series with gargantuan movelists and terrible meter mechanics. Tekken 4 is the weird one that I haven't played yet, but it's like a dark horse.
In +r I play Slayer, but I want to learn the whole cast one day, they're all just too perfect. Kof characters don't really matter much since they all serve the same basic purpose but my favorite is Ash. I like Vice, OYash, Beni, Ralf, and Heidern too.
Kof neutral is pretty hard to wrap your head around, but once you do it is very satisfying (imo) and it is not as gorilla as you might think. Something as simple as checking hops with jabs and pressing offense from that makes me feel good. The dandy j guide is a good intro but it takes some banging your head against the wall to really get in your brain.
Oh and flycast has been updated quite a lot so virtua fighter and doa and stuff should maybe feel better, still a work in progress though.
He'll always be my favourite lolcow
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Do you know who I am 1? Surely you must know by now. We have history together, you and I. You were very cold to me in the past.

T3 and Tag 1 were my childhood. I'll have to try T3 with rollback sometime.
i..i'm totally not but can you post your tag? so we can talk about it...
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>Sadly only t3 has rollback at the moment.
Wait, it does? Is it because they were adding ps1 games to fightcade recently?
Is there a good enough scene for it? I might start getting into it if yes, maybe I would enjoy classic Tekken
>before they ruined the series with gargantuan movelists and terrible meter mechanics.
I still think the huge movelist is too much of a filter for me, I hate having to figure out what is actually useful and what is a gimmick... Tekken 7 wasn't too hard to learn because you had this big google doc which basically said which moves were actually useful for your character but it was still a pain...
>In +r I play Slayer, but I want to learn the whole cast one day, they're all just too perfect.
First time I hear someone say this for +R
I don't think I ever touched Slayer in +R myself, it took me a while to realize who the perfect character for me would be in that game
>Kof neutral is pretty hard to wrap your head around, but once you do it is very satisfying (imo) and it is not as gorilla as you might think. Something as simple as checking hops with jabs and pressing offense from that makes me feel good. The dandy j guide is a good intro but it takes some banging your head against the wall to really get in your brain.
I do understand the neutral and RPS in KOF because I tried really hard to get into it and there is good guides for the series, but I just... I can't, but I don't think it's a bad game or series at all, it's one I wish I could get into even
>flycast, doa and virtua
I see, doa is another series I want to get into because the little of it I played felt so smooth to me, same with SC6
I thought 3D fighters weren't for me when I tried to get into Tekken, but realized that Tekken is basically the only 3D fighting game (for the modern ones) that I didn't like
Nah, but as long as you're nice to me I have no reason to not be nice to you, whoever you are
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I wanna play wow with a cute anon from here
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I do too but I don't want to play wow anymore
I'm a pudgy femboy
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I've never had sex nor have I ever kissed someone on the lips.
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Yeah ps1 has rollback now on duckstation but it's not in fightcade yet. There's not really any big scenes for any ps1 games but you can always join a discord if you don't have friends. SFEX is also cool.
DOA is awesome too, and has a really fun system with the holds (basically identical to killer instinct,) but it just has the rep as the titty game and now the franchise is super fucking dead so it'll never shine again. The state of 3D fighters is very dire.
Kof isn't for everyone, that's ok too.
Anyway I'm tired bye
Im feeling like starting a lewd lewd lewd group DM fap together with multiple nannies, especially shy nonnies so I can dm and reassure them, but extrovert perverts are obviously welcome to, I think we will mostly post ecchi and asian porn

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>Yeah ps1 has rollback now on duckstation but it's not in fightcade yet.
Wait... Duckstation has rollback now?
I'm going to check every game that can be played with people on the PS1 today!
>SFEX is also cool.
Oh I tried this one and liked it, my only complain is that the PC port was kind of a mess, but once I could make it work it was great
>it just has the rep as the titty game and now the franchise is super fucking dead so it'll never shine again.
Yep, I genuinely don't think this series can be saved but I would gladly accept being wrong about this
Every single time I see footage of it, I just want to play it
Tekken has the whole market for 3D fighters and Tekken 8 is just BORING! I don't get what is fun about it except mashing around or having played the series for so long that it became a comfort game where you recognize the punish for everything because you played it for 10 years, which is kind of what LoL is to me and I wouldn't call LoL a good game

Bye bye! Have a great sleep fellow SFV enjoyer! in 7 years with SF7 maybe we will go back to greatness (doubt)
anyone else with yellow fever? lets goon together over some chink sluts~

discord: yura_4677
>doll spam causes anons to post tags for once
Wait a sec.
Why do I ever care about any of this?
is the bot done? i tried the check_queue command and nothing came up
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>Wait a sec.
>Why do I ever care about any of this?
Most aware schizo
>braindead grindslop
Yeah no
works for me
I'm sad doll 2 (aka the imposter) went to bed, he was really cool. I don't think he liked me as much as I liked him though :(
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Well it's because you're kind of irony poisoned and fake, you're insincere
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>irony poisoned
What? Are you mistaking my radical sincerity for irony? All of my posts come from the heart. Sure I like to joke around, but I'm not being an ironybro by any means.
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I thought you were doll 3
We will see about what you just claimed in the near future...
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>I thought you were doll 3
I'm not sure what number I am at this point

>We will see about what you just claimed in the near future...
This is incredibly ominous. What the hell are you getting at?

Also I just want to say I think I have been fully indoctrinated. From now on when I post in here, I will ava with this doll.
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Wait! You are doll 3!
I will call you the insincere doll from now on...
>Also I just want to say I think I have been fully indoctrinated. From now on when I post in here, I will ava with this doll.
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god please give me a dumb gooner femboy to ramble with
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Please tell me why you think I'm insincere. I pride myself on being honest.
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Were you the anon who kept posting the doll schizo thing and then asked me about shutenanon?
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amazing how fast a thread can kill itself
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Haha, you're very perceptive. Yes that was me. I'm not sure how I was being insincere for that convo. I was calling you doll schizo... I guess that was harsh. I didn't mean anything by it though, it was just a bit of banter.
Puppy wan fappy!
Amazing how fast women make me hard but how I'll never touch them so I jerk off with men instead
puppy deserves it honestly
*punches u*
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It's because you spend a lot of time gossiping in threads and flipflopping on what you say, like your posts in /v/ and then your posts there
I suspect you to be a bad and insincere person, you might think you aren't because you believe yourself to be smarter than the people you're talking with and thus it doesn't really count as being insincere but it's still what you are doing

I'm unto you!
I want milk tea but I want to save money rn
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OH NO YOU DIDN'T! Time for punishment!
>pull up the asian girls bro let's jerk
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I can't believe I have to work today
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Oh yeah I guess I was kind of mean to you in the /v/ thread. I'm sorry about that. Again it was a bit of banter, but yeah it was kind of damaging to your character I guess and for that I apologize. Telling them all that you are a /trash/ poster like that. It was funny though because I was also telling on myself.
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I don't care that you did this one bit
It's the fact that you do this and then try to act friendly with me after while asking me questions about someone else
Do you not recognize that only an insincere person would act like this?
puppy noises are kind of the best
i'm working on tugging my penis right now :3
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That would be MEEEEE AHHHH. I need to tug too!!!!
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What did I say about vtubers? HUH?
No more vtuber posting!
reality is a nightmare I am forced to endure every day
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sorry! i'll make sure to moan extra loud and gush a bunch in your honor <3
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Are you saying you think I'm a flip flopper and that I won't be loyal to you? We're buddies now, I scratch your back and you scratch mine. Please trust me.
veri based nyaaaa
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!! dangerously adorkable
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...you don't trust me? What can I do to gain your trust?
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He's playing hard to get
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Teasing is mean... stop making me envious I get it!!!
dorky tugging-addicted dweebs ARE really cute kissable and loveable, yeah... <3
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Don't tell me. You aren't jealous of somethin... right? I'm not sure what else you're looking for me to say.
how come hearts are the sweetest thing ever
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Why do people think I'm dumb and easy to manipulate, what the heck...
Stop manipulating him asshole!
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Use your words #1....
I'm not a mind reader you know. I could say something but it might not be what you want to hear. It might be really cringe.
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oooh~ aaah~ it's hard to resist the urge to just pop and spurt right across my tummy <3 it'd feel so nice to unload like a total dweeb~
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You tell him!!!
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Tell me what I'm doing wrong anon. Why is #1 upset with me? I need an outsiders perspective here.
im grippin now
Anytime babe

He's upset because you think he's dumb and easy!
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I haven't called into question his intellect once. I think I'm gonna have to say something really cringe aren't I......
Well it's the end of the thread and nobody will see...

#1, Shutenanon means nothing to me. You're way cooler than he is. Was that what you wanted? I'm not lying or trying to win you over anything, I truly mean this.
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Why would I be jealous of Shutenanon? Why are you acting like we're a couple, what the heck
this better not be looni
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mwah~ <3
21% of posts in this thread are doll
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Shh. *Wraps my arms around you* It's ok. You know why I call you #1 right? It's not because you're the first doll. It's because you're my number 1. Where would I be without you?
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"How am I insincere"
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You think I'm lying to you? I'm not. BTW #1 it's gonna be bed time for me soon. I want us to end on a positive note. Please tell me genuinely if I'm doing anything wrong. I want to put all silly negative stuff behind us.
Just ignore it if you don't like it btw!

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