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/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Pectolite Delight Edition

Last Thread: >>67667236

>Steven Universe: End of an Era
>Original Television Score S1-S5 + Future OST + Movie OST
>Steven Universe 4 x 10” Vinyl Set

Crew blog: http://stevencrewniverse.tumblr.com
OST composers: http://soundcloud.com/aivisura
Ronaldo's blog: http://keepbeachcityweird.tumblr.com
Podcast: http://podbay.fm/show/1261418557

>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads

>Raven Molisee's SU Works On Sale
>Rebecca Sugar's Streamily
>SUG Aggie
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good thread
Does she canonically have the BEEG HANDO™?
Also, any drawing requests, Pectolite or otherwise?
channel playing around a water sprinkler with gem of your choice
pectolite using a pool floatie/noodle?
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I'm still in awe on seeing a technically physical Gem Pop, even if its not the edible sort
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right? its still really cool to see them for real!
Pectolite as your friendly neighborhood doctor
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Didn't expect to see Kidney Stone in that piece ngl
Pearlanon is drunk, everyone be cautious
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I love this pairing
I can dig it
I'd be more into it if it weren't for the fact that I want Jasper for myself
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Evenin sug

Hope you'reall having a hun filled Friday night

Me, I'll be working. Thus is the fate of the wageslave

I sometimes focus on a single part of a drawing rather than looking at is as a whole, which I do more often when I'm drunk, and I was drunk when I drew that.

I'll try to make another one on my weekend

Not me. Just got up and got ready to go to work. Just parked and about to head in

You saved that?
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Its a cute close up of thpinels fang mouth! also hope your work night goes well!
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those are cute but if one of those ever showed up in my house I would burn my house down
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why? they are not haunted or anything...
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lemony fresh
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Thanks. So far so good

Need to redo that one. I didn't have enough red clay to give it a thicker 3D effect that I wanted like the Yearl pop

I'm gonna order another batch of that clay. I underestimated the amount you get and mixing colors could take up half to 3/4 of one color
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oh yeah the comfy pop doesn't look bad though i think it turned out alright! but if you get more clay you can make play around and see if you can make it more 3D like ya want!
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i wanna fuck that femboy
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when was the last time defect anon popped in? seems like its been a few threads. hope he's alright!
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Aye, I'm sure they're busy with irl stuff if anything anon.
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i think they were going on a vacation or something? maybe they have just been busy! but i agree i hope they are doing well too anon!
sometimes i remember how zach released bops before disappearing from the universe (steven's)
cum back
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Apatite VS door frame
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she like way too big to fit in the house she is going into!
2 gems 1 door frame
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night sug
>captcha: TRTH
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Oh no! Peridot turned into a succlent touchable(if you know what i mean) stinky!!!! Perfect for being given the big one by the edstar
Id love to put my stinkies on her!

Foot one whe pleae?
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gonna fucking spaz on that spass
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It's a they/them (female)
He didn't disappear, he transitioned
There's a recent pic featuring a girl that looks just like him
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Good morning sug! I hope you all have a wonderful day today!
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please don't molest the spinnys they aren't as chipper when they come back...
that's the point. then they turn and molest me
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even if she starts getting really aggressive about it?

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