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/trv/ - Travel

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I've decided that the most reliable way to tell who is an NPC is to look at who closes the shutters/curtains on planes and buses. Anyone with a soul leaves these open.
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>thinks there's curtains on planes
fucking pottery
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There are curtains on buses. I'm on one right now. I also mentioned shutters. Before you cop that condescending attitude with a frogposter, you should work on reading comprehension.
>posts another frog
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>whining about frog culture
This 4chan sir. Please open another tab for reddit
I had a Korean air flight from Korea to the UK that took off in the morning and was in the sun the whole time. They had everyone close the shutters and had the lights off the whole flight
Koreans have no soul
They MADE you close the shutters? My god, man, what's happened to the world?
I already knew you were brown from the OP, you don't need to tell everyone else
Whiter than you, Muhammed.
they didn't make me because i was in an aisle seat, but they came round and told everyone to and everyone complied. i didn't see anyone open one for more than a couple of seconds for the whole flight outside of takeoff and landing
I would have resisted that if I'd had a window seat. I wonder what they'd have done.
Post hand faggot
>frog culture
newfags should be genocided from orbit
>I'm on one right now.
Of course you are, because you are poor as fuck
Buses are for peasants
namefags should be genocided from orbit
Namefags are unironically older and better than endless fucking frogs
Kinda thinking of closing the inside curtain on my sleeper bunk, but leaving the window one open, and having a cheeky wank in here. What do you guys think?
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step up or kys
Hand somehow looks bigger than it is in real life
Sir, please losing some pounds. You are being obese sir
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Here's my hand and my EU4 playtime. Consider yourself BTFO.
Needing to identify yourself on an anonymous board is reddit culture, newfag
This sir is whiter and slimmer than the fat sir
Those fucking sausage fingers kek. Change your diet before you die at 38
12% bodyfat you dumb fuck
It's so over mate
Why do you have 40% body fat in your hands?
Consider seeing a doctor about hand liposuction. You must look so strange being shredded with those big blobby hands
Now to 404 this thread:
My thick girthy cock has taken advantage of every brown/seajungle/black woman this wonderful Earth offers up and I feel no shame about it. Especially the Indian ones, you hear me janny? The Indian ones are tight and willing, they also mock you while riding my dick which gets me diamonds.
>It's so over mate
Don't shift the goalposts, asshole. That supports my whiteness, which you were challenging. You lose.
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No, I'm gonna shift the goalposts and there's nothing you can do about that
It's very clear I could beat the shit out of you any day of the week and you know it, those skinny little lanklet fingers scream weak dyel along with bad genetics, get the feeling my biceps are bigger than your neck which is frankly fucking embarrassing (for you)
You already identified yourself with fucking stylometry you utter newfag dumbfuck
Why are you retards so obvious about being retards?
Don't get yourself too worked up, fatty.
Did you get shamed into losing the fagname, namefag?
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He's calling people skinny
BTW anons, this is the retard security guard from the PH thread. He's the same on every thread - negative, bitter, attacking. The guy is an absolute mess.
>soaking the thread in even more frogs
Nigger I've never been to flipland and I'm in here whitepilling everyone about the constant doomer shit in every thread which you clearly get paid to do, how fucking stupid can a person be? Do you really think people don't see through this shit? It's so fucking transparent.
Nah I'm just on the computer now, namefag shaming is the ultimate filter for post-2016 idiots who infest this site, you clearly weren't here before that so thanks for pointing it out :^)
>post-2016 idiots
Swing and a miss. I'm an '07 /b/tard. Don't act like namefagging hasn't always been cancer when you know that it has. Or are you actually the newfag and you don't know that?
>Don't act like namefagging hasn't always been cancer
>implying moot wasn't a faggot
Just because he wears a dress now and then doesn't make him gay
I didn't say he was gay, I said he was a faggot.
fair call
>I'm an '07 /b/tard.
Imagine saying this out loud, can you even swim?
I'm scared of touching the windows in case they break and I get sucked out. Hate window seats. Will always try and find a kid or adventurer who'll switch places with me.
Jesus bro. What other irrational fears do you have?
Refuse to go anywhere where there's big spiders. Would never be able to go to the toilet or put my shoes on. Would have to carry a gun, no lie.

Also, fear the sea. I'll just symbolically dip my foot in, or maybe stand in a little bit if it's crystal clear, and there's a nice wave pool effect going on. But swimming and murky water is nononononono. Generally refuse to take boats just in case, too.

Also usually cover my glass with a beer mat, too, and can only go to the toilet after finishing a drink, just in case I get drugged. Can never have more than one, any way, as you never know what will happen.

Will never go in to a shop I don't recognise. I feel like everybody's going to scam me.

Love traveling though. Favourite places are probably Bali, Taiwan and Thailand.
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Holy shit
>frogs exclusively shitting up the thread
can you retards please stop?
Maybe I don't want the sun glaring on my face. Fuck off
Same with airplane windows
>tfw crew override on the 787 tinting windows
Made me seethe the first time I experienced it, my viewing experience is more important than other passengers sleeping god damn it
>be pilot
>french plane is crashing and calling you a retard the entire time
>Same with airplane windows
Why can none of you retards read? I said planes and buses.
But I totally feel you. I'd have been fighting mad.
Holy based.
No, it actually predates reddit's very existence, newfag.
I've decided literally anyone who isn't me is an NPC. I'm the protagonist, you're all here to provide dialogue.
Can I give you a quest? I need you to gather ten durians.
Take the L ffs retard
Based all caps heckin Reddit react lampoon poster
This, but unironically
You should kill yourself instead.
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This, it's only interesting to look out when you're low altitude
Wtf are you gonna look at while up there in the air, huh? The clouds? Stare at the fuckin sun?
>NPCs don't mind sitting in a dark box for hours on end
>NPCs mind numbingly stare at the sun for 8 hours instead of catching some Zs
True pro travellers are knocked out on benzos and don't care.
I can't fuck with those anymore, sadly.
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>so the legends are true
Eu4 was GOAT. Unfotunately, Paradox shat all over the game with their endless garbo DLCs, then hired spics to finish the job and buff only non-white nations.

I can't stomach it. I play Civ <4, Age of Empires <3, Stronghold crusaders, and Total War now. New games are dogshit
Civ 5 is the pinnacle of human creativity
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>Civ 5
spoken like someone who never played the vastly superior Civ 4

consider yourself filtered.
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>leaves the window up during takeoff/landing
>leaves it open when passing a big land mark you can see from the window (like mt Fuji/grand canyon/skyscraper of dubai/etc)
>leaves it open at night but closes it before the sun comes over the horrizon
>opens it for massive storm or hurricane in the distance
Fucking garbage kys tier
>leaves it open the entire flight where you are trying to sleep and nothing but clouds reflecting light up
>face plants themselves on the window the entire takeoff/landing process
>constantly opens and closes it at sheer random loudly
>doesn't know how to operate the window dimmer or shade, can't speak english, won't budge on moving it when you are directly over the wing and get blasted with sunlight
I've only done it when I was mega tired on an early flight and wanted to sleep

usually they'll do this for red-eye flights, it's weird to have it happen on a day flight tho.
when going from UK->China we all had to close windows during for quite a while, to let people sleep and get used to Chinese timezone (I didn't sleep and watched Blade Runner 2049 instead)
They hated him because he told them the truth.png

I just leave it open and stare in awe at the world below
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idk if it's autism or because i have a soul but i love looking at creation. I can do this for hours
You're a psychic surrounded by hylics. You might also be autistic but that's neither here nor there.
Mega based.
>Have window seat
>Turn on GPS
>Open OSM
>Match the map to what you see down below
>Let your imagination go wild as to what all these places are like, and how they interconnect
Confirmed soul haver.
maybe i want it dimmer so i can read a book or nap nigga leave me alone god damn
>so i can read a book
You need light for that, retard.
>or nap
What kind of little baby manlets are you guys that this is even possible in an airplane seat?
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I'm 5'10 and I sleep like a baba in long flights in the wooden class. I close my window as soon as I sit down, buckle up and sleep until landing. I don't open the windows for anyone and I'm mad at the people sitting next to me if they don't wake me up for dinner.
>can't post a whiter hand
>has to backpedal and resort to fat insults.

I think anyone that wears tinted sunglasses and or drives a car with tinted windows should not be trusted.
Imagine this kino advice being posted.

Then the following slide shit
0 fucking content, just mindless trash.

And the ban archive will only focus on certain things:
Thanks for the (You) but I think the poster whose dick you're sucking is based.
Now that the dust has settled I think we can call it
namefags: L
frogposters: W
I rage when cucks close the windows.
Instead of rage, next time you should rape.
Every single time.
That comparison is like cat shit vs dog shit
>cat shit vs dog shit
Which one of these is the frogposters (the winner) in your comparison?
Probably dog shit, since dog shit generally stays outside, while people actually keep cat shit indoors and get toxoplasmosis from it.
That's a great answer since frogposters are chads who go outside and touch grass and have sex while namefags are losers and incels who don't leave the basement.
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>frogposters are chads who go outside and touch grass and have sex
Wow, a geniune femanon.
>no big spiders
>Bali, Taiwan, Thailand
OP is always a faggot, but today he's a cool faggot, like Freddie Mercury.
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I like how many NPCs are just shamelessly outing themselves ITT. Also this thread needs more frogs.
Outrageously based
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Pepe thread? Pepe thread.
They should unironically take the shutters off of every plane window so it's not an option.
What if they're just trying to sleep? In my experience on long transatlantic flights, at some point most of the plane has their shade don't and everyone's snoring in their blanket they got out of the plastic bag under the seat.
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wait a minute, is that the facial abuse girl?
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Why does /trv/ hate the green frog meme?
You have 12% of my bodyweight just in your hands lardboy
Planes have literally had their doors fall off, a window won't suck you out like some scifi movie, relax
If that's the case, why don't they let us open the windows a little?
Because they're soulless hylics. That's why.

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