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What places have you visited, or want to, that you'd describe as a shithole, whether endearingly or not
The Philippines is utter dogshit. It was so poor and dirty it made me angry. The only upside is if you’re white girls will surrender their holes to you on demand, but you’re still dumpster diving
India, the Philippines and Thailand. Only pros were the easy women. I didn't bang in Thailand though as every woman had a tattoo there. Disgusting as fuck.
been to loads of crappy places but here's two i remember
cambodia- i was there to visit angkor wat but i also went for a day trip to tonle sap - the huge lake - where there are loads of boat people living in makeshift huts and so on along the shoreline. i've seen poor people before but fucking hell they were living in absolute shit. somehow they seemed really happy, maybe they were just happy to see me because they knew their big white cash machine had turned up for the day
america- i was working in san diego and to get in the mood of the city i picked up a ford mustang as a rental car at the airport- but i took a wrong turn and ended up driving through some shithole immigrant area. it was like a 60s/70s crime movie. gangs of men standing around huddling around their cars, stray dogs, abandoned buildings, rubbish everywhere all that kind of thing. i couldn't have stood out more if you painted a fucking target on my shiny new car. i just kept my eyes on the road and didn't stop until i got to an area where there weren't bars on every window. land of the fucking free, my hairy butt
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any tier 2 or below chinese city
>tier 2 Chinese city
>posts an obvious hamlet
I know that Thailand is richer than Vietnam but everything about Thailand is a fucking shithole compared to Vietnam.
>violent dogs roaming everywhere after 8pm
>everyone tries to scam you
>people dressed in rags
>rats fucking EVERYWHERE
>no shops have AC or even fucking WiFi of all things
>obvious prostitution evetywhere
>piles of garbage everywhere
>old as fuck buildings
>old as fuck busses for public transit
Now times this all by 100 for the Philippines. I honestly don't understand how Thailand is such a fucking shithole. Even Laos of all places seemed better off. Vietnam's biggest problem is their traffic.
Shitholes been to off the top of my head:
>Kingston, Jamaica
>Bogota, Colombia
>Naples, Italy
>Cardiff, Wales
>Spokane, Washington
>Baltimore, Maryland
>Philadelphia, PA
>Any reservation in America
>Anchorage, AK
>Bucharest, Romania
>Poprad, Slovakia
>Miskolc, Hungary
>Thessaloniki, Greece
>Athens, Greece
>Tangier, Fes, Rabat, Morocco
>Kuwait City
>Manila, PI
>Denpasar, Indonesia
Shitholes I want to visit:
>Kampala, Uganda
>Kigali, Rwanda
>Dar es Salaam
Based shitholes
>General war torn Ukraine
>Elbasan, Albania

Boring shitholes

Shit shitholes
Kansas city, mo

Absolutely soulless black hole of energy and culture. Panera bread wasteland.
I remember Scotland as some kind of a shithole. For me it's third world infrastructure combined with first world prices. Also there is nothing except some whisky distilleries (apart from nature). Tough its probably not as bad as I remember it.
You literally just described all of the United Kingdom.
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Looks comfy.

No poverty-stricken Asian shitholes depress me as much as some places in the American heartland. "We understand your concerns about constructing this Walmart in the town center, but it will bring much-needed jobs!" I built up Taos, NM in my imagination as some beautiful paragon of art and culture; I almost cried when I went there. People blame immigrants for ruining western culture; blame neoliberalism.

Many cities have never recovered from the Thatcher era. Though I've never seen anywhere in Scotland as run-down as places in Wales.

I've been to a few real shitholes.
Takes the cake of course. Overall it's kind of charming. Apart from feeling sorry for the poor people I had a great time. Toured a t-shirt factory, ate lots of mango masala. Spent afternoons drinking tea with Armenian clergymen in a church belfry.

What you get when tens of thousands of desert nomads are forced to live in a city. Interminable suburbs, some very pleasant and shaded by locust trees. Extremely difficult to walk around due to all the sand. People all behave very noble in spite of the poverty. Very easy to make friends. Buddies and I used to ride around the city in the bed of their uncle's pickup truck playing guitar and singing.
Now that I've been learning Chinese, I'd like to go back to Nouakchott and get acquainted with the Chinese expat communities, only people in the country who can get you alcohol.

Honorable mentions:
>Belize City, Belize
Did not expect an Africa-tier shithole in an English-speaking country. No wonder they built a fake version of the city for cruise ships to dock at.
>Colombo, Sri Lanka
Will always remember sitting with 100 sweaty men in an unlit basement "restaurant" eating soup with our hands
>Dakar, Senegal
Motorways crisscross the city without any provision for pedestrian crossing; it's fun trying to get back to your hotel at night dodging cars without headlights in the middle of a 6-lane highway
Paris is probably the biggest shithole I've been too. I'm not even memeing.
Biggest shithole I've been to is by far India with the Philippines in second. I don't care how easy the women are in these shitholes. It's not worth it.
In order of shitness:
Northern cities in England such as Swindon
Mexico City
is Bucharest really that bad/boring?
Catania in Scily had a strong shithole vibe but I loved it anyway. Also the muslim majority neighbourhoods in Athens felt grim yet climatic.
I loved Mexico City. What were you doing wrong?
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Based Turkish Kurdistan enjoyer
The flyover states in America
Cape Town - I went in 2010 and it was not good
Rome - Tuscolano and Esquilino. Utter shitholes
Budapest - Blaha Luzja ter

Glasgow and some areas of Ediburgh (Niddrie) really give you that feeling
Biggest shitholes are America and Canada.
Marseille really is crap. What makes it worse is there’s a fringe that’s cool and the south of France overall is lovely. And then there’s this huge turd in the middle
> Northern cities in England such as Swindon
u wot m8?
The Midwest and deep south not along the Mississippi
>not along the Mississippi
some of the biggest shitholes in the country, urban and rural alike, are along the Mississippi

Staying in Tepito.
Not the Dylan you're replying to but I agree. Memphis is a contender for the worst big city in the US with Baltimore and Albuquerque. Worldwide I thought Kingston Jamaica and Nassau Bahamas were pretty rough. The northern outskirts of Mexico City looked awful too.
It's just falling apart. Probably because it's full of Romanians.
rp me on turkish kurdistan pls
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>I've never seen anywhere in Scotland as run-down as places in Wales.

the most run down place I've seen in scotland are the old pit villages in remote rural areas. the colliery closed half a century ago but somehow people still live there, presumably on gibs. bleak, soot stained buildings slowly crumbling, generationally unemployed residents milling around, the interior of the pub still has a trough urinal and hand stencilled signs in picrel font, even if you are only driving through it you feel depressed afterwards
Nevada. I’m not well travelled but that was without a doubt the most depressing and shitty place I’ve ever visited.
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Stop using interstate truck stops to describe the wonderful heartland that is the Midwest.
Most of Canada counts as a shithole, but to white people it is an advanced utopia. So the west in general is a good place for shithole tourism.
Shithole China
>Clean streets
>Friendly people
>Completely safe

White utopia Canada
>Filled with addicts
>Mentally ill everywhere, everyone is an asshole
>Walking over used syringes

Lol, lmao even.
Based China
>polluted everything, air smells like shit in every city
>thrown in jail for wrongthink or not acting live a hive person in general. get run over by a car twice so the driver doesn't have to pay for your medical bills.
>die by escalator or tofu building collapse. make dogshit salary working 10 hour days.
>surrounded by lying Chinese

Cringe Canada
>Filled with friendly White people
>beautiful nature, high income and fantastic health care (no tiger penis or bear bile tinctures like in China)
>abundant natural resources, country will only improve in time
my family stopped there for about 3 hours and my dad had some guy try to sell weed to him in a car park, lol

>Friendly people
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That the best you have shill? The best of the West is fucking CANADA lmfaooooo.
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Real China
>Clean modern sci-fi cities
>High quality infrastructure, bullet trains connecting every major city
>Tons of culture and relatively cheap
>Ethnonationalist nation rapidly growing.

Real Canada
>70% immigrants that can't speak English, 30% white redditors who will sacrifice their friends and families for social credit points.
>Organ harvesting and suicide superpower. Government euthanasia followed by organ harvesting is a top cause of death.
>0 culture, extremely intolerant to non leftist thought.
>Dying country in freefall collapse. Will dissolve by 2050.
I generally enjoy shitholes; lately I have been appreciating the scruffy post-Socialist shitholes of the Balkans (including most of the former Yugoslavia apart from Serbia, Croatia, and maybe Slovenia, which have mostly prettied themselves up fairly successfully; and Moldova, and Albania). The combination of crummy, decaying socialist realist attempts at grandeur and modern, sleazy hustling is endearing to me.

I also had a great time in Nairobi, which has no history and little architectural or urban-planning charm, as well as being nearly as dangerous as its reputation. But I have friends who live there (one local, one a British Africaboo lifer who’s been on the continent for more than twenty years), and they’ve always shown me a good time.

In the Americas, I enjoy Mexicali, which is definitely a shithole, but one that has some charm and fun things to do. I think of it as Tijuana’s redneck farmer cousin. It’s badly planned and grubby and murderously hot for several months every year, but even so, it’s less of a shithole than the adjacent Imperial Valley, CA, which is just as hot but more boring.
>t. Father grew up in Imperial County and was grateful to escape; my miscellaneous cousins and aunts and uncles who still live there are deeply trashy people.

I’m sure there are more, but definitions of shithole vary too widely to be useful. I love cities, for example, but I think many of the loudest voices on 4chan consider them all shitholes by default.
10/10 list.

Oakland California sits on some of the most beautiful coastline you will ever see with a backdrop of green mountains. The bay bridge is really beautiful to drive across. You might tempted to stop. Just don't. I have never seen more homeless tents in any US city. There were blacks, homeless and junkies just wandering aimlessly on every corner. Nearly every major retail store is pulling out of the city. The best case scenario is that car will get broken into in 5 minutes if you walk into a store.
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>middle eastern vibe without the full on Islamic element explore the ancient region of Mesopotamia with the security of Turkey
>Kurds are extremely friendly and hospitable
>poorest part of Turkey and also probably the cheapest
>Normies only visit the west coast, Istanbul and Cappadocia, very few western tourists make it that far east
>Turks will respect you for having gone where their government tells them its too scary to go
>Kurdish coffee (menengiç) is underappreciated
Biggest issue is a lack of transport infrastructure. The Turkish government prefers tourists stay on the regular tourist path (no journalists allowed), if you so much as say the phrase "Turkish Kurdistan" to a Turk at best you'll start an argument, at worst a fight. I'm thinking of going back there later this year.
That's what you'll see 90% of the time in the Midwest
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Real China
>polluted food, air, and water across the entire country
>majority of citizens live in abject poverty
>daily diet consists of dog meat, bugs, and gutter oil soup. everyone spits and smokes everywhere like savages.
>destroyed its culture in the most hilarious self-own in history. only 'culture' left is artificially rebuilt and plastic
>largest source of national pride is a railway system that is mostly unprofitable and deep in debt
>economy and growth in full slump. population continually declines. massive incel population from gender-imbalance. Countless females murdered due to short-sighted one-child policy.
>incessant online shilling to try and convince people china isn't a shithole (still isn't working)

Real Canada
>Growing population
>One of the most desirable countries for immigrants
>culture that focuses on respect for nature and wildlife
>a global reputation as being a kind and understanding nation
>do not get gulaged and organs harvested for criticizing the government

wumao and little pink have been seething especially hard recently. guess the 'chinese dream' isn't really panning out like they had hoped it would
Blackpool is an utter shithole, it's tacky as fuck and it has pretty much the poorest people in England.

I love it though.
Denpasar, especially Kuta. Russians and Australians are competing there over who can be the most obnoxious.
>everyone spits and smokes everywhere like savages.
this is very true lmao
>Flight from Istanbul - Van
>Tried landing in a blizzard like 4 times, plane violently rattling each time
>Flight diverted to Diyarbakir
>Start learning basic Kurdish from gf's Lonely Planet book and find some potential accom
>Turks looking a little panicky
>Land and are kept on the runway until bus arrives
>Ask stewardess if we can just leave, she tells us it's dangerous here, etc
>Manage to get escorted through a closed airport
>Start speaking Kurdish to taxi drivers, they absolutely love it and are ridiculously friendly

The city's like going back to medieval times. It's just got this vibe about it which is incredibly kino. It's surrounded by HUGE walls, 2nd biggest after Great Wall I think?

Remember seeing some kids standing on the walls shooting birds or something, which kinda summarised the place. Was great looking out over the plains from the walls thinking "this is Mesopotamia" and just imagining how life had been within these walls over the ages.

The very centre had a huge place where eveyrbody was drinking coffee which was cool. Some guy told us to take our phone off the table as everybody in the city is a thief, kek, then started telling us about the city.

The Kurdish breakfast was amazing. Absolutely huge and full of jams, honey, etc.

Went after to Hassankeyf (cave houses, doesn't exist any more due to a dam), Mardin (city on a hill), then Tatvan to go onwards to Van.

Tatvan was kino, got the ferry across lake Van. Tehre was a smokey boat house we had to wait for the ferry where we got smashed with the locals as nobody knew when the boat was coming. The boat captain invited us to the bridge and let us "drive" the boat for a bit (i.e. just hold the contorls and pose for photos lol). Basically got a tour of all the boat - i.e. engine rooms et al as we werew more or less the only tourists on board. They drive trains on to the bot (believe transporting shit to and from Turkey).
*to and from Iran
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the definition of an endearing shithole
it's too beautiful to be a shithole. even with crime and favelas, the landscape is just too perfect
What's the best place in the Philippines to get holes surrendered on demand?
It's essentially India now. Whole country is collapsing in real time.
>thrown in jail for wrong think
It's amazing how brainwashed mutts are over this country
>wrong think
God I hate this stupid fucking meme
Tell that to a 3rd world cop while he’s beating your ass.
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I really enjoyed the rural parts of scotland, but i hate all cities everywhere.
Worst place ive been to was a certain part of the congo. Absolutely fucked. Later learned that all the people who associated with us whities were killed not long after we left the village. One time shots rang out while we were driving down the trail and a bullet hit the backseat of my vehicle. Everyone thought i was a weirdo for immediately getting a gun in country, after that they stopped shitting on me
It smelled like piss frfr no cap ong.
More for me faget
Youve never been to the midwest apparently
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they've done a lot worse than beatdowns for wrong think in china
Came here to say Cambodia, but now I'm loling at San Diego which is where I live. You must've gone south near the border or into east county towards the desert because most of SD is quite nice.
>a certain part of the congo
where? Kivu?
Scotland has world class nature and the most god awful towns and cities

I blame the weather, it’s shit in the winter without being pretty and snowy like the Nordics. Just wet and cold and windy and dark. So you go to the comfy areas as a tourist during summer and the locals are all still thinking about an heroing their way out of their problems, if they haven’t given in to the drink first
The difference between you and me is that I'm saying shit is that is actually real, while you are making up some fantasy of China.
The only thing true on your list is that Canada is 90% Indians, just like every western country on earth, DEAD.
Is kurdish coffee that same dog shit you get in Greece and Turkey where it's fucking coffee sand at the bottom though?
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What do you think would happen if I offered every single person on the planet a choice between a Canadian passport and a chinese passport? Which would the majority choose?
If you think the majority would choose a chinese passport, you are clinically retarded.
The reason for this is that Canada is a much better place to live, while most chinese live in total poverty and filth with a totalitarian government.
I haven't seen any suicide nets in Alberta or Saskatchewan.
Kuta is hardly Denpasar though. The entire tourist zone is a night and day difference from where the actual Indonesians live in Denpasar proper.
lmfao. All you have to say is that Canada is a disgusting tax zone that openly genocides its own people. Wow, pop off sis! So when are you getting your bottom surgery?
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>all this salt and butthurt
It's delicious. Thank you, 小鸡鸡. You made my day.
>most of SD is quite nice
yeah, it is. most of the times i went there i stayed in reasonably high end areas like La Jolla. i was working at Qualcomm so they could afford it.
that's why the place i drove through stood out so much. i have no idea what area it was. it reminded me of the scene in the movie Falling Down where the guy is sitting on some waste ground with the cityscape behind him and gets picked on by some lowlifes.
still, nice weather though
I was talking about the stupid words "wrong think". Was the person who came up with this literally 12?
I don't know but Turkish/Greek coffee is good.
>you’re still dumpster diving
Do I look like somebody with a sense of pride to you, nigga? If the dumpster is full of pussy then I will go diving.
dude the expression "wrongthink" has been used for decades. you are kind of right though, it is a meme, in the original meaning of meme, since it is almost certainly derived from "thoughtcrime" in 1984
I know it's not new but it's retarded
It's even dumber when it's made a single word btw.
>Newspeak is a controlled language of simplified grammar and limited vocabulary designed to limit a person's ability for critical thinking. The Newspeak language thus limits the person's ability to articulate and communicate abstract concepts, such as personal identity, self-expression, and free will, which are thoughtcrimes, acts of personal independence that contradict the ideological orthodoxy
Don’t call someone dumb when they’re referencing a book you haven’t read
>it's from a book so it can't be dumb
I'm not Reddit enough to have all those logical fallacies memorized but surely this is one of them
>I didn't bang in Thailand though as every woman had a tattoo there. Disgusting as fuck
There are parts of thailand where women don't often have tattoos
Berlin, Paris, Athens, all big European cities which are getting gangraped by refugees.
Not the anon you responded to, but... anywhere, even in the business districts around the capital. I stopped checking bumble after 5k+ likes. Many will go with you after the first date - and I'm taking educated women with careers. It's nuts. The big downside is, they are Filipinas, i.e. they are still a product of their culture. So expect them to gossip, be jealous of other people, and prone to petty acts of revenge. Plus, they will get fat fast, the food over there is on another level. Probably worse than in the US and that's saying something.
Mega based but what's the BEST place? Manila strikes me as a shithole and not in the good way. Where's a nice shithole in the good way?
I loved a visit with a friend n Haiti some years back... but yeah, it is pretty obviously shithole-tier. Which is a shame. they have a lot of really great people and could so easily have been a tropical paradise spot.
Would not go there now for any amount of money, and have no real hope that, even if the gang anarchy is brought under control, the country can ever get unfucked.
Always been curious about that place. Do you remember it being cheap? I love the Caribbean but hate the tourist economy kitsch.
Shymkent, Kazakhstan

I've actually been to that place in your pic. It's Breezewood, Pennsylvania. An oasis in the gray sea of Pennsylvania. The entire purpose of it is to be a rest stop, and it's actually quite convenient. Walkable? Of course not, but it's not even really a residential area anyway.
Naples, Italy was a shithole but it turned out to be my favorite city in Italy. Not many tourists but great architecture, history, and the only place where Italian food was actually good. Yes I had a guy try to pickpocket me and got harrassed by the police, but it was still quite cool. Love the narrow streets and the best restaurants are hidden in the labyrinth. Took a while to find my AirBNB because all the walls were covered with graffiti before realizing that it was a gate that led me to a tenement. Vesuvius in the background was a nice touch. Was part of an archaeological excavation nearby and was told to avoid Naples unless necessary. But when I visited Rome, Venice, etc. they were cool but didn't feel authentic and was full of scammers. I didn't see any scammers in Naples, just mobsters and gabagool types.
I'm taking a train there tonight from Almaty, shithole in an endearing way or bad way?
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>La Boca Neighbourhood in Buenos Aires (picrel), Argentina.
>Bogota, Colombia
>Batam Island, Indonesia
>Manila, Philippines

Shitholes I've Visited:

Baltimore, Maryland
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Atlanta, Georgia
Johannesburg, South Africa
several villages in Russia (Siberia)
Naples, Italy

Shitholes I Want to Visit:

Garbage City, Cairo, Egypt
La Rinconada, Peru
Havana, Cuba
Varanasi, India
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sana'a, Yemen
Mexico City, Mexico
Bangkok, Thailand
Chongqing, China
Looks like there's a '''merchant''' on the balcony overseeing business in that pic, kek.
>Sana'a, Yemen
I assume any American going here would have a significant chance of being kidnapped and assraped and otherwise tortured and humiliated for propaganda and morale purposes, and that's a real bummer because I too would like to visit Arabia Felix.
As far as places I've visited that can be described as shitholes I'd say
>Santo Domingo
>Jackson, MS
>New Orleans, LA
>Baton Rouge, LA
>really most cities in the South
>Cleveland Ohio
>most rustbelt cities
>Any city in Eastern Europe outside of the city center
>>Jackson, MS
Can confirm.
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Flyovers getting uppity today
I've walked around Shymkent alone in the middle of the night, no problem.
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funny enough, Sanaa University invited US students who were suspended for protesting against Israel to study there
Can you give a tldr on naples, I have to be there for work for two weeks in june
Is it safe there? I'm long since finished with school but I think getting kicked out of US uni and getting a degree in Yemen instead would be fun.
Im guessing anyone who took them up on that offer would be a bit of a local celebrity and protected
I wish I could believe that even the militants would be like "this one is based, leave him alone" but I'm not naive enough to think it would really work that way.
Redpill me on Nairobi, I'm going there in a couple of days.
>one a British Africaboo lifer who’s been on the continent for more than twenty years
Tell us more about this guy. He sounds interesting. What's his story and why is he an Africaboo?
Don’t walk around alone late at night. Look for a reggae night at a nightclub; Kenyan Rastas are a fascinating little community, and can be excellent hosts. If you find a reggae night, approach the DJ and request tracks by Baffu Chaffu. Eat Indian or Ethiopian food. Watch your back on River Road; it’s the only place I have ever personally met people whose luggage was burgled in their hotel, and it gets some bad characters in general, but it’s also a fun place to eat or drink during the day or early in the evening. Gikomba Market is absolutely worth checking out, the Maasai Market arguably less so. Don’t go to Kibera except in the company of a local friend, although nothing bad is all that likely to happen; it’s just weird and invasive to have a random mzungu stomping around the homes of very poor people. You’re not really welcome. Don’t drink chang’aa; do chew miraa in a Somali tea house in Eastleigh if that sounds like fun.

The Kendrick Trust baby elephant orphanage, just inside the Nairobi National Park, is 100% worth a visit. The weird private mansion with a herd of pet giraffes may or may not be. But it will offer you the opportunity to hand-feed a giraffe, if that sounds like fun.

The Carnivore restaurant chain is gross, overpriced, and traffics in illegal bush meat. Don’t bother.

Finally, if a local sex worker approaches you, at the very least wrap it up—around half of them are HIV+. But also consider that normal women may also approach you for free, which is less risky.

He’s a cool guy. He went to grad school at SOAS in London, and wound up studying international development failures in Burundi; after a brief stint on the ground with an NGO there ended in his emergency evacuation, he worked as a journalist and newspaper editor/bureau chief in Sudan, South Sudan, and, lately Kenya. He still mostly covers Sudan, but he has come to love Kenya, too.

It’s not JUST for the women, but that was definitely part of it.
>It’s not JUST for the women, but that was definitely part of it.
Mega based.
>Don’t drink chang’aa; do chew miraa in a Somali tea house in Eastleigh if that sounds like fun
What are these, senpai?
Oh, and my Brit Africaboo friend is also the only white dude I’ve ever met to travel from Nairobi to Hargeysa, Somaliland via Mogadishu on local public transit (buses and minivans/shared taxis). He got away with it unharmed, but he did almost lose his job, and even he now concedes that it was an unwise thing to do. Don’t do that, although he insists that Hargeysa and Somaliland in general are “almost normal,” if you felt like visiting by air.
Chang’aa is local Kenyan moonshine; supposedly translates to “kill me quick,” and it does occasionally kill or blind people. Miraa is the Swahili word for qat, a shrub whose leaves are a stimulant when chewed. It’s illegal in most of the world nowadays, but not in Kenya, Somalia, or Yemen.
>but he did almost lose his job
Why would he have lost his job?
Because he was being sent by a news agency to Hargeysa on assignment, and he was not given permission/an order to go via Mogadishu. Traveling to Somalia put him at grave risk that they didn’t want to be liable for. It worked out fine; he’s still a stringer for them as far as I know, but he got a long chewing out.
I like this nigga without even knowing him.
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But did you taste the hotdog spaghetti?! It’s divine!
Everybody likes him. Oh, except a lot of dirty African politicians and corrupt civil servants that he’s badmouthed in print or online over the years.

That passing through Somalia thing he did, though, was not so much based as it was mind-bogglingly stupid. He’s lucky to have survived, or at least to have avoided kidnapping. He’s honestly had an unusual number of lucky breaks over the years—he once befriended a dude who was trying to mug him, too.
Im guessing it would be more government and school protection. They would definitely make sure the local organized crime/police know youre off limits for kidnapping. Its really only the unorganized randoms that you would have to worry about so Id wager it wouldnt be that bad. Iran made the same offer, anyone who gets kicked out gets a scholarship at the University of Shiraz, which is actually a huge deal, its very hard to get in there in Iran.
Lmao you turned down Imperial and ended up in Barrio Logan. That whole neighborhood is a fucking shithole. The rest of San Diego is ok, but that city somehow has worse roads than midwestern cities, it's incredible.
That's awesome but most of those kids probably don't know Arabic or Persian.
privet :)
There's nothing 'privet' about that comment though. Those listed cities are fucking shitholes with MAJOR problems.
Phnom Penh in 2002 was a massive shithole. Most depressed people I ever saw travelling, glad they got their act together somewhat.
Is Cairo not "Boring Shithole"? All the posts I've seen on it here makes out like the most exciting thing anyone does there is drink tea in their garage with the neighbours, what'd you get up to there?
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>ezpz to get invited to embassy parties or 'exlusive' clubs for foreigners
>loads of colonial era/feel rooftop bars
>thousands of years and multiple eras of history to explore
>every day is like a minigame tryig to do basic shit
>falluca journeys on Nile
>chill in exclusive hotel pools (Sofitel for me is kino)
>dirt cheap restaurants
>kino feel of Zamalek
>have conversation with people a class/paygrade or 5 above you in hotel bars
>cycling/hiking in Wadi Degla
>pyramids and monuments fucking everywhere
How about the water, coffee, fruits and vegetables? Should I avoid raw ones as it's generally advised or are there places where they should be good to consume?
Thirdies use human fertilizer and wash their produce in sewage.
Shanghai. Absolute shithole and peak Sino-Facist core but in a weirdly endearing way. I didn't speak a fucking word of Chinese and all the cute pastry girls laughed at me, it was charming.
bottom looks nice but at the end of the day your front door still opens up onto the main road
India was an absolute shithole. Still loved it. It's basically impossible to be bored there.

Thailand is also a shithole. I'm 100% convinced the people who praise it are only there for cooming. No matter where I went or how much I tried to partake in historical trips and so on, I never saw another white person. But I saw them flooding into the streets around cooming bars. The most pathetic country on earth. Someone else mentioned Vietnam being poorer but better, and it's true. Vietnam was a great place. People seem to actually try there. Thais seem to have given up on their own country and accept that they're mere cum receptacles.
>No matter where I went or how much I tried to partake in historical trips and so on, I never saw another white person.
So what was wrong with this? Do you think the cooming bars are the true Thailand?
You obviously can’t drink the water, and I would only consider eating raw vegetables in an expensive hotel restaurant, if anywhere. The coffee is safe, though. I would have died without it, and I did not get sick. I ate fruit, as well.
Don't be a bitchnigga.
True, that's why all those white canadians are emigrating to glorious China
You’re more than welcome to drink Kenyan tap water if you want; I can do without the amoebiasis.
in which one of theses places can I get cunny?
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The only people moving to Canada are Indians. I would move to China if I could.
You think being India 2.0. is something to be proud of?
Yeah don't do that of course, but you can eat the vegetables bro.
You can, yeah. And I’ve eaten lots of COOKED veg all over Africa. But I’ve been slightly paranoid about raw vegetables ever since a good friend of mine wound up hospitalized with dysentery after enjoying a Nigerian salad. I wish I could just laugh off the comment above about human shit fertilizers, but it’s unfortunately true that farmers in a lot of places on the continent still use ‘nightsoil’ on their crops, although I think it’s more common in Western rather than Eastern Africa.

As far as Kenya is concerned, there aren’t that many raw vegetable dishes on offer anyway. The only places I’ve ever seen salads, etc., there have been hotels and restaurants catering primarily to wazungu. Oh, and I guess I was served raw jalapeños (or something similar) at an Ethiopian place in Nairobi once, but it was a pretty expensive place.
From personal experience: Samara back in 2012 was fucking fire. However, Russia culturally was in a different place back then.
Sounds not too bad except for the faggy parties and hotel pools
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Nah, picrel is an amazing experience. There's something beautiful about feeling like you're right in the middle of the Nile and having one of the world's craziest cities sprawling all around you.
If it's a quiet day and the pool's empty, you'll feel as if you're at the very centre of one of history's most important cities.
fuck,I always get outdated information about cunny shenanigans, maybe I should turn to judaism so I don't miss stuff anymore
>Great gallery
>get me the fuck out after that
Too easy to go to Ghent, which is lovely.
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The definition of shithole. Couldn't even get into the tourist information center because there was shit blocking the door. What a disgrace.
You are not meemeing, youare just a liar. Can't list all themany times i read the same barf out in this site only to go and realize it's actually a really cool city.

Get fucked.
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I enjoyed Naples in all its trashy glory

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