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Lol no, nice try Antanas
that actually sounds like a really cool name
god i wish i was lithuanian
too close to snow niggers and too cold in general

> t. euro
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It's one of the countries ever.
It's on my bucket list of places to visit at number 7,432 right between Reno Nevada and Moscow Russia.
Latvia and Estonia are better lmao
Estonia is basically Finland-lite, not sure why it's considered "Baltic"
That's irrelevant, because either way it's better than Lithuania
im originally from lithuania but ive never been to latvia in my life
from what i hear riga is a lot nicer than vilnius
Riga is pretty comfy. I've seen people in here say they're rude but I didn't have that experience. Although customs asked me a lot of information on where I was going. Like wanting to see in google maps the address and show my reservation
Same shit happened to me when I was passing through Finland, it was my first time ever travelling to Europe and I was scared shitless. Almost missed my flight lol
uhh... no...
this is way old picture
recently theres lots of construction going on and vilnius looks more modern
>go to lithuania
>everyone is miserable and hates their country
>go to finland
>everyone is miserable but loves their misery also better at english

Only strong point for visiting those bunch of post soviet countries is just because it's 'cheaper than real scandinavia'
I thought Finland was the happiest country in the world?
lithuanians we have a strange view of our country, we always are making self-deprecating jokes about lithuania while being fiercely nationalist at the same time
This, I've always just thought of the Baltics as "Scandinavia-lite", especially Estonia
>I thought Finland was the happiest country in the world?
Clearly have never been to finland. They are happy for some of the resources they have and proud of their country but lol at everything else.
if by happy you mean "have enough resources and small population to basically be a welfare state till the end of time" sure. Though the average Fin is stuck in 6 months of winter with various levels of 'fuck it' and alcohol. Sure they are nice enough people but the sub 35 year olds are kinda shafted with pension reform.
it's not even a real country.
>unique culture and ethnic group
>oldest language in europe
>used to be the biggest country in europe
>not a real country
nice try ivan
>unique culture and ethnic group
You mean weird alcoholics who want to kill every russian and blame them for everything?
>oldest language in europe
Modern day lithuanian is not lol, or is Italy and other countries now just not part of Europe?
>used to be the biggest country in europe
>not a real country
It's a country all right where the young beg to leave and the only people who are staying are poor or old
It's not even the best country bordering Latvia
Seethe faggot
That just sounds like most of Eastern Europe
>Ant Anus
It's hard to explain but lithuanians have this weird autismo mode about going above and beyond on the scope of normal EE's.

A lithuanian will talk shit about their country 24/7 but if you accidentally mess up where they are from they go full nationalist mode and will never forgive you on it. Same with their food, language, history, etc. It's like you somehow make them embody chris chan's autism for moments while they become #1 patriot of their country. I don't understand it one bit.
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No, but they surely rank among the best. Was there last summer and it was incredibly comfy. They also get bonus points for being one of Europe's bulwarks against the r*zzian hordes, omething which they really don't get enough credit for. My only real gripe with Lithuania is that after a while the cuisine tends to get a little boring, but on the other hand the fried garlic bread was like crack to me.

Pic related, our 8 day itinerary through Lithuania and Latvia
You rented a car?
nice try tõnu, nobody except estonians thinks this
No, we only used public transport. Mostly trains inside Lithuania, a Flixbus from Siauliai to Riga, and trains in Latvia as well. The map isn't really updated: we ended up skipping Pilsrundale and instead went to the Kemeri and Sigulda national parks, as well as the town of Jurmala in Latvia.
>It's a country all right where the young beg to leave and the only people who are staying are poor or old
So... Like Russia Ivan?
It seemed to me it was the opposite.
Riga old town is pretty comfy although there isn't much to do.
The rest of the city Is pretty grim in a classic post Soviet way.
>the shill gets louder and more obvious, trying to hide in open ground

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