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Am I the only guy who likes to travel abroad and try local McDonald's stuff? Pic related, Banana Pie in Brazil
>goyslop :/
>goyslop, foreign place :D
You laugh but Mcdonalds Japan is some of the best food I've had in my life. I don't know how they do it but my burger LOOKED like the picture. It was probably healthier too so I wouldn't call it goyslop, pretty sure they use better ingredients the further you are from america
McDonalds Japan...I'm Roving it!
Ra-Ra-Ra Ra Raaaaa!
Trying unfamiliar overseas fastfood can be part of the fun of travelling. Sometimes you don't want a big long meal or an overpriced pastry overlooking a fountain, you just want something quick, easy and interesting.

Finding that France uses re-usable plastic cups and fry boxes in their McDonalds. Finding that they have a fast food chain that does nothing but "French tacos" and making the mistake of ordering an XXL one.
Goyslop {$bigCorp} strikes again!

Look how the logo is prominently placed.

/trv/ isn't /biz/.
Why do you feel the need to show logos and mention brand names in posts? It's fucking eery and weird.
/trv/ also isn't /pol/, and you sound paranoid and retarded. Your Cluster A personality disorder is making your see Glowies and conspiracies everywhere.
I think this guy Foreign McDonalds. Actually, I think he's Roving it.
Shilling American brands = a sign of mental illness. I have no idea why you'd do it for free.

There's no conspiracy, you're just a conditioned useful idiot who 'spreads the good word'.
New Zealand McDonalds was pretty good. I like that in Thailand they give you unlimited self-serve sauces.

get it together mate.
If you want to shill faggy franchises, go to /biz/.
We don't need your stock ticker shilling here.
I literally don't register your goyslop.
shilling is not allowed on /biz/
Then keep it the fuck out of here. We don't want your American faggot franchise nonsense spamming the board. FUCK OFF.
/tvl/ has been infested with this edgelord /b/tard 14yo bullshit recently. No one cares about your out of place mental illness anger or frail ego. Go argue with retards on one of the retard boards, retard. You ain't traveling anywhere anyway when you're just a LBH that has never left, kekekekekek
I've lived in 8 countries. If you've traveled you'll know that anti-consumerism is a huge thing.
This aint an American board. Why the fuck are you supporting shilling big corpo? I honestly don't understand. Do you own shares? If so, disclose it, or gtfo.
I never shilled anything, I just said you're angry and retarded. Thanks for proving my point more though.
Sorry for the bad vibes /tvl/, most of you are cool.
You're supporting somebody posting logos of American fast food chains in a fucking travel forum.

Like, honestly, are you mentally ill?
>You're supporting somebody posting logos of American fast food chains in a fucking travel forum.>
This is all in your head, you can't cite any evidence or sources because their is none, dumb dumb.
>Like, honestly, are you mentally ill?>
Classic Projection fyl. It's like when dumb ppl accuse smart ppl of being stupid because they are too stupid to know they are stupid.
>because their is none, dumb dumb
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>If you've traveled you'll know that anti-consumerism is a huge thing.
OP here and no, it isn't. Last year I've been in Aachen. At the same trip where I tried local sausage/bear I went to Maastricht to try McKroket, which I found quite underwelming
It can be fun. But avoid the McArabia Chicken Sandwich, it's not good.
>This aint an American board
It is. Now go whine about America somewhere else.
mcdonalds here in malaysia has pic related
but there is a boycott of mcdonalds going on here at the moment. there have been stories of people being threatened for going into one. it's a muslim thing. i don't go to mcdonalds and i'm not a muslim, they can all do what they fucking want
>I've lived in 8 countries.
wow 8 countries eh, you are the realest of realtravellers
>If you've traveled you'll know that anti-consumerism is a huge thing.
lol no it isn't. the world is more consumerist than ever
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American food is poison.
Japanese Mcdonalds also gets your food to you super fast. It's impressive.
McRaclette > McKroket
We also get superior lime and blackcurrent flavours in skittles and starburst
Yeah the most successful fast food chain in history is finally cashing in on the 4chan /trv/ market lmao
>What acts as an ad, is an ad, no matter if it was put there sneakily or because someone has become inured to a brand so far that they don't even know they are a walking ad.
ok McFaguette
America in general is poisonous. Every aspect of culture and life is poisonous. It poisons the mind, body, and soul. America is such a sad place.
How is this legal?
Republicans being sponsored
Do you know what the "x, x, but in different country" joke means?
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I'm surprised that the ketchup doesn't have red40

Never got the retards like you who say "I like trying to local variations!" Bitch, walk 200 feet the other direction and you'll find a local shop selling similar stuff with fresher ingredients and one-fifth the price.
You can get nasi lemak literally anywhere for like 2 bucks in Malaysia. And it'll come with a piece of fried chicken too, unlike that.
Democrats are bad too but Republicans don't make up excuses about why they can't get something done for their constituents.
I like to do that too. I’ve had the McAloo Tiki Burger in India, a sweet potato milkshake at Japanese McDonalds, and onion rings in Costa Rican McDonalds.
Trying funny foreign fast food is part of the fun of travelling. Having it for every meal is dumb ofc. But you can’t really visit the Netherlands without being disgusted at febo at least once

Went to Iceland with someone who wanted to eat at the one kfc branch every day until she found out there was a Taco Bell. She was a nightmare
germany is good for wacky mcdonalds items
portions are also much bigger there
Worst McDonalds i've had so far was in Saigon.
It may well have been on Christmas day. A slightly depressing christmas that was.
both sides are controlled by the same parasites

stuff life side X is ______ than side Y is peak retardation
>company has 100000 locations
>one serves an Israeli veterans club

US > UK ketchup
US > UK mtn dew it comes from actual mountains
UK > US quaker oats I can read the box and healthier ngl
US > UK doritos - they lie a lot on the packaging
US > UK creme egg, the UK egg looks disgusting like cum
UK > US Sunny D - cuter packaging + healthier
Republicans are always full throttle for fucking over the American people
Lmao, one of the goodest goys I've ever seen, desu. Enjoy eroding your body's systems while {$bigCorpo} laughs to the bank.
The best vote you have is with your wallet. Americans choose to buy absolute slop, so that's what your hard-earned money ends up supporting - slop, manipulation, and quickened dependence on healthcare.
Very true.
Both versions are poison in all of these

If you're eating significant amounts of this for the additional additives in the US versions to have any effect, you've already lost
Yeah the tiny amount of food coloring in these products is definitely the problem in these foods, not the massive amounts of sugar (HFCS and cane sugar are the same in regards to nutrition, also)

If you eat packaged products you deserve to die of obesity
>its the FDAs fault doritos isn't healthy
>save me FDA, I eat sugary cereal for breakfast and doritos for lunch, you must regulate it! The Red 40 is killing me!!!!!
Niggas no earthy being can make these products healthy
Imagine traveling a few thousand miles just to say you had fucking onion rings.
I don't think he traveled there to have onion rings, I think he just had onion rings when he was there
Are you one of those autists who makes it a point to only eat local food or something? If you're traveling for a month sometimes you just want a burger (especially somewhere with terrible cuisine like Costa Rica)
Nothing autistic about flat out refusing to eat goyslop.
I always try maccas in different countries. So far I can tell that Spain has the best food.
You are schizophrenic. I don't mean this in a "haha le funne schizo XD" way. You are legitimately a clinical case of schizophrenia and you should seek psychiatric attention immediately, if not for your own sake then for that of everyone around you.
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
>US > UK creme egg, the UK egg looks disgusting like cum
do american creme eggs not have the gooey middle bit then?
american chocolate is foul anyway so there is no way you can be correct about this
sweet jesus who let all the fucking food nazis in here
Something American was mentioned without derision, so there was an obligatory autistic meltdown
What do you think street food in India is?
I doubt it, Americans are fucking retarded.
Red pill on the international corporations in India.
Why do you fucking run to the defence of American goyslop?! Are your bigSlop corporations beyond reproach?
>goyslop that poisons you in the long run if you eat to much
>goyslop that might give you food poisoning and poisons you in the long run if you eat too much
I sometimes eat at McDonald's when I'm overseas, but I have never traveled--and would never consider traveling--for the exclusive purpose of eating at a McDonald's in another country.
I will tell you why. Guess who doesn't work at a McDonald's in Japan.
It was like a reddit discussion I saw where they were comparing the best and worst Taco Bells in town. None of them could figure out why the worst ones were in the ghetto and the best ones were near the colleges.
>Name dropping franchise names everywhere.
why? are you paid?
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No feeling quite as blissful as downing 3 of these after dumping a load in a Cockatoo ladyboy.
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I like to do this. I had a Cheddar Wave in the airport at a Burger King in Portugal. I got a double so it was
>2 fried chicken patties
>2 slices of American cheese
>2 slices of tomatoes
>A large cheese curd patty made of Velveeta like cheese
It made me constipated for 24 hours but it was quite tasty. I was a little disappointed there was not cheese sauce on it, it looked like there was. I guess they were thinking biting into the cheese curd patty was like a "wave". Maybe they simply forgot to put the cheese sauce on?
>What do you think street food in India is?
Having just visited there: good. You can get a proper meal from some street food vendors. And yes, I know you have some meme webms queued up. I don't care.
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When I was dating a Jewish girl I visited Israel. Found out it’s kind of taboo to eat meat and cheese together. So instead of cheese the default is hummus. Hummus burgers ain’t bad though.
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Samurai Mac!
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Fun fact: In Chicago, there is a McDonald's that serves some of the international/global food items. It’s known as the "Global menu" McDonald's.
I did try McDonald's overseas. To be honest the best ones are in US.
Make of that what you will.
>go to "local" and "authentic" restauraunt according to sources online
>full of tourists, waiters speak perfect english, "tip?" even though it's a non-tipping country
>go to McDonalds
>all I hear is the native language, cashier doesn't even fuckin speak english, unique menu items only available in that country that relates to their culture
Has anyone else had this experience? Honestly I think McDonalds is a worthwhile cultural experience to at least try in a country. It's fascinating to see the wagie grindset as well as how fast food is this gathering place for school kids, families with parents who can't cook and couples about to break up no matter which country you're in.
I look at Google reviews for a place. If any of the 10 most recent reviews have English/some euro language outside of Europe it's possibly a tourist trap and I expect to be disappointed. If multiple recent reviews have English, I simply won't go at all.
>Republicans are always full throttle for fucking over the American people
The "American people" means actual American citizens, not illegals, Ukrainians, Africans, and every miserable wretch from every corner of the earth. Which is what leftists prioritize first and foremost at the expense of the American people.
>food babe
Republicans are literally campaigning for brown votes and nothing more. Trump's "Platinum Plan" was literally 500 billion in free money exclusively for blacks. It's really insane how you southern conservatards love handing over free money to brownies so long as you can pretend they're based and redpilled.

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