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So, basically, I got an invitation to live/work in Japan. I work in software engineering. I'm not a fanatic about Japan, but I think it could be a great experience in my life.

white male, 32yo

I speak some Japanese, and I can understand most conversations. However, I have some doubts about what to expect regarding day-to-day life. I'm taking a small preparatory course about the customs, but most of the content is related to work place or work related manners.

I'm going to live in a place around a big city.

I would like to know what the nightlife is like, the day-to-day life, and what I can really expect from my coworkers. What do people usually do on weekends? How is the dating scene, and how should I really behave on a first date?

Most of the info videos on this topic lack of useful information; some are overly positive, while others are just blackpilled. If anyone knows of a more realistic source about what to expect when living in Japan, I would appreciate it.
What part of japan
Tokyo is where the company is located, but my apartment gonna be in chiba if nothing changes.
That's a pretty brutal train ride in the AM unless you work nights like I did. Also enjoy the FUCK YOU storms from the bay
>you work nights
I'm fucked then, Standard business hours, this would be a dormitory that the company lent me until I rent something on my own.
Go to gaijinpot look for a place you can do month to month pretty painlessly. I lived in Asakusa and it wasn't terrible but the only metro station sharing the plane lines kinda is a kick in the balls. Your OP is all over the place so it's really hard to answer
Thanks for that, I'm going to look for some place after the first few weeks.

How is the nightlife? I know that there are a lot of scam restaurants, tourist traps, and places that accept only locals. Some people who have visited before end up going to the same restaurants and bars while they was there.

What do people usually do on weekends? Most of my weekends, I go out with my friends or practice some sports and go to church. What are the options there?

What can I really expect from my coworkers? Are they just busy people who spend most of their time working without socializing after work? how hard is to make a friend?

How is the dating scene, and how should I really behave on a first date? Do people use dating apps to hook up? Will it be challenging because I'm tall and a foreigner? Is it okay to approach a girl in public? How can I ask someone on a date? I tried to ask some people; they usually say that women either like or dislike my body type, or that it's best to meet through friends.
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>How is the nightlife?
Not him, I live in Chiba though. Nightlife in Tokyo is good; if there's something you're interested in, there's something for you.
>dating scene
>body type
This is where you're going to have a really bad time. Christianity isn't big here at all, and you'll be silently resented as a burden if you actually take it seriously. Even among Japanese Christians, actual belief is not a big part of the faith. I would suggest converting to Buddhism if spiritual belief is a must, but honestly, I wouldn't bother.
Do you have a beard? Are you chubby or overly muscular? Congratulations, you're officially unattractive to nearly every Japanese woman. However, there's apps, but the mainstream / free ones are more for hookups only.
Fuck, the last thing Japan needs is MORE Christians spreading Jew worship here. Fuck off.
are christians actually disliked in japan?
I like to think that I'm a cool Christian. I'm not like the Christian caricature. Religion is important to me, but I'm not obnoxious about it or even bring it up. but I like to go to church.

>Do you have a beard? Are you chubby or overly muscular?
Beard is a no go? I'm 32, Caucasian, 6'0", and muscular. I've been going to the gym for almost 10 years got some gains. What I can expect?

Sorry, I don't want to hijack other people's threads.
I’m in a similar situation OP. 31, college administrator, got a job offer to near Kyoto. I’m basically torn between going or staying here and getting my PhD so I can actually advance in academia.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think we’d have any issues. And the guy sperging about you being Christian is clearly doing so because of his own hang ups. Only Western atheists and new agers seethe at Christians like that.
>while they was there

Stay the fuck out nigger.
>What I can expect?
Not much. You know the type of bitter person who posts about how "bad" living in Japan is? That's probably going to be you.
>Hijacking a general thread
I can see you're new to 4chan.
Well, for starters, Japan is one of the few countries to have banned Christianity outright... and probably the only country to have banned it where it didn't take hold after the ban was lifted.
On a more recent note, their last PM literally got assassinated for assisting a Christian group that has close ties to the U.S. Republican party and the NRA.

So you tell me. Does it seem like Christianity is embraced by Japan to you?
>And the guy sperging about you being Christian is clearly doing so because of his own hang ups.
No one here is seething except you, mate. I'm just warning the lad because if he's like all the other newfags on 4chan, he's likely to want the whole chruch on sunday with the tardwife and kids package which really isn't as much of a thing here, and I think he's going to be equally disappointed as any sperg who thinks Japan is some sort of weeb disneyland.
I'm not saying anyone here necessarily hates it, but there is some sort of silent resentment over it as far as I can tell. Mosques get the same sort of attitude.
Ok thanks for the pointless commentary. Let us know if you have anything not retarded to chip in.
>I would like to know what the nightlife is like
in Tokyo there's basically anything and everything you can hope for. there's really no better way to describe it, if "thing you're interested in" exists, there's some one or some place in Tokyo that caters to your demographic

>the day-to-day life and what I can really expect from my coworkers
most white-collar Japanese people work from 9 till about 6, then go to an izakaya for drinks with the rest of their section or just go home (where they usually drink). they're not very spontaneous at all. if you're competent at your job you can expect them to get along with you, but it'll take a long time (over a year) before they actually warm up to you and want to hang out outside of work. unless you share some weird niche hobbies with them, in that case they'll fucking love you.

>What do people usually do on weekends
those with kids almost always do family stuff, those without or with kids who are now adults themselves pursue hobbies, go fishing, whatever. japanese people plan out their weekends far in advance, like by the 2nd or 3rd of the month they'll already know where they're going every weekend, what they're doing, and with who, so if you want to hang out you have to ask well in advance. if you randomly ask a coworker to do something with you on that weekend and they say yes, they're likely a loser with no hobbies or other friends (not being mean this is just most often the case)

>How is the dating scene
i could write an essay on this but i don't feel like it, suffice to say it's not great but not hopeless either. you have to put in the work. if you have a more specific question about dating then i can answer those
>Foreigners think gaijinpot is serious business

I'm Japanese but if I hear about this website name from a foreigner, I instantly look down on him/her
You'll be bored as fuck, even in Tokyo. The only things to do on your free time is either go drinking, fuck prostitutes, bum around parks and tourist spots, or buy plastic shit. You're not going to be missing much back home. Pretty sure since you're on the work visa they'll give you a very easy job even a child could do, atleast for a while. Dont be a autistic pussy and you can survive japan easily.
There are multiple churches in Tokyo and Jesus’ grave is literally in Japan.
No one thinks it's serious business but it is a good starting point for finding a decent apartment specifically designed to get foreigners a landlord okay with moving in. I don't know anyone who would 'brag' about using gaijinpot for anything other than a quick resource for a few things.

Also Tokyo has a fairly large Christian population similar to Sapporo, just make sure it's not that weird moony cult one.
Does sapporo actually have a large christian population?
>land that was shared with a bunch of russian othrodox and settled by many europeans for whaling
It's not big but compared to any other religion in Japan it is
Modern Japan has a love-hate relationship with Christianity. In fact, a good parallel is how Buddhists are treated in the western world. Some of the local Japanese who are more traditional with Buddhism/Shintoism feel like Christianity is a foreign subversion of the "correct" Japanese cultural values, but most Japanese view Christianity as exotic and foreign, even if only a few percentage points believe in Christianity.
Japan has a complicated relationship with religion in-general. The Imperial government attempted to split Buddhism and Shintoism in 1868 when they wanted to empower the Emperor and take power away from the Samurai class (the Shoguns favored Buddhism). Many Buddhist temples were burned and destroyed as a reaction, and Buddhist monks were murdered.
how long is that commute?
>what can you really expect?
Realistically a declining economy with constantly increasing taxes to support the aging population.

On top of that, you are low IQ and a bad cultural fit to the country since you didn't post in existing threads but made your own, so you are not really suited for proper integration into the country. Considering that you are not even fluent in the language your socialization options will be severely limited as well.
Thanks for helping me to encourage myself to continue to learn Japanese so I can bring the Gospel to them :)
Everyone is attacking you anon but you will be fine. You are tall so that's automatic plus. Women in Japan love muscles if they have an aesthetic touch to them ( don't be more then. 20% Body fat ) your white so that's a plus and I have talked to and experienced being Christian and talking to people about Christianity in Japan they are quite accepting of it even if the don't or don't want to believe in it. Don't expect anything negative unless you run into an outlier. Youll have a good time anon trust.
This. Don't listen to the cringe atheist who still didn't grow up out of there phase of hating God. These millennials are living a sad life. Pay them no mind
I'd much rather do a phd in Japan than some middle of nowhere town in the US
If you actually had to use your PhD to get a job anywhere other than Japan you would not think that way. You’re better off at Wisconsin or Ohio State than any Japanese university.
PHDs are most valuable outside the country you got them in. You're seen as a cost efficient way to siphon resources from another institution.

Especially if you get a PHD in America or Europe. Asian countries will suck your dick to get you to move.
It can be well over an hour depending on what ward in tokyo jes going to and where in chiba he is
>place, Japan
The christianity is japan is very similar to american baptists so they are by default very annoying and have a pretty shallow understanding and interpretation of the gospels. AKA they are very annoying. They also have connections to the cult church that basically runs South Korea and have lots of more aggresive factions that scam pensioners, this is what led that kid to kill Shinzo Abe

But most people arent going to ask or care that you are christian because its not their business and as long as you arent pushing it down their throats they wont care
You’re not remotely close to correct. The most valuable PhDs in Japan are from Japanese people (not American) that studied at Harvard and Yale and the second most valuable are Japanese people that studied at University of Tokyo. There’s almost no demand for an American with an American PhD. You’re seen as a liability if anything.
> Source? Trust me bro
This isn't a Japan thing it's an everywhere thing
Depending on the specific field an English or German or American degree might be THE most valuable foreign one, but most countries in LatAm and Asia absolutely put a premium on Western degrees
Japanese research is a fucking joke on the world stage. I'd trust doctorate research from a select few streetshitter universities over literally any university in Japan outside the fields of cancer research or certain specialized robotics. Japanese research quality is nigger-tier.
Guide to Japan for new long term stay. Hopefully your company helps you as doing things yourself is a pain. You will want a zairyu card asap then begin getting bank accounts starting with JPOST. Get a cell phone plan asap and get a Japan number. Learn double byte vs single byte forms so you can actually do things online like tickets and reservations for train rides. Also do anything to avoid rush hours and summer sucks. There is a lot more but Tokyo is very cool if you like walking around and urban design.

For Tokyo do day trips to hakone etc preferably with a gf. Go see movies, quiet theaters. Go to conveyor sushi. Go to yakinuki like yakinuki like. Grocery store quality is very high. For shopping do hard off and book off. Go to soccer/football games for fun. Japan is like anywhere else just more civilized, just stfu on the train and get out of people's way. Also start saving money now or have savings to pull on to abuse yen weakness. Eat hot pot / shabu shabu.
Next tip for all living abroad. Is don't be black. This means NEVER assume something is because of race. I've seen dumbfuck white people on YouTube biking on the sidewalks complaining about racism, when it's them not following laws. Always assume it's because you fucked up, doing something stupid etc, never assume anyone is racist or xenophobic. Because it's a loser mentality like blacks in USA. So don't be fucking stupid like that and think it's racism the people hate you for playing music on the train or something. Just deal with anything and move on but don't become black minded like a lot of people get while traveling. Japan is definitely dealing with too many non conforming foreigners so if you get shit it's because of 50% of foreign tenants disappearing with a trashed apartment or fucking up the trash system before you
>with a gf
if I wasn’t a balding 32 year old white guy I’d do it
What kind of night work can you get in Japan?
I passed N1 and am moving to setagaya soon any tips? I make a decent American salary and wfh, just would like advice for quality meats/groceries, gyms/yoga for the bitch, hidden gems etc
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You will work with poojeets.
No, just be respectful that they're generally not a religious people and don't force things on ones who aren't seeking it. Expect anything Christian related to be "Japanese-flavoured" if it makes sense like that.
Your gonna have OP but just be aware it's like anywhere else in the first world and this time with a non roman based language barrier to deal with.

To be fair the best jobs are the military Contractor and G.S gov jobs that pay you to be in Japan and pay you in USD.

It's also not a coomer paradise either. Well it is and isn't. I'm not chad but I'm not fat or unfit either and keep mind you are competing with Japanese "chads" too. Also alot of women are hopelessly addicted to host club boys and it's really hard for them to get out of a fantasy relationship.
I feel you bro. balding and dating in japan is even worse than in the west
>You will want a zairyu card asap
What do you mean about this? As far as I know they give you one at immigration at the airport. You can't get in without it.
bros ... what happened to JBW in 2024???
He doesn't mean anything, he's a fucking idiot who has never lived in japan and probably reads r/japanlife to get his information. You get a zairyu card when entering, he's a fucking smoothbrain
This, would unironically be better to do a PhD in India or China, they get more funding on average and put out more research papers per year. Japan is an actual joke for PhDs, if anything do a PhD in your home country while working on your Japanese, get to N1 and accumulalte a few years of experience in research, then sign up for science/research job agencies in Japan and directly apply to stuff that accepts international applicants if you can.
Is it really that bad?
We are waaaay past that point. Even Chad is abandoning western women and sailing east for new game to hunt.
I Japan you must have the pretty boy aesthetic, else women won't even look your way. That means crystal clear skin, no glasses, definitely no beard, lean, and not too muscular.
I'm early 30s, white, 210cm, lean, obviously balding, decent skin but could be better, glasses, no beard, and a little muscular but not very much (definitely got more of a runner's build going on). My Japanese is N4 at best. What are my options?
Japanese seem fine with fashion glasses, just not nerdy thin-rimmed glasses.
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>Even Chad is abandoning western women and sailing east for new game to hunt.

Anon, I...
>skinny runner build

Is this you?
>I Japan you must have the pretty boy aesthetic, else women won't even look your way. That means crystal clear skin, no glasses, definitely no beard, lean, and not too muscular.
it's millions of people. you can definitely get a gf without this lmao

holy mental illness
bro you posted a fatty
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White man can't stop winning.
>I’m not a fanatic about Japan
>I can understand conversations in Japanese
Pick one and only one.
>What can I expect?
Getting mauled to death by short Japanese women with big boobs trying to bear your progeny.
Does this work if I’m the same as OP but bald?
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where can I get some acid/shrooms around Tokyouuu
I need to readjust my brain in order to understand the language and culture
He's in the right. Yeah you can get one but the quality will be much lower if you don't fit those. The people who really pull in clubs use full foundation, tinted moisturizer, curl lashes, etc.
Glasses won't make or break you.
Beards are an absolute no-go. I'm sure you can still pull having one but generally it boxes you into a niche.
Muscle is a waste time in East Asia. There's a niche obviously but they prefer a skinny or tennis player body any day.
Balding is death sentence. In Korea the stylists not at all but a huge chunk will just tell you to hop on finasteride if they see you're balding. Good luck getting that kind of honesty in the west. Men are obsessed with keeping hair since their balding incidence is much lower. You can't stick out from the group else you're finished.
If you speak english and are white or hapa this doesn’t apply to you

>t. Knower
>Balding is death sentence
damnit. I really can never get lucky huh
I’m not balding but I have a high hairline. I guess I’m fucked.

They think you’re cool if you speak english
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>I work in software engineering... white male, 32yo

White dork detected.

Noodle arms. Balding. Skinny fat. Glasses.
>white dork
>with his gorgeous model Japanese waifu
What kind of jobs are realistically attainable for a white English-speaking foreigner? I really want to live in Japan for a while but I have a great job here in the U.S. that I’m not sure I should give up unless it’s for something similarly good.
>either like or dislike my body type
Find a surgical solution to fix you quasimodo. And do a pushup once in a while.
Realistically, with no Japanese ability or even experience with a Japanese company stateside? Nothing besides ALT/eikaiwa work. JET is your best bet but it's very competitive and is a pretty bottom-of-the-barrel job in some ways, but it can be quite chill if you get assigned to a good place. Apparently some schools actually forbid the JETs from speaking Japanese during class though?
negative perspective reporting in, got sent here to finish a project for large foreign company with a presence in japan. don't enjoy it much, coming from cushy laptop job in the states.

mid as it gets, not anything fun and degenerate like thailand or ritzy like china and singapore. reminds me of shitty LA nightlife before black culture took over. just rich kids and unsuccessful coomer simps buying bottles and overpriced cocktails all night everywhere you go. some smaller bars cater to "alternative" stuff which can be fun if you like the specific sort of music they respectively play. karaoke is nice if you get a group. there's loads of options for pay2play if you're into that
if you're at a big company that hires lots of foreigners, expect a mix of normal people and weebs that begged for the placement. no experience working at japanese company, assume it's very rigid and salaries are low.
if you're in tokyo everyone floods the surrounding areas or just gets hammered.
usually culty, there's a few good non-denominational ones in tokyo and an orthodox monastery in hokkaido that're worth attending. i'm christian and think they behave like midwestern fundies without all the based stuff.
they're non-christians so it's pretty awful. infidelity is the norm and i've found most girls keep a roster of several guys.

my biggest complaints are that in tokyo it's crowded as hell everywhere and people seem incredibly isolated and standoffish. japanese are also very rigid and weird and it rubs off on the foreigners that live here so they'll all be trying to act as japanese as possible even to you and they just come off as weird goobers. if you're coming from a situation where you're somewhat involved in your home community expect to feel very isolated.
>got sent here to finish a project for large foreign company with a presence in japan

Lmao you wish, Davido kun. You can be anyone online
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I can't believe this Korean hapa was an incel virgin until he comes to Asia for teaching English from USA. Might Keanu Reeves have been an incel if he weren't famous?
>they're non-christians so it's pretty awful. infidelity is the norm and i've found most girls keep a roster of several guys

Its almost as if shes just a normal girl just like the white girls. Now you can just go NNNNOOOOOO FLYING OUT DIDNT FIX ANYTHINNG FOR ME!
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is this not just some indian food or culture event?the only place i have seen indians was at the cash register. seems like ragebait desu
Who is he? Does he have a youtube channel?
This place is basically just /pol/ sometimes, /pol/chuds seethe at the sight of Indians being better than them.
im saying they're abnormal compared to white people in general, you thirdie nigger. learn english. monogamy, or at least the illusion of it is normal in white countries.

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