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Is Mattew Perry going to play benny in any season 2 flash backs?
Are you going to get laid and get a decent job?
no, yes
I don't get it
Benny doesn't have to die in the game, does he? Maybe he's still alive in the TV universe.
All he needs is a lockpick and a bobby pin.
Can't wait for CGI slop Benny on season 6 of Fallout.
fuck I mean stealth boy
You can free him from the Legion, and if you do an NCR playthrough you don't even have to deal with Benny and you can just let him have the Platinum Chip.
House victory with Courier-aligned Think Tank best ending.
>Find Benny
>Take him upstairs
>Tell him I forgive him and he can go unscathed, trying to pull a Jules
>Benny thanks me and leave
>Enjoy the moment briefly looking around hotel when the cocksucker still sends his goons at me
>Gets Boone killed
>Blow his head off first thing in the bar with my silenced .22
What the FUCK was Benny's problem?
What's the fate of New Vegas if you let Benny keep that chip?
More like stink tank, the dlc:s made the game worse with the exception of Dead Money and the character Joshua Graham.
I used to endure Dead Money just to get the Assault Suit. Now I can't even stomach it.
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He’s a snake
>Dead Money
That was ass though.
Matthew Perry is at the bottom of his career.
Dead Money >>> Old World Blues > Honest Hearts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lonesome Road
He just shit posts on 4chan.
Nailing him to a cross is merciful.
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Old world blues is shit and way to long.
I would put it behind Honest Hearts but HH has too few options, makes no sense if you are legion for example.
OWB was the first sign reddit was infiltrating fallout
Yes, let me resurrect him real quick and tell him the good news
Main reason why DLC:s suck is they ruin the pacing of the game. Lonesome road sucked extra hard because it added some gay backstory to your character.
Doesn't change any of the end slides, so nobody knows. He stays in the Tops until the end of the game if you never interact with him.
Being able to choose to help the White Legs would be interesting.
I only did a single Legion playthrough just to see what it was like. Very disappointing.
It's good but not appropriate to Fallout
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You only like it because you forgot the great distances you have to walk and the random fights that only pad the play time.

You only remember the special bonuses and not the part where you brain gets removed.
No retard, I like it because my friend says it's good. I've never played it
I like OWB and HH because they give cool smaller "open world" maps to explore. DM and LR are too linear, I like wandering around.

I found all of the New Vegas DLCs disappointing, but in different ways.
do you not know how to take screenshots in game?
>Aaaaaants! Ants in my butt!
Have you never heard of Google?
No way am I replying that shit just to give you a screen shot.
Yep,maybe I looked forward to them.
Kinda like birthdays after a certain age.
The only ways for Benny to survive the game are (1) if you let him run off with the chip after meeting you which results in him getting captured at the Fort and you can decide to just leave him tied up so his fate there is ambiguous, or you can forget about the chip and go the entire game without meeting him which is only possible in the NCR ending. I guess with House dead and the NCR in control of the Mojave Benny gives up on his securitron scheme. Maybe he finagles himself into a position of power as the NCR's puppet ruler, maybe just chills in the Tops.
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The level of the enemies scale with yours. Go there by lvl 15-25. But yeah the place is pretty bad.
Old World Blues > Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts > Dead Money
Zoomer faggot, kill yourself.
Go back.
they are going to fast and furious him
>makes no sense if you are legion for example
>Being able to choose to help the White Legs would be interesting.
Yeah a pro-Legion White Legs route would have been cool. There's a very very barebones version of it if you kill Joshua or Daniel but it's only a single small fetch quest to let you go back to the Mojave.
The main quest in Honest Hearts sucks but I like the map and the optional stuff you can do.
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>open and clear space; no shitty smoke
>enemies are manageable even at lvl cap
>npcs are memorable compared to LR and HH who only had 2 at best
>doesn't have to suck up to Dean
>weapons are actually useful in the mojave
>rewards are op
>can visit again after finishing it compared to DM
The entire DLC is worth it just for Christine's sniper rifle.
OWB's entire gameplay consists of running around and listening to le audiologs. It's fucking shit. All of the DLC is crap because what makes NV fun is the variety of ways you can interact with all the different NPCs. The DLC has almost none of that. Just shitty combat and railroad plots.
yes, no
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I have some bad news
Why would you by Percocet which are mixed with acetaminophen instead of IR hydro or oxycodone?
Doctors were handing them out like skittles back then and now you need stage 20 ass cancer to get them
Damn, you know your stuff.
Imagine giving mercy to the man who shot you in the head
Wife has her gallbladder taken out and the doctors were giving her massive amounts of shit over 5/325 Percocet
Plus they bumped it up from a schedule 3 drug to a schedule 2 which makes it even more of a pain in the dick. Methamphetamine and cocaine are schedule 2 drugs btw
>exploration; most places are unique if not all
>doctors check up on you when exploring
>challenges like the one for the stealth suit
>can collect more npcs to the base
>multiple ways to finish the doctors quests
>multiple ways to end the dlc
>some even just need skill checks
owb is a mini fonv
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non canon shit
qrd on why trannies love NV?
So if I like 3 I'm a pajeet
If I like NV I'm a troon
If I like 4 I'm a basedjak

Is there any winning?
Fallout 1
Because from the /v/fags fallout 2 its reddit even though reddit didn't even existed back then
dead money would be considered a top tier dlc if they didn't include the fucking bomb speakers
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>play new vegas
>get a message saying "[Companion] is unconscious" out of nowhere
>turn around
1, 2, and Tactics
>can be as gay as you want
>can be whatever gender you want
>no anti-lgbt people
>faggots like cool shit
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No and no
same tastes as nerdy men. say what you want about trannies but they're not disgusting normies who lap up bethesdaslop
Either that or a massive swarm of cazadores when you're low level.
>green hud style used in 3 and 4
>not amber hud used in new vegas
No and Mr.House won't be played by Odo either.
Imagine playing NV and not being loyal to Caesar
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you can free him and he leaves the game forever. They tried to script an event where the freed Benny would catch up to you and try to kill you again.
NCReddit got nuked, this is now cannon. Ave, true to Caesar.
I was going to join/help Tom Kenny but it doesn't let you.
Turns out there are no good Fallout games. We were just getting scammed all along.
All infinitely funnier than zoomer post-irony tiktok "humor". Take me back.
That's because trannies are nerdy, autistic men
can they get rene auberjonois voice as AI for Mr. House?
When you put it like that it catapults the situation into Spaghetti Western tier.
Snood as the daughter of Caesar.
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Ave, ad caesarem fidelis
He's a sociopathic piece of shit and an opportunistic coward.
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Impossible. It has Dr Venture in it.
Fuckin furries man
>bear skin cloak
>bear skin legs
That's how I felt about 3's and the entirety of 4. Far Harbor's been pretty cool so far though.
>tfw have had FO4 since launch and still haven't beaten the story or DLC
It just lacks the zazz New Vegas had. Characters, plots, and story wise. It's zazzless. The control and gunplay is vastly improved but it gets stale when all the characters don't have zazz. zazz
The Sink becomes my main home. Place is just too comfy and OP. Everything you'd want/need in a home base.
The Sink is great but it sends you back to the south end of the map every time.
>Is there any winning?
Yeah, not giving a fuck what some faggots online think.
stick to your general, shill >>198553501
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I'd go so far as to say it was dildos.
>default hud colors
Bright white is the way to go.
he should've become your slave/companion after freeing him from Caesar. Missed opportunity from Obsidian
the assassin suit isn't even that worth it, old reddit blues has a better one with an e-girl voice
Reddit didn't exist during the 1800s but Marx managed to he a rebbit athiest anyway
The chip glitched so instead of House winning New Vegas I am forced to side with NCR and headcanon Courier simply lost the chip somewhere.
I like it for how it looks. I give the other one to Boone so I don't have to listen to it.
No. The Think Tank is too dangerous to be kept alive. They barely do any science except failed experiment after failed experiment. Euthanizing them is a mercy
I use blue. White is also nice.
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No, because I dismembered him in the arena
bear and bull and bear and bull and bear and bull and bear and bull
I sentence you to death-tention.
Honest Hearts is the worst DLC
The assassin suit looks cooler than the spaceman stealth suit
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Paul Dano needs to play him in season 2
I had him crucified
what I hated about OWB was how different enemy types would straight up team up against you. The cazadores and the lobotomites and the dogsnakes would not fight each other, but instead work together to fuck you up. It made no sense
Who the fuck is Mattew Perry?
>words, words, words
new vegas is /tv/, not /v/
you could take a screenshot of your google browser bro
He was in Oppenheimer too.
The junky from that shitty show FRIENDS.
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>Honest Hearts is the worst DLC
Mfw listening to Daniel have a bitchfit at me for having the audacity to ask for a map after doing a bunch of fetch quests moments before I blow his head off, slaughter his noble savage village and leave that shitty dlc for good
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BoS hate lesbians lol
They're being hunted to extinction, and I helped.
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