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What's the movie equivalent?
some splatter or gore flick or extreme cinema pick

I'm not an enthusiast of gore so I'd have to think a while to figure out the most representative movie choice.

I would say there would maybe be a slightly more sci-fi or technical aspect to a extreme film equivalent of Death, as opposed to the film equivalent of Cannibal Corpse which would be even more gritty splatter
Is this the band with the handsome long hair guy ?
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Twelve Monkeys
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What are some other death metal bands that have a perfect discography
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Some Spielberg kino. Same religion, same quality
Sound of Perseverance was good until the Painkiller cover. The Control Denied stuff and SoP should have been a separate thing. Symbolic is a good finale album. The truest shame is that there was no Leprosy sequel.
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You're thinking of Type-O Negative.
Nile and Morbid Angel. Perhaps Behemoth, Vader and Decapitated too. Idk, I haven't followed Death Metal for a long time.
Dropped hard when Dallas left. The band Apep did it better than their 2019 and likely upcoming album if that new track is anything to go on.
>Morbid Angel
I cant remember Heretic, but its been at least 25 years since they did anything decent.
what are your favorite songs off symbolic?
the only ones I can think of right now are
cannibal corpse
morbid angel
bolt thrower
Last Nile album I listened to was Those Whom The God's Detest, so as far as I'm concerned that was their last album.
possessed (the joke is that they only made 2 albums)

Mors Principium Est
Well if they didn't fuck up either album then they're pretty much good to go.
God damn metal elitism is fucking cringey. I'm old enough to be your dads, most of you.

Hi Dad, get the fuck off the internet.
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For me? It's Japs screaming their heads off.
Crystal Mountian, Sacred Serenity, Misanthrope if I had to choose, but only because Symbolic as a whole also had some influences starting to move it away from the Death Metal purist core(long form songs with a bit too much technicality and mixing).
Pleb take. The Painkiller cover is pure kino. Death cheese.
Great shout. I saw these with Cryptopsy recently and it was fucking class
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For me, it's pic rel. Also, reminder that the singer's name is Chuck.

That's Charles to you.

Movie equivalent in this day and age might be Stopmotion. Aisling Francioisi is so gorgeous.
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If it was purely about the cheese then it would've been Turbo Lover. Electric Eye or The Green Manalishi would've been better picks following the God of Thunder cover.
I recommend this mov
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Man, I can hear the riff as soon as I see the cover.
stop being weird

you simply don't understand metal.

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