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Kdrama Doona Edition

Previous: >>200247389
>Shitty overreacting general
Currently watching episode 4 of My Sweet Mobster
We are waiting for Hierarchy season 2 and Extracurricular season 2
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>previous thread
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the worst thing about asian dramas are kiss scenes

they might as well be kissing their hands, the women do nothing while the guy eats their face
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>the worst thing about asian dramas are kiss scenes
I remember seeing Advisors Alliance where the epic romantic climax was a gentle hug. Now that was a satisfying romance subplot done right, and a great show overall
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She's so cute
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any good kino coming up or is summer the dry season
My Sweet Mobster is running until August 1st
Good overacting general ONLY
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this shit looks good
>Cha Eun Kyung is a 17-year veteran star lawyer at Law Firm Daejung. Her speciality is in the field of divorce law. While working on divorce cases, she soon faces a crisis with her own potential divorce. At her law firm, she works alongside rookie lawyer Han Yoo Ri. They are completely different from each other. Yoo Ri doesn't tolerate injustice, while Eun Kyung believes that the interests of the law firm and her clients come first no matter what.

>Due to their differences in values and experience, they have disagreements on everything. While working through their differences, they both experience a big change in their lives. They also work with lawyers Jung Woo Jin and lawyer Jeon Eun Ho at Law Firm Daejung.

>Comedy, Law, Life, Drama
I swear I've heard of a kdrama like this before
Just shagged a Korean ama
I've watched The World Between Us, it's a big pile of drama slop about the lives of different people affected by a mass shooting.
>lol lmao what shooting?! only one character was really affected by it, the rest have generic drama stories that were copy pasted from other shows
>grieving mother, neglected wife, problem with in laws, etc'
>the writing is bad, for the most part. It's generic drama tv dialogues, very boring, everything is explained through dialouges rather than visusals
>got a problem? have a yelling match until someone cries and than your mental issue will be resolved
>parents are fighting, kid tears down posters that block the sun on the windows, and now everything is suddently better.
>ton of god awful social awareness messaging (schizo are ok!)
>the show almost always natural lighting. Scenes outside look good, inside they look like neon saturated crap.
At some point I've started watching it on a second monitor. There's only one positive aspect to this show.
I'm surprised that show isn't mentioned more often. It was so much fun to watch with great pacing.
Red Swan is looking like the next Vagabond for over the top actionKINO
This show is good but similar to marry my husband
And it's the tiny girl on the left. She plays the sister of a mass shooter who changes her name, to avoid the shame associated with his actions, and the army of reporters who hound her and her family. At the same time she tries to build a new life, working under the mother of one of the victims. That's an interesting and unique story, and if you rip it out of the rest of show, you would have ended up with a solid show. Also she's tiny and cute.
It came out before MMH and is better.
Miss Hammurabi has a similar premise at least, but the show was shit
>I'm surprised that show isn't mentioned more often
It's a soap with a cast that's not very high-profile ie. gets no marketing and awareness from /kdg/ schizoposters

KDG bros. Any super paypiggies here?

>"What's that, paypig #4, you got me the new Hermes belt I've been wanting for months?"
>"Skitzo Oppa! Are you paypigging for Chaebol unnie again? You're MY paypig and piggy-back ride pig. I'm hungry, when are we getting something to eat?"
>"Oh my, did you come crawling back, my paypig? I hope you've got something nice for me then. You do? *giggles* Well if I like your gift, maybe I'll think about unblocking you."
>Also she's tiny and cute.
She does look tiny and cute. Please post more of her :D
Has Sohee been in anything lately?
These days I like a good hug and/or hand-holding scene.

I feel like the "idealistic newbie teams up with ruthless veteran" set-up isn't uncommon. This one sounds a bit like Legal High (presumably, I've only seen the jdrama)
Probably, but the latest drama I've watched her in is Welcome to Waikiki 2.
Based one-take director
I wish I could, but the ending was shit so I rage deleted the show. I did screenshot a Gundam having a picnic, so there's that.
I want that ahjumma to suck me dry
Gyeongseong Creature and S2 later this year
Lip filler DSL BJ's are truly God's gift to man
Anon was talking about Ahn Sohee. Han Sohee is QT. Sohees are QTS!
Oh, well carry on then.
what are you going on about
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Red Swan trailer came out last week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2XxhormXCA

The part at 1:00 https://youtu.be/K2XxhormXCA?t=60 looks like it was copied right out of K2.

Will Rain and this mommy have as much smoldering chemistry as K2 and his mommy had?
Omo. isnt he the Backstreet Ahjussi?
down syndrome?
kek can't believe I watched that shit what is wrong with me
down syndrome is so sexy holy shit
>Im Sol
Wae. What is it this time, Ji Wan?
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And healer and a lot of other dramas
>Will Rain and this mommy have as much smoldering chemistry as K2 and his mommy had?
she cute but she doesn't ooze pure sex and doesn't eye rape you like K2's mommy was, she was truly one of a kind
Nothing at all, it was peak kino (for it's genre).
I want you both to die a most horrible death, both your posts and your lives are literally endless trash.

i thought i was doing pretty good until now.
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based and telenovela-pilled
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Remake of I'm not a Robot, with Park Min Young as the robot except she plays the robot so perfectly no ones ever discover the con. Final episode plot twist, she was an actual robot all along.
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She used to be so beautiful. How do we save her?
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Korea does have its own version of that. It's called makjang.
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it's too late
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This webm is hilarious. Post more like it.
Why did she turn into a demon? ;_;
AI was a mistake.
Shitty Korean fantasy.
>He's a wolf
>I won't be able to tame him
I'll see if I can make some makjang webms
Damn, are all telenovelas this savage?
which side is better
>schizo posting hours
k-drama for this feels.
> makjang
huh? what were you expecting, a documentary?
Left, how is that even a question
left, by a mile.
left is VIU subtitles
right is Viki
people here claim VIU subs are trash and Viki is better???
Left sounds natural and right sounds like a tryhard sped wrote it.
some autists want translations to leave words like hyung, oppa, ajusshi etc. as they are and not actually translate them, it's really stupid.
Right reads like it wasn't translated by a native English speaker.

It depends on the show. Viki is essentially fansubs where there best people only get put on the popular series. It's hit and miss on the rest.
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its a mixed bag for me
My brain just fills it in whenever I hear those words and I just skip that part in the subtitle.
>people here claim VIU subs are trash and Viki is better???
if some idiot here claim right is better, 100% the reason will be because of the pedantically untranslated "hyungnim"
Koreans can't make good documentaries.
>subtitle autism
viki small browns btfo
AI has access to the entirety of the available information on Park Min Young, and thus can infer the secret recesses of her soul. It then does its best to translate that information into visual form.
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round two
Is the mdl forum worth browsing?
Nope. When a single show page can get 1000+ posts in a single day while the main forum gets 2 you can tell that no one really uses it.

I still haven't found subtitles for this scene
Right and it's not even close.
these subs suck ass
how the turn tables
left is VIU
right is Viki
Can be ok if you want recommendations or help remembering a drama, but discussion-wise not so much. There's just not much activity, I think even the feeds have more traffic
I hope this show turns out to be as campy as the trailers make it seem.
people watching my sweet monster what which subtitles are you using viki or viu?
the ones on opensubtitles
the worst of all choices
I don't think I've ever gotten subtitles off opensubtitles without something being written by with them. Subscene was far superior and now it's dead
scholars all around the world are studying the various translation of this masterpiece right now, debate are on-going, please be patient
wrong with them*
There's a couple sites that have popped up with subscene's database. https://subsource.net/ has been alright for me so far
use both subtitles versions, Viki on bottom VIU on top
The only correct answer it to just learn Korean.
no thanks.
I just use whichever subtitles are on goplay
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I wish subtitles would show "Oppa" instead of replacing it with the person's name.
so true oppa
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he's based for buying a jap watch
this nigga gay
unnie wae?!
What does/kdg/ think? Does his hair look like in the kdrama?
my hair is longer, my face is skinnier and i can bench press 225 lbs for reps of 4-5 at 159-160 lbs.
yea but not his face. he needs to lean out and he looks like has zero muscle.
nobody cares, go blog on /r9k/
Whatever they bundle episodes with on mkvdrama

*disappears for now*
Don't go
*stops dematerializing*
it's like gkids all over again
soon they'll be translating gimbap as hamburgers
Loved how this guy was secretly rich
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what show?
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thank you, this looks like slop tho :-(
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Gaus Electronics has the stinkiest FLs of all time
Some slop is good though
this prosecutor guy is definitely hyun woo
only in the end
it's best practice to watch two kdramas at once, one slop one not slop, alternating between episodes
not* hyun woo
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That guy is also a prosecutor in Connection kek
add daily drama for the extra blood pressure.
I try to do this but often can't help trying new dramas.
Is there anything more bottom of the barrel than foreign dramas?
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I heard just now a character use the literal English word "rotation" but the subtitles used other words to say the same thing...
Modern western television.
>We need a prosecuto-
>He's on his way boss
are you sure it isn't one of those words where they use an English word but it has a slightly different meaning in Korean? pic rel
she's literally me fr fr
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it's goodslop
house of dragon
the boys
the acolyte
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he's also in dreaming of freaking fairytale

2 shows at once?
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Nothing wrong with that. Before the streaming era you'd have a choice between 2 or 3 weekly shows for the evening 8-9-10pm timeslots so viewers juggling a whole bunch of series at the same time was always a thing
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That sucks for you bro. I love degenerate shows.
Isn't she that slut from burning? Another degenerate work.
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Yes, and Money Heist. She's great at playing smug bitch characters.
western coded trash
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ummmm Koreans have been degenerate forever tho
Unnie what's happening in that webm
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Chaebol boss house party bts with k-drama actresses
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Good night sisters!
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I'm going to sleep too. Good night misters.
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Good night frens. I need to finish work and I just had Kopiko so no sleep for me~
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what needs to be explained? why are zoomers like this?
They can't stop browsing TikTok while watching a 1 hour episode.
K Dramas should be exclusively for fingering your gf to in the background. No more no less.
i can't stop thinking that the other subtitles might be better
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You're telling me Korean prosecutors have time to tv CSI the crime scene on top of all their workload?
It's what they do when they aren't filling up their little blue boxes
what's in those little blue boxes, bros?
why doesn't korea fix their loan shark problem?
Every country has loan sharks
how else could writers come up with material for poor girl FL tropes?
Loan shark, police officer, public official and doctor are the only jobs in Korea.
You forgot chaebol heir and teacher
Currently watching Mask(2015). Pretty good so far
tfw no mini unnie gf
tfw musky balls
waiting for new episodes today
kek i can't help myself but imagine the netflix "western coded" fag spending his day collecting literal who twitter posts, what a pathetic loser lmao
what are some top kdramas? I never watched any but I love asian Kino
Secretary Kim
My Mister
always the same drama recommendations
Okay then:
Full House
Boys Over Flowers
Coffee Prince
don't trust this girl
not always

well, yeah, its not like the best introductory shows change often.

never seen
oh hell no. the mc bullies the girl worse than the actual bullies do. avoid, its shit.
no complaints about that one. a classic.
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Gonna go to bed and watch some dream high 1
>Boys Over Flowers
I think the Hana Yori Dango adaptations aren't as appealing as they once were. Once upon a time, they were gateway dramas, but newer audiences seem to be much less receptive to those kind of stories. Would not recommend BOF at all, though I am biased because I thought it was ass even when it aired originally
Agreed. IMO it was only popular because of the ML's actor. Terrible actor and his character was an asshole but the fangirls didn't care.
What other dramas have changed the kdrama landscape other than those? I feel like The Heirs is up there along with Cheese in the Trap
Secret Garden
My Love from the Star
Yeah, Lee Min-ho's popularity has always mystified me

Would disagree on Cheese in the Trap, though it was decently popular
Winter Sonata, Dae Jang-geum, My Name is Kim Sam-soon, You From Another Star, most Kim Eun-sook dramas from Secret Garden on, some early Hong sisters' dramas too probably
I hate that Michael Jackson nosed ugly fuck
Star in My Heart
I'm Sorry, I Love You
Secret Garden
The Heirs
Queen Seon Deok
What Happened in Bali
Crash Landing on You
My Lovely Sam Soon
Stairway to Heaven
I can't believe The Heirs was so popular. I watched it but regretted every minute.
Lovely Runner
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The 2 leads are the newest hallyu stars
i know enough korean now that subs are just diet confirmation when I didnt catch yelling/mumbling, which happens in english anyway
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whichever ones started using proper lighting, color grading cameras instead of the soapy and cheap 3 point system you see in:
>i can hear your voice
>my love from another star
>korean odyssey

Slop or not?
unnie this looks scary
was S2 good?
>Sweet Home 3
Huh?? There was a Sweet home 2??? The only thing noteworthy about the first one was that famous song they kept replaying during 'epic' moments to the point of ridicule
Talk about slop amirighteeee
yeah it absolutely changed the kdrama landscape by doing the exact same thing that has been done a hundred times before, in the exact same manner. really groundbreaking stuff.
don't be cruel anon, it's obvious they have mental problems and it's also clear to everyone it's the only kdrama they've ever watched.
enumarate the groundbreaking stuff in these:

>Winter Sonata, Dae Jang-geum, My Name is Kim Sam-soon, You From Another Star, most Kim Eun-sook dramas from Secret Garden on, some early Hong sisters' dramas too probably
>Star in My Heart
>I'm Sorry, I Love You
>Secret Garden
>The Heirs
>Queen Seon Deok
>What Happened in Bali
>Crash Landing on You
>My Lovely Sam Soon
>Stairway to Heaven
secret garden was pretty groundbreaking with how much a of a rapey creepy stalker vibe the ML gives off through most of the show.
IRIS was definitely groundbreaking for its time. No TV show before it had as large a budget, such high production values, or starred famous film actors. You might say it was the first truly modern kdrama like the ones we see all the time today.
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starting Moonshine tonight, wasn't a fan of the male lead in not a robot but I'll give it a chance for best girl.
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>how much a of a rapey creepy stalker vibe the ML gives off through most of the show.
Funny people missed Squid Game. It became a global phenomena that turned the western money faucets on for kdramas, changing content (more violence and sex), form (16 episodes seasons aren't a must) and production (audience based rewrites are far less common now).
yes, squid game is one the most recent ones. It created a new audience of kdrama watchers and a different style of kdramas

The Glory is one too I guess with half season releases
was there anything new about the glory? I haven't seen it, but from what I've heard of it it's seemed like typical korean revenge porn they've been making for years, it just happened to be on netflix so a wider audience saw it.
>production (audience based rewrites are far less common now).
This is good

Fuck Reply 1998
Nope. Besides an promising start it turned out to be dreadful bland slop
Completely forgotten in 20204.
C-dramas are the future
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no it isn't, this is.
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It's what I'm enjoying atm since there is no good kdrama airing right now.
Shuo de HAO comrade!
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>Fuck Reply 1998
you take that back right now.
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evil bump
From The Long Season episode 11, Ma De Sheng catches the uncle, shown visually in the frame.
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so what do you use?
Same episode, Gong Biao feels trapped, he releases the birds in a final act. His head is shot inside a cage. This also references a similar shot from episode 1.
>pic rel
I miss that nigga like any of you in this thread wouldnt possibly ever imagine FUCK why him god why
Oh well, at least we still have Jang Hyuk
My TV.
This show is so funny.
it'll never catch on.
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aka ruined kdramas
Are there any good kdrama trackers with quality uploads?
> Avistaz
Yes, but its private and we're not giving out invites.
Are they inviting on other private trackers? I'm a power member on quite a few.
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We could give out invites but why let the rabble in I say :^)
>You can buy a seedbox and get invited.
Oh it's a fake private tracker never mind.
I mostly disliked the show, but that storyline was endearing. too bad they forgot all about it in the last episode
uh yeah do you look like an oppa tho
I was too lazy to read the thread and didn't realize people were already saying this above.
The secondary leads carried the show.
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That guy is in everything, but I hope we can see more of that actress, she was amazing and acting wise she mogged the FL into another galaxy.
she's supposed to be a main in the new Kang Full show (moving) but there's no news about that
3rd episode of My Sweet Mobster fell off hard
still the best tracker for asian content, despite your autism
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>reeeeeeeeee non autistic people can get into my sekrit club reeeeeeee
>paying to pirate
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you got your hard drives, computer, and internet connection for free? if you a broke boy just say so because it's only $8 one time
beautiful eyes
Not gonna lie it's getting harder and harder to find niche and older media that still have seeders, zoomers don't pirate as much as older gens and I highly doubt gen A will either
Going to watch her next show whenever that is
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Misaeng (2014) >>198135022
Tokyo Girl (2016) >>198138839
Goblin (2016) >>198139065
49 Days (2011) >>198140126
Bel Ami (Pretty Man) (2013) >>198144435
The Veil (2021): >>198028234
Mother (2018): >>198027389
Dream High (2011): >>198044068
Pinocchio (2014): >>198051881
Uncontrollably Fond (2016): >>198051975
Mouse (2021): >>198449929
Reset (2022): >>199156935
My Love from Another Star (2013): >>199201431
Legend of the Blue Sea (2016): >>199464516
You Are My Destiny (2020): >>199466035
Anna (2020): >>199673145

Almost Che (2011): >>199748301
My Little Bride (2004): >>199811906
Bounce Ko Gals (1997): >>199958425

search the archive for the dead link post number to get the magnet link

also the torrents with 20+ ratios only have 1-3 seeds this is why public trackers are dying, because you don't seed
let's feign being surprised
>public trackers are dying, because you don't seed
literally the Tragedy of the Commons
Ep 4 picks up on the comedy again a bit. It seems like there's more drama involved when the story is focused on their past
don't care I can download any kdrama in high quality at 100+MB/s
sun jaeaa
do you flap your pussy while writing those?
Thought it was pretty sad that he married Liru despite everything, saying that it was fine if they couldn't have kids, they could just raise something else. So he raises those pigeons only for them to never lay any eggs either. He begins and ends with a water-damaged taxi...
it was never him
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yeah, I understand fans of shows just prefer certain actors/characters and want it to go a certain way, but he was hesitating and never shooting his shot right from the start, if there was any sort of rewrite during filming (I haven't checked) it still feels completely in character for everyone the direction it went.
always happens in kdrama. First couple episodes then the wad is shot.
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July 12, 2024
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Lee dong wook<3
Dreaming of a freaking fairytale should have next ep previews
I dunno whats gonna happen week
>tfw no kgf named so young bae so I can call her my so young bae
the same thing that happened the previous week
It's ending next week
nice i can binge
plus, the Reply series made its bones on being very coy about who the FL ended up with, to an annoying extent in 97. So no surprise that they threw a good head fake in 88.

Jung-hwan has a great arc in the story - the ring gambit, the confession, all kino, and completely in line with his character. So it didn't feel like a sudden change. And most of the story line is about Deok-seon's attempt to find her mate, she starts by deciding it must Sun-woo, then moves on and decides it must be Jung-hwan, and then grows out of that and realizes who it always was. So it's not really a surprise that it's the last one that she ends up with.
From what I saw, the entire controversy started with fans claiming to have seen a leaked script which had a different ending for Jung-hwan, and a very inventive theory involving a real life Air Force plane crash. The script leak could be real, as dramas have done multiple scripts and shot fake scenes just to keep people guessing. The plane crash stuff just seemed like way too much.
>Girl doesn't instantly get turned off when he slips up
This needs a "fantasy" tag on mdl
your brain has been poisoned by western roasties
Exactly. I found her and Taek's relationship to be very endearing and wholesome. It was a nice change up from the disastrous 97 couple and the angsty annoying couple in 94. And Deok-seon
holy shit this translation lol
i might switch to VIU subs
*is my favourite FL in any K-drama because she is genuine and goes through a great journey to find her love without making it immature or messy. That build up to that kiss scene in episode 17 still makes me giddy even after watching it dozens of times.
that was one of the best scenes I've ever seen in a drama. And Bo-gum's portrayal of Taek was just perfect, I didn't really expect him to have that much nuance, but when he has the realization he just transforms.
such a shame the western release of reply 1988 got absolutely butchered
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Young Korean and Chinese girls I've met irl are some of the shallowest girls I've ever met, despite how much I like the idea of them in their dramas. Most of them all immigrants too so I know girls being shallow is not exclusively a western thing. I'm not really mad, that's just reality and I work around it.
yeah, as convenient as pulling up a show on netflix/disney/amazon or whatever is if you've got access, this is THE show you 100% need to pirate if you're going to watch it. it's incredible, I've never seen anything so battered by licensing issues.
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I want to live in a big fren house like this
become an addict then live in sober living
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Truck bump. Which drama has the best truck scene this year so far?
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>when the subtitlers can't keep it consistent between episodes
>mini unni
>minnie unnie
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doctor slump they're learning to hunt in packs
what were they even thinking it's not like random old 80's korean commericals and TV footage are going to to copyrighted in America??
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kimchi flavored netflix popcorn soon
it's truly over
It wasn't the korean stuff that was the problem
Just played my My Liberation Notes soundtrack playlist and nearly in tears. The best soundtrack going. Name a better one, you can't.
wait, apparently it was also korean stuff but I haven't seen a good list yet. So I guess they wanted license fees for some stuff to be shown/heard outside of korea
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your favorite kdrama will be blurred unless you reply to this post with thank you netflix
goyslop hype
kdramas not be homophobic challenge (impossible)
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thank you netflix
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>just when I thought I finally had CHEFFFF out of my head
I don't mind blurring done to comply with Korean broadcast rules because that's how the show was intended to be seen in Korea, Netflix blurring is not equivalent
it's not specific to netflix, I remember people complaining about reply 1988 being blurred to fuck on viki years ago as well.
but netflix le bad though
Never made it very far into that drama but I've always loved the OST. It and Kim Sam-soon made me a Clazziquai fan
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sorry, I forgot. please don't tell anyone I enjoyed kingdom and doona, I'm not sure what I'd do if that got out.

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