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Greg shall return Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
New clip

lmao page 6 zero replies
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Friggin forcefield
these two clips so far are edited nice
these clips are real fuckin nice
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>no cole
this sucks
Cole will either return as the 'secret' big bad or just not at all. They did him dirty but he's open to coming back I'm sure
no one cares
Can’t wait for you to cry on Tuesday over the threads like the last two seasons kek
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jimmy is not 6ft
how pathetic does your life have to be to watch this boring ass "content" with a bunch of nobodies doing a less scripted, 10000x more boring real world/big brother knockoff. fucking incredible.
It’s one step above being comatose
Not enough capes for ya?
Just a very mismanaged project
yes they did cole dirty

It’s faggotry. I wish these threads would get nuked.
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OR SHE MIGHT DIE (due to medical condition) BAM A LAM




Who was freckleface again? She paid to be there and got kicked in a day or something?
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What was her fucking problem?
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I would rather come watch her on Dog Fart
skibidi chungus
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i dont know why but i cant watch the edits due to second hand cringe.
i don't feel it at all
Did Cole comment on his edit?
i still dont understand why sam went so aggro over her
TJ won
It looks fine, I hope they don't do me dirty in the episodes
S2 was a huge disaster and expectations for any future fishtank season should be incredibly low unless you are into hastily produced amateur sloptent
>An unspoiled woman? On MY show?? Go get her Frank! Golem get ye gone!
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>We playtested Bloodgames and THIS happened! Catch Bloodgames JUNE 25th.
Looks like complete shit and an absolute slog to watch. Who thought this was a good idea?
he is fucking retarded
click endorse on someone you nigger!
> Who thought this was a good idea?
Wiggers + whippets.
It looks like a slog because of the unsteady camera. Lots of inaudible shouting. You can’t see all the action from one GoPro.
They should’ve spent the time working out S3 details.
Likelihood that one of the vampires takes off their helmet for whatever reason and gets an eye shot out?
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here you fag
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Manifest this.
I messaged Cole on Instagram a while ago and he said he was invited but turned them down.
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> schizobabble
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Vance has a show in Washington on June 25th, the day Bloodgames is supposed to start. Vance being on 2.5 is a bait-and-switch and it's gonna be Cole or someone else in his place. It's meant to be a huge neptunian surprise
omg that was so hard to watch, it made me realize why I hate Tayleigh
where can i watch that and all of cole's steams?
Season 2 was miles better than season 1
Van Helsing is a hero who fights against Dracula and monsters. They put Gregg in the role because he is the one liberally minded guy there. Everyone else is a conservative.
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here's his stream from a week or so ago
why do you want cole back so badly
he was the heart of season 2 also i have a crush on him
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he's funny and it would make this garbage bloodgames season at least somewhat watchable. also he's a /tv/ poster
get off /tv/, jet
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Jet has a crush on Peter however
Has the location been leaked yet?
Cole was clearly Jet's least favorite, he was a Brian Buddy. I remember in the first few days of S2 he said something in chat like "nobody can guess who my least fave fish is" and at the time Cole was most endorsed, fan favorite
I wonder why
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She just really loves big dicks.
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pretty sure Jet explicitly stated that he hated Cole because he was "rich" and "privileged" or some shit just because Jet is a poor loser without a loving family
Jet is such a joke of a "creative". If Sam didn't have a surrogate son fetish, he'd be sucking dick for dollars.
what about the other streams he did?
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i dont have them but im sure someone has the few streams he did archived. they were really funny from what i remember
kek gay much
Why does this motherfucker look like he timetraveled from rome?
woahhhh blacked betty blamalam
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rough negative canthal tilt
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>dust status: settled
now who the FUCK was this?
jimmy is a faggot
production itt
For justice.
He's so attractive my baby
Production told me they're itt
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>tj gossips with the anti-tay clique for the whole night after jimmy leaves then plays dumb when called out
What's this whore's onlyfans @ again?
Jet here, for real. How should we distribute tents? We have six but trying to figure out if sharing would be funny. Also we're going to make them count rice.
kys fag
Tai gets two tens, everyone except for Jimmy gets one, Jimmy has to sleep on a pile of newspapers
i knew they were faking the vance endorsement numbers
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Force Letty and Tay to sleep together in the same tent then slip them a mix of Zinc and that other thing that makes people horny as hell and then film them the entire night.
Dead thread dead show
>>tj gossips with the anti-tay clique for the whole night after jimmy leaves then plays dumb when called out
You should be getting so well deserved rest before the new season Tayleigh, your delusions are acting up again.
Tay and Letty in the same tent
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gonna need taylor in HD
abi and trish were his friends, tayleigh was irrelevant here
This looks so fucking bad
Vance was also already a member of production so it'd be weird to make him a fish again since he knows how everything works behind the scenes
>tj gossips with the anti-tay clique for the whole night after jimmy leaves then plays dumb when called out
good nobody likes that ugly ass hoe

last in S2 endorsements, losing to fucking Tai
Abi wasn't TJ's friends. She went for him for sympathy and he basically told her he didn't care about her.
What's her insta?
Stunning ethereal beauty
what is there to know about what goes on behind the scenes? Figuring out if moxley wants papa johns or burger king for dinner?
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they were friends
they didn’t discuss any plans of going after her together
I love reading these threads during the show keep it up being schizophrenic freaks. I want to see some of you join in on the LARPing act like the vampires are real that would be mad funny. Won't be on site 24/7 because I'm working on Season 3 which will not disappoint trust. No FailRP.
You're better off following her on Twitter. She doesn't post on Instagram much.
translation: I saw that tj was the most likely contestant to win (a.k.a. the one forced by jet) so I jumped on the bandwagon
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Angelic beauty.
Just take a pic of wet dogshit and post it, Jet. You don't need to bother with words
words words words
abi was a regular in his twitch streams after the show
Can't believe people are still TJseething
Goran, how Neptunian will 2.5 be?
What did Jackie mean by this?
I agree
This bitch exists in the uncanny valley
Jet sucks my cock for xanax in the alley behind applebees
That's nice to know ben
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wtf is wrong with abi?
2.5 is my creative playground if it goes wrong then that's on me. More hands on deck for Season 3 which is going to be killer
Abi is going to start shit with some cholo bitch one day and get straight up murdered.
Genuinely what are they gonna do when Jon runs away and/or Jimmy bashes the nearest woman with a rock?
I wish Coomer Party had better Jackie content
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I like Jet he just needs to learn how to reign himself in.
shut up jet
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just skip to 3 already. nobody wants to watch 2.5 and having 3 in late august is a retarded idea
Kek she do be losing to TJ though
Guys I made a creative playground but ran out of money in the process.
I want to watch 2.5 so you’re wrong
I only really care about Josie and Tayleigh, I'm so over fishtank in general, it was never good?
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can you even call Bloodgames a soulless cash grab season if it's a colossal failure, it doesn't make any money, and was a huge waste of resources?
Quest idea: unravel a series of clues to unlock a time machine to retcon a proper end to S2 for Cole
She's quite boring and unintelligent in real life and can't stop trying to start drama. So basically your typical woman.
>it doesn't make any money
you have no idea how retarded the paypigs are, it will make money
that pisses me off if true
Bros, besides not watching, how can we ruin season 2.5?
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she has the heavies
>So basically your typical woman.
ugh, go back to jerking off men you gay incel sam hyde/ nick fuentes fanboy
I love women.
you can't, jet is unstoppable
apathy is worse than hate, just dont watch and enjoy the "is the tts on?"
Its sorta fucked but with an ar-15 and a place ticket? Ruin your life for meme i guess lol
send it in
I think Betty is beautiful, it doesn’t bother me that she prefers black men.
someone local needs to fly a drone into the area
>I love women
You have never been around one, I guarantee it. You don't have to hate them, but that's such a gay little declaration.
Total Betty love
Betty looks like a woman I was head over heels for, who ended up moving away with a guy twice our age. It hurts :(
He should have just been Mr. Beast
is this the main thread, why is it so slow?
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taytriot meetup
june 25th at george leven dr, north attleboro MA

support our queen
People are over the Fish Tank craze.
It's on simpcity bro
Lots of Betty posters got banned in these threads earlier. Wiggers big mad that people would rather talk about her than their cringe airsoft larp game.
Props to Jet for having his airsoft friendship simulator bankrolled. I'd swindle a senile old money grubbing jew like Sam if I could, too.
fuck you discord cuck
I'm jealous of bettycels it must be nice to be entertained by completely bottom of the barrel bullshit and be completely disconnected from reality
The post you're responding to reeks of snarky lesbian.
Betty has the best personality of any of the fishtank girls
Would anyone pay for this?
Count Cole Conquest:
Ritual projects memories of Count Cole being unjustly treated in alternate universe Bloodgames which fish must correct to realign dimension to proper timeline. Or just pay him enough to join 2.5
You watch this terrible fish tank shit. You're not one to talk.
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I love Betty!
Frank Hassle deserves rape
It's so funny how much more Sam wants to do stand up and be like Shane Gillis than do this half baked shit
Cameron Williams was raped by drunken handsy Tayleigh and everyone knows it
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TJ won
taylo looks rough
He’s got good teeth
It's sad too though. Sam should come back here and get off of twitter, it's poisoned him.
filthy crack WHORE

Her retard southern drawl is pretty cute
Large upper deck
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God I love her legs so much
Remember anon.
It hasn’t started yet
she would let you cum inside her for money, as long as you're a Trump supporter.
it’s already started and it sucks so far
Yeah it’ll be so sad when this thread is populated with the same of the 5 worst faggots on this board that girlpost for hours on end like the pathetic speciments they are.

Or the other faggots who astroturf and run cover for Sam (a complete stranger to them) when there’s a million posts about the drug addict ugly gutter whore he fucked called Channing or the UNDERAGE drug addict ugly gutter whore he fucked called Marky. Something something leftist, something something tranny immediate followed by an image reply of Luna the #1 tranny fishtank clipper friend of the show.

It’s all so tiresome, just buy an ad and fuck off, the board stopped caring about Sam 10 years ago you summerfag niggers
holy shit kek I actually wrote this yesterday. That's fucking hilarious.
Based and truthpilled. Unfortunately the wiggers will just chew food into their mics and tell you to GTFO of their ear
/tv/ niggers try not to take their board so seriously challenge
You say this but then you cry to the janny about betty posters
Notice how they didnt say i was lying
I think you need to rethink your relationship to 4chan dot org slash tv slash it's okay if there are threads about things you don't like
Fuck off Twitter reddit discord wigger shill
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This ugly fucking bitch better carry this season
she had to take those bikini pics with her eye lined up correctly
>None of them have moved on
do you think any of these people will move beyond their participation in this 4channel show
just close the thread lil nigga its not that serious
Buy an add
she can control it the lazy eye is just a bit
Take a breather and go check out the newest Batkino thread or something
I'm waiting for the next episode of the boys
Epic capekino fren
Going back on FIshtank is a decent money making opportunity for everybody except one
It's fairly entertaining
Did they really? Fucking BASED JANNIES
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post this cat :)
it's so bad, it really dropped off, s1 and s3 were the best
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if you were there for the night of the plant reveal, you'd understand. he was literally one of us. a /tv/, /ftl/ poster in the fishtank and he was shitting on it just like the rest of us.
the novelty of that alone was enough but he was also great at interacting with the audience and being entertaining all by himself
This is very gay
I just don't understand their obsession with male nudity
get raped
you just had to be there
Calm down frank
It's Seth Rogan he's a nasty fucking jew, he loves showing male genitals and male asses, there's barely any female nudity it's all gay male shit.
>>What do I do with item drops?
>Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP
get rid of this shit
literally nobody cares
Is he gay or is he just trying to own the chuds?
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>no josie
who cares about this coal
Did i tell a lie though? You faggots just keep posting passive aggressive literal homosexual non sequitur responses because you got BTFO
it's best she stays far from fishtank. Her presence brings nothing but upsetting the schizos.
probably 70% the former and 30% latter
Josie and her fans creep me out
She dresses like a child and hangs out at children's play grounds
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i still remember when sam was suicidal after cole was kicked
can't wait for her to hop on franks dick again shit's going to be so kino taybros.
i love to watch, cuckolding is so hot.
When does 2.5 start? Anyone know?
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maybe he shouldn't have kicked cole in a fit of retard roid rage if the aftermath was gonna make him suicidal
fuck she's so cute I want to marry her and have 3 kids with her and live on a small ranch and have her take care of the animals
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it's started on june 1st bro it already ended you just missed it
Why can’t Sam do good shit anymore? I’m tired bros.
He said the Nina word. Lawsuit Letty has them by the balls. They're afraid she'll sue
Fishtank really needs that weekend momentum where people can just lounge and watch it for ~60 hours straight
He gave up after Joe Rogan denied him entry to his podcast
I don't think that many people care if there's one thread up for something they don't like. I don't like Star Wars or Batman or whatever so I don't click on those threads. You're making it way too big of a deal, just don't click on the thread. You can even filter it if it bothers you that much to see in the catalog
Cole was telling b2 cam he was gonna quit and argued with tts about it for an hour before they brought in the xbox
Cole quit
He’s just low IQ and lazy, unfortunately. Maybe that wasn’t always the case but he clearly has been on roids and shit for years.

He never recovered from the Great War or whatever it was called and PGL has always been low effort shit.

Whatever happened to that point and click game he was working on?
he said he wouldnt quit when someone said noble six wouldnt quit, coble six was a hero and it was only after he stopped quitting did jet and crew arrive with an xbox
These threads bring in loads of outsiders and newfags from Twitter and reddit. They are a net negative for /tv/
Some of us actually like posting here instead of just advertising
stop pretending this board isn't just softcore porn nigger
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Do that many fishtank people post in other threads and lower the quality of them in any meaningful way? How can you tell?
When s1 and s2 were active someone showed the board activity with a graph and it's a significant increase of unique ips
Yeah probably mostly in these threads
Stop banning people for posting softcore Betty pix then wigger. Is it a requirement to be a hypocrite in the MDE cult? Like that time Sam went predator hunting with Frank pretending to be 15 even though Sam did the same shit with marquis
I love Tayleigh
Love that cat
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If he won Fishtank, would his life really be any different than it is now? Be honest
It'd probably be worse
kys schizo bettyfag
no one wants to look at that shit
He just needs to get laid and go back to school and put down the alcohol
>No one wants to look at hot skinny white women
Gay guy alert
With the absurd amount of drinking they did on the show he'd probably be worse after he left
>go back to school
Morgan Stanley will never recruit him, he'll be stuck being laborer for his family's small business because they'll never want to risk what would happen if they promote him. Sad.
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my wife
They better let tai win this time. Even tho I know it's gonna be rigged for Letty.
she's jewish and covered in cut marks
Fuck Tayleigh
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we don't even know if there's a win condition and i don't think jet knows either
>cut scars on tummy
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Whoever makes Letty cum the most wins
Why doesn't Letty get spammed in these threads like Tay does?
Because she's a lazy neet that won't stream for her fans. She just tries to be red scare Dasha on xitter
>Because she's a lazy neet that won't stream for her fans.
Tayleigh's the same.
A lot of Letty fans started watching Tayleigh actually. I've seen one of her mods in Tayleigh's chat. I think it's the main reason you see them beef with Josie fans.
Cause Tayleigh actually has talent
Everyone beefs with Josie fans because they're the worst people on the planet.
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>its literally the same poorfags spamming this thread
She has more stream time than Letty tho
Why pay for fishtank when we have flowstreams?
They're both better off pursuing other things, both of their respective fanbases are comprised of dysgenic retards.
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front and back jesus
Yea but that's the only positive side to being a fish. You get free clout/exposure
>You get free clout/exposure
For most people, that should be worthless. You'd be better off working, going to school, or pursuing a trade. Fishtank only nets you a minuscule amount of clout and attention, and those with poor opsec get doxxed easily.
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Ya Taylor lost her job supposedly but she gained a bf and like 50 simps to stream to
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he bwoke the blood game
love this nigga fr
there's literally only been one person who has had a net positive from being on fishtank.
Yea jet Neptune
betty is the best
Love that Bitty
That goranian fuck up hasn't fixed and flipped the s2 house yet so they need to do this bullshit season to make money to fund season 3.

She's the best

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Is she fitted?
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I want that tight Bitty fitty around my ditty
Betty is a pedo baiting whore that entices young mentally ill men with her tight, TIGHT little pussy
Bitty is fitted
are you enticed?
Lmao look at all this seethe. Worked like a bitch.
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why did betty buy a nigger dildo?
She's such a clout chasing skank.
To own the libs
she prefers them
He's right thoever
Every Sam Hyde thread is the same dumpster fire
>got to meet his hero and managed to drop his dead weight creepy gf and got a new hot one (supposedly)
>doesn't have to sort through trash for the rest of her life. gets paid to be herself and fuck around and have fun
>boost to her instagram followers and came out mostly unscathed besides the reccuring nightmares
>has free attention for life, she was a dead end anyway but at least now she can satisfy her humiliation fetish whenever she wants
>got to meet sam, about to start a happy family with the kiwi "sex with sylvia" poster, seems happy
>obviously went through a lot of shit including her revenge porn being leaked to thousands on the internet but at least now she can NEET it up for the rest of her life with Twitterbux
>increase to his brand image and internet presence, was a dead end druggie roommate/fuckbuddy with chris lynch before fishtank so a net positive overall
though all of these people will forever bear the mark of a fishtank alumnus and all the baggage that comes with it so it depends on how much value you put on that
no of course not
Jet are you guys gonna show any of the summer freak outs?
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>accuses you of rape
Cry more. Fishtank threads move at light speed all season and there’s nothing you can do about it.
That's fine but do we really need these threads 5 days in advance. Buy an ad before shilling on the board next time please wiggers.
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forgot a few
>got to meet his favorite internet comedian and is basically guaranteed a job for life with the wiggers since he did a good job filming on s2. better than being a delivery driver. also broke up with his ayylmao gf
>fishtank boosted his internet profile in a positive way. now hangs out with famous rappers and does whatever he wants. also lost a noticeable amount of weight after training with Sam
>was brutally humiliated but got what he wanted out of fishtank which was to become a permanent lolcow with a series of orbiters that will always give him attention and entertain his retardation
>permanently branded as My Nigga for life
>now employed as one of Sam/Jet's house negro attack dogs for as long as he wants and is well compensated for it
you're right we should save room in the catalog for another crust thread
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An intricate and accurate analysis from a fellow Nifty Nigger. Nice work, anon.
>dude WEED lmao
I hate fatty so much it's unreal
Crust threads are a staple of /tv/ culture
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Hopefully he hurts himself again this season
His Manager/tard handler takes all his money but he doesn't care cause he gets to smoke weed and buy new air soft toys
I hope he has a fatal cardiac event during Fishtank Season 2.5 All Stars Bloodgames
i really hope they don't bring him back for season 3 and beyond. it's a fishtank staple at this point for them to bring on fatty and frank whenever they get really desperate. it's pathetic
This but with frank
They have no show without the fatty/frank combo
Two birds with one stone if you ask me
Yeah we do. We’re discussing the upcoming season.
early days of s2 were incredible and fatty and frank were nowhere to be seen until things started to get really grim. obviously they bring gold and they carried the second half but ideally a season would maintain a good enough cast that they don't have to rehash old shit again
That's boring can we discuss bitty instead
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Yea once they kick all the entertaining people and run out of ideas it becomes the airsoftfatty and hassle show
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They should only be there for 48 hours maximum and Fatty should be tormented the entire time
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Let's do what Bitty's parents never did and properly potty train her.
The fitted one
Is Jet funny? Wasn’t he hired to be an editor? But he’s funny? You guys find Jet Neptune funny?
I wish Jet was my daddy
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he's funny looking
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Ooohhh you mean Goran?
He is very funny. Looking
Why did jet Neptune change his last name to Goodson when he was clearly the bad son? Thinking emoji
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the cold empty stare of the mentally deficient
Nifty was the best freeloader in fishtank history.
gross bitch
What's with all the black eyes? Is she an abused bitty?
her ex bf is a cop or something, he used to beat the shit out of her, and she got kicked out to her grandparents house or something for the porn posting.
Her black boyfriend gave it to her
Damn.. domestic violence bitty
That's NOT fitted
Don Jolly will make an appearance
And Channing in another ingenious disguise with a beautiful hand made poster
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she gets violent seizures if she doesn't masturbate enough times in one day
Don Jolly of donjolly.com?
We need to save Betty with orgasms
Betty needs a harem of concubines. For medical purposes of course.
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Not sure if I'm excited for this, the playtest looks extremely shitty.
Jet for the record I'm not joking, this isn't to demoralise you, good luck on the house sale and season 3.
Also going by Drag Race rules wait until Season 4 before the title of "All-Stars" can truly mean something.
They ruined a beautiful home that used to be filled with wholesome family memories with a satanic humiliation ritual
that house is gonna have so many fucking mice holy shit
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get mogged by ella's heavenly stench
the fact that they have the gall to say "it's fun" in the playtest trailer is laughable. it might possibly be fun to play but it doesn't look fun to watch at all. why the fuck would you even call this fishtank when it's just jet paying people to play airsoft with him in the woods for a summer
Honestly... When I saw the listing the first thing I thought of was
>It feels too satanic for me to even consider a buy.
Yea so much food and trash was shoved in the vents and walls
It's cursed beyond belief
Should just bulldoze it and sell the land
You can build a decent home pretty cheaply these days
because jet is a retarded faggot
it's like impossible to get rid of it without tearing down the drywall and even then it's a pyrrhic victory, I pray for the sad investment banker that pays 950k for that shit lol.
His peter pan syndrome is almost as bad as Michael Jackson's
No way it sells for that
Maybe 600 or 700 at the most
how much money do you think S2 netted?
and he got raped
Not as much as s1
Towards the end no one was sending TTS and they even lowered the price to $10
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>when it's just jet paying people to play airsoft with him in the woods for a summer
At that is why the fish involved are based as fuck, they're fleecing Jet for money and going to halfass the show as hard as possible led by Tai who will mock every retarded decision Jet makes the whole way. Jet will try his usual shtick of denying food and water but Tai will just wander down the street to the local bar and come back with a fifth of vodka.
stop being mean to jet he just wants the fucking childhood he never had. you guys should be happy for him youre probably just like him
yea I was thinking fair value would be like 600-700k if I didn't already know about the nasty shit they left stuffed in there
he sat in bed naked eating McDonald's after S2 proud of his "work"
>they're fleecing Jet for money
pretty sure Tayleigh was the first one who said yes and she's doing it for free
>they're fleecing Jet for money
>sam and jet known money grubbers
>paying well
theyre probably getting like 2k max
Can't believe he changed his last name just to spite his father. The man is a r9k legend
johnny itt
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Why didn't you save him?
Hi johnny
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CK mogs
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did we ever find out why she looks like that?
Why does she have plastic mannequin skin
some millennial family is going to overpay for this and their kids will grow up playing in the room where fatty got his dick vacuumed by a zoomer onlyfans slut covered in frank hassle's spit
Brian is out of her league 2bh
Pussy inflation is real
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Brian's abhorrent personality balances it out
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Can't believe they uploaded the house looking all shitty with footprints everywhere and the fireplace ruined trying to scrape the paint off the stone
I'm assuming nick wasn't involved or??
I wonder if Sam pays the mods in 'p or regular tranny porn so these threads aren't relegated to /trant/ or r9k where they belong. but I guess /tv/ deserves it with all the eceleb worship
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There's no way Nick would let this shit slide
nick is a cheapskate and a fraud and im sure if he was involved he didn't give a fuck
Go find the podcast where they have the realtor on, the guy weighs more than Fatty. That fat fuck wasn't going to mop the wood floors and wax them.
how do you even fix that?
Probably crypto
Charls said he used to farm it with 30k of video card s
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burn the house down and pocket the insurance money and then sell the land
Weird maybe nick or his brother were like yea I'm not touching that shit
he made an Instagram fan account for himself
The scorch marks? Hydrocholoric acid that is diluted heavily. A secondary solution is ironically using the very ash from the fireplace because its an abrasive and contains stuff like lime.
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Sounds like a really popular guy!
Grim. I remember years ago a friend of mine made a fake female facebook account so he could add it as his gf
He wasn't even an incel or anything either it was weird
lmao is this true
it's not recent but bdaddyfanclub on instagram
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Why did production fight so hard to keep him in the show after he said he didn't care about winning anymore?
>2.5 is my creative playground if it goes wrong then that's on me.
Calling bullshit on this. Nothing will happen to you when this becomes a failure. You guys know there are whales who fund you no matter what so you produce slop knowing it’ll get eaten up. Non-whales realize this is allow-effort sham
he was inoffensive at least during the time he was there and he had the most endorsements by many leagues because of how many people endorsed him and then stopped watching after the first two weeks. twitter fans and paypigs would've been upset if they just let him leave even though he was doing fucking nothing the whole show and has proven himself to be an ungrateful shithead after the fact
Most of the girls thought he was cute for some reason
Having half of your cast quit isn't a good look and probably pretty damaging to your ego
>A Wigger zoomer production
These are Sam’s guys, Sam approved. They make raw sewage and Sam (a pretentious art school fag) pays for it.
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>people in Sam's ig comments saying that Fishtank Bloodgames is The Great War 2
Stands on his toes but still got mogged
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indeed. the smelliest, mashallah
Was The Great War really that bad? Stopped watching mde shit (other than Fishtank) post-breakup
Just the fact that this homosexual lectures his audience on the elements of design, art and aesthetics, then produces a half-baked reality show of his fans puking hotdogs and engaging in idiotic yelling matches and calling this “good” is fucking pathetic, wealthy art school fag hoodwinks autists using drug huffing wiggers
Artist guys memorize this
Damn thats crazy
Chat is this true
Zoom out
Confirmed by snopes
Jet is cringe but also based for scamming Sams money in order to make friends and bang thirsty MDE fangirls
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>bloodgames contestants aren't even getting paid so they have to shill their own merch when they get on
absolute state
His father would be proud of his newfound egirl casting couch
new bread since we're on page 10 and people seem interested

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