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Something for the dads edition

Prev: >>200345226
>no shot of Ruby running with her big bazongas swinging from side-to-side
it's a hate crime against me specifically
dr who sucks and your constant general thread is gay as fuck
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can't be helped
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ngl finding out you have a daughter from 20 years ago is a fucking terrifying thought
even more so when you find she's been raised by a black lesbian
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Why is the entire show now just this?
Because Chibnall butchered the show so much they had to get RTD back to correct it, only he just made things worse.
Remember that episode about racism from a few weeks ago, ending with the Doctor getting angry? And people hoped it would finally be a turning point where Ncuti stops acting like a gay tiktoker and actually gets some gravitas (mavitas) as the doctor? So much for that.
Sad tits
>only he just made things worse.
Why'd they make the Doctor such a pussy?Seriously, like half of his contribution is just crying.
You know an episode was bad when people on here aren’t even jokingly saying it’s kino
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It's Sutekhino
Why the fuck was TRose even in these episodes
He only spoke like one line in this entire episode just to say "uh she was hiding the pregnancy"
Even the midge had more screentime
Just so bowlestrek can get angry and whine about it
kek. this should become a thing where people just add him to all sorts of fucking doctor who scenes from the '80s and up
He's already one of the best Doctors.
It gave us Sutekhs gift of Memes
She looks like she's peeing herself.
damn you weren't kidding, even /r/gallifrey hates it
naturally the twitter shills are slurping this shit up but that's to be expected
apparently cinema viewers actually saw the episode later than everyone else because they had to sit through 25 minutes of ads and a 15 minute interval, hilarious
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Wait a minute. Is that...?
How would you save the finale anons?
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Mine was surprisingly packed but it was also all adults and all white people.
Topless Ruby
Gut thr old guard and bring in some fresh talented writers that didn't start out during the wilderness era
>The Doctor wakes with a start and realizes that Ngatwa was just a bad dream brought on by time radiation or something
Rogue wasn't very good, we need better new writers
iirc Empire of Death started at 00:10. Really I can't imagine the majority are catching it on iPlayer / Disney+ at midnight, just the RTD till death tards and us dunking on the show here.
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>It's been 4 years since we last got an episode of Doctor Who by a new writer that could be considered good, and even that had its ending ruined by a retarded showrunner butting in.
Inb4 the twist is Susan dresses up as all the Companions the Doctor left her for.
>Really I can't imagine the majority are catching it on iPlayer / Disney+ at midnight
For me it's 7pm on Friday. Feels good to be American.
6/10 stupid little episode for a stupid little show (ok to mindlessly watch if you have time to burn)
should I watch Pyramids of Mars lads
The Mrs. Flood is that she's Susan Foreman.
It's pretty good
I honestly really need a bong girl as a wife. I don't care if she's English, Scottish, Irish, or Welsh. She needs to be in my life, she needs to speak to me in her sexy accent, she needs to give me several mixed race babies (Americans and Brits are different races), and she needs to be treated like royalty because that's what she is to me.
Yeah, but make sure to watch the original, not the new Tales Of The TARDIS version.
>(Americans and Brits are different races)
Based and checked.
There's no point trying to figure it out since Moffat (and RTD now) throw dozens of red herrings at you before revealing a twist no one saw coming since there was no crumbs to follow.
Bros...I don't feel so good
Have you guys read any of the Dr. Who comics?
Nah, I hate Dr who
Just RTD things
I'm feeling okay.
Torchwood Boy has suddenly decided to leave YouTube (presumably because he's on the verge of trooning out and his username is triggering)
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You have to ask?
I can't wait for every single page on the wiki to have a footnote that says "Sutekh was invisibly wrapped around the TARDIS (TV: Empire of Death)"
Yes, most of the modern stuff from Titan is fun.
Best episode of the series.
ruby is a CUTE SLUT
What was wrong with Boom?
Irish aren't bongs.
You are tasked with rewriting 73 yards from just before mad jack shows up, how do you resolve it?
They aren't races.
Why are you here then?
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Twitter trannies calling RTD a hack and calling for Moffat to come back. Glorious.
RTD's weird obsession with a Pantheon of actual Gods is really stupid, the past of the Doctor bitch slapping aliens who had delusions of grandeur of being gods and killing them has become "actually there's magical gods all over"
Is there a single major male doctor who fan who hasn't trooned out? Any theories?
Problem is. Russel's down this ancient god shit already back in his original era with The Beast and Abaddon. Even with Trickster. He just doesn't seem to remember much of what he did back during that era either.
Expanding the cosmology of a sci-fi show's never bad. But only works if the writer can be consistent with their own cosmology.
if jodie's doctor canonically still liked women, (fourteen's "hot" comment) why the fuck couldn't we have gotten cute yaz lesbo kiss shit. why do we have to have gay shit with literal who faggots
Ian Levine.
yeah it's really weird, probably the most jarring part of this new series to me. I expected shitty writing but this magical Gods thing is just so bizarre and left field. russel has lost his mind.
Honestly, it's a bit overrated and the very end is a bit weak, but it's better than anything RTD had ever produced (low bar, I know)
The show attracts mentally ill loners
Hey, remember how after RTD left last time, he went on the create trash like "Wizards vs Aliens" that everyone hated?

Well, he DEFINITELY isn't just recycling left over scripts from that with extra stapled-on wokeness as a criticism shield.
Not at all.
2nd best episode.
That's what happens when Disney takes over.
frankly I never even paid attention to what RTD did after Who. looking back in retrospect, his first run of the show had a lot of really stupid nonsense in it too. he just had a better handle on the culture zeitgeist back then. Moffat's run of the show has aged so much better.
nah I think Russel has legitimately just lost the plot, I doubt Disney is giving many story notes.
No, I loved wizards vs aliens
He's definitely someone's bottom boy in prison
So who was Ruby's neighbor? Is she the master? Why was she shit talkin' ruby's grandma?
RTD always suffers from "fridge logic" with his episodes. you really can't think too hard about them or you're just going to have tons of questions. The Sutekh stuff I thought was hilarious and perfectly on brand for modern Who, it's definitely shit Moffett would have done. but the stuff with Ruby's mom bothers me. I like that she wasn't anybody special and the doctor remarks that the only reason she was significant is because everyone thought she was special, that's a neat little twist and I'm not mad about that. what I'm mad about is how much they built up the snow, the secret song in her heart, why her mom was pointing, all that shit. it ultimately meant nothing and isn't explained. what the fuck was that about
yeah I hope the payoff for this one is good, because Mrs flood isn't making sense at all right now. she's breaking the fourth wall and she's clearly mean, but what for?
Evil Susan
The Mrs. Flood is that she's Susan Foreman.
>the solution is tying a rope around sutekh's neck and dragging him across the time vortex
you gotta admit that's pretty kino
River Song
>I forgot to mention in this unscripted ramble; I'm absolutely stunned that the episode had a key plot-point hinge on what appeared to be a deleted scene from '73 Yards'. What on earth were they thinking?
He's got a point
>Do you have any children?
So mysterious.
I thought they were going to do something very clever with the Doctor and the Ruby going into the future to the time of the Welsh PM, and that it would somehow tie into the plot. But nope! Just a joke about 73yds and the Doctor making Ruby seem insignificant by saying he had already been to that time period and done the important shit, they were just there to get some never-mentioned-before DNA database --- something that surely would have existed and was broached before in the episode Boom when Ruby was DNA scanned in the super far future but it came back with no results. And then the 2046 side plot becomes even more confusing because they just abandoned the Memory TARDIS when the villains take them back to 2024 in the real one AND somehow UNIT is able to finish their own DNA scan and find her mom, so they could have fucking done in the first part of the two partner instead of all the bullshit with the VHS and the time window!
>Doctor mentions Ruby made him realise family is important
>Doctor also implied to Ruby he hasn't even had a daughter yet let alone a granddaughter because time is weird
Going to be some weird doctor's family arc.
No you don't. Stop shilling your dogshit videos there's a reason why it can't even break 5k views
To be fair, Tennant and Smith both acted like gay tik-tokers with no gravitas as well.
you're a fucking idiot
All me btw
Who cares
Isn’t Who literally a nigger faggot now?
>I thought they were going to do something very clever
Ima stop you there
He's also a former CIA op
>long diatribe of nonsense
nah they were tumblr core, not tiktok. big difference. and they both could have gravitas when it was called for. you're being contrarian to say otherwise, there's lots of things you can criticise that era for but the performances were solid.
Tumblr didn't exist in 2005
how is it tumblrcore when tumblr wasn't even a thing when S2-S4 aired
Me on the right
Stop staring at my ass.
He also did Years and Years which the BBC made sure to shill everywhere when it was airing.
Imagine an entire series of RTD trying to write a political thriller that's centred around one family, with that natural RTD style cop-out ending filled with nonsensical technobabble, that's it.

all doctors are decent actors so far (except that one from classic who) but they need good material and good luck finding that right now
imagine the smell
>they need good material and good luck finding that right now
you guys are contrarians
>all doctors are decent actors so far
Still makes me laugh that he wrote a scene of teenagers in the late 2020s not knowing what fucking paper is like he's just consumed old boomer facebook memes
God I love curry women bros. Slags just can't compete.
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Not that anon. But you guys are being super pedantic. A behavior was identified, and then a label was used to describe such behavior. The label is used because of the package of information that it's capable of delivering to help one understand the behavior that's being described.

So the point is about the behavior, not about whether or not tiktok existed. Faggots.
She's got nice boobgame too
>except that one from classic who
Which one?
You better not say Colin Baker
>Ruby's mom is just a random white woman
Actually started laughing out loud
>except that one from classic who
there's not a single classic doctor worse than Jodie or Ncuti what the hell
Did you expect Ruby's mom to be a black man?
There's nothing wrong with Ncuti. your brain is fried from watching cuckold porn
How would you rank this series vs the rest of nu-Who then lads? For me I'd say S9 > S8 > S4 = S10 > S1 > S5 > S3 > S14 > S6 > S7 > S2 > S13 > S11 > S12. I hope RTD writes less episodes for S15 and S16 because if this is the best he could cook up after 10 years away I worry for the future.
Tennant and Smith don't act like tiktokers at all tho. there's a chasm of difference between them and Ncuti. it's not being pedantic you just missed the mark on your comparison.
Smith was quirky and hyperactive, but he has legitimate acting chops and can easily switch into gravitas. Tennant has those quirks too but is legitimately charismatic.
being a little quirky =/= tiktok
>Be Ruby's mom.
>Gets knocked up.
>Goes out in the freezing cold and snow in nothing but a cloak to hide herself.
>Drops her baby off at a church with no name.
>Dramatically points at a sign, declaring yes, this will be your name where I left you.
>Fucks off.
>Did all this at the age 15, instead of just using a coat-hanger.
Does Russel even know how to write teenangers in 2004?
not everyone is cruel like you, anon.
there's nothing wrong with any of the classic doctors either. who were you even referring to, let me guess Colin Baker? just tell me you've never watched classic who and get your opinions from the internet
Ruby being a regular literal who human is better than what I thought it was going to be (rose tyler being ruby's mom and ruby being HALF TIMELORD or some shit
I thought it was gonna be some sort of time paradox.
The cloaked woman is Ruby herself
There's a lot wrong with Ncuti and it's not his fault. I'm pretty annoyed he doesn't have a unique outfit and instead just wears random clothes. I always loved The Doctor having his unique attire. RTD is also hellbent on having him act like a huge pussy that has CRIED in every fucking episode over nothing.
He IS a Boomer Facebook Meme at this point
Pepe looking less attractive than usual
Causing the death of every single plane of existence that you visited would warrant a cry or two during the finale.
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technically him wearing normal looking clothes is what makes 15 unique. It's nice to finally get something that isn't generic Victorian clothing or outdated shit.
At this point, honestly yes.
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Don't let Russel ending the episode on an unsatisfying twist, distract from the fact that Sutekh canonically created the scenario in Dot and Bubble by making a Susan Triad copy give birth to Lindy Pepper-Bean, resulting in the tragic death of Ricky September
about to watch the new episode, read the synopsis off wikipedia. you guys were mainly right besides the fact that we still dont know who the fuck mrs flood is
I don't get it.
Imagine watching that shit in a half empty cinema and then having to pretend to yourself that you enjoyed it
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I wish he wore the brown coat more often so he could establish an iconic look before rotating through all his random clothes.
I do like the black jacket look, though; despite being too generic 'guy-at-the-club,' Ncuti looks good.
so now that we know that Ruby is just a normal human and not part god or something 73 yards makes even less sense.
The mother was a red herring while her father is the Red Guardian which will be revealed in RTD2 S4
please for the love of christ don't be Iris Wildthyme
did you even watch the episode? they broke a fairy circle and she was cursed for it
>There's nothing wrong with Ncuti. your brain is fried from watching cuckold porn
yes there is
>always fucking crying
>always calling people "babes"
Peter "What if Jodie was a man" Davison
(Anons know this, they just rightly hate it so fucking much that denial requires them to argue that it's actually something else.)
I liked him in The Last Detective
I would think that too - but I've seen him in "All Creatures Great and Small".
In that he was a hyper-charismatic bastard who you couldn't help but root for.
If he'd been told to play it that way, it would have been hyper-kino.

But, no, I agree - he was terrible
i genuinely think its one of the best episodes out of the new series
>did you even watch the episode? they broke a fairy circle and she was cursed for it
Ruby didn't break it. Ncuti did and nothing about it makes any sense. The doctor disappeared to who knows where. Somehow the old woman ruby keeps telling people something that makes them run off. Why this happens is never explained. Then somehow after dying she goes back in time to become the old woman except this time things end up differently for some reason. It's nonsensical garbage.

Also Ruby magically making it snow makes no sense if there's nothing special about her.
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Many such cases. Remember that this is the guy who wrote Last of the Time Lords

>everyone on earth thanks the doctor at once
>this lets him age in reverse, gain psychic powers, and fly
>Peter Davison can't act.
Anon, I BELIEVED that be wanted to be eaten!
It's Donnie Darko tangent universe shit. For all it's worth, it actually makes sense.
>The Doctor and Ruby break a temporal seal preventing that one twat from starting a nuclear war
>Ruby becomes a messenger "this timeline is centred around your event" to return things back to normal
>timeline is restored
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>I've been planning to kill him for thousands of years. And breaking a fairy circle did it?
>Me above, what has the mighty Sutekh even do all this for.
>I'm just gonna sit on my chair.. Maybe that Ruby Girl will do something..
>Hmm, maybe that Welsh guy who wants to become Priminister could be funny..
>Oh Doctor.. Please come back..
Okay, but - hypothetically - would it be even better if the actual plot made any actual fucking sense?
I'm not even depressed or angry. I just feel nothing. Like the season overall has been shit but that finale was just so empty. Part of me wants to try watching some Classic Who again but even an even larger part of me feels like I shouldn't even bother and this franchise as a whole isn't worth it.

God I hate RTD so much
Davison's bland performance is mostly a script issue, they wrote him as extremely milquetoast most of the time. when he had decent stuff to work with he was fine like in Caves of Androzani.
same reason Colin gets shit on because his scripts sucked. but at least Colin got chances to ham it up and chew the scenery a bit. they really didn't know what they were doing with the Doctor as a character back then, probably because Tom had been the Doctor so long and had defined the role so much.
i think its very twilight zone-esque, it doesn't really mean to made perfect sense because of the nature of the episode itself. it is pretty otherworldly i agree but it has charm unlike most of the episodes this season
>they really didn't know what they were doing with the Doctor as a character back then,
And they obviously know even less now. 6 is cool. I've only seen a bit of 5 and he's sort of lame but he's still The Doctor. 15 is like if you took 10 (already one of the worst Doctors) and made him gay and somehow even more sentimental.
Wouldn't it make more sense for the Doctor to be the one who has to fix it, both for obnoxious reasons and because he's the one who broke the circle?

...How is the timeline restored?
Ruby does something to prevent it (apparently?), but then history changes so that she's not there to do that?
Sooooo... It's not prevented?

Also: is there really no better way to communicate this than "Oh, yeah, btw - fucking Fairy Magic is real and Fairies or some shit. No, I will not be elaborating further"
I saw it at the cinema, place was almost full. Fucking silence at the ending with people complaining about how shit the reveal of Ruby's mother was as we were all leaving.
>The Doctor and Ruby break a temporal seal preventing that one twat from starting a nuclear war
Temporal seal for what? At no point does he ever start a nuclear war. The idea that somehow nuclear war will happen because the fairy circle was broken is shit you made up in your head. The Doctor says he nearly did but it didn't actually happen and we have no reason to believe that breaking the fairy circle somehow changed that. Also if it was a temporal seal the doctor would have known it. Moreover breaking a temporal seal wouldn't cause the doctor to randomly disappear.
>Ruby becomes a messenger "this timeline is centered around your event" to return things back to normal
okay then why is she making everyone hate Ruby? Why 73 yards? Why does old Ruby still show up even after she succeeds in stopping the bad guy? If she's supposed to be a messenger why is she just standing far away making weird gestures?

No matter what way you try to explain the episode there's plenty of things that still don't make any sense.
She is only thing 'bumping' the ratings, when they get rid of her there'll be nothing but woke diarrhoea.
"what on earth are you doing?"
writing actually compelling characters with proper stories that aren't thinly veiled political messages.
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i feel like the ideal doctor would be 5'5 and beefy, yet slightly portly, mid-30s, and balding just a bit. he'd be handsome in that pathetic dog sort of way. should i ask RTD to indulge my fantasy?
...So... Sylvester McCoy?
yes, but hotter and not as fat. Big handfuls of red chest hair. a big throbbing cock bulging in his shorts. I have SEEN gatwas bulge in DW and I want that energy carried forward.
I liked the bit where the Doctor said "I AM IRON MAN!" and reversed The Snap with the power of Love and Family!
...And Ruby's parents actually just being scrap metal dealers but she's a Skywalker was brilliant! REALLY subverted my expectations!

RTDchads keep winning.
Wherever does he get his ideas?
>Rose Noble got turned to dust
That sucks, I would have pounded her boipucci
That was fucking terrible.
Haha, well memed anon
So, what the fuck was Fourteenth doing when all this shit was happening?
titfucking donna's big mommy milkers
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>Christmas special.
>Doctor is chilling in the Tardis
>Carol of the Bells begins playing
>Doc goes "What? That song, but I thought it was attached to Ruby.."
>Tardis doors are blown open.
>Enter Nick Frost Santa.
>Ho ho ho, Doctor, it's been a while. I've been waiting for you a long time. It's time for you find out how I cucked Ruby's father by infusing my sperm in this tangerine and having him eat it.
Drinking daiquiris with Donna and making jokes about the end of the universe
Pretty sure they didn't even undo-dusting her, given her dusty ass throat didn't utter a single line this episode.
Can we talk about how Sukesh was defeated with a bungee cord
Dog whistle and a bungee cord*
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Would you forgive RTD if the next doctor is, against all odds someone like Julian Rhind-Tutt?
Honestly, this whole canon is absolutely shite now. It’s a total mess . Sure when rtd and Moffat and co. Came through they had good intentions but they are literally keeping this show hostage now and making the worst possible choices. How can rtd call this a reboot ? How does this series bring new interest and life? The whole show is fundamentally broken. Time to give it a break. No big finish , no tie ins. Nothing . Let it quietly be nothing so the next generation of writers can come aboard in fifteen years. It’s crazy how much momentum it had during the 50th. So much potential with galifrey folding back into the plot , new regeneration cycle , the potential for new enemies and yet the whole thing was wasted. A practically limitless idea and this is where it’s ended up. It’s so sad and disappointing, I honestly think the show was better off when it had a smaller budget. Bigger the budget the more stakes it seems to create . You go from series 1 being a Daley battle at the end of earths history to literally the whole universe being killed and rebooted with little to no stakes. Like do the writers and creative team think that’ll bring people in ? A world with no stakes and fake outs? Did the classic series ever go this overboard with giant scale events only to be brushed off? Can only hope with the next reboot it starts at ground zero. Can only hope they reboot it to doctor 1 again
In hindsight I actually think 73 Yards was caused by the TARDIS. So Kate's theory about it landing near a fairy circle with it's perception filter was correct. I think this because it seems like all the weird shit surrounding Ruby Road on Christmas Eve was influenced by the TARDIS and also Sutekh. He was able to create Susan Twists wherever the TARDIS landed who adhered to the same logic having their own chameleon circuits and perception filters to blend in.

Maybe it's a mixture of the TARDIS' telepathic powers and Sutekh's supernatural ones. Which when combined with Ruby creates things like the snow from her memories or that mysterious woman that seemed like a manifestation of her fear of abandonment. Both things followed Ruby around everywhere just like Susan Twist appeared in whatever time the TARDIS was.
Much as I like the Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy is clearly the worst *actor* for a classic Doctor. Davison is one of the best, alongside Troughton. Just look at Caves of Androzani.
yeah in terms of actual acting ability, Sylvester and Tom Baker are probably at the bottom. I love both of them but they pretty much just played themselves. Davison is a legit actor but played closer to the scripts, and unfortunately most of his scripts just had very little characterization going on. probably because Tom infused so much of himself into the Doctor that they didn't know how to actually write the character anymore after he left. ironically I think those types of amateur actors like Tom/Sylvester who are not great technical actors but rely on their own natural charisma arguably work better for the Doctor. it's a kind of role that is hard for traditional actors to nail down and almost demands you to play an exaggerated version of yourself.
>Suktek was there all along

I'm sure there are hundreds of reasons that don't make sense, but my mind immediately goes to Smith and the Tardis being stuck in an infinitely exploding loop
Funny how the best doctors: Pertwee, T. Baker, and McCoy all played the role as a extension of themselves. I would say Troughton is also in that category but I really haven't see much of his acting outside of Who and even watching his episodes it hard to gauge how good he is since half of his episodes are freaking slide shows or shitty flash cartoons.
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I personally like to think about how there was probably a really big Sutekh just sitting on the Doctor's grave in Trenzalore
Does Rose and the Meta Human doctor TADRIS grow its own Sutekh then
Troughton didn't really play himself as such because he was known for a lot of more serious roles at the time, but he essentially wrote the playbook on the doctor and established the things that went all the way forward to tennant and smith. I think at the time they just had it in mind to play the doctor like a younger hartnell, who had a lot of moments of silliness where you can see how troughton took those and expanded upon them.
CAM ON ENGERLAND!! *bang bang bang bang*
DROP THEM FAKKING RATINGS *bang bang bang bang*
>here's that secret bad guy who was pulling the strings all along, but, amazingly, we've only just revealed it now. Isn't that clever?
I hate that conceit, it seems like a lack of imagination.
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luv ingerland
ate sutekh

simple as
I've got a feeling that season 2 is gonna be even worse
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bring him back already
Is there any Troughton films you would recommended? I remember him having small parts in a few Olivier Shakespeare productions and of course The Omen.
yeah this time i couldn't
how many times did ncuti cry in this episode?
>when saying he would stop sutekh
>when he saw the earth dying
>when he saw the woman with the dead baby
>when ruby left
did I miss any?
I want to have sex with Trudy and Rose Noble
Best thing to come from it was the Sutekh posting, but generally when some guy in the previous friend jokingly said Mel was gonna become an Harbinger because HAIR BE GINGER and it turned out true. >>200342086
The episode was unsalvageable.
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Thanks, fantastic.
Fucking deranged
> if you’re not writing about the same topics as every other writer, what’s the point?
Writers no longer need to live their own experiences. They’re just expected to read twitter for a while and base their writing on that
it's stupid because it has 0 impact, idk what rtd was thinking
What the fuck is the point of the pantheon and the bad guys being Gods? It makes no difference to the story or how they are defeated/treated
I wonder if Sutekh could kill Jack Harkness.
I honestly wonder how autistic people whose hyperfixation has been doctor who ever since they were a child feel about it now? I feel kinda bad for them in a way, you can sense a lot of cope with the “it’s always been woke” comments. They should just let it go but they invested their whole life in this show
lol people are still theorizing?
RTD literally said the twists for him are just a way to make people talk about the show, there aren't any thoughts to turn them into something that makes sense and when they do they end up in anti climatic reveals.
Do you think he actually had a plan when he added Shalka to the Doctor's timeline? If it means nothing to him who writes that stuff, why it should mean anything to who watches it.
Sutekh isn't even a god he just went crazy in the time vortex
This. Mrs Flood will just end up being a God or something (God of Stories so that's why she narrates stuff). It won't make sense and won't mean anything. All the "breadcrumbs" are just references or red herrings
Sutekh always having been on the tardis is the best thing this show has done in years.
So much hilarity from how little sense it makes, and meme edits of him in various scenarios
>it was me doctor, I was the one who flooded your TARDIS shower room during your 8(0th) incarnation

Anything even remotely fucky with the Tardis between 4 and 15 can now be reasoned as being a Sutekh Troll
That's me. I don't mind wokeness but I learned to laugh at laughably bad story decisions and still get a lot out of online discussions.
where the fuck is the webm of fruity gatwa screaming? that shit was hilarious
>that time you got 2 ponds, me doctor all me
This is a coom emergency, I repeat, this is a coom emergency -- I need porn with a girl that looks like this STAT!!!!
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>all guns blazing at sneedtek
>this dumb tranny doesn't even flinch
was so happy when he turned to sand, shame they reversed it
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instead of spending like 20 minutes in the first episode of the finale showing mrs. flood acting retarded just to set up another mystery box for the christmas special, maybe they should've spent more time doing something that built sutekh up, instead of having to literally explain it to the audience with a tablet in what was probably the most embarrassing exposition I've ever seen
RTD has completely forgotten the fundamentals of writing, he has brain AIDS
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Crayon Sutekh.
Mrs Flood is the harbinger to Yahweh.
How bad was it?
there's like one scene that's pretty good but only if you watch it without context, and the only other good thing to come out of it is the knowledge that sutekh has been sitting on top of the tardis since Pyramids of Mars
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>there's like one scene that's pretty good but only if you watch it without context
Which is?
theirs nothing good about that, it is hilarious though
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>Doctor, extend the extrapolate around me as well! Those dalek missiles are going to-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
the scene from 17:47 to 22:48 is good as a scene but doesn't actually make any sense because why the fuck did the woman survive at all and why was she talking about other people that apparently survived too
Whenever I feel sad about the world, all I have to do is remember Davros just had his eyes shut all them years and I piss myself laughing.

Whenever I feel sad about the world, all I have to do is remember Sutekh was just sat on top of the TARDIS all them years and I piss myself laughing.
>Doctor landed on pete's world
>sutekh made his death minion there
>the undoing of all the death minions was flying through the ordinary-world time vortex
rip rose, jakki, metacrisis doctor, and pete
also wait how is sutekh cultural appropriation
like hes meant to literally be Set right
and the mythological Set some kind of human interpretation of this alien species
or whatever

so how is it cultural appropriation if anything the egyptians culturally appropriated from sutekh
>sutekh went through the void with them
>was therefore covered with void stuff
>didn't get sucked into the void with the daleks and the cybermen at the end of doomsday
actually come to think of it if the tardis is alive it should have been covered in void stuff too and got sucked in as well
fucking hell now RTD's retroactively making stories make less sense even independent of sutekh

yes anon that's the point
To think, there is still another season on its way.
no, I think the zesty nigga was implying the other way around
at least there probably won't be a third
RTD has always had shitlib brainworms but they've metastasized in recent years
tats right the gay guy is saying the egyptians culturally appropriated sutekh
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Even the memory TARDIS was saying "watch Pyramids of Mars, it's much better".
why? disney didn't like it?
Based Sutekh. Especially when the tardis got a humanoid body. YOU HEAR THAT DOCTOR? I, SUTEKH, WAS CREEPING ON YOUR GIRL
thats even stupider
the egyptians were like a very early society and they see some death nigga roll up and destroy shit at will
how is that cultural appropriation its more like holy fucking shit this guy controls death

was the whole doctor faith thing in last of the timelords human appropriation of gallifreyan culture
They only gave money for 2 seasons so far. No word yet if they want to stream/pay for S3
can we all shut up about the episode and talk more about how much we want to fuck Ruby's friend Trudy and also Rose Noble?
ratings are ass and every episode has been divisive popularity wise, but not in a 'drawing attention' way, just more of a 'it's shit, it's not shit' way
they have to renew it soon if they even want to
top kek
More importantly more Sutekh memes. He must be retroactively added to every Doctor Who story after pyramids just sitting around watching and talking shit to the tardis for hundreds of years
>sutekh perched on top of the pipe organ in Attack of the Cybermen
yes the master was simply trying to teach humans that culture appropriation was wrong but that bigoted doctor wouldn't allow him
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>doctor the fucking devil is down here where the fuck are you, this thing is fucking scary
>"And that's how the story of the Church on Ruby Road comes to an end. With a very happy ending for little Ruby Sunday. But life goes on, doesn't it? Ruthlessly. And what happens, you might wonder, oh what happens, to that mysterious traveller in time and space known as the Doctor? I'm sorry to say his story ends in absolute terror. Night night."
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>I can see the whole of time and space, everything there ever was, everything there ever will be except sutekh perched on top of the tardis
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Christ how bad at her job must she have been?? Her mum works for the NHS. How tf was it IMPOSSIBLE to find her, Davina?!?
fucking kek
QRD on the episode?
wait so her mum was just a random woman? after almost a year of build up? i didn't watch the episode.
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subtle, rusty
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yes, the most normal woman ever

made special through the power of love/memory/something, cos people thought of her as special - so she became so

fuck knows anon, i watched it and I'm also lost
£10 on Ncuti's finale being called Absolute Terror lmao
her identity was obscured by Yahweh to aid The Doctor
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Rubys mum is just… a woman? Why can she make snow? Why did the memory change? Why did Sutekh die when he was flung into the time vortex when that’s how he explicitly survived last time
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>doctor, please stop slamming into the brickwork of this london council estate!
Has/can someone put together a compilation of all these references?
Clara's outfit, Romana's outfit. 'Clever boy', and this one.
Any others I've forgotten or missed?
>15 year old mum walks around in a fucking cloak
>points at a road sign that was invisible or something
>pls name my kid after this road even though nobody is here to witness this
why didnt she just leave a note with the baby
>Why did Sutekh die when he was flung into the time vortex when that’s how he explicitly survived last time
that is explained by him clinging to the Tardis instead of being devoured by it or something
bros... is she Iris Wildthyme?
>first black doctor
>he kills a dog by dragging it at incredibly high speeds behind his vehicle with a leash around its neck
Did RTD get raimi to ghostwrite the finale??
Episode 8 was fucking garbage. Can't imagine high viewership on this one, yikes.
Lawrence Miles is unhappy, yes.
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Out here naming my future children.
>RTD's fanfic from when he was a kid
It reminded me of being at primary school, drawing stories with crayons and making it up as I went along. "And then this happened, and then this..."
We visibly see that when Sutekh touches the outer walls of the Vortex, he rips it open. Instead when he's cut loose he suddenly disintegrates rather than just falling through a wall of the vortex to some random area of space and time.

It was ReTarDed anon, don't try to defend ReTarDism
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Can Dr. Who maybe not have as many tantrums or cry at everything next year?
that would be kino, so it most certainly is not
But hey! We got to see the 4th Doctor and Sarah! Maybe it's best not to remind the audience of when the show was at its peak...
Yeah, would be nice for the very last series of Doctor Who to not have him be portrayed as a pathetic fucking wimp.
Someone posted a comparison of 15s speech in this episode compared to 12 vs the fisher king and just

Christ, ncuti is shit at his job
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>Millie Gibson’s charisma proves to have been one of the season’s secret weapons.
It's not just Ncuti, the writing is garbage. Admittedly Ncuti is a terrible actor and RTD just brought him in for his dick and to satisfy his extreme psycopathic leftist desires to view black people as pathetic.
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>Mickey you fucking retard, you will never be able to open the TARDIS console's chassis with a 1993 Mini Cooper
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>slams the Tardis into a wall at the speed of light on Skarro
right, isnt there still a sutekh on top of 14s tardis? and also where was he during all this? were expected to believe he just sat around and died and did nothing?
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I bring Sutekh's gift of parody.
imagine the telepathic gossip
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>Doctor Who, the television program, I let you go (because you're about to become irredeemable shite)
This line seems a little on the nose now
You can ask the same thing about so many franchises. Star Wars and Star Trek are the other big two obvious examples but, at this point near-everything has been caught in the web. You could easily create a list of 25 franchise that have been tarnished over the last 10 years.
What happens if a future Doctor ever bumps into a past Doctor? Does the earlier Sutekh notice the future Doctor's TARDIS doesn't have him on it and go "oh fuck, he must defeat me at some point"

You can tell RTD put 0 thought into 14 sticking around, especially considering how Ncuti keeps going

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>this kid was trying to warn the doctor about sutekh when he wrote BAD WOLF on the side of the tardis
>but he didn't know what a jackal was and thought he was a wolf instead
bring this kid back rusty
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>Doctor! Do not go back to the Cardiff rift! I can see inside the Torchwood base, it's that Captain Jack and Ianto Jones, they're...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
so rtd just blatantly rips off gaymans sandman and makes it incredibly stupid in the process, bravo rtd bravo
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>the prophecy came true
>sutekh voiced by gabriel woolf
>bad wolf is spread around everywhere in 2005 finale
>bad woolf is spread around everywhere in 2024 finale
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sutekh must have been PISSED during the flux
>but this was supposed to be MY plan
Power of the Doctor was kid Chibs fanfic. This was kid RTDs fanfic
he must have been real pissed during logopolis too
>Sutekh watching 12 plow River for 26 years on Darillium
he did say that he's had this idea in his head for 50 years.

at least power of the doctor was somewhat decent.
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>sutekh during Flatline
NEW >>200357523

NEW >>200357523

NEW >>200357523

NEW >>200357523
good questions for another time
The Doctor brought 'life' to every single planet and time he's visited since his fourth incarnation - so ALL the Time Lords should be alive again now.
god make this stop

nuwho has made continuity so fucking convoluted
My god that episode was awful.

I try to look for something nice in even the eps I'm disappointed in, but there was nothing in this that was good at all. And it was like 15 minutes longer than it needed to be.
and the time the TARDIS blew up and destroyed the universe
tennant has a tardis too so wouldnt that mean there are two suteks?
>Somehow Sutekh forgot how to de-manifest himself

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