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What has happened to Doctor Who? edition
previous >>200357523
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booby tuesday
can we all shut up about the episode and talk more about how much we want to fuck Ruby's friend Trudy and also Rose Noble?
I'd make Rose Noble leak all over her tummy
but that is sickening and nobody wants to do that
i am serious. her ladydong would be flopping around and shooting like a lawn sprinkler. Donna would be impressed
fuck i am so horny rn. do you think the tardis has a horny jail?
Not sure what you guys are all complaining about. When I abandoned my baby because I was a teenager who wasn't ready, I also wore a fancy cloak and pointed ominously at a road sign to name her, which also somehow made me immune and my face invisible to a God of Death and a time traveller reconstructing the scene using futuristic technology.
>only thing lady remembers about her husband is that he's tall
What did they mean by this?
Remember the Cracks in Time? Remember when Rory was sucked into one? Remember when The Doctor reached into the crack and pulled out a piece of his TARDIS?

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>"his one constant companion: Death"
Clive knew
Utter state of this show when these diehard fans are the only ones left
You never heard this shit happening during the 50th anniversary
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>Amelia remembered the dog on the tardis
Gonna miss Ruby, she was a good companion, only one along with Dan i've liked in recent years.

Felt bad for her foster Mum, she just let her fat lazy biological mum in like she did nothing wrong
post more of these edits
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go back through the last 3 threads
there have been some great ones
You know the sutekh reveal actually works really well if you just do what the showrunners have done since series 11 and just pretend Capaldi's era never happened
>sutek: ooof ouch ow owch
She's in the next season with the new Indian companion
Dan should totally come back and smack Nigcutie in the head with a frying pan
Why did the lady keep saying he has a nice face when he's clearly black?
>Alright Doctor Lad, remember how you helped all your other companions but left me homeless. Nice one mate
>pretend the best doctor never happened
how about no
lmao at Rubes asking who "the man with the hair and the girl" is and 15 goes "oh they're just people who travelled in the TARDIS"

wow, way to go, shitting on the past. "they're just people, don't worry about it honey"
Pitch an 8th Doctor miniseries.
That's because somehow Sutekh is killing off memory too. Like the somehow-surviving lady who forgets that her child died. It's meant to show that the Doctor even is losing memories, or something. I dunno, RTD is a hack.
They hinted about the 73 yards being important again, but never delved into it. I guess that'll come up again in future?

Also is that super evil Welsh prime minister a character from old /who/? They keep talking like there's history with him but haven't shown anything
Didn’t watch any of this. How was the season? Was it better than the Whittakerslop?
>Was it better than the Whittakerslop?
7 shows up bitch slaps everyone and leaves 8 in 1980s england without any shoes
>Also is that super evil Welsh prime minister a character from old /who/?
No. Literally showed up this season.
Just ignore the new series.
>Was it better than the Whittakerslop?
No, but it was bad in different ways
ignore terrible fanfiction dr who ended with 12
Sutekh was the one who knocked four times btw.
he "happened" just like Cushing, Warner, and Atkinson "happened"
reminder that Shalka Doc is canon now
That's because 15 isn't the real Doctor. 14 is. 14 is the same being that Tom Baker was, Ncuti is a separate entity because he split from the original Doctor.
73 Yards is important because the evil nuclear guy from that episode made DNA testing mandatory, which is how they found Ruby's mum
It's pretty much unwatchable. Racism is the villain in one of the episodes, and Sutekh gets slammed by the Doctor for cultural appropriation of Egyptian culture.
surprisingly no. almost like Chibnall actually was just RTD2
lol you remain delusional I see, don't imagine I don't know who you are
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Whenever I feel sad about the world, all I have to do is remember Davros just had his eyes shut all those years, and I piss myself laughing.

Whenever I feel sad about the world, all I have to do is remember Sutekh was just sat on top of the TARDIS all those years, and I piss myself laughing.
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>73 Yards is important because the evil nuclear guy from that episode made DNA testing mandatory, which is how they found Ruby's mum

But the Doctor made a point of saying strange things happen at 73 yards in this episode, and they still haven't explained wtf happened that episode and how they were able to do a time loop thing, or how Ruby has some memories of her previous time loop.

Or who Mad Jack is and the pixies or whatever they are that were powerful enough to permanently take the Doctor
Isn't Kate Stewart a bit old for colonel Christofer?
What does 'canon' even mean anymore?
Predict the next season.
>"the story of the church on Ruby Road"

uhhh the story isn't about the church, it's about Ruby. someone edit this man's scripts for the love of god
Dr Who must be for smart kids because I didn't understand the finale at all.

Haha she has got a great rack of lamb
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lmao why do you fight against best doctor so much? why do you refuse to acknowledge 12 as the best? instead of admiring and respecting the last and greatest doctor you choose to be salty. What terrible brain damage have you suffered to come to such a place?
>Racism is the villain in one of the episodes
except it wasn't racism it was caste crap and was one of the only good episodes this season because it was just a simple story about bubblewrap aliens eating everyone and the social media AI bubble intentionally making sure the vapid and infantile users don't notice
>The Doctor's story ends in absolute terror
and then continues anyway because he regenerates or there's a new series
Capaldi's a great Doctor but Baker has personality AND stories.
>15 meets the new Indian girl companion
>Mrs Flood appears in the first episode to hint at stuff
>Ruby appears in a filler episode halfway through the series
>A new repeated phrase/motif starts in episode 1 and continues throughout the series
>The doctor and Indian girl don't notice these repeated phrase/motif until Part 1 of the finale
>The repeated phrase/motif is revealed to be related to a returning classic who villain (probably Mrs Flood)
>This villain destroys the earth/the universe at the start of Part 2
>The villain is defeated via something to do with the Indian girl companion
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Where do we even go from here?
Fuck it, let's go mental. The series big-bad is John DeLancie as the Trickster. Varada Sethu is Susan. They play snooker with the multiverse. The Doctor gets a pet Dalek.
Space Grannies!
What were they THINKING with this design? They went from Capaldi's interior to this shit.

Still the worst interior.
>Daleks show up finally
>The Doctor gets a pet Dalek.
Oswin needs to return
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Christ, it's oogleh
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I am the rage and the vile and the voracity. I am the Prince and the Fallen. I am the Enemy, I am the Sin and the fear and darkness. I shall never die. The thought of me is forever; in the bleeding hearts of men, in their vanity and obsession and lust. Nothing shall ever destroy me. Nothing!
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I liked it when the crystal columns waggled up and down lmfao
>opportunity for someone to be in a position where he could get molested by Lalla Ward as Romana
>position goes to a fag
i'll give you that, moffat was in a downward spiral writing wise towards the end but he manned up and pulled it together for the finale of dr who TDF. Doesn't take anything away from Capaldis amazing performance
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Sorry Chris.

I forgive you, and I miss Karvanista.
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>it's an Ncuti episode
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>Simon Burhman keeps appearing on TV screens looking for people to audition for his new talent show
>Daleks return with the new unproblematic Davros
>Pantheon plotline ongoing. The god of farts appears.
>Satirical Alex Jones/right wing radio host character
>New companion is super sassy and smart
>Finale reveals Simon Burhman as SiBurhman, the letters rearrange into Cyberman
>Mrs Flood's identity is revealed and is underwhelming
>Ruby returns briefly and is pregnant
>The Doctor cries every episode
>Toymaker in the Giggle talking about how he's terrified of The One Who Waits while nervously pulling at his collar, giving sideways glances towards the TARDIS, and muttering "don't make eye contact don't make eye contact don't make eye contact" under his breath
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what a disgusting piece of shit, 12s was max comfy
>Maestro not noticing he's just down the road
so was it ever explained how ruby can make it magically snow...despite the fact that it turned out that she is just an ordinary girl with an ordinary mother?
top fucking kek

you need to stop trying to justify this shit, that never happened
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New Who will always be subordinate to Classic. Them's the rules.
>"She was important... because we think she's important. That's how everything happens - every war, every religion, every love story. We invest things with significance. So while the whole of creation was turning around her, it made her sheer existence more powerful than Time Lords and gods. In the end, the most important person in the universe... was the most ordinary. A scared little girl... making her baby safe."
unless its 12, thems the fucking rules dum dum
yes, its because of love you see.
i'm not justifying it, i'm ripping the piss out of how dumb it is anon
>Adric wears a star for "excellence in mathematics"

That's what he says
This makes no sense and sounds like something a dementia patient would say.
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poor suetech
I can hear the voice and music in my head
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I haven't seen anyone who liked the ruby's mother reveal. What was RTD thinking?
>What was RTD thinking?
He wasn't.
>"She was important... because we think she's important.
so this was just RTD trying to do Hybrid baiting just much worse? at least that bait was actually about the character work taking precedence over mystery box bait, in this case it's just an empty mystery box because fuck us for expecting any proper storytelling right?
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he thinks that hyping her up to be some big important person or character from the past for almost a year, then revealing her to be nothing, is a clever "twist".

the pointing at the sign thing was fucking retarded as well.
Same with most of the 'explanations'
>"If time is a memory, then memory is a time machine."
>"It's a remembered TARDIS. It's bits and pieces of every TARDIS that ever was, held together by hopes and wishes and luck."

>"Absolutely real. Every time the TARDIS would land, it would roll her out like... OK, so the TARDIS has a perception filter so it doesn't get noticed, it just sits there, kind of unseen, cos it casts a field around it at 66.7 metres exactly."
>"Funny things happen at 73 yards. People say that you can see things. So... Sutekh, he used this field, but used it massively. He focused his mind, created a whole new person everywhere I'd land. But perception means that she fitted in, she had a character, she had a history, she had a truth."
>"I think she was reborn every time. Each time the TARDIS would land, the idea of that woman would get stronger and stronger. By 2024, she was Susan Triad, this monumental figure."

>"You saw all of time and space with me, Sutekh! So I thought, "What if you see it again?" What happens if you bring death to death? You bring life!"

>RTD trying to ape Moffat whilst not understanding Moffat
kino episode. They don't make 'em like that anymore.
ah, yes some foreshadowing would've made this stupid shit jut a little less stupid
There's always a twist at the end.
>By 2024, she was Susan Triad, this monumental figure.
Literally just a random 60 year old woman.
>Where do we even go from here?
>Fuck it, let's go mental.
Faction Paradox
>fuck Ruby's friend Trudy and also Rose Noble?
that's disgusting anon.
I want THEM to fuck ME.
Why hadn't they ever noticed the thousands of Susan triads before series 15 too? It feels like a last minute change to have him be on the TARDIS since pyramids of mars instead of just wild blue yonder
She was already there with Newton before anything had even gone down in WBY
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For me it is the Missing Adventures.
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yes 12 is without doubt the best doc ever put on screen, sorry tom your fine even good but you can't beat someone like this

Bring back Gareth Roberts.
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I like the knockoff B5 uniform lel
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Post more book covers.
he literally exists so that rtd could complain about a different Welsh gay writer who is actually really kind and charismatic and dies a loot for the community and speaks welsh
Did anyone else notice the booba in this episode?
I liked both but man, we had the DEI thing in the 1990s too to some extent.

Take Kate Orman, fellow Australian. She is VERY left wing lol

Tom played Tom. Perhaps a failing by some metric, but it's why he IS Doctor Who.
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For me, it's the weird Eighth Doctor adventures from the wilderness years
>Take Kate Orman, fellow Australian. She is VERY left wing lol
Did that show up in her works? I suppose the other thing to ask is was she even like that at the time?
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Kylie and Camera Obscura
yes yes, iregardless capadi did it better, more then that did it best, I know this upsets and confuses so many but facts are what they are nothing will change that
60th anniversary specials > Series 14

Anyone else agree?
What a champ.
The legend of ruby sundays booba
I disagree. He was just okay. Like most modern Dr Who. It's alright, sometimes.
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every nuwho finale after S10 only happens to retroactively make people apologize to Moffat's finales

Parting of the Ways still the best one though
>I can't speak for every Neo-Pagan or Wiccan; no-one can. I can tell you, though, that the goddess I worship, Inanna, is the patron of all sexuality. In the Mesopotamian hymns and tales she's a macho warrior and a new bride. Her clergy (as best we can tell) included gay men and cross-dressers. As the evening star, she's compared with a sex worker, hanging out of the tavern window looking for business! She's not a mother goddess; she's a goddess of sex, and without her, nobody can bothered with it. Starhawk says that the lovers taken from us by AIDS are her martyrs. She's the reason I've blogged so much about sex education, reproductive freedom, and freedom from sexual violence. If you are a slut, a fag, a queer, a whore, a tranny, a monogamous heterosexual, or a hopeful virgin, this goddess, who was worshipped for thousands of years and who has burst back to life, wants to gather you up in her huge multicoloured bouquet of life and love and joy. (Heck, if you're celibate or asexual, jump on in. It's a big bouquet.)

They were certainly more competent television, yeah
Err yes
lots of fans on twitter talking about their cinema experience being bad, and lots of disappointment at the end lmao
You don't seem to understand what DEI means.
who the fuck would even go to the cinema at midnight to watch this shite?
well, exactly lmao
>just okay
damn, you are really hung up on 3 and 4 aren't you? look I like them too but 12 was the best ever, this is a simple fact 9 was the best of the nu-who stuff, but 12 really doesn't count with them, I compare him to classic who and the only one who comes close even beats 12 is 1, the others are good sometimes great but none have been as good as 12 was except hartnell, thems the facts
>Builds up to big ethical decision
>Doctor makes his choice
>Rose ex Machina barges in and throws the whole thing out the window with a flick of the wrist, and even gets to full-throat the Doctor as a reward
And that's the *best* finale
>inherit money from disney
>effects are on a par with Scooby Doo movies
what did russell mean by this?
>you didn't add that extra R this makes me upset and confused
go fuck a leaky pipe you faggot
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kek even the shills aren't sure
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Did ManRose even speak in Empire of Death? Absolutely no point in her being there
the worst part of Jodies run was the puritanism... like everything that Ncuti has worn so far, would have been amazing on Jodie
>tits out but pants
>skimpy top and skirt with boots

iregardless is not a word, regardless is what you mean.
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The correct word is REGARDLESS. People who say irregardless are destroying the English language and should all die.
>inb4 you post a dictionary entry
It was added to the dictionary because so many complete fucking retarded cunts like you kept using a completely incorrect word over and over and over. Go die.
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did anyone else laugh out loud when ncuti said to ruby that he'd shown her the universe during her exit
here's what he showed her, according to what we see
>a space station run by babies
>the 1960s
>a warzone
>wales (basically a warzone)
>some planet where they just hung around in a sewer trying to direct the space racists
>regency england
>the finale
seriously he didn't show her SHIT
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capaldi still best doctor
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Grandfather Paradox
I saw him die or something but noticed he didn't get any lines as well and I laughed.
I am well aware even this stupid spell check tries to correct me it would've been simplicity itself to change it to regardless, however I like irregardless i like the sound of it, it rolls off the tongue and so I will continue using it, dumb fucks
it means the same thing, it's just nonstandard in modern times. like irredeemable or irrelentless. idiot.
It's okay, bro, there was totally 6-12 months of adventuring in between each episode even though it was never hinted at and you'll never see it. Just trust me, bro.
Don't Scare the Hare
Irregardless I didn't read your post and your a little faggot, and that's not my problem
being willfully stupid makes you the dumb fuck.
Like I said, kys.

Irredeemable is a correct, standard word.
Irrelentless is something you just made up and no one has ever said before.
Regardless = without regard
Irregardless = double negative, therefore should be 'with regard'
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nick briggs foaming at the mouth
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>being willfully stupid
you mean refusing to allow current year nonsense to correct the words I intended to use I meant to say irregardless and thats what i posted you asinine retard
Done watching it. It was awful, only thing I'm happy about is fags online finally having the guts to admit it was awful.
The 8 episodes overall don't paint a pretty picture, to me this is S11 tier overall.
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now thats where I draw a fucking line, I post irregardless because its a good sounding word what the fuck is "irrelentless"? that means nothing, irredeemable does ireegardless does, "irrelentless" is just taking the piss
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Your insistence on using a word you know is incorrect because "I like how it sounds" is the textbook definition of willful ignorance. You're also talking to more than one person, by the way.
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some advice for you all
We should all workshop this, exhaustively
you are confused as to what the word ignorance means, since I know exactly what I am doing that isn't ignorance it is ironically enough, wilful disregard.
Wait, so what was Sutekh actually waiting for? Why did he cling to the ship for so long, and only choose now to reveal himself? Was it just so he could evolve and become stronger? I feel like that wasn’t really clear, unless I missed something.
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>The Osirans were a race of powerful and intelligent humanoids of god-like power, who were worshipped by many cultures across the universe, including on Earth in ancient Egypt. (TV: Pyramids of Mars [+]) The Fifteenth Doctor suggested to Ruby Sunday that the Osirans' Egyptian stylings were in fact an example of cultural appropriation, as opposed to the Egyptians having copied the Osirians' aesthetics. (TV: Empire of Death [+])
The mystery of Ruby's mom made him decide to make his move.
I don't think even Russell knows...
I assume he was waiting for a time he could become corporeal and that the Time Window powered by Ruby's memory and the secret time power of her wibbly-wobbly birthday snow or whatever the fuck was just the perfect alignment of things that made him corporeal again so he enacted his plan. But the finale doesn't really even hint at that, so it's just headcanon.
The sad thing is Ncuti has the potential to be a great Doctor (unlike Whittaker who should never have been cast) just a shame he's burdened with a fart-huffing dickhead hack of a showrunner
>Ncuti has the potential to be a great Doctor
Evidence for this?
holy retardation
if anyone here wants a better Sutekh story, see pic related
lol no he didn't he's fucking awful
>faction paradox
No thanks, I've actually felt the warmth of a woman
Whittaker was fine, nothing else was
Anon, the Faction Paradox posting is just shitposting. Don't tell me you are genuinely recommending it?
I am Mad Larry's neighbour, and he made me listen to it all. I now bring /who/ the gift of Lawrence.
Honestly I'm not gonna do the song and dance about "good doctor bad writing" anymore. A good doctor can elevate bad writing or at least seem good in spite of it. Ncuti so far hasn't accomplished that, maybe he will in the future.
What exactly is the deal with Faction Paradox? Quick look and am I right in saying Doctor Who Time Lords (with the names/terms filed off) in a war with some paradox creating voodoo cult?
>My sketch for the design team of what Sutekh + Tardis should look like! - RTD

We wuz robbed bros
The design they went with was garbage. I wish they'd have gone with his human form.
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post yfw Sutekh turned the TARDIS door around to face his giant canine cock
Doctor Who was never for you
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Lawrence Miles' bizarre fanfiction that heavily values abstract ideas over all else and is desperately, consciously trying to be anything other than 'cult sci-fi'
I agree, but I kind of don't mind - helps my autismo brain keep a clear divide between proper Doctor Who and this garbo era.
Meant for >>200362676
What a great way to end the show. Just imagine what could’ve happened next if it hadn’t ended after that episode. Bullet dodged.
I liked it. Somehow the solution to bring everyone back was less asspullish than Jesus Doctor.
Do we think < 2m viewers is a possibility in S2?
>the doctor is still stuck in the matrix
everything after 1986 never happened
Are you fucking joking?
>2005 Rose becomes god and brings life
>2007 Doctor becomes Jesus
>2024 Doctor becomes God and brings life
>how do we defeat the most powerful being in the universe doctor?
>lets put him on a dog leash
You can't really get more asspullish than Jesus Doctor.
>Sutekh has the power to kill everyone, so we'll drag him around all the places he's already killed everyone because if you kill people who are already dead they come back to life
Depends on that all-important weather. I want it to go sub-2m so badly.
>go to all the effort of making gods real with a whole set of specials to prepare for the new season
>painstakingly explain how these gods are not of this universe and completely different from anything the Doctor has ever faced before
>build up to the big bad god of all gods that makes the previous gods all run scared
>he's just an alien from this universe who got powered up and evolved by exposure to the time vortex which has happened lots of times to other people before and is nothing new
>literally nothing about him is out of the ordinary, of another universe, or the makings of a real god as previously established and defined within this very same season
How did RTD drop the ball THIS hard? It's fucking embarrassing how horribly inconsistent this is. Sutekh's power doesn't come from being "a real god" it just comes from hanging out in the time vortex for longer than anyone else ever has. So why even bother establishing the whole "gods are real" narrative in the first place?
If you kill death you get life. If you minus a minus, you get a positive.
I'll be sure to bring a gun and shoot the person in the casket at the next funeral I attend.
I'm looking at the competition, I think Doctor Who might get away with over 2mil tonight by virtue of there being fuck all else on
>naff 15 year old romcom on BBC2
>Belgium V Romania (football, apparently, not the World Pickpocket Championships) on ITV
>F1 highlights on C4
>The Good Life retrospective on 5
doctor in distress
Actually, if you kill death you get Torchwood: Miracle Day.
you really are a fucking idiot aren't you?
Bring your loved ones back to life with this one simple trick!
But he's not killing 'death'. 'Death' isn't something which exists (except for in Torchwood, but we politely ignore that one), it's not tangible thing which can be killed, it's a concept. He's not 'killing death', he's just existing where he had previously killed people
It's just cancelling his power out.
If you kill a murderer, his victims come back to life. It's just that simple.
Does this mean no one dies in Doctor Who anymore? It’s such a retarded concept
>rtd uses a reset button
no flippin way bros
yes we already covered the "you are retarded" no need to compound it
how many power of love endings have there been this season
Space Babies (kind of) and Boom were the only ones that really did that
He isn't killing the concept of death in a literal sense.
Regardless, this episode felt like the script's first draft - as did every episode in this season. Rushed. Non-imaginative. Puerile. Dumbed-down. DISGUSTING.
Right, then what is he doing?
He has kill-everything powers, so naturally if you use his kill-everything powers in places/times where everything's already dead, it makes a double negative and kill-everything powers un-kill everyone. Which is, of course, fucking retarded
it is almost as if Chibnall never left, so no.
TTC still there and even more dumb shit was retconned for the sole purpose of - using RTD's own words - "make people talk about the show".
It's destructive interference.
It's doubly retarded because we're told that Sutekh gave life to Harbingers (endless Susan Triads) every time the TARDIS landed, as a means to spread his Dust of Death around time and space.

So how does simply dragging Sutekh around time and space undo it, exactly? Wouldn't it make a tiny bit more sense for the undoing to happen only once Sutekh was killed, thus severing the link to all the Harbingers/Susans and magically undoing the sands of death?
Too late for technobabble now, babes. We're in full bore Magicland
That's a real thing THOUGH
Was Ruby only meant for 1 season?
>"lol we found your mom now fuck off"

I actually really liked Ruby as a companion, now we're gonna get that pakistani girl and the doctor is gonna go "I REMEMBUH YOUR FACE FROM THIS EPISODE" and she'll be like a shit clara.
Reversing polarity is a real thing too, that doesn't make it any less technobabble when it's slapped onto something in a senseless fashion to handwave a massive narrative contrivance
Basically, imagine that the Doctor's an overly emotional pussy who acts like a stereotypical gay man and at does stuff like fighting Drag Queen Satan and spending an episode standing on a land mine and crying.
RTD1 only tended to do 1 companion per series + occasional recurring appearance

At least it makes a change from deadwood like Yaz hanging around 5x longer than she ever ought to
She's from South India
Same shit, different street
No, in the Unleashed they already confirmed she was coming back. The first couple in the next season won't have her, but then she'll be travelling with the Doctor again. They also released a clip that's probably on Youtube.
>And I say bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish
>That's the way we do things, lad. We're making shit up as we wish
what is left of the fanbase is absolutely deranged.
You'd think they didn't liked it for the shitty writing and the non existent pacing of the episode but no, when i opened xitter this morning it was all about people seething over Kate holding hand with the man soldier and the fact that the episode didn't retcon even more of the time lords' lore.

It has come to this, people screaming over the presence of either gay or straight shit, while taking away everything that made the show interesting.
my bad lol
>tfw sutekh also showed up in another dogshit finale
Empire of Death > The Big Bang
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>introduce new friend to sutekh
>visit wiki for QRD
>what the fuck is this citation formatting mess
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Why is she making that face?
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I clicked all the + symbols to see what would happen

>both Roberts' Master and Sutekh couldn't leave the Tardis
It was all connected... they are playing the long game!
seeing any frame from TTC's plotline disgusts me
That's a product of the mentality that everything is canon. The show, spin-off shows, BBC novels, licenced novels, licenced audio dramas, Doctor Who magazine stories, comics, comic strips, video games etc etc. A non-retarded wiki would only detail the show and have anything else listed in a section under semi-canon or apocrypha.
you mean irregardless
I honestly wish there was a TV-only Wiki. This is a fucking mess. They even shoehorn stuff in from shit like Instagram videos as "canonical appearances" or trading cards, etc.
>Yaz hanging around 5x longer than she ever ought to

you take that shit back right now. Yaz should have stuck around and been kept instead of bringing bimbo Donna back
They have to replace every single person in movies with black people. Doctor who has been a white dude sense the start. They do this on purpose to demoralize people and the fans. its all propaganda. After all UK tv is the most far left cultural marxist weirdo shit out of any country.
How does that look worse than some of the older creature designs?
>That's a product of the mentality that everything is canon.
Its a product of autism and lack of being told no.
You are talking about a wiki that decided it needs articles on
Think of something random / commonplace and you will probably get an entry about it.
The two are linked.
Finale was shit, will this burst the bubble of any fans of this season?
>>200363648 is right >>200363652 this is just blatant autistic hyperfixation which can be useful for trivia and compiling useless info but left unchecked and you get retarded fucking wikis like this.
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this reminds me of when the human pet guy (Cybersmith) used the tardis wiki as a replacement for wikipedia.
you're all retarded; it's obviously supposed to be that Sutekh is being made to kill the time event of the deaths happening because he's in the middle of a fucking time vortex.
He's killing the events themselves; this was foreshadowed/established as possible by the scene in the tent talking aboout hoow the death wave can go backwards in time to kill people and can kill 'memorie' - and the episode kept making a point of how memories = time.
They were actually losing memories because the death wave was killing their past selves/past events; it was an inter-spacetime killing event. The same happened at the end except Sutekh was killing the time event of all the deaths happening thereby undoing it.

Don't ask me why the f uck Sutekh just hitting the sides of the time vortex made him do this specifically or the mechanics of how the death wave went from just sand that disintegrates people to an interdimensional cosmic wave between scenes, I have no fucking idea.
seeing rory's pp after seeing matt's monster hog
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>warn everyone that the "there is no canon / everything is canon" approach would just be an excuse to ignore any narrative continuity
>get called a nerd
>show ignores any narrative continuity and comes up with ridiculous shit or retcons that make it hard for everyone to take the show seriously
>everyone wonders how this could happen
you made your bed now lie in it fuckers
>the death wave
and we laughed at "the death particle" for being shit tier writing
>is being made to kill the time event of the deaths happening
>He's killing the events themselves;
Which is, once again, retarded.
Sutekh was ALWAYS on the tarids and this show was NEVER for you.

get over it
No, Faction Paradox are really just the narrators, really.

It's actually Legally Indistinct Time Lords at war with a mysterious enemy (actually alternative Time Lords - the Time Lords of a different continuity, and both are fighting to make THEIR version of events the real one)
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Ruby making a Sunday in her knickers.
Kill yourself
the whole episode felt like a modern big finish boxset
I'm on 1st episode. The space babies are so freaking hilarious! Is this show worth watching? I'm not too sure about this new Dr. Who actor, but ill give it a try.

They got good writing for the Dr. Who series but then they infest it with so much weird woke cultural marxist shit propaganda that contributes nothing to the story line that it ruins the show some what. Why the hell do they do this? I guarantee hardly any black people even watch this show or care about it anyways.

Anyways I didn't even know they made a new Dr. Who until I came on here and see you guys spamming threads about it non stop 24/7. Almost like this place is a test ground for internet social media marketing campaigns for tv shows and movies. Hmmmmmm...
>Sutekh was always in the Tardis
>Normal people can make it snow if other people think they are special
>Richard E Grant is canon
>Donna's son is a beautiful woman
This is the new world. Best get used to it chud
I wonder what Briggs thinks of NuNuWho?
>It's okay, but needs more Vlinx! And where are the Daleks!?
It just occurred to me that despite the fact it was brought up in the church of ruby road and despite the fact that it's an obvious parallel to the Ruby beiing a foundling/orphan plot, absolutely nothing was further developed or established about the Timeless Child ongoing storyline.
And Sutekh, having seen all of time and space and been on the TARDIS for millions of years, should have known more about the details of it than The Doctor himself by now and should have teased/mocked The Doctor over it. I guess RTD just forgot he had been carrying on that Chibnall plot point and had said The Doctor being like 'a refugee' is the angle they were supposedly going for this season with his character. Even more wasted potential.
>the Doctor ressurrected the daleks
i'm keking
lol holy shit so far I am loving this first episode. This space baby idea is so freaking funny and cute at the same time. haha

>"Is that your pet dog downstairs?"
> "Whaaaaaa whaaaa! Its the Boogeyman!"

Its even funnier the way they say boogeyman in the english accent.
wtf i didn't know Chibnall posted here!
Can't believe we didn't even get a moment of hesitation there. "I could choose not to bring back Skaro... could I do that?"
Time Lords status?
Would have actually been a good moment to riff on the opposite moral dilemma to Genesis of the Daleks
Also why do a majority of good looking british women look like this girl in the show? Its like they all kinda have a same similar look about them.
Dead. Can't be last of the timelords if there are other timelords
it's always been tarids. only retards call it a tardis (because they're tards)
What about the one who lives in Donna's garden?
What clumsy political allegory would RTD2 do with the Time Lords? A Farage, Boris or Trump type character? Something Brexit related?
I thought 14 took all of the trauma and bad juju with him - why does 15 cry in every fucking episode? lol.
He's still the Doctor
I'm still in awe at Mr ap Gwilliam, whose entire political agenda was just
>nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes nukes
since this doctor is zesty, and has activated melanin receptors, it's just part of the package
Oh great more propaganda. Of course they have to insert abortion rights into the space babies episode. Holy shit...
Because RTD can only write one way. Like how Moffat made every doctor a mary sue god
Therapy out of order, y'see? So it's like 15's been on SSRIs for an entire lifetime
Just a couple of last of the Time Lords
all put on too much orange make up and end up looking like generic slags
Space Babies is one of the worst episodes of the entire show.
>Like how Moffat made every doctor a mary sue god

A MILK button?
Of course he would do it, he hates genocide.
Time Lords needs to accept immigration. Rassilon is wrong in wanting to stop the starboats.
>I was watching... Sleepy Goth, that's what I call him, Sleepy Goth
cock milking button
>Rassilon babe, I'm the one who saved you from the time war. I'm the one who you stole regeneration from. And guess what hunni.... I'm an immigrant!
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>I miss Karvanista

I do too. It's so bizarre to think the Doctor learns they had a companion but the Time Lords deleted their memory of them and put a chip in his brain that will kill him if he speaks about their time together then an hour later Sontarans wipe out every single other member of the companion's species and the Doctor just lets him fly off in a spaceship like nothing happened instead of trying to make things right.
Which Doctor has the biggest penis?
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>Doctor! Do not go back to the Cardiff rift! I can see inside the Torchwood base, it's that Captain Jack and Ianto Jones, they're...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Did that really happen? Thank God I dropped out the pregnant man episode
Rassilons Time Lord, neither alive nor dead until witnessed by an observer
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>about to die
>stand there like statues instead of shitting and pissing themselves
3 > 15 > 11 > 4 > 8 > 12 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 14/10 > 9 > 7 > 6 > 13
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Matt Smith.
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do you think that unit soldier's still in bunker 17 wondering what the hell is going on?
You can tell these people never watched the show even in 2014/15 when Kate said she was a divorcee with kids. She’s never been a lesbian
Regenerate >>200365011
why did this episode do the 'god' concept so much better
They know they can't stop it, they believe the Doctor will fix it. They're bravely facing their (temporary) end with dignity.
she got divorced because she became a lesbian duhhh
The what?

Special effects are hard
Describe it. No cheating.
Dr Katherine Sally Lethbridge-Stewart, known professionally as Kate Stewart from 2004 to 2023, was the Chief Scientific Officer and Commander-in-Chief by 2024 at UNIT where she quickly gained notoriety under the pseudonym Kripple Killer Kate. She was the daughter of Fiona and Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and the mother of Gordy and another child. Among the LGBTQIA+ community she is more commonly known as The Oncoming Storm.

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