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RTD2 Got You Feeling Like Edition

Previously >>200395064
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A message to all anons from the Doctor:
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But why not follow through on it? Have Kate refuse to listen to The Doctor, because he's already got someone killed.
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Lytton, Lumic, Yvonne, Danny, Bill, The Brig, Lisa, Ashad
All I know off the top of my head.
internet age storytelling

Yeah he really had a crap series
>watching anti-white propaganda
Most viewers have already dropped this woke shit
I meant dead characters that would have become Cybermen in Death in Heaven
I think Devil's Chord had the potential to be a good episode if not for the Maestro character
Nardole was based and had the balls to scold the doctor
Nardole was superfluous and had hairless currants for balls

Sometimes Doctor Who needs campy villains.
literally all NuWho companions scold the Doctor and none of them should, or even could if he was an actual Doctor.
Would S10 have worked better had it been just 12 and Missy? I thought Bill was very annoying in the first half of that series.
i'd sooner watch some kind of Smithslop like S7 on repeat all year than let the travesty of RTD's NuNuWho infect my video player even for a second
Yes, in the vein of the Horns of Nimon, not something Ru Paul flushed after a night on the cans and the vindaloo
Camp is one thing but he's just so unpleasant to look at and annoying to listen to. And something about it is horribly American.
Ah, so you're just homophobic.
Burn it all down
I found myself empathising with Sutekh's platform
Nigga spoke a lot of sense

Hate to break it to you but all modern who is NuWho.
Fair, though the only place I can imagine it is if the Doctor explicitly told her not to fire at Sutekh for some reason.
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>Capitalism is when a monopolistic corporation sells weapons to a faction in a fake war that has no enemy to actually get any money or resources from meaning the entire thing is a huge net negative for all involved. Also religion bad.

Bravo Moffat, once again Bravo!
No, because Graeme Crowden was gay and hilarious and over the top. You are as deep as a petri dish
Graeme Crowden was straight.
Can't wait for him to join the ranks of Ben, Polly, Liz, Turlough and Adam as the most forgettable companions
We don't use violent labels like that here fren
Whatever happened to that writer who was praised for mummy on the express and flatline?
scared me there
he did oxygen in 2017 for series 10
he wrote and published a collection of short stories in 2023
He co-wrote the Ashildr episode and it was dogshit
The mummy episode has one of my favourite ever doctor moments at the climax. It's a shame they never did anything else with the ai villainhr
Turlough was a great companion wtf do you mean forgettable?
Series 10 > Series 4
It's not anti-white.
Peter Capaldi wouldn't have become the Doctor if he hadn't been in Fires of Pompeii fron Series 4.

Series 4 > Series 10
>never watched classic who before tales of the tardis
>pronounces romana "ramona"
Most companions start out annoying.
What was even going on with the woman in the (somehow) magic-proof tent talking about the man with the 'nice face' or whatever???
>replacing all the white characters with non-whites
>rewriting white history
>having a white society is bad for some reason
>constantly showing race traitors
I'd say that's anti-white anon
He's so gay.
It was such a nonsense scene which added nothing to the plot and killed the pacing
Good riddance
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>Empire of Death (finale) overnight viewers: 2.25 million

It is so, so unbelievably over.
guesses at the +4? considering how bad word of mouth is, I wanna say 3m
I thought it was supposed to be implied that this is somewhere away and down the line and the doctor has been travelling(?) and there are people who survived initial dusting but then it's still getting to them up and down the bloodlines. And the the Opera House implied this was Australia. I was thinking doctor martha era kind of post apocalyptic world

But then we see Ruby and Mel still in tardis so it makes no sense, it hasn't been that long.
And it felt like no scene led into it. Did the Doctor say he was taking the Tardis to look for survivors or anything, or tell Ruby and Mel to stay behind? No, he just...appears somewhere.
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Run Clara, Sutekh is gonna get you.
>away and down the line
But the dust is killing everyone, everywhere, everywhen. But here's a woman who has kept safe from the dust...in a tent.
No I agree completely, I guess I was describing how the scene made me think that possibility of "maybe some people survived, here's how" until the doctor went back into the tardis.
Now now anon did you forget to account for the weather?
is the doccy who shitposter gone
>The season finale has the worst ratings and the episode average is the worst in the entire show's 60-year history.
>let's continue for one year more!
He also says how he's been lost for a long time or something to that a good amount of time ha passed since the whole universe died
I love these edits.
>It's a shame they never did anything else with the ai villainhr
I wonder if they had anything planned that ultimately just never materialised?
It seemed like they did
Gus will get brough back in the revival after the second Wilderness. New fans will be confused who this old character from the 2010s is.
Doctor Who Review The WORST Finale of ALL Time - Season 1 Episode 8

Why do anons shill reaction and review videos?
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The Queen has spoken.
Will he be defeated by some rope too?
This is the fans fault, tell them to stop watching
Clara did a rather shit job at protecting the Doctor's timeline if she missed Sutekh hitching a ride on the TARDIS for thousands of years.
Clara fights every Susan triads every time the doctor lands
>close my eyes
>open them
>doctor is suddenly winning with barely any setup, bonus points if all the damage is reversed.

god I fucking hate it so much, watching Series 3 or 4 back in the day I didn't notice shit like this really, but it's unbearable now.
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This was much better than whatever nonsense is on D+. What happened to this Big Finish?
The dust has its blind spots.
>Can't wait
He already has
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BBC started to be hands on with the IP again, so the more outlandish Big Finish elements started to be neutered so the audios can be more"in line" with the 2005 revival.
Is this a humiliation ritual?
Would the BBC be more lenient if Doctor Who was cancelled?
I don't know how NU-BBC would go with it, but it is factually known that the Virgin novels, the EDAs and the Past Doctor range were allowed to do whatever the fuck they wanted as long as they stayed true to a few core elements of the franchise.
The BBC hated Doctor Who back then so probably not that much more lenient than now.
Sutekh watched Capaldi punch a wall for 4.5 billion years
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I'm going through older New Who and a big part of why the older revival episode were better is the directing and production. I'm not a movie autist so I can't explain my findings but the camera movement and the pacing and the tone created in the episodes is just superior to this plasticky fake bluey greenscreen shit Doctor Who now does. A random episode from season 9 feels shot and paced and experienced like it's a proper movie - a boring one personally but still. The new season is more akin to some zoomer music video full of fluorescent colors superfast cuts weird closeups and a mocking tone and it'll never feel like Doctor Who again unless they outsource the production to real producers instead of Disney ones.
the tardis wasn't in the confession dial
but he was on Tranzlore
I think the difference is during the Wilderness Years they had no reason to think it was coming back - especially after the movie failed - so were less protective of what was a dead and laughing-stock show. This time they could be thinking, what with the show having been brought back already once, that 10-20 years Doctor Who could reasonably be a big mainstream hit again. So they will be more protective/controlling as there is now a perceived future potential there.
I just want it to be over bros
> A random episode from season 9 feels shot and paced and experienced like it's a proper movie - a boring one personally but still.

A random episode from series 5 looks better than 9, the show was on a path of degeneration for a long time. Moffat checked out in 2013 and the show truly never recovered.
No he didn't.
>Demons of Punjab

>An episode where white Gen Z are all racist and they all deserve to die

Why tf do all these retards defend RTD when Chibnall wrote the shit that should actually appeal to them. Or is race revenge porn that popular in Shwitter.
He did mentally. Capaldi is fantastic Doctor in service of truly shit stories and the production value plummeted in S8 dramatically the new Tardis interior was the only good set across that entire era.
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>No he didn't.
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This is my fav
He got the best stories.
>A random episode from series 5 looks better than 9
no idea what you're smoking
the s9 finale trilogy is the best directed run of episodes in the revival
The entire cast being white automatically places this above everything that came after
The Return to Doctor Mysterio > The Christmas Invasion
"I love when my Doctor is asleep for most of the regeneration. Totally worked for Castrovalva, lets do it again"
My god, how thick are these last few fans?

Boom was good kind of! I'm not sure the story makes complete sense and the message was a bit heavy handed but I didn't hate it!
did she love it?

oh fuck.
>and killed the pacing
I've seen speculation that it was meant to be a cold open, but Rusty bottled it and pussied out on starting Part 2 on a timeskip
thing is, it was shit in series 3 and 4 etc but the show was only 3 or 4 years in then.

now we're like 20 years in, 14 series in, and they're still mostly pulling the same old shit, it's so tedious
Imagine just slamming Morris Gibbons as hard as you can. Just going full speed, grabbing him with both arms, lifting him clear over your head, and just slamming him down into the concrete with every fiber of muscle in your body. The noise of his destruction would be akin to a gunshot, but rather than the crack of a supersonic bullet, it is the collective cracking of every bone in his tiny body. He could just be waddling his little midge waddle and suddenly find himself lifting into the air, and the next time he blinks he is launching towards the sidewalk at literally breakneck speed. Every little midge bone in his little midge body would be broken, if not outright shattered. Compound fractures would tear through both his skin and pierce his internal organs. Blood and cranial fluids would leak from the multiple open fractures across his skull. His lower teeth would be driven into his unhinged jaw. And as the life fades away from him and his vision would turn black, he's look up at you and beg with his eyes "Why?" Yet your casual stride away from him would give him the only answer he is worthy of: "Why not?" You see, Warwick's entire midge life is utterly beneath the notice of actual humans, and snuffing his pathetic life out was an action done so casually and so carelessly it was far beyond your notice. It was a thoughtless impulse, one already forgotten. The one and only reason nobody had ended his pitiful midge life earlier was because nobody else could be bothered. He wasn't even worth the time to put any conscious thought into killing. With that realization, Morris Gibbons releases his bowels (a runny midge poop, as midges lack the intestinal length to properly process food) and dies. Nobody bothers burying him.
It was the most I've enjoyed any new Doctor Who in years, but taken in isolation it's really only low-tier Moffat rehashing all his old favourite tropes with a slightly deus ex machina ending.
Yeah, it was refreshing here but isolated or put with other Moffat stuff, it's quite average/mid-tier Moff.

Is this the most we can hope for now RTD is in charge?
Why did the Doctor just leave Sutekh parked outside Earls Court?
Capaldi's run was better than Smith's. S6-7 was the real Moffat stumbling point because he was juggling Sherlock on the side, with Capaldi he came back with a renewed creativity. You were just tired of the show in general and mistook that for Moffat being tired.
The Me series was generally not good.
I still think 73 Yards put Boom to shame. I'm of the opinion that this new season wasn't the worst season/series even in comparison to nu-Who Series 1-10. I'm interested to see if the show is going to evolve in season 2 and smooth out some of the edges. This season reminds me of Series 2 a lot, so I wonder if there's going to be the same amount of refining that 10 and the show got after Series 2 dropped the ball.
That would explain why nothing led into it. I believe it.
I think it also helped that unlike Smith, who came in as a fresh face and ended up watching the show and enjoying it for his role. Capaldi was already a fan of the era's Moffat also enjoyed. I mean Capaldi got so many Cyberman episodes and the best Cyberman story of Nu-Who because the Cybermen were his favourite monster.
Ah yes. 73 yards. The episode where the character developtment of Ruby is completely wasted due to the ending.
>I still think 73 Yards put Boom to shame
After seeing the finale, I'm increasingly convinced that the last act of 73 Yards was a late-stage replacement for a completely different ending, one more coherent with the rest of the episode up to that point, which was hastily changed to make
>Ruby and the Doctor go to the future to get her mum's biometric data
seem like less of a complete arsepull
What would the original ending have been?
I dunno, I'm not RTD. Probably not a diversion into an odd plotline that doesn't really follow on from the premise (Ruby being stalked by Mystery Nigga, so she has to... make a nasty PM resign?)
My main criticism of this season is that it feels in some ways very American, you can really feel the Disney influence and not in a good way. I think the higher production value does it a disservice, it's like before things were charmingly British which made the rough spots more tolerable whereas now everything's gleamingly, glitteringly American so I'm less likely to let it off the hook. I like Gatwa more thna I thought I would, he had too much millennial energy but he has great chemistry with Millie, it works well.
Best series in all of Doctor Who.
>"Err did you guys know guns are le bad?"

Half the fucking season.
And how many episodes of Series 10 are "Greed is bad"
>Thin Ice
>The fucking too long Pyranid title episode
>Empress of Mars

And thats not counting the other two seasons with Capaldi
I'm not sure that's the case. I think I remember RTD basically implying the concept is more about doing good things and getting rewarded for it at the very end. Gwilliam specifically wasn't important, but Ruby assigning importance to him and stopping him herself was something she got rewarded for.
I can still feel the Britishness in the show. I suppose the dust cloud stuff got particularly Disney.
Anon was upset 15th wasn't drinking tea 24/7 or boning the queen(s) of England.
>I can still feel the Britishness in the show
After seeing Rogue, I really don't think that's the case anymore.
No, it's reflected more by the production qualities than plot. The way it's shot and edited in particular.
It feels like more refined version of RTD's old style to me. Especially with those close ups.
Television viewing habits have changed since 2023, and although the weather may now play a larger role in what shows people watch, the only numbers that really matter are the 625 day consolidated ratings.
>Ruby is 40 years old
>"I have a thousand pounds in my savings"
>Moffat 2-parter
>cliffhanger isn't resolved, it's a timeskip instead
Was this kino or not?
It worked for Series 5's finale
Was Roger ap Gwilliam raping Marti? What the FUCK
Yeah, just chucked that one in there to try and legitimise him as a villain, because other than that the only thing he had going on was, "really wants to just nuke some cunt, any cunt, for no particular reason"
Gatwa is atrocious, it is his zesty horny millennial energy that kills the Doctor character. The Doctor has never flounced around sprouting current day catch phrases like 'babes' or 'honey' - he has always been a bit out of tune with contemporary culture because he is alien. This version of the Doctor behaves like is is some random club kid that was born in 1999. There is nothing out of this world or alien or eccentric about him.
I liked he wasn't just another right wing parody. Just somebody who reallyyy wanted to use a nuke
Flouncing around is 80% of what most Doctors do. Eccleston is probably the only nuWho Doctor not to flounce and even then he tended to prance. I'm with you on the speech mannerisms though, it reeks of being written by a very specific kind of white girl from London.
Worse; an ageing gay man trying to identify with white girls from London
>The Doctor has never flounced around sprouting current day catch phrases like 'babes' or 'honey' - he has always been a bit out of tune with contemporary culture because he is alien.
This is the biggest problem for me, the Doctor should always feel a bit anachronistic. People laughed at Capaldi riding a tank with a guitar but yeah the Doctor should be temporally inconsistent that way. Gatwa feels like a millenial who discovered tiktok and it's jarringly modern.
>Capaldi riding a tank with a guitar
That was kino.
Lindy is CUTE
the tank guitar scene was a pleb filter. a lot of people who were just bored of the show and looking for an excuse to drop it latched on to that like it was some big jump the shark moment. it was a great scene.
the only problem with the tank is that the joke for it (I was trying to order it for my fish) isn't as funny as the guitar joke (you say you wanted an axe fight)
Boy I sure hope this episode doesn't turn out to be some kind of heavily laboured metaphor
He went to get a big mac down the sidewalk
No he was nuking her vagina with his penis.
What a horrible place to build a church!
Sluts are the ones who need Jesus the most
It was her first day anon.
Who saw her pointing at the sign and would know that she was naming her
Lindy's calves have redeemed this whole season for me
Oh man, that's so funny
>too racist to be saved by the be plenty brown man
Rose Noble>Rose Tyler (Rose Tyler had sex with Sutekh)
Sutekh canonically watched Amy and Rory have sex.
Why did I find out just yesterday that Mark Gatiss is homosexual, I have known him for years now.
>Rose Tyler had sex with Sutekh
Why did they have to give her such an autistic outfit?
>Matthew Waterhouse
>John Nathan-Turner
>Russell T Davies
>Mark Gatiss
>Gareth Roberts
>David Tennant
>John Barrowman
>Ncuti Gatwa
>Jonathan Groff

Why are there so many homosexuals in Doctor Who?
Fuck Ruby's rubies look edible in that period attire
yeah the reaction to it where people were angry and screaming baffled me, they accepted the 10th doctor going My le machine that goes ding! and wearing 3D glasses
Since Sukteh was hanging onto the tardis since the 4th Doctor’s era does that mean he is technically the longest serving companion?
Man Indira Varma is really enjoying herself
Yes. Death is the Doctor's one constant companion. That's episode 1 from 2005 shit
Fags love hiring other fags
>His one true companion. Death
Bravo Russell. All the BAFTAs are yours.
I want to have sex with Rose Noble
Damn and I thought him seeming somber but not crying in the tales of the tardis ep was a good sign. Series 15 is gonna be the worst doctor who season ever isn't it? Ngkyx
>That pic related

Imao it's a very good showcase of how pants on head mongoloided that "Sutekh twist" is and more so when you realize how hyperactively aware the Doctor is of the smallest details imaginable, surely he would've had noticed that something was wrong with the TARDIS exterior balance or some other Timelord related jargon term for it.
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Sukteh thing is really funny in hindsight.
What was he thinking during this
season 23 exists
Yeah that whole explanation seemed unnecessary really. You could've just said that Sutekh latched onto the Tardis at the beginning of the series, or during the specials with the toymaker and such and you would've gotten the same effect.
Trial of a Time Lord is way better than this.
holy shit that finale fuuuuuucking suuuuuuucked
I could handle the fruity doc and the gayass shit but I fucking hate lazy story finales.
You think Sutekh just looked away when he noticed the angel watching Rory, as a final fuck you?
Rory would've been the companion Sutekh was likely stuck with the longest. Maybe it was personal?
i was :skull: when it was detectable by 21st century unit scanner, wtf was the doctor doing not noticing it for so many hundreds of years
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>i was :skull:
Did anyone else find it strange how the doctor doesn't really comment on the Susan Triads at all until episode 7 where he somehow has pictures of all of them and then decides that it's too strange?
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>i was :skull:
>i was :skull:
weirder when you consider that if sutekh has been dropping susan triads around time and space since pyramids of mars, how has the doctor only noticed NOW? it's bad enough he never realized sutekh was hitching a ride. but you're also telling me there was a susan triad somewhere at every location the tardis landed for hundreds of years and he never clued in? but after seeing only a couple of clara splinters he became obsessed with her.
also what about the times the doctor landed somewhere quite remote? who was susan triad in the impossible planet, or waters of mars?
What happened to all the Susan Triads?
Are they still running around out there, or do they eventually die of old age?
Besides the 4th Doctor, which other Doctor regenerations would have quickly defeated Sutekh without the universe dying?
No reason to assume they aren't just around still in their respective times like the modern day one
One was an AI or some shit in an ambulance.
Didn't Kate end up shagging one of her subordinates at the end of the episode? That tall one.
It literally doesn't matter
he's like 20 years younger
>Mrs Flood
>The Flood from Waters of Mars
>In that episode Doctor Who went all Time lords Victorious and acted like he was a God
>Now he is battling Gods (and might even be revealed to be one)
Russell does it again
Cue rave dr who theme remix and gay dr getting blown behind a Denny’s
Cut to credits
The end
NOBODY needs soup more than me!
So what, this show has been running off of pure propaganda for ten years straight, they'd push it out even if it was a literal fact that not a single person watched any of it.
the doctor is like 5000 years old and hooked up with a 20 year old human
>He's like 20 years younger and there's a power imbalance!
It's okay - she's a woman.
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I just caught this episode of Whitaker’s run, didn’t finish Capaldi so that’s how far ago I stopped watching

Was this a controversial episode when it aired? Seems pretty ridiculous and problematic for lefties

>the master is a paki now
>joins the Nazis for plan so we get to see a paki dressed as a Nazi surrounded by aryan Nazis and the weird idea the master was in the SS and helped the Holocaust happen
>has a perception filter that alters his race (honestly, why is this idea not just used more often for ethnic minority companions who visit the more racist past? Just bring it up once early on and assume it happens after that since nobody brings up their race)
>ending has the doctor defeating the master, tricking the Nazis into thinking he is a spy for the British so he’s arrested, then for no reason at all, turning off their perception filter… so they can be captured by the SS who now see them as a subhuman too
>the doctor literally says “HA! Now they can see what you REALLY are!”

Chibnall seems retarded
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That's what you get with diversity hires and oppression olympics. Also everyone involved openly says that the show should be as modern as possible, so have fun with a state of eternal presentism.
... And it's not like there were Indian Nazis...
What's that, HistoryAnon?
>Was this a controversial episode when it aired?
No one knows because no one watched lol
Underrated post.
Were they in Germany?
iirc there were a few articles saying it was a weird move, but most shills thought that defending Jodie was more important than being critical of the program (see what is happening with Ncuti now as well)
Not typically, but they were recognised allies.

>Mine Fuhrer, I have made a terrible discovery about the emperor of Japan!
>It seems he is... JAPANESE!
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>but they were recognised as allies

Pretty sure the random unrecognised ones weren’t. Let alone suspected spies
I don't know, anon - that sounds pretty Arayan to me.
yes it was controversial. not majorly so because nobody even watched this shit. but it is brought up semi-regularly as one of the weirdest moments in chibnall's run. there was a lot of tone deaf shit like this in his time, but this was some of the worst
6 would have done what he always does, find the nearest goof and bash them into submission, possibly committing murder but still walks away like all he did was throw out some trash.
They wouldn't send an obvious non-German to infiltrate the SS.
If he was accused of being a spy, being Indian would save his life.

Either way, a random ethnic wouldn't get sent to the death camps unless he was a Jew or a Gypsy.
tumblr won
Do you think Capaldi will do Big Finish? I know he said that he doesn't want to return to the role to make his ending final (which is based desu), but Briggs always gets his man (plus the Capaldi impersonator they have is rubbish)
Everyone in Britain is a fag, anon. The American soldiers, crude and criminal as they were, were a bit disgusted that the Brits kept trying to fuck them and each other at any given moment.
Yeah, you have no idea what you’re in about. Sorry to burst your bubble but Nazi germany was not in fact non racist
Capaldi is secretly our guy and doesn't want anything to do with this mess.
He didn't even like his own episodes. The man finally got his dream job, but it was at a point when it was too far down the drain to fish back out and so he left before humiliating himself even more.
What a monkey's paw.
>The Nazis were, in fact, racist!
Gee, thanks for that hot take, anon.
Really deep lore there.

The Nazis were crazy racist... But not in the way that you think.
Historically, almost no one was racist in the way that we now define that.

Consider reading a fucking book.
they're two consenting adults, its fine.
doubtful, I think he is genuinely done with the role and he's late enough in his career that he shouldn't need the cash that badly.

Smith I could see doing BF down the line if it's still around. I think he still has more Doctor left in him and his career will cool down eventually.
>not in the way you think
>they totally had on the ground people treating random foreigners fine because a geopolitical move was made regarding foreigners in another country

Him being a paki or Indian is not going to save him lmao. Being a diplomat would
Most spies posed as diplomats!
A diplomat accused as being a spy would be thrown out of the country at the very least.

The idea that someone would send a random Indian to pretend to be a ranking SS officer is so bizarre that no one would believe it.
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Relax. It's just the weather.
>they're two consenting adults, its fine
Nothing you’re saying would help him in this moment, he was already in the SS pretending to be a white guy, now they think he was somehow hiding his race

Not sure why exactly you’re so desperate to push the idea he wouldn’t be harmed. It was badly written, get over it
idk I watched a lot of behind the scenes stuff of him and he always seemed proud of the work he did on it and have a great relationship with Moffat. the Capaldi seasons aren't that bad, they were were over-criticized and he probably did feel bad about that but it seems like he had fun. he was definitely tired by season 10 though and I get the feeling he wishes he had left with Clara, and probably knew where the series was headed after, but also WEAT/TDF was such a nice epilogue to the Doctor in that context, I am sure he's proud of that at least
he still does conventions and everything, just nothing official. I bet he will do the 70th.
I thought she was fired because someone said she was a heckin' bigot.
>this guy thinks there will be a 70th
LOL. I mean, there will be, but at that point it'll be an tranny indian Doctor in a wheelchair powered by human excrement wearing a thong spinning on a table for fifty minutes while everyone claps.
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Kek RTD always fucks up his virtue signalling
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Weather ratings are in
What the fuck do these people do all day?
buy a banner you pathetic faggot
>David Bradley appears as the First Doctor just to say how "fierce" and "brave" the new Doctor is
episode was shit enough without some ugly dude constantly at the side of my screen
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Is there even a way to correctly virtue signal to a bunch of almost-literal retards who are all desperate to either find something to be offended at or blindly endorse product because progress-n'-sheeit?
>Capaldi dies and 12 is recast as a frumpy old biden-like moron so the new Doctor can tell him how out of date he always was
>you will have to go through me
shouldn't that be on his underpants?
>Moffat checked out in 2013 and the show truly never recovered.
I agree with this.
>me after tennant's series
It's not that, it's just very disrespectful and makes Ruby seem like an ungrateful cow.
Like, bitch, you've been raised for 20 years by Carla but nooo muh rEaL mUm
Also the gays and trannies are very into the concept of "found families" now, because most of them get rejected by their real families for being degenerates. It's funny that Russell keeps trying to pander to these people, but isn't up to date with all the "changes"
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Even the shills are turning on RTD2
In the video commentary RTD implies that he made the decision to go with "real mum", despite knowing it would be controversial, because Carla isn't the same race as Ruby
Good, but still hypocritical because those are the same people that defended TTC and you can literally make the same argoument about it (if Clara has seen all of the Doctor's past, how come she didn't saw the other incarnation? that made even less sense than a database not finding it since it was literally the Doctor's timeline she was visiting)
Well, the answer is ofc TTC had minorities in it so it was stunning and brave.
Retards loved slop like Rogue or Devil's Chord but hate Empire of Death?
They're all shit but I don't get why they're suddenly voicing their disdain now
Season ends = no more shill money
So what are we going to talk about for the next 6 months?
He was only ever really a chibshill for some reason
Don't worry, the schizo will return soon and /who/ will become his containment general for a few months, unless some big news happens
how much we want to have sex with Rose Noble and Ruby's friend Trudy.
Sutekh and all the circumstances he found himself on while dogging the tardis
I hope Sutekh shagged Clara
A wider point about Who: why can't anyone stay dead in this fucking show?

Someone pointed out that Ben Cook in the magazine said "not everyone makes it out of the finale alive" and when questioned about it, he said "well Sutekh is dead." Like, technically yes okay you're right, but it's so eye-rollingly tedious innit. Other long running shows actually have the balls to kill people off here and there, sometimes for a shock twist, but also to up the emotional stakes. Can't Wooden Kate stay dead? I'm not saying you have to murder a companion's family but *someone* who might bring a bit of seriousness and stakes to the whole thing would help

>god of all gods
>god of death
>episode called empire of death
>everyone lives
Perhaps STD2 was a mistake, the Wilderness years 2 would have been better
RTD, the same man who said only gay actors should play gay characters, completely forgetting what the word "actor" means
Par for the course for RTD. He's never killed off any main or secondary characters.
13 often said "f.am" too, I hate it all
Oh, I know. It's a wider issue than just RTD2 but my god.

When I think about other shows, the big gut punch moments are sometimes what stay with fans and viewers. (Fans still wail about fucking Ianto to this day) I'm not saying Kate is a legendary character or anything but killing her and keeping her dead, for example, would give the episodes a bit more impact and weight.

I wish Dr Who stopped doing cop-out magic reversal deaths
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People can only take so many "it's the biggest finale ever", "not everyone survives", "you'll be amazed at the reveals", "the secrets will be revealed", "there's a special cast member I can't believe we got" etc etc etc
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>r/gallifrey fellates everything about R2D nonstop with no criticism allowed for months
>finale is so awful that the dam breaks and people are finally allowed to call it shit without being downvoted or getting their comments deleted
>immediate "this fandom's constant negativity and everyone hating the new season is ruining the show" threads
Wow, this is actually such a shite UNIT cast.
my god, and these people call us terminally online retards

i mean, we might be, but if peoples criticism on the internet is *impacting you and your own enjoyment of a show* then you're the one who needs some perspective. like, this person needs a reality check
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it's piss poor compared to real UNIT
I want to have sex with Rose Noble
>Opera House implied this was Australia

You know Rohld Dahl Plas in Cardiff bay, where the entrance to Torchwood is with the big massive tower and where the TARDIS occasionally refusal using the rift in episodes like Boom Town?

You know that big building there with "In these Stones Horizons Sing" with ten on it that is the home of the Welsh National Opera that Brin Turfell and the Go Compare guy sing for?

If they were referencing any opera house it would be that one, it's literally a 5 minute walk from Bad Wolf studios in Cardiff Bay, where they film everything and has been used a few times as a location (the hospital in N-W 2.01 for example).

Moot point though as it was meant to be an alien planet and not Earth. But if you work every day next to one of the World's most famous Opera houses it becomes normalised to say "the opera house just down the road" as if it's a normal thing everyone has in their local area, like a cinema or Greggs.
except that they revealed it was a totally alien planet at the end
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90s-00s UNIT was better than the current lot

Magambo and Mace were great, even though they only appeared like twice in RTD1.
>emotionally satisfied
what does that mean?
Because he doesn't base his entire personality around it and feel a need to constantly tell everyone about his sexuality.
>You will face me, sir!
It's the second best UNIT cast, almost by default.
Because they're fundamentally different. Classic UNIT was just 'the army', complete with all the negatives that brought with it; they were answerable to distant politicians whose intentions weren't always noble, they were frequently handed orders they weren't wholly happy with but had to go along with, and they had a clearly delineated hierarchy
Nu UNIT have devolved into this generic, cult-SF investigation team, an ensemble of quirky weirdoes who shuffle around doing vaguely scientific investigations in their own little bubble. "Outside the government, beyond the police," you might say. They've got no real constraints or internal conflict, whereas the UNIT of old were practically designed to cause friction with the Doctor's generally bohemian (vaguely selfish) attitude. You just can't imagine Kate Stewart taking a call from a cabinet minister and declaring, "my hands are tied, sorry Doctor," can you?
Yeah, UNIT is only really UNIT in name only now. I liked the shift back in 2013 to "science leads" but it still felt like an army-like presence. Now, they have soldiers but it just feels like Watered Down Torchwood Sitting At Desks In A Huge Grey Office. It's all so bland and nothingy. Even Torchwood in Series 2 had more about them, even though they were also just people in an office.

I almost wish UNIT stayed gone, so its legacy wouldn't be neutered like this. Yeah, you'd end up creating a new UNIT-like entity anyway (see: Torchwood) but at least it'd purposefully be different.

This "evolution" of UNIT only seems to exist for fans who can go "omg that thing from the 70s but in the modern day!!!!! and the Brig's daughter!!!!"
Or just do something with UNIT. Maybe now is the chance. UNIT suddenly have a huge fuck-off tower in London. The world and people are generally aware of alien presences. The world is full of conspiracy theorists, etc. So do a story where the public turn against UNIT, try to bring them down, or explore the darker side of UNIT (like Torchwood S2 did). Give them something to do
Nardole should have been the sole companion w missy he was based as fuck RTD could never
Cardboard Kate, Old Mel, Old Susan, Absent Wheelchair Lady, The Vlinx, Kid On Scooter, and Trans Teen.

Bravo Rusty.
I hate hightech SHIELD-lite UNIT so much
Just give me squaddie UNIT back
i miss the moffat era
you can say moffat bad if you want i don't care, i miss that era
The thing is, you could do both. Have these Diversity Heroes doing their thing while there's a faction of gritty underground UNIT soldiers doing their thing and hiding a bunch of dark secrets.
To be fair, RTD's first UNIT was the army and then people constantly complained that he made them the army when they always were one.
Yeah, I will say the emphasis on that post should really be on 'devolved'. It's something that's happened over time since the introduction of Kate Stewart, and UNIT becoming a regular fixture instead of just an irregular little inclusion. RTD1 was actually fairly good with them, hell the Sontaran two-parter even has a go at bringing up that conflict between the Doctor's ethos and UNIT's military basis
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Sir Alistair Gordon Benton Michael Sullivan Adric Percival Brian Dumbledore Lethbridge-Stewart
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RTD hates death because his gay lover (who was confined to a wheelchair in the end) died. that's why he's taken davros out of the wheelchair, 14 bigenerated instead of regenerated (so he's still around) and the doctor literally killed death
Genuinely, sincerely, honestly, truthfully, really, what was Moffat thinking?
why is the tranny standing like that? what is wrong with his body?
"What a moving tribute, that everyone becomes a Cyberman and Kate's father somehow breaks Cyber-conditioning to save her."
>But how will that look on screen?
"Shut up, Piers Wenger. I'm in charge."
RTD needs to go to therapy
RTD2 is his therapy, sadly.
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roger ap gwilliam saved the world through dna testing. without him they wouldnt have had the name sutekh wanted. also ruby wouldnt have had that name on the screen to lure Sutekh and put the magic leash on him.
they make it sound like they just axed it

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he had to stand up straight or the thing RTD wants him to keep in his ass would hurt.

I 100% cannot put it past RTD to not do something like this. It's so obvious that he's just some weird coomer now, parading his fetishes on screen and hopping up and down in his chair with glee when he has people watch it.

"It's gonna be exciting, it's gonna be the best ever, it's gonna be thrilling, and amazing and brilliant".

yeah, for HIM.
So on the end the bitch’s mother meant sweet fuck-all and she was only special cos of our fairy wishes or some shit?
What a fucking load of shit. They may as well have just had it a;l been a dream.
>get child-raped by a pedophile
>bring the baby to term
>don't want it, leave it to die on the steps of a church
>never contact it again
>kid finds you in 20 years, and never bothers to ask why you did such a horrible thing, instead instantly falls in love with you
>you go and live with her and her foster family and everyone is just fine with it
>best mother ever

What is the logic here?
Never used a butt plug, anon? You should try it.
>>get child-raped by a pedophile
Where is this from? They said her mum was 15 when she gave birth, and so was the dad. If both kids were 15, he's not a pedo.

They did make mention of Ruby's mum's own step dad being a wrong'un but that's a different thing
No thanks, Russell. We don't all want to suffer the curse of the Soiled Nappy
uhhhh abusive families aren't a thing, if you find your blood parents you HAVE to love them even if you spent 20 years with someone who cared for you as their own
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Like it or hate it, the 2008 Stolen Earth hype was fucking huge.

Fast forward to 2024...
>They said her mum was 15 when she gave birth, and so was the dad. If both kids were 15, he's not a pedo.
You and I may know that, but they don't. A male can consent at 15 but a female can't. So yes, you can be a pedophile at 15 if you're a man (boy).
Better than the Last of the Timelords and Wedding of River Song.
>A male can consent at 15 but a female can't.
Do some research, anon.
>nigger faggot cope: the post
There's no way it's worse than Battle of Ralkgswakertjasjfsdfjl
dont girls mature faster than boys though? so if anything she is the pedo
You have to know I'm right.
In the UK, 13 is the age of criminal responsibility. You don't go to big boy jail, but you can for sure be held in a juvenile detention facility until you come of age. It is also the man's responsibility to ensure consent, as the "active or penetrative partner".

So yes, he is a pedophile, ruby is a pedophile rape baby, and RTD is stroking himself off right now because THAT is the doctor's companion.
viewer numbers alone prove you wrong tranny
It was the Avengers Endgame of RTD's Whoniverse and was pretty hype. I still like it because it's so bombastic and cheesy with story nods to the original show.
do some research, anon
In that case, the best nu-Who Doctor is 10, right? Not Capaldi? Say it. Say that 10 us better than 12.
>one piece of shit is better than another piece of shit
REGENERATE >>200425174

REGENERATE >>200425174

REGENERATE >>200425174

REGENERATE >>200425174
I hoped so much for survivors to be from someone with an allergy and really good dust filters...
I know exactly what you mean and I agree 100% - this is also why the Chibnall run, at least aesthetically, is also still better than RTD2; the angle they went with in filming it like 'Broadchurch-esque serious drama but Who' didn't really work at all, especially as it started to get more high octane and wacky during Flux, but even that visually was still better than it is now.
this is true but the interesting thing Moffat did with Capaldi's run - which I don't think many people realize - is that he turned the burnout and 'I don't know where this is going' into The Doctor's character arc in the show itself. The show then felt tired and confused and The Doctor was a tired, confused old man.
Nah this is completely wrong, I think the Matt Smith era is genuinely the best part of the entirety of NuWHo and 11 is the best Doctor; the reason for this is that during 11's run Moffat fully understood that Doctor Who is fundamentally supposed to be a whimsical and exciting action-adventure sci-fi series and presented it this way in its purest form. 11 was the action hero Doctor, his stories were just pure fun and action and the whole cast and their relationship dynamics were just fun with little mopey drama bullshit or misunderstandings.
This is why 11 era was the peak of NuWho's popularity and why 11 was so loved at the time. In hindsight, Matt leaving and Moffat trying to be experimental with Capaldi and working through his burnout was a mistake and started the downfall of the whole series.

And RTD2 is even worse than Chibnall.

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