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Michael Berryman edition

Previous >>200405996
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i recognize that dude from the guyver
Stalker is horror now?
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Reposting from the previous thread >>200430247
Does /hor/ know about フェイクドキュメンタリー「Q」 - FAKE DOCUMENTARY "Q" ?
It's a Japanese horror mockumentary webseries, it's really great and the Second Season started recently!
If you liked Noroi and Occult, go watch it anons.
And yes, it has English subtitles.
What's the documentary about?
It's a series of unrelated at least apparently strange happenings in video and audio format, documented by a crew of people with some exceptions

*Don't click on the spoiler tagged text if you plan on seeing it, trust me*
>villain is the villain simply because the protagonists can't comprehend how right he is
Eyeball was great, highly recommend to giallo anons who like the murder mystery aspect of serial killers. Naiba deserved none of that and is now one of my fave final girls.
I only know this guy's name is Michael Berryman because of RedLetterMedia.
sex with mimes
Somebody must have put one on me, or I wouldn't be a wizard.
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Based Viyposter.
mime sex
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Enjoy the meal, fuckos
why would you out yourself like that on purpose?
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>see all your buddies go in there and die
>keep marching in anyway
Ants are pretty fucking retarded.
"out" what?
Something something we live in le society….
It is supposed to kill them in 24 hours so they have enough time to take some poison back to the Queen and rest of the army. I also have that Dave Matthew’s Band song stuck in my head after reading your post
Just found out they're making a sequel to Circle called Circles. I really like Circle, so I'm hopeful, but they'll probably fuck it up.

>Dave Matthew’s Band song
No clue since I don't like them, not my style.
Is that the one where all the players are standing in circles and get killed if they step outside of it?
>No clue since I don't like them, not my style.
It’s the only song I know by them myself, no clue how you have avoided it even if you don’t like them
>Is that the one where all the players are standing in circles and get killed if they step outside of it?
Yep, that's the one. They also have to vote or one randomly gets eliminated. I always wanted a direct sequel to see if he could out play the other winners, especially since a lot of the other winners were children.
I remember the end of that movie both pissing me off and also impressing me with how bold it was. I’d like to see a sequel as well.
>no horror movie where a bunch climate/eco/vegan terrorists get slaughtered by the protag(s)
Green Inferno?
First part was really good mimin'
Larping tree hugger retards get killed by jungle sub-humans. They all deserved to die honestly.
Some like it Rare (fr: Barbecue) is what you're looking for.
I've seen it and do like it, even made the webms for it. I guess that would take care of the vegan portion of it. Green Inferno could work for eco. Just need one for climate.
>spend so long trying to find a specific giallo I need another meal
Idk most I can think of is BioDome and I don't think that counts
Four Flies on Grey Velvet?
I don't think that's particularly climate focused
Yeah I've been watching them for a while.
Kek now i'm eating shit I see what you mean. No, Argento movies are easy to find, I was looking for Death Steps in The Dark
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The last of the scream queens, Alex Essoe
About to watch this with my wife, what are we in for?
>having a wife
I will never know this feel. But anyway, I have no clue since I haven't seen the movie. Hope it at least gets you some cuddles, which I'll also never feel.
Is she fully articulated?
Just put yourself out of your house and it will happen
Can't get a wife if you're shut in
Talk to us about that in 90 mins
Been there, tried that. The Best I get are bad looks. The Worst I get is people asking disparaging questions about my appearance. There was also that time I had ~100 people talking shit about my appearance behind my back for months to a year.
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uh oh stinky
>don't get caught with your pants down
Jokes on you, I just shit my pants instead and then wash them. Problem solved on my end.
>tfw making tendies and fries
Well, I'm in a good mood.
I haven’t had tendies and fries since I was 320lbs earlier this year. Pain
Baked tendies are pretty healthy as it's low fat, high protein.
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There was a thread here a few days ago where people were arguing about it being hor vs /horror in here so I wanted to attach this pic here. It makes sense as to why woke dei movies are recommended here when 4chan before would not recommend these. Perhaps many of the population has been hit with the NPC magnet gun. Kind of like 70s film where the gov does experiments on its citizens but these are not experiment, it is to turn people into NPC cattle.
Lock your webm encoding settings
I sold this guy a tv when I worked at best buy. He was nice and I was so tempted to ask him if he was the guy from the hills have eyes but I was worried it might not be him and I'd offend some ugly cancer patient. Nice guy, felt bad because he bought the shittiest tv we sold (insignia 32").
It's an old encode on some janky daily release of the software. I need to go back and encode it again at some point.
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Another purge of 200+ posts coming later tonight
>store brand TV
Eh, probably the same as all those shitty Chinese brands these days.
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Ah when I hear tendies I just assume people mean the traditional fried ones.
Deep-fried will taste better, but as long as it's a tenderloin that has been coated, it's still a tendie. Not sure if air fryer would be better than baked.
I felt bad because it made me feel like he was probably poor or broke even though he's widely known amongst horror movie fans. Shit even zoomers would recognize him from the devils rejects.
Did you build the computer yourself? How did you manage to plug the pins in?
Could have just said “this is gonna sound crazy, but have you acted in a movie before” and if he seemed confused or said “no, what movie” you could just act like you were unsure or brush it off
Yeah but I didn't want to bother him. Like I said he seemed like a nice dude and he ended up taking a picture with one of the geek squad guys. I'm just a sperg and didn't want to bother him.
Yeah then you ask him for his number and let him plow your ass and you can tell everyone you fucked a /hor/ celebrity.
The hills have (brown) eye
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fun fact, allegedly the actress had a thing for the actor irl
The fuck is she supposed to be?
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What do you coat them with when you bake them? I only ever eat ripped apart Walmart rotisserie chickens lately. I’d like to know how to bake healthy tendies though.
Sorry, but I did not. Do they look hard to plug in? I’m sorta illiterate when it comes to pc hardware and building. Won’t be long now until I’m back to having everything Halloween themed!
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What are some good eldrich horror/lovecraftian kinos?
Event horizon. In the mouth of madness.
I know how you feel. If I ever met a celebrity that I liked I’d feel weird about bothering them for a picture or anything because if they were an asshole to me I’d never like their music/movies/art anymore.
I enjoyed watching that Nic Cage movie “Color out of Space” recently. I did NOT like Glorious.
A bitter roastie. The guy has the anti-roastie defense spell activated but the roastie, trying to save face, said the nerd used a "virginity protection spell" when in reality, he just wanted nothing to do with a washed up roasted post-wall female.
I was just looking at it from his perspective: I'm trying to buy a tv and this sperg is asking me for a picture or an autograph. At the same time though it could have made his day because he got recognized. I wonder how often he gets recognized. He's mostly only known to horror fans so I would assume not as often as you would think.
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Seen both already unfortunately.

Color out of Space is unironically kino and probably among the best adaptations of Lovecraft's works thus far that I've seen.

I loved it's soundtrack
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>Do they look hard to plug in? I
Building the computer is pretty easy but there are pins, and angles to plug that require small hands.
>Color out of Space is unironically kino and probably among the best adaptations of Lovecraft's works thus far that I've seen.
It's soulless Netflix-tier slop and the director is a hack who just ripped off other Lovecraft adaptations
I've been wanting to watch this. Nic cage in a Lovecraft story sounds kino. I thought the adaptations in that cabinet of curiosities show were underwhelming. They even did my favorite Lovecraft story pickmans model but it was not good.
Who was the first-ever scream queen, /hor/? I’m talking 1900s/1910s old
>If I ever met a celebrity that I liked I’d feel weird about bothering them for a picture or anything because if they were an asshole to me I’d never like their music/movies/art anymore.
Then you hold him by the throat and you say, "if I knew you were an asshole, I never would've asked for your autograph."
>What do you coat them with when you bake them?
You can look up different healthy recipes. One of them is to just brush it in egg and then coat in bread crumbs. It's super simple and even easier if you have a wireless thermometer for a perfect cook.
Where did you get the Goosebumps wallpaper? I can't find these anywhere somehow. Are they 1080 or higher resolution?
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pissed off undead witch. He drew a sacred circle of chalk around himself so she can't get him. Watch the film it's really cool and unique
Fay Wray, at least "officially"
Do you have any better lovecraft adaptations then?
Pretty sure I found them just on google images, but if you hang around here for a little while I’ll post them for you so you can save them. About to shower rn
>It's always the Canadians with horror
What's going on with the water supply up there?
From Beyond, The Haunted Palace, and Dagon are my favorite overt Lovecraft movies. I think the Stuart Gordon movies are a much better version of what Color Out of Space was going for
Thank you, much appreciated.
>I’m talking 1900s/1910s old

shit I'm an idiot. Maybe Lil Dagover in the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
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>Fay Wray, Star of King Kong
>I’m talking 1900s/1910s old
In the silent era?
How can you be a scream queen before the invention of screams?
It's a based film with a lot of twists. A personal favorite / cult classic for me. I know some of the outlandish shit sucks, but it's cool enough for me. A 6.5/10 on technical aspects only, but a 9/10 on enjoyment for me.
From beyond is a bit too cheesy for my liking.
Believe it or not I've never actually watched pic related. About to fix that. You know that feeling when you are about to watch a very popular and critically acclaimed horror movie you still haven't seen for some reason and you are afraid you are either going to dislike it or think it's 'just okay'
The Void
Older Gods
From Beyond
Event Horizon
I watched it a year or two ago and liked it a lot. It's a good mystery film, as all ghost movies should be.
I have seen it but it took me like 5 tries to finish it.
It is slow.
It's very good, George C. Scott being in something is usually an indicator of imminent kino
>George C. Scott
Scott received good reviews for The Wall (1960–61) which ran for 167 performances.
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You WILL watch and like the most meta horror movie of all-time.
Pls gib comfy 70s hor or giallo
>meta horror
I can't watch Tenebre four times in six months, sorry anon
Giallo don't have much good rewatch value.
I want to watch Suspiria again but I put on Bird with the Crystal Plummage again and couldn't watch 5 mins. I guess I have to be in the mood. Also, it is very obvious why Dario Argento is like the most mainstream giallo director.
It’s funny how the quality fucks up exactly at the right time, like it was intentional.
All great responses.
It's not, sadly. Encoder simply fucked up at the end. Never use snapshots/daily builds. Still a good horror-comedy and one of, if not the first slasher parody movie.
What movie is it from?
and this? --->>>200443781
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Student Bodies (1981)
>Bird with the Crystal Plummage
You could watch the Gypsy Rose Lee version?
she was great in Dr Sleep
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how does it make you feel that this is how millions of zoomers interact with "horror" movies
1/3 zoomers are gay.
see --->>>200442377
That gen has been fucked since birth. Can't wait till Gen A turns 20 so we can clown them too. They will be a lot worse than zoomers.
You just gave a (You) to negro piss man
Icebergs are cool. Politics / cancellation is just ridiculous and boring. Also, the wojaks are getting really old atm. Like, boring to the point where I can see them becoming ironic metamemes like the trollface of yesteryears.
Screaming Mimi is an earlier American adaptation of the same book The Bird with the Crystal Plumage is based on
I watched the first video.
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A few hours later, there’s so many ants inside of the first trap I set up a second shop next to it.

I’m about to get those goosebump wallpapers for you now anon
>It is slow
It's suspenseful but it's not like there's nothing happening the whole time. You can't just sit down and watch a story unfold?
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Forgot pic

I also have Monster Blood, Ghost Beach, Welcome to Camp Nightmare, Bride of Slappy, and One Day at Horrorland. Let me know if you want any of those before I just spam the thread with them.
"Two films that aren’t Giallo but you must watch are The Perfume of the Lady in Black (1974) and Short Night of Glass Dolls (1971)."
Is this true?
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Monster Blood and Horror Land, please. And thank you.
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sure thing buddy, Monster Blood is one of my favs
Walmart has Motel Hell for $5
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These are pretty much the only ones I could find myself online. Wish I could find a good Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns wallpaper
While you were gone I was trying to find them myself. Now I didn't find wallpaper sized images but there's a site called fanpop.com that had a whole ton of the book covers on there. I'd link it but it's on my desktop and I'm phone posting because I'm banned. Maybe it has the one you're looking for and you can possibly upscale it.
Is workAnon here? He is probably after-work coping rn.
Dude was arguing with the Pajeet last night.
Who the hell is work anon
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I’m having a little trouble finding them. Did you just go on fanpop.com and type in goosebumps? I used to have a lot of fun making AI goosebumps
There was an anon here who says all he does is work and have a social circle lol.
Try this:
fanpop com/clubs/goosebumps/images

Sometimes I think to find more or different images you can check on the new tab that opens when you click an image you like.
There is nothing wrong with this, it just very normie npc. There is a guy on tiktock who shows off is work as a middle class full time office wagie but idk, I think a few years full time will rob you of your soul.
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Ah..a lot of these would work well as phone wallpapers but not on my pc sadly. Wish I knew how to make these myself.
The time for Goosebumps and dolls is over, anon. It is time to man up and drink beer, not milk.
B-but anon, Goosebumps is scary!
>empty calories that make you act silly instead of a delicious protein packed beverage to make you strong
I quit drinking months ago
You're not wrong, but I think what I might do is fill in the remaining space on the sides with a block of empty space using the same color as whichever book it's displaying at the time. I don't know, might not look good, but worth a shot.
Puts hair on my chest. Idk about you.
Post them here if you do bro
"It was director Dario Argento who became synonymous with the genre, elevating it to new heights of artistic and commercial success. Argento’s The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) was a watershed moment for Giallo, garnering international acclaim and inspiring a wave of films that embraced the genre’s core themes.

His subsequent works, such as Deep Red (which is at the top of my list) and Suspiria (1977), though the latter is often categorized separately as supernatural horror, further defined Giallo’s aesthetic with their use of vivid colors, elaborate set pieces, and haunting scores, notably by the Italian rock band Goblin.

The golden age of Giallo films in the 1970s was characterized by a prolific output, with directors like Lucio Fulci, Sergio Martino, and Umberto Lenzi contributing iconic entries to the genre. We’ve already looked at the visual signature of the typical Giallo film earlier."
Guys the artist who does Goosebumps cover art has his own site with all of them
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I like this one.
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*belittles you for not just fucking walking*
Do they look good in this format for wallpapers?
wtf? why is the new Nosferatu a female protagonist? No thanks.
I have no fucking idea what size your screen is, ask one of the alphabet agents
yeah, just center it, obviously. it is a square, what do you think?
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Patricia Tallman could belittle me any ol' day
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No, thanks.
>among the best adaptations of Lovecraft's works
it's the only one that actually attempts to capture the element of scale. the term "cyclopean" is used a lot in his work but honestly only finds real meaning in the film. the vision of the alien planet - ruins of some gigantic civilization now just haunted by mind twisting energies and the creatures feasting on the corpse - was appropriately scaled.

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It is gonna be hilarious to see the Megan girl hit the wall. I am calling it.
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She is like 15 now, wait till she turns 18, peaks, hits the wall, turns bitter and angry and starts bitching about sexism and misogyny and we clown her on /hor/ lol
What video/movie?
>ask one of the alphabet agents
those working class people? lol
that are just 9-5 lol no i will ask google
Silent Night 2023
I thought it was a horror movie, but it is action.
I thought The Autopsy was fantastic, once finished it was very clear none of the other episodes could hope to compare.
Watching this movie rn, it is directed by John Woo
and it is not woke lol.
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T2 VHS is now available in stores Terrifier bros
oh damn I took my parents to see that movie as a last minute Christmas present for them in 2022. I remember they complained about the interracial couple as always and overall it was a pretty forgettable film.
Pretty forgettable. Didn't notice the couple, she was too old for me to care. Crazy to think its the same guy that directed Face/Off.
>Didn't notice the couple
I wish I had this superpower
Many thanks for posting these. I will be using many of these for a long time
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Forgot pic
I meant not woke as in it shows Mexicans as nothing but rapists and murderers which is what they are and the movie doesn't hide it.
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Reminder that even reddit rejects this slop while /hor/ eats it up
lots of /hor/ is from reddit too lol
its hilarious. im like the only real /hor/ anon, everyone else is normie npc
Color out of Space has Tommy Chong, llamas, and Nicolas Cage doing a Donald Trump impression.
Terrifier 2 was made for reddit and even reddit doesnt like it lol
reminder that these are the people who's top film picks all look like this
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>98 days until Oct 1
Someone should remind those redditors the made was made for them lol.
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>already stockpiled a bunch of movies to watch
Why would I care if reddit likes it
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I liked Blair Witch 2.
I liked it when you’d shut the darn up
I haven't seen it in probably 15 years or so when I caught it on TV. I remember it not being bad but thought it was so weird that it wasn't in that camcorder style like the first movie. I need to rewatch both movies some time
What was that horror show that came on tv for just a couple months back in the late 80s? It had puppet like characters and had a pirate theme to it. It would often have really weird episodes where some of the characters would just stare at the screen and there would be no dialog and there was an episode where the characters just screamed for several minutes before cutting to black. I asked my mom if she remembered it and she just got wide eyed and said she had no clue what I was talking about before quickly changing the subject.
Does anyone remember the Nickelodeon / Kenan & Kel movie Two Heads are Better than None?
That's what I always think of when I think of Michael Berryman. I want to watch it again but I don't think it was ever released on any kind of media format
It was "White: A Jordan Peele Original Series".
>From the sick and twisted mind of Jordan Peele, comes a limited time horrifying puppet series that reveals that horrific secrets of white people. Produced by A24
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> I asked my mom if she remembered it and she just got wide eyed and said she had no clue what I was talking about before quickly changing the subject.
Anon, your mother has already been compromised.

it seems really familiar to me…..i grew up outside of ashland and was 9 yrs old in 82. candle cove…was it about pirates? i remember a pirate marionete at the mouth of a cave talking to a little girl
Yes! I think that was what it was called. My brother is 7 years older than me and would always pretend he couldn’t see the show and that it just looked like static to him. Was really weird how committed to that gag he was
My dad used to say something similar when I would watch it.
>why are you watching dead air? Are you fucking retarded?
I thought he was just criticizing the show for being pointless. Which in hindsight, I can't remember there ever being much of a plot.
Channel Zero season 4 was ruined by Negros.
I just watched the first episode of season 1, which is what inspired me to make these shitposts. It seems ok but pretty low budget and the acting is questionable. I have no fucking idea what creepypasta season 3 or 4 is even supposed to be based on. Why didn’t they do Ted the Caver or Pen Pal?
Season 1 to 3 are the best horror tv shows besides Hannibal. It feels to me that Channel Zero is what Ahs should have been, but instead we got melodrama and cool posters. I saw the first 10 mins of ahs season 1 and knew it ain't for me. Channel Zero hooked me immediately. But the Negros in S4, didn't even bother.
Re watching Suspiria and it's like Dario Argento took giallo and added his own aesthetic and style to something already very stylish and aesthetic and turned it up and elevated everything into his masterpiece.
Season 2 or 3 dealt with trauma as horror too lol but did it very cooly.
Similar to what James wan did with horror.
I don't ever want to hear that Chinese commie bastard's name again so long as I live
Crazy to see Angela Harper so young and attractive and she is post wall now. At least there are no articles of her crying about sexism and misogyny. She has aged gracefully. Any girl that is under 30 at this moment will hit the wall gets gracefully.
>Chinese commie bastard's
Oh the one whose films spawned 10+ sequels in two franchises?
>Any girl that is under 30 at this moment will hit the wall gets gracefully.
Any girl that is under 30 at this moment will not hit the wall gracefully.
He is from the Orient and he is not of our people
Yeah Suspiria is a beautiful film. Almost on its own level in giallo.
Your white pass has been revoked.
Pajeet moment
>you must support the Great Replacement to be a white person!
Consider me colorless
You are replying to a pajeet spammer, anon
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he had his charms
mmm, ant pie, tasty microwave snack
If this is all it takes to attract a girl like that, I'm set
People give the credit to RL Stine, but the artist for those books was the real star.
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go back
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What did /hor/ think of the Nosferatu trailer? Lily-Rose looks a lot less bogged in it with the attempts to hide her 5-head. Probably will be good though has that kind of... Conjuring jumpscare-a-thon look to it.
There's no point for this slop, Nosferatu had a great remake decades ago directed by Herzog
Looks like shit. Only interested for the next James wan film. and terrifier 3.
>h-he's coming!
Completely generic and I have no interest in a director who doesn't understand that digitalslop cannot be shot as if it's film, no matter how much of a genius he thinks he is
Why are movies that show sexy girls getting rape tortured and murdered so sexy?
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so it's finally over...or is it?
Lol the movie was so shit and feminist.
Lol you are so brown and ugly, your skin looks like shit, literally
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>Come on, baby (evil dies tonight)
>Baby, take my hand (evil dies tonight)
>We'll be able to fly (evil dies tonight)
>Baby, I'm your maaaaaan
Go watch Furiousa u beta cuck.
Go learn English, you ugly brown faggot
Had a lot of fun rewatching these recently. I had never saw the 2nd one. Is it an unpopular opinion that these are good? I especially liked the first and third one
What did you think of Curse of Michael Myers? Am I the only one who likes it?
The ending for Ends is pretty shit and the entire movie is clearly multiple scripts smashed together. Still better than the original story for it. The retcon trilogy suffers from them changing Michael several times from regular insane serial killer to supernatural entity and back again. They couldn't make up their minds what they wanted him to be.
I mean the first one is decent, and the third one gets pants on head retarded. You can like both but it's suspect if you can't tell the difference.
I love Curse. It's goofy, but also has some brutal violence in it. It's almost like Michael is murdering his way through a different film in a dreamlike way.
Glad to see somebody else likes Curse. I think my top 3 Halloween films would be 1, 3, and Curse. 2 is also pretty good
Which one's the Halloween where a black guy says something like "trick or treat, motha FUCKA" and 'busts a cap' in Michael Myers' ass?
W-what happens when she gets bored of doing stupid mime shit?
Halloween: Resurrection
Probably the worst movie in the franchise
I really liked 2018, probably my 3rd favorite of the franchise.
Kills actually made me mad with how bad it was.
Ends was at least funny but I was pretty bored by it.
I'm sure the show will suck too
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She... *giggles*
She..... *GIGGLES*
You are a mind broken loser
Is it u, work anon?
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from the surgery room massacre to Rudd bashing the goo out of Michael is one of my favourite horror sequences.
it's quite surreal, the audio cues are really over the top, there's no reason why Michael is even there, what surgery is happening or anything. even the part that got censored (pushing his head through the grate) makes it weird. it's like it's footage from an actual nightmare.
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I don't think I'm who you think I am
Lol you're just another nobody. Thought u anon talking about his work life from yesterday.
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Everyone here is a nobody. It comes with being anonymous, you want to me a somebody, go to Twitter
Yeah I always have loved those parts too, the entire climax of the film is awesome. I was annoyed when I watched the producer's cut and the entire thing was less over-the-top and half of the cool shit doesn't even happen. The theatrical version is much better. Here's the producer's cut ending, in which Michael literally just falls down, instead of having goo bashed out of him.
Looks based to me.
I thought it was decent for a lesbian movie
the producers cut has it's defenders but imo yeah this was one case where studio meddling rolled the dice and accidentally landed on something entertaining.
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was it rape
You are mixing A24 with Blumhouse. At least get your memes right.
It's so bad that I pretend it doesn't exist. There is only 12 Halloween movies.
Where is the longer cut with the close-up footage of Alexander Skarsgard's erected ejaculating penis? Release it, Brandon.
For me there are only 6, I like to think it ended at Curse. The rest after that are either forgettable or just bad, or sometimes even abysmal (See: Resurrection)
What? You don't like Rob Zombie's ones? I loved them.
i really enjoyed this too, well acted and lots of tension. should probably go into it blind so nothing is spoiled because if i recall correctly when shit starts up it wasn’t really expected. been a while since i saw it. don’t let the lesbo couple have you thinking it’s some woke crap.
Not really a fan of them, I think they are better than the new trilogy, H20, and resurrection for sure though
i will die on the hill that each halloween movie, resurrection included, is perfect in their own way
I agree, I was worried it was gonna be some feminist crap, but it worked and it was far less cliche than if it had been a man and woman
He was also in one episode of X-Files, playing the good guy.
Do we have a top 50 /hor/ list or something like that to see what I have missed?
Woke crap really ruined the reputation of lesbian kino.
seen Kolobos?
>I thought it was decent for a lesbian movie
it was easily the most interesting dyke horror movie I've seen.
I was just worried it was gonna be sjw tier since it's a more recent movie. I like high tension but that's a fairly old movie now
How's Baise-Moi? It has a lesbian serial couple. Lot's of rape, murder and hardcore sex, I've heard.
the terrifier movies fucking suck and are made for 12 year olds who think the human centipede franchise is the scariest thing to ever exist, the terrifier franchise is genuinely the worst thing i’ve ever seen and the lamest attempt at shock EVER

so many other filmmakers like jörg buttgereit for example actually make fantastic and gory but meaningful work
is there a top 50 /hor/ list or not?
Hush anon, I like the clown. He's funny
Everybody has seen this kino, right?
Only good movie Flanagan has ever made.
no. a lot of anons are too specific on what they do and don't like for that to happen. see >>200463494
to be fair, terrifier is retarded shit
the lowest form of horror
it was ok. I liked Hush and Oculus better, even if they weren't perfect.
I've only tried watching it twice and watched it all way through both times.
It's a very comfortable watch, George Scott is great as always, both this and Exorcist 3 have a similar vibe and a lot of suspense.
The Changeling suffers because it's full of very outdated clichés, and the few original things they had going for it were done way better later on, such as when he recorded a ghost on a tape recorder, it was scary in The Sixth Sense but laughably bad in The Changeling.
I think it's a decent slasher franchise with memorable villain, good practical effects, nice cinematography, and unexpected twists like Art pulling out a gun when almost losing and killing the main character in the middle of the first movie. I think gore isn't on higher level than Saw, Hostel or 70s/80s italian movies level and it's not that disturbing as the movie has dark comedy in it. Sure it has the reputation of being the most edgy violent franchise ever, but don't let the others and trends ruin the movies for you.
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crying about Terrifier is tourist behaviour. nobody was upset by All Hallow's Eve or Terrifier 1 when it came out.
Just watched Aenigma (1987). Very kino, the atmosphere and cinematography are great. I don't understand the hate. I recommend it, especially if you like the original Suspiria, as it's similar to that.
Yep, it's like some people on here hate terrifier because normalfags also like it even though it's "extreme," so it can't be good for that reason.
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>Put on your makeup, your eyes are blue enough, tonight is special for youuuu
what hate? No one talks about it, let alone hate
The film seems to be hated by most Fulci fans
dagon is the worst movie I've ever watched
more like goonscums
Then you need to watch way more movies.
Any good recs from anons for old proper english academies? Stuff like the Woods and like minds. those preppy and haunted english schools.
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For me, it's Fright Night
>the movie has dark comedy in it
I think that's why I never could get into this franchise. I love gore, but I hate when it's softened with comedy to make it more palatable to normies. Takes away a lot of shock value.
One of the best things related to horror I've seen in years.
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\What was her fucking problem
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Does /hor/ have any thoughts on Speak No Evil? I though the first two acts were great but the third act dropped the ball big time. I haven't despised movie villains this much since Eden Lake. If you want to do a downer ending, fine, but if you have to betray simple logic to get there, it just makes for an infuriating movie because you're seeing the hand of the untalented director conspiring against the characters to contrive his edgy ending. The father leaving his wife and daughter in the car instead of having them go with him to check out the house was idiotic, no one would ever do that in that situation. And there was no reason for them to comply with their demands. When they were asked to take off their clothes or go into the pit to be stoned to death they could've at least attempted to flee at any time. These weren't supernatural teleporting slashers, they were humans, they had a good opportunity to outrun them and at least try to reach authorities or recompose themselves and go back for a round two of revenge. As trash as Blumhouse is, they have an opportunity to actually fix this. I anticipate Blumhouse's remake will have an inferior first two acts that will fail to have the subtle uncomfortableness that the first two acts gradually ramped up, but I actually expect it to have a much better third act even if they switch it up and have the villains lose. Although with James McAvoy as the villain, it's going to be really hard not to root for him over the family.
Down A Dark Hall, though it lacks the school uniform aesthetic.
the director was clearly very critical of the types of people he portrayed the main characters to be. and i think them being so compliant at the end was just continuing the motif established throughout the film. kind of dumb i agree but i think it was intended to be exaggerated docile-ness
Also good. The first post I linked already mentioned Fay Wray.
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>he’s rewatching Suspiria again

Like always, you’re a certified fucking idiot.
thanks but i did see that one. was decent too.
This is deader than the town in Children Of The Corn.
Characters and story should come first, they shouldn't be at the expense of themes / messages / metaphors. Now the movie just becomes "the theme of my movie is that it's supposed to be a shit movie, that's why it's a shit movie", a convenient excuse. The family in Funny Games still acted like human beings and weren't acting inconsistent for the sake of it's hamfisted "commentary".
She was pretty hot before she went all TurboDyke 9000.
Kek for a second I thought you were talking about See No Evil, the one with the blind girl being a witness to a murder, and i had many thoughts on the matter. But disregard that I'm retarded and haven't seen that one
That guy was in my little town over this last weekend doing a screening of Weird Science.
Is Michael Berryman stalking us? That's two anons now
>Characters and story should come first,
>in the horror genre
since when
>funny games doesn't do that
loads of people disagree with you and hate it for it

film would be so boring if they all
comported to your arbitrary Hollywood narrative framework
>since when
Since the Germans stole Dracula off Mrs Stoker
>>Characters and story should come first,
>>in the horror genre
>since when
Nice try being snarky fudge packing Redditor, if characters and story aren't coming first in a horror movie then it exists to deliver on a some non-stop mayhem with cool monsters on a rampage or non-stop violence. Speak No Evil wanted to be a le heckin slow burn intelligent horror movie for soi boys to make five hour video essays on and the first two acts were very good. But then in the third act it devolves into complete and utter nonsense. If someone acts like a retard in the third act of a Terrifier or Friday the 13th flick, I wouldn't be mad, because the point of these movies are to watch Art and Jason go on a rampage. Speak No Evil tricked me into thinking it was a horror movie with stakes that I should invest in, only to piss it all away with contrived trash because the director didn't have the talent or creativity to come up with scenarios where it was believable the villains would get the upper hand.
>loads of people disagree with you and hate it for it
I don't even like Funny Games but you're full of shit. Naomi Watts kills one of the villains when she gets the chance. Le fourth wall break Click remote nullifies it, but she did it when she had the chance.
>film would be so boring if they all
>comported to your arbitrary Hollywood narrative framework
Yeah, instead make nonsense movies with no coherent characterization because, lol, it's so smart that random shit happens with no rhyme or reason! But DOOD A LITTLE GIRL'S TONGUE GETS CUT OUT, AND IT HAS SO MUCH DEEPER MEANING!
Oh you actually said she aged gracefully. I’m surprised you brown spamming piece of shit, that might be the first time I’ve ever agreed with you
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ah yes the famously German EXPRESSIONIST film

>buzzword strawman memespeak
embarrassingly juvenile, be serious
Dad's characterization is consistent and thematically coherent. His actions are intentionally frustrating, they evoked dread and horror in the audience, too much butthurt in your case because
you expected some revenge thriller but that's not random or a failure on the film's part.

>if characters and story aren't coming first in a horror movie then it exists to deliver on a some non-stop mayhem with cool monsters on a rampage or non-stop violence
liking schlock is fine but you're revealing your limited horizons here. I would think concepts, aesthetics and emotions evoked in the HORROR genre might be valuable, not just violent titillation, acting or plot mechanics
Are you yelling because it's a silent film? It still can't hear you.
>embarrassingly juvenile, be serious
Much like the movie.
>Dad's characterization is consistent and thematically coherent. His actions are intentionally frustrating, they evoked dread and horror in the audience, too much butthurt in your case because
The characterization of "dad" was someone who was uncomfortable and non-confrontational, but would also react when pushed to his limit, as he did in the scene when he disagreed with the way the villain disciplined the "son" during the dancing scene. "Dad" was never once depicted as being literally suicidal, something he literally committed in the third act for no reason. "But that's the point, movie was about le compliance", okay, but the father committed suicide, the director never once established the father secretly wanted his wife and himself to die, he was just depicted as being passive and non-confrontational, yet would be willing to be confrontational in more extreme situations. Yet he failed to be confrontational when in the most extreme situation of all. Nothing about this movie is coherent in the slightest.
>you expected some revenge thriller
Nice strawman, I didn't ask for that, I'm asking for the movie to make sense, which it doesn't. You want le edgy ending where little girl has her tongue cut out because little girl has le tongue cut out, this movie is so dark and edgy, for brooding edgy teenagers such as myself. I was automatically impressed by downer endings when I was 13 year olds too, you'll grow out that phase eventually.
Nonsense is not a concept, nonsense is nonsense. That is what Speak No Evil is, hence why you're unable to defend the movie. Your le ebin concepts should be communicated through the characters and story, but instead you have characters betray themselves and act inconsistently for the sake of your beloved "concept".
>violent titillation,
Ironic, because that's what the entire third act relied on.
sounds like a family guy cutaway
Rev up those ovens, time for some new spooky bread to be made.
>We can just walk right by them
Funny because the first one she encountered was actually pretty fast compared to every other zombie
Making a new thread.

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