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Previously: >>200425174
I know.

Moff Who finished 7 years ago too. Capaldi's debut series is a decade old.
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>Capaldi's debut series is a decade old.
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1 coaster please
i need more slop
gimme merch
NL? What does that mean?
Why do they give them these names that are never used in the episode
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NuWho is 20 years old next March.
Honest opinion. In hindsight, was Capaldi's first episode a good introduction to him as the Doctor like the Eleventh Hour for 11th or was it ass like the Twin Dilemma for the 6th?
It was a good episode but should've been cut down to like 50 minutes. A lot of the stuff in the restaurant adds nothing, and the Paternoster shit could've been cut down. Whenever I think about watching it, I always think the middle bit is just so slow.
What's the /who/ verdict on my girl Lindy
On the one hand she's a cute based retard with great legs, on the other she sold out my man Ricky
I could fix her.
RIP NuWho 2005-2017

Can't forgive her for killing Ricky.
nobody remembers who this is.
based af
Everyone will remember the only based person to literally say "fuck off" to undesired homobame
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I wanna bite her chin.
What phenotype is this
not canon
imagine the smell
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in order to let you fuck her, callie cook says you must first let this slug suck your dick. do you accept the deal?
How can I be sure it won't tear my dick off?
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>this is the new companion not callie cooke
feels bad bros
That would have been a kino dynamic, negro doctor and profoundly unapologetically racist companion
callie cooke joins 16th Doctor Rob Beckett
it is time
>where do you want to go next?
>1960s america please
>wanna meet krasko the racist and shek his hand
sill the slug suck me off if I don’t fuck callie? What about if I want it to suck me off twice?
>I'm a Hufflepuff
Will soon enter "The Five Doctors" tier in terms of NuWhos age.
Can't say it's better then Classic comparatively
>classic does 26 seasons over 26 years
>nuwho so far has 14 series over 19 years
fuck this
>I don't understand, Doctor, it clearly says her kind must sit at the back of the bus. Why can't you people just follow basic instructions?
It was one minor rewrite away from being a pretty good episode, but it's too clumsy and bloated.
Why is this season a new series on IMDB? I thought it was just a direct continuation.

Also why are all the episodes about LGBT issues? Seems like a weird thing for a mostly asexual alien to focus on.
seethe cletus
that butt has to be shopped right lol

Chris knows
Bruv broke his lower vertabrae just to pretend he has ass.
>finally gets given a tardis key
>disinfects it before putting it in her pocket
fuck me
2014 we got a new doctor whose achievement is winning an oscar for a short film
2024 we got a new doctor whose hobby is trying to do the duck pose all the time to make his ass look bigger
"why did the show get worse? who knows it's hard to say"
>lindy constantly wears a gas mask in the tardis and sprays perfume
>Peter Capldi, who became a household name for his portrayal of a despicable spin doctor
>Ncuti Gatwa, who is most famous for playing a mincing faggot
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Sutekh should have had a mechanical ''robotic'' design, not some dog
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Sutekh is literally just an alien that looks a bit like a jackal
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You're probably all wondering how they managed to pull that photo off. The answer lies in good, old-fashioned Hollywood magic. Through new, amazing technology, Callie was photographed in front of a blue screen while the black actor was photographed elsewhere. Then Callie's image was put together with the black person's image later in post-production. Due to modern miracles, Callie was able to take that photo safely on a secured sound stage while the black actor was actually photographed many miles away. She was never in harm's way for a moment! Isn't technology wonderful?
>So Lindy where next? We could go to Flormfo, everyone's gay there. Or we could go to Craznog IV, everyone there is gay AND communist
>Oh Doctor, I've been reading up on Earth history, we have to go to a place called Berlin on the 30th of April 1945, there's a man trapped in a bunker we simply must save
does 15 start crying?
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Capaldi isn't much better in that regard
The Doctor would never harm her.
For Capaldi that was a weird role. For Ncuti's that buttfuck tuesday.
>first shot leading into the title sequence of new doctor
>cant be arsed removing the discarded cigarette from beside him
That would be a cool premise for a sode, some companion wanting to save someone and for once the Doctor's like "uhhhhhhhhh maybe not"
lmao meant to add pic related
although post was funnier with zero context
That's what we in the business like to call "gritty realism." It adds believability to the world.
If there wasn't a cigarette butt there it would pull me right out of the scene
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Capaldi has done drag a lot. But all of the nu-Who Doctors have done drag aside from Whittaker.
the jodie pictures last thread weren't jodie enough
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Thankfully, with modern technology we'll never have to take the risk in testing that theory.
In the top 10 most guffable faces in Who
Yes, but he had ''evolved into a true godhood''. Being robotic-like could align with his domain
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>arms detach and float away
the midge is holding it above his head
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I miss this storytelling
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For me, it's the title card "Bel's Story" because they forgot to say her name in the story, despite no other characters having their own title cards.
how is AI doing this stuff

the very concept of 'original content' has gone out the window i'm scared
kinda funny but also would've been better to leave out the caption because it'd be more intriguing to not know who she is, then we find out later her connection to characters X and Y
>toddlers dabbing on chibs to deflect the complete failure of rtd2
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>>are you following this? no, okay we'll remind you of a fairly significant plot mcguffin with the captions
It's inner city London, I'm surprised it wasn't a broken syringe or a used condom .
What's all this from?
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Remember the random Star Wars and Back to the Future references in Revolution of the Daleks?
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can't tell if this was meant to be laughed at or not, especially with the twinkly sound effects

remember when death was restored 2 days ago? that was idiotic af, worse than flux
Oh, that special from Jodie's run? I never watched it. Had no idea it was this bad.
I'm still just annoyed it advertised itself so heavily with a dinosaur in Victorian London and then that was wrapped up early on without adding anything significant to the plot that couldn't have been done with anything else. Same with spontaneous human combustion being an element which could make for a cool Doctor Who episode concept by itself but only really existed in off-hand comments and to stop the dinosaur soaking up the budget. It felt like a mashup of cool ideas but without the conviction to commit to them.
Still a fine enough episode. The lesbian lizard and woman are shit though.
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>worse than flux
oh I don't know, anon

at least RTD made a dogshit attempt to finish his story, chibnall didn't even explain if the flux was undone or how it ended up

having said this, we're shitting on chib for captions so let's also make it clear that this is shite too
better than anything from current year
How does Tariq Nasheed feel about Dr Bussy?
And what about Ja Rule?
sounds very convinient of doing that right now that a more recent bigger turd is still stinking
Don't lie. RTD2 being bad doesn't automatically resolve ChibWho.
dr poo lol
Undoing Sutekh's gift of death wasn't even the worst RTD plot solver. Somehow the mechanics behind the leash were set up long before the episode.
>worse than flux
top kek

both things can be absolute shite, in different ways, though
R2D > Chibnall
Flux is legit the worst series of television Inhave every watched.
if you are gay, yes
It's funny how RTD had to finish up the Flux plot for Chibnall. And that the Doctor only cared when he became 14.
>choose to look at pics of black mans ass
>get mad
you rather have interracial gay romance and magical god trannies, we got it
>flux is so fucking incomprehensible on every level they had to put out a 15 minute plot walkthrough
>and it still didnt make sense
>and RTD had to address it to mop it up

Yeah. He was the nicest and most intelligent person in her whole damn city and she got him killed. I hope the bitch died in the wilderness.
When Captain Jack stopped people dying in Torchwood, that must have really pissed Sutekh off.
he was just a tranny, seethe
If you actually think 13s run is better you are retarded. Complete slog fest.
the ratings say otherwise
seethe NL
Ricky > 13
Remember when Capaldi kissed on webbed feet in local hero


all Drs are a bit fruity
damage control of total failure, wow
>interracial gay romance
Best episode of the series.
No shit? I thought he was weird looking. Confirmed tranny?
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Picrel is RTD's concept drawing for Sutekh. The one they used in the show was quite good but imagine how awesome RTD's yellow flame Sutekh would have been.
One ordinary evening, I tuned in to watch an episode of "Doctor Who" called "New Earth," featuring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. As I watched his charismatic performance, something inside me clicked.

Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor was magnetic. His wit, charm, and boundless curiosity drew me in. But it wasn't just admiration; it was a revelation. I realized that my feelings ran deeper, transcending mere appreciation for an actor. In that moment, I understood my true identity—I was gay.

David Tennant's Doctor had unwittingly helped me discover this profound truth about myself. It was a short episode, but it led me on a lifelong journey of self-acceptance and authenticity, all thanks to a Time Lord's adventures in a distant future.

As the episode unfolded, there was a scene that sealed the deal. The Doctor and Rose found themselves in a hospital ward, surrounded by humanoid cat-nurses. In an unexpected turn of events, the Doctor initiated an impromptu dance, twirling and spinning, unburdened by societal norms or inhibitions. It was a moment of pure joy and expression and a dance that spoke volumes about being true to oneself
He's not, he is actually a chad.
New Earth is the straightest episode. Billie Piper gets her tits out. Something for the dads, yeah?
if you are enby, yes
The straightest episode is Heaven Sent.
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That made me gay and now I fap to darkies! thanks RTD!
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You can tell she wanted out by the end of the first series.
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>Sutekh was still voiced by his original performer at 91 years of age
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He also voiced The Beast in The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Heaven Sent is one of the gayest episodes. It's a metaphor for being gay.
If you are trans yes.
ach, seethes the tranny with bame cum aftertat
I could see how you'd disagree, if you are a self hating trans gay.
>almost 20 years ago
Maybe time should stop.
Sorry I don't care about ratings because I'm not a faggot that sits on the internet all day. Learn to think for yourself.
cope more with your failure
The Magician's apprentice is also one of the straightest episodes.
straight up shit
>facts are presented
>seethes and atacks the messenger
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Why is 12 so based?
One of the gayest episodes.
RTD pisses and shits about this because he took disabled Davros and left him on the floor

He's given Moffat a jolly good spanking for it.
Facts that only exist to terminally online losers. The average joe literally doesn't know or give a fuck because they have a life to live.
Nice reply anon! So smart and educated
Davro revealing he had been closing his eyes for decades made me gay.
>RTD was caring for his dying crippled husband while this aired
Moffat went too far here
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That was one of the most kino scenes if you were straight, seems like you were already gay.
I watched Underworld today. The summary on the back of the DVD made it sound way more interesting than it was. At least I got to ogle Leela for an hour.
Doctor Who SHATTERS RECORDS for poor viewership. Ncuti Gatwa era is a CATASTROPHE


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Anon you've been using the word gay a whole bunch, insecure?
>lifelong fan of the show capaldi finally got his dream role as the doctor immediately before it fell apart and went broke
good for him
>The average joe literally doesn't know or give a fuck because they have a life to live.
The average show chose to wach jodie over gay dark, if you watched it, you are not average, you a fringe faggot, now go suck dick
RTD fucking my 14-year-old bumhole at the Doctor Who experience in 2007 made me gay
>At least I got to ogle Leela for an hour
Underworld is longer than an hour, did you fall asleep? I wouldn't blame you.
Ncuti Gatwa is one of the best Doctors, Jodie is only better than Colin Baker.
Obssesed with ratings. Brain functionality depleting.
Underworld made me straight
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It fell apart and went broke because of him, the Crapaldi era was the nosedive in to woke bollocks that killed the show.
It's been a long time coming but I think it's time. Russell T Davies bummed me. I was 14 years old. 14 years old. A child. A child visiting the Doctor Who Experience, that haven, that shrine to my favourite show. It was pure magic. I saw the Slitheen, the Doctor's costumes. My dreams were happening in front my eyes. All but one. I went to the toilet and who should I find lurking in one of the cubicles? Russell T Davies. My hero. The greatest writer Doctor Who had ever known and the author of all my joys. I gasped. He smiled. And leaned in and whispered in my ear "this is going to be brilliant." I went into shock. I couldn't move. He bent me over. Somehow my trousers and pants ended up around my ankles. I don't remember how it happened. I must have dissociated. The next thing I remember is him cumming in my bum. I pulled my trousers up and didn't look in his eye as he patted me on the head. I left the toilet and ran to my mom and asked if I could see the Ood. She said no. I became an alcoholic soon after. I suffer every day.
>because of him
I didn't realise he wrote it.
RTD fucked my bumhole at the Doctor Who experience in 2007 when I was 14, and it made me gay
>ratings do not matter
>average joe = represented by ratings
you have been defeated if your own argument, now your seethe with emotions like the trannies from doctor 2024
No one has posted any proof that he ever said this.
We Trek now boyz.
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This thread is fucking shit. You all act like you hate faggots but talk about them non stop. Post some women now gay boys.
built for buck breaking
He kicked out writers who wouldn't bow down to woke like Gareth Roberts. They say he tried to assault Gareth after he was transphobic on set.
Take a shot every time anon uses the word seethe. Read a book moron. Still don't care about the ratings you keep crying about.
Leela's not on screen for the whole story
I read books, you are the one that watch shows about gay darkies and try to pretend it was high brow to rationalise your pathetic degenerate interracial fetishes
Please tell me where I praised the show and said how amazing it was. I have my own problems with the new season it's far from perfect. I just don't think about gay people 24/7 because why would I care about what other people do with their bodies. Waste of time.
What were your favorite runs? I'm tired of "This bad showrunner is worse than that bad showrunner."
Awesome reply Anon :D Really got me there :(
Capaldi's run.
Capaldi's run.
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The gayest run.
He fell out with 1 writer, and Moffat kicked him out. Wow. Stunning and brave.
I liked the handful of episodes I saw (Missy was very well acted and I loved what they did with her) but I didn't see much of the run because I disliked 11 so much and figured Moffat was a lost cause. I am curious about the rest of it, though.
If you are woke gay, yes.
I really liked RTDs season 4 mainly because of Donna, Catherine Tate can bring good emotion to the show that you'd never expect from seeing her previous works.
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the pantheon
Late 7
Gothic 4
3 earth kino
8 earkino of the charlie-lucie era
9s first series overall
Torchwood for being "so bad it's good" ridiculous tier
it is the most adult run, don't let the toddlers (that never understood it) ruin the fun
Me too. I always thought RTD did great with multi-parters and finales, with some really crap one-off storylines. Moffat was like the opposite, which made him a worse showrunner overall.
Season 2
Season 7
Seasons 12-14
Season 22, 25 and 26
Series 1
Me too! I like gay season 4 because I like this and that, so nostalgic gay feelings and not arguments, I'm trans by the way, I will pretend Donna is hot, to try to pass as less queer
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That's nice anon
What's the most lesbian episode
There was one with a sexy as fuck lizard maid in a lesbian relationship. There are probably more lesbian episodes than that one overall but I just wanted to talk about how sexy Silurian women are.
They denied of us thasmin
Lezzies > fags
I like the little smug guy on the segway.
That's Davros
He's based.
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Granny boobas...
11 > 10

RTD is more woke.
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He wasn't as annoying as I thought he'd be. Weird that UNIT now always has one token disabled.
Nah what he has is a straight upgrade. The cybermen could never.
>11 > 10
You ought to have peanuts thrown at you.
11 is the 2nd best Doctor.
10 = gay
14 = gay
tennant fans = gay
tennant = troomer
that is all
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Kek! How does The Doctor defeat people if he has no superpowers and no weapons? Like how did he Fucking defeat that Egyptian entity in the latest episode? Or did he not yet and they left it on a hanger cliff?
with magic leash
He dragged it into the time vortex by the neck
The black guy tied a leash around a dog's neck and dragged him along the transtemporal highway until he died.
It was rural Mexican tier entertainment.
He is so thoroughly devoid of charisma he warrants study.
table leg tennant
NuWho is only 7 years away from being as old as Classic Who was when it ended. that's the time between now and Capaldi's last season.
>11 is so thoroughly devoid of charisma he warrants study.
choses homobame
gayness is terrible to have
Why do people act like a decade is a long time? 2015 feels like yesterday.
they want to be toddler forever, so they avoid facing the fact RTD is a woke hack
With that image, you should have called it "Wrecked boy-pussy edition"
You're closing in on 50, Judy.
>2015 feels like yesterday.
If you are an old man yes.
your point?
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>with magic leash
>The black guy tied a leash around a dog's neck and dragged him along the transtemporal highway until he died.
Kek! Fucking what?
don't criticise the magic leash!
my perfect gay welshman is not a hack! NOT NOT NOT
michaela coel > homobame
Jesus Christ
At least use your trip when you post that kinda shit.
What a bizarre hill to die on
He has a very difficult choice, HRT so it would be more feminine but the dick would not grow enough to be made into a working pussy, or a working pussy with a masculine face
His wife's son is a troon or something. I forgot.
no fucking way, Smith is hella charismatic. you're cracked
It's not that weird. He trooned out one of his younger sons at a very early age. Some people must have told him he's nuts for it, so he's feeling very aggressive on the subject matter.
>Saying it's your human right means you can do whatever the fuck you want
Panicking because your dragon show is bombing, Matt?
>convince your kindergarten age child that he/she is a tranny
>people call you an absolute freak for doing this, say you should leave your kid alone to make up his/her own mind
>you respond by wearing a shirt saying "leave trans kids alone you absolute freaks" even though you were the freak who wouldn't leave the kid alone in the first place
i'll never say a good word about this faggot ever again
Yo, doc, why is yo tardis thing has holes drilled on the sides. Oh it's for time flow ventilation, gotcha...
It's weird Rusty puts all the disabled representation in UNIT and gives them super-advanced technology.

Like for someone in the real world if they say "My wheelchair can't fit through there." you feel bad for them.

But in Doctor Who if they say "My wheelchair can't fit through there." you reply "Then fire one of its missiles to clear a path."
If the doctor brought everyone back to life does that include Ricky September
If the Doctor brought everyone back to life but they woke up on the ground, what does that mean for people who were driving cars when they got dusted?
He sounds so tired and dead
It should say "orifice"
They come back to life only to find themselves in a completely unknown location or about to speed into a lamp post and die again
RTD wants to retcon all of Chibnall but he literally can't because not even Sutekh's death + death can revive cyber converted time lord corpses which blew up
Why would you think RTD wants to bring back the Time Lords? He gets far more mileage out of having Ncuti cry he's so alone.
Matt is the only good part of the dragon show, once again proving his charisma
Because he already implied that gallifrey was on me of the resurrected planets
It reverted it all!
>nothing really changeS
where? is this also when he revealed the cloak was "time shrouding Ruby's mom"
Did he bring back Davros' legs?
I'd pepper her bean
Broadly speaking the 70s: Letts, Hinchcliffe, Williams. Not exactly a favourite but, I appreciate/respect the production and vibe of the First Doctor era. Of NuWho then S1 of 2005.
>I like these guys, Doctor
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One with the Victorian-era interspecies BDSM-relationship lesbian samurai ninja crime-solvers.
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Deep Breath...of the lizard lady's arse
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Thought you guys would like an update on my "Who Smells" project.

In case you missed it I have been trying to build a database on the "natural musk" of everyone (over 18) who has stared in Doctor Who, by the fans and for the fans and I intend to release it as a charity e-book when completed.

Last week I sent out e-mails to Noel Clarke, Janet Fielding, Tracey Ann Norman, Michelle Collins, John Bishop and the estate of Terrence Dicks to inquire about their smells.

So far I have only got replies from Michelle Collins (which did not detail her smell but gave details of how I can get a signed photo of her), and Noel Clarke.

Clarke was a true gentleman and was only too eager to help out and said if anyone from the production returns his calls he will ask them what they smell of for me! He describes himself as smelling of Lynx Africa and winning. I am not sure I can put winning in the database as it is an abstract concept, but "Lynx Africa" is a good addition to the database.

If you know what someone linked to Who smells like please tell me in a reply to this post.
I want to have sex with Rose Noble.
t. David Tennant
I think Peter Davison smells of fresh cabbage. You'd think celery for obvious reasons, but no. Not unpleasant, kind of earthy.
On paper everything he tried, I was quite fond of. It just didn't work out.
even ai knows this thing is a fucking disease
>He describes himself as smelling of Lynx Africa and winning
Ok I kek'd
watched the christmas special and it was fun. Is the new season worth it?
the season kind of revolves around the christmas special so you might, only about half the episodes are okay.
Just don't watch Space Babies.
Only watch Space Babies.
i think i grew up from doctor who... the first 4 episodes are the worst fucking pieces of shit i ever saw. Worst than Jodie Who episodes. Where the fuck is the creativity that caught a shitload of teenagers almost 20 years ago when they rebooted the franchise?
Leave Trans Kids Alone You Absolute Freaks
>Worst than Jodie Who episodes
or you can remember it by the simple acronym
aren't you curious to see HOW it can be terrible in inventive new ways?

they've gone full-on magic, there's been some fourth wall breaking, i really hope the Susan Twist stuff is a Land of Fiction "Doctor Who is a TV series in their world" thing. they go visit the BBC studios, bring back the actors from An Adventure in Space and Time, LINDA are there, why the fuck not.
God, jenny is so fucking hot
It'd explain Nazi Davros.
i really liked them, lesbian gang plus one
I dread when Moffat's second era starts.
I get the impression that Moffat was trying to get a TV spin-off with them.
Like torchwood? I think it wouldn't work, it needs a really interesting story for a doctor who episode without the doctor
Best show runner.
He's said that he didn't want to dilute the brand with one, but he gave it some thought.
He has the third best revival era.
Remind me what happened to the wheelchair lady from Star Beast? Just another revolving door supporting cast member?
He was. He found it was too difficult to make while also showrunning Who and Sherlock, so we just got Class instead.
The actress might have been unavailable, RTD has said that he'd like to have her in more episodes.
>in Boom, the ambulance can't identify Ruby's mom
>it can identify Ruby somehow, even though this happens thousands of years in the future on another planet
It would have been far better than Class.
Torchwood and SJA worked because they had characters connecting them to the main show. Class didn't.
All Class had going for it was "it's set at coal hill and the doctor appears for two minutes in one episode", so naturally it failed.
checked quadruple dubs
Due to their popularity in Talons of Weng-Chiang, in the 70s the BBC considered a Jago & Litefoot show.
I think the problem with a Paternoster Gang spin off is that they're all pretty wacky. It would need someone to ground it, to essentially be the Gwen.
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>Paternoster Gang
>Jago & Litefoot
When will people here learn that RTD is a fucking liar? He's a salesman. He loves everyone and everything, everything is going to be the best, most exciting thing ever..

Some people are so easily gulled.
It was so interesting in Boom how they made such an catching episode filled with fast dramatic camera movements and lots of cuts, while also criticising the Ukraine/Russia war. They really are just fighting eachother and should just surrender to stop the war, the only one winning is the countries selling them weapons and making a lot of money while pushing propaganda so they continue killing themselves.
who the hell was Class 'for'?
Torchwood was the sexy, Angel-style spin-off for adults. i still remember when they did the pre-watershed edit for kids from series 2 on.
Sarah Jane Adventures was CBBC, so for little kids obviously.

Class was like some Skins thing for teenagers where characters had sex, but nobody swore or anything? wat.
I think Big Finish made like 60 Jago and Littlefoot stories in the end.
it wasn't an allegory for anything. this is Lawrence Miles drunkblogging 'The Unquiet Dead was about asylum seekers' logic.
>Torchwood was the sexy, Angel-style spin-off for adults. i still remember when they did the pre-watershed edit for kids from series 2 on.
>Sarah Jane Adventures was CBBC, so for little kids obviously.
From what I remember Sarah Jane Adventures, obviously still for kids, is actually more mature of the two. Torchwood is teenage-like tryhard maturity that is immature.
Many shows have done spin-offs with a new cast of characters and have been successful
Torchwood was good fapping material with the girls and Jack.

>class was bad
did you even watch it? Class was great. Why are you concerned with the target demographics? You aren't an executive looking to buy it.
the way the new seasons are i don't even doubt it being an allegory anymore
I think it was just
>Doctor Who is popular, we can do anything tangentially connected and there will be an audience
>Class was great
Please explain what you found great about it? I'm not being funny I am honestly curious why you think that.
The new epsiodes are as subtle as a brick to the teeth, nuance is dead.
Am I remembering correctly that Class was some original YA sci-fi Drama show pitched to BBC3 execs who said "OK but what if we set it in the Doctor Who universe to boost ratings?"

And then it was cancelled due to shite ratings.
>Sutekh got his origin completely rewritten to tie a bunch of unrelated villains to a “pantheon of discord” and becomes a gorillion times more powerful for literally no reason (fucker was ALWAYS supposed to be so terrifying, the Time Lords themselves couldn’t do shit to him if he was free)
>You’re supposed to believe Ruby’s birth is only special because Sutekh AND the Doctor were such retards they didn’t know she was a random pump and dump child, and paid so much attention to her they warped reality
This is a new league of stupid.
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>did you even watch it? Class was great. Why are you concerned with the target demographics? You aren't an executive looking to buy it.
What were they thinking?
No matter how awful a show is you will always have retards like this >>200449437 lying to themselves just to be contrarian.
I liked the characters, and the way it's more grounded and consistent than doctor who is. I liked how they weren't shy about killing characters, and it was dark without being edgy tryhard shit like torchwood was (until a point). It wouldn't have run forever, but it would have been nice to have a self-contained (maybe 3 series) story that was set in the same world, but didn't have the doctor floating around all over the place.

I also liked SJA, but at times it was a bit too RTD for me.
>Class was some original YA sci-fi Drama show pitched to BBC3 execs
this is fine, they should have just done this. so many Dr Who things seem to be authors wanting to do their own thing, but then it has to be connected somehow.

fuck knows if it came out or anyone cares, but i would bet that new Dark Season audio drama has some wink-wink reference.
>it would have been nice to have a self-contained (maybe 3 series) story that was set in the same world, but didn't have the doctor floating around all over the place.
Yup, every time I watch Dr Who I think "this is okay, but it'd be much better without the Doctor in it"
Sarah Jane and K9 were both pretty popular.
>nuance is dead
we don't need this passive agressive stuff anymore. Being a gay trans person is normal now and we all already the big corporation.
I think they are getting at how atrocious it is. Not the understandable pitch that got it made.
It's a spinoff show. The entire point of it is that it doesn't have the doctor in it.

Should torchwood have had the doctor in every episode? SJA? No? Then why should class?
Throwing my 2 cents in on the Class debate. It has no meaningful connection to Doctor Who. SJA and Torchwood did. Yes, Coal Hill School is a Doctor Who connection but it is no a meaningful one. Class could have been easily retooled into a show completely separate to Doctor Who as it is effectively already completely separate to the wider franchise.
How much worse can things get from hereon in? Is the old lady supposed to be a hint about the fucking Beast? Are they going to rope in Faction Paradox and have them job to the power of song and dance?
Gallifrey got resurrected so Russel could get a live action Gallifrey Series spin off with Romanan
I caught up finally. Watched all of Ncuti.

I'm envious of those who still have fun with this show. This season only confirms to me what I suspected before, that Nuwho is dead and ended with s10.
…there are people who still have fun with this show? Even off this site feels like either there is nothing but despair, or the most forced shilling imaginable.
If we can believe the sources, the viewership is dropping so there is that.
I think there are still a handful of redditors who can't let go and are deluding themselves into liking it
RTD won't use faction paradox because he hates Lawrence Miles and likewise. He won't use anything connected to Gareth Roberts, either. He won't really use anything connected to Moffat in anything but the most vulgar, obvious way, because he seems to resent him. Gatiss seems to have fallen out of favour too.

So, thanks to RTD being a jealous, unpleasant cunt, enjoy nothing but RTD-related content from hereon in, as satisfying as chewing on a stick of glitter glue. You'll have the occasional moffat episode, but they'll still carry davies' stink.
I mean doctor who itself wasn't ever exactly high art let's be real, and this was at the beginning of the show's decline during a transition period of new producers. it's a campy spinoff of an already campy show with a shoestring budget, what do you expect? it's not really that far off from what SJA would eventually end up becoming
>Yup, every time I watch Dr Who I think "this is okay, but it'd be much better without the Doctor in it"
to be fair, I have been thinking that since 2017
>He won't really use anything connected to Moffat in anything but the most vulgar, obvious way, because he seems to resent him
anon Moffat is one of the only guest writers on this season, what makes you think he resents him? watch literally any interview of the two of them together and they are actually very close friends. they just have different artistic sensibilities and different visions for the show, but their role as television executives supercedes their creative personalities. at the end of the day they might have different tastes but they respect eachother just for getting something on television. I honestly think RTD just hasn't seen much of Moffat's Who or doesn't remember the plots. but they are clearly very friendly.
>The Moffat written-episode this season
A 30th Century computer can identify Ruby Sunday from a DNA sample, but breaks trying to find her relatives. The climax relies on the Doctor bonding with someone over their shared experiences of fatherhood

>RTD's final
Ruby's mother's DNA was added to a big database in 2046. The Doctor has never been a father.

It's kind of impressive when you think about it.

like come on you can't tell me there's any resentment here. they are close and jeepnin touch. all this drama between showrunners is made up.
RTD wouldn't invite Moffat back to write including the Christmas special if he resented him. he didn't have to do extend that hand. but he did.
>implying the way luvvies act in public means anything at all
what a dumbass
>He won't really use anything connected to Moffat in anything but the most vulgar, obvious way, because he seems to resent him.
i don't know why you'd think this
moffat and rtd get on pretty well regardless of their writing differences
Yeah, and RTD thinks Millie Gibson is just AMAZING! She's a WONDER! Such a TALENT!
Oh whoops, I just fired her..
But she'll go SO FAR
etc etc

the words they say mean nothing. They're writers and actors. They lie for a living.
wtf you convinced me, moffat secretly wants rusty dead!
>Yeah, Elizabeth, for the next shoot we need you to sit there and drink wine like a woman going for a life crisis. After that we will do you slowly jogging and then a shot of you standing there gormlessly with an embarrassed look on your face. What? No the show is not going to be called Sarah Jane anything.
Literally a story of letting somebody live rent-free in your head. How many people, especially famous people, powerful people, went fucking nuts and lost all credibility all because of one person? The entire series was basically TDS given form.
I’m not sure if you’re attacking or defending the episode but I will put it to you that a drugged up celebrity should have logically have worse judgement than some sort of Time Vortex-created death god.

At least with the Doctor, there is the precedent of the Perfect Hider as an example of the Doctor getting demented and imagining ultimate super hide and seek lifeforms throughout the universe because he saw a dead body as a child. I thought that episode was retarded at the time but in hindsight it feels like a better 73 Yards. Still retarded but I was sold on the paranoia better than random British people running away from Ruby.

Well shit. Wonder if he can somehow rope in Timothy Dalton to uncuck Rassilon for 5 minutes, and then spend the remaining 35 minutes hyper ultra super cucking him for being an old white fascist piece of shit patriarch.

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