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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/MkxawPjr (embed)


>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
https://pastebin.com/raw/yeSLgsLE (embed)

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200435014
gay /bant/ theme
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baesie mogs
Vampire (the wiggers) Bloodgames (the ritualistic alienation of Don Jolly)
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>O-oh, you think I'm a fat neckbeard discord user...? But I gave you a point....
>H-huh? It was -1 points anyway? I shaved my head for nothin-
>D-d-did she just flip me off?!
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Laker Brady from the Valley
stop making these taytroon OPs jesus christ
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Abi won
where’s that guy that had a good post saved for this thread
Taytards and Josiecels are mentally disabled sorry
This thread baker has gay OP themes and is retarded, please copy the thread template from the pastebin. Also baked early to secure the OP like a faggot
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shit thread bad op
donjolly.com needs to be linked in the op
Ok never again sorry.
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fact check: TRVE
I like when a woman has calves wider than her thighs
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Are you excited for Jet Neptune and Sam Hyde Present: Million Dollar Extreme's Fishtank Season 2.5 Allstars: Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood Rape Games (Proudly sponsored by iFunny)?
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love this cat
Letty is winning 2.5
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im excited for taylo
Someone make a new one with the fishtank guru shit that no one cares about
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Absolutely based, fuck fat discord users.
fishtank? isn't that the show with rapists, blackface and animal abuse? officially sponsored by ifunny???
she's ungrateful and doesn't deserve anything
Don't get memed into smoking cigarettes by sam Hyde secondaries, you'll be so mad at yourself in 8 years
ifunny is all chud nazi memes
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there isn't any win condition that we know of besides not dying/not quitting
Fuck off to your containment thread jew
Jet groomed Sam on /r9k/, this is not a joke
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it's a two week hangout party for production and contestants
>sup smoothskin
And TJ isn’t invited! LOL!
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my mere existence makes you shit your diapers with childlike anger and seethe
>oh a fishtank thread, i wonder if there's any news
>read comments
>"yeah i masturbate to this former fish tank contestant"
>"oh, i masturbate to this former fish tank contestant"
>"look at this picture of a former fish tank contestant that i masturbate to frequently"
>"cool, i looked at this former fish tank contestants live stream while masturbating and she said this"
>"isnt this former fish tank contestant adorable? (i masturbate to images of her)"
what is wrong with you people?
bright follower looking ass
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Christ, it fucking REEKS in here. What's that smel-
>Sees all the Tayjeets
Jesus christ
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Erm I love Ben
>gives me a (You) in another thread
loser lol
vampire king boss fight finale
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'member xer?
are you guys going to finally rope if he shows up?
Tayjeets and Josiecels stinking up the threads for no reason when they have their containment threads on /bant/
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Jet is dating her
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taylor made tj unfollow a number of girls on his insta and even made him unfollow abi and some female artists who drew him fan art during the show and than she leaves him alone handicapped to hang out with the wiggers crew
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These threads are for everyone buddy
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he still follows a lot of them
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miss xer so much
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>gives me (You)'s while im soundly asleep because im a boogieman living rent free in their minds
TJ must be so happy that Twitter likes aren't public anymore
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i am ready for the most mind numbingly gay and bad bullshit to have on in the background of playing video games
this is still yet to be debunked
youre not mr heck
Did Summer actually say "Vance wept" or people added the wept because it's funnier
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>hey TJ come here for a second sweetie >:3
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Will we ever see Liquid Cole again?
I can't wait for the fishtank icebergs after all this shit is over years from now. Liquid at the very bottom.
yeah i get it you love attention

you're like the other side of the bad ideas coin
they are all trapped in the dialectic that was crafted and honed on r9k by jet. Ciara was the first idol, jet her biggest simp
She said "vance was crying"
she hates simps, as all women should. the more you treat her as a lesser, the more she'll like you
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reminder, if you are attracted to tayleigh you are gay
this is an objective fact
Reminder the Tayleigh and Josie beef started over the "she looks BEAT" pop-up which was probably written by a dev.
Nah nobody here wants you pathetic simps spamming the threads with the same webms of old contestants you’re obsessed with
could possibly be revealed in the season 2 edit, they said they filmed a lot more basement/behind the scenes footage
That bitch got uglier and uglier as the weeks went by
he is not gonna show up
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Cole needs to go on Bloodgames so he can finally get closure and move on with his life. It's his only chance to return to Fishtank without being tortured. Bloodgames is exactly what he was hoping for when he went on Fishtank, just having fun and playing around with a bunch of retards. I hope for his sake he can finally find peace
What are you going to do about it you can filter but then youd be a little bitch
who is this semen demon?
but what if? Will you rage?
This fag has probably done at least several "I'm moving on with my life" posts at this point.
The original cole
>made him unfollow abi
tay-tay knows that nigger lovers are deranged and bad news. tj is in good hands
her content is talking to them and giving them a platform
someone give me the rundown on "Channing"
all i know is that shes a girl sam dated why is she currently relevant what's the backstory
the house has over 13k views on zillow while comps in the county have less than 2k lmao the realtors must think theres actual interest
Liquid Cole was forced and unfunny
everybody of a sane mind has beef with tayjeets
theyre annoying and worship an ugly lazy dyke and think she shits gold
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>*grabs your arm*
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>i-i love my c-chud wife
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uh oh browniggers mad at tay again? whoopsie
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not like this tayjeets
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so who was the better chess player?
also why would he not unfollow her after she talked shit?
>he's shaking!
Sam's mentally ill ex-girlfriend who stalks him trying to ruin him for allegedly sleeping with a 16 year old girl 10 years ago. She spams every thread about him on /tv/, and recently tried to attack him physically at a comedy show wearing a fake beard (not joking). It literally doesn't matter if Sam is guilty or not because she's too much of a mentally ill drug addicted retard to take seriously and actually let the story get off the ground.
One Taysimp got so upset he developed a cock obsession and still spams threads with his favorite ones to this day.
Will the one & only Cominos make an appearance on 2.5 he was missed during season 2
according to both of them they never dated or were intimate. channing was his first daughterfu project and makes his interactions with letty/trish make a lot more sense.
people who like tay are brown though
Q proved this
The one who didn't freak out over a toy
Qrd on this?
they must be thrilled!
they LOVE getting cucked after all, they wouldn't be tay simps if they didn't.
Is that Q kid actually going to show up to bloodgames? I hope he does. He's been talking about making Tayleigh his wife for months.
when did she shit talked tj?
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kiss the greg tummy
I can't refute this.
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i hate greg
yjk this is a josiecel
He got a special chicken and they can't even get the precious beanies they paid her for...
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the story wont get off the ground because 16 is legal in rhode island
Because he's tryna fuck
No he's an enormous coward and said he'd only go if he was invited
I like greg
she talked shit about Taylor
she's one of donjolly.coms closest friends, some say her crusade against Sam isn't one born from a lover scorned but rather from a friend who never forgets
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Why did Meg piss in a cup again?
spicnigger whore can't spell vengeance
yjk this is a canadian frightened by the mere presence of josieGODS
Taking someone from a state where the AOC is 18 to a state where it's lower is illegal however. Unfortunately for Channing the girl in question doesn't really seem to give a shit anymore.
his own girlfriend? thats what i’m saying.
Sam nearly getting assaulted twice in such a short time frame is incredible.
16? 15 is NOT legal in RI. I can't believe you would defend consensual sex with a 14 year old. She was only 13, you sick fuck
bitch spelt vengeance wrong
Le epic fishtank season 1 reference kino
Both of them
This is fucking pathetic
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>set in outdoors
>didn't secure the forest elf princess
What is Jet thinking?
marky story is fake, you are so stupid
Y not lol
>*grabs wrist*
apparently that guy and tayleigh follow each other and he lives in kentucky and was found out that she was in kentucky from her pics posted on twitter
Wasn't watching this early, she did this unprompted? Did anything come out of it? Also why would TJ pick it up
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the shaking faggot thought he did something. sam grabbed your arm and your lips started to quiver, why would you upload that video?
Why? Did they even ever interact?
Nasty bitch needs to drink some water
skibidi chungus
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i know someone who did get a beanie tho
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Abi was fucking based for this
I remember when the TJ Taylor fans were at this stage
Sam is a trt abusing retard
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jet is a talentless fraud, old news
wdym, she cried doing this, hyperventilating like crazy
What even is she? Finn-mongolian mixed with mid-west white?
ruined by gay jumping behind tayleigh's back. she did this with trish too for some odd reason.
but TJ Taylor fans actually wanted them to be together. tayjeets think they have a shot with her.
>Tayleigh is fucking a fan discretely
>the leaked messages get out
>she ends up in a self defense situation against her legions of simps
I'm starting to think the one abi fan in this thread is abi herself
Lmao i liked abi until I found out she was a racemixer
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Shocking news
>she ends up in a self defense situation against her legions of simps
wouldn't happen her fanbase are unironical cuckolds they are gonna beat their meat silly over that and donate to her streams the day after
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Reminder Abi rightfully called Tay a coward to her face for supporting Jimmy

Abi W
tjtaylor cucks*
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Even if Tayleigh straight up introduced a boyfriend on the stream, this sad fuck will still be there, clinging on.
This camera was the best
Her confronting Tay and making her go schizo was amazing
Abi moggs Letty
gay championing for tay ruined every confrontation she got in
>i can't believe sam assaulted you babe!
>you were so brave for markyposting irl
>lets go home now i didn't want to go to the show anyway
>H-hey guys, remember me?
Taylor copyright struck abi for watching her stream while streaming and then later there was some drama with Greg and Taylor that she inserted herself into.
The mark abi left was what caused tay to poonch trish in the face
No he immediately drops women when they are even seen with potential bfs
deserved for squandering a year of mde's online presence and delaying wp2 on larping as a stand up comedian
And people say she was "nontent"
Qrd on greg taylor drama?
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dms were leaked and he reached out to her, she asked if she was getting paid and then he ghosted her
Boyfriend free girls exclusively for Mr. Q.
He looks like that faggot from Stranger Things.
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Tayjeets will go on all day about the nonexistent beef with Josie but will go quiet about Abi who mogged the fuck out of Tay in the tank.
Why's that?
>You're shaking bro, you're shaking look at your lips
>I-I'm looking pretty g-good r-right now
>Yeah, get out of here
>Ima call the cops
>Ok bro, have a nice day
>Y-you too
>channing was his first daughterfu project
Oh really? What's the age difference between Sam and Channing?
>tayleigh being a low iq schizophrenic is somehow abi's W
its simply cuntleigh being a cunt
if she did reveal that it would be more than over
That shit is rotting his brain, Sam was embarrassing at the end of his appearance on The Will Montgomery Show
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That sounds like an incredibly jet move and I'm honestly not even mad about it
Do we know if greg got paid?
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Would you play Blood Games with Goran in his handmade Sarajevo rape shack?
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Why would he reach out to her if Jimmy is on the show? Even Jet isn't retarded enough to risk a legal liability.
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kino foreshadowing
Greg is probably getting paid in exposure"
Greg had a $600 donation goal on his stream to go visit Taylor, TJ, and Brian. Fun idea but he only told Taylor about wanting to visit but never mentioned the stream goal or any concrete plans. Not to mention he never reached out to TJ and Brian. Eventually Taylor caught wind and made a public post where she claimed she had no idea about it, essentially to cover herself from any criticism of it not working out and the fact that people amassed $600 for it.
WTF i don't remember this happening
which day is that?
>fort byers
Stranger things season when?
doing this retarded outdoor larping for FREE is truly retard behavior
it confirms that at least half of them will tap out and go home within 3 days
Jet probably asked everyone.
not a ton, like 7 or 8 years apart i think
Channing is 35, I think Sam is like 38 or something
I mean I like greg, but that really is a cringemove honestly
Gregeggs, I thought he was asexual??
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The "full reset" might be the smartest idea that Jet had for a while.
Qrd on the full reset?
he wants to get LUBECOOCHED and taylor is not gonna let that happen
FACT: donjolly would run an infinitely better fishtank than jet
He isnt. Not many know this but the real reason for the drama is kino. Every reason for the showcased drama is white lies lmao.
Yes he is
doing this shit for "exposure" is so crazy
you've theoretically already been on fishtank, nobody new is going to follow you
only bad can happen. you can only cement yourself harder as "being on white supremacist Sam Hyde's racist show" and blacklist yourself from desk jobs
being on Jet's retarded larp show in the woods for NO grand prize, making yourself a lolcow
Only the most brain dead desperate for attention fucking loser would say yes
>we're not casting fans anymore
>we're going to start slow and escalate to hell house by the end
i doubt it works
the goyim will know the wrath of GOD. their use will be to be fertiliser for the vast fields of produce to feed and grow the children of GOD.
What's the real reason? Just that he wanted some pussy and was autisic enough to believe taylor would put out?
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Will he make a special guest appearance?
WTF does that even mean in practical sense?
that they are not going to bring frank and fatty again?
i don't see how it changes anything on the fundamental level.
I assume it means all new faces and not returning cast. To treat the next season like a completely new show. Not sure what that means for Vance who had "fishtank producer" on his twitter bio.
Don would've come up with a creative project that had artistic merit
i agree but i feel like i remember him saying the similar shit about s2 before it started and it was all complete lies
trvke. they're sadists at heart.
he already bought spectator box seats
Whatever happened to Winston?
Summer had this pendant too. do all bpd blacked zoomer girls think they're Misa?
Just know Taylor talks shit lmao, theres a reason she had no friends in FL. Also, the bunny fetish is real and partly caused it kek
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greg is TOTALLY asexual guys just trust me bro
Well, having old fish who now work in prod is different than using them in the show
him and marky moved in with each other in May
Qq. Have they posted any kind of schedule yet? It starts tomorrow right? Have they given the time? If there's no schedule this time I'm not watching shit.
He is rotting inside an rv somewhere in the desert
According to the clock on the site it should start around 7 pm est
Bunny fetish? Is this a greg or a taylor thing?
Also girls having no friends is a good thing btw
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S3 will be Fishtank in it's purest form according to Jet. Fishtank "for real this time" is what he said. It was already leaked that they're using a casting agency to pick normie contestants for s3 if that's any indication
samurai going to be fatty
nobody is asexual greg is just super autistic, like most "asexuals"
>7 pm est
jet said it's starting around 2 or 3 on his ig live
jet said they'd start earlier at 1pm or 2pm in the instagram last night
It's not a stroke of genius it's the bare minimum that everyone was asking for.
>taylorcucks unironically think Taylor had no friends in Florida
Winston got Don Jolly'd
what are you even talking about, she was quietly seething about greg "stealing" her stream ideas and used the opportunity of him doing a retarded dono goal to publically shitblast him on twitter. this is the 1:1 representation what happened with greg
oh ok cool I missed that
Entity is obviously Bicflame, Trish as haymaker doesn't make sense, Barbarian I would say is Damiel
There will probably be a "pregame" show where they go over some basics for the viewers before the actual "game" starts at 7
>Is this a greg or a taylor thing?
forced /bant/ meme from a guy about greg and tj gooning together. greg does like the bunny from zootopia though.
Vance is their best cameraman. I hope they keep him but everyone else can stay home. I hope Jet actually follows through.
ah its the dumbfuck forcing his meme again gotcha
she fucks human men
absolutely insane that he didn't realize that "random people" was the most important part of the show
truly a testament to how fucking dumb jet is that he did season 2 and 2.5 with fans and repeat characters and the show might be dead before they can get to season 3
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Ella mogs
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this is really funny, tj even unfollowed her on insta. sad!
Need to sniff
Nice so all the news is still coming from no centralised place making it impossible to follow if you have a life. They're just throwing money away
Nah man, this doesn’t involve TJ.
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S1 and s2 were learning curves
I made a whole essay about it and how they needed to learn the balance between neptunian and goranian vibes, and it looks like with s3 they are actually going to strike the perfect balance
I'm cautiously hopeful
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S3 full reset status? https://web.archive.org/web/20240422195428/https://lastmanstanding.castingcrane.com/
you think "random people" will put up with the unprofessional wigger incompetence?
they would walkout after the first bullshit challenge or nigger TTS.
fact is this show can only work with fans.
At least she has Greg!
lol here we go again with this cope.
>S1 was a learning experience. S2 will be better.
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>goran still trying to force his shitty storylines instead of playing straight a big brother/love island reality show for online autists
this retard never learns
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Imagine the smell, ponder the aroma. I'd fill a zip lock bag up with the air surrounding her, just so I can have that stench with me throughout the day
Qrd on this bitch?
lmao they’re gonna cast a juggalo? tts is gonna destroy them
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she makes video essays on theme parks I think
mde fans will find the application and apply covertly and maintain the illusion of being oblivious normies while going along with production, like S1
she looks like she plays bass for coal chamber
I really hope jet sticks with the theme this time but deep down I know he'll scrap it once he realizes it takes effort and just turn it into regular fishtank but outdoors
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There she is!
If she started selling candles with her scent they'd sell out in minutes
What's the problem with this? How does it contradict Jet saying he wants a lore reset? They're trying to cast eccentric people, that's the point of the casting call. Like- wouldn't it be funny to have an autistic girl obsessed with Harajuku cosplay in the same house as a Juggalo and some normies?? That's what they're going for
S2 mogs S1
She's cute
Back on to the fishtank website for the first time in months, it always fucked up my computers resources and made youtube videos on other tabs start stuttering right? This isnt new right?
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i'm excited to see it fail, otherwise i completely forgot that it's supposed to start tomorrow. i can't imagine anyone else being hyped about this
the only way bloodgames can be redeemed is if Q shows up in full vampire attire
Twin Peaks
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Truth nuke
You are mining for cryptocoins
back to containment thread furry tranny

samefagging btw
works on my machine
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Stupid fucking cunt.
jet wants actors to fully follow his goranian scripted bullshit. it's all ego, the serb rape baby thinks he can actually write now
kek she do be a fake nazi pick me third place bitch tho
trail cams better not be paywalled
no one tell him
I think Fishtank cured my internet addiction. It's so unbelievably boring, I had to reassess my life, after watching it.
Anyway, I hope Sam Hyde falls in a hole. He's boring, and old.
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more like because he's a retarded man baby with peter pan syndrome who wants to play with his own life-size dollhouse
the only reason he denies it is probably because he doesn't want to give them a heads up
she's ugly on the inside
or what?
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Manifesting Jimleigh
Will be funnier when people post screenshots of them
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>Q shows up in full vampire attire
This but jet doesn't have to know. it has to be a surprise even for production
LOL get his ass
tj has fucked up his arm pretty bad , he aint showin up for 2.5
because jet will heavily force people into his storylines

reality shows do have a push from producers for the contestants to go talk to this dude or that girl but for the most part its mostly "real"

fishtank has jet have far too heavy a hand in just about every interaction, S1 with the basements every 5 minutes and being told exactly what to do and how to act and S2 the retards kept outing themselves with
>production told me to do it
jet seems obsessed with scripting out a fucking reality tv show
Sweaty smelly bareback sex with Ella
or i will get raped
I’m actually excited for this now, even if it’s shit. There’s nothing like /ftl/ LIVE!
sounds like tiny con kwab
slopdown was cancelled
Hi jet
>Why did Meg piss in a cup again?
The implication.
We still need money
Inseminating Ella
Look at her go! Resilient spruce...
Bring on chicken lady and Ella
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minecraft teejay!
Time for coom tank bud
Why? What's the qrd on her personality?
why couldn’t vance just shove her?
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Gently blessing your thread /tv/
Cole is the perfect example of Jet ruining the show with his control ocd. Cole was legit kino but he wasn't what jets script called for so they abused Cole hoping he would quit but he didn't so they kicked him. TJ was the designated winner, they couldn't have Cole there stealing the show
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can’t believe it’s almost been 5 months since season 2 ended
Follow your leader and get raped
is this aura
This hair suits him
sorry but Jet's storylines are fucking keyed and always lead to the best moments in the show.

>Bringing Brian's girlfriend on
>Throwing in characters like Abi and Dunye who were intentionally scripted to fuck with people which WORKED we got Trish fights, Tayleigh going crazy, Jimmy with the mallet
>Orchestrating Cole to kiss Trish while drunk
>Bringing Jimmy back with the security guards led to the TJ fight
>Planting the seed of there being a "plant" was the domino which caused every interpersonal drama in the tank

I can keep going, production meddling with the natural course of events is what makes the show, how do you not realize this?
But he did quit and was about to before the halo tts
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TJ was nowhere near designated to win when Cole was in the tank. Nearly everything revolved around Cole and Brian at that point.
Greg is a disgusting coomer
disgusting walled freak
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Season 3 should be an all female beach episode with Jackie and Bex as the lifeguards
>fact is this show can only work with fans.
JC and Shinji proved this. Shinji is atleast tentatively in the same sphere of internet interest and still just wanted to walk off halfway through the season. Non-fans wont put up with the crude humor or torture. I'm pretty sure Simmons and Jon were also the only two non-fans in S1 and they walked fast as well.
Whichever production crew member this is, the Brian and CK storyline was one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever saw on a reality show ever.
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Here's the updated Josiecel MD5 filter list. I'm at 1066 hashes now.
>Why filter Josie screencaps as opposed to filtering X or Y?
Josiecels and their pictures contribute nothing to on-topic discussion, and she's entirely uninvolved in 2.5. Replying to their posts only encourages them to push the threads closer to the image limit. Please clap (or seethe).
Yeah CK was a fan favorite for sure
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>Bringing Brian's girlfriend on so she can give him massages and moral support after they pretend to fight
Allow me to be real: we need money
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She's watching over you.
you need to get your brain checked
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they literally broke up like an 8 year long relationship because of the drama that unfolded on the show how is that not content
Caroline Kinney Hapa tits
Bringing on brians girlfriend almost killed the show you tard
Yeah, wasn't it great when production took over the bar and sent everyone to bed so they can suck each other off about what a "great job" they were doing.
This bitch actually thought she could fight a male and win btw
Summer's breakdown was the beginning of the end. They never fully recovered after that.
It fucking sucked, we were all there and we fucking hated it, stop trying to rewrite history
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i guess it does yea, but this nigga busy growing an afro now
It was. I hope Kenny is doing well on this fine Monday evening
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CK owes tits
How do I use this? This is based if it works.
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they didn't even break up on camera and brian only broke up with her because his advice daddy eceleb sam told him to
they don't walk out if there's 50k on the line
people are retarded and need money
>this show can only work with fans
how can anyone be so retarded they watch the show about "fucking with people" knowing the people being fucked with are in on the joke
baby brain shit
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>captcha marky
brian looking rough
i kneel
They weren't even together at that point. Is this bait?
There’s no way this fag played a sport
So are you guys gay or what's up?
dude is so uncoordinated lol
is she still alive?
keep seething. he's a retard athlete who got the girl and won fishtank
he was decent even
Might've been the most soulless relationship between two human beings I've ever seen
Jet here for real CK arc was kino you guys need to stop lying to yourselves Brian Buddies we run this shit Bloodgames live tomorrow hope you enjoy it
>they don't walk out if there's 50k on the line
yes they do
>how can anyone be so retarded they watch the show about "fucking with people" knowing the people being fucked with are in on the joke
by realizing they go along with the joke precisely because they are in on it
shinji proved the opposite
guy was sick all season, spoke no english, took all the bullshit, didn't leave despite being starved for no reason, stayed and made it to the final boxing match
shinji wasn't a fan he just had some MDE fan friend who threw him into it
if shinji made it through that bullshit retarded season then any random person can too
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i like how jet starting this "full reset" narrative implies that he knows the first 2 seasons sucked and were not what people wanted at all

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Pretty sure that's a track singlet
What sport, there’s no way
It went three rounds and had to go to viewer poll.
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please don't bring brian back for bloodgames
Holy shit
He was a comp beast in the tank
Rumor has it Tayleigh was getting dicked down by a fan in Kentucky
sadly its true
Oh so he was a cross country sped kid, that checks out
still mad at him walking out on 10k because he couldn't take a shit behind a divider
yea he was a cross country runner
Tayseething faggots. a 110 pound girl from texas mindbroke you KEK
LOL wild, total Taytroon death
He said he was in pain trying to so I have some sympathy but yeah it was disappointing for sure.
Forrest Gump shit.
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i remember when everyone thought it was a genius idea to bring Brian's girlfriend on to completely blow up his game and then all she did was give him massages whenever he wanted.
The fish also were given the opportunity to kick either Brian or CK and they literally all chose CK even though Brian was their direct competitor
Post skin color
the fuck did he eat
a tiny portion of me believes he might not have won the show had he won the cell, winning that much money early kinda warrants a 2nd or 3rd place
>yes they do
no they don't
>by realizing they go along with the joke precisely because they are in on it
this makes no sense and you are a gay retarded faggot
I wish they kicked Brian and CK stayed
chili peppers and boiled eggs and mcdonalds. Probably some other shit I don’t remember.
why would tay do this to us
im right and you are wrong
take the L
All I remember from her is her silently seething and threatening to flash the camera like a tard. Might be the worst person to ever appear on Fishtank, and that's saying something.
I just wanted to see CK’s tits
CK was kino. Idgaf what anyone else says, she made things SO uncomfortable sometimes that it became entertaining just by her being in the room.
Rocky Stream was raped
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They can never make me hate you
Did we even watch the same show
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Tay does what she wants and we deserve nothing from her, we are worms under her bare feet and toes. Her derisive glance is reward enough.
Fuck off, CK
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all the scripted drama with her, brian, and trish was fake as fuck and reeked of Rapistovician influence
that was by far the dumbest shit ive ever seen on fishtank
killed content just to get drunk on camera
yes, nigger. Like I said, idgaf
built for CBT
you are retarded for believing their gaslights as a viewer
doesnt she know cucking her fans is suicide?
baka he cant even run an applebees kitchen
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somebody give me the quick rundown on the meg drama and why she disappeared
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>srsly the "production sucks fuck you" meme is dead I will remove you
tsar bomba apocalyptic giga trvth nvke
you have to be retarded to watch this slop, retard
I love that tayfags slowed this down like it was a super punch and it didn’t just knock his uncoordinated ass off balance. Learn to box Tayjeets!
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All I want is for her to roll her eyes at my misery and longing again.
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this negga so goofy
ck drama WAS kino, anyone denying this fact is just too retarded to understand its beauty
actually her fans are deeply into it
She and one of her orbiters came on to /bant/ trying to get people to fuck with Summer then everyone yelled at her and Summer admitted she had anal sex with Jon
Q put your trip back on nigger
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Chris Lynch getting mad at her was so like a scene in a comedy about a crazy ex or something. Naysayers are fucking gay and lame.
fuck summer
CK could have worked if she allied with cole but she went straight into brians arms and fucked in the bathroom
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she's fat
I don't remember Tayleigh having this many fans during the show
Biggest KWAB moment of the season
I know this is jet
anymore rare teej? where are you getting these lmao
If you post in the /bant/ threads you should be banned from posting on /tv/
Love TJ but this was insanely funny
What was TJ's goal? Intimidate a battered woman?
you are not for real right now
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got bored and looked one day
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POV cams means we won't get any good screencaps of the fish for all of 2.5
CK and Brian were paid actors you fucking idiot
some pimpled faced faggot in kentucky got to tays sweet pussy before me T_T
why did she KWAB'd and disappear then
>>Planting the seed of there being a "plant" was the domino which caused every interpersonal drama in the tank
The only fish that took this seriously was Summer because she was fucked in the head, everyone else went through the motions just like with group therapy and the cult shit. Majority of the time they just outright ignored the cult names and just kept using the original name except for Brian's "peter" name which they used ironically.
Tayseething faggot who's too afraid to post on /bant/ KEK
Big breedable taylor
He either makes a girl flinch or fails to. Neither of these outcomes benefit him.
There’s stationary cams too
Don’t worry, we also have
>fish tripod cams
>trail cams
>cameramen in settlements like Schitty
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burger king negga
Everyone was telling her to fuck off and we're not her personal army
the show was saved when s*mmer (connor) BBC slurping hunchback goblin wench got kicked
one of the craigslist actors who got OD in the portapotty

What should I do?
It’s a game, retard. He wouldn’t punch her.
kek true, summerfags were truly the most pathetic
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>I'm gonna BEAT YOU UP again.
>It wasn't even good the first time TJ. Least effective beating from a man I've ever had. One of the bottom 10 for sure.
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>It wasn’t even good the first ti-ACK!
>brian and CK alone in a room
>brian pacing around
>I told you not to come here!
>this place is FUCKED
>why would you do this
>i'm sorry
>i just care about you brian
>you shouldn't have put yourself in this position
>do you even understand what they're doing??
>i'm sorry ok
>it doesn't matter if you're sorry CK
>I want what's best for you
>you shouldn't have come here
>you should have known better
>scene repeats for 1 hour
some guy in this thread
>grinning ear to ear
>talk about kino!
you people have such insane rationale for all your cope
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artist guys?
>shinji proved the opposite
No he fucking didn't, Shinji gave up after Jimmy was kicked and just stood in the corner smoking for 3 weeks barely participating and he still crumpled under the slightest bit of pressure and wanted to leave. Had it been Jon or any other fish they'd have kicked him for lack of participation but since they fucked the season so hard by that point they just begged him to stay promising the sun and moon to him and never bothering to fuck with him again.
He won
she really thought she could take on a dude after the taymaker fiasco
quit your bitching, it was good
Biggest make KWAB of S2?
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Goran make you new slop, you are excite yes?
Shinji by far
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lol take a joke you faggots
>Stop making FUN of our LITTLE GUY we live through him eeauuughhnnh!
Shinji got fucked with by Frank once and was ready to go home. Not even Josie did that.
this is the guy that got to fuck tay for a month and cucked them out of streams
I think Brian looked ok in the end, even on the show.
add in Jimmy, Jon, and Tay on that list
damn what got you so heated
Jimmy. He quit like a pussy.
No shit. I'm saying a guy making a girl flinch is not a win for him.
shinji was great for the first week or two, then he got sick and they decided to starve everyone so nobody had energy and everything was completely boring
but despite the wiggers destroying the show he stayed till the very end, proving the normie non-fans can make it to the end
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Day 1 Peterphiles, wya?
The self-insert shit is a cope too. You guys act like you lost a part of yourselves in the show at this point.
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Can’t handle the banter?
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that CK shit might be kind of funny in the short edit because it got brian tweaking but it was hard to watch for too long for sure
Is this not just TJ
Why? it’s funny to do that playfully IRL when girls know you aren’t a lunatic
Yeah based he looks normal. Much better than what her fans are like
These two hated each other at this point.
Still with this schizo shit when will you retards learn
TJ is not capable of hate
the only time josie got uncomfortable was when fatty got naked
how much did she pay him?
Just remembered that on day 1 of season 2 Brian was such a piece of shit that people genuinely believed he was friends with the crew and was just there to fill the open spot for the first day and that he would be replaced with a real contestant the next day kek
Baker bake
TJ did not hate her.
Yeah man my icebreaker is to threaten to hit a woman it works great.
it really got him tweaking, i remember at one point he got so angry with her he started shaking his fist at her as if threatening her lol. combine this with ck throwing shade at him on twitter after she got kicked out, calling him an abuser and all sorts of things
People still thought that a week into it
If that’s your icebreaker, that’s a problem.
she markyposted

I was one of those people, and then it became clear that "Wow, ok, this guy is just an egotistical retard".
subhuman bant poster detected
he blew her back out I hear
try it out
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watching the edits on youtube
>TJ was obviously exaggerating the retardation from the start and his "improvement arc" was planned and fake
>Taylor was actually VERY hot and had a crazy lisp that didn't pick up at all on their shitty mics, get better mics Jet
>before Jimmy blew the "everyone's a fan" secret Sam was in a good mood having fun and the season could have turned out alright had that not happened and irreparably killed the vibe day 4
What did frank did to josie? Destroy some plushies she didnt even paid for?
Not quite as subhuman like the legit mouth breathing retards that are still claiming there were actors
anyone who at any point during the show believed the "actor" larp aimed at the fish is an actual fucking retard, incredibly embarrassing to fall for bottom tier bait
That was the low point of the entire show (so far), felt embarrassed for them
yet He fucked CK in the fishtank bathroom
bizarre relationship
i think ck is so desperate she really believed they were gonna get back together lol, she said he cheated on her multiple times, leeched off her financially, led her on for years and she still blew him in the toilet the moment she saw him l 0 l
he chased her around and tried to rip off the bags she put on her feet, even reached between her legs at one point trying to get to them when she dropped to the ground
OH NO!!!

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