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Firecracker edition
Previous thread >>200424174
ngl i'd fuck starlight any day
the goys sucks
When are they going to introduce Chinese and Russian knockoff versions of homelander?

I don't care if it's not in the comics. If they want to make this show reflect modern politics they need to do that.
They've been teasing the whole Russian super-supe thing for a bit, but at this point I don't think they're going to do anything with it beyond the powered up Soldier Boy.
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Maeve walked so Firecracker could run
The joke is actually on anyone who still believes in the left/right paradigm and that they aren't all fucking you together. This show should actually be flattering to any righty because it confirms how much the writers live on /pol/ and how much you live RENT FREE in their head.
Where and when the big fight in episode 2 happens is all of (((them))) in on a joke that none of you are in on.
Deserved. You should have said "what's next for Starlight's character?".
Best character in the show. She is a hot Alex Jones.
>implying alex jones isnt hot
wtf bro
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Which one is the "crier"? Because clearly it's always the same pussy one.
Who was canonically president before Singer? Can't be Biden surely since Singer is a Democrat, and Trump probably doesn't work either since Homelander is essentially the Trump of the Boys universe.
Yet we know in-universe they have the same presidents IRL until Obama.
i've skipped every single scene involving frenchie, kimiko, and hughie since season 2 so i have no idea why people are mad about frenchie being a faggot. i unironically thought he always was a gay
The Love Sausage is from Russia
and he's supposed to be lightning MM this season
I have seen Kara from Detroit:Become Human before so when I see the same actress now I feel a bond.
He was introduced as a degenerate polygamist drug abusing bisexual, but his character arc for 3 whole seasons involved him falling in love with Kimiko to an exclusive degree (and her slowly letting herself fall for him in return), only for their entire relationship to be hard reset in the first episode of season 4 in favor of some random gaynigger.
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it's confirmed Simon Pegg character voted for TRUMP
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YES...I feel a bond with her ass and her thighs too...
wtfff they rly want this story buried
The definition of tasteful thickness.
Why two Ryans
I have a fantasy of Queen Mave drunkenly flying into my apartment window by mistake one night, wearing nothing but a white med. T-shirt.
And she would do anything for me to not tell anyone. Anything.
So he can eat his own ass
What's up with the kid's voice? Is he transitioning? He sounds castrated.
I miss her and her dirty feet so much.
I think they're telling him to act like his voice is cracking so he seems younger and they can cover up the fact that the show is only supposed to span 3-ish years yet because it takes them so fucking long to make new seasons the kid has aged from like 8 to about 15
How many bucks on Firecracker making a move on Ryan, he's the same age as the boy she fucked
Interesting call, particularly since she seems hot for Homelander because of his status but he's not interested.
And if they want to hammer the point home that pedos can't be rehabilitated.
If they don't it's a massive narrative waste.
They could also draw parallels to how Stilwell groomed Homie (though I'm not sure if he was that young whenbit began)
Could be a good plot development but I think having an actual on-screen child grooming subplot would be a step outside the showrunners' usual comfort zone. They seem to be setting up Sage as a more serious threat so my bet is that something will happen that will end Firecracker's usefulness to Vought and they'll quickly dispose of her after that.
>he's not interested.
Bitch gotta have some milk.
>but it's for Ryan
Kino. Theres a Brazilian flick with that exact ending
when are we getting a SL vs FC mud wrestling episode THOUGH
You already had: "Starlight ryona on Firecracker live on Vaught tv"
Millions fapped to that.
I just turned this off once the frenchie goes gay scenes started. Every supe is invincible now, boring. In the trash it goes.
I just walked away and made myself dinner while the gay scene was playing. I'm worried Amazon will have dirt on me skipping a gay scene when I'm running for office in the future
Nah you wouldn't.
>And if they want to hammer the point home that pedos can't be rehabilitated.
KEK yeah thats not gonna happen on this production.
Firecracker or Stormfront?
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>This show should actually be flattering to any righty
I wouldn't say it's flattering only because the smugness of the writers feeding back on the smugness of the intended audience into one big self-righteous circlejerk has become too much for me. The constant potshots at the right aren't ever properly explained or justified without the use of blatant strawmen. If you aren't a true believer, it's like trying to watch a 3D movie without the glasses on. I imagine if I were an intelligent far left individual, I would be offended by how simplistic it is.
Is firecracker jewish somehow? Wouldn't shock me.
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You aren't getting into office without someone having blackmail on you and you could do a lot worse than Bezos, it could actually be a strong alliance
Firecracker. She's softer and cuter

I dont think she would knowing how Homelander is
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They've thrown three season worth of character development into the trash, just to have him fuck a gay nigger.

People aren't mad that Frenchie suddenly turned gay since he was always bisexual. They're mad how the whole thing was executed in the most retarded way possible.
Firecracker is so damn hot bros.
what's there to explain
have you not seen qanon nuts and the shit they actually believe?
It's hilarious how the supposedly evil characters that the audience shouldn't like always end up as the most entertaining ones in this show.
>cock vore is fine, but two men kissing on my screen? that's where I draw the line!
>have you not seen qanon nuts
No, I haven't. I've seen plenty of people dunk on qanon nuts, but I've never actually met a qanon person nor do I know of any celebrities or spokespersons they have in the wider pop cultural landscape. The noise criticizing qanon is 10 times louder than any noise generated by qanon.
television rules where kid actors can only work so much, they get twins so they can film more
btw January 6 never happened, it's all CGI don't get fooled by the left
>Oi we caught you straight shota'ing a 15 year old, it's over for you
>She hits send herself
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> she immediately tells the audience
> everybody's reaction
Anytime right wingers do something I don't like, it's because they're qanon.
bet the thought of all the shotas fapping to this turned her on
no, it's because they're brainbroken schizos
Case and point
>calling yourself or something "right wing" or "left wing" in america
kek good joke anon you should write for da boys you could make omelander a right cracker
glad we agree
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what did they mean by this though really?
wonder if they got permission from universal to do that
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Antizionism is totally evil
t. Eric Kripke
>No, shut up anon, let them continue the series
>Why do you want it to end on season 3?!
I warned you. And nobody listened.
It's like this every single time. Every story that could nicely and neatly wrap-up gets dragged out due to corporate greed. This one gets extra points for being a series mocking corporate greed, yet the season exists solely because of it.
>your jewish friends are hurting
They were referencing Dennis Prager
Yeah that far right jew hater *checks notes* dennis prager
holy keks
how many supes have the Boys killed?
Uh they put that thing up the invisible guy's ass in season 1...?
>that mazel tov scene
>will ferrel
Will season 5 be even worse than this one?
Yes other than Simon Pegg killing homelander in the finale.
season 4 is the best one so far
I don't even remember the stupid nigger frenchie fucks. Why the FUCK did they throw away the kimiko romance and even worse, they had her admit she fucked some random too. What the fuck were they thinking holy shit. She's not even like that.
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She was lying. She was trying to get him to have gay sex.
another chud successfully triggered
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Muzzeltov when?
what romance? She almost ripped his head off when he tried to kiss her in season 2, and that was the end of it.
Not even plebbit would say that
This art can be pretty ugly but black girl with radiant afro is 10x better than any black girl design these hacks come up with.
She's a pedophile!
They say stuff like this but are first to push muslims into white countries.
I honestly didn't expect her to call their bluff but I liked it. She's still lame as fuck though.
>far left
no wonder you had to use your imagination for that scenario. You and I both know there is no such thing.
Firecracker is perfect for father and son.

Ryan's first sexual experience and with a supe.

When he knocks her up, Homelander can breastfeed
>The noise criticizing qanon is 10 times louder than any noise generated by qanon.
Hm. I wonder why that would be. Makes you think.
Its almost like its all fake distraction bullshit pushed by factions of "people" who see you as an animal to be kept in a pen rather than a peer or equal.
what episode is this from?
God I wish this so happen so much. This would be the only saving grace of the show not ending with season 3 grand finale (that never happened)
Breh, she's top tier. I'd clean 'em every night when she gets home.
Almost yes. Something something operation trust. Gets the nogging going. Oppositional tribalism really is an effective tool to instrumentalize idiots.
lol, the captcha is 2G0YY
It's from the season trailer. Hasn't actually aired yet.
Chiggeked & sauce dat flick, please.
For me, it's the latent redneck/nigger bitch team-up between her and Sista Sage. I'd LOVE to be in-between that team-up, if you know what I mean.
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I'm legitimately surprised that for all the shit they put him through there's no implication he was raped (so far).
He was pretty cute.
It doesn't violate copyright.
Seeing they gave him a nickname for masturbating as a teen...
Also it's a bit sad that the deep's octopus gf got cheated on and is going to die from neglect in that tank.
Anyone else going to bring this up?
Please use better terms.
Pedophiles are sexually attracted to <12 year olds.
Ephebophiles are sexually attracted to 15-19 year olds.
Try watching the video, then maybe you'll get the joke he was making.
It's strongly implied Stillwell groomed him
Why doesn't the deep just go live in the sea
Isn't he treated as royalty down there?
They never really HAD one. All it was was closeness, and they kinda skirted it with each other, but she's just too fucking broken. I think they both realize that they need each other, but not in THAT way.
Also, even if he was with Kimiko, he'd probably lust after some random and fuck it up anyway. If I remember correctly, this was the gist of their conversation, and it makes sense.
The dude loves dick and pussy. I'm not too far off that mark, except the dick needs to be attached to something REALLY pretty first.
Of all the dumb things in this show, the gay romance is the LEAST of my concerns.
Is it me or does Sister Sage not really act like a genius? All they've done is show her as a PR guru and social schemer but outside of that she doesn't really seem to express her intelligence (aside from the production crew littering her living space with a bunch of books). She doesn't build things, fiddle with the market, experiment with people's biology to make up for her lack of strength. Compared to geniuses like Walt from Breaking Bad and even Heath Ledger's Joker from TDK, she seems pretty shallow.
Yeah but straight up diddling? Kiddy was a walking bait, who let him wear his hair that long
it's all just an act she puts on to make you (the viewer) believe she's not actually as smart as she is.
would you stick your dick in a live nuke?
also kinda unhealthy obsession with shota rape you got there, m8
She's only just been hired by Homelander, she can't start overtly doing shady shit or he'll consider her a liability and laser her. Plus we don't know her actual endgame yet so it's hard to judge her character's actions.
>dick in a live nuke?
I think she was a mistake on part of the writers. There's no way the smartest person in the world would just be slumming it in detroit. Even if she really has no desire to cure cancer or whatever she could expend minimal effort to patent some groundbreaking shit and set her and her family up for life. Then go back to neet-moding and gooning with her lobotomy spike.
There's a difference between raw intelligence and creativity. The highest IQ countries (Japan, Singapore, Korea, etc) aren't the countries with the greatest cultural or scientific outputs.
Are you a genious? How should genious people act? Especially, how should the most intelligent person on earth act? You seem to have some stupid ass notions of what "genious" people should be doing or demonstrating. One of the current smartest people in real life on the planet is a mexican preteen girl that doesn't do any of the stupid shit you think she might do. She just went to school and graduated college and is working towards a career. She's not building weird machines or planning biological human experiments.
They are wise to keep their attempts at writing intelligent characters to a minimum
Plz need better AI video for... reasons.
the fight against evil is really the fight against nature
I hope we get some good shots of her pits soon
This bitch looked so familiar so I looked her up and she was the hot android from Detroit: Become Human. Also found out she's a carpet munching libtard faggot.
>Watching youtube videos
>fucked a 15 year old boy
Not mad about it because "le rape" but I'm mad she isnt a virgin. So she isn't perfect at all.
Then remain ignorant.
>That little bit of asscheek spilling out of her suit on her right side.
Walt isn't a genius. He's high up there--like Masters/PhD in chem plus a high degree of adaptable savvy, sure.

But, yeah, Sister Sage isn't doing Reed Richards/Lex Luthor shit.
>The highest IQ countries (Japan, Singapore, Korea, etc) aren't the countries with the greatest cultural or scientific outputs.
This is literally a cope by White nationalists to justify Asians having higher IQs than them, and to say Japan and Korea are lacking in cultural/scientific impact is just blatantly stupid.
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>MFW the ACTUAL Homelander came and brought cake to my job
Fuckin’ NICE. And just when I thought this workday was gonna suck ass
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>Also found out she's a carpet munching libtard faggot
I'm not approaching it from the white supremacist predicate of "if white people are the best, why aren't we the highest IQ." I'm approaching it from the IQ skeptic view that "Asians are the highest IQ, yet they were never global hegemons, so intelligence can't be the be-all-end-all of cultural or scientific output". Blacks dominate sports and entertainment, that clearly isn't a product of IQ either.
>to say Japan and Korea are lacking in cultural/scientific impact is just blatantly stupid.
They're above the global average but below average when you specifically look at Europe or the US. We've impacted those countries more than they've impacted us.
>Blacks dominate sports and entertainment
yep that's totally the same as japan being one of the most technologically advanced countries and #4 in global economies.
>yet they were never global hegemons
China seems pretty close right now, and already was an empire when europeans were still shitting in the woods.
Dunno man, you're talking about intelligence but you sound really dumb right now.
She's hot.
Still not watching this crap though.
Seth Rogan is an auto pass for me.
>japan being one of the most technologically advanced countries
Businesses in Japan still use fax machines and floppy disks.
lmao wait until you hear about germany (#3 btw)
>Blacks dominate sports
Sure, if you don't let a large portion of the world's population participate and allow blacks to use PEDs.

>and entertainment
This is manufactured.
You don't seem to understand what I'm saying, or else you're trolling, either way you're welcome to your own opinion, but people a lot smarter than you or I agree with what I'm saying. The west is best.
Black people are hilarious comedians, make good music, and annihilate most sports. It's the antithesis of high culture, but credit where credit is due.
>Asians are the highest IQ, yet they were never global hegemons
38 year old carpet munching lesbo
>here's your waifu
Fuck this show and fuck the Amazon shill astroturfers
I'm glad you just countered all the valid points with "shut up, I'm right". Really drives your argument home.
>38 year old carpet munching lesbo
You say that like girl on girl is a bad thing. You some kinda homo?
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>standoff with firecracker and the main characters
>audience is supposed to be concerned they'll get killed or seriously injured
>in reality there's zero tension because everybody knows that the main characters are invincible

how could you fix this show?
>global hegemon
>only conquered asia
>empire dissolved after 2 generations
>no great works
>no culture
Doesn't hold a candle to the British empire or an American aircraft carrier
I don't need to refute you, you're wrong, I explained why, and you couldn't refute me
Easy. Kill Butcher, Frenchie, Hughie and Starlight, and don't ever bring them back.
>I refuse to counter your points and that makes me right.
>I'll just claim you couldn't refute me when my only argument was that some guy who I can't even name agrees with me.
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>hilarious comedians,
whypipo be cray cray!
>make good music,
Steal music? Oh sorry, sample music.
>and annihilate most sports
Yes, because they are allowed to use PEDs, like I already said.
You seriously think Japan or Korea compare to the centuries of innovation or cultural advancement that went on in the west? That those nations simply didn't adopt western technologies and cultural practices after they'd already been developed in the west? lol
They all use PEDs, and you clearly know nothing about sampling, because they overwhelmingly sample music made by other black people. Also Patrice is funny as hell, prove otherwise
Lol stay mad
>sample music made by other black people.
Music written by Jews and Swedes and performed by black singers.

>They all use PEDs,
Yes, and only one group is ALLOWED to use them. What are you not understanding about this, dumbass. These 2017 reddit tier arguments don't belong here, Seth.
It's too late to fix it. Butcher is literally the Hulk or something. He was literally about to be killed but then passed out and woke up in a pile of his assailant's guts covered in their blood.
>You seriously think
Yes, definitely. And you still haven't presented any evidence to counter that, other than "because I said so".
>Yes, and only one group is ALLOWED to use them
You're smoking crack
You're also smoking crack
Russia is still banned from the Olympics. You don't know what you're talking about
In fact, Reddit isn't even this gay anymore. You're from like 2012 tumblr or something.
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Why do we love her so much?
>In fact, Reddit isn't even this gay anymore
You would know
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i want to bury my face here until i pass out
You sure? You're the one looking at japanese culture and going "yup, that's all stolen from the west" lmao
I am rather in love with Valerie curry
put the christ back in christmas is a banger ngl
>You're the one looking at japanese culture and going "yup, that's all stolen from the west" lmao
Now you're putting words in my mouth, they've always had their own distinct culture, but it can't compare, in terms of economic or cultural output, to that of various white nations. Look at the past 75 years of Japanese history, the Japanese economic miracle wouldn't have been possible without American support or the adoption of Western practices.
Butcher can’t die without facing off against Homelander. It’d be dissatisfying as fuck if that were to happen. I don’t know why Hughie, MM, Starlight and the others get a pass though.
If you had any clue what you're talking about, you would be well aware that it's actually japanese management practices that are fueling our western economy right now.
Her costume is great. It’s funny how the costumes on this show look so much better than the crap in Marvel/DC movies
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I mean sure, you can't know this if you don't have a job, so there's that...
why is she saluting with her left hand?
Thank you anon. Even though this will probably not happen, you have filled my soul with hope and joy.
Anyone who watches this shit is a massive faggot and should 41% themselves immediately
I'm sure the jury will understand and respect the difference
the one of the left that's smiling and acting perfect
would probably call you an incel racist then shit its pants if you stand up to it in anyway lol
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Post shotander in the oven.
Hmmmm crispy homie
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Random question, but why are they against using Supers in the military again? Wouldn't that resolve a lot of conflicts so much faster / easier?
I got molested by women when I was a kid. It wasn’t that bad.
She isnt actually smart. Her real super power is marketing.
>Wouldn't that resolve a lot of conflicts so much faster / easier?
Well yes but so would nukes
That would make Vought an assload of money, and they're against that
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>She doesn't build things, fiddle with the market, experiment with people's biology
You sorely misunderstand smart people. I'm smart. I fucking hate it. In fact, Sage is one of my fave characters now, just due to how the lobotomizes herself just to make it stop.
Smart people don't do Elon Mush shit. Some do, but the vast majority just fizzle out into existential vapor.
They do a great job of showing what a smart person is really like. Into her books, into her shit. She makes the mistake of blipping on the radar ( we can't help it) and some opportunistic fuck comes along to take advantage of you, with a story that crazy enough to get your big brain interested.
Being smart sucks.
Especially as a black person in America.
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>The Boys general
>No Gunpowder anon

Lame, he was my favorite shill
>aren't the countries with the greatest cultural or scientific outputs.
1. Their cultures are old as fuck. They aren't inventing the wheel, they're perfecting it. You have to be smart yourself to even know the difference.
2. They don't value intelligence for intelligence's sake. They value it when it's applied in a specifically useful way.
Yes, you might see a high IQ Japanese making something new, but you're more likely to see them putting a very unique spin on something that already exists.
That is true genius. Cleaning up after the last genius.
Kill yourself weeb
4chan is rife with people like you and me, failed TAG students. I briefly wondered if I could scrape off the front of my brain like Sister Sage did
Life would be easier with a lower IQ
she's a comparative genius for her phenotype
alright maybe ill watch this shit
right is holding the mic
> it confirms how much the writers live on /pol/ and how much you live RENT FREE in their head.
True lol
All of the female supes look busted, it's the outfits that are attractive. Meanwhile the males look better without the suits.
>white woman
>red hair
really krupke? did you need to be so on the nose?
Fucking preach. I don’t care about money outside of meeting my basic needs. I don’t have much ambition. Fags on LinkedIn constantly approach me for this or that wanting me to whore out my mind to make them more shekels. It’s all so tiresome.
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>All of the female supes look busted, it's the outfits that are attractive
I think you might be right. Just looked her up and she barely even qualifies as mid.
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So you admit you do not understand geopolitics good yes
>(((evil))) tries to make good look evil
>people recognize and associate with good anyway
Why is their propaganda so bad? I was told they are smart. Seems like that was a propaganda as well
not as subtle as you think comrade
Are you implying that Serena Williams isn't juiced to the gills, or what is this non-sequiter jpg supposed to imply?
kek the z-bots went crazy
Do you guys only get firmware updates every 4 years? I know Dem fundraising is way down, but this is getting embarrassing.
All right I'm at ep2 of S4 and they're making references to eye for an eye as "jew part of the bible" and constant "smartest woman, uuuuh actually smartest PERSON in the world" and making everything about race. Right now they're having a fight scene during a jewish party playing hava nagila and all white people are racist conspiratards,

What the hell is wrong with jews?
Oh it is her?
She got thick
She looks like Walton Goggins in Sons of Anarchy
>why are well written characters so entertaining to watch?!
I know right wingers are retards but come on now
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>intelligent far left individual
lol, lmao even
you'll need a different output this time, I'm not american
>Given the thousands of years of persecution of Jews
Because of jewish behavior. Unfortunately peacefully co-existing isn't possible for those people.
>yeah they supercharged Soldier Boy and managed to get superpowered animals
>then the boys went in and killed all of the security
>that's it
>we're not bringing this up again
>there won't be any follow up aside from the russian mobster being a bit pissed off for an episode
What the fuck are they thinking?
That ass and those thighs are very ... Johansson-esque
They're like almost a decade too late if their goal with this show is to criticize the alt right. The alt right is a completely dead movement made up of only a few grifting spergs in some sad corners of the safenet. If they wanted to be truly accurate, they'd bring up the word woke or something. Sadly, it didn't start being covered by journos quickly enough for the out of touch Hollywood writers to notice that trend and insert it into the show.

Films like Robocop remain timeless because they largely focus on human nature instead of contemporary trends. Meanwhile this show has already aged upon release. God, the writers are so out of touch that they insert memes like Rick Roll into the fucking show. It really feels like they hired the writers of Borderlands 3 to work on this season.
>t. dumbest people on the planet
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Kind of wish they kept Stormfront around longer
Yes anon, we know. She's a stupid person's idea of smart. We knew.
It's funny how they show the metal rod she inserts into her brain the first time like it's supposed to be some kind of mystery. I instantly assumed she inserts it into her brain because she wanted le break from being so smart! If you want to insert these fucking cliches, then don't be pretentious about it.
I'm smart and I didn't know because I don't pretend and lie that I can see any little bit of foreshadowing in a tv show. Her portrayal is accurate because us smart people are just exhausted from interacting with those of lower intellect all day.
>That soi face
Perfect casting for a bitch like Hughie
If you're watching The Boys, then you're probably not smart.
>Hellooooo Patriots!
The writers keep showing how much fun their opponents are, this clip exhibits genuine positivity, even. Then they tell-don't-show why actually these characters are le bad.
The 14 year old? Black
the shower writers aren't smart enough to write a character that intelligent, the show runner spend all their time on reddit and twitter and think the definition of someone who is smart is someone who 'is good with PR'
>I don't pretend and lie that I can see any little bit of foreshadowing
It's not foreshadowing when it's right in your face. The personality of the negress completely shifted and then they show a shot of a large metalic rod with some blood on the tip. What the fuck else could that be, genius?
>I'm smart
I doubt that very much.
>"us" smart people get tired from interacting with people of lower intellect
Then why do you post on 4chan?
Her portrayal is not accurate at all. If you’ve ever been around an intelligent person you’d know their vocabulary marks them as intelligent.
You sound offended.
Because no matter how bad 4chan is, it's still better than the alternatives. Even with pretentious losers such as yourself that lie to make themselves look better.
>Her portrayal is not accurate at all
I don't think you're qualified to make that judgment.
All of you only post pics and clips of her in her suit... why? She looked hotter in the daisy dukes.
>you’d know their vocabulary marks them as intelligent
Everyone on the show has to say shit and fuck in every sentence. That's how people interact, anon. Plus, the writers dump some technobabble tier dialogue that the actress learned phonetically, so you just KNOW she's smart.
You are a faggot.
>tiktok edit with no audio cause the site still doesn't support it
lol we should be on sturdy
>"MM: I'm so done with Butcher's shit"
>Literally next episode
>"MM: We need Butcher"
>Frenchie does nothing of consequence, random bullcrap that has nothing to do with the plot
>Kimiko same as above
>Starlight whines ad nauseum about how immoral everyone is despite her murdering 2 people
>Butcher and Hughie are the only ones actually doing anything
>Obligatory sexual grossout scene
>Homelander is just some set dressing who also has barely any plot relevance since there's some other bad guy the Boys have to defeat
>Homelander does random violent shit
>He gets away with no real consequences
That's the show
I only ever heard about qanon when lefties started using qanon as a slur. I still dont even know what the fuck its supposed to be.
Seriously though, the only good part about Sage's character is that she just wants to cause chaos and watch the world burn. But you just know the writers will ruin that and have The Goys convince her to be le good by supporting the Starlight pro-trans NGO and opposing fascism or whatever.
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Fuck Kimiko lower half
What was the point of that whole subplot with the assassins? We never find out who the chink with the scar is, Kimiko's conflict is never resolved, and I doubt it will be mentioned again until the writers need another B plot to pad out the running time. Each season is only nine episodes long and these hacks still can't keep the story focused at all.
I mean, they didn’t say it was untrue
I’m very qualified to make that judgement.
Technically he's right desu. Smart people are lobotomizing themselves by watching this show.
No idea but it seems (and i'm glad) that they ended both Kimiko and Frenchie sub-plots in Episode 4.
Fair enough.
These boys probably looked like zombies by the time she was done with them.
Basically giving the two characters something to do even though their stories are forgettable
In one of the very first episodes they basically spell it out. You put hard to control supes in the front lines and you threaten military order and dissolve the establishes military industrial complex that keeps America economically strong. Or some shit
The Boys has created more supes than killed
>Butcher, you's a real crazy nigga!
>You don't belong in a team with a violent psychotic girl, a faggot """""French""""" drug addict that kills parents in front of their kids and then fucks the kids (LOL), a murdering starlet who looks like an ayy lmao, and Hughie.
these are the guys you're supposed to root for btw
Remember when the whole sell of the show was that the more powerful the supe, the more clever the method to take them out? I sure do. It's why I got interested in the show in the first place. How did they manage to fuck up such a simple but near endless formula?
>afraid to voice an opinion

I don't think this jew is afraid of voicing his opinion.
Die you pedo scum.
Also 18 is legal for everyone to fuck, fix your copyposta bot.
when muslims are hurting jews you're supposed to feel bad for the poor jews. white people who fall victim to muslims have to take it like a champ for the sake of diversity
gee i wonder why!
So do american companies idiot.
You're retarded lol
Imagine trying to convince people in a /tv/ thread that you’re smart because you relate to a negress that lobotomizes herself to goon. You’re discussing a low brow tv show on a website for people who can’t figure out interpersonal relationships. Nobody here is a misunderstood genius.
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Imagine being Hughie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Annie January, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both normally and on Temp V." when all he really wants to do is fuck Kimiko in his studio apartment. Like seriously imagine having to be Hughie and not only sit in that chair while she flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable starlighting barely concealing her post-op scarring and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on social media tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, STARLIGHT LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of 4/10 mutts for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the slums of Glasgow. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "kafkaesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with surgeons in the previous months. And then Butcher calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before even Homelander could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Hughie. You're not going to lose your future over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
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Yeah I was getting weirded out why she looked so familiar yet didn't remember directly seeing her in much.
artfully thick
Guys who call hot lesbians faggots are faggots
You think this because you're gay
You are a pedophile
you engage in interesting discussions, anon
Yes. Call me Brother Sage.
This is a Boys thread
what if an actual super villain that doesnt fuck around got transported to their world? one strong enough to beat homelander.
You clearly haven't seen any niggress
>Yes. Call me Brother Sage.
i prefer to call you retarded desu
he would probably laugh at homelander for being such a boring villain
>but DOOD he lasers people
hes literally saturday morning cartoon tier except his kills are more gorey
You're not me
Says the Boys fan
I watched 1.2 episodes of s4 and why was mm replaced the new one is no different why is freinche gay why is it now a gay propaganda show after the human centipede sauna scene I decided I was done whit this shit. I'm not gona watch some fags fetishes creamed into a already mediocre show only fags will watch this shit
I see Arthur Fleck in the crowd.
>human centipede sauna scene I
Only scene from a tv show to actually make me physically nauseated. I'm sure if Eric Kripke were here he'd lmao at me for being a snowflake who can't handle it, and you know what, I guess I am.
Discount Naomi Watts
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death of the author

the writers will die of aids while the right wing art that they accidentally created... remains
To write a super genius you gotta be pretty smart yourself if you are a midwit normal person like most of us I don't think it's a good idea to do this.just look at shit like death note where they are supposed to be two galaxy brain guys mentally dukeing it out but it just turns out to be spergs that come up whit convoluted bullshit they got no basis for even inferring and firing autism beams at eatch other.
i literally cant tell you what happened in the previous seasons. for example i had completely forgotten Mother's Milk got cucked by the MAGA dude
I feel the same I can't remember anything as bad as that since I clicked on a video thumbnail of this girl dildoing her ass but it was not a girl it was a fucking post op tranny I never lost a hardon so fast and spent a week contemplating my life
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do chuds really?

the hallmark of intelligence is that you're adaptable and quick on your feet. and yes, sometimes Introverted Intuition (as defined by Carl Jung) does work like magic and hunches that you don't know where they came from

Meanwhile. Chigur sounds like a retard NPC that rote-memorizes himself into success
preparation is the dimwit cope
Why do they call him Mother's Milk?
>freinche gay
because he is French
Straight Frenchmen went extinct sometime in the 00s.
This is why they are taking in so many Muslim immigrants.
Because in the comic he has super strength, and he maintains his strength by drinking mother's milk.
The show is embarrassed about his name and hates the source material so they keep calling just MM
>Compared to geniuses like Walt from Breaking Bad
Walt literally spent like more than half of his life being a public school teacher

The reason she hasn't done much before the show is because she didn't exist until the writers needed her to exist
basically writers are always hacks
sex with the cracker
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She is not for lewd. Protect Curry.
>human centipede sauna
That scene is making fun of people who simp for female rightwingers like Pearl Davis or Lauren Southern.
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ngl he used to be a stud
i thought there was a stream of pee coming from above to her mouth from the thumbnail
they've already killed two this season alone, the cloning guy and the rubber man
She is for nude, undress Valorie.
So he's a Supe.
All the boys are sups, that's how they stay alive.
When Hughie joins the the Boys, Butcher immediately gives him V to make him strong.
And because Hughie can't control his power he accidentally kills one of the Teenage Kixs.
you watch absolute sloppa /tv/
woke or no woke, this show sucks ass regardless
Ah, that's boring.
well, their are pretty weak compared to everyone else

Also, unrelated, but Hughie performs cunnilingus on Starlight when she is menstruating. So, when Butcher comes to pick him up, his mouth is covered in her blood, and everyone laughs at Hughie.
It's a classy comic.
according to you, niggers who do whatever they can to get arrested are intelligent because of muh intuition.
She's black female and fat. Not even a high IQ can negate those "qualities".
Yeah, I would've thought it was the greatest thing ever... if I read it when I was 13.
>chicks with generous proportions who are a piece of cloth away from being naked
>racist jokes
>sexist jokes
these things are cool man butt, deadpool gore, and cocks arent. normies are so gay these days that they consider corporate safe nihilistic trash they see on TV to be "edgy" when this is what edgy used to mean
Just watched the first four...why do they think people were watching primarily for shock and gore?
It feels like the original writers all died and it's now the worst kind of fans writing fanfiction.
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>Ah, that's boring.
>Having The Boys dick around on unrelated adventures with no real success in killing supes is exciting!
Are you that fucking retarded?
>Yeah, I would've thought it was the greatest thing ever... if I read it when I was 13.
It's a comic book. Not a bloated, trashy TV show that takes itself way too fucking seriously. The Boys was always a fucking joke at the expense of superhero nerds, but it was still enjoyable as a comic book unlike the show.
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the entire point of being intelligence is that you can deal with novel problems successfully
you don't need prep time

memorization and planning are things stupid people do to cope with incapability to improvise
the entire education system is designed for them
le little step by step for the smooth brained npc
It's "smart person written by dumb people" disease. Same problem with the Sherlock show.
The lobotomy thing was the stupidest asspull excuse for gratuitous sex and gore too. Even if they were going to do the "being smart sucks" trope she would just do drugs.
>of being intelligence
hello saar
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i only watch the parts of the show where homelander is on screen and ignore literally everyone else
am i missing much?
>am i missing much?
Frenchie is a psycopath who decided it was a good idea to sleep with a guy whose family he had killed
Hughie and Starlight had an abortion
Hughies mom gave his dying dad some compound V
Butcher has a worm inside him that probably have some powers
MM cant make up his mind if he wants Butcher in or out
This show went out of its way to deny that Epstein was a child trafficker for UHNW individuals and claim he killed himself. They aren't going anywhere near actual pedophilia. Even Kimiko's backstory is castrated to be some weird fantasy shit with "fighting pits", which in TV logic is OK to show but normal child trafficking which is 99.99999% for rape isn't OK for TV.
There's nothing shown that contradicts that she already did that.
I know three people that have $5M+ and live as NEETs in squalor in whatever place they were living when they made the money, 2/3 of which are shitholes.
black people are corny, there solved it for you. They think Wakanda is real
>im a fag and i killed my boyfriend's parents
>mommy is bad :(
>ur fired... lol guess not
its turned into a fucking HBO drama lol
>be the smartest person in the world
>constantly whine about race and gender issues
She could have gotten out of it if she was actually smart
I've been listening to lectures on ancient up to medieval history for the past month and honestly my main conclusion is that white people are hyperpsychopaths that go destroy an entire civilization, leave with anything of value and then squander it on gambling and psychosexual depravity.
Birds fly south for the winter, beavers build dams, whites burn cities and tear off the breasts of live women to rub them in their children's faces (real thing that happened) because evil is in their blood
Did you know that the Spanish didn't even do anything with the shit they pillaged after wiping out most of the American population? The individual pillagers gambled and whored it away, and Spain was too fucked in other areas to do anything useful with it
This feels unrelated to my comment.
She isn't written well, but there's nothing saying she didn't already do some limitless shit for infinite money.
>Having The Boys dick around on unrelated adventures with no real success in killing supes is exciting
Never said that.
>It's a comic book
Not an argument.
Other than the fact she lived in a tiny cramped apartment that reeked of fast food and she had nothing to show for herself?
>she can't start overtly doing shady shit
She already has...
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How many of these are we going to get this season?
She wouldn't have joined Homelander if she wasn't a waste.
>HBO drama
especially the parts with Hugies mom
first he is really angry at her
then she gives a melodramatic reason for her leaving him
Hughie immediately starts to feel bad and forgive
his mother then injects his father with V
im guessing we are gonna get more drama
>Fixates on a specific point.
>Not an argument.
So you're autistic as well? I clearly made an argument right after that.
>The Boys was always a fucking joke at the expense of superhero nerds, but it was still enjoyable as a comic book, unlike the show.
I never said it was the best thing ever. It's just an enjoyable read with some cool ideas, funny jokes, and likeable characters. So it's the exact opposite of the TV show.
thats literally MM's character now. entitled cucked nigger who bitches about racism. he even uses racism as a way to motivate ATrain to join him, which of course fails kek
yeah and hughie somehow didnt notice the vibrant blue liquid going through the IV even though it was in his direct line of sight. i bet he wont even question why the vial is missing, they are saving that "reveal" for extra drama later
I'm gonna ruin it for you.
Drugs and alcohol make shit worse for highly intelligent people.
Sober, I look at something a normie says and it immediately rattles around and gets torn to shreds and the short version response of "You are a fucking retard, don't bother me again, your parents should have been sterilized" pops out.
When I have a nice dose of weed, or shrooms, or a dozen beers, I will write a half dozen eloquent paragraphs detailing just how your life is a ruin, explain your shortcomings, how you should fix them, and let you know that even if you do fix them, your continued line will be good for nothing except manual labor.
Both sober and high responses will take about the same amount of time to write up.
I hate the me that talks to retards as if they are capable of understanding what I wrote. Because that is the nice me that wastes time trying to help people improve themselves when ultimately they are too weak and stupid, and always will be.
Now, type lmao, lol, bussin nigga, frfr, and fuck off.
you're retarded
>my brain regenerates
she can do literally any drugs that damage the brain and not her other organs
pretty sure she had her own vial that she used, otherwise why would she know what Compound V is? Oh wait, I forgot all the characters have 4th wall breaking powers now.
lmao, lol, bussin nigga, frfr, and fuck off.
Damn, I didn't know we had a Harvard graduate on the chans. What's good, galactic brain?
You did not understand what I said in the slightest.
Any drug that would damage her brain to the extent needed to make her functionally retarded enough to enjoy watching The Kardashians or Jersey Shore would kill all of her other organs first.
I don't use the term drug to just apply to recreational drug usage.
Any chemical powerful enough to cross the blood/brain barrier and cause enough brain damage to that point has already caused irreparable damage to the liver, kidneys, and probably spleen.
Sage is not dumb. Her entire thing is that she is the world's smartest person.
If there was some magical combo of drugs that would dumb her brain enough to let her relax without causing organ shutdown, she would have discovered it.
I don't like her as a character, but I understand the idea. Also:
>Hurr durr, her brain regenerates! That's why she stabs it!
There are so many other things that need to regenerate too if you get a lobotomy.
The fucking screen said Mild Regeneration.
Sage also said "If you shoot me in the heart, I will die. If you poke me in the eye, I wil go blind."
Heart may be a permanent death, as she would probably need something pumping blood to regenerate. But the eye would regenerate by the next day if it was just a bit of prefrontal cortex damage, and not damage to her hypothalamus.
there has to be some chemical that only harms brain cells
>Mild Regeneration
i think it would take more than that to fix your fucking brain being scrambled
>I can survive a shot to the head
yeah definitely the effects of MILD regeneration
You see, unlike Hughie, dear mother has proper vision and he saw that he was playing with a vial. She either somehow knew what compound V looks like, which would be extremely stupid, or she's literally retarded and injects random shit into her husband. There is absolutely no reason why Hughie didn't do that other than to create more stupid drama.
Don't pretend to be stupid. I've seen people have high level medical arguments on here that I can sort of grasp and see where they are going, but not understand much more than their basic principle.
And no, I'm not talking about vaccine bullshit, or other random silly crap. Although the antivaxx stuff does have quite a bit of basis in truth, and is likely more right than wrong. Don't fuck with MRNA shit. Rewriting your DNA is dangerous shit, and is highly prone to transcription errors causing latent cancer genes of many different types to express. themselves that otherwise would have remained dormant.
No, I don't understand all of it, but I understand enough.
Point is, I'm not some 200 IQ genius. I went to GATE classes, I was in accelerated learning, but I was in now ay aware that it was unusual until well into high school and I noticed that almost all of my classmates from the last eight years were the same ones, and that I had only one or two classes where few if any of the people of the rest of my high level classes were in. I'm the low end of the smart people, in other words.
Mild Regeneration.
>As compared to rapid regeneration where Kimiko pulls her entire body back together in seconds, instead you will take 3-4 hours to rebuild your brain from slamming a foot long metal spike into it, rather than the weeks or months normal humans take, if they ever do.
So it takes Sage 6-8 hours to recover from wounds like a 40MM to the gut.
Point being, as long as the heart and portion of the brain controlliung autonomous functions like heartbeat and breathing are not damaged to the point of not functioning, Sage should be able to rebuild it all in a day or two.
Yes, that would be mild, compared to rapid.
>vaccine bullshit or other random silly crap
>Rewriting your DNA is dangerous shit
which one is it? is it a silly conspiracy theory or is it serious?

One thing that's always joked about in comic books is how there's no rules or inconsistent logic. Yet in this show Keiko is Wolverine and can survive being chopped in half, but she's also weak and can't kill Homelander or even Stormfront for some reason.
See my comment uptrend
You'd be amazed how many people just continue however they're living with money

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