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Aegon and Viserys edition
prev >>200441253
Based Daeron I would have as he wanted to exterminate D*rnshits
murder all targs
why did viserys change his mind about rhaenyra and tell alicent aegon should be king? and why doesn’t otto believe alicent?
What if Erryk falling on his blade didn't hit any major organs and he just laid there still alive?
based, (((targs))) are inbred blood-magic demon worshippers that don't deserve their own homeland
That fat little cunt is going to be the objective best Targaryen king there ever was and all it will take us crippling depression and PTSD for the rest of his life.
Is Preston Jacobs CIA?
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I want to protect Alicent The Good from all the evils of the world. She deserves to feel safe and loved.
>they literally did the "which one is the real one which one do i shoot?" scene.

falling on your sword isn't an insta kill
he most probably would have wallowed in pain and bled out for several minutes, perhaps hours
He would've wanted a painful death for bitching out on his oath to Rhaenyra anyway, that's fine.
no he's KEK
How did they get younger? Aegon III looked like he could walk last time.
It's implied they pierce their heart from under the armor and under the rib cage
Is Daeron in episode 2 at the funeral? I didn’t watch it yet
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can't wait to see Gabi Belle review this one
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Reminder that he was right about everything and if he was allowed to carry out total (((Maester))) death Westeros would be far better off and wouldn't end up with Bran the rape enjoyer as God King elect.
He's married to a chink and has chinky sons.
>speed watcher
He didn't. Viserys is talking about Aegon the Conqueror and the idea of the prince that was promised theory. Rhaenyra knows about this since they talked about it earlier on but Alicent doesn't so Alicent thinks he's talking about Aegon and has changed his mind. Otto doesn't care about this and knows he's putting Aegon on the throne but Rhaenyra is the heir Viserys wanted but didn't want to accept her kids are bastards,
no but they do mention Daeron is at Oldtown
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Unironically yes. It’s why he has the most milquetoast pro status quo neo liberal takes
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i thought the autism thing was just a meme, it's nice to see some sincere neurodivergent representation in mainstream media
Based, I'm glad he's not written out entirely
try rewatching the scene wiki tard, the show is not your wiki pages
This is the first time I've felt bad for Otto, at least he's free from having to tardwrangle his dumb grandson.
someone AI this video to make them hug!
they don't seem to need much outside help with that
I made that joke to my dad like 5 minutes before it happened
Viserys was delirious and thought he was continuing his discussion about Aegon the conqueror with Rhaenyra. Alicent misunderstood him and actually believes he chose Aegon. Otto knows Viserys well enough to know that there's no world in which he'd choose Aegon to be king but doesn't give a shit since he was going to lie about it and usurp the throne for Aegon anyway.
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nice try, (((Daemon)))
peddle your inbred homeless lies somewhere else
No what am I wrong about?
She is so cute, I want to hug her.
Retard. There is a massive fucking artery right there, and if you slice it you will pass out in 5 seconds and die in like 2 minutes. It’s how seppuku worked when you didn’t have someone to behead you after
Yeah, I feel bad too. Seems he fell down the stairs mid way through the episode and he went retarded. Poor guy, he's like 80 at this point, he needs to be careful.
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Oh noooo not the heckin pupperino, not the gosh darned goodest boy!!!!
You do know what happens to her in the end right?
Gosh imagine just being normal and non-extremist. What a weirdo
Maegor is an unholy blood magic abomination that should never have been born, Visenya's womb was cursed for a reason.
HOTD wastes time on the dumbest shit imaginable.
>no time for Nettles
>no time for Jace in the North
>no time to show what kind of monarch Rhaenyra would even be
>no time for Daeron other than a single mention in 12 episodes
>no time for any actual politics (seriously the early GOT politics are like 5x more complex than this show's attempt at politics)
>no time for exploring ANY relationships or family dynamics between the Greens kids or Blacks kids
>no time for exploring the different areas of the world as the war ramps up, like the north or Reach or Riverlands
>but we have time for Mysaria and Rhaenyra long awkward talks about how men trip them up
>but we have time for bizarre Aemond mommy therapy fanfic scenes
>but we have time to invent an entirely new character to emphasize what a massive rapist Aegon is
>but we have time for inventing some weird romance between Alicent and Cole that only exists to cockblock other character dynamics
>but we have time for some random black sailors digging up sea shells on a beach and talking about lunch, without any of it leading to their actual story
Like this could be such a better show if it stopped wasting 40% of screentime on completely inconsequential shit and actually focused on the interesting bits. Whoever in the writing room decides which characters need to be focused on is doing such an awful job. I do NOT care for several scenes of Criston sucking Alicent's clit, it adds nothing to the plot. I do NOT care about Baela and Jace having the most milquetoast conversation that offers 0 insight into anything interesting. There's tons of things we just do not know about the interesting characters because the showrunners don't bother. The actors playing Aegon and Helaena literally had to beg the writers to let them have more than 5 seconds on screen together. Get your priorities straight for gods sake.
Faggot ass retard
Hi, Preston. Your kids are mongols and your fanfiction sucks.
why would they make us feel for their friendship after he got kicked last episode?
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Reminder that Larys, after winning the war for the greens, will poison Aegon after Alicent rebuffs his romantic advances. Screencap this.
>She outlives Rhaenyra by years
Alicent won.
it was treated as if he executed hundreds of commoners by tearing them from their homes and disembowling them in the streets, but hanging 1-2 dozen rat jannies after THE MURDER OF THE HEIR is small potatoes. We're not talking theft or slander, we're talking the absolutely worst crime in the lawbooks, regicide. People already understand that it's a black day, both in that the response is somewhat justified and that it's not exactly going to happen very often.
That’s cringe around these parts. Try out Facebook or something if that bothers you. Can’t even say Twitter because they are way more far left then Preston.
This is a show for women to validate their feelings that sexism holds them back. People need to let go.
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they can change it
Here's why this episode was great and actually got back what made prime game of thrones a beloved series
This is night and day from the collection of tropes and mindless action from season 1, especially for the greens, who have been finally humanized and treated like humans rather than caricatures.
Aegon is poisoned because Cregan is 15 minutes away with a horde of unwashed northerners and he wanted to fight and get them all killed, how to they turn that around to Greens winning the war?
nettles is dumb anyway, the show has enough brown characters
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>three castles for your second son
>valyrian steel sword Orphan-Maker
>cute Myrielle
Why didn't he eat his turnips?
Neoliberals are extremists.
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It's written for women anon- they don't want intelligent scenes or dialogue, they want drama where there's one clear protagonist to self insert as (the fat/plain looking woman) and a bunch of sex scenes. That's all you're going to get except for the dragon scenes (though they'll probably have a scene where someone fucks someone on a dragon, mark my words)
Winds never
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I am turning in my green badge for the show.
When the show decided Rhaenyra had done nothing wrong ever I thought fine at least there's the greens.
When it then decided the greens are gonna be 100% in the wrong I thought fine at least they'll make good villains.
But now they've been made so pathetic that they're just lame. B&C was unironically an accident and the greens somehow ended up being to blame while also being pathetic.
Criston, Alicent and Aemond are beyond butchered. Aegon's rage played up for comedy and to make him stupid. The dynamics between these people barely get explored. At least Daemon remains cool in his bad guy moments, green bad guy moments are always super demeaning.

So respect to the greens who hang on after this, but I've no reason to like them in the show anymore.
Yeah they'll change it to her having feverish hallucinations of young Rhaenyra telling her to come with her to heaven and they'll lez out for the last 5 minutes of HotD.
Pls see
Its soap opera for women to feel emotionally validated and sexually fascinated, if you watch this show as a heterosexual man then you're not part of the target audience.
The plan he told Aegon and Alicent to negotiate a peace unironically would have worked.
The only solace we can have from all this is Daeron won't be ruined since he is never ever.
His Grace has a hundred castles, House Targaryen has never lacked in Valyrian steel either. Lord peake overreached.
>I don't like how they made one side a retarded villain and the other side a saint
So you stop watching like the show deserves, you fucking retard.
>isolated from her family
>her bloodline exterminated
>chained, raped, and tortured daily

All so her son could “win” for a week before Boros Baratheon ruined everything and lost for them? Wow, what a great fucking victory anon
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Stop reposting this cringe falseflag
I much prefer the more evil queen style version of Alicent and rhaenyra in the books. In the show they are just both helpless retarded women, and whenever they do something interesting it was totally on accident, 99% of their screen time and their actions, are just reacting to things that all the very cool and interesting men they surround themselves actually DO.
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gods, I hope so
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Monke flashbacks... Please...
this uh otto man guy, not a fan.
You can read loretists occasional posts if you want to take a look at what we could've had but until Hollywood has a massive shift in hiring practises I doubt we'll see decent writing anytime soon.
Tbh I blame George. He should've spoonfed Ryan Condal.
Ottoman guy?
"state department"
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best scene of the episode
> Your kids are mongols
Did you mean mongoloids? I could have sworn his waifu was Taiwanese or something. Or is this like that movie where Jacob Tremblay was a reincarnated Genghis Khan and murdered millions of Chinese?
I don't get why Larys was afraid, the northerners have never won a war below the Neck
Shut up retard
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Do you have anymore of this artwork? I don't mind if it's not Daeron. Just link it or if it's OC AI stuff spam it in this thread.
you forgot the other massive army from the vale marching with him
>they want drama where there's one clear protagonist to self insert as (the fat/plain looking woman)

Is that why they cast actresses for Alicent that mog the Rhaenyra actresses?
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This derp face looking retard is supposed to be Cregan? What the fuck were they thinking?
you are the retarded one, retard. If you're going to do racism you can at least get the terms right
he's so cute bros
I’m not even him, you’re just a worthless retard
How many seasons is this supposed to run? I'm guessing 4 or 5. And what's next?
At least she can take solace in the knowledge that her house Hightower survived and retained its status, which is more than what can be said for some other characters who became involved in the iron throne's civil wars throughout the centuries.
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I'm not sure if I ship or not
>Jace x female
at the rate they are producing it, it will end in the 2030s
here's that scary Northman I was telling you about
>I’m not even him
Of course you aren't.
> chained, raped, and tortured daily
Where are you getting this from?
With the rushed pace they're going, they have material for a third season. If they decide to do 4-5 then they'll have to stretch out and add so much bullshit.
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>least obvious glowie
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he's DADDY
This is he, and I appreciate your feedback but Preston is still a cumchugging faggot and his kids are abominations that will be unable to reproduce, like ligers or mules.
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what is harrold westerling doing while all this is happening?
4 max
>>chained, raped, and tortured daily
What? No she isn't, she's left under house arrest in the red keep for the rest of her life even after telling her granddaughter to kill Aegon III for her, she's never raped or tortured, she dies of the flu after going a bit mad.
They all would have gone home if they were given pardons, Aegon III named heir, and betrothing Aegon III to Jaeherya, which was Larys's plan before the betrayal. There is a reason they killed the messenger sent to the Black forces before they proceeded with killing Aegon II, and it is because it might have worked. The Vale and the Lads were only continuing the fight because Aegon II wasn't giving out pardons prior to the Baratheon's losing. The North may be hungry for a fight, but if muh northern honor means anything, they would not endanger Aegon III's life if they were provided satisfactory peace terms that named Aegon III as heir.
>but Preston is still a cumchugging faggot
This part is fair enough
It's quite clear that after House of the Dragon ends, the First Blackfyre Rebellion will be next. If you think Aegon II's portrayal is awful, it's going to be nothing to how they portray Aegon IV
You don’t even need conspiracy shit, he literally and ironically words for the cia and talks about it. I think he has some pencil pusher job, but still
the show makes executing the ratcatchers less meaningful than the books
if they have the corrupt guard in their prison, can't they just bring all the ratcatchers before him in a line-up? implied from the book lore was that the ratcatcher had fled the city and the mass execution of the ratcatchers was just a futile indulgence
the tv show makes it a scene of Aegon being stupid and Otto being impotent, because apparently this entire episode took place within one day, even though the funeral would have had to take place at least two mornings after the actual murder, and Aegon's order to kill the ratcatcher would have taken place after the funeral? So three days at least after the murder?
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Daeron I is the son of Aegon III and Daenaera Velaryon. That makes him half black, and as we all know, half blacks are even more militant in their black power bullshit than full blacks are.
Are you dumb? The lads took the city even before Cregan and the vale arrived, the war was over.
Aegon 4 is utterly irredeemably bad and retarded though. The real issue is that they will make daemon chudfyre a gay rapist who eats black babies.
he died in 112 AC. its 129 AC on the show
>the northerners did nothing
woah terrifying, you showed him
To be fair, who fucking cares. None of that is really important.
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How would the 7 kingdoms look like if this man wasn’t killed? He was the Blackfyre’s best general and was steamrolling through the Targs loyalist armies
he was around just a week or two ago in the show tho
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What if Mads Mikkelson plays Daeron? Would this improve the show or make it worse?
Why are you obsessed with this meaningless character? Is this some autistic retard ocd ritual you have to do?
>4k riverlands soldiers took the city
>but why is larys afraid of 40+k northerns and vale soldiers?
Very smart bro
Aegon IV was an actual piece of shit though. Daeron and Daemon both would've been massive improvements over him.
i just like graham mctavish
In a gay way?
Probably smashing mad smallfolk box. And good for him. War is a pointless endeavor.
Why not Aegon's Conquest? They probably should have done it before this series, no?
Aegon IV's supposed awfulness is merely Daeron II propaganda to cover up that he's just another bastard but by his whore of a mother Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight. Who gives a flying fuck about the seven? Whoever wields the sword is the king. Daemon wielded Blackfyre, therefore he is king.
well thats dumb. did he just renounce his lord commander status and let cole have it.
Mushroom is always right
I finally figured out why I'm not enjoying HotD as much as early GoT.

All of these characters suck! Where's the charming prince on a revenge mission? Where's guy waging war and burning everything down to save his father. Where's the pragmatic strategist
nah he's just an actor i enjoy, like ralph ineson
Shut up Mushroom Aegon did not watch you fuck women for him.
>be more afraid of the guys who did nothing than the ones that did everything
Ryan Condal and the actor who plays harrold are pretty good friends IRL. They worked together previously on Condal's last show too. Harrold westerling is having an extended role purely because Condal likes working with the actor. He'll be back probably to replace the void Eryyk leaves for Nyra's kings guard and won't die until the last season
With Vhagar/Aemond dead, the Reach in shambles, and the Lannisters pinned down by the Greyjoys, they only had Boros Baratheon left. The Blacks had more troops left and Larys knew without Vhagar they were fucked
See through the Bloodraven propaganda
He’s gonna reemerge at some point and be the one to kill Cole.
How did Jace's hair grow so fast on the way to Winterfell? It only takes 45 minutes to get from Dragonstone to the Wall in the show universe
> Who gives a flying fuck about the seven? Whoever wields the sword is the king. Daemon wielded Blackfyre, therefore he is king.
Yes, but aegon IV is still the worst king ever. He should’ve just legitimized the one he loved the most and wanted to be heir, daemon, and not the other faggots.
Will the show give the Lads magic armies appearing out of thin air and teleporting around like in the books?
Why are you copy pasting that post? Someone wrote that and used that pic yesterday.
Jacaerys is not gay in the books, he fucked Sara Snow (Cregan Stark's bastard sister) and was asked by Jeyne Arryn to give her head.
who cares tranny. there are more important things to complain about
>He should’ve just legitimized the one he loved the most and wanted to be heir, daemon, and not the other faggots.
That's not very funny thoughever.
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Yes, I’ll say it again, the dance of the dragons is dog shit and the worst written event in asoiaf, and we should’ve gotten a chadmon blackfyre show.
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If they were going to do Aegon's Conquest, I feel like it would have been done before HotD. Remember when people were hyping up Cavill to play Aegon in flashbacks?
>no, you don't get it - George and HBO and D&D meant this as an ANTI-WAR series - the chuds think Stannis and Dany are legitimate monarchs who are justified in burning people with dragons (metaphors for nuclear weapons) and forcing feudal rule on unthinking masses who would be barbarians without their enlightened rule
>in actuality, Biden and Sunak and Bibi and [Insert latest stooge here] are democratically elected and justified in burning people with nuclear weapons and forcing "democratic" rule on unthinking masses who would be antiwoke chuds without their enlightened rule. if only westeros had a parliament instead of the same kind of government england had 300 years ago, then it would be utopia
Be happy they didn't. There was a pitch for a show about the Conquest. It would've revealed that Aegon was a drunken idiot who couldn't do anything, and that it was Rhaenys and Visenya who masterminded the Conquest and forged Westeros into a single realm.
>Jacaerys is not gay in the books
We're not discussing the book. We're discussing the diversity-laden television show in which Jace and Cregan are gay homosexual lovers.
Only 4chan is obsessed with this dude.
It was merely banter
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She's a whore and evil
This “Maester propaganda” meme needs to stop
I'll accept it if Rhaenys and Visenya were also fucking each other.
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It's just bing AI shit I make up as I go and post if it comes out cool enough.
epic fantasy art, woodblock print, scribble by Chinatsu Kurahana, fire emblem three houses artstyle, content:young pale haired man with ponytail, violet eyes, wearing green cloak and white knight armor, walking on a burning bridge with other knights, stern look, blooded face and armor, sinister blue dragon in the background
If I actually end up watching the show at some point I will do it for her.
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Yh, I've read some of the reports since they were actually interesting and he's worked his way up to at least a senior auditor now. He's doing more of performance audits instead of the financial stuff so he most likely has access to all sorts of stuff and probably got to meet CIA assets. The guy made his career during the war on terror, he speaks Levantine Arabic, he's super analytical, he's not 007 but he's the type of guy who checks up on all the dumb shit the agents do and sugarcoats it. I wouldn't be surprised if he was some intel guy helping track major terrorists like Osama. In 10-20 years he's going to run some glowie department and maybe end up in the situation room a few times when shit goes down.
That’s a good point
Is this gender swapped
>If they were going to do Aegon's Conquest
That’s pretty fucking crazy
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>In 10-20 years he's going to run some glowie department and maybe end up in the situation room a few times when shit goes down.
Preston when Winds finally gets released
Where did I say anything about Maesters? Seems like someone is scared of being caught. Everyone can see through your Citadel lies
Where is dragonbro? Come back, king
Too bad in 10 years fatty's cholesterol will have already taken care of him and Preston can't torture him into releasing Winds.
reminds me of the new romeo and juliet
He’s so based
I think he projects all the shady shit he sees working in the government onto ASOIAF hence all the shizo nonsense
lol. Yeah, you're right, I'm happy it didn't happen.
She wants BWC
It could still end up as a nothingburger. Until they start casting and we see promotional shit, it might as well be taken with a grain of salt
This one is cool as fuck
it won't happen until house is over I guess especially not now they are working on the knight show.
I find it strange that they didn't start there. I have no idea what possessed them to start with the Dance. It makes no fucking sense.
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>Rhaenyra, I am the queen now
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Source material
>confused Otto noises
Man, everyone in King's Landing except him is a fucking retard...
>to start with the Dance
Girlboss shit.
>no, you don't get it - George and HBO and D&D meant this as an ANTI-WAR series
Yes, objectively.
>Thinks it's a good idea to put Aegon on the throne
>Thinks he can control the drunken man whore like he did Viserys with Lego Valyria and strong words
Otto is also retarded.
It’s more interesting. Aegons conquest is just a hot guy with two hot sister wives dabbing on everyone very very easily. There is no drama to it, other then when his one sister is killed by the dornish or whatever
They should make Baela lesbian like in real life. The actress is definitely going to be more comfortable with a female lover.
That is, if they like Tomlin's vision.
From an HBO executive's point of view, a huge dramatic civil war between members of a family is an easier sell than "guy who fucks everyone's shit up except Dorne." With that being said, I still wiuld have preferred if HBO decided to start at the beginning and work their way onwards. Would have loved to see Maegor and Aegon the Uncrowned fight above the God's Eye
The conquest is boring as shit as a show
>Inbred dragon elves show up
>Steamroll and threaten everyone with their flying nukes
>Repeat until they get to Dorne and lil sister gets exploded by a scorpion.
The end
No one fucking wants flashbacks.
A whole load of shit needs to happen in a short period of time for it to make sense as an adaptation but not too much action since that would burn a whole in the budget. I wouldn't do Aegon's conquest but the Dornish war under King Daeron? That'd be kino.
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that explains the zero chemistry
There's more source material regarding Aegon's Conquest than the Dance. Or at least an equal amount. And there's so much that could be done with it.

I feel like this is probably accurate, but there's plenty of Girlboss shit in the Conquest. I just feel like it's a more interesting premise. And if they wanted a female lead just make Aegon a cuck and pretend like Visenya and Rhaenys were the brains behind the operation. Make Aegon into a nebbish Woody Allen type and make the sisters do everything. I guarantee George would not only endorse such a change, but it would also give him an erection. Or the closest thing he can still get to one, anyway.
I’d like a few more alicole sex scenes.
Everyone who enjoys this show is a fuckin retard
Shut the fuck up Condal.
>Man, everyone in King's Landing except him is a fucking retard...
I'm basically going to use Aegon and Otto's scene to identify retarded viewers and takes from now on. Also anyone that still says Otto is the only sane and smart one. All Greens are officially retarded and the only one that is spared is Daeron (for now).
Too bad. Not gonna happen. They are really stingy about those.
or maybe GRRM was just a fat fuck hippie-adjacent simp who didn't want to go to Vietnam because it was sold as an anti-communist war instead of a war for fully automated luxury gay space communism (sponsored by mcdonalds)
Why the cuck is not happy?
I may be alone in this, but I just hate dorne so much and don’t care about anything about it, both in the books and the show
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remember when the tits and dragons show had tits?
Then make it a movie or 2- or 3-part miniseries
Anon, I don't think you understand. Balerion the Black Dread is really big. We've never seen a dragon that big. Think of that big honking dragon.
there is chemistry but maybe not romantic, the actors are friends irl
Ok good, don’t go to war when the next based Hitler arrives.
y angry
not only that
That will be flashbacks in D&E, at best. A targ civil war withut dragons isn't something HBO is interested in adapting.
the books are ok but 90% of what people like is alluded to rather than represented
It resonated with me.
Extras still get naked. But last night should have had full frontal of Alicent getting into the tub, yeah.
oof. Sure he has to pretend if he wants to work in that industry

because moralising against a fictional strawman of "feudalism" while serving the current day evil empire is loathsome
dorne is also just grrms libtard hippie power fantasy. A based brown girl conquers white chuds and colonized their land and makes a kingdom where men can be gay, and women are equal to men and everyone is polygamous and queer and brown, and they are so based and strong that they defeat the aryan dragon lords who conquered all the Mayo monkeys north of dorne.

FUCK Dorne.
unironically she looks better without hair, the ugly wig she has on the show make her look old
this but with bunnies
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>I-is that a slightly muddy cloak?
>I'm sorry I shouted but you need to go and assassinate that whore Rhaenyra now because your cloak was dirty, you understand right? I don't have to go and tell the king your cloak is dirty do I?
Why is Criston Cole the most irrational female in a show about two irrational females causing a civil war.
>old whore's cunny
Nah Otto is realizing he took Viserys' easygoing nature for granted, so it was much easier to manipulate him. Aegon has that Targ spiteful cunt nature that makes it impossible for him to be a puppet, that's why Otto is sperging out.
character wise, it's a forced relationship so it makes sense
Monke and Aegon would have been friends, sad.
majority of the women they got in this show are gay, was Sara Hess behind this?
Oh, wait. I didn't even read the text. I meant that I miss bunnies.

Bunnies, wth. Come back
Why are all the characters in this show so bland and uninteresting? Even assholes like Cersei had layers to her character that made her entertaining to read/watch, but Allicent is literally just "I hate ?Rhaenyra for being a whore but I am also a whore." And every other character is similarly basic and one note.
It's a shame because the people making this show can shoot action and seem to have a grasp of all the other elements that made Game of Thrones what it was.
pretend what? I think this cast is genuinely close, some of them really became close friends
I'm still confident they'll have Rhaenyra and Alicent admit to wanting to slam clams and wishing they flew off to eat cake in Essos before the curtain falls.
In a way it makes it sadder, the poor dog doesn't have anyone else and is loyal to its abuser.
Otto has no one to blame but himself for that one. He could have handled Aegon much better if he tried to make more compromises with him instead of telling him "No, we're doing this instead and trust me you'll get your war". Especially after his son was killed. Timeline wise it makes Otto seem like such a bitch that he would just sperg out like that and walk out on his responsibilities like that.
Criston in the show is the worst example of where you initially can't be sure if the writers are making something really fucking stupid or if they're hiding some deeper complexity under that but most normies can't see it... but then it turns out it's just really fucking stupid through and through and the idea of any complexity was just the viewer's wishful thinking.
Yeah I just felt extra bad for the dog, not ch**se
>good twin vs. evil twin
>no classic "I'm the real Erryk" "no I'M the real Erryk" scene
Wasted opportunity desu
He realized the king was quite respectable because he listened to good advice instead of being impulsive retard like his brother and son.
He kicked him to protect him from having to see the baby's head getting cut off.
lack of source material to work off of, GOT characters had entire POV chapters fleshing them out but Fire & Blood is basically a cliff notes history with unreliable narrators
The Ethiopian whip-fighting festival sounds fun.
Yeah I agree, that scene is kind of twisted into something it shouldn't be by Rhys Onlyfans giving a really good performance and the show leaning into it so hard, the real message of the scene (Otto is angry over not having the control he wanted so he's lashing out even though it's mostly his fault) gets a bit lost. Kind of the same problem S01E08 as a whole has.
I was hoping fake Erryk was going to win but then realize he was fucked and just pretend to be his brother for the rest of his life.
>write my show for me please
t. HBO (hack) writers
He could have easily had Rhaenyra as an easygoing ruler who listens to whatever he says if he didn't pimp out her best friend to her father.
Looks like a Targaryen and Lannister love child
I am so annoyed whenever Jace is on screen, he's such a waste of space.
He wanted a hightower on the throne and she married a velaryon.
Fuck you, that was sad.
He also owns WindsofWinter.com. That's not really related to anything you just said, but it's a fact.
it's "male villain written by women"
>ex-boyfriend (one night stand really) accused of something which could have ruined his life but for the fact that there was proof it was consensual and I initiated it, and the authorities knew I was a troublemaker trying to spin some complex scenario to smear my other boyfriend who's also my uncle
>now he's evil because he's moved on and twenty years later is fucking some other WHOOOORE (unmarried, age appropriate, not related, but she's SUCH A SLUT OHMYGAWD)
>you can tell he's still fixated on me because of all these scenarios I invented where he dislikes me (I'm murdering his girlfriend's kids and grandkids btw, such a taurus)
That’s kind of kino but also kind of fucking retarded. It would be better if the evil one won, then just killed himself anyway, realizing he killed his best friend and brother for some stupid sandnigger Jew faggot
Aegon has been King for two weeks. The only one looking like an impulsive retard is Otto for the way he handled it. Aegon was being impulsive out of grief and a lack of control.
It felt rushed and like they wanted to undermine Aegon a lot more by saying "Shit, not even Otto wants to put up with his bullshit". The scene needed to happen, I just think given the whole timeline that it was really premature and just makes Otto look bad.
Rate Ryk-bowl:


Could've made it better, and I'm confused why the last one sudoku'd himself
turns out killing your twin brother because some stupid fuck told you to is not based.
4/10, mostly because this scene >>200447797
That would have been more interesting than the suicide. The whole incident was a bit bizarre, and the anti-war message is so heavy-handed it's audacious, I'm a bit surprised the showrunners kept it. Also, there was zero sense of peril or suspense, even if the book didn't exist it's obvious that Rhaenyra wasn't going to die.
>I'm confused why the last one sudoku'd himself
didn't want to live after being forced to take his beloved brother's life, i thought that was pretty clear
You think so?
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went on to a youtube video about how cole ended up dying in the books and in the comments everyone was hating on Cole. Maybe I am forgetting something from season 1 but I like Cole, the only problem is his simpery.
just letting know people who arent paying attention that its the ratcatcher from last week
6/10, should have went all in on the stupid comedic twins fighting spot and had them pull a "I'm the real Erryk".
>I'm confused why the last one sudoku'd himself
Just killed his twin brother because some dirty sand nigger sent him here to kill his boss and couldn't live with the self loathing.
ngl I don't even know who won the duel.
>He also owns WindsofWinter.com
To host his Winds of Winter fanfiction
Why didn't Viserys just change the succession laws?
Rhaenyra molested him, so he's like a tragic hero.
Why did he think mocking Aegon's legitimacy to his face was a good idea? Is he stupid?
I’m a team green die hard but cole is my least favorite character in the entire show, and “simping” is the least of his issues
What did anon mean by this?
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I agree. He should have been on my bed instead.
Are you retarded? You think the one who chose aegon over his own brother and went in a suicide mission to kill her would call her “my grace” and apologize before commiting seppuku
Might as well. It's not like George is going to use it for anything
It's a normie meme about sloppy blowjobs
Yeah, I agree with this. It didn't feel like Otto, to have him a) be so cool-headed and calculating that he suggests making political capital from a dead child, and b) completely lose his shit and throw away his position over a few dead ratcatchers in the same week.
Holy kino
He’s annoying an hypocritical, which is worse than rape and child murder
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>Alicent's first reaction to the death of Jaehaerys is "I don't care about the boy, muh poor duaghter has been TRAUMATIZED" and not "oh my god my grandson is dead"
>Otto's first reaction to the death of Jaehaerys is "SOME GOOD MAY COME OF THIS" and not "oh my god my great grandson is dead"
>Rhaenyra's first reaction to the death of Jaehaerys is "Having lost my own son, that I would inflict such a thing on HELAENA of all people, an innocent!" and not 'holy fuck Daemon just went out of his way to murder my child half-nephew'
>Rhaenyra gets a scene with Viserys and Aegon being sad over Jaehaerys' death while Jaehaera is instantly offscreened for the entirety of the episode despite being one of the two witnesses of the murder of her brother.
>Aegon not just asking Helaena to identify the ratcatcher Cheese when she fucking saw him face-to-face
>hanging a dozen ratcatchers is going to turn the entirety of the smallfolk against you because... IT JUST IS, OKAY AEGON?
>Phia and Glynn only originally had one scene planned together, the one where they walk by each other in the hallway in S02E02. They had to petition for the scene to be done where Aegon visits Helaena and their kids in S02E01.

Guys... are the writers... biased towards the Blacks?
I don't think he's supposed to be, but it's hard to write characters smarter than you are.
I know you guys hate everything but is this season just way more boring than season 1 so far? I spend half the episodes on my phone and most of what I actually see doesn't resonate as much as season 1 did for me. It's wild that episodes 2 was as long as some movies and incredibly little stood out to me
those are some strong thighs
>Guys... are the writers... biased towards the Blacks?
No, they're biased against boys. And also they just kind of forgot that Helaena saw Cheese
Alicent did care about Jaehaerys, but she sees that the kid isn't in pain in death while her kids are kinda fucked up from the event, declaring war, becoming more autistic and having a therapy session with a mommy RP whore.
It would have been fine if Otto had resigned and thrown the pin at Cole's feet. Having him close his eyes in disappointment when Aegon fired him made it retarded.
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Trust the plan, two more weeks untill we are redeemed at rooks rest
I'm strongly considering dropping it. I don't care about any of these characters or anything that happens to them
>Aegon not just asking Helaena to identify the ratcatcher Cheese when she fucking saw him face-to-face
This hadn't even occurred to me, you're totally right. Makes the whole split with Otto over the ratcatchers even more contrived and stupid.
Yeah it's not been a thrill ride so far. I don't care about Mysaria shipping out to Myr, I care so little about the negro sailors that I just tune out, why is any of this in there
The show is just moving so slow. Season 1 was boring as shit Too.
>are the writers... biased towards the Blacks?
you sure do catch on fast anon
Season 1's opening had focus on Monke and Viserys, two of the best characters. There's no one as likable as those two now.
Kurt Cobain?
>The ratcatcher got in to the Red Keep through Maegor's tunnels
>That must mean we need to kill all ratcatchers, we can't just track down all the ones that work in the Red Keep
That was retarded as well
that picture has zero chemistry, the dude is wishing he was somewhere else. His natural friends are not jungle monkes
season 1 mostly had interesting stuff happen and the plot was moving forward + viserys was great.
so far in S2 every ep has been 55 minutes of the same bickering and drama over and over with one interesting thing happen in the last 5 minutes. it should pick up when the battles start though
>>Aegon not just asking Helaena to identify the ratcatcher Cheese when she fucking saw him face-to-face
To be fair Halaena is not a completely reliable source of information
>>200448490You’ve wasted no time jumping into major beats from the book in these first two episodes, with the “Blood and Cheese” scene last week and now the Cargyll fight this week. Is this sort of the the pace fans should expect for the rest of the season?

>Condal: I’ve just watched most of the season back to back to see where we are, and it’s a pretty pace-y season. It has peaks and valleys, where something happens and then everybody kind of collects their thoughts and recovers.

>But yeah, the pace of the show is going to probably feel faster than it did in season one. We want to keep the narrative moving; we don’t want it to stall out and drag our feet. There’s plenty of story in there. There’s plenty of character to explore.
why the fuck didn't Preston stream last night? What the fuck is wrong with him? I checked Trey the Explainer's channel thinking maybe that's where they streamed and all I found was this

I'm so annoyed whenever basically any of the Blacks are on my screen, Rhaenyra and Daemon are basically the only two that even satisfy the definition of the word 'character' (not necessarily good characters, mind you). Also, those Mysaria scenes caused me a lot of anguish, she talks so slowly, says the exact same shit in every scene, is Shae the funny whore but worse, it's like the writers just keep doubling down on trying to pretend this is a character.
I love pretty women in armor bros...
S1 to S2 feels like GoT S4 to S5 in terms of quality drop. What happened?
Moving to the Dominican Republic
he's busy moving to the dominican republic
Just have them lined up and whoever she spergs out about when she sees them is the one that did it.
Didn't they say they expected Blood and Cheese to make more people side with the greens too kek?
She looks microcephalic.
Do they fight any of the battles in daylight or will the whole season be lit by torches?
The Greens have gathered cucks from all kingdom in one place.
>spergs out at all of them because brain prablems
>same net result
Does Vhagar have a bunch of ropes on his back or is it old dragon hair?
S1 was retarded too. IDK how people pretend it wasn't S6-8 quality.
Did you forget about Daemon's anime fight on the stepstones or Rhaenys busting through the floor killing hundreds of people for a girlboss moment?
It's ropes. He was covered in them when Aemond first rode him. Her. Whatever it is.
Am I dumb or I just don't get the naked Almond scene?? Am I the only one who finds the scene unnecessary?
Busy plotting white genocide with his glowie boss
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Why is it so hard for you to believe it? They're hanging out a lot to the point where people thought they were dating last year but they both denied it and now it makes sense since this year she came out as gay.
her. And yes it's ropes.
> Its ropes. THEY was covered in them when Aemond first rode THEM. THEIR. Whatever THEY is.
FTFY chud

Ropes. Vhagar is huge and had to climb the ropes to get to her saddle
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Rhaena and her fish face is better looking than this one
Dragon's brains aren't large enough to be schizophrenic. The animal's gender is female.
I'd say it was season five bad. There are some really well done moments scattered between a bunch of retarded bullshit. Usually an episode was either decent or boring until the very end when they did something retarded. Pretty much every episode had one bafflingly stupid thing. But it wasn't as bad as seasons 7 & 8.
this nigga look like spotemgottem
imagine if dragons collectively trooned out haha
Cole's behavior in this episode felt schizo tier. Like I was reading a fanfic about someone who REALLY REALLY despises Cole and writes him as satan. it was hilarious
This made me hate the show more because it just made me realize that every single episode is *moderately interesting thing happens* and the entire rest of the episode is just all the characters like “fuck… I can’t believe he did that”


“I did it on accident senpai”

“Fuck why did he do it.. I’m so.. le sad :(“
Don't they? They switch genders from time to time. Like dinosaurs. Jurassic Park said that's what dinosaurs do

Anon dragons are reptiles, reptiles cant produce hair.
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>All that canon incest and not a single crumb of cute broxbro
Fuck that fat hack
Ah my favorite serbian lesbian reactors just posted their reaction.
Why are you so salty about America being no 1? Maybe you should do some soul searching instead of blaming the rest of the world for your ills
Personally, I think he's written as having BPD (probably not intentionally; more likely it's just normie writers trying to make a brave and totally original statement about toxic masculinity).
That's an actual episode of Rick and Morty.
He’s the type of pedo only into little girls
>goes to every country, interferes with them, proxy wars, imports drugs.
>why are you mad about America bro?
America = Evil.
You = brown
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Got rewritten by a raging Fujo...
>she came out as gay
Rhaena actress is gay too, it'd be funny if the two on-screen sisters were a couple irl
I mean, that's just the whole of America?
>imports drugs
Don't you people grow them?
For real I want to corrupt her I wish I was Cole.
None of this is true, and even if why do you not hold China and Russia to the same standard? It just ruins any credibility of your argument
Is Cregan/Jace the new Aemond/Luke?
How little are we talking about?
make new
Cregan x Jace is superior because it existed before the show
>is okay with his government importing drugs into his own country
>is okay with his government importing drugs into other countries

Who says I don't? It's all true, America's influence is everywhere, they pull the strings. You have to be wilfully ignorant at this point. China and Russia haven't manipulated countries to the same extent.
Like 11 sometimes. In the books it’s pretty young girls getting raped or described sexually every chapter
Does George have a Shotafag equivalent?
The closest I can think of is the chick that wrote Kuroshitsuji
are we back? the threads are finally moving faster
America doesn't manipulate anyone, everyone who deals with America does so because it's based on trust and mutual beneficial relationship. I don't give a shit about your arbitrary standards of what constitutes evil. You can look at what china is doing in the ASEAN-sea right now and for posterity, East Turkistan and Tibet, and Russia in Ukraine and Syria (never mind all the actual horrible shit prior), so don't give me this bullshit. You're just a hypocrite and it's time for you to declare your nationality so we can all laught at your third worldedness
Aegons reaction to b&c is a bit over cooked
Oh look, its another anon who has a perfect version of a show that only exists inside their own head and no one else can know how its supposed to be like but he swears its much better than the one we have.
Fucking retard. Why would the US or anyone need to import drugs into some third world shithole whose economy centers around the production of drugs?
>America doesn't manipulate anyone
Just like they don't threaten Georgia right now to cutt off all economic ties if they won't recall their Foreign Agents Act (the same kind that exists in US)?
>America doesn't manipulate anyone,
kek. Every continent does. The bugged the EU buildings for one.
>Why would the US or anyone need to import drugs into some third world shithol
Ask them, not me. They do. They do it to the US themselves.
It must be great being a perpetual child in a nation of perpetual children, never having to take responsibility for any of your own actions.
They literally said after season 1 that they wrote Alicent to be like a 'woman for Trump'
This is how the industry works anon. They g so far in to an analogy that they accidentally make a good story or character once in a while.
>HBO Chernobyl, a show about the actual Soviet Union and actual Soviet Union mismanagement was also apparently made to reflect the Republican party under Trump
It's how it's always been anon. They've always been turbo gay and shit writers. Every single character or villain you ever liked was made by someone trying to be deep in their west coast hyper liberal smug elitist condescension. But every now and then, they make something good by accident.
Aegon had the correct way of responding to this whole shitfest. He was the only truly grieving for his and wanted vengeance. When he passed by Haelena, he was so ashamed that she couldn't even console her because in his mind as King he would protect his family but failed to do so.
holy fuck now I need to rewatch all of his schizo theories especially about aliens stuff. he probably posts on /x too
I never said I’m anti war I’m just saying it’s an objective fact that this story is (at least trying to be) anti war.

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