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Jon and Wetty Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/MkxawPjr (embed)


>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
https://pastebin.com/raw/yeSLgsLE (embed)

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200445692
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Is Tony coming back for 2.5?
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Tayleigh is fucking the chicken guy

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>muh Tayleigh is so great
>she's amazing, she really is
>her streams are so entertaining
>she actually respects us!
NO, you fools. Tayleigh literally has abandoned her entire fanbase for what reason? Laziness and conceitedness. Let's explore what went down. Originally she streamed Sunday-Tuesday-Thursday, but then she decided that her crochet ""business"" was too important and used that as an excuse to drop her streams down. She held a FUCKING vote on this, and what happened? Nobody voted for her. Yet she did it anyway. Strike one. Then she kept streaming at her friend's place, that fucking cunt Mariah, who NOBODY gave a shit about, and she kept drinking all the fucking time getting all sloshed drunk ruining the streams. Strike two. Then she fucking decided to do a meme mime stream (worst idea I've ever seen) and then demanded everyone pay her $300 for her to talk. Strike fucking three. She no longer even bothers to stream, and she never even gave us a reason for it either. She just stopped streaming. She's a fucking two-timing bitch that doesn't deserve our money. And the more you talk about her, the more she wins. FUCK Tayleigh.
God tomorrow is going to be Hell on Earth for a certain retarded Texan girl...
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>tay being a whore again
quelle surprise!
tomorrow will be hell for tayleigh
No but Richard smalls will be
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tall guy. he was a freeloader i think
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It's over.

This bitch is finished. Unendorse and unsubscribe from that junkie bitch.
>all the other ftl girls either have boyfriends or aren't being complete whores
>meanwhile Tayleigh: GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK
This guy is based lol
checks out
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Tayleigh if you're reading this. Don't go tomorrow. Get on the soonest plane back to Texas and live a normal life. - brock
Sylvia has white kids and now I'm in love with her when she's taken. Why is life so endlessly cruel?
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How did a retarded ugly 100lbs autistic dyke lolcow from Texas mindbreak her sperg fans so badly
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by lying and being a lazy bitch
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>Hey cat
...no donjolly.com in the OP? What in the world is going on!
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She was slobbering over the dick of a fat ogre who sniffed her panties and made her lick his boot. All things considered, fucking a guy not even a month later because he bought a plushie seems pretty tame.
Taycels on suicide watch
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no longer a taytriot, I'm a fucking retarded for falling for her manipulation , she cried on stream saying how happy she was for people watching her because she was lonely.
Turns out it was all a lie.
Add this to the compilation.
plap plap plap plap plap
yeah man its over
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this thread is brought to you by donjolly.com
>Tayleigh quits before bloodgames starts
>Vance doesn't even show up
>Jimmy gets kicked off the first day for trying to kill Letty with a weapon
>Jon runs off into the woods after markyposting on camera and disappears
Can't wait to watch Fishtank Allstars with Letty and Tai
Let us pray for Mumbai tonight.
bic would never allow such a thing
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Tay not telling her simps she had a bf is a shit tier mogging and she's gonna catch the holiest hell for it lmao
for anyone who donated to her I bet you feel like a retard
this is a tooth edit
epic post
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post this cat :)
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I still love tayleigh even if she cheats on me.
Dudes. I'm so fucking hyped for this shit.
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caveman patrick lookin ass nigga
It'll happen one day, best of luck king
black guy tts will flow
>he bagged the taytriots precious 'cat'
guys remember to spend $35 to TTS tay about this!
it's going to be great, I got my popcorn ready
holy cope
I reluctantly admit, I missed you faggots
pathetic little mindbroken virgin bitch kek
it's 100% over. The main lesson I've learned is that people are manipulators.
I have never donated, but I have spent time watching her streams. I'm more mad that I didn't see her crying on stream saying she was lonely was a LIE. It was straight up manipulation.
Fuck this nigga doin!
The events of the past 30 minutes have me super hyped again lol
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>no more frank hassle content because he almost got arrested
Thanks anon
I hope so but i'm not counting on it
manipulative bitch. I'm gonna send so much TTS shitting on her kek.
Can someone tell me what happened with Tay? Why have you all turned on her?
dont tell me you actually watched that miserable garbage
i cannot imagine being this pathetic holy shit
She got a fucking boyfriend
I changed my endorsement to Jon from Tayleigh, fuck that lying piece of shit.
KEK same
tay is going to be an actual villain this time, she's literally just gonna have a couple of actual cuckolds as fans
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>People kept up with contestants after S2 ended
What's the QRD on the Taytriots? Why are they seething? What happened?
What is this about?
>past 30 minutes
Wat happen?
The ultimate cuckening of a lifetime
"you guys mean a lot to me, because you know I don't really go anywhere, I'm just in my room"
Tayleigh said, what a lying bitch.
I'm about to drop some endorses for Jon. Jontent niggers ftw.
See >>200450154
She literally lied to us, MULTIPLE fucking times
nobody here actually liked her besides 4 dudes who are now roping because they found out she quit streaming because she got a boyfriend
tay just cucked the entire nation of india...
Qrd on this pls.
It's been revealed that Tay has a boyfriend and her retarded fans are going nuclear
Is her boyfriend cool at least?
Unbiased Autistic Summary of the Tayleigh drama;

>Tayleigh opens her crochet shop on April 15th
>She has a 50 dollar chicken plushie for sale
>Guy named Jordan (cizzydunt on twitter) buys the chicken plushie
>April 22nd the chicken has arrived and Jordan tweets a video thanking Tayleigh for the chicken plushie.
>Tayleigh then follows Jordan, the only person with no fishtank related clout that Tayleigh follows. Basically a random person
>The four other people that bought from her store and tweeted at her only got retweets, but no follow.
>Fast forward one month, Tayleigh gets visibly tired of streaming and talks about taking a break, she says she will visit her brother before 2.5 (she has two brothers and doesn't say which she's visiting)
>Tayleigh has never told us where her brothers live (correct me if I'm wrong).
>Today Tayleigh posts a picture of Mammoth Cave (tourist hotspot) in Kentucky
>Jordan has his location on twitter set to Kentucky
>And this is why people say Tay has a bf.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
lol lying bitch. She has plenty of friends. Maria was even trying to get her laid. Women can't handle not having eggplant for longer than a week.
skibidi chungus
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Good evening I love Betty
With the recent revelations i have to denounce my taytriot ways. All it took was a cuckening to help me see the way we are worse than josiepedos
Why do you virgins feel like you need to know if Tay has a boyfriend or not?
She isn't a nigger lover, taytriots. I know it isn't great but it's all you have. I don't care so this is the last time I'm going to tell you this. The shitskins shitting on you all simp for nigger lovers like abo
She's fucking the guy who bought the chicken plushie, people have been speculating about it all day because Tayleigh posted a picture of some caves from Kentucky.
The guy has "kentucky" as his location on twitter.

And just now he tweets this

Tayleigh is a fucking liar.
>h-hey wife even though we've been married for 15 years and have children, is y-y-your new boyfriend cool at least?
Funny that Sam Hyde constantly criticizes degenerate movies, videos, and art for being Jewish and evil, yet makes something as depressing and gross as Fishtank.
>inb4 “it’s satire, bro!”
They say this and don’t consider the fact Sam literally paid a convicted rapist and animal abuser like Charleston White to hang around the Fishtank around a bunch of young women.
>drama is already starting a day before 2.5
Tayfags, you need to unendorse this disgusting whore NOW
Everyone in this thread has a rotten brain
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Good evening I love Betty
Liking Hassle is the same as liking a nigger
It’s okay most of us are in the same boat
Operation kill chudgang bros i think we may have won this before it even started.
I already did, I feel so dumb lmao
Not to mention that as soon as shit exploded, he posted a cat out of the bag post on twitter.
trolling is a art
so a guy who lurks here saw you retards seething and decided to troll you all?
Because she literally quit streaming over it. I ordered like 10 handmade beanies and she still hasn't bothered to make them and instead she chooses to spend the last month in Kentucky with her secret boyfriend instead of streaming
What if Kentuckychad was her bf since before season 2
That's it? These people are so fucking weird.
UNENDORSE THIS WHORE. Make her shit drop to zero.
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Tayjeets kept their internet relationship with Tay and she betrayed them? AHAHHAHAHAAH
some are tolling sure, but after being on /bant/ i don't think most are
Her brother lives in Ohio. and he tweeted that cat out of the bag picture. That's confirmation
yep, LMAO
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can you believe that Jimmy wanted to destroy pic related with a mallet?
he literally looks a less retarded TJ lol
tayleigh is perfect therefore all of her decisions are justified
Abbi is built for ryona
Harassing strangers is more entertaining than some big brother reality show
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>Going to get bombarded with TTS ask her how Kentucky was or about her new bf
>Losing taytriots in real time
It's so over for her. And she brought it on herself. She do her "you're just mad" act but eventually she'll break.
i wished for it
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Did jon really fuck summer or is it just bait
I know she accused him of rape for some reason
cuter than the dyke puke bitch
Charleston White tried to rape one of the contestants and she literally knitted him a beanie. Don't remember what her name was but it probably wasn't a big deal
He’s better than all the other fishtank girls bfs
donheads are clear minded with full hearts
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kek based letty, that’s exactly how tayjeets be
>so a guy who lurks here saw you retards seething and decided to troll you all?
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Shocking, Jimmy is truly evil
>the remaining taytriot
i know for a fact this is concern trolling because her giving frank her panties and parading around the house with them on her head and then her kissing frank were all way worse than this
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Simps lose again

Kill simps. Behead Betty. Roundhouse kick Josie into the concrete. Slam dunk simps into the trashcan. Crucify filthy whores. Defecate in Allie's food. Launch Summer into the sun. Stir fry JC in a wok. Toss Bex into an active volcano. Urinate into a simps gas tank. Judo throw Taylor into a wood chipper. Twist Nina's head off. Report Tayliegh to the IRS. Karate chop white knights in half. Curb stomp simps. Trap Megan in quicksand. Crush Syliva in the trash compactor. Liquefy Ella in a vat of acid. Eat simps. Dissect simps. Exterminate simps in the gas chamber. Stomp simp skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Delaney in the oven. Lobotomise simps. Mandatory beatings for simps. Grind simp's balls in the garbage disposal. Drown Trisha in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Jackie with a ray gun. Kick old Nifty down the stairs. Feed Abby to alligators. Slice Marky with a katana
Why else would he tweet it if he wasn't lurking already, retard?
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letty once again nails it
Someone you've never met who doesn't know you exist had a boyfriend. You shouldn't give a shit.
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i dont even like jon but i endorsed him so tayleigh can be last
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bros how do I get a gf like this?

She's the best fish by far
Summer is mentally ill. I think she just made it up like the basement rape desu
y'all niggers need donjolly.com, pathetic vibes in this thread
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What's wrong with Jordan, how does he find Tayleigh attractive, she's ruined body and face with drugs, she looks like she's 30.
I'm a NEET and even I don't find this shit entertaining, how mentally ill do you have to be to dickride Jet and his autistic crew?
>Feed Abby to alligators
It was kino until this point
Tay is a druggo?
this took me by surprise. turns out she's the prettiest one of season 2
absolutely fucking based
bro listen to yourself, you're seething over a z-list streamer because you think she's cute and she's dating a mid guy she met online now, which means you're less desirable than a mid guy online. You are an incel and this website has rotted your brain.
Nice job anon
are you fucking new
abo is the incel whisperer
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Bro Jet is cool af. How can you not like him??
Jesus Christ Anon it's time to log off and touch grass for at least 3 months.
she's done tons of psychedelics, she's a druggie whore

He mogs her lol
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Imagine being that guy who just bought Tayleigh a streamdeck
>Tay is a druggo?
whipits, mdma, shrooms, amphetamine, weed
Yea, she's into drugs and loves talking about that shit too.
Another shitty day in my taytriot nigger life
I can’t wait for this to start kek the TTS is gonna be hilarious
Joncoin on the rise...
>mid guy
he looks like josh hartnett, none of you tayniggers can compete
kill your wife, cuck
he's still on bant justifying his purchase as we speak
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erm i love cole!
goodnight bros, can you make sure there arent any more happenings until I wake up? thanks
The Final Chapter in the Tayjeet Saga.
Those are soft drugs though
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Not looking too good for the Taytriots...
there are only 2 left: the canuk and the British fag
I don't give a fuck about you guys not liking QnAnon, we need him to do a fucking space rn talking about this. Emergency meeting or maybe a funeral for taytriotism.
For Cole's sake I hope that his recent stream was just an act, and that he's doing well
this is fake but ive noticed jons endorsements up but tayleighs are stuck at 290. what gives?
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Why did he do it?
lmfao get fucked
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holy shit all those dropped endorsements.... kek
seriously, I don't think there are any taytriots in here, the number isn't going down.
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fuck that bitch
there are but they like being cucked so this changes nothing
the fun police have logged on
Why am I head over boots for Betty? There’s something about her I can’t quite understand but I know I want her…
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>all the Tayleigh fans switching to Jimmy
>going from being simps to a woman beater

>The Kentucky Fried Chicken cap
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bishes and whoes
tj with the slicc boxing
seriously considering finna calling that dumb fucking whore and yelling at her. they don't like you tayleigh, they hate you and i hope frank molests you in front of chicken boy. include this in the inevitable screencap
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This isn't real, right? They're not actually getting Jimmy, are they? I thought they were not on good terms anymore
definitley a stud for the online fishtank community
Jimmy and Tay share a lot of (basket case) fans
>the fun police have logged on
this isn't a joke, tayleigh manipulated us, evil bitch
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they need to switch to Jon because he is last place.
Real Chad's go for jon/letty
Unfortunately he's gonna be there
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Shinji should've gotten the streaming audience instead of Tayleigh
तेरी माँ की चूत
Tj landed some actual good shots. A lot of jimmy’s were grazing or not really landing anywhere. Sperg rage maybe idk.
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we ella chads stand with abi and by association gainst chudgang

Taytriots, Tayleigh is fucking this guy.
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Jon wasn't on good terms with them. Jimmy is a fanboy at the end of the day so he'll do whatever they ask
Shut up loser
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be nice to witty letty!
Jon carries the will of Simmons, he will make them all pay
/ftl/ posters power ranking

>Guy who made all the Liquid Cole edits
>"baesie mogs"
>Cole himself


>Cole fans
>Lubecooch Army
>Sylvia fans (rare sighting)
>Damiel fans
>Actual schizophrenics who wholeheartedly believe fishtank is satanic
>Guy who just posts keyed pictures of Fatty
>People who create funny OC

>Trish fans
>Bex fans
>Ben, Chris Lynch and HK2 fans
>Posting screenshots and quotes from the Charls Carrol meltdown video
>Letty fans
>Guy who reminds everyone Frank kissed Tayleigh
>Summer was raped posters

>Jimmy fans
>Vance fans
>Baiting replies by being sympathetic, defending Jet or being an MDE fanboy
>Peter fans
>Meg maniacs
>Simmons fans (0.1% encounter rate)
>JC fans
>Abi fans

>Taylor fans
>Ella fans
>Posting shit nobody cares about
>Talking about Channing or other gay MDE drama
>/tv/ posters saying "this isn't television or film"
>Incomprehensible ESL babble
>Unironically defending Jet or Sam
>Admitting to buying the season pass

>Tayleigh fans
>Betty fans
>Spamming MDE kiwifarms shit nobody cares about
>Shinji fans

>/bant/ namefags
>People who care about /bant/ drama
>Posting Betty like a lolcow or posting Betty porn
>Anyone who seethes about Tayleigh having a boyfriend
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Nah Shinji fucking sucks too. Neither Shinji nor Tayleigh deserved to be in the final 3
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What kinda Fishtank shill are you?
I hear Dr. Disrespect has recently become available for 2.5
Wat is ellas ig?
she huffs window cleaner
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You did endorse Vance...right?
I remember when tayfags would shit on josiefags for being parasocial freaks
she got way hotter, how did she do it?
Z Tier
Power ranking posters
holy fucking mental illness samefagging concern troll
peterphiles P tier
this is a tai board
perfect princess lips
makeup and camera angles
Someone give me a quick rundown between shinji and crash what the fuck did crash do that made people hate him and what did he do to shinji that he distanced himself from him
Hello, the canadian taytriot. you are one of two people still defending her. unironically kill yourself kwab
nigga was so mad he greentexted on twitter lmao
Vance is based
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Any Taytriots reading this, know that you are obligated to completely break Tayleigh with abusive TTS now
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I'm every single one from S tier to D tier
Why the fuck would I ever endorse Vance?
not canadian nor a taytriot you schizophrenic faggot
All of Shinji's winnings from S2 went to tuition late fees and a children's charity because Crash paid late or something
you donated thousands to her and she's getting pounded by a random hillbilly who bought her crochet ahahahahah kill yourself already Brock and shut up nigga
this but unironically, let her know how you feel tomorrow. Get it off your chest.
we know
QRD on what happened to Shinji?
if you simped for tay after the frank shit you're retarded
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How come Jon is coming back after running his mouth like that? It doesn't make any sense to me. He isn't a man of his word
That's just embarrassing honestly.
I'm seething because Tayleigh manipulated me, but I'm going to feel even more stupid if Jordan is just trolling us, starting to think I'm a faggot for caring this much about fishtank people.
Am I a faggot?
Lesson learned I guess
fuck no
It's literally the only reason I'll watch
Fuck this makes me laugh
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Goran new slop is almost ready, I hope you are hungry!
trvth tsar bomb
the lies have piled up too much t b h
What happened to "not a single cent"? I think ol' Goran worked you guys with this one
What are the odds production is planning to punish him?
anything of note happen with the season 2 crew afterwards? I've been completely tuned out idgaf
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The people in this thread are diseased, but you can break yourself out of it.
Yes, she's a digusting coal burner.
>Charls Carrol meltdown video
What little celebrity he had was running out.
>if you simped for tay after the frank shit you're retarded
that's a completely different thing, they got her drunk and molested her, that's never ok and the wiggers deserve death for that desu.
>"baesie mogs"
rankings and opinion invalided
>he doesn't know
I don't know the full details but people seemed to feel like Crash was just using Shinji for MDE/Fishtank clout. Crash was the one who signed Shinji up for Fishtank, Shinji didn't know anything about it or that we was going into a legit hell house. He fucked up paying Shinji's admissions, when Shinji started streaming he started to fuck up donos (infamously having like 5k sent to save the children through PayPal for whatever reason).
Is this real?
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Endorsing my president for life
yep, abi got 1 billion endorsements
I hope so, for entertainment purposes. Jon meltdowns are top tier, it's why we love him (as a contestant)
fucking nerd... he fucks guys and gets fucked by guys
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I'm endorsing Jimmy, but Tai is based
If he melts down he's just gonna run away into the woods and we won't be able to see anything
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I never figured out what was so wrong with selling cars for a living
Tai mogging Sam in Season 2 was hilarious
hello israel pedo
Yeah! I don't! EXPLAIN
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For chud pussy
"at least he's not a nigger"

this cope needs to stop, Tayleigh lied to us and used tears and crying to do it.
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the batteries on those cameras need to be changed every hour at least and god knows how spotty the connections will be. we're not gonna be seeing shit all season
I have a feeling Jet's replies are gonna be flooded with this image in a few days
Jimmy's weapon is a UV light, it's non contact. LARP only. Jet confirmed this
They like Jimmy. I'm more surprised they decided to bring Jon back, but it is pretty slim pickings for an all-star cast out of the two seasons.
Peter Pedophiles where you at?
think of the endorsements like politics, you don't vote for who you want, you vote for who will be the most likely to oust the person you don't like
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I do literally everything in F tier and Hell tier except namefag
he's gonna shine it directly into letty's lazy eye because he's convinced himself that her eye is that way because it was possessed by a mormon that used to rape him in Utah
lying whore
she breached the contract
cause there is literally 8 of them and they're all unironically mentally disabled
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Friendly reminder that Jordan won
Tay lied
Jeets died
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What time is bloodgames actually starting? Website says 7pm est but I saw Wes said 2pm
am i the only one that thinks it's hilarious that Tayleigh's boyfriend looks just like TJ
S TIER revision
>Charls Carrol meltdown posters
>meta-ironic Jimmy Fans
>The one poster who made the fake Jimmy's driving back to the fishtank house instagram post
>posters who've never given Sam or Jet a single cent and enjoyed all this gay content for free
>posters who actively shit on Sam and Jet for fun
>meta-ironic Simmons defenders
>Posting Betty like a lolcow or posting Betty porn

Suicide TIER
>poster who unironically made this tier list
You don't endorsed me huh wooooow guess it over me
hahahahahha rope you retarded freak i hope you realize now how pathetic you are
bitch getting her back blown out by this retarded looking dweeb
Charls and his wife were in turkey during that big earthquake a couple years ago, afterward he got wasted in some bar and his wife decided to go live on ig(?) for some reason and stream him drunkenly rambling, chat starts asking Sam and mde, charls starts sobbing and calling Sam a “fucking nerd” and saying he’s gay, etc. shortly after this happened they got in touch and made amends.
>>The one poster who made the fake Jimmy's driving back to the fishtank house instagram post
Completely forgot about that, that was fucking insane lmfao
there's a pain in my heart that won't go away
Nah it's uncanny
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Jet said last night on the live 2pm
why's she such a liar? don't answer i already know
I think I laughed for 5 minutes straight because people were dumb enough to believe it
Really? I don't suppose the video can be found anywhere now, could it?
"most people don't get this kind of opportunity"
Tayleigh says while tearing up.
One month later she throws it all away to fuck a random guy who bought her chicken plushie.
Tayleigh's arc has been fucking crazy, what's next?
lubecooch wept
Why are her eyes so dilated is she on drugs?
this actually made me sick to my stomach
I cant stop smiling im giddy for tomorrow its like the night before christmas morning
what did people expect? tayleigh will always be lazy low class trash.
It’s probably on tube, just Google charls drunks Sam Hyde nerd or some shit
I'm only excited because people might actually show up and hurt the cast and crew
hope tayleigh cries, she deserves it for being so evil, seriously hope Q is ok
She was crying
lack of sleep and bad food is like being on drugs they're all sort of drugged in the house
i honestly don't know what her fans see in her. she's ugly, has a bad personality, and is actively hostile towards them.
Ackshually, she's le heckin chudwiferino
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she's in love with a handsome boy
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idk, on stream she said the only drug shes tried is shrooms, theyre pretty though
Insane shot
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Ella mogs
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those are really mean things to say. please say something nice
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Endorsed Jon. Deal with it.
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somebody can do the needful and photoshop to remove the nose piercing, please sir?
Now that all these people hate Tayleigh I'm actually sort of coming around to her because she makes all y'all seethe so hard just kidding LMAOOOOO imagine simping for an ugly bald dyke fangirl bitch
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the endorsements haven't changed even though i know for a fact that multiple people unendorsed tayleigh.
jon even lost an endorsement.
the wiggers are running damage control
Do regular fans actually care about Tayleigh? Like are any of you guys gonna TTS or is it just gonna be JJJJJJJJJJ by the regulars
Thanks anon you spared me a big search. I couldn't find it
She is very pretty and nice :)
You endorsed the boring reddit-tier completely unremarkable fanboy chinless faggot... right??
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No the nose ring is special to her :3
what a fucking CUNT holy shit
she deserves to get molested by frank again desu
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love this cat :)
Why the FUCK would you not endorse Tai or Letty?
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Fuck Tay, Betty would never betray her fans like this
no lmao

Samuel Hydenstein confirmed
fuck you
Please let Betty be on 2.5!
Imagine getting cucked by a country bumpkin hick from Kentucky. Its crazy cause if she's fucking one of her fans means you all had a chance. Whats your excuse for not rizzing Tay, huh anon?
To endorse Jon and make Tayleigh last place
>Actual schizophrenics who wholeheartedly believe fishtank is satanic
Fishtank is satanic, and I'm not a schizophrenic.
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i want tayleigh to suffer
Actually that's pretty funny lol disregard my post I'm gonna do that too
it's dark in that house
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Betty is getting into politics rather than showbusiness
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Fish Tank waifufaggotry is always hilarious. It just boils down to "Your waifu is a blacked whore e-girl cope and seethe!" "No your waifu is a blacked whore e-girl, you're just coping". When the truth is they're all autistic e-girl whores.
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I don't give a fuck about who wins this season. I just NEED Tayleigh to suffer and be humiliated.
I literally do not understand the reaction to finding out Tayleigh has a boyfriend, like I actually don't get it. Does every fan of hers actually think they... have a chance with her? A real, actual chance? Just by magic somehow? I seriously don't understand can someone break down the mindset these people have what's up with the anger
Didnt buy enough chickens anon
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>Shhhhhhh, it's ok, Tayjeets. As soon as KFC is through with her, I'm picking up seconds.
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>this band wocks
yes, the /bant/ threads are fucking pathetic.
cole posters being rational and based as always
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Are we seeing him tomorrow or what? Vance still hasn't got an official promo video but all the other contestants have. Vance literally isn't gonna be there tomorrow
I was in that stream and Betty answered my question :3
Anon…do you not know what simps are?
she should look into not cutting herself anymore or go back to the psych ward
I think it's more shattering the illusion, plus she kind of went about it in a dipshit way that would alienate her simps. Major fail all around.
A decent amount are anons cuck spamming to get rage against her. Based off of a cave picture and a chicken post.
How tf does yeah have 900 tho
why is he fucking around? go to new england
don't do anything rash. things seem bad right now but that's not reason to do anything drastic. who knows where this is going. it could end as abruptly as it started once she realizes what a mistake she's made. she does care about us she might have just been manipulated or taken advantage of.
she needs us now more than ever
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This isn't the first time it's happened. Happened with Letty when they found her nudes, happened with Trish when we learned she's a divorcee, happened with Summer when they realized she trooned out temporarily and dated a black guy, I feel like it's happened another time but I can't think of it. /ftl/ is filled with parasocial autist and people get like this over celebrities. You make it normal people and it's worse because they're more approachable than a celeb.
No fucking idea lmfao I thought it would for sure be Tai at #1
It's not about her having a boyfriend. Any normal person that's in touch with reality knows that they'll never have a chance with an e-girl. The problem is the sheer level of dishonesty that she's shown time and time again. The chickenman was the straw that broke the camel's back.
stfu tay go gawk on wigger dick and huff more window cleaner
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>Severely mentally ill
>Cognitively-impaired & retarded
>Pisses on the floor
>Posts degenerate porn & melancholic nudes
>Probable daddy issues
>Cuts, burns, and shoots herself
>Easily gullible and riled
>Wears porn merch
>Owns a black dildo
>Wants respect for some reason
Bettybugs, why couldn't any of you fix her?
She was always moderately attractive aside from her unfortunate lazy eye. She has a good body and a decent face, but the cameras in the house were always unflattering and she wore shitty glasses
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Are all women whores?
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fuck that bitch. hope she starts cutting and becomes bulimic again. hope her new bf beats her into a coma for real this time. hope she ODs on some research chemicals or fent.
taylor isnt
At least he's white
Of course I do, I understand having a fantasy crush on an e-girl or celebrity or whatever, that makes sense. But these freaks are in hysterics over someone they've never talked to, will never meet and have zero chance with dating someone else. It's just such a drastically different way of viewing other people than I experience, I actually cannot understand the feelings they are having currently
tsmt after saying she was depressed and was going to take a break to visit family and friends
Betty worries me, every time I see a post of her it feels like I’m looking at something truly dark that I shouldn’t be seeing.
Why does this bitch want to be fucked so hard? What's her fucking problem?
I'm black
>every time I see a post of her it feels like I’m looking at something truly dark that I shouldn’t be seeing.
Great summary of her whole deal. Very unsettling.
1-800-come on now
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if she doesn't orgasm 3 times a day she will go into a fit of violent seizures
Qrd? Not gonna watch 10m of this bitch talking
Okay, now that the Tayfags have been neutralized, can we have Betty be next on the chopping block to get rid of these annoying faggot simps of hers?
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How many technical mishaps should we expect tomorrow?
youre hateful, you dont even know how to see good in people
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I hope Betty had a nice medicinal cum today :3
the bf is live on spaces right now
Every time I see her I’m reminded of the woman that got away. It doesn’t help that she looks damn near identical to her. So I guess I’m coping which I shouldn’t be but I am.
i would surprised if the cameras even go live
Guys calm down, the tayleigh drama is staged. It’s going to culminate in a 2.5 neptunian kino moment. Screen shot this, just watch.
this nigga is live lmao
skibidi on bettys face
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Betty was for sure molested or raped as a kid. If anyone wanted to they could save her. She'd be extremely loyal but there would be times where she breaks down and cries, questions your loyalty and questions why you're with her. There's a 14% chance she'd kill your children.
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Betty is:

• no longer cutting
• only drinking seldomly (we recommend nonalcoholic drinks for her to make)
• no longer posting porn of herself
• only occasionally posting sexy photos on Twitter

So we have saved her! She is still a vegan and vapes quite a lot though. We have her reading audiobooks too

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Best girl won in the end
qrd? Fucking elon blocks lurkers and I’m not making an x account
this isnt /bant/ faggot
trisha my beloved
she is the biggest whores of em all.
>left her bf alone when he's going through a tough time to suck some wiggers ducks
she’s chill as hell
LQ get in that space

Chicken guy is doing a twitter space
the lore reset is so good because it means season 3 onwards will be completely detached from the /bant/ mental illness which has been brewing over the past year, leaving it, tayleigh and betty to slowly die out. thank god.
shes not sucking anything fuck you
Betty hasn't been relevant in over a year, and you still have mental cases still sucking her pisshole. You even have retards simping for that 3 day in and out manface Ella
unfortunately, having any women involved necessarily brings in /bant/ level mental illness
taylor supported TJ until the end
cuckposting in 2 threads at once lol, Im saving these so I can post them at you later
go back to bant faggot
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the beautiful and caring CK.
>So we have saved her!
She's still being gross online, so you're a long way from saving her.
>We have her reading audiobooks too
Betty's almost 30 and still struggling to read aloud like the slow kid in class who can barely even enunciate anything. Does she have a TBI or was she held back in school? Maybe both? Embarrassing.
It’s wild a low-mid girl can go into the tank for 2 days tops and people will simp for years
I really hope Jet keeps his promise. No more Josie, Letty, Betty, Tayleigh, Taylor, etc. Let's just move the fuck on already.
I like her a lot in her streams. She's edging on being a normalfag but still into weird internet shit
Letty booba
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trish is a good girl
What the fuck
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>Betty's almost 30 and still struggling to read aloud like the slow kid in class who can barely even enunciate anything. Does she have a TBI or was she held back in school? Maybe both? Embarrassing.

Not memeing, she had a serious injury years ago with some kind of brain damage
She has to take anti-seizure medication
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remember when Tayleigh cried that she was "tricked" into dating a girl for two years in high school
WHOOPS she tricked me into having a long term relationship!!!
and you idiots defended her. she was tricked! she was groomed! she's not a closet dyke!! she just really likes green day and talks like a lesbian aunt but that doesn't mean anything!!
tayfags, admit defeat
Is this why she ran off away from him 3 days ago to get railed by the production ?
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I hate this fucking sperg so much.
>She has to take anti-seizure medication
doesn't she just flick her bean to prevent seizures?
Seeing him in total fear and distress in that clip today was so funny
peterphiles we run this shit
Greg is a certified gooner
you can see snot dangling out of his nose in certain shots of the new preview
yeah, basically. or she just calls me over
Letting paypig retards kick Brian off because they're didn't like him was so retarded. He was one of the few who actually tried.
why do you have to write things like this about someone who doesnt deserve it
confirmed they're dating
Yeah, they kind of fucked him over, but he was an energy vampire. Without Cole as his rival, his entertainment value was done.
I'm going to fucking kill myself
They kicked him off before he could really get the humiliation he deserved
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Greg is about to get what he's owed
he might have tried but he made the other fish docile and boring so he had to go
Octavius ain’t gonna do shit to Peter
Brian Chuddies rise up
He was boring but I would've liked to see him in the Swamp Olympics. There were challenges like the eating one where Tayleigh and Shinji essentially gave up where I know he would've locked in.
>Oh no dude I actually have to back up all my bullshit about 12 years mma?
>I know I'm about to fight now is a great time to take off all of my gear to look at the fish upstairs
seeing him get rocked by TJ while trying only to go for dick punches was hilarious. Jimmy is so retarded but he's fun to watch fall over himself
That's fair
He's like Fatty where he's only entertaining when he's being humiliated
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he was repulsive, total normie wannabe snake
Fatty is endearing and a huge sweetheart. He's a fat disgusting piece of shit physically but at least he hasn't turned into a bitter freak like Jimmy.
letty turned him into jimmy pretty easily in S1 wtf do you mean
yeah he's one of the worst kinds of people.
I managed a store and there was a crazy oily haired guy in his 40's very reminiscent of an older jimmy that would come in and make all my employees uncomfortable. He bagged groceries at the store nextdoor.
he would get right up in your face and schizo rant about things and was just lucid enough that you'd just have to nod and listen till he shuts up. there was an understood air of violence, you could see the anger in his eyes, everyone was nervous that if you upset him and kicked him out he would pull a knife or attack someone.
eventually on two separate occasions he went up to girl employees and brought an athletic cup and asked very sexually if "they think it will fit" and talked about his dick size.
I had to start following him around the store occupying him and not letting him near the girls to prevent any more weird shit and eventually he stopped coming in.
anyways, I think that's what jimmy will be up to pretty soon. sexually harassing women in public and roaming around scaring people till he eventually is arrested or dies or something
the real lesson is don't molest kids because they end up really fucked up and the cycle goes on and on
shut up brian. the polls were rigged and you know it. production didn't want you on the show you made it fucking boring and awful

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