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Brothel Mommy's Boy Edition
A finger in the bum
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what the fuck was his problem
prev >>200455283
OP is a retarded niggerfaggot


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Forgot Previous >>200455283

Also he looked like fucking Gollum here ew
The writers.
What other brilliant schemes he's thinking of?
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Literally falling upwards
I hate this guy
I wish my psychologist sessions looked like that.
I'm sorry anon. I don't usually fuck up like this. Will you forgive me?
>Claims Dragons
>background music starts playing
>Keepin' it G ain't nothin'
You ain't gotta like it 'cause the hood gone love it
Nice job outing yourself as femcel
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First for my wife. I wish there were more scenes of her and Aegon but knowing that the actors had to beg for them I am happy with what I have got.
>Star showing Gang Signs flying above Kings landing
Does he think that the idea was brilliant? is my man that stupid and easily impressed?
His retarded scheme almost worked althoughbeit
He could've IDed the guilty easily. He killed those other guys for nothing and didn't even disappear or frame them, he actually made a show of it.
>discount Luna
It was ill-considered, and trifling.
This dude literally looks anorexic, his body is sinewy and gross
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Tfw no autismo wife
>Top 5 Telenovela villain moves
>sabotage something, blame someone else for it.
>steal important mail
>leave fake incriminating evidence
>fake your own death
>general gaslighting
CHURLISH! And Insubordinate!
Toughtless, feckless, self-indulgent...
Why didn't RoP air head 2 head with HotD bros? I would've liked 2 fantasy shows at the same time again.
>just like in my mom's Essosi pulp novels.
remember the music they played when jaime lannister got his hand cut off?
If you hate him then you’re a woman, both literally and spiritually.
>knowing that the actors had to beg for them I am happy with what I have got
This is so sad
The actors care more about their characters than the writers
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Cute and canon!
This PRANK?!
I just want to give her a hug, is that so much to ask?
Do you never think of your faddah
This is Rhaenyra's and Alicent's show. Everyone else doesn't matter. We'll be lucky if Aegon isn't forgotten after Rook's Rest.
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Do women really find him hot?
The writers are going to whitewash Hugh Hammer and Ulf White aren't they? I find it exceedingly unlikely that they'd introduce a man, give him a poor family and sick daughter, and then let him be a cunt for the sake of being a cunt.
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lmao captchas are a bitch
Why do you embarrass yourself watching girlflix then ?
Hooray! More cfnm bullshit
he only needs some shoulders and arms muscle and he'll be top tier.
by some i mean just a little more. he doesn't need to go the roid route.
He is on the fence of Auschwitz.
Most likely, he will turn into a betrayer and cunt after something happens to his family.
Honestly? I want more Game of Thrones, me and my friends. And I'm actually curious to see where they're going with this.

good morning sir
>team black about to loose the battle
>people stop and start looking to the sky
>X Gon' Give It To Ya starts playing
>dragonbuck saves the day
>credit scenes of him balls deep in a white women
*chefs kiss
>The writers are going to whitewash Hugh Hammer and Ulf White
depends on which side they are in the book, if green then expect Hugh to sell his family for a dragon and if he's on team black then it is safe to assume he will be a great humble warrior fighting for his queen and family
indians watch hotd too? which side are they on?
>Aegon needlessly killed multiple people when they could have ID'd the correct one
>Aegon made a decision without consulting Otto and the council
>Aegon acted emotionally and not rationally
>Otta hates rats

It's that simple.
he has muscles. he is lean.
he's not skin and bones.
He was team black but switched sides mid way through the war.
>online harassment
how can this shit be real? just don't read it lol
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I'm eating crazy pills, this show feels like it's getting worse by the episode. But normie keep praising it.
I have actually seen people say it's "as good season 1 of GoT" the fuck?
>Hugh Hammer
This is even below standard for GRRM.




that dude is a baiting faggot.
he also is a lefty and will defend lefty writers to his death.
Hugh Hammer and Ulf White fight for the Blacks at first but, the power of dragons goes to their heads and they switch sides. They are total assholes in the books, barely characters at all, and basically act like miniature Gregors. The point of introducing them was to show the folly of giving dragons to random people just because they had some Valyrian blood, they just turn power-hungry.
It's more like his nickname. Hugh the Hammer
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He's a little bitch irl as well who can't handle some pajeets cussing at him?
My king.
>betrays king's trust fucking his daughter for years
>pulls honor card from ass says he won't be a whore
>starts simping for king's wife
>starts fucking her as soon as he croaks
>tries to get king's daughter killed
>does nothing about his son being killed
Hugh Janus
Brown people are team black, white people are team green
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>mfw Kubrick was a jew too
at least we still Snow White (1937) führer bros..
It's actually good if you don't spend every second watching it with checking for all the ways it deviates from how history was described in the book.
Good ratcatchers are hard to find. Now he’s gotta put the coin up for a dozen more.
i honestly thought this was cgi when i saw it to make his body more skinny
dude looks like he eats no carbs
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>Wahh he is such an incel
>I can't stand this guy

Why is leddit like this. Cole has done nothing wrong, you know he is doing what he believes is best.
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>which side are they on?
Mostly Pandava but Kauravachads stay winning.
Yes. Women are complicated creatures when it comes to their taste in men. Too many men think they have it figured out. Oh real women would never be into kpop idols because they want real men with muscles and shit. Oh no woman actually think Matt Smith or Aemond’s actors look attractive because they have weird faces. The reality is if men knew what women actually like, they wouldn’t have such a hard time in the dating scene.
People said the exact same thing about every single season of GoT.
A couple of years by now, we'll all be bitching about how the new episodes could never stand up to how great the first two seasons were.
New thing bad, until it stops being new. Something has to be really bad, S8 bad, for people to maintain a negative opinion for it for longer than a year.
>Just don't think about it and enjoy product!
but he's gotten his dick wet during two out of two episodes this season
who the fuck is calling him an incel at this point
Who's gonna work for a mad king?
why are you so invested in what they are saying and then bringing it here? thats kind of weird. i mean who gives a fuck
>fucking prime westeros pussy like its nothing
Do reddit npcs know who the incels are?
You will live a much better life if you stop caring about what rando nobodies on youtube and twitter think.
Saar,read after show credits saar, we are literally making this show saar.
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why is Daemon so suicidal bros Is he stupid?
Season one of GoT might be the best television ever made. I like HotD but it’s not even close. Everything is obviously lower budget. Nothing has the scale of GoT.
Best like keeping his vows or protecting/avenging his sons? No, fucking his sworn liege's daughter and wife.
what exactly does larys want again? I honestly forget if he’s just discount littlefinger (who I also don’t know what he wants anymore) or something more
>he is doing what he believes is best.

>Fuck the dowager queen
>lie about it
>compensate by guilt-tripping your comrades into suicide missions because they literally sully their cloaks instead of just figuratively
This. HotD is ok, but it's not truly great. Definitely better than late GoT, nowhere close to early GoT though.

double checked for double dubs
You have to be more specific about Which larys you are talking about Book or Show?
he just does it because it amuses him
he has no greater ambitions like littlefinger other than to sniff alicents feet
He's an incel of the mind. For all the fucking, he's still coping and seething for getting his retarded eloping fantasy denied
He is one of Trump's many faces.
Cole is wild, pussy-snatching Trump.
Larys is creepy stalker Donny.
Ewan is too skinny, not for the role but as a person, he's an unhealthy weight. I know this because I was that skinny once and I didn't even fully realize it at the time. Looking at old pictures of me makes me cringe
I always thought the best theory was he despised the targs having le dragon nukes and wanted to weaken teh targs through infighting and cause results that would kill off most of the dragons
Might turn them into the third alternative, the smallfolk’s choice or something like that
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Why does every new show need to use a heckin good pupperino?
Are millennials really that braindead that they'll only be emotionally invested in a story if there's a gosh darned good boy in it?
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What's wrong with being skinny anon, do you like bears? Are you a bear lover?
calm down there buddy
pretty much, yeah
Season 2 has been a bit slow but it’s fine. The biggest issue was Blood and Cheese not living on the hype. Given the circumstances and the content they were adapting, it’s kinda hard for them to adapt the scene without getting some kind of backlash from pearl clutchers. The other issue is Cole banging Alicent. I don’t really care about it either way and I don’t know why people would care.
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He comes....
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>those guns
>too skinny
what self proclaimed straight male would put on this outfit and go out in public
So, he wants to fuck his mom?
He doesn't know they gave nettles story to Addam
heh, no wonder why the show is shit
That was my wife’s nickname in college. Weird coincidence. Dunno how she got the nickname though since Hugh is a boys name.
Makes me wonder whom Kautilya would have backed if he were a god's advisor and not a king's.
>average millenial watching scenes of wanton murder, betrayal, cruelty and torture
>average millenial seing a hecking good pupper on screen
>"waaaah le toxic masculinity, why can't men get in touch with their feelings and be vulnerable"
>falls in love with Rhaenyra and would give up everything for her, but she only cares about power and uses him as a walking dildo so he reacts like any scorned woman would
>"waaah why can't that incel think only with his dick"
When he was introduced I though he was going to be a very based character. Sad. Would love him if he actually was true to the white cloak oaths post Rhaenyra spurning him.
Finally watched ep 1. Pretty disappointed so far. The negative reaction to Aemond starting the war and kinslaying from Alicent and Otto was underwealming and we got no juxatapose of Aegon celebrating his nephew's death. Literally evil stepmother Alicent from the book reacted more harshly.

Funeral was fine on the Black side, adding Alicent lighting candles for Luke didn't feel justified consider how much shit she caused for him in life with her bastard proclamations. Maybe if she lit a candle for Luke Strong.

Blood and Cheese was also shit, the kids were sleeping so Jaeheara isn't traumatized from seeing her brother killed. No Helaena begging them to take her head instead. B&C don't kill a guard, fuck sake they don't even kill the maid that catches Blood. Finally Helaena saying "The Boy" in response to her son dying was bad. I get its suppose to be her detaching from the moment but it came off as indifference. I don't believe Helaena has been mind broken to the point she can't dragonride from this.

I actually did like Aegon II scenes. He seemed to genuinely care about smallfolk problems until people with authority over him changed his mind.

I don't believe Aemond regrets killing Luke in the slightest so having Luke's death be an accident was a complete waste of time.
He's a bitter, vicious little cunt who gets off on ruining and humiliating the healthy, beautiful, righteous of Westeros. He's had to deal with life as a nasty little cripple, so he wants other people to feel the same shame and suffering that he has dealt with for his whole life, if not more.
Serving the Greens faithfully and effectively isn't as important to him as keeping them miserable and wretched and reliant on him, the ugly cripple. He let Blood and Cheese carry out their plot solely because he wanted punish Alicent for daring to find some sort of joy in the company of Cole. He'll serve the Greens well if it gets him more power and if it keeps him alive, but otherwise he just cares about dragging them down to his rotten level.
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>mfw Season 4 90% of the dragon riders will be dread headed NI-
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Bros, they don't even know
His arms are tiny, what you are seeing is definition owing to his low body fat
>those casualty numbers
Tell me these are hyperbole from un-verifiable sources.
>Something has to be really bad, S8 bad,
HoTD is literally season 8.
Season 8 is full of people dressed in drab color, delivering serious dialogue, and Where the visuals are trying to overcompensate substance that isn't there. Not even mentioning how everyone is doing absolutely retarded decisions.

Like in this episode where Rhaenyra didn't even try running away from the room.
Or the last episode where the wet bandits spent a solid 10 minutes thinking which one was boy because they couldn't kill both babies for some reason.
Rhaenyra is boring. She's such a goody two shoes.
that’s the maesters schtick though, wouldn’t that be redundant? I think given his final request to Cregan, it’s more likely Larys just wanted to inflict as much chaos and suffering onto the world as possible out of resentment for his disability
You guys shat on him for wearing jeans and sneakers to the season 1 premiere, now he’s got a stylist.
People love dogs in the west. You wouldn't get it.
>the kids were sleeping so Jaeheara isn't traumatized from seeing her brother killed.
getting prepubescent child actors to act out a gruesome and horrifying child murder scene with all of the blood and guts and screaming and beheading is a good way to get the show cancelled and a couple of actual real life kids traumatised for life
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Like I said HOTD is created by is Saar
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>I'M the queen now, Rhaenyra
true but so is alicent and more so. plus the actress is noticeably worse. she always does the same fucking puppy dog scared look that annoys the fuck out of me. barely any range, I hate every alicent scene this season
let's see if you still think this in a couple of years or if this is just newthingbad
deal wit it cracka
I'm glad your kind is getting replaced by foreign pussy.
>you guys
let's see if you still think this in a couple of years or if this is just newthinggood
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>1 billion soldiers
>women are wet over this
as an Indian, how can I achieve this look?
>uuuehhhhhh, the show is horrible, it's absolutely ruined!
>See, in the book it says that he went through the door and walked down the left way. But in the show it just cuts away before we see him entering the door at all, when in chapter 3 it's said that he always went down the right way. This has HUGE character implications and was THE most defining moment of his character arc. I was looking forward the entire episode to see this, but then they fucking ruined it!
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i'll deal with it for now but only because westeros has already completed total N* death by the time GoT starts anyway
Trump out of nowhere. RENT FUCKING FREE
kek is this pasta
You can’t
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What do you mean by quoting me?
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>I'm eating crazy pills, this show feels like it's getting worse by the episode. But normie keep praising it.

because it's really good, you need to be real fucking subhuman to not be impressed by acting and tone of this episode, but for retarded amerimutts like you if there's no plastic dragons breathing fire in air, crazy pirates and dwarfs making jokes here and there, no cartoonish black/white characters.... they just can't stand it.
Preston jacobs is based. Because of him I don't have to read the books
It's fresh. Just cooked it for this thread.
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You ain't getting any of that,its all about hood now.
I'm not American

>not be impressed by acting and tone of this episode,
I give you that acting is above average, thought it's also too melodramatic.
Regardless dialogue and direction is horrible.

I don't give fuck about dragons, always thought ice zombies and fire-lizards were the worst part of GoT.

>dwarfs making jokes here and there
It's called levity, in early seasons of GoT Tyrion's banter was an extension of his character, and just not a dispenser for filler.
King Bran will enact Based Bobby B's plan of bringing over tons of nubile Summer Isle women to reinvigorate the falling Westerosi birth rate.
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It's a bronze age mythological epic like the Iliad except with more complex characters and some of them have magic nukes

Rhaenyra was such a dumb bitch in that scene. Why the fuck was she cowering in the corner when Erryk gave her multiple opportunities to exit.
I look quite similar to Matt smith and have very blue eyes. I get talked to/flirted with by random women aged 18-80 everywhere I go. If I go to the grocery store I will get asked to get something off of a top shelf by random women at least once. Stupid meet cute shit.

Tl;dr women absolutely love this phenotype at like a primal level
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that's right eat up grrm drone
Impulsive… egotistical… unbefitting of a monarch
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Look what we have here, bunch of niggers,Street Shitters,fags and retards fighting over who is more worthy
see you in 1 minute
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Worthy is he not afraid to slake cold steel in hot blood.
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Why is he by far the best character in the show?
>normalcattle are programmed to soiface when the pet that's been domesticated and enslaved into a grotesquery of its own nature shows up
Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
coin has swords on it and is held in front of his remaining eye
>Daemon has negress daughters
I always forget this holy shit how hilarious
His scheme would have worked if Arryk wasn't a retard and stopped just because his brother yelled at him. He could have ran and killed Rhaenyra before Erryk could catch up to him and instead he chose to fight.
If you like him you’re a woman or worse, brown. He broke his vows/patches and dishonored himself. Two transcendent concepts that only aryan males are capable of understanding and caring about
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Playing bad boys is fucking fun. Best times I had in high school theater were antagonist roles.
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I like the show too, anon it's decent
Forgive my stroke
That’s so true and cringe. These writers really are such faggot hacks
Because everyone needs to be retarded in this show.
Like Arryk was immediately going to kill Rhaenyra, instead of waiting for the night.
And instead, coming close to Rhaenyra and only then drawing his sword with a surprise.
He decided to immediately declare his intention and drab sword when he was 10 meters away from Rhaenyra and then began slowly walking towards her.
He got into the bedchamber of a rival queen just by walking in there. If it's that easy, then yeah, it was worth the gamble to end the war there and then. He was only stopped by dumb luck
Hate criston cole , bros. Such a devious little paki. Can't wait for him to get peppered with arrows and his cock and balls cut off
Arryk isn't I to subterfuge he is a soldier and hating having to go on the mission. He went straight to the task at hand as a soldier would. It's pretty understandable
>Arryk was immediately going to kill Rhaenyra, instead of waiting for the night.
The longer he stood there, the bigger the risk that someone starts wondering why he's in two places at once
>And instead, coming close to Rhaenyra and only then drawing his sword with a surprise.
>He decided to immediately declare his intention and drab sword when he was 10 meters away from Rhaenyra and then began slowly walking towards her.
He was obviously hesitating. It's called honor
My favorite part of the Daeron Namedrop is Alicent’s non-reaction. Like I’m pretty sure show universe Daeron was literally sent to Oldtown at birth. Has she even met this kid?
Arryk was lucky to get as far as he did. Nobody exchanged more than a single sentence with him and he walked right next to his twin.
The show's timeline has deviated enough from the book we could probably assume he was sent at 4 or 5 and will come back in his teens.
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>Yes. Women are complicated creatures when it comes to their taste in men.

simple creatures, even primitive if truth to be told.

>Too many men think they have it figured out.

because they have it figured out, shitload of data and stats from dating apps made it obviously clear.

>Oh real women would never be into kpop idols because they want real men with muscles and shit.




>Oh no woman actually think Matt Smith or Aemond’s actors look attractive because they have weird faces.

yeah, both of them such weird dudes, literal 2/10 genetic trashes with only millions on their accounts and hot 10/10 bitches are still ready to give them chance see pic related.

>The reality is if men knew what women actually like, they wouldn’t have such a hard time in the dating scene.

there's no such thing as dating scene, there's only sexual market and the main coin there is genetic quality which you can't buy anyway.
did GoT have valeryons I forgot, did they just retcon an entire fucking valyrian race wtf
>wearing jeans and sneakers to the season 1 premiere
absolutely based
how much did you pay for that evo psych course
Post her perfect breasts
Saha Hess only writes what she knows
Lol this incel spends too much time on blackpilled forums and watching Andrew Tate.
_umiliation _itual
At least she's not a Mary Sue, as she litterally do nothing aside looking worried and let stuff happens without taking action.
She's pretty much a non-character
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This is the first time I’ve ever said this unironically but take your meds anon.
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>weekly episodes
In the ASOIAF main bookes timeframe they are pretty much irrilevant, aside a based bastard of them that trolled Cersei and stole some ships so he could LARP as a One Piece pirate.
Not a single time a Velaryon was mentioned in the GOT show
Pretty similar to asoiaf, in that the aryans were white peoples from a very distant land, who conquered an entire continent of subhumans using superior technology and the taming of beasts (horses) and the ability to ride on their backs.
Their irrelevant by GOT regardless. The canonically KNEEL to Stannis
It’s kind of fun because I get to theorize and discuss it with my /tv/ friends in these threads :)). If they dropped it all at once, we’d watch this garbage slop show in two days and forget about it in like a month
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>"I'm coming back for you, Aemond! Just you wait!"
Reminder that normoids were gobbling got slop out of DnD’s paws up until the last episode and that it took 2 months for the public to process what a massive shitheap of an ending it was.
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Luke's murderer doesn't deserve a body.
Lies by colonists. the IE languages originated from India:
He is Cole's bastard son
Lmao kill yourself pajeet, you will never ever be aryan.
The only people who hate the finale are the dumb retards who think it would end with Dany being a good girl.
He has a dragon anon. Stop with this nonsense.
This is so stupid and nonsensical i can see it happening, just to butcher even further Cole, Alicent, and ruin the most positive Green character
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How likely will Perkin the Flea and Trystane Truefyre be adapted in House of the Dragon? It seems that Gemon Palehair stays in but there hasn't been any indication that the other bastard claimant is going to feature at some point
are you this guy?
At least i'm not ruled by kikes and slowly replaced by foreigner without doing nothing aside LARPing as le epic bronze age white warrior online, westoid
And somehow they are blacker than Laena.
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----------------> REDDIT

yeah I know, you heckin love soience unless it's basic biology and anthropology, for golems of Great Satan nowadays it's forbidden knowledge just like in USSR during Stalin.

Sooty sperm from all the dragon fire. Many such cases.
Batman wasn't on the ticket.
thats jace
>t. gay or woman
criston "faggot smasher" cole is the most based character on the show
So is this worth watching and is the first season worth watching for this?
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Cole's not strong enough.
I literally burst out laughing seeing them on screen
It's not really worth watching unless you're already invested in the story beforehand.
Too many characters with similar purpose for mentally challenged showfags pls understand.
Take your meds browncel street shitter. Also you literally are larping as a Bronze Age white warrior and WE WUZZIN. The aryans are 100% confirmed to be from modern Ukraine and genetically European. Even David reich (a jew) the most prominent and famous geneticist who covers the subject accepts this.

God Indians are pathetic, no wonder you can’t get any pussy.
Will this monologue go down in history as the great normie filter? I've already talked to a few retards that wanted to talk about how in awe they were of the performance
Can’t tell if you are baiting to liven up the thread or genuinely retarded.
the show runner can't even bother to hold internal canon.
only watch if you want to see women good and men bad.
if you liked got and aren't a braindead culture warrior it's worth watching. its not as good as s1-3 of got but it scratches the itch
This show fucking sucks but I wanna lick Emma D'arcy's theyfab pussy
This anon gets it. This was peak ACTING
Is it just me or is Emma way hotter this season?
Has Lucerys ever broken his mewing streak?
Helaena and her children deserved better than the Fat Gurms sweaty hands deciding their fate.
They deserved happiness.
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Just showed you scientific evidence, not my fault you're uneducated and shun real science but at the same time believe in blonde niggers and personality theory, because you overdosed on reddit and jewish pop-culture. Ashcually blonde niggers do happen and they're even more retarded.
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>His comically bad plot to kill Rhaenyra actually almost worked, more that every single plan Otto conjured
>Gets promoted as HOTK for this, and for the fact the Queen has a oneitis for him since teenhood and because he's the closest father figure Aegon have
>Wanders around killing faggots and beemen like some rabid pitbull without getting any punishment
>Gets to fucks princesses and queens
>Probably will end fucking Halaena too, obtaining the unique achievements of fucking every single queen of the realm in the last quarter century
>Likely Daeron will be asspulled as his bastard to explain why his mother dont event want to remember him, why he was sent to Oldtown right after being born apparently and overall just and to blackwash Alicent Cole and the whole Greens even more

I hate him, but at the same the fact he's keeping falling upwards its based and hillarious
Yikes. She’s not trying hard enough to uglify herself if the chuddies still find her attractive.
Yeah, for me too
>There are a few factors as to why the series doesn't strictly adapt the scene this way. For one, the show is on a slightly differently timeline than the book, which means Maelor hasn't been born yet and the other two are even younger than Fire and Blood depicts. "Maelor does not yet exist on this timeline because 30 years is compressed into 20 years," Condal says.

>Ryan Condal told The Hollywood Reporter that the show hadn't cast the character yet. He revealed, "At this point in the story, he's in Oldtown where he was warded off as a young child. So we don't have a pov character in that world yet and there is no dramatic reason to go there. However since the show has been renewed for another season and could go on for more, we could see Daeron eventually. Condal added, "We know he's not yet a dragon rider, but he's had a dragon born to him. So he will come to the narrative and have a role to play, just as he does in the book. We're just not there yet in the storytelling".
>Since the show has been renewed for another season and could go on for more
>We could see Daeron eventually
You'll get Daeron as a kid in S3 and you'll be happy. They don't care to show the one good Green, and why would they?
My sister that watches the show was just talking about how weird he looks and the memes about him in the fetal position. Then again both of my sisters thought GoT Viserys was so gross and disgusting until I told them to look up what he looks like normally.
Am I the only one? just finish the episode and damn Emma is gorgeous, her skin is also flawless
I didn’t read anything you posted, believe what you want I don’t care, just talk about it with someone other than us.
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WAY WAY hotter, the wig looks better on her too
also helps that her acting ability is far better than Cookes
>2 weeks give or take since Aegon was crowned.
>All his planning, scheming and maneuvering to secure Aegon on the throne.
>Aegon does one fucking thing without talking to him. The first time he went behind his back
>Alright, I quit, fucking off to Oldtown and chilling with Daeron.
I really hate when a show gets more retarded the more I think about it.
Anyone that defends Otto's actions on Episode 2 is either a retarded or got distracted by Rhys' acting (which is okay if you did, I did too initially). Anyways, I'm done with the whole ratcatchers plot. Just annoyed at how Aegon was treated in this episode when he was 100% in the right by how he acted.
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>I would give you many children of pure Valyrian blood
I see her as half-non-woman now just like she wants
reads as homosexual for a man to find her attractive
They have 8 episodes, yes it was terrible, I agree with your criticism, but I just have to come to accept I need to pretend a lot of stuff is happening off screen. And the ratcatchers were the final straw
>>Alright, I quit, fucking off to Oldtown and chilling with Daeron
That didn't happen, he got fired.
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Emma seems to be going the other way now. Back to normal.
Apparently, the blowback of people talking about how attractive she was playing a woman made her reconsider her pronoun bullshit. She's not completely normal, but she seems to be enjoying being a woman now, and I feel like Matt had a lot to do with it.
All of these people shitting on Matt for looking weird and kinda like Frankenstein's monster overlook key things.
Matt has a massive personality.
Matt has a very nice sized cock, and wis fairly well muscled despite the costumes hiding it.
Dude is a hundred percent secure in his sexuality, and is one of those men that can direct his attention towards a woman for a few hours and make her feel like the only woman in the room, no matter who is there with her.
He instills confidence in the people he is in a scene with, and checking out Emma's social media occasionally, it shows her shift in personality from an odd duck treated as androgynous by modeling weirdos and fags to a "Holy shit, I'm actually hot, and men know it!"
Matt did that. He turned her half normal without ever dicking her down and just giving her confidence and attention.
Didn't even fuck her, just treated her like a woman and acknowledged her silliness for a little while until she figured it out on her own.
People wish they could be a chad like that.
Yeah, same. I'm just annoyed that all these genuinely good actors are being wasted by awful writing. They're giving great performances despite the writing and how it all comes together.
He quits as in he just gives up on Aegon and leaves.
I'm honestly glad I've been reading the leaks before each episode and having a week to seethe about them fucking it up, which allows me to then mostly enjoy the episodes
I'd probably be a lot more mad if I didn't know in advance
It's been helping
But yeah, same as usual. Everyone is doing their job but the writers, who blow it for literally no reason.
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>my ancestors
No surprise there. Spending months with Matt Smith while your nu-male partner isn't there would change her.
Ahh, that's what you meant. Yeah, that does rankle a bit, but getting cut out of the loop kind of shuts off access to the ear.
There’s a beautiful woman there behind all the mental illness and clown makeup.
another one
I hate that fucking saying so much, it doesn't even make sense.
>I almost got my horseshoe the closest
>I almost threw the grenade on time
>but that's not how you're supposed to interpret it!
Hence it's a stupid fucking saying.
Matt corrected a reporter on using proper pronouns for Emma (refer to her as a plural because she is part man or something) so no he's a virtue signalling faggot who thinks men get pregnant and that children should have their genitals mutilated and become medical patients for life to cure their depression
You don’t have to write the second spoiler or the brackets anon, just end with /. So spoiler in brackets and then the dash.
Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, atomic bombs, slow dances, and the backseats of cars.
She has a boyfriend, she probably use the whole pronouns things to further her career kek
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Her teeth are tiny and turn inward like some weird goblin gremlin creature. For some reason this is common amongst a lot of gay tranny type people.
I'm gullible/
Don't you have a son you should be selling out?
Emma Darcy has very weird teeth/ and I think she needs a dentist to change them.
That’s genetics, anon. Being a troon or a fag doesn’t alter your jaw or teeth.
[Spoiler]I’m gay/
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>no one will give her a hug
kek you called out the roasties
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Now try with spaces between everything.
I mean, you can balance the androgynous look without silly pronoun bullshit and beliefs.
David Bowie and Tida Swinton did it for decades.
While Bowie has freely admitted to liking men and women, more women than men, Tilda has been completely straight her entire life.
You are correct. Matt did correct a reporter. That is all you see. You didn't even understand half of what I fucking wrote.
I said Emma is well on her way to being normal, happy at being and playing a woman on screen.
I did not say she was normal enough to drop the pronoun bullshit, yet.
I said she was well on the path of becoming normal.
Matt knows exactly what makes Emma happy, and he knows that to keep Emma on her path to normalcy, he has to honor her wishes right now. He also knows that reporters are lower than whale shit and would write articles about how Matt pretends to be Emma's good friend but did not correct the uninformed reporter on the pronouns his best friend in the show uses, because reporters do that for fun and drama.
Are you fucking retarded?
That guy is memeing for clicks but your whole life is a meme. The show is good.
He looks like a lesbian
[ S p o i l e r ] s k i b i d i b i d e n /
THE lesbian, anon? Was that her secret all along?
>you know he is doing what he believes is best
Why would that be a valid justification for anything?
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Does that make it not gay?
[Spoiler]test /
Isn't that basically a valid justification for everything?
People like dogs. They at least used it as a quick and effective way to show these guys are assholes. Why does seeing dogs make you seethe?
I know this, my point was that Emma's modeling career started by making her look androgynous since she was young, and modeling agents are pretty shjit, and weird, and perverted. Emma's been hearing since she was young that she looks like a boy or a girl, and needs to market herself as androgynous, including using weird pronouns and other bullshit.
She gets chosen to play an attractive woman, she sees herself made up to be hot, and Matt supports her to the point of becoming a good friend of hers, cutting up, playing around, subtly nudging her to be beautiful and enjoy it, and Emma suddenly discovers that being an attractive woman is SLIGHTLY more fun than being a weird looking creature.
She is working on it. Cleaning out years and years of faggotry instilled in her. She likes men, which means the kikes hadn't managed to burn that part of her out, so she has a good chance of getting rid of most, if not all of the homosex they stuffed in her head.
Because he is the only person having fun, you can tell that nobody else is nothaving a good time on set even Smith ( you could tell he was having fun in season 1 but in season 2 you can tell he is just over being talked down to and is not happy about the direction of his character)
>Making Hugh Hammer likeable

the fuck? Is he going to be /ourguy/??
>calling a pronoun dicksucker a chad
I don't care about anything else you're talking about at all
>>but that's not how you're supposed to interpret it!
>Hence it's a stupid fucking saying.
I see you have graduated from the destiny/vaush debate bro school, but yes, That’s not how you’re supposed to interpret it. If I pretend to be a retard I can misinterpret any very very obvious thing like that.
>I’m going to take a walk
W-what… how can you take an action from me? You’re going to steal my walk? Do I own a specific walk? Ugh what a stupid fucking saying
>you’re not supposed to interpret it like that
Hence why it’s a stupid saying chud!
Why doesn't whale shit float?
I think Matt was just disappointed with the fact that Daemon doesn’t really do anything this season as he’s basically at Harrenhal for the entirety of it.
[ Spoiler ] Coal /
Ewan is the lesbian, the Balerion poster, and loretist.
>Making Hugh the douchebag into Daenerys who wants to "Break the Wheel"

Big kek if true.
And then Battle Above the Gods Eye probably happens within the first 3 episodes of next season KEK
I’ve been on 4chan for 10 years and have never learned how to spoiler something.
he is so pretty
I don't understand why people want him to ogremaxx
And why is that, without resorting to sophistry like "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions"?
If we continued to get what little Aemond screen time each episode we have been getting and gods eye was in the early 3rd season I would be genuinely seething for the first time.
Ugly guys tend to seethe at pretty boys the hardest. Like an ugly dude will look up to a jacked chad, but pretty chads scare the fuck out of them and make them insanely insecure. I think it’s because they think “oh I can get jacked” but they can never get pretty, and ultimately only gay men care about jacked guys, and women will go for the skinny pretty chad 9/10 times
[ Spoiler ]Lords corlys will bed Queen Alicent /
while your arbitrary fantasies are pretty odd I agree that the environment she's in will condition a woman like Emma greatly. A few months away from Las Vegas faggotry and the internet and the average butch lesbian will turn back to mostly normal
>writes the most deranged rant about people she doesn’t know
> Are you fucking retarded?
well you are
> Are you fucking retarded?
Cant really picture show Hugh threatening to slap the shit ouf of Daeron (in the next season) now...


holy fk just use ctrl+s
Only in your cuck dreams.
Fuck if I know the exact scientific reason, maybe because most of their diet is shrimp, krill, and fish?
High protein, low fat, no fiber, and they store most of the fat they eat on themselves.
Their shit kinda spews out and slowly sinks. They don't drop turds, they just spray diarrhea and move on.
>they just spray diarrhea and move on
they’re literally me
You are such a fucking freak
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That hair is soooooo GROSS.
I’ll believe your bullshit when Emma is my wife, looking like she does in HotD and pregnant with my aryan child.
This has been a wild thread
She's not butch, or a lesbian.
She happens to like dick, she was just leaning to far into the modeling faggotry, had a persona created by faggots for her, and fit herself around it to secure more work.
She got a taste of actually being pretty and approval of her looks by a LOT of men, and being a heterosexual woman, liked it, and is slowly realizing that faggots wanting you to look a certain way MIGHT be fucking wrong.
Based and agreed but my wife and pregnant with my aryan child
It's on sale if you're interested
I think it would be best explained by me fucking your little bussy for hours and then asking you if you think what I did was right.
Man, Rhaeynra is a walked-over bitch. All she is doing is sulking around and letting people walk over her.

How do I do that on my Google Pixel
Your what?
That's not up to me. That's up to you.
I can give you a starting point. Don't cut your dick off.
That's a big step in the direction of what she likes.
After that, you would do good to get some advice from Matt. He's already doing a splendid job of fixing her.
I know I'm being rather blase, but really, she's a straight woman that likes men and enjoys their approval and gentle guidance.
That's the starting point for most women.
You want to know if she likes a finger up the bum? I don't know.
I also don't have her phone number or address. You're kinda on your own outside of general basic knowledge.
>She's not butch, or a lesbian.
yeah I just don't know what to call a chick that uglifies herself and uses queer pronouns, anyway it can't be more than an awkward phase and I'm glad she's getting over it
Imagine a small, rectangular object that you can hold in your hand. It's like a tiny, powerful computer that you can use to do lots of things. The Google Pixel has a big, bright screen on the front where you can see pictures, videos, and even talk to people through something called video calls. It has a special camera on the back that lets you take pictures and videos of anything you want, like your family, pets, or your favorite places. You can also use it to play games, watch shows, and find out information about anything in the whole wide world, just by typing or talking to it. It's like having a mini-magic box that does all these amazing things right in your hand!
Fuck the spoiler anon and just post what you want to say the anticipation is killing me.
it's just a shitty show about tits and dragons, m8.
>all this shit but it can't CTRL+S
lmao imagine falling for this gimped novelty gadget
>Aegon gets two guards
>Helaena gets Zero
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They hate you for saying the truth. When you see the data and read the studies women become so simple and transparent that they lose all their mystique. This drives them crazy. They are no more complex than cats, really.
And since women are incapable of introspection, men have the capability of knowing them better than they know themselves.
>The show is good.
you probably thought season 6 of GoT was good as well
it's because smartphones, including Google Pixel, don't typically use keyboard shortcuts in the same way desktop or laptop computers do. Smartphones usually rely on touch gestures and on-screen controls for saving files or performing actions.
Season six of Game of Thrones excelled due to its compelling plot advancements, strong character development, epic battles like the Battle of the Bastards, surprising twists, and consistently high production quality. It was objectively good as well but not as good.

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