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Whodunit Edition
prev >>200459190
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Cute and canon!
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Matt smith is the only good actor on this show.
Am I the only one? just finish the episode and damn Emma is gorgeous, her skin is also flawless
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He comes....
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He is miscast, #notmyDaemon. Rhys Ifans mogs him in height, looks and acting ability.
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Not so fast nuncle.
the one who is in charge of casting Rhaenyra is brilliant, both young and old actresses are gorgeous also talented
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Not MY Rhaenyra. She was supposed to be the Realm's delight not some dyke.
underbite vs down syndrome
Oh my Gods, it was "The Rogue" Prince Daemon Targaryen all along!
This is a 10/10 in Bogland
I can't betray monke
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Greensissies...this meme is becoming reality on each episodes....
Cristan cole might get saved when the war starts. He won’t have time to be such a female brained crybaby faggot when he’s out leading armies and taking castles right?
I know nothing about the books but I can already tell they're just going to make him a meme in the show and it won't be genuine
No, she is so ugly compared to Aemma's actress. Even Paddy looks like a normal human being. I don't understand how they produced such abomination.
Bruh, all Rhaenyra's been doing is crying about everyone dying when she started this war to get the crown. Give it up if you aren't man enough to kill your opponent's child. This is why Daemon should be king.
Oops didn't mean to ((you)) fellow Blackchads
is he the little dude who killed that other dude at Rhaenyra's proposal?
If this is the Lads, the casting is based even if the ages aren't accurate.
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And this meme has been trve since episode 1
>Aemma's actress
comparing Emma to that granny actress? are blind or retarded or just a troll?
okay, seriously, what is that phenotype on the left?
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Different Blackwood, but same bloodlust.
Her fucking face was priceless. Somehow... Rhaenyra forgot how much of a psychopath Daemon is. The death of her child really affected her.
reduce the population of your favela by 1
Angelic phenotype? I guess?
Event the desperate attempts by the writers of the show themselves can't stop greenchads from winning.
She looks gorgeous desu
I feel like she is working on it. I'm not one of those weirdos that believe in therapy. I'm one of those weirdos that believe in life experiences changing a person.
You want to fix the weirdo that was in a pentecostal church growing up?
Get her away from the church, and take her with you to experience life away from it.
Don't take her to a giant club and feed her molly and run trains on her all night.
Take her to a zoo, or a museum, start small, and don't shatter her previous beliefs, Nudge her away from the insanity, while being nice.
Destroying her worldviews outright through shock value of reality causes women to go completely nuts, cut their tits off, and go full on lesbian.
Because their brain latches onto
>Men did this! Men ran everything that made me the way I was! Never mind the dozens or hundreds of women that helped, the women who raised me, beat my knuckles with rulers, made me wear clothes I secretly hatred! It was all men.
Because women are blind like that. They never see the women trying to fuck them over. Not until it is too late, and then they will still blame men for making the women act like they did.
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The true king has come. Dareonchads get hype.
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>I can fix Daemon
She's literally me... bros...
>gets eaten by a tent
Monke all day.
Emma can be hot. Emma is hot.
But monke is cute and mischievous.
Why do they want us to hate the Greens so bad?
White Aboriginal
the writers have already thought of ways to ruin him, wouldn#t be surprised if he was a pole polisher aswell.
Based lads
I hope broccoli head dies.
There’s no way. I don’t think Abos can even mate with humans
That shit be bussin though , ong
He looks Tully enough to survive.
The only one to praise her looks? Ofc not, retard, everyone's saying it. I figure she must've lost a tiny bit of weight, but it looks great on her, makes her more fragile and feminine
We're gonna get shit like Dareon and Raenyra being a terrible queen soon. The only comically villainous green is Aemond & Aegon after he got burned and melted into his armor and was high as fuck on the milk of the poppy to keep the pain away. The rest of the greens were pretty normal and honorable.
>Woman get blinded by lust and emotion to love clearly deranged and violent schizos under the premise of "i can fix him"
>Eventually give up on him, but only after giving him all her youth and after multiple kids
>So now she can settled down as a walled used up good for a "good" man, that need also to take care of her kids from the hot schizo
>She dosent want any new kids (from you) btw

A tale as old as time
Cole is unbearable.
Emma for marriage and making babies
Monke for hard fucking
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>it won't be genuine
The Lads are literal anime characters. Nothing about them is genuine from the start. Let them have their fun.
Apparently that's Samuel blackwood who is benjicots old man
They usurped the throne.
>there are femanons here into daemon here
Why have I never noticed this?
calm down Pajeet
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Emma, but only if she never again relapses to that horrible dyke look from 2 years ago -- I get chills just thinking about it. She looks great atm with her hair grown-out
>Implying Daeron will not be butchered as a Cole bastard hiden in Oldtown ut of shame (Condal already retconned him for being younger than his book persona and yet to tame his dragon, implying there are reasons why he struggle to control Tessarion)
>Implying everything bad of Rhaenyra's rule in CL will not by caused by accidents, Tyland/Larys schemings, and just evil men being mean to her
I'll have to agree with the poo. He is a dirty bastard, the way he manipulated his sworn brother was disgusting. Can't wait to see that paki die with a rain of arrows
Aegon wasn't even that bad He could have fed Rhaenyra's son to the dragon but didn't. By the end, he named Rhaenyra's son the heir and married him off to his daughter to unite them again.
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Luckily he dies like a bitch.
He’s also already been cast as an African American
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Unless they switch things around this season, he's defs dying during the second half of this season

I already have nigger fatigue from this show. Did they really need to add another one!?
I thought he was a show-only creation, since that fight isn't even in the book.
This. He has that confused raging pakis look on his face, I hate him everytime the screen shows him
>the faggots in the comments perpetuating the they/them bullshit
That's the reason i'm still seething for the AWOIAF retcon about Daeron I and Baelor not being grandkids of Aegon II.
The blackfyres being descendants of the greens also perfectly ties every single dynastic inghting of the targs from the Great Council to Faegon perfectly
From the casting he was cast as Samuel blackwood who is benjicots dad. So the show done some work before we get the lads
Daeron is black??? How, why
>He fell for the bait
He's a Kikejeet
funny how core is remembered as controversial but not outright wrong in the days of asoiaf but no one remembers his killers
the way he look, the way he acted and that faggot voice when he speak is unbearable. Bet he smells nasty too
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her mother looks normal white but all her siblings have the same phenotype.
her father and mother are divorced.
no photos of her father's side of the family.
except *maybe* this photo of her brother.

see >>200462734
Alicent Blacked confirmed was it Maester Orwyle ?
funny how he died like a bitch
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so he's a jew and moslem? kek what a combo
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>blue v
Gross. Green is the superior choice.
Because he was actually an autistic paragon of traditions and morality, and the best knight of his generation. His crusade against whores and bastards on the Throne made him doing drastic actions, that tanished his honor: but his duty as defender of pure andal traditions was above the defence of his ow reputation.
The show instead made him a bitter incel, a compulsive hypocrite, and the only proper duel he won in fron of camera was by cheating
better to be remembered than not
I'm so excited. All the major players are finally getting screentime.
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This is a 10/10 in Bogland, but pic related is a 5/10.
>T. Paki
Why is bong genetics so fucked up?
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I dislike that cold haughty "model look" she does on the red carpet, she looks infinitely better in informal settings, smiling
kino couple
Why does she dress up like a dyke in everything?
All the cute briton womens were deported first by the romans in the continent, later by vikings on Scandinavia and lastly by Normans again in the continent
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monke looks like a 14 year old girl
literally made for big velaryon cock
They're not. They're no worse or better than anyone else's. If you live here you would see. I've lived in a few different countries and not noticed anything off
She must either have had a traumatic upbringing or her parents are rabid leftists, because someone in the threads mentioned her sibling is also non-binary
You’ve sold me on Monke
stay away from her, paki nonce
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Vikings kidnapped all the good-looking ones and left the ugly ones.
if all velaryons are black why wasn't Jaehaerys I half black?
Don't ask sensible questions when ESB money is on the line.
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Why isn't Aegon the 1st and his sisters half-black? His mother was a Velaryon and married his oldest son to a Valeryon.
don't think about it too hard.
Jaehaerys should be 3/4 black.
>Aegon the Conquerer's mother is a Velaryon
>Aenys (Jaehaerys' father) is also a Velaryon
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>Daenaera will be half black too
Aegon 2 just needed some prime mulatto pussy to cheer up
Wtf is happening here, earthquake?
Bracken bitch raped kino soon?
you mean mother since Aeny is a targaryan. Although he was a product of incest so doubled the Velaryon genes.
Stupid Anon spoiling Team black/green marketing
Why are pajeets like you so obsess with the British? Your genes are 100000000000x more disgusting and messed up + they conquered you.
i'm black and i don't like just blackwashing the velaryons
its like creating a native american clan in a feudal japan series and not acknowledging at all how out of place daiymo sitting bull and his samurai dog soldiers are
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>dumb Bracken on the wrong side of the river
They never learn.
It's over for Emma, they've got her now.
(the lads are back, the lads are back)
Try again, in English this time.
>he likes house redditwood over the brackchads
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Nettles is the only character that should have been black but if Hotd turns her white or latina. I'm gonna blow a gasket.
someone post that bracken fat kid getting gutted
Alicent was just fucking perfect.
>anon doesn’t know
This is Blackwood land, go pray to your Mother while you get buggered by your Stranger.
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>daiymo sitting bull and his samurai dog soldiers
I'd watch the fuck out of an alt-history series where Native Americans cross the Pacific and battle the Japanese
>Baela and Rhaena are supposed to be half-Targs
>expecting some delicious milk chocolate half-nigresses to play them
>instead we got actual niggresses

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My favorite gif
BRING BACK LUKE i will not watch this show until they bring back luke
sorry Nigga but you just suggested absolute Kino.
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He is missed, and shall be avenged.
-ACK. kek this webm alone cemented how worthy this series is
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especially since their bloodline is tied so much to the Targaryens. Like the show expects us not to see, they were already married and mixed into the Targaryen bloodline. Just like how Rhaenys should have black hair since she is a Baratheon.
yeah i fucked up.
Aenys married a Velaryon.
so Jaehaerys' mother is a Velaryon.
he's literally me
+ already got Velaryon blood from Aegon and Rhaenys, whose mother is a Velaryon.
They could barely cross rivers.
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>Is a bastard.
>Kills her father, and her men bring her to you naked and in chains. Instead of raping her.
>He marries her and takes her name so her bloodline doesn't die. Create a bloodline of chads. Literally me.
i wish i was jace being hugged by luke like that
Superior Targ genes burned away the Velaryon filth
>has to resort to posting aussies
More bong cope
kino advice, a sjw girl can be fixed if you do it little by little
Lord corlys
>He marries her and takes her name
Orys Baratheon did not take Argella Durrandon's name, no.
But none of what you said is about corlys and rhaenys and that picture isn’t of corlys
>Create a bloodline of chads.
how did you miss this part?
Orys Baratheon. Aegon's bastard half-brother. He killed Argilac Durrandon when he went to the castle. Argilac's daughter claimed she was the storm queen and wouldn't surrender. Her men wanted to surrender, so they tied her up and stripped her to give her to him, but he killed her men and put his cape over her naked body. He married her and took her house motto and the Stag as the symbol of House Baratheon.
>Famed for his prowess at arms, he was believed to be the bastard brother of Aegon I. Although these rumors were never proven, maesters and members of House Targaryen insist on their authenticity.
sounds like Baratheons wanna pretend that they are more important
>hire a guy called "The Kingslayer" to protect the king
>everyone is shocked by what happens next
>highborns had spontaneous unarmored duels to the death with no repercussions
it's SHIT.
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When does this Nigga become a chad like the bookfags are saying?
Two houses that had been fueding for centuries. It wasn't two random houses it was the Blackwood's and brackens I doubt anyone was entirely surprised. We also don't know what viserys response to this was the show doesn't ever elaborate. What it does is show us Benjicots dad, and establishes the rivalry between the two houses
After Rhaenys death, he becomes tired of Rhaenyras and Daemons shit.
Why did Jaime keep the office again? Shouldn't have Bobby relieved him of his duties so he can become heir to Casterly Rock and gain Tywin's favor that way?
You will see,After rhaenys and cole die, he will bed Alicent.
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Shut the fuck up Targcucks.
Kingsguard is for life, even if he’s the Kingslayer
so uh Aemond killing attempt on Aegon during Rook's Rest is a fake leaks, right?
Tywin had another son + he was already marrying Cersei.
would have to dig the archive to see if the episode titles / leak tidbits match up to ep 2

i cbf
Robert should have executed him or sent him to the wall but Cersei wanted to get laid so Jaime kept his job. Robert probably wanted to keep Tywin weakened by not having an acceptable heir.
do you even watch the show? Robert is the one getting cuck
It will probably Vhagars fire that burns both Aegon and Rhaenys in the show.
Once again driving the point home that Aemond doesnt have Vhagar under control.
Jaime still likes to fuck Cersei
Ned and Stan is wanted him to take the black but Bobby was happy he killed Aerys. Bobby thought he can turn people's loyalty it was his charm and worked at times.
What if they don't have Rhaenyra becoming a paranoid bitch? Maybe he goes to the greens as a double agent. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Stannis would have had him hung.
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>"at least i still have trueborn children carrying my name in the world"
Edric Storm sisters.....
yeah but the leaks said that he deliberately tried to kill him because Aegon mocked him back in brothel(?)
I personally don't like Aemond in the show
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The Prince that was promised is a retarded plotline now that we know it's fucking Arya Stark. God, Season 8 really killed this shit.
Maybe in his own show. What happened to that? And the Jon Snow show? And the High Valyria show? And the Nymeria show?
Not for Barristan, also Cersei fires Boros Blount after he fails to escort Tommen to Rosby
Hance why gain his favor, Tywin doesn't want Tyrion to be his heir
He is already hung. Well hung.
Rhaenyra is already struggling with Daemon leaving and the attempted Murder. The death of Rhaenys and Jace will throw her over the edge and become properly paranoid, by the time the Two Betrayers burn Tumbleton she is well gone.
>I doubt anyone was entirely surprised.
your thinking is wrong.
feuding families don't just kill each other on the spot.
you can literally hear their surprised ohs and ahs in the background.
looking back at the scene he didn't even challenge him to a duel. he just drew his sword and attacked.
what a fucking joke.
>We also don't know what viserys response to this was the show doesn't ever elaborate
because they can't elaborate. they can't explain this bullshit.
trying to explain this will only draw more questions about it because it was retarded.
just like why there weren't guards when B&C happened.
All were canceled for more Targaryan shit. Kit Harington realized after the ending of GoT that Jon Snow has nothing to do.
Aegon? more like Aegone
Because the council that is ruling at the time is retarded it's why Turion is sent to KL to rule. Ceraei is a fucking retard (would fuck her though )
Give it to me clear lads: if I like the ASOIAF books, will I like this show?

I can't be bothered to read F&B cause it's just ghost written trash that Germ allowed his publisher to put his name on.
>Ohhs and ahhs
That would happen even if it were a more common site. The scene is a plot device to show us the two families the more stronger brackens to the slender Blackwood's their feuds etc.
>Maybe in his own show. What happened to that?
>And the Jon Snow show?
Kit said it's dead
> And the High Valyria show? And the Nymeria show?

Hedge Knight early next year tho, confirmed
If you like the books you're retarded and this show is tailor made for someone like you.
>he just drew his sword and attacked
in what world do you live that you expect if you insulted somebody, you would get away with that? That guy wasn't a small folks but a member of a noble house
Why is liking the books retarded?
F and b isn't bad. The shows alright better than almost all the other slop on the goybox
They're not very good.
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I want a Helaena spinoff series in the style of Kevin can Fuck himself to fully show off her autistic shizo perspective
The only show I want Jon Snow to have is Go Further North, Meet up with a Ygritte lookalike played by Rose Leslie, and more Kino adventures to uncover the white walkers and grief about killing his lovers.
The books are kino , anon.
>he just drew his sword and attacked.
Holy shit, you Bracken apologists. He pulled out his sword, and the brackenshit pulled out a dagger and then began toying with the boy. He got what he deserved.
I'm talking about the ASOIAF books, not f&b
Yeah, so am I.
This. FAFO, bitches.
A PoV show from a prescient schizo queen who gets tidbits of info about an ongoing civil war would be giga kino

Will never happen unfortunately
How would her autist perspective look like? LOTR type high fantasy?
In-universe he jus refuted to abandon the oath. Even if Tywin fucking Lannister is your dad and wants you to leave the order, the Kinsguard it's an oath for life. If you dont want to abandon the oath, not even him nor the king could force you.
>If you dont want to abandon the oath, not even him nor the king could force you.
Tell that to Barristan Selmy.
Cersei is legit retarded in the book. For this and other nonsense he and Joff caused in such brief time his father sent Tyrion as a substitute HOTD to chec their combined retardation
Selmy didn't abandon his oath he took it to the queen and was queensguard.
I hope so.
So how will the show explain why Jon Snow would be banished to the north after Bran, his younger brother, becomes King of the 7 kingdoms and Sansa, his younger sister, becomes Queen of the North? It's so fucking retarded.
He was thinking with his cock. Being a Kingsguard means being close to Cersei.
There you go brainlet opinion

>strong character developmen
Like where Black Fish commits suicide for no reason.
Or how they bought back Osha and Rickon just to kill them.
Or where characters don't communicate.
Where Ramsay would rather shoot the giant than Jon.

> epic battles like the Battle of the Bastards
absolute retarded battle sequence, where corpse piles just appear out nowhere.
Best part was that they spent the entire season showing that Jon was struggling to get soldiers to fight for him, but in the battle, they have the same numbers.

You unironically have room temperature iq if you like season 6.
Barristan leaving is not normal at all, his was a exception to the rule
Well, he was threatned with death if he stayed. And i do tink if i remember correctly that soldiers were later sent to murk him, but he just soloed all of them and escaped the city.
Jaimed had no worries of being treatned to death to renunce his oath
this bitch looks like sima yi from three kingdoms 2010
>No guys the heir of the most powerful guy in the country can't just abandon his oath
>Except this other guy who is currently still alive could abandon it, but don't worry the first guy still can't
Why the hell would the North still be an Independent kingdom after Bran STARK becomes king of the seven kingdoms? Do they bow down to Sansa and not the last living male Stark?
it's a retarded plot device scene.
they could have cut short some other retarded scenes and had them fight a proper duel and still have the feud.
>insults him so he just drew his sword instead of challenging him to a duel
>When he was no more than sixteen, Prince Oberyn had been found abed with the paramour of old Lord Yronwood, a huge man of fierce repute and short temper. A duel ensued, though in view of the prince's youth and high birth, it was only to first blood. Both men took cuts, and honor was satisfied.
>"Brienne the Beauty, they name her . . . though not to her face, lest they be called upon to defend those words with their bodies."
he was fucking his gf and he didn't kill him immediately.
true, what a fucking cunt of a writer.
Looks like it’s real, episode 5 is allegedly called “brothers”.
A lot of stuff of the Lannister-Baratheon regime is weird and against the traditional immobility of Westeros society
>More ancient nobles houses had been extinguished/stripped from titles and lands in barely two years than in thousands of recorded Westeros history
I wish the show would stop reminding of us the stupid resolution of GoT.
>uuuuhhhh look at that dagger and the prophecy
>Here we are in the North where we guard the wall to keep out some mysterious menace...
>it's a retarded plot device scene.
they could have cut short some other retarded scenes and had them fight a proper duel and still have the feud.
Not really it showed how deep the enmity goes and they were willing to 'on site' that shit. Sets up the backstory and introduction to two houses normies know nothing about and who will become relevant later on
Barry was litterally treatned to be killed on the spot. Jaime at worst just received a rant from his dad.
Nothing Cersei and Joff ever did in their brief rule was "the norm". They did stuff not even Maegor, Rhaenyra, or the Mad King ever dared
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She doesn't but I'm always up for some 3K memes
Darry bros.... Owari da
>cole fucks the queen every night
>women still call him incel
Bran's dick doesn't work, so Sansa is the last resort to continuing the Stark bloodline + It became a democracy at the end. After Bran dies, the next king might not be a Stark because the seven kingdoms vote on it.
>if I like the ASOIAF books, will I like this show?
CONdal can't be bothered to hold himself to what he has already shown.
>show a king get cut by the Iron Throne
>show another dude drunk and lying down on the Iron Throne armrests with no consequences
incel is a state of mind, the word has evolved
in more approachable terms to you, it’s like how wojak has changed from the feels guy to soijak
Aegon dosent get cut because he's considered worthy by the Throne.
I wish they expanded on Jace in Winterfell and Sara Snow. They could have had him grieving for his brother and sleeping with her and then Cregan would have forced him to marry Sara, or else the Starks would fuck off to sort of emulate what happens to Robb. + would give more to his character than being his mother's bitch
>let's just show Westeros as a lawless place instead of cutting some other useless scenes
i will repeat, he didn't even challeneg him to a duel on the spot. just attacked him.
someone outright attacking people on the spot will have the king' justice descend upon him for breaking the king's peace.
That was Mushroom bullshit.
So Homeland but in westeros
Sara is canonically dead at this point in the books, it's a show oversight
Jamie Bannister straight up attacks Ned in kings landing. You are being a retard
Writing a book from the perspective of unreliable narrators because you are too old and senile too keep up with your own lore is fucking pathetic
Don't fall for Brackenshit bait. They've always talked above their station and then been slapped.
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Jace dosent need Sara in the show. He was already teased with his character arc
(not Baela, its more subtle kek)
>brother kidnapped by Ned
>runs away from the city right after attacking him
>joins his father's army
>the king dies
>Ned is now a traitor
>new king is his nephew
are you pretending to be retarded?
That's the only thing that makes Fire and Blood interesting. Imagine it being just another Asoiaf with different characters... what a pointless exercise.
It costs $19 and has 4.7 stars.
I can see it in certain shots.
Wow, the leaks are pretty crazy for episode 3 and 4. Rooks Rest especially.
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The show doesn't give a fuck about Jace. They will just have him marry Baela (according to the leaks) because it's the easiest thing to do as well without introducing other characters. No Sara Snow or any interactions with Cregan again.
>Imagine it being just another Asoiaf
That's... literally what everyone wants except gurm

Unreliable narrator shit just off the bat tells you "none of this is important and I won't be held accountable for the stories I write"
Lmao so they just wanted to bait "memba da north" and then abandon it.
What irritates me is why they got rid of Otto this early. Shouldn't the greens lose some more battles first while Otto insists on more diplomacy?
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Aegon is worthy
They also skipped Jace going to the Vale and Wooing Jeyne Arryn, who is an interesting character herself, for more scenes of Rhaenyra and Alicent getting oral sex or crying. GRRM had tons of world building on who the leaders of the kingdom during this era.
Robert isn't dead at that point , is he? Ned is hand of the King , you spastic
AFAIK Jeyne was indeed casted tho.
> At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon flew north on his dragon, Vermax, to foster allies for the cause of his mother, Rhaenyra Targaryen, herself the daughter of Aemma Arryn. According to Mushroom, Lady Jeyne offered Jacaerys the allegiance of the Vale of Arryn if he could bring her to climax using his tongue.
>Wow, the leaks are pretty crazy for episode 3 and 4. Rooks Rest especially.

Crazy good or crazy horrible?
speaking of and the vale, I’m sad they never got any real spotlight
always thought they were the coolest
True , I found myself thunderstruck. The audacity of their lying tongues and the virtuosity in lying. Gradually I began to hate them
We've talked about this before, sanjay.
I'd rather he end up sleeping with Cregan than Mushroom's bullshit about some bastard seduction.
Why do retards keep saying this and not post said leaks
No, there is enjoyment in reading an in-universe history book with fictional annotations.
What do you guys think about the rumours that grrrm is gonna announce winds at worldcon?
>doesn't post it
This show is a fucking joke and it's getting worse. At this point it's just like those lesbian fanfics written by fat lesbians who ship Rhaenyra and Alicent.
>I want a Helaena spinoff series
I agree.
I think words are wind
They are a nothingburger
>Supposed to be the homeland of the strongest cavalry in the realm, despite being a mountain hellhole
>Boring noble houses and sigils aside the Royces and the Crobrays
>Every single time outside Robert's Rebellion something happened in Westeros, they were always on a regency and refused to do anything
Not if the main story isnt finished
Jace and Baela is boring, it'd be better to imply that he had a situation with Cregan instead.
Mountain hellhole? It's a massive vale that's fucking huge. That's filled with arable land
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I like what they are allegedly doing with Rooks Rest because it’s literally what I guessed was going to happen weeks ago and I think it would be cool for Aegon and Aemonds stories. But I’m not sure how other greenfags will take it. Take them with a pinch of salt obviously, we can’t know for sure they are legitimate. Maybe anons other source can either prove or deny them.
1/3: https://x.com/cliffsidesiren/status/1805323907517530396?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
2/3: https://x.com/cliffsidesiren/status/1805324469382398223?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
3/3: https://x.com/cliffsidesiren/status/1805402074273956021?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
What if he actually announces it but then delays it infinitely. Would that be better or worse.
>dyana will appear in 4 episodes
It's so over aegonbros
Bongs wish
Velaryons were blacked through a curse ten years before the show starts
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Yea bro look at all that flat grassland to muster thousands of horse. Litterally Scythia.
I wish they elaborated more on Jace's travels. Why did they skip the lesbian Vale queen?
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Plenty of land to rear horses and farm
Announce is better. He's vehemently against someone else finishing it, but if the announces winds the publisher can just ghost write the rest + ADoS and claim that its basically what they had with minor alterations.

He only has a couple years give or take anyway.

Most realistic scenario is after he passes the publisher admits he has basically nothing and he is forgotten within 10 years.
Too much time compression. That raven reached The Wall in record time.
have you seen where mongols come from?
Vale queen is also Rhaenyra's cousin since Aemma Arryn is Rhaenyra's mother.
He's a titan of literature!
mongols didn't field armored knights though, they had small scrawny horses fit for live in the step not to carry heavy weighted armor.
Because in the show they want him to be a royal bitch to his mother and Baela apparently with no character development at all. The Winterfell scene with Cregan mostly exists for nostalgia.
WAS the hand if the king. he turned in the badge then was attacked.
and Robert couldn't go all in with Ned because he kidnapped Tyrion.
and they pinned the fight on him as people (Littlefinger) saw him going to a brothel.
> “Silence!” the king roared. “You asked him a question and he answered it.” Cersei subsided, cold with anger, and Robert turned back to Ned. “Keep the king’s peace, you say. Is this how you keep my peace, Ned? Seven men are dead…”
> “Eight,” the queen corrected. “Tregar died this morning, of the blow Lord Stark gave him.”
> “Abductions on the kingsroad and drunken slaughter in my streets,” the king said. “I will not have it, Ned.”
Nta but that isn't true. The reason the mogols were so successful was because of the fact their horses grew larger due to a climate shift that allowed for wet springs and milder winters . More foals lived and were able to graze. It's one of the reasons they went onto be successful
God this episode was boring when does the action start.
>Ah, Gondolin, home.
So Robert was king and Edward Stark one of the greatest Lords in the realm was attacked by a kings guard without the kings consent
I accept your concession.
Episode 4 is the big action sequence with Rhaeys 1v2 Aemond and Aegon. She gets burned to a crisp but she BTFO Aegon and melts him into his armor.
>They also skipped Jace going to the Vale and Wooing Jeyne Arryn
In the book Jeyne asks Jace to give her head but the show replaced that with the Alicent and Cole scene, it's obvious they give specific characters more screetime and write their own fanfiction.
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>Tfw no Gondolin homeland
Why even live
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Yea that's barely enough to claim the Vale have more grasslands than the iron isles

Yea, a massive grassland. Really reminds me of the area around Eyre.

All i see are fuckhuge moutains and tiny vales filled with woods. Not a single grassland
too many characters on the greens side, need to further decrease the roster
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>editing still happening for ep 5-8

greenfags lose
so fucking bad
alicent has cole's child
she wants to abort via moontea

helaena not preg'd up because aegon's mad and will be a burnt toast

aemond is based
>Shoes a picture of land being cultivated
>Filled with woods?
Anon, I...
If the leaks are real, both of them got BTFO by a third party
Rhaenys' death sounds so stupid, guess that's a fitting end for her
Holy shit do people really care about Alicent this much? She literally does nothing in the story it should focus on Aegon.
You not ready for the yaas queen slay moment ?
They also had a breed of horse that could exist wholly on forage in all seasons.
Good luck mustering horse on tiny cultivated lands surrounded by woods, river, and mountains. They need hundreds miles of plain grassland. Have you ever saw a people notorious for the mass cavalry spam being also renowed as farmers?
No, because farming a land makes it unsuitable to muster horses and vice-versa

Just accept Martin's geography dosent match with his worldbuilding. He admited it countless time
>anon can't read
there were no room full of fucking witnesses that it was Jaime who attacked Ned.
and Ned himself wasn't to be harmed on Jaime's orders. only his lowborn men.
Going back 20+ years that's a very normal body type
Does Aegon even get that much screen time after Rooks Rest? He becomes wheelchair-bound and is basically in a coma for the latter half of the war, where Aemond takes over as the big bad. As the King it should focus more on him before he gets fridged.
That is true, but I what I said wasn't false.
>that Neuschwanstein on a Yellowstone-tier cliff
File deleted.
>Aemond with his sword out about to kill Aegon but is saved by Cole showing up
How do we feel about this?
The reason the mongols were so successful is because essentially every man in their culture was a warrior already trained in basic skills like horse riding, archery and hunting tactics. Where as settled cultures required a large portion of their population to be farmers with a comparatively small warrior elite.

Now what you stating about climatic factor benefting their expansion could absolutely be true, but it doesn't change that the horse breeds of the step were still far smaller and less muscular than european ones. Simply because they were bred for different purposes, as the other anon pointed out the horses of the mongols could survive on meger rations, in part because they didn't have those massive muscular bodies to support that heavy cavalary required.
Nah just a street in broad daylight in the capital.
Again, I accept your concession.
I think the person relying the information is some retard journalist though who is awful at communicating. I think Helaena is pregnant already. The servants take apart Jaehaerys’s bed from the room after he is killed but there is a single crib in the background along with Jaehaeras bed. Why would there be a single crib there if Helaena wasn’t expecting a baby? And you can’t say it’s leftover from when the twins were young as there would be two and they have already demonstrated they remove beds that aren’t needed anymore.
>Helaemond scenes when he becomes regent
Please please please be true, Aegon's cucking is incominggggggggggggggggggggg
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Has anyone noticed how they stopped drinking wine in this season ?
S1 had the same amount of wine drinking like GoT.
Helaemond is not happening, don’t get your hopes up anon.
it was night you retard.
Younger Rhaenyra looks nothing like her older version, although monke captured her character’s spirit a lot better. Emma’s a good actress but is too different from her younger self.

They did a much better casting job with Alicent.
read the leaks anon...they getting closer together
I’m the one that posted the leaks anon. The reviewer has not seen anything past episode 4 as they are still editing it. I think Helaena is already pregnant.
Old Alicent has completely different antics.
>I think Helaena is already pregnant.
By Aemond, duh...
Glad someone else noticed. Of all the fuckups so far, this is by far the worst. Wine is the lubricant of the whole show.
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Valeriyan show would require 10x HOTD budget. Since the ratings are already in downward trend its not going to happen.

But the corlys voyage is happening in Animation.
but Otto drank wine twice. though the fact that I noticed probably shows that it doesn't happen as much so point
There's a messy floor scene between Aegon and Helaena. Grief sex soon.
is this gender swapped
not edited if this is what you mean
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Go back to blebbit, you disgusting fujoshi sub human shit.

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