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Midrun regeneration edition

So glad /tv/ is being littered with AI slop.
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seethe, cry, cope, kys
I'm not, unless it's Jodie slop but lucky for you (crushing for me) we can't generate any more of that because Microsoft caught on
>"looking forward to designing a new dalek" means "I am doing it
>but this guy is also "looking forward" to the daleks returning

You're such a gullible idiot
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why can't the AI decide the colour of the inside of his jacket?

i'm a human and i can decide colours. green. orange. i could go on.
Why does anyone want the Daleks to come back?
They haven't had a single good story since series 1 of Nu-Who.
>i could go on.
please do
I agree, but Daleks are fun to wheel out to see what stupid thing they'll do with them next.

If they'd stayed gone, we wouldn't have
>Davros always had his eyes shut
>Anyone for Dodgems
>Power Ranger Daleks
>tentacle porn in Resolution
>Daleks Cyberman bitchfest
>The Day of the Doctor
Journey's End is kino.
if you are gay, yes!
Metacrisis and Rose kiss in it. Gays hate it.
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>anons are actually using the troll's shitty AI thread
there is a kiss on it!!!!!
familiar faces!!!!!!
no plot!!!!!!
resolved by reset button!!!!!
I love it!!!!
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you lost, you cocksucker faggot
AI > homobame
Straight kiss = Straight
Now cry that 10 and Jack didn't have gay sex instead
Metacrisis is less gay because it has Donna's dna.
10 is still gay af and fags like you love it!
>10 is still gay af
He kisses more women than any other Doctor.
all in Moffat's episodes, ironic
He kissed Rose in New Earth, the straightest episode.
if you are gay, yes.
is the big fat faggot Welshman going to address Tecteun
>The Big fat faggot Welshman
You're going to have to be more specific, anon.
going to level with you anon, that was a bluff. i can't even think of shades of those two. lime? is lime a colour? we'll never know.
It was an RTD episode, yes.
i met a Welsh person once he was really friendly.

how come there are so few Welsh people in real life?
It's the straightest episode because it makes a tranny detransition and only the detransitioned tranny calls the tranny in the past beautiful because no one likes trannies.
a discount bristish
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Sorry. this one
I'm partial to taupe and chartreuse as colors to throw out for comedic effect
if Scotland/the SNP want independence and they're just some part of our island but separate to us, fair enough.

can't say the same for Wales/Plaid Cymru. 1. because there aren't enough of them, and 2. i literally can't say that name.
I think he's saying because Cassandra possessed Chip and Chip was some weird clone thing that was male and apparently Cassandra used to be male despite looking like Zoƫ Wanamaker. RTD was a hack all along wasn't he
taupe makes me think of animals, i think i'm thinking of tapirs.

anyway sorry this has nothing to do with Dr Who. although the mauve joke is from Red Dwarf.
There's loads of them, but most haven't evolved to be able to breathe air yet, so you rarely meet one out-and-about
the UK's Alex Jones is a pretty Welsh lady
Do you have a physical media collection, digital, or what? How do you keep old Doctor Who? (1963-2017 RIP)
in The End of the World (her first appearance, second episode of the revival) she says she used to be a little boy on Earth.

so yeah AMAB, transitioned, went to the ball, ended up a pancake because cosmetic surgery = bad (or good? RTD make up your mind).

i suppose then you have the problematique issue of a trans woman being vain.
Cassandra used to be a boy before he transitioned into a woman, trigger surgeries that eventually made him into a skin trampoline.
In New Earth Cassandra's mind gets put into Chip, a man and Cassandra dies as a man before being the last person ever to tell his past tranny self that he looked good.
french or canadian, call it
does this mean they were immune to Covid?
Anglo-Saxons pushed them into what is now Wales. In what would become England they killed a bunch and then interbred with the rest.
i'm not even trans but if i got transformed/mind-swapped into a woman's body and met my younger self, i'd tell him he looks sexy and has great taste in music.

admit it we all would.
Yes, as they haven't got sufficient hominid DNA
>main character has a vehicle that can teleport
>stays put most stories
>meanwhile, all aliens have some kind of glowy insta-transmat power

can't the writers just write them walking, or something?
> So you prefer homosexual Daleks to the killing machines of old? Thats
> your call.
> It will be interesting to see how they fuck with the Cybermen...

The point was to highlight just how nasty the Daleks master-race mentality
is....all other races are genetically inferior, including a dalek that is
contaminated with human DNA....so it couldn't even bear the fact of its own
existence. It underlined rather than detracted from their nastiness. You
have to remember that it wasn't a dalek anymore by that stage....

Oh, and your use of the word 'gay' in that context is extremely offensive.
oh man i remember you. glad you're still about.
why are you intentionally adding a fourth . to the ellipses
>Is David Tennant one of those gay homosexuals that we've been hearing about on the news recently?
I always thought he was a bit camp. Is he a marmite miner?
Jan 2006
I've been scouring the internet and various other press databases at my work
in order to try and come up with a witty article about the cock size of the
actor's who played the Doctor. Below is what I've discovered so far but I am
still missing some important measurements and would prefer actual accounts
from parties in the know rather than rumours.

Jon Pertwee has long been rumoured to have possessed a rather large member
and Tom baker himself described his own in his autobiography as a bit on the
small side. Tennant's cock size was described as "ample" by Sophie Myles but
"nothing to brag about" by Anne-Marie Duff.
Sandra Dickinson after divorcing Peter Davidson described his cock as being
"lacking" whilst Paul McGann's love length was once compared to a
"cumberland sausage" by his girlfriend Annie.

Hartnell's dick size remains unknown and is unlikely to be determined
following his untimely death. We can also only estimate Troughton's based on
genetics by assuming he had a similar sized pecker to son's Michael and
David who were both described as "average" and "normal" by ex girlfriends.
Colin Baker was said to have had a "short but fat one" by ex wife Liza
Goddard whilst Eccleston once dated a girl named Rebecca during his days at
the London School of Speech and Drama who noted his cock was as skinny was
"like a cocktail stick".
McCoy's wife Agnes has always refused to comment on the size of his middle
wicket - could this be because he possesses a tiny tiddler of a cock?
If anyone here has any idea (and can back it up with some reasonable
evidence) about the size of Hartnell or McCoy's cocks I would like to hear
it so i can include it in my article. So far (in order of size based on
girth and length together) the order is :

Pertwee (largest)
Troughton (still questionable)
Baker (Colin)
Baker (Tom) (some evidence still suggests that he may actually beat Davidson
on length but this is difficult to prove so far)

Hartnell (unknown)
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me scrolling /who/
the fuck are these
If I can offer this perspective, based on extensive private research...
(it'll give you something to do while watching otherwise dull DW

The old 'big hands/feet = big dick' theory does actually hold water -
in some cases. Let me elaborate:

A big man with small hands will definitely have a small dick.
A small or average-sized man with big hands will definitely have a big
a small man with hands roughly proportional may still have a big dick.
a big man with proportionally big hands will not always have a big
A big man with very big hands will be packing.

What you can safely say is that if the hands look larger, proportional
to the arms and the general body appearance, you're looking at one of
the well-endowed. And if the hands look smaller in proportion, the
person is almost certain to be under-averagely equipped. However, if
the hands look proportional to the rest, you can't really assume one
way or the other.

For the purposes of this discussion, 'a big man' is a tall or broadly
built man, but not a fat one. Fat men do not count as 'big'.

This guide may also be true for feet, but as feet are harder to
scrutinize in public, hands offer the best guide.

Also, if you've ever looked at someone and thought 'thyroidal', even
slightly... they're packing. Plus, if hand to body ratio is
inconclusive, but the person has a prominent/large adam's apple, you
can probably put them in the big dick category.

Noses and ears are sometimes suggested in the same light, but I haven't
found them to be reliable indicators.

I'd write more, but I'm tired of going back to correct typing errors
caused by my giant fingers pressing three keys at once.......
he was a dweeb irl painted and played with proto-Warhammers.

next Dr Who should be a footballer trying to break into acting. critically panned for their poor performance. that's a smart move.
Vinnie Jones would have been a KINO Doctor
From the thumbnail I thought that was Chris Chan
toddler tier kino
why is she looking down like that
so where's Eccleston in the rankings based on your speculation and the comments from his ex?

also Tom had a teeny todger we've all seen it, i think just based on probability i don't think he would beat Davison (barring an actual micropenis or something).

like living longer and being taller, does this come down to diet and modern medicine? you could tell me Tom Baker was 25 when he was cast: i'd believe you.
both are trams
i would then proceed to give my younger self the best handjob ever because i would know exactly how i like it (including the fist up the ass)
imagine making this.

"KIT-10" for the K-9-as-cat story is great though. hope they use that in the series at some point. Fugitive Doctor's equivalent, or something.
i think that's gay even if you're gender swapped. it's not you, physically, so it's not masturbation. it is you, mentally, so you're getting a handjob from a bloke.

what you could do is just go to a gay club and find an actual bloke and tell him to pretend he's you and has a woman's body. no shame in that.
What did he mean by this?
no, it's fernando

that's impossible, because i am not gay. there's nothing wrong with a little bit of self love.
it means he's a closeted AGP tranny chaser that's scared of real women
They live in Wales, and for some reason that nobody can adequately explain, they are treated like shit and laughed at wherever they go. So they tend to stay there.
they sound and act funny
That's where the boobies are
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I don't like negros.
I don't like abnormals, like poofters.
>dont like?
Neither are compulsory.
How do they act funny?
fuck sheep
Imagine the kids bullying the black kids after Rogue, thanks RTD
just joking, kids don't watch this crap
Looking down on the viewer
mhmm. Do they, though?
is this recent
yes, filename
Do we have any indication how successful the season has been for Disney+? Did it appear on any charts or were any watch time figures disclosed?
People have determined through processes of elimination that it's doing very badly. Something like 150k views?
>that's impossible, because i am not gay
this is why there is a term, 'men who have sex with men (MSM)'. it's used to describe gay men who have gay sex, but aren't gay.
Hello, you lovely people.

You know how this works by now, I pop up and you can ask a question in the next 5 minutes. I may even answer some if they're not too daft.

Also, if that smells database guy is here: cigarettes and licorice.
if the adventure games were canon, 'more episodes', how come Amy doesn't recognise a Cyberman in The Pandorica Opens?

same goes for the Fourteenth Doctor comic then the Children in Need short.
You're thinking of the iPlayer figures before the episode officially airs on TV.
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more ratings in
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same ratings but ordered from lowest to highest after catch up
what are you allergic to?
Hi Russ, why did you abandon the 'talking heads' format of Queer as Folk? If they're recounting tales from their past, how come events happen after the fact? e.g. Nathan moving to London? When do their recaps take place?

Also what do Welsh people smell like?

Big fan. Thank you.
How come Gatiss hasnā€™t been involved with the show since Capaldi left? Thought being DW showrunner was his dream job at one point. Can understand if heā€™s not a fan of the direction.
Who will ride the TARDIS next after Sutekh?
>programme is on the catch-up streaming service before it's broadcast on telly
is this unique to Doctor Who or is this just how the world works now?
Maybe he's just had enough by now, or doesn't like the direction (or hasn't been asked - seems likely too). In fairness, he's had a decent stab at it, with some acting roles, and various writing credits (some hits, some misses).
New to Doctor Who, presumably because they were wary of it going up on D+ overseas before it had been released at all domestically
>holding steady at 3.5m
Basically what I expected. If you're still around for Dot & Bubble, you've sunk the cost and you're committed
Lots of shows do it, in the UK and abroad.

Some dramas drop in one go on iPlayer here in the UK and then air across X weeks on BBC1. It's like they know it's probably better to stick it online for people to watch at their leisure but they're also bound by rules of having to broadcast it "traditionally" too hence it also airs on BBC1 or whatever later.
More Dr Who AI Slop please
be more specific
last weeks finale was written by AI
I don't think I've seen it happen like Doctor Who, but what usually happens is they put the entire series on iPlayer and then air it weekly. So basically like if we got it all at Space Babies.
what if we brought back Omega but like he was in human form right, and he was selling a line of smartphones called 'Omega' and like, yeah
unironically would've been an RTD1 story in 2007
Nobody cares about PLOP PLOP POO anymore.
I know what I am talking about, thanks. As I said, some people did a process of elimination, and discerned that it got around 150k views per episode on Disney plus. Like the 3rd lowest views on their roster.
talking out of your arse
>process of elimination,
Based on what? Disney are retardedly tight-lipped about exact numbers, and Nielsen's numbers are limited to the most watched shows across all the streaming platforms combined
>Based on what?
based on rankings and the views of other shows around it in those rankings that we know the ratings for?
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>only 150,000 viewers across the globe that has access to D+
this anon is a retard
the show's not huge by any stretch but it'll be getting more than 150,000
i remember when you morons thought 'Toclafane' = 'fat clone', THEY'RE BRINGING BACK THE SONTARANS!!!!1

they'd never write something that convoluted and clumsy.
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OMG the old lady was Sutekh the whole time
...are you okay anon?
>based on rankings
Yeah, which ones?
you know, the rankings! DUH
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>more retards than usual even for /who/
>endless AI slop

fuck this general

see you at christmas lads
>I know what I am talking about, thanks.
I don't think you do. The number you gave is what GB indicated about iPlayer and something like that estimate would have been spammed here.
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this tells us nothing, are you hoping to pluck 150,000 out of this somehow?
I'd probably just add that the only Disney+ show to consistently make the Nielsen ratings for the last 8 weeks has been Bluey.
>shills so mad they have to dogpile one guy in the hopes it will make the ratings magically go up on their dogshit pedo-vehicle BBC show
good luck boyos
Seethe numberfaker.
almost like that show was all D+ really wanted from the BBC, and they accepted doctor who as part of the deal, intending to cancel it ASAP
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Cancel Doctor Who? No Bluey.
bloated af
Hasn't he admitted that he wants to be a woman?
you might think it's mad to remain upset at something after 15+ years. but this is the Doctor Who thread.
Because of the Toymaker's interference (The Giggle), the Doctor's past is a puzzle. Things may not appear to be in the order they first do and there is more than one universe.

Thank you. Each story has its own way of being told, it's up to the story itself how it wants to be released into the wild (not giving anything away, but that might be important, a good question to ask). No story is ever completely finished either, just parked for a while.
Generally Welsh people smell of very nice tea or coffee.

There were a few good questions asked after times up, here goes: Gatis is still a friend of the show and we will take a look at anything he sends, but he is a busy chap (so busy he had to appear remotely in the inside number 9 finale). After Sutekh? Hmm, depends what you mean by "after" you might have seen another character ride the TARDIS already, later in their personal timeline than the last time you met them, or maybe not, depending which theory about them is true... But then If I said anything more that could be a spoiler.
are you okay?
imagine being Billie Piper during that panel
what would you do? i'd commit fraud.
Answer my Queer as Folk framing device question, you tea-whiffer.
her full reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWh6JnN9bOw
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This is fine.
the tardis has been melt in Zagreus as well
why can't his head make up how bald he is?
bro have u never heard of a haircut
did they avoid saying 'Osirian' on purpose?

pretty sure the Brigadier said 'Cybermen' with the canonical pronunciation in TSJA, just own it lads.
only in books.
I did. But with such a cutting insult, I am begging to think you are not a fan at all. I am very disappointed, it is lucky I have thick skin.
I was a fan until about 11 minutes ago.
>it is lucky I have thick skin.
And a fat head lmao
this is uncalled for nobody can control how they look

except for fat people they could simply eat less (it's easy i've done it)
Will there be soiled nappy monsters in the next series? Scariest thing I can think of
> soiled nappy monsters
yeah they're called Whovians
scariest thing I can think of
absorbaloff is you
for me it's being trapped in a room with no windows.
you'd lose track of time and have to rely on your own body clock. could be a proper comfortable room with enough food and a nice bed and all that, a few books to keep you busy. but without natural light you'd go mental.

also spiders.
>Also, if that smells database guy is here: cigarettes and licorice.
Ta for the smell data.
how long were you able to last in Ncutie when he visited the casting couch? did he cum too?
how could you mention niggalips every time someone mentions Gatwa?
Oh look at that, Moffat's story still has the most views.
How are these ratings?

For me it's maggots. Lots of maggots eating you slowly as you have been temporarily paralyzed. Will you be able to regain control of your body before they eat your limbs, what about your eyes? Imagine them eating your eyes so you can only feel them crawling, nibbling and chewing on your flesh.

Be interesting to see that conveyed in a Doctor Who episode.
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do maggots even eat living people? thought they just ate rotten food, stuff like that. my skin is alive. we all have those tiny bugs on us though, apparently.
>Moffat's story still has the most views.
Boom is Episode 3. By the time we get 8's 7 day figures Boom will be the 5th most watched episode of the season, beating Rogue, Dot and Bubble, and Legend of Ruby Sunday.
"shall we have a flattering shot to go into the titles?" "nah"
Episode 3... has the most views? Are you reading the same chart as the rest of us? Look at the episode before and after, anon.
gay from day 1
they eat trannies axewounds. oh wait, sorry... you said people.
"shall we have a flattering shot to go into the titles?" "nah"
Don't you think he looks tired?
goddamn, men really do hit the wall
do you think there was some kind of small pillow or flannel between his head and the gravel?
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they used a rolled up sock provided by one of the extras. they showed it in the dvd extras
jodie mismatching socks
Relative to the wider TV landscape, not horrendously bad. Including streaming/catch-up data, Doctor Who has, fairly consistently, been in the top 25 most viewed programmes for the week. It peaked with Space Babies at 10th most viewed, with a low of 24th with Dot & Bubble (and, full context, if multiple episodes of something air in a given week, each episode is a separate entry in the top 25. So a given week has 3 episodes of Corrie in the list, etc.). So we're a long way from the late 2000s, where it was basically guaranteed to be a top-3 programme, but haven't faded in to complete obscurity yet
The problem is that TV is fucking dying. The BBC largely has to continue its current service model due to its public service obligations, but the number of people actually engaging with the fucking thing is tanking across the board. The week's most watched programme rarely breaks 7mil viewers, it takes a once-a-year event (something like the UEFA Cup, or the Eurovision Song Contest) to do it. So Doctor Who's carved out a stable niche, but the medium itself is shrinking, and no one really knows what to do about it
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just a pair of Billie's panties I believe
all those 'Keanu doesn't age!!' memes and then he went from passably-late-20s to probably-in-his-50s in a matter of years. how the fuck does that happen?
That was the point.
looking forward to Steffan's Work Experience where he acts as a sock provider.
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what did they mean by this?
can't believe an actor went through the natural process of ageing just for a role. that's Christian Bale levels of dedication.
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tennant being pegged

I have heard of old people dying from getting eaten alive by maggots after they fell and broke their hip or something on the stairs and nobody came round to check they were alright. I think that is what happened to Cilla Black. My Uncle is a policeman and he says he saw an old man it happened to, who was still alive when they found him. Maggots had eaten his head down to the bone above the nose, including his eyes. He was just rasping "keeel meee, keeel me now, I am an abomination unto nature. So much pain." As he slipped away.
I miss these kinds of shots
They made him look more tired than usual because 14 is tired after being Capaldi and Whittaker.
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when Tennant returns for endless more nostalgia wank when he's 80, will he put the 10th Doctor costume on or the 14th Doctor one?
10th because he'll be old Metacrisis.
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so which one of /who/ was in torchwood and didnt tell us?
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I miss these kinds of shots
AI guy, generate one of jodie showing her soles.
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i shall be cumming to this, thanks
>cyan toenail
>only her right hand has some cyan nail pollish
What did the robot mean by this?
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Well done.
Fuck off.
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RTD2 is a hack, yes or no?
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Chudbros, we're so fucking back!
All showrunners are hacks.
Some are hackier than others. You have to be a hack to write Doctor Who.
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Anyone listen to this? Its a bit of a hot mess unsurprising, but I enjoyed the end that implies The 7th doctor plans for his regeneration.
go away nick
Moffat wasn't.
Why does he look so tired?
He has a very difficult choice, HRT so it would be more feminine but the dick would not grow enough to be made into a working pussy, or a working pussy with a masculine face
If I was nick Iā€™d never call it a hit mess, I would've spoon fed you bullshit about it being nuisanced.
you know we would not accept that blatant flattery so you are hedging
He was the biggest hack with the "Doctor Who?" plotline.
He would never have a working vagina.

It was hardly a plotline.
It was the entire basis of 11's run. The Silence created the cracks while trying to kill the Doctor so he couldn't answer "Doctor Who?".
It's a mess.
Judy, it takes a lot of effort to make AI sloppa look so utterly repugnant. It's almost as if it's reflecting your personality.
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And what happens when someone does? You know, what's the ACTUAL plot? Because his name was merely a password.
You got baited by the Moff into thinking it was important (it wasn't) and now you're bitching. Classic.
if he answered, the magic time lords would come back and start Time War 2
Someone answered. Watch again.
>his name was merely a password.
That doesn't change the whole "Doctor Who?" affair being extremely hacky. You can hear Moffat jerk himself off when writing the ending of the Wedding of River Song.
did the doctor? no.
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Moff with it, Satan.
Because it didn't matter who answered it.
based on the production budget of Doctor Who pretty terrible

Quiz shows like the 1% club have been beating it in the ratings on a saturday

I think the most watched scripted tv drama this year (mr bates vs the post office) got like 8m-10m
You're coping, Moffag. It's the hackiest Doctor Who ever got.
zero reset buttons
zero deus ex machina
zero body swaps
zero tired tropes
>the hackiest
>not the fucking Pandorica
Really, anon?
the cracks in the universe sucked away YOUR favourite stories
only those, though
10 because that's the version more people will recognise
i'd be surprised if it is that low, Disney has the second biggest streaming platform in the world right now, doing lower than the UK alone should be impossible.
No streaming service share their numbers unless something is doing really good. That should be a telling on how the series is doing. Well, that and the fact that RTD isn't talking about spin-offs anymore.
the sutekh wiping did it as much, not seeing you as much concerned
>zero reset buttons
Big Bang had him reset the universe.
>zero deus ex machina
Time of the Doctor
>zero body swaps
>zero tired tropes
Browser history.
>the cracks in the universe sucked away YOUR favourite stories
thta was said in the show, but there is no onscreen example of that
Meta is inherently hackier than non-meta. Though Pandorica is also extremely hacky.
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>a minisode for the proms
Is that all you got?
>Big Bang had him reset the universe.
with consequences =/= reset button
>Time of the Doctor
Clara's echoes introduced in snowman and asylum
not canon
>Browser history
Because we forgot about them.
15 is doing better than 13 ratings wise.
does this mean the British are more sexist than they are racist?
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>15 is doing better than 13 ratings wise.
if you cooke the numbers like a gay, yes
>15 is doing better than 13 ratings wise.
He isn't
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what did she see in him
>'I will not be silenced by ... a rich, lefty, white male celebrity blinded by ideology': Kemi Badenoch lashed out at 'bigot' ex-Dr Who star David Tennant after he uses LGBT award speech to wish trans-critic minister 'didn't exist anymore'
what did scrooge mcracism mean by this
How retarded and satanic do you have to be to get people to actually hate your TV show. Its astounding.
Torchwood really was disgusting.
Nothing. He was a cuck.
no Sutekh was there for all my favourite stories. they'll bring the voice actor back (cool that it was the same guy) and get him to do commentaries, in-character.
>Doesn't count!!!
>with consequences =/= reset button
There were no consequences. Wedding of River Song was also a reset button, as well as the Series 10 3 parter having 2 reset buttons in one story.
>not canon
Spoilers ;)
>James Marsters wants to fuck a poodle
even if we're going by dog years that is NOT. OKAY.
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Sutekh > Bilis
you lost, your gay leader write for toddlers
he's not wrong he probably won't be silenced by a rich, lefty white male celebrity blinded by ideology. i think that's true of most of us, frankly.
>15 is doing better than 13 ratings wise
Going to need to see your working out there, mate
And Time of the Doctor, Timelords are a deus ex machina. Even the Series 3 deus ex machina was set up.
Loved this guy
>no Sutekh was there for all my favourite stories
they all was reversed, are you stupid? everybody lives (copied agains by hack gay fag) !
yeah but he was there at the time.
Can't address points? You lost.
not anymore
crack = sutekh wiping
they are the same, hypocrite
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Yes, because trannies like you always win, when you don't need facts, life is easy.
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What is his adjectives then?
Seethe harder.
David Tennant is a pedophile.
it's history versus historiography.
>"I'm The Doctor and I invented the TARDIS"
How is RTD going to explain this tidbit from the movie?
he married a woman who played his daughter.

even if he's not a paedophile in the 'traditional' sense, he's a paedophile in my opinion (which is a fact, i don't believe in non-facts.)
Boastful liar.
That's very good.
You mean Dr Who and he invented TARDIS.
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it's what happened versus 'what happened' is.
I'm waiting for the 10 / 14 crossover since they are definitely different incarnations.
very vague lingo
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semantics as opposed to meaning.
gay and gayer suck each other
now generate rose's feet
What's the Capaldi version?
eve cute
tyler or noble?
she is great, isn't?
yes, wow
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pretty based
He is too based to have one.
Remember when she got shagged rotten in a bathroom by someone who wasn't her husband in the second episode of Torchwood? Good times?
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He only changed his accent once and that was in The Zygon Inversion.

>sonic glasses
that wasn't Gwen, sorry
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won't work anymore I'm afraid but something like doing yoga on the floor in athletic wear
I'm sure Owen fucked Gwen in that episode.
River Song's timeline does make sense though.
that was later on and mostly off-screen

she did kiss the lesbian alien lady who DID have sex in the toilets, but it didn't work because lesbian orgasms are a myth
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remember the interviews where Moffat said his plan kept changing?

remember the minisode where Matt Smith was off to take her to the Singing Towers of Delirium? then it was Capaldi and that was just some separate trip (???) there are LEGENDS about their final trip to the Towers, or something.

you could just not write this. why not do that? fucking writers man.
These aren't even that bad.
sure Russell
what do we do now?
leave until september?
Are we regenerating?
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why would we?
Removing emotions is an upgrade though.
Yes. See ya luv.
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I do think after the recent season of Dr. Who I do have an increased yearning for the more enigmatic pragmatic bastard style of Doctor ala Tom Baker, Chris Eccleston, Capaldi etc.

It just feels inherently more Doctor-ish a character to me, this recent era has lost the alienness.
>Rosa! Rosalinda!
I prefer spastic theater kid who cries approximately every 6 minutes
Susan Triad porn asap. I'd make that bitch lose sleep
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Rose is 13??

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