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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Viy edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous >>200440774
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Movies for this feel?
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I fucking love cute witches!!!
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They never explained who this guy was
Which one should I watch first?
>In an autist's world where only "production quality" matters, Avatar: The Way of Water is the greatest film ever made.
No you insufferable retard. Avatar 2 is literally unwatchable. I walked out by the halfway point. Not it because it’s politically lazy, but because it has nothing going for it.

Also I never said you can’t criticize a movie’s theme. Just that you have nothing to complain about outside of it not being on your side of the culture war.
Rebels of the Neon God
Many of his films are connected to each other and follow the same main character. You should watch them in chronological order.
What does that have to do with my post though?
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I wish we were to make more erotic movies. What happened to them anyway?

Nowadays we can show literal boobs, cocks and actual fucks and no one would really give a rat fuck about that, but yet erotic movies nowadays are just so painfully stale and "safe"
As much you guys hate the French for being degenerates, you know what I'm going to say it, we NEED those degenerates back to make more erotica.

I want taboo subjects, I want incest movies. I want something that's so wrong yet so hot.
I want erotica.
The hole
Don't worry about it.
Yes, see Rebels first. Hole is kind of slow and lackluster compared to Rebels.
I wouldn't watch that before seeing the film. That moment as a complete surprise was amazing.
Yes, the newer generations are supposedly the most sexually liberated ever, yet I'm still to see a film about pissing and bestiality ala Borowczyk
It's just they play to so safe, everybody are afraid of being cancelled. And maybe that's a good thing for our society, but I just miss those degenerate movies, I WANNA SEE INCEST MOVIES
kill yourself seething tranny
Wrong. Hole is much much better, Rebels is one of his worst films but a good intro.
>I want incest movies
I always fail to understand those people. Why would you find incest hot? It's plainly repulsive. Don't you think of your own family when you see this shit?
>Maybe that's a good thing for our society

Sadly I think it may be, but it's bad for kino
Whatever works for you bro. I found Hole boring and overly simple in its treatment of its theme.
my top five of 2024 so far
>Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
>Madame Web
>Under Paris
>No Way Up
r8/h8 these are the only five 2024 films I've seen kek
NTA and I don't even find incest hot, but I think that incest films, if done right, are entertaining. It's the same reason why people watch sadistic horror films, or films where a character suffers to the extreme... normal life is boring, we need entertainment.
Madame Web based.
The only 2024 film I've seen so far is Chime, and I'm not looking forward to anything really.
All of his films are simple.
I agree with you, incest has is merits in narrative, but the other anon made it seem he finds it hot. Incest should elicit shock and disgust in the audience, not arousal.
All better than I Saw the TV Glow.
Just let him be happy. I like my fair share of "sick" shit too, so I don't care about other people's kinks. The only limit I have is to never harm an innocent person and that's it. Let him and his mother fuck I guess.
The only ones I've seen were Furiosa, Immaculate and the Mean Girls remake.
You do not like Miguel Gomes, Carax, Dumont, Zhangke, Cronenberg, Guiraudie, Maddin, Almodovar, Schnabel, Leigh etc? Plenty of shit coming out this year. Even 1 or 2 other Kurosawa films.
Actually I want to watch the new Gomes, Carax and Zhangke movies. Might see the new Leigh one now that you mention it. But I'm not that hyped for any of them either way.
hardcore porn from the internet killed it

>I want erotica.
you talk like a woman
Because it's taboo. Imagine being in love with your sister both physical and emotional way. the thrill of hiding it from everyone, keeping it a secret between you two is hot.
Plus the idea of that girl who you've known since forever? that's a bond in that.

Nevertheless, No I don't want to fuck any of my family, I just like incest. if I could fuck my cousin, I'd do it too but sadly I don't really have any cousins.
greatest movie of the 40s
>Plus the idea of that girl who you've known since forever? that's a bond in that.
I mean, I can't find that hot because my childhood girl friends are like sisters to me. And I don't want to fuck my sister, because that's repulsive.
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>The Fall Guy
>Shirley (some netflix biopic my dad put on
>Damsel (also netflix, also my dad
>Madame Web (also netflix, also dad)
>Unfrosted (also netflix, also dad, absolute dogshit)
my 2024 sucks so far, I'd be happy just rewatching Viy for the twentieth time.
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is this general still cancer?
has been since 2021
I have yet to actually hear any women talk about how much they love incest. only men.
>no one would really give a rat fuck about that
The rating boards would.
The countless people who already complain about the little sex scenes we're left with would.
Weeb faggot.
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that one's on my list, but I haven't seen it yet. for me, it's pic related
>You do not like Miguel Gomes, Carax, Dumont, Zhangke, Cronenberg, Guiraudie, Maddin, Almodovar, Schnabel, Leigh etc?
Now do an actually interesting year for a change.
Maybe the Carax will be worth a chuckle to see him go back to plagiarizing Godard for a short bit.
All the rest will be garbage.
give me a random year then
Chime, Empire and Eureka (if you count that for me). Chime was the worst one. That being said I'm hyped for the new Carax, Guiraudie, Gomes and Apichatpong that's about it so far.
>Chime worse than Empire
You’re out of your fucking mind
>le everything bad
Christ, this’ll be rich
my top five films of 1978
>In a Year With 13 Moons
>The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
>The Last Waltz
>Pretty Baby
>everything NEW is GREAT!
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satan pls
No reading comprehension, as expected.
I can read between the lines, something you’re incapable of due to the fact you’re a literal retard.
Why? Have you seen both?

He shot a new film in Sri Lanka, French are also reporting it might between 3 and 4 hours long. Of course it might not be released this year, we will see.
Do you guys have a wife that buys you Criterions?
I don’t have to watch My Little Pony to know it won’t be better than Chime
Who cares about the moralists though. Art goes first to morality
No, do you think that's something common enough that it's an appropriate question for the thread?
>has a typo
You are incapable of reading the actual lines so I doubt it. I’ve never said anything new is great, only you strawmanning like the inbred mongrel you’re.
Just checked the charts in the OP and there's no chart for romance films. Need me some recommendations. Don't care if there's sex or not, just that the portrayal of romance is kino.
Apparently you do.
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>I fucking love cute witches!!!
The only witch Kino you'll ever need
I wish I was a sugar baby to an attractive older woman.
Apparently the redditor does think so.
Broken Blossoms
7th Heaven
Docks of New York
Shanghai Express
Scarlet Empress
The Devil is a Woman
Coeur Fidele
An Affair to Remember
In a Lonely Place
Earrings of Madame de...
La Ronde
Letter from an Unknown Woman
Written on the Wind
All That Heaven Allows
The Tarnished Angels
Brief Encounter
The Naked Kiss
Wayward Cloud
Umbrellas of Cherbourg
Mauvais Sang
Lovers on the Bridge
Pola X
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
The Obscure Object of Desire
The Millennial Bee
The Feather Fairy
Rose Tinted Dreams
The Cranes are Flying
Bigger than Life
La Notte
Red Desert
Blow Up
Zabriskie Point
The Passenger
Hiroshima Mon Amour
The Affair
The Story of Marie and Julien
L'Amour braque
Noisy Requiem
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A fellow man of taste I see. Great film
I also never said “everything bad”, apparently your drunkard father punched your crackwhore mother a few too many times in the stomach while she was pregnant with you, resulting in a level of brain damage I’ve never seen before.
She definitely should’ve had that abortion
Thanks lad
I would make a chart, but I'm a 3rd worlder. Anyway, check these out. I'll give recs only for obscure, underrated or underknown films.

La marge
Fucking Amal
Lola (1961)
La jetee
A Short Film About Love
In the Realm of Senses
Cet obscur objet du désir
A Bittersweet Life
>but I'm a 3rd worlder
what does that have to do with anything? do you not have a computer?
Can't upload pics
Sensuality is gone. It is the era of vulgarity
how shitty is your internet that you can't even upload a file that is 4MB max?
Great List. Also consider these (for a lighter touch):

The Awful Truth
The Clock (Minelli)
Holiday (Cukor)
There's Always Tomorrow (Sirk)
The Apartment (Wilder)
did he dieded
Bro, it's not my internet, it's just that 4chan bans IPs from third world countries to not be able to upload pics. Lmao, who could be unable to upload pics in 2024? Even africans have Instagram, man
does it really? hmm, didn't realize that. thanks 4chan for keeping thirdies from shitting up the board with pictures. now if you could just stop them from posting all together, that would be great
Based I guess
>le everything arthouse bad
where's this week's film recommendations?
Filtered by incest
see >>200472775
You are welcome.
>The Clock
Yes, that one is really good.
What about uncle-niece?
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father-daughter is superior
Mentally ill poster.
Heh, that's the first thing I wanted to go with.
Some of these are absolutely hilarious recs for “romance”
I love the part where you just start listing Antonioni films
Didn't even notice that Blow-Up was there. Don't see much romance there, desu. Bro didn't gave a fuck about the girl. Just pure lust / obsession
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The Telephone Book
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>there will never be another Treffpunkt Zoo
Since when was 4chan and /film/ so soft? Incest not even that taboo outside the west. I agree with based incest poster even though it’s not something I would do myself it’s great for films.
That one guy freaking out about it is definitely an aberration. People like that have something to hide.
arthouse romance, yes
I think that 4chan was always soft and weirdly moralistic while the normalfags were the real creeps all along. I've spoken about my kinks sometimes here in R9K and other boards, and people always get shocked for stuff I think is just whatever, but IRL I've knew girls who were talking to me about their BDSM rape fantasies on our first date. Makes sense that 4chan virgins are the most repressed dudes overall.
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Our thoughts on the newest Ghiblislop?
>I think that 4chan was always soft and weirdly moralistic
Then you're a fucking newfag you human garbage. This is the website where we would post a video of a man shoving a glass jar up his ass and then it breaking and we'd laugh every day. This is a site that LITERALLY had boards that are now illegal in your state. If you want to see boards that still embrace that ethos, they're still on this site. Leave your leftist /tv/ shithole some time and click a few links on that header bar at the top. Don't fucking act like 4chan is "soft" because dipshit-fucking-you flew in last Thursday.
I conceived it as a reply to somebody asking for sad melancholic romance or some shit like that, then added upon it when somebody asked for romcoms like La Notte and L'Eclisse.
One of these is not like the others.
10 years here. Never has been "hard". A dude shoving something up his ass is the opposite of hard. You got too heated over nothing man, that's ironic.
yeah, I know horror films tend to get shit on here, but I think Halloween is pretty much as perfect as a horror film can get
People didn't show any type of interest so I just stopped the "project"
Romance anons, watch Pretty Woman. Also, fuck it, watch Pretty Baby too.
But a dude just showed interest.
Loved it
Nobody here actually watches enough movies to give a weekly recommendation
Who cares. I watch like 4-5 a week. Maybe I could use some recs. Anyway, it's up to you.
>A Short Film About Love
that movie is kinda ass but kinda also kinda hot
are there any good African sci-fi films?
qrd on that movie?
It's a 10/10 as usual with Kieslowski. Not really my kink, but to each his own. The woman was hot though.
I think the movie was a bore, extremely self centered over a loser. I find this type of movies to be extremely bored,
I mean, I can see your point, but I liked it. Don't really care if the dude is a loser or not. In fact, I think I enjoy watching losers on the silver screen.
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Rome Open City
>Who cares about the moralists though.
Today's filmmakers, sadly.
I suppose i don't really like loser, maybe it's just a projection of myself but I don't know.
I hate it seeing a loser being a loser but then he use that to farm empathy points from other people. there is no growing but somehow they get a "happy" ending. I hate this type of movie.

another example would be a French movie by the name Angel A, same story. but I actually like this one more.
It's so "male fantasy" to the point that it's cringe and corny and I can't stand that (I'm saying this as a man who love boobs and butts)
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I really like jump cuts for some reason, it make me basedjak everytime I see jump cuts on the movies
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One of my favourite films of all time. It's such a pity soviet russia didn't make more horror films
So where are your recs? Post them every week anyway.
>10/10 as usual with Kieslowski
I really don't care about being a loser. I got a sickness and I can't do shit since 5 years ago. Even before that I already was shy and the usual KHHV. I mean, just let losers be themselves man, this society is so judgemental and superficial about its standards. You can't be yourself because people will judge you and tell you that you suck because of not working / having a GF. I guess watching losers in kino is kinda relaxing because at least that way you don't feel alone.
I can't rec shit I don't rep lmao. Just watched Evil Doesn't exist last saturday, it sucked. Legit 1/10. I can't rec that garbage lol
>somehow they get a "happy" ending
Agreed, hate this as well. Thankfully the majority of foreign/arthouse films have either a neutral or downer ending, which is more my style
Bro was god.
It's bad in general.
Should've watched the original ending.
What is the OG ending? The one I saw had a an hero attempt by him.
>politically lazy
I don't have enough media literacy to understand what he meant by this
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Jannies must really have liked this webm for some reason.
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Not true, I can upload whatever I want from here.
Didn't really like it, same for Wind Rises. I don't like modern anime in general but holy shit Takahata's Kaguya was 10/10
Hasn't this been out for a while
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Nobody told me this is a film about faith like a whitepilled version of The Exorcist
Are you from Africa? I'm from Latin America lol
Have you ever been scared by a movie? I WANT to be scared
I got really scared to Freddy vs Jason when I was 6 years old. After that, not really.
I got spooked by several scenes in Demons 2
I'm not sure. I've been creeped out or tense, I've been startled. I'm not sure if I've ever been truly scared of anything.
I'm from South America.
Friday the 13th for some reason used to scare the living shit out of me as a kid. Jaws too
I've been meaning to watch Demons for some time, didn't even know there was a sequel
>I've been creeped out or tense
By what film?
>Directors David Lowery andLisandro Alonso have joined the cast of Luca Guadagnino's Queer
This is the most random movie related news I've read in a long time.
witches are scary
>By what film?
I find a lot of atmospheric stuff sticks with me. I'll think to certain scenes in films like Kairo, Carnival of Souls, Ringu, TCM and get a chill sometimes even though they might not have been scary to me while I was watching it.
Yeah those are all great
I'm from Brazil and can upload files just fine.
Kenji Kawai is half responsible for a lot of scenes that just intrusively enter my mind.
NTA but in the Dekalog is much better. He still tries to an hero but it ends with him back working at the post office. She visits him, smiles at him, and he says "I'm no longer watching you." Her expression changes. Fade to black.
it's funny
How do you upload pics?
Yes fucking love that shit man, Unnatural City is among my absolute favorites of his
I found Ringu just straight up sad. Such a strong sense of pain in that film that it just made me cry. Something similar happened to me when I watched Pulse.
I need to see the Dekalog version then. That ending sounds really good. Glad to know that Mr Milkman moved on in life. I can see myself in him
African American but Space is the Place with Sun Ra.
Have you seen Dark Water? Same director and composer too. It's my personal favorite late 90s/early 2000s J Horror
You should watch the whole thing. The episodes that got expanded are probably the best but there are others that rival them.
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I think there's a lot of overlap between melancholy/creepy. I love a good investigation plot following a relatively isolated person.
Never saw it, but knew of it. I'll watch it then
Yes, kino IS back on the menu
scariest movies to me were either not horror, bad movies or horror that doesn't work in today's context
Any vulgar auteurism-pilled anons here? Where to start with Tony Scott?
It's more like the strong feeling of trauma and doom that permeates those films, the hopelessness of it all. The japs always do this shit for some reason, and I love it. In Ringu, it always broke my heart watching the main characters know that their time is up and that their romance is doomed and there is no turning back for them. In a way, it's like the curse made them realize the meaning of their own lives and how they wasted them instead of chasing their "impossible romance", which is a concept that I can see in myself and it made me sad. I've read analysises of the film that said that the real theme of the movie is isolation in jap culture, which is just straight up depressing in a horror film.
Lake Mungo maybe
I select the image and click the post button.
Is Lake Mungo a /hor/ meme or are people being genuine when they say it's scary? I really don't get it, I watched it ages ago and it was just a regular horror movie
I guess my "IP range" is trash then.
I just watched it, it's cute. I like René Clair's happy twists.
like with any auteur, at the beginning
Alonso has fallen
idk but double feature unstoppable with a benning train movie
probably from posting CP or something you pedo
Are you from Peru by any chance?
Lol, I only post charts on /mu/ hahaha. I think it's due to my country IP range being abused by /b/tards or something
Ok. Only asking because there's an anon on /sp/ known as el peruANO that has been posting CP in match threads for years. I haven't been browsing the Euro 2024 matche threads but maybe Peru got range banned again and it affected other countries.
Sucks. I'm innocent I swear!
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>t. el peruANO
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Sounds like a cool guy.
So you watch 4-5 off topic pieces of shit every week? Yeah I’d rather watch 0 new films than be a retarded faggot.
>maybe that's a good thing for our society
Go fuck yourself
What does this post even mean? Off-topic pieces of shit?
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You said you watch 4-5 movies a week. I then replied asking you to list your recs. You then said you can’t rec stuff that isn’t good, and listed an off topic film you had watched. The implication is that the 4-5 movies you watch per week are off topic and not good enough to recommend. I replied that I’d rather watch 0 films than waste my life watching 4-5 off topic bad quality movies.
This is the last and final time I will ever hand hold a brain damaged retard in these threads.
Dude, you're neurotic. I won't rec stuff that isn't top notch. If I watch 4-5 films a week, there is a high chance that none of them is rec worthy.
Please list the 4-5 films you’ve watched last week and what you’ve watched this week so far, regardless of recommendation quality.
This week: nothing.

Last week:
Persona 7/10
Mirror 5/10
Evil Doesn't Exist 1/10
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant 7.5/10

Guess I could rec Petra von Kant, but it wasn't that good either. Very boring.
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This is cinema
Were those first time watches or rewatches?
First time. Pretty much never rewatch anything
Unironically yes. There is more in this single seemingly still shot than majority of entire films made lately
What is the last film you watched that you could recommend, other than Petra?
It is a weird case of the duality of man: on one side we see a still shot for 2 mins, which in itself sounds memey as hell, like a sort of mockery of arthouse tropes. On the other side though, we see SOVL.
Dirty Harry 9/10. Very based
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i've watched 56 featured films so far this month, can anyone beat me?
Who that
>a still shot for 2 mins, which in itself sounds memey as hell, like a sort of mockery of arthouse tropes
This is a big problem with modern audiences, critics, hell even the artists themselves nowadays. Everything is looked at as a meme, everything is a trope. Filmmakers can’t use long shots anymore without it being a “mockery of arthouse tropes”?? Get the fuck out of here. What would you rather have him do? Just another boring 5 second shot? I’d rather have something allowing for contemplation than Michael Bay frenetic editing. Even that I could turn around and using the same idiotic “logic” you have used call fast editing a meme and mockery of mainstream modern editing.
You cant win when everyone tries to take the piss out of everything all the time.
Another neurotic post

>What would you rather have him do?

Jumpcuts and explosions with shaky camera ala Bourne Identity.
It's the sound of the rain that really makes this scene.
>gets BTFO and repeatedly embarrassed
>tries to resort to “Dirty Harry hahahaha explosions Bourne Identity hahaha I troll you!!”
You’re only proving how low your mental ability truly is with this continued humiliation ritual. I feel sorry for you.
It is a weird case of the duality of man: on one side we see a jump cut shaky shot for 2 frames, which in itself sounds memey as hell, like a sort of mockery of modern tropes. On the other side though, we see SOVL.
It is a weird case of the duality of man: on one side we hear rain for 2 mins, which in itself sounds memey as hell, like a sort of mockery of arthouse tropes. On the other side though, we see SOVL.
I'm cool. Nothing personal on me. I'm chilling frfr
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it's a shame you guys never talk about good movies and just argue about whichever bad director is the most "arthouse"
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>What would you rather have him do?
Actually kinda hype
>he's beginning to believe
Honestly reaching levels of experimental cinema with the editing.
But then you could use the “memey as hell, mockery of experimental tropes” vomit.
This needs to be a new /film/ edit project- turn Days into a hyper-kinetic action movie
This kind of fast-cuts vomit is indeed a mockery of experimental tropes.
It was based on a real thing NY Cops would do in interrigations.

They would have a cop come in dressed in a bizarre costume or undressed like this guy and they'd rough up the suspect. When the perp tried to describe what happened people would laugh them off as either being crazy or on drugs. The NYC district attorney's office did finally catch on but not for a while.
You gave me some ideas for unlikely stylistic crossovers:

Shunji Iwai's Cannibal Holocaust
Bela Tarr's Titanic
well put anon. Have you seen Kwaidan? It is also quite haunting
To the guy that was looking for an RSS of new VOD/Blu Ray releases:

There's no way that's good for you.
I tried, but I got bored and left it unfinished. Maybe one day I will try again. The movie had a nice atmosphere and set / costume design, though
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Go for it! If you do, try to watch just one segment a day. I did on my rewatch and its much less daunting
Estrogen laced coffee. Iconic.
It could work. I didn't remember it being this gorgeous.
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It's one of the most gorgeous films I've seen. Almost every frame is a work of art
Meh I’m bored turning it off
Jesus were they being run by the CIA?
I want to make a /film/ but I'm broke and don't have any ideas. What do, /film/?
Make a b-movie. Collab with someone to write the script. Alternatively, do the Gallo
Get an idea first.
Yeah that would seem like a logical place to start.
Take the Benning pill.
Yes, I've watched 0 feature films this month.
>Alternatively, do the Gallo
? And I don't mind a b-movie but I figure it'd be bad to start off with a genre film.
Yeah, I'm just not really sure where to start anymore. I had some ideas before but either lost passion for them or couldn't make them work in the first place.

The Benning pill?
>find obscure film that piques your interest
>theres no sub
Guess I'll just have to learn german, just after I finish learning japanese.
I'm the Gallo anon. I thought you were trolling but now I see you were serious.

I mean, the b-movie angle isn't even bad if you like that kind of movies. Maybe do it under a pseudonym if you want to do arthouse later.

I did b-movies when I was in high school. Was cool. The ideas come alone, just do things that inspire you and it will come.
Jessica Forde in Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle
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>The Benning pill?

>Alternatively, do the Gallo
Jerk off old men for money?
Post an embarrassing short film in these threads to be humiliated forever
>if you like that kind of movies.
If I have the same definition as you, I love that kind of movie. I don't want to make art house necessarily but I do want to be taken seriously and I know that genre films aren't taken seriously. I'm also not sure at this point if genre films would be the way I want to go anyway. I'm not sure if conventional genre films can ever be more than slop. I think the best films and filmmakers are probably post-genre, incorporating elements of everything as they see fit.
>I did b-movies when I was in high school. Was cool. The ideas come alone, just do things that inspire you and it will come.
Like short films? Anything cool? And, if you say so, most of my ideas lately have been for porn, unfortunately.

Blocked in America but I'll check it with my VPN later.
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my nooticing levels have reached such heights that when I see a white dude trusting his person to any non-white I can only picrel
>but I do want to be taken seriously
Then you have to shoot something you can actually pull off well with the little resources you have available. In other words, no shitty effects, horrible sound, or ugly cinematography.
My definition of b-movie is Night of the Living Dead.

>Like short films? Anything cool?
Yeah, my friends and I did horror and slice of life shit for some classes in high school. Shit was cash, but it was still excrement. No one understood us hahaha

>Most of my ideas lately have been for porn, unfortunately.

Do porn then. There are only 2 dudes in America / EU doing it the right way nowadays. Japs do know how to make a good porno, but we need new directorial talent. Maybe it's you!
Yeah, which is part of why I don't want to genre film. Or at least not elaborate genre film. I need an idea that's possible but also interesting.
>My definition of b-movie is Night of the Living Dead.
Oh. Night of the Living Dead is genuinely good though, I thought you meant something shlockier than that.
>Do porn then. There are only 2 dudes in America / EU doing it the right way nowadays. Japs do know how to make a good porno, but we need new directorial talent. Maybe it's you!
They're ideas for written porn. Fetish stuff. They could probably double as horror ideas though...
>I need an idea that's possible but also interesting.
What's possible for you? You thinking of making a short or a feature? Do you already own any sound, camera and lighting equipment, and how much money are you willing to spend on the entire project?
witches are satanic. stop watching this demonic garbage.
mental illness
What are /film/'s thoughts on Robert Zemeckis announcing the release of the biggest-budget experimental movie in the history of cinema?
A Scene at the Sea, Linklater's Before trilogy, It Happened One Night, His Motorbike Her Island
I don't see how digital deaging is in any way experimental anymore.
>I thought you meant something shlockier than that.

Night of the Living Dead embodies the purest spirit of b-movies to me: outlandish themes, no budget and a overdose of SOVL. I do like shlockier stuff like sadistic horror, etc. I think b-movies embody the spirit of cinema more than any other genre, is pure passion. I was inspired to make movies as a teen by b-movies and AVGN lol
I think that anon meant the whole "fixed camera" gimmick

>The camera never moves from a fixed position inside a home for the entire 104-minute runtime, as the viewers are treated to the stories of the people who made a home there. The central couple is played by Hanks and Wright.

> “The single perspective never changes, but everything around it does,” Zemeckis recently told Vanity Fair about the ambitious storytelling conceit. “It’s actually never been done before. There are similar scenes in very early silent movies, before the language of montage was invented. But other than that, yeah, it was a risky venture.”
So is The Swimmer gonna become the next Possession/Come and See? Sure looks like it, not that I'm complaining
Satanism is cool
A good film with an insufferable fanbase? Hope not.
>It’s actually never been done before
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>It’s actually never been done before.
Isn't this just chamber film?
Filmed theater sisters... we're back
Preferably a feature, though I imagine a short would be easier. But what's the difference between a short and feature? 45 minutes? If I can do 30 minutes I don't know why I couldn't do another 45. But that may be delusional, I don't even have an idea.
>Do you already own any sound, camera and lighting equipment, and how much money are you willing to spend on the entire project?
I have a camera I haven't used and no money because I have no job.

>Night of the Living Dead embodies the purest spirit of b-movies to me
>outlandish themes, no budget and a overdose of SOVL.
>I think b-movies embody the spirit of cinema more than any other genre
Any other thoughts on B-movies? I think I like how you think and I feel like this type of stuff doesn't get discussed often here. Personally I'm not a fan of like torture porn type stuff or excessive gore, but I love slasher movies. My taste in slashers isn't very standard though. If I could find a producer somehow I think I could make something cool. I really don't think I need a big budget but having a budget at all would be nice. I don't know how people manage it.
It's certainly possible. Very odd we all seem to have been watching this movie around the same time.
>2 dudes in America / EU doing it the right way nowadays
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>It’s actually never been done before
Some advice- start with an extremely simple 5 min short and work your way up/longer/more ambitious from there

>no money
Yeah you’re pretty much fucked
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Have you seen Torso? I don't think you need much money to make good tension and atmosphere. Don't Go In The House is another good one. I assume you've already seen TCM and Blair Witch.

As for making something, even just trying 2-5 minute shorts could be good practice and help you work out some ideas. You can always expand a small idea into a bigger one later.
Kurosawa said it best
Tl;DW - Making movies is costly so do a lot of writing beforehand to hone your skills
no, it's the same anon making the same shitty webms
Ain't a Jew lover but I've got no problems with Cheney's dreams for the middle east
>Preferably a feature
Only attempt this if you've made at least one (actually good) short in the past. Attempting a zero budget feature with zero experience is not a good idea.
>45 minutes?
Pretty much. But keep in mind that most festivals don't accept 30 minute shorts and it would be quite difficult getting any kind of distribution for a 50 minute feature, especially as a complete unknown. For a short you'd ideally want under 15 minutes (under 10 would be even better) and for a feature at least 80 minutes.
>I have a camera I haven't used
What camera? Good sound gear is a must unless you want your film to be laughed at.
>and no money because I have no job.
It's over.
Mike Adriano and Brian Gozzling. Adriano I think might be liked by everyone, dude is a living legend. Gozzling is only for hardcore kink lovers, but I actually think that he does some of the best shit in the game right now, maybe even better than Adriano, as he seems very tired nowadays.
>make shorts before features
I recommend the opposite, especially since anon should be writing before filming anything. Shorts need to be more refined than features due to the limited runtime. You can waste a good bit of time in a feature that you can't in a short.
>Any other thoughts on B-movies?

I kind of see them like Tarantino sees them; they made me fall in love with cinema as a teenager, and since then I've been in love with every kind of kino I get to watch. I discovered my passion for films and filmaking because dudes like Russ Meyer, Jess Franco and Ed Wood were making bullshit on no budget because they wanted... It showed me that you can believe in yourself even when no one else does, and you can even profit from it and eventually have a fanbase. It is a passion project for the true filmmakers. Fuck, even recognized dudes like Cronenberg started doing b-tier trash, and it was good trash!

>I feel like this type of stuff doesn't get discussed often here.

Amongst the crowd of people that tend to like "real cinema" and go to festivals and things like that, b-tier slop is seen as an inferior artform, even as an insult to kino sometimes. Very few people actually give this kind of stuff a chance, but the few of us that love it love it for life and are truly passionate about it. I knew a girl that was in art history and did a lot of exposure for Universal Monsters films, kaiju films, you know the drill. She was massively based for inserting my type of trash into literal museums.

>Personally I'm not a fan of like torture porn type stuff or excessive gore, but I love slasher movies.

I think these genres are not for everyone. It helps in liking them to have sadistic tendencies and / or an enjoyment of blood and the grotesque. Slashers are great when done right. I like Texas Chainsaw Massacre because it's a very primal and energetic film; when I watched it with my brother for the first time he was shocked at how cold the film felt, something which I feel that little films actually achieve when trying to be disturbing outside of a b-movie / grindhouse sphere. It's just raw.
The thing is, I have nobody to work with. Absolutely nobody. A 5 minute short is more simple in theory but I feel like I would be able to get more random people on board with something slightly bigger. Money is absolutely an issue though.

I still haven't Torso, or many giallo because I'm unironic ADHD and I assumed it had subtitles.
>I don't think you need much money to make good tension and atmosphere.
>Don't Go In The House is another good one. I assume you've already seen TCM and Blair Witch.
Yeah, TCM is exactly what I was thinking of. I hold it in much higher esteem than Halloween or Black Christmas. I had another low-budget low-stakes movie in mind too but I can't remember. NOTLD and TCM are great examples though. Maybe I was thinking of Eraserhead? I tried watching Blair Witch but just couldn't get into it. I may be too young.
>You can always expand a small idea into a bigger one later.
Like the Shazam/Lights Out guy, right? If only I had ideas or friends.
Yeah, this is what I should be doing right now. Reading and writing scripts. Not even worth waiting for ideas. I watched this shit movie the other day I could try to rewrite. Because doing anything is better than nothing. I really need adderall or something if I'm going to do this though, I guess that's the first step.
You're right that he should hone his skills by writing feature scripts, but making a short before a feature is a must for practicing your technical skills if you don't have other experienced people taking care of those aspects for your feature.
Torso is much closer to an "italian slasher" than a giallo. The last 20 minutes or so is a great example of how to build tension in a slasher instead of just being a dead teenager movie.
God she was cute, like a Russian Audrey Hepburn.
What movie is this? I have seen it but I dont remember the name
>but I feel like I would be able to get more random people on board with something slightly bigger. Money is absolutely an issue though.
I can tell you from experience that getting people to join you on a short is far easier than getting them to join you on anything bigger if you have little money to pay. Asking someone to work on a feature for no pay is in many cases like asking someone to work a full time job for free. And why would a skilled sound recordist with their own equipment do that when they can work on a set that pays them? Shorts are a good way of creating contacts.
People lack the passion to make anything with genuine eros any more.
Do english subtitles exist for 22nd of May (2010) online?
my google 1st page results didn't give such results.
Opensubtitles has them in a variety of languages, just not english.
Also adding that if you want strangers to join you on any project, it'll be much easier if you actually have something to show for yourself. There's a thousand people out there wanting to make their own zero budget features. A good short will inspire people to believe in you far more than just talk from someone who's never done anything, because no one wants to waste their time working on complete shit.
>I want to make a /film/ but I'm broke
Get a job.
>don't have any ideas.
If you've nothing to say, you've nothing to say. Go do something interesting with your life and ideas should come. You seem to be 10 or 20 years too young to be making movies.
NTA. I've collected a bunch of porn but don't watch it. I'm very interested in the artistry of it though, like why its so bad. Adriano's stuff looks pretty appealing as far as the newer stuff goes and I've downloaded a ton of his stuff. The few times I've actually watched porn in the past few years its been 2000s stuff, almost entirely POV too.
>most festivals don't accept 30 minute shorts
Too long or too short? Oh. I should've read the next sentence. I see.
>What camera?
Canon EOS 40. I think. Not a video camera.
>It's over.
Yeah. Really wish I could get someone to fund my shit.
I don't remember what made me love films but I think it was the opposite for me where I was watching movies deemed important and then fell into genreslop. I just don't find basic straight drama interesting most of the time. Genres are a great way to feature themes and images you wouldn't otherwise be able to. Someone said that better than me but I can't remember the words, but its kind of like an excuse. And if you forego the genre conventions completely but still include those "taboo" elements or style then I guess its avant-garde.
Adriano still has it in him I guess, but he just seems very tired since Logan Long died. He was his friend and acted in his movies, and also collaborated with him in making the workload less intense. Adriano's getting old and fucking girls all of the time while trying to keep 5 or 6 sites afloat is hard, and he seems tired. His movies are still top notch compared to slop like Brazzers, but they are nowhere near the level he had 10 years ago. My favorite scene of his was the one he did with Francesca Le, the one where he was a teacher or something lol, terrible acting and great chemistry between the talents
Cinemaz uploads seem to have (internal) subs.

>The last 20 minutes or so is a great example of how to build tension in a slasher instead of just being a dead teenager movie.
Maybe I'll watch it tonight. Slashers don't seem to work very well in modern day or with adults and that really sucks.
I'll keep that mind, thank you.

>If you've nothing to say, you've nothing to say.
>Go do something interesting with your life and ideas should come.
>You seem to be 10 or 20 years too young to be making movies.
Well, I guess I could make a movie about that.
>Too long or too short? Oh. I should've read the next sentence. I see.
Yeah, the shorter your short is, the easier it'll be to get it accepted at festivals. Any festival worth shit gets hundreds of submissions, and they have a limited time quota to fill.
>Canon EOS 40
A 2007 DSLR, far from ideal, but it might work if you go for a deliberately lo-fi aesthetic. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a smartphone that shot better video.
>Really wish I could get someone to fund my shit.
That is indeed why people make shorts; to get funding for something bigger. If you write a feature script you believe in, making a short as a proof of concept can be a good idea.
thank for the info anon.
posted too soon and ended up finding english subs quickly when i searched with duckduckgo
Good night, /film/
>Logan Long
Had no idea that guy died. And I should've been more clear. I like Adriano's aesthetics but I only watched/downloaded the videos with Alex Jones. I stopped keeping up with porn in 2021 or 2022 probably. I have no idea what's going on anymore.
>Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a smartphone that shot better video.
Let's just say... I'm very poor. And I think a deliberate lo-fi effect would work for horror, especially intimate horror. Is that sort of faggy though? I've thought for a few years now about making noisy films. I don't want to evoke nostalgia. I abhor nostalgia. But I think there's genuine merit in that like old camcorder aesthetic. I feel like it'd be a lot more interesting to look at than clear HD. I feel like such a fag for saying this but I genuinely want to make movies that look like Inland Empire or Love & Pop, at least for a while, I think it'd be interesting.
>If you write a feature script you believe in, making a short as a proof of concept can be a good idea.
That makes sense. I do have a few little ideas that aren't much more than comedy sketches.
>I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Same as before but with less plot and more taboo stuff being accepted in the mainstream. Also less expensive production and Onlyfans girls making material.
Good morning, /film/
See a doctor.
Good night bro
>with less plot
lame. and how can you get more taboo than fake incest? ik theyre not doing real incest
>Is that sort of faggy though?
kek. I mean, that depends on the script you write.

Doesn't have to be horror necessarily. Love & Pop isn't. In Vanda's Room isn't. Feels like lo-fi is most used for horror nowadays, so making something else with that lo-fi digital aesthetic would help you stand out more.
There are a few "real incest" plot movies on Pornhub. It's obviously not "real real" incest, but pretends to be.

>How can you get more taboo than fake incest?

>Double analerino / Triple analerino / Quadruple analerino, etc.
>"Real real" BDSM until a girl bleeds
>Trannyerinos everywhere, even in Brazzers

There you go. It won't surprise me when in five years we actually see scat movies in mainstream sites
>so making something else with that lo-fi digital aesthetic would help you stand out more.
That's a very good point. Maybe I could do comedy or a Doris Wishman type thing. Someone mentioned Russ Meyer earlier, very interesting filmmaker. Egregiously horny but good at building tension. Parts of Vixen and Supervixen feel like a horror film. One of the coolest movies I watched this year is Blood Feast. What do you guys think of Herschell Gordon Lewis? 1000 Maniacs was great too, I really need watch more. I really want to rip-off Blood Feast somehow, watching that renewed my passion.
Oh... I'm acting scandalized like I don't have a bunch of Charlotte Sartre and DickDrainers videos on a hard drive.
>What do you guys think of Herschell Gordon Lewis?

Never watched it. I should. Gore Gore Girls is very acclaimed amongst enthusiasts. However, I don't think that he is very /film/ to be honest haha

>Oh... I'm acting scandalized like I don't have a bunch of Charlotte Sartre and DickDrainers videos on a hard drive.

I think you might know more about porn than I do. Charlotte was amazing, she should come back. Supposedly she got VIH
Btw, Russ was good, sometimes. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is legit experimental in the ending.
>However, I don't think that he is very /film/ to be honest haha
I think he's a lot more interesting than people give him credit for, even if that was accidental. Blood Feast kind of drove me crazy in how creatively inspiring I found it. There's a lot on Tubi but some of his stuff seems a bit hard to find unfortunately. I want to see The Gruesome Twosome.
>Charlotte was amazing, she should come back.
See. I didn't even know she was retired. She was very into piss though I think. Chloe Cherry's blindside really fucked me up, I think that's when I really tapped out.
>Supposedly she got VIH
>Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Great movie. I got the blu-ray during the last Criterion sale. I kind of wish other movies got the Beyond the Valley of the Dolls treatment. I mean in the sense that its both a remake and parody of the original. Valley of the Dolls was already of the subject of ridicule so it was a natural target but imagine parody remakes of classic Hollywood films. Remaking it, making fun of it, and making it a musical with a bunch of busty women.

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