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previous: >>200503837
I'll try to do a QRD
>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy and obviously didn't want to be there
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
Add faked being depressed so she had to take a break to visit family and friends
>nobody asking the fish to shout out Clarkson
>nobody sending "Tayleigh Bless It" TTS
Is it any good? Haven't had a chance to watch properly but the clips look alright
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this is a REAL picture I took of me and my girlfriend while we were spanning time together
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She went from Nazi queen to BBC whore, what went wrong?
They're the same thing
>Jimmy: in season 2.5
>TJ: not
erm i love betty
Jimmy deserves Tayleigh
she really really likes attention
you know what this thread really needs? A josiecock poster
List of things that would happen if TJ appeared:
>cameras would start working
>No more lag and low bit rate
>NPC’s would stay after dark
>Camera batteries wouldn’t run out
>everyone would successfully RP
>viewership would triple
You choice Jet!!
>Jimmy rambling about absolutely fucking nothing at 2 A.M.
I missed it.
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She's Jewish
do it for trish
Jimmy yap time with Tayleigh.

I think it's safe to go to bed
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based flip wife
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who goes in the square hole after day 1?
Thanks for making me go to bed Jimmy
>Jimmy: works as a boiler operator all night and comes home to an empty apartment and has no friends
>TJ: no need to work, goes on camping trips with his friends and comes home to a beautiful girlfriend who made him cookies
>2am jew talk
Rent free, goyim
>split threads while nothing on stream is happening guaranteeing that this mistake will clog up the catalog for several hours
this is the worst day of my life
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>it's real /Jimmy recites /pol/ screencaps/ hours
Jimmy is the GOAT
send in the jewish vampires
lmao love trish
>tts off
>jimmy yapping
bed time. enjoy the night time schizo thread
>not cycling through 3 tabs every 30 seconds
Jimmy cringe kino
I don’t really understand this meme template
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>TJ simp
>iphone filename
>cringe comment
just leave, nigga
Yep this is a good place to call it a night, just remember that TJ won
her, duanyay, and mauro are all loving the drama
Really? I find it very annoying and retarded. Especially when he's misremembering some youtube video about history. He always gets the basic details wrong
soon, Chaim
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>runs to jet and cries after 3 TTS
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i would do anything for miss trish delish
>Did the retarded man just… DO SOMETHING RETARDED????
Do you faggots seething over Jimmy get mad when a child makes a bad joke too? Imagine a 5 year old makes a knock knock joke and a grown man starts screaming about how fucking stupid he is for thinking it’s funny. That’s you, that’s how you look to everyone who isn’t a sped, and if you’re not here to laugh at the retards it means you’re here to simp for the girls which is even more embarrassing

Stop ruining the threads by seething at everyone enjoying the retard antics, that’s what this show is
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Time for Jimmy to snort some more caffeine with Jon and go full /pol/
Betty you are no longer welcomed here for the same reason Summer is too; for the horrible crime of coalburning
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>Hope you're having a great time Tayleigh ! hee hee >:3
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daily reminder that tayleigh is an extremely insufferable cunt that manipulated and fleeced her fanbase only to cruelly and remorselessly cuckold them live
i dont watch 5 year olds making knock knock jokes in my free time
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kino first night bros
who has the image of sgt pendleton?
>I find it very annoying and retarded
midwits often do
Has Jon still been in that chair this whole time lmfao
Do you think shinji is watching?
Hes a 30 year old virgin that speaks in funnyjunk memes. Its morally correct to bully him. Not sure why it bothers you so much? perhaps you see yourself in him?
sometimes I think he's playing a character and it's just a bit he's acting
but these last 10 minutes are why I know that couldn't be true
you can't fake this retardation
Reminder that summer was raped by the fishtank crew
for the >>200505921 who missed it.
Here you go buddy >>200505908
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josie armpits and tight tight bra to hide her tits
Geopolitics with Autistic Jimmy
lol jon finding his new simmons with jimmy
apparently you do
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I got you
>Hes a 30 year old virgin
but enough about you
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the contrast between how bad the day was and how good the night was is crazy. reminds me of season 1
theres a bunch
>Jon sleeping on the ground

Here come the ticks
tight black bra
light pink pantsu
absolute kinography
didn’t ask
jimmys brain too big
naaaahh brah
Would going on bloodgames save her?
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Summer was raped every day of her life.
baby baby baby
you are my voodoo child
my voodoo child
total chud.
You're a good man, anon
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>Sgt Pendleton's hospital bills, whatever happened there
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everyone can agree S2 Week 1 was pure cinema
translation: i need dick. gimme gimme
LMAO what a dumb cunt
We know for a fact from S2 that he's playing a character to an extent and had some bits that were recurring in S2 that were essentially inside jokes for him and his friends. A bunch of reality has definitely bled through to the character he plays though
survivor esque
jet has done it again
She admitted it was a lie for the “sob story” segment a bit after it
Shinji will be the final challenge of 2.5 — the objective? find the golden scarab in the woods
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What would her NPC role be?
>Jimmy, you have autism right?
Jimmy, I...
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Effortlessly cool.
>laying in bed, pitch dark except for fishtank on the screen, sliding door and windows wide open fresh air, pretending im camping with the fish as I listen jimmy yap

did not expect this to be more comfy than christmas tank
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this is the one. man, she's a spitting image
Why the fuck does jon sleep away from everyone else?
Sleeping on the dirt is a new low for him. Seesh
>you have autism wight?
>jimmy schizo rants
Town demented whore
What are Brian, Mauro, Trish, Taylor and Dumbgay doing right now?
>but enough about you
Can you respond without using a Twitter buzzword next time
>Jimmy, you got autism, right?

Finding shinjis tuition
bathhouse wench
Upset about gay TTS
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jimmy is the most unironically autistic fish like 3x worse than jon looool
Getting drunk in a shed
brother owner
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Can we get a Betty edition for the next thread please? :3
I am pleasantly surprised by how good day one was, and disturbed that I'm getting sucked back into this shithole.
>TJ fags are esls
Suddenly, it all makes sense.
is this a thing? why? is there too much fishtank?
Send Summer back to Africa.
that term existed before you were sperm, kid
do we think the abusive lesbian ex was also a lie?
>muh i hate gay people
aoe healer
No it's because he was on a farm
he refused to sleep on a bed until he was literally forced to during season 1
alright this sucks
vampires are supposed to come out at night and nothing happens because niggas need sleep
someone make a side by side with that tayleigh pic with the sunglasses
midwit got popular here first, redditor
>"strong, unbreakable" tayleigh has to cry to jet after TTSes about her fucking a fan start coming through
I don’t think Tay understands how over it is lol she’s going to be streaming to 5 people and she can kiss that crochet business goodbye nobody is buying that shit or the commissions she was working on lol she never took money upfront for them
he got pissed about the fag tts and separated himself from the group in protest
now hes doing his stubborn retard thing where he pretends to be tough
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Did they make the right decision to not show up for this?
That girl is insanely good at lying.

She's pretty much the only person people didn't accuse of being the plant during the first week of S2.
this is part of her "gamer" strategy. she is farming shadow points.
sucking the energy out of the hotel
who gives a fuck
dreaming of me
massaging her giant fucking boobs
seething impotently about the white race
Jon would whoop your ass. Jimmy would probably whoop your ass, too.
If Taylor posts another video tomorrow I’m going to fucking lose it, she can’t keep getting away with this
actually fucking pathetic
>leave the fishtank tab up
>it constantly goes to the director cam after like 20 seconds
what the fuck is this bullshit?
I'm gay
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most people really weren't sold on the idea and it's definitely a season tailored more for hardcore fans. viewer count never surpassed 6,000 all day even with Sam there. im enjoying tho
wish someone would trick me into some pussy
Comforts can be taken away. He is removing a vulnerability by sleeping on the ground. He is in control of where he sleeps.
I hate that incel fag so much
I feel s2 burned out a lot of people on fishtank.
I bet you think Josie never got a boyfriend after season 1 too.
Lol lmao
neither of them can throw a punch so i doubt that very much
ahAAA he said "seething impotently about the white race"
hello saar
Taytriots want to fuck THIS?
how the fuck have 50 threads been made? wtf happened
fucking kek. all tay needs is the goatee
the chinlet gene is strong
twins <3
Link to the restream? The fishtank site wants me to get a pass to see all cameras.
It's gonna be really unfortunate if Sam and Jet completely destroyed the fishtank brand because the core idea is incredible and i still think they could make season 3 great
mmmmmmmmm looking real badd ass
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evening all, how we enjoy the first day? i thought it was fun for the most part. the scuffed tech was expected and the past few hours have been comfy

also sam will run one of the women not paying attention down with his dirt bike at some point
they were going a week ago
this is true despite the two (2) remaining taytriots responding to you
>wtf happened
Goranian kino
My vampire name would be Vincent Deluxe.
I didn't say that it didn't
Maybe 2-3+ years ago. It's now a calling card for "RW" Twitter millennials
ask tay if she used the stream deck lol
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Who was the chick in the white dress earlier today?
yeah it is
these threads is the real fishtank experience
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>midst of health issues

So that guy she met in Vegas tried to pimp her out?
taytriots are currently losing their minds that some redneck from kentucky is fucking this btw
RIP day 1
some ugly bitch
>camping arc the all time worse thing to happen on fishtank
>dedicate entire season to camping
the balls on these guys
shut the fuck up and go back nigger
The two week Big Brother (Fish Tank's easiest normie comparison) spinoff from this season got no hype and no one talked about it despite it also being a season of "all stars" but retrospectively is viewed as one of the more refreshing seasons of Big Brother since OTT
dare we say they are worse than the josiepedos
Go to rehab, son.
Why do you always say this, very deranged
damn you're even younger than I thought, you shouldn't be here little guy
shinji and greg got really fucked over and tj vanished
jimmy tj and cole were also incredibly divisive
notorious bad juju in the s2 house, egregore etc
and trish and tay cater to very specific waifu niches unlike josie and letty who are more conventional e-whores
I thought the daytime was a pathetic failure... then night started and it was kino
That one girl from the fatty dating show
When ISN'T this psycho in the midst of health issues?
>supposed to be 90F today

cant wait for the bitching.
thanks bro!
it's very boring besides Jon's spergouts. I'm not sure why Jet wanted to do this so soon.
>late night thread
>all the /bant/ schizos take over
every time
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Summer was specifically constructed and designed to be exploited sexually. And that's not me sayin' that. That's just science.
People like Jimmy make me fully support a law that bans anyone from under 18 from accessing the internet
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How would he have interacted with the other bloodgames fish?
Jon will be covered in bugs when he wakes up and be sidelined for injury. Seasons over.
when shes getting dicked down by bbc
1, 2 and 2.5 in under 18 months was way too much. i dont blame 2.5 so much because it's a quick test season thing. but having 2 start in 2023 was silly.
So Tayleigh running and crying to Jet confirms what was already known, right? How pathetic
>massaging her giant fucking boobs
I'm 34 and Jimmy is the GOAT fish.
Sorry I'm not a 35 year old troonlennial like you guys and Jimmy.
Last season made it clear that goran would rather have melodrama over actual fun content and will actively manipulate shit so whoever he likes atm wins. Its very lame and gay.
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He would’ve sang some millennial nigger Jack white or the strokes or something around the campfire and you fags would’ve been clapping like seals over it
Can't wait to see tayleighs face when she tries to come back to 5 viewer streams
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You have to admire Jet's confidence
i have a telepathic bond with most of the fish and freeloaders due to my constant loyal watching and powerful psychic mind
I don't know if you've paid attention but despite claiming she runs a crochet business she has not made a single crochet item since getting out of the tank. All of the stuff she has sold is shit she already had made and couldnt' sell.

She had over 200 requests for beanies and other things and she hasn't fufilled a single one of them.
No she said she has no idea what you're talking about so that's that
Omfg who tf cares about this retard
she should restream fishtank and pretend taylor sent a copyright takedown from their command center or something.
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memorise this
Greg didn't get fucked over. He and the Brianbuddies both had huge Ws today by carrying the front end of the day with the RPing. Greg will likely transition into more of an NPC role once Vance returns from his gigs to play as one of the "contestants." With Greg having a full name given to him by production, it's pretty clear his "story" is going to be part of the "canon" of the season, which is why he's over on what is basically the production side of the camp
18+ website bud, go tuck yourself in
Strawberry blonde bush
Jet still wants to start season 3 in August btw
nah, she pimped herself out, the guy was just the facilitator
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Did anyone clip the Greg bicycle incident I keep hearing about?
What I’m saying is that if Jimmy wasn’t allowed to go online until he was 18 he might’ve had a chance at a normal life
An anon posted his on /bant/. Dunno why no one TTSes her about it.
she recently had a breakdown on the farms
Is John sleeping in a chair?
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Consider the following: josie
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>first day
>all hype completely dead
I volunteer to check letty for ticks
Tai cam for some behind the scenes stuff
Vance coming tomorrow apparenlty
Meanwhile Taylor has shipped out dozens of painting commissions and even a clay sculpture for hundreds of dollars.
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don't worry, there's still a chance that you'll grow out of being a faggot one day
He's sleeping on the ground behind the right bunks
fishtank idea: abi taylor letty josie trish bex sylvia and delaney beat me senseless with birching rods
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who is this fruity ass nigga??
i guess if they're still making money
What happened? Not watch rn
I came at the tail end of the Jon and Tayleigh fight. Qrd on what happened?
that's a man who knows we're going to make fun of him for a fuckup anyway so he trying to beat us to the joke by humiliating himself first
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and heres her mom
it wasn't even funny he just fell off silently
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Where my groomer niggas @?
wheres that picture of jon with a stripper
Tai cam is in the admin room
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The main people who are loving and watching bloodgames are all fishtank orbiter accounts on twitter. There's no wider audience for this. Fishtank is a sinking ship.
Jon gay
nah he got raped by Mormons, it was over before it started
no he's sleeping on the ground next to a chair
dont wanna mess with him
kek forgot about that one
Vance confirmed for tomorrow
Is that fucking stamper?
such an unfortunate, grim pool of genes
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my question is: why would anyone be legitimately upset about this?
why you letting the wiggers mine crypto using your pc?
damn they have like 10x the crew of other seasons
im the first to talk shit on jet but i gotta admit at least he put some money into this instead the bare minimum like last time
S3 might actually not be complete shit if they get a good cast
It wasn’t anything. He stopped and the bike’s weight made it fall over, then he had a hard time bringing it back. No crash or anthing.
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whoa, i've been watchin on flow.

so most of the cams are paywalled on the official site now... this does not bode well for s3. at all
better idea: abi taylor letty trish bex bliccy delaney and ella take turns giving me a back neck and head massage while they whisper what they did today.
To support them
Joliver gay
Plenty of people get raped and are able to be relatively normal
based autist princess
The playbooks is Sam's typical playbook, once you have your orbiters milk/jew them as much as possible to stay afloat and keep flipping that coin doing different shit until it comes up heads. You only have to win the lotto once.
Jon needs him
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Can Tayleigh's retarded behavior be blamed on her genetics?
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wait why is there greg instead of vance
Vance pussied out because he found out big Jon and Jimdog were going to be there
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>S3 is next month
did they just realize tai cam was on
they need to enable fish toys and make them interesting ASAP or this shit will get boring real fast
people that hate her seem more torn up about it. people who liked her are just disappointed.
Zero chance I think. Aren't they only "obligated" to do a season every six months? They could conceivably not do S3 until like December again if they really wanted. I could see October.
Idk is this guy homeless and on heroin?
like who
Reminder that this freak just narrowly escaped getting shot in the head by Taylor’s glock for showing up to her apartment uninvited. He’s lucky she gave him the easy way out
im using the power of manifestation to give jimmy laryngitis im channeling all of my energy into it
this was the general consensus after the frank fiasco, yet she still was able to fleece 15k$ from pathetic cucks she openly humiliated.
don't underestimate just how utterly cucked a fanbase can get, hell there are still people defending her.
we can do both
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Literally weakest chin I've ever seen
Tay escaped with at least some chin
also the fact they likely never let her leave the house so she probably acts just like them
Are they even doing fishtoys this season? Just looked at them and they’re all the same ones from s2
write the check jet
the town of shitty needs safe reliable public transportation
I missed Tai cam did we see anyone we know on it? Or just random production goons?
If you haven't noticed this bitch is insane. She sliced her neck and could've killed herself, blaming it on her cat.
What did summer mean by this?
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all too common josie W.
winners stay winning
Unironically this. It has never been more over.
did they say anything juicy
Ben, Chip, and new production guy that introduced Wayne
ben in ridiculous red clodhoppers
Keep Gregg
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Is the doc still sponsoring this season?
You are jewish, literally. We know your filename, fuck off Israeli
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she was a softball star before the bulimia
They said they were gonna get jon a rig and that vance would be here tomorrow, but then another guy went "I don't know if he will". After awhile of just fucking with cams and the person who SEEMED to be the IT guy saying "the cutting out will be fixed by tomorrow" someone said "uh.. mm.. hey is this on- if tai cam is still on then we're-" and the camera was cut off
Nah, it was just chip stumbling around and then ben walked in and got something to drink. Chip seems faded.
i think she likes how the guy gives her her beatings
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can't wait to enjoy listening to Jimbo's morning ramble with you tomorrow <3
this feels like a tech demo for season 3 to me
way bigger crew, always having dynamic third person cameras around and recording, on-body mics and TTS speakers, music playing over the stream
honestly good changes even if the concept (larping with a bunch of retards) itself is going to suck ass
It’s not him
You wasted your 20s and have become bitter overgrown children without careers or families. Enjoy the next 40 years!
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wheres the best place to catch up? ive just tuned in
what time will the sun rise there?
is that the israeli josiefag? kek, you kinda autistic too for recognizing the filename.
You’d probably react the same way you do to retarded people so it’s a good thing you’ll never have sex and have to deal with kids

Again it’s obvious you’re a sperg yourself because you see him as a nail that must be hammered down rather than someone who is simply permanently retarded. You see yourself in him or he wouldn’t make you so mad
yeah that's the point. he tries to play a character. but his actual personality is more retarded than the character he tries to play. he thinks the audience is laughing at him "leaning into it" but in reality we're laughing at the real jimmy
the only thing star about her is her puckered asshole after kentucky anon is done with it
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its fucking amazing how 99% of the times you faggots accuse someone of being me you are
dead wrong.
Jimmy's had more sex than anyone in this thread besides me.
if you watch "Schitty" cam you can hear Jet talking
being athletic does not mean you have a good brain. tay has a nigger brain
kek, this.
Not sure. Either twitter or the KF thread. If you can handle reading through 50+ threads for a single day then you can try just toughing it out through the archives
You see yourself in him or else people calling him an annoying fag wouldn't prompt you to defend him in every thread.
dumping that bike will snap lettys femur at worst. but jimmy might cave his chest in with an atv wheelie gone wrong.
I mean, nothing really happened
jon did a fake sperg out and that's pretty much it

I watch it at 2x speed
She is seriously fuckin beat. Trailer park whore.
>blah blah blah reddit faggot shit
no one cares, go back
i do recaps in here when i'm nolifing the stream, but i missed most of today
I have negative charisma talking to girls via online/text, I never bother. always got to be face to face. wonder how guys do it let alone bei g a complete random on Twitter or customer, whatever he was. impressive.
T-3 hours ish
I honestly am still shocked Tayleigjh ran to jet and told him to censor TTS LMFAO
the on-site HQ handcam thing is genuinely great and I hope they keep it for S3. The rudimentary shitty one they had for S2 was already good.
I'll do you an easier one >>200506713 this is a canadian cuck faggot taytriot(kek)
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how did he do it bros?
I cant believe you all were right about Tayleigh all along. I fesl sick to my stomach, like my high school crush fucked a guy behind my back
>>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
that didn't happen, tayleigh's streams were always dogshit
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i'm the "evening all" guy that does a lot of fun drugs, always chime in around 11-12 pt. i'm always polite but they insist i need rehab anyway. you'll learn to love me
Why are they making up the 17 year old thing? Neither doc nor any of the leakers mentioned her age beyond the fact that she's a minor. Also groypers are pedophiles
there’s been vampires tonight though
just imagine how much money they missed out on
90% of what makes fishtank good is a good cast imo
What was the tts?
>g-g-g-g-g-g-go back
is there clip of this?
she was a fuckin top earner.
just send her a picture of your dick bro, if she loves you she'll like it
Same. The shit she got on S2 is arguably worse that saying she fucked a fan
Taylor is 100 times more attractive than Tayleigh and 1000 times harder working
There were two tts about her fucking fans who buy plushies because she's dating the guy who bought the chicken plushy.
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Ignore jewboy and wait for him to post thr seething image about not replying to him
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abi would feel right at home in these woods and shit conditions
It was like 2 or 3 tts calling her our for fucking that jordan guy and being a bitch
i love her so so so so so so so so so much
Spamming off topic images isn’t very polite brosie and those drugs won’t be fun forever
thanks for illustrating what full and unconditional surrender looks like
I hope she unbans me someday lol
Rehab. NOW.
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>tfw taylor is going to be on live feeds tomorrow
and youre doing the exact same shit kek
Taylor was very pretty in the red dress. I hope we see her again tomorrow.
retards should've slowly escalated the seethe TTS
cant unhear the sound of that dirtbike
why are you banned anon
>clearly in bedroom at parents house
>messy closet with pikachu plushie visible
>looks like a less distinct version of TJ
think i heard jet talking about podcasts on schitty cam
No one clipped it kek, dam
Brutal lol thanks guys
I hope Jimmy murders her with an axe
>I feel s2 burned out a lot of people on fishtank.
The hostile nature of it burned people out more than anything, and the fact that Sam and Jet just fucking tanked the season about 3 weeks in. Strong cast, absolute dogshit production work.
Tayleogh isn't a desirable person
She settled for the next best thing
I'd enjoy having schizo rants with Jimmy over a few glasses of whiskey and would even play into his talcum powder bit and tell him how I'm only using mentholated talc blends, unless applied to the feet of course. I know he has a few screws loose, and so do I, but as long as we both get to actually... talk... I'd have a back and forth with him on various topics. Better than people who just want to stare at their phone
tay is fuck ugly white trash detritus
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>day 2
>still no damnation
confidence bro
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you type like he talks
that's catnip for girls like Tayleigh
fucked summer's ane in vegas ama
>college drop out
>has hours of tape of her talking about being a nazi and racist
>Is by far the least popular fish of 2.5
>has basically nuked her entire fanbase
>her only real skill is blowing up and screaming at the top of her lungs at literal retards like Jon and Fatty

I really don't think this retard realizes just how much she's fucked her life up. Its actually impressive.
S2 had some good moments but the culmination and ending was a flop. They cutting the streams unceremoniously sucked. The S1 ending felt like a proper finale.
ngl this nigga been on my mind
blaiww witch prowject
It was him or brocklanders. probably no other guys dm'd her
what's it like being black?
i dont get the context. who is this?
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Shitting on josie's stupid face
I think it was the deck stream, with TJ. I told that lil monkey to stream and called her fans queer retards.
I’m calling him an annoying retard, and I don’t care if people call him a fag I was talking about the seething replies to every post laughing at his retard shit

It’s like people who do this with Chris-Chan or King Cobra, analysing and criticising their behaviour with genuine contempt as if they’re regular people and not barely above animals mentally, it’s pathetic and just exposes you as an autist on the same level. You have no idea how un-self aware you are, for me reading your posts must be what it’s like for you watching Jimmy
people who hate Jimmy really just hate themselves
Hes a mountain man you wouldnt get it
theres no josie so not much to care about
I hated this guy during season 1 but he’s funny on twitter and after rewatching some clips/episodes I’ve started to like him
not really
Will you make her a star?
Yeah, you're right, that's why I said he has a few screws loose and so do I.
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p sure he's busy working on The Nutshack Season 2
what if he had a huge clean uncut dick and as she keeps riding she just keeps cumming and squirting all over
SEX with a FISH
> I have to get the last word in because he insulted my fishtank self insert
There's no way for me to prove that I'm not, but you did just admit that you did
you sound gotten to
some guy who fucked tayleigh
quiet words bitch
If you're ever depressed about your luck with the ladies just remember that there is a simp out there named NucleusSoup who legitimately dropped thousands of dollars on Tayleigh and bought her a steamdeck that she opened before she disappeared and went on her sex vacation to Kentucky
Didn’t her black boyfriends family freak out at her when she, according to her own words, tried to hit on his young sister?
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my s1 favorite even though i knew he was the spy from the beginning
actually you do
Letty actually believing tts that this made Damiel seethe was funny desu
kek when did that happen and why?
i hate jimmy and watching him makes me love myself because im not retarded like him
>retard thinks he can act in a Taylor stream like how he does in a Tayleigh stream
Fuck off, got what you deserved
>I have to get the last word in because he insulted my fishtank self insert
Yes. Nigger. That's the last word. Nigger.
your logic is retarded and you type like a fag
no wonder you are such a big jimmy fan
you know KFC put his dick on the chicken toy when he got it
Twitter space:

Summer's bf is 35 btw. He hooked up with a mentally ill 21 year old.
he was the first half decent looking guy to show interest in tay and she fucked him immediately
pretty good tearing up that white street meat
OF footage soon
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Jet is going to need to cook up some MAJOR kino within the next 48 hours because the Steam summer sale starts Thursday and if he wants my attention he needs to get to work
its cool we got letty and other fish to discuss her feet today for a bit
i wonder if he's still alive
>Steam summer sale starts Thursday
holy fuck i forgot
He's overexaggerating. What really happened is Greg made a donation goal for visiting Michigan without even talking to TJ or Taylor first and they were creeped out by it.
Based, he should impregnate her
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Don't ever let tayleigh live this down. The "free speech absolutist" pussied out after a couple TTS. That's gonna break her
i hope they have triplets
If she ever streams again it's going to be an absolute slaughterhouse. I doubt she will though because she knows exactly what is going to happen. I feel like she's just going to disappear.
kys KIKE niggerlover
He also read fake DMs from her live on stream that didn’t actually exist
Grim... and true.
>free speech absolutist
we tried to tell you last season she is a women and doesnt actually believe any of the shit she says
maybe you will learn something from this
>The "free speech absolutist" pussied out after a couple TTS.
What do you mean anon?
>please keep me in your thoughts
>I just want you to think of me
Jesus Christ this bitch is the fucking worst
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Summer must not spread her schizowhore genes
why do you post the same shit? next tts really should ask her thoughts on moderation and censorship.
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jerking one off thinking of you summy, wishing you all the best
Love Trish so much
based trish
i have nowhere to go, please help me anyone
Wow, I'm thoroughly offended by that word. You have officially gone too far sir.
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May Jon smite these hoes
Come thru! I’ve got Waterloo sparking water
>jon will get kicked tomorrow
nope! i want you to suffer and die
yeah shes an obvious pedo, look at all the doll and age regression shit
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Based, as always.
I just realized that when Duanyae said Brian was "looking healthy" he was probably talking about his weight gain lmao
I hope they don't let the girls gang up on Jon and bully him off the show. Things instantly became more entertaining when his retarded little ass showed up.
this zesty chigga been on my mind lately no cap
anyone looking for a roommate in the Memphis area?
cry more
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so is the late night crew not gonna share music this time around like last season? i don't really do the simping stuff and tearing the other fish i don't care for down isn't my thing. they're all desperate poor people, if you tear them down any further you'd be taking blood
I ate at Jon's restaurant ama
that plexity nigger needs to rope, such an embarrassing faggot
what an ugly man
is this some kind of gay slang?
This but with TJ
Aren't you the guy that posts nudes when you don't get (You)s
would you rather fuck an ass made of poop or a perfect facsimile of your mother made of rotting pork
kys summer
the only entertainment he brings is being target to bully
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>PST wagie anon
>by the time i get off work the show is over for the day because they're force to go to sleep early since they're outdoors
That's a duck
>>Is by far the least popular fish of 2.5

man, this whole "rewriting history" shit is getting crazy at this point.

Full circle too. Everyone hated her, then loved her, and now "hates" her again.
See you guys in 15 days when we all love her again!!
I wouldn’t call myself a fan of anyone on fishtank anon but his ramblings about how mormons raped him or whatever and getting mad because he’s too retarded to start a fire definitely makes better second monitor content than whatever the others are doing
It will lead to far more suffering for him than for her
He’s better off sticking his dick in a mouse trap
I want to see him spaz out over the vampires and try to actually fight them more than I want to see the girls gang up on him and bully him.
Ben it up
love this bitch fr
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>when I was on fish tank, I thought everyone hated me...
i want to see the girls gang up on and bully a helpless white twink
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nope, never posted nudes of a fish because i don't have any. i just post josie and talk tank and that makes people mad for whatever reason kek
Holy fuck. It took a day of Horse and Letterboxd TTS to send TJ to Jet.

Also hope someone clipped when she admitted to why she came on 2.5 she looked like she was going to vomit thinking about her fans
She factually has the least amount of endorsements. She had the least amount of camera views. She was by far the least entertaining today.
god I hope so. that first rape accusation finna hit so damn good nigga
taylor is the only fucking light in this world
i must be mentally deranged because as a wizard near the age of her bf, my thought isn't to swoop in and be a savior - if anything, i wish i were on season 2 simply to see how much she could crack. being yelled and then being called a coalburner and mocked for needing medicine was one of the weakest causes for a mindbreak. so much more could have been done
I want to see the girls lezz it up
That made me feel really bad for the taytriots but not really because fuck em lol but that was insanely brutal
Oh, I must've mixed you up with the other American josiecel.
Would you believe it if I told you that Fishtank is just a way for this guy to organize drug parties for his friends and get paid for it
Not for long I fear. I sense bad omens relating to her lately for some reason. Watching her wander around earlier filled me with a sense of dread. We must pray.
i wanna see betty giving out free backshots by the goods store
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one of*
No one in Sam's crew does drugs that is preposterous he would not allow it.
Hardest working
An IQ that is not significantly below 100
Yeah, she’s the clear best
elaborate or are you just schizoposting?
this bitch kinda stinky looking but she fine doe
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Is Josie funny?
Facts Sam is an honorable Christian traditional man
she wears safety shorts so i dont give a fuck about her
yeah that's why i Love her <3
Summarize what about her time on the show, aside from her physical appearance, you enjoyed about her
TJ about to get cucked if he hasn't been already, he'll get a boner thinking about it and cry out ot embarrassment KWAB
Not really
LOL stupid retard
What are you snacking on tonight /ftl/? I just sliced up a plumcot and I’ve got some gold fish crackers and a cup of water.
She’s a good person
she stink <3
No and also she's ugly and her genitals stink really badly
Why are you gay
Week 1 of S2 was incredible, I don't think it will ever be beat. And it was all based on the fact that they had to act like they weren't fans.
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the only funny women in the world
what's your fucking problem man
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fresh Ella!
Hey guys, Jet here

Another great start to a Fishtank season! Thank u all for ur support...
What would you like to see tomorrow?

josie has always been spongeob in this scene fishtank without her is squidward
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I can't. It's just a feeling. It just felt off, bad energy surrounding her. It was like a horror movie that starts off with footage of the protagonists dead wife.
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josie is funny and i love how her look is evolving
Very odd
you're mistaking her for letty
see >>200507239
Letty and Taylor mudwrestling
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shout out to the british guy that would always make and post new lewd josies
there is nothing fresh about this putrid unwashed mess of a "person"
She bombed in fishtank. Letty mogged her and she has the audacity to act like she’s some kind of eceleb on twitter. She’s not even canon as far as I’m concerned.
I’d like to see anything, cameras were fucked for 90% of the day and most cameras are paywalls anyway
flowstreams nigga
dissolve yourself in a barrel of acid you fat fuck
Betty BBC cam would be nice
tayleigh humiliated
Most people don't want to pay $60 to view the bodycams
She looks like bliccy
humiliated or killed
Hey guys, Bex here

Sam has officially downgraded Jet back to strike one, WAGMI
I don’t support piracy.

If something is worth watching, I’ll watch it on its intended platform and if it’s not worth watching there it probably sucks and I just don’t watch it.
Allow negative tts you pussy
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you should 100% kill yourself
>about her fucking a fan
Did that actually happen? How tall was the fan?
same, got that feeling as well.
her just aimlessly wandering in the background with this dress just had something sinister in it.
armpit stuff
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Is it weird that Letty is my favorite fish even though I'm not really sexually attracted to her? The way she acts is just the essence of what I wanted out of fish tank when it was first announced.
Tay and Letty just did this to Jon before
Gyarus are supposed to be curvy and have an over the top faux-valley girl personality. Josie is a flat board boy-looking special needs graduate.
Take that back right fucking now. Letty's guts smell like unpollinated flowers.
I wouldn’t do that, I have many things I’d like to live for and also I have people who love me and I wouldn’t want to hurt them.
jon is aggressive and brown
I feel the exact same way, she’s the perfect contestant
i like the things she does on the show but i cant stand her fucking voice
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lmao, what a faggot. here is your (You) because I KNOW you have to be trolling.
Jon being teased for being gay
The only way Tayleigh bounces back is dropping the free speech act, getting some mods and never addressing the change in style and milking her simps (and boyfriend) until they're dry. Buck up Taytriots!
How on earth are you still defending her? If you're a good cuck she night let you suck Jordan's cum out of her pussy
is there a link to the OST somewhere or did they made it themselves?
shit is fire
No, she’s the only one that acts like an actually reality show contestant is supposed to while still being an autistic NEET degenerate that belongs on Fishtank, she’s perfect for it
More Jon and Jimmy team up kino and more arguments
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This. I've never felt like facefucking someone until her
Insider info:

Jet is demoted, if he keeps fucking this up. He won't have a job anymore. This is real. You better do something good Jet, and quick.
It’s proprietary. Check out the RuneScape ost if you want something similar.
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>posts wholesome photo of her cat
>posts herself gagging on a black dildo, completely repulsing her followers
>posts wholesome photos of her flower garden

the duality of Betty
why does she oscillate between extremes, is it her medication?
look into dungeon synth, runescape, daggerfall

here's a funny josie moment
Is sam going to kill jet?
her "boyfriend" pimps her out just ask him for a poke
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Actual Bex here, he moved it up to strike 2.5
>no you can't pay for what you like! you have to commit crimes and expect everything you want for free like me!
diablo 1 ost
Dungeon Synth Archive on youtube
that retarded bitch doesn't have the cranial capacity to self reflect and make good choices.
except her pit stank <3
and jon too in the ass
She and letty are friends though
id lick your butt for hours on end
i know about dungeon synth just was wondering about the source of their ost and who made it
I feel like she legitimately enjoys chaos and shit flinging. Just look at that huge smile she had when Tay and Jon started fighting. She's really good at needling people and picking at them until they blow up too.
She wants attention, by any means, and wants to be perceived as cute/desirable
She also has poor judgment
that retarded bitch doesn't have the cranial capacity to self reflect and make good choices.
Me too dude, it's weird. I find her ugly but can't help but appreciate her wit
gay faggot song
The constant tayseething and obnoxious paypigs probably made her like this.
people who are averse to a bit of pit funk have clearly never experienced it in action
Guy snoopin
Someone is coming to Basecamp with weapons drawn
Kekkle. I love that bratty little bitch.
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nigger, I'm only going to say this once. You are giving your hard earned money to Samuel Hyde and Goran. that on itself disqualifies you from the genetic pool. so kys!
All she had to do was ban a couple of people who were the only ones who constantly sent hate tts and not actively be a bitch to her simps. She's retarded for not milking those suckers for all they were worth.
this. i still remember the first time i ate my girl out after a long walk. i wish i could have that for breakfast lunch and dinner
I genuinely felt schizo when I first started thinking it lmao, she just seemed out of it, not comfortable, idk.
Yeah, but then imagine opening your Twitter DMs and seeing collages of your accidental nudes. She also lurked here.

Everyone was telling her to mod, so there's no excuse for that.
Who the hell is moaning?
sqaw pitsu
This shit is 2 weeks right? Does that mean it’s ending on july 9th?
i've never fantasized doing anything sexual with summer but i did recognize right away that she was starting to break while in the tank. i more thought about how funny the doghouse bit would be if she were fed psychedelics and then forced to act like a dog while listening to "dog affirmations" and be treated like a dog by the other contestants, who would be held at risk of punishment if they failed to treat her like a dog.
So, whats the problem, simp ?
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Hey don't hate the player(s), hate the game.
>he actually likes this
I hated letty during S1 but she is the best contestant they've ever had. She's smart and she has a good sense of humor.
are there no YouTubers doing recaps this time?
has arena b ever been shown?
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chud queen
2 weeks is 10 days so it's July 5th
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>taytriot compound (June 2024)
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I didn't appreciate jimmy enough last season. I enjoy his retarded autism, but now I understand. His autism is a gift from god. He should have gay sex with jon and then fuck dogs.
The body cams are free
Jesus the season 1 threads were a thousand times better. I missed season 2, and I'm trying to watch this Bloodgames shit but what the fuck happened to the threads
there will probably be cappers on YT but i am expecting this season to be less freeform and more structured as it's just a mini season. unfortunately that also means there's probably going to be scheduled uniformity between the players and production so everything can fit within the two week window
They’re already starting to slow down. Imagine fishtank without /ftl/. Grim…
I just checked and there’s zero coverage. I missed Xavier’s introduction, can’t find a clip anywhere. React simply, rocky stream where are you guys?

S1 ftl was comfy as fuck. They should definitely keep the Director cam in s3 though, it's a solid idea atleast (100% not by Jet).

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