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epic porn reference jimmy!
forgot the link :D
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>"strong, unbreakable" tayleigh has to cry to jet after TTSes about her fucking a fan start coming through
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Will Roger Stone show up?
List of things that would happen if TJ appeared:
>cameras would start working
>No more lag and low bit rate
>NPC’s would stay after dark
>Camera batteries wouldn’t run out
>everyone would successfully RP
>viewership would triple
You choice Jet!!
Lol did she actually go off screen to fetch Jet or something
epic ainsley harriot reference jimmy!
Tay and Jimmy are going to get gay married
tayleigh is a bad bitch that gets what she wants. love her.
use this thread first
Taytards got it so bad. Taylor fans just wanted happiness for her (we are all in serious relationships of our own) and we got it.
She's an empath; she can feel your pain through the computer monitor
post a clip or fanfiction
this thread was first by 2 seconds
ok sure
She asked him on cam immediately after the TTS and they walked off for a couple minutes
This is the thread
Lmao. Someone post a clip please I missed it
This would somehow actually happen because of TJ's Law
im requesting jannies delete this thread, the other one was posted first thank you for your service
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true but this also applies to bliccy
Bliccy would be kino too. She can come the day after TJ comes (tomorrow)
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abi was gonna be on the show too but she couldnt afford the greyhound bus fare lol
who posted that
hahaha stupid poor bitch
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He’s sleeping on sharp rocks
Wow are you allowed to even say that? We’ve got one based fren over here, straight outta kekistan!
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TJ is a weird little faggot and I'm glad he's not a contestant in 2.5
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FACT: tayleigh is a cunt bitch of the highest magnitude and order
I'll try to do a QRD
>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being autistic, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc like crazy for her. Trying to turn her into the next Boxxy
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, then the next stream she adamantly denied it
>Greg stops visiting her streams because she calls him gay
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey.
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt
this retarded nigger it's really raw dogging the forest. respect I guess
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It's time.
It’s funny how people try to pretend he’s just quirky and lovable and not a weird freak
bam ba lam
Is this nigga retarded? And im not asking it in an ironic meme way. Im asking for an official diagnosis
Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam
Nah check k farms, jet didn't want to pay her
The only great Tayleigh moment was when she was autistically telling her friend the "poop knife" story while her friend sat next to her looking like she wanted to blow her brains out
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thanks QRD anon, keep it up
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the cast is all entertaining people this time around the only thing that can go wrong is the crew not having any actitives for them to do and shit getting boring which will inevitably happen. today was mostly good though despite the expected tech issues
he objectively has personal quirks and i happen to love those quirks so he is in fact quirky and lovable. response?
Still a lot of show left to go but honestly, yea
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Why did she stab her fans in the back?
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wtf is going on
trust the plan
Chip is going to hang himself from a tree branch
nice breaking bad music
if nothing else they clearly put way a lot of effort into set designs. The S2 house way more work than what they did with S1. Beyond that though the actual quality of the day to day content is up for debate.
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend
You made that up. Same with the one about humiliating random fans (unless you think you shouldn't humiliate Bad Ideas?)
I've never seen someone hate their own fans like she does. Granted I don't really watch streamers or pay attention to shit like that, but its insane how much she loathes them.
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post your face when you haven't give a single dime to Tayleigh, Taylor, Sam Hyde or any of these retards.
who that
Have you seen her fans? She should’ve been harsher if we’re being real
right on the money good job anon
Tay boyfriend
the larger scope and scale actually works well despite some bizarre execution choices. i would say at least the first day shows some real potential for this season and any future season if they keep this scale of production
are they going to release the OST after? this shit actually rules
i agree!
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fine. I'll do it.
This has been pretty cool so far but it has me extremely hyped for season 3
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he's so hot
In one of the streams she accidently let it slip she had a boyfriend and in the next one she refused to elaborate and said "maybe i just like fucking with you"

She absolutely humilated multiple fans. She basically publicly casterated that Brock Landers guy. Yeah he was being cringe, but he didn't deserve to be straight up made fun of for like 30 minutes.
i think so too!
Thx, I made it :)
>all entertaining people
uhhh yeahh maybe not all, anon
Hi sul
Ur gay
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i think enough time has passed
2.5 > 2 = 1
the sound nigger actually cooking
wow, that sucks, hadn't checked in since s2, thanks for the qrd
honestly sounds pretty believable
no one is truly /ourgirl/ when given enough attention
Betty would be an 11/10 without the mental illness, what a shame
based on his rp today, kinda hoping for brian as production on s3. have a feeling him and ben are gonna work well together.
taylor is the only thing that brings me warmth, ill never be able to let go
Oh they were fixing nightvision
I guess you shouldn't humiliate the guy that keeps donating every minute telling you to eat who then switches to hoping you die of bulimia for telling him you're an adult (this happened).

Hey brock! Read the entirety of this post please!
cant blame mitwit fishtank viewers thats the false persona the wiggers pushed so they could try to force a likable winner after cole fell through
If this is real then very good shit, the music has made it so much better
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I still love Betty and hope that she gets better
I just wish that she would stop randomly blasting her Twitter followers with the most grotesque porn and self harm
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Sorry I was lying, I didn’t actually make it
>autistic sperg
Tayleigh and Jimmy are only entertaining when they have meltdowns (not mentioning Jon because he is always in some stage of melting down).
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Brian is at his best when he's not himself. He basically saved that whole Letty jail interaction earlier
I trusted you how could you do this to me
brianbuddies were eating good today. his RP was on point and him stepping in when tai announced that he used a charisma potion was hilarious
How do they know she fucked a fan? How tall was the fan?
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Have a feeling that jimmy will be Sam's personal lolcow like fatty

Depends on how well the boilermaker job goes
Post the stream with the timestamp. All I remember is TTS harassing her about secret boyfriends every few streams.
Letty and Tai do enough of the heavy lifting to make the other interactions tolerable
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Fucking kino atmo
Guys shhhh! Be quiet, listen! this is my favorite track from the ost!
Fair enough, I have high hopes for those two as well
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>most of the cams on the site are paywalled now

s3 is fucked, isn't it
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Any sighting of Bex yet?
Tayjeets are the biggest morons on the planet. She didn't just "go cunt" out of nowhere, she was always like that. and anybody with synapses in their head already realized that way back in S2. They need to stop crying, because they only brought it on themselves with their stupidity.
Ive always said brian would work better as production. He can speak well so he is already better than jet or ben when explaining something to the fish.
I hate Brian so much he’s going to have work really hard if he expects that to change.
It's cuck headcanon that she might of gone to kentucky
She's been around. I've seen her dead on the ground as a vampire like twice now.
She delivered food for the schitty fair
i dont think they're meant to be paywalled but there's also almost never a reason to switch to them and if something was happening that could only be shown on there then the director cam would cut to it anyway
Trips confirm
yeah I mean, it was the narrative
I just thought he was a weird autist from the start but as it went on he just didn't get any better but they just kept forcing him
they really really wanted a redemption arc where he would stop being a weirdo but he is who he is so they just forced it
anyway, glad he's not here for this, at least for now
bitty im schiitted
this is either satire or shilling
I wonder if what level the fish is at corresponds with how much money they get paid at the end? Seems that way since Jet said leveling up corresponds with how entertaining you are. If so Tai is going to be the only one to make any money because he's funny as fuck and the rest are boring as shit.
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im warming up to him, I was a Colefag therefore it was natural for me to hate him but he has shown development and I like his role.
Brianbuddies...I apologize....
Yeah, she brought out sandwiches earlier
It's most definitely more than headcanon based on her behavior today
What this has going for it is that it's generally positive and silly vibe, and not totally grim like nearly all of season two.
Post your /ftl/ confessions

Whenever someone posts as a cast/crew member in these threads, I always believe it's the actual person and not someone pretending
I had it on the director cam all day and didn’t feel the need to change it once
Chances of a bear coming in and dragging jimmy away? (he said he had 12 years of experience with bears and tries to fight it).
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>Yeah, she brought out sandwiches earlier
So the big annual Schitty festival was just them getting food, dancing, and then playing hide and seek? really not looking good on the activities front this season.
I hated him in season 2 and am the first person who started calling him an energy vampire. He was really good today though.
damn tay is restless whats wrong girl?
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Rate Tai's first day
jet here, it’s always me posting, nothing to doubt
seriously imagine defending fucking brocklanders. gotta be one of the posters that seethe about tay on /bant/.
yeah too bad tay is there
What's wrong with you, man? It's too late for her.
i hope tayleigh stays permanently on level 1 while the others get level tens and multiclass
jon sleeping with all the bugs. classic retard

Tay never sleeps. Probably why she looks so haggard
Trish's fatass first in line!
I don’t like watching fishtank or being in these threads but I can’t stop. I’m trying to quit so I can do more productive things.
you already know, 10/10 all day
thinking bout that jodran cock
She can sense a disturbance. She seriously reads 4chan every single day. EVERY DAY. She fucking knows /bant/ is a hornets nest right now.
Still the premise is really gay and would have worked better if the fish didnt know they were dealing with vamps when they started
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Trish been eatin good nah im just sayin chilllll
honestly the director cam is going to be the best way to enjoy the show. I see no reason in switching
8.5/10, got a great start mogging Jet and Sam, got into character and had some fun interactions and rizz moments. Fell off at the end because he got high as fuck.
I don't know but I do want something bad to happen to Jimmy. I don't hate or even dislike him but the sadist in me wants him to suffer
>a woman is acting bitchy therefore she's cucking her fanbase
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I’m most of the posts here
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as someone who didn't follow /bant/ in the offszn, someone give me the rundown on summy lore post-accusing sam. I heard she's getting pimped out now???
It's director cam almost the entire time for me, unless I want Letty radio
oh shit wtf
Nahhhh man
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Cant believe these noobs don’t have someone staying up on guard duty. Won’t make that mistake again
WTF is he doing
I dont know what she could do to be the most entertaining. She's not naturally funny like Tai. She's not accidently funny like Jon or Jimmy. She's not super good at manipulating people like Letty.

Her only entertaining moments have been screeching like a banshee at literal retarded guys.
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i bwoke the schitty guyws
its ower
its bwoken
I artificially spread divisiveness and defeatism in these threads for no personal gain
She didn’t get pimped out, that’s one 40 year old bettycel that keeps saying that just ignore it
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is that my nigga xavier??
I argued with someone about something during season 2 (don’t even remember what it was) and got so angry I growled like a dog in real life. Really freaked me out, took a break from the threads and watching fishtank for a few days. I’m normal now though
Who is that?
who the fuck is the samurai
I hope to fuck it lets out some loud as fuck combos
her only utility was to be humiliated by TTS but jet doesn't allow any fun
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If this ninja doesn't take this opportunity to grope Letty then he's a bitch
I'm talking great big handfuls
She's even on the bottom bunk for easy access
several people on the show have gained weight since around S2 weirdly
She for sure went to Kentucky. She posted a picture of inside mammoth cave. Furthermore, why would she let the tts bother her if it wasn't true? If it wasn't she'd just laugh at it like the dyke stuff. Same reason Jon gets pissed off over being called gay.
just try to find the clip from day one that myself and others are referencing, where letty's getting grilled by sheriff ben and then tai steps in to defend his "party" and announces that he has consumed a charisma potion. the sheriff doesn't immediately recognize what tai is screeching about but deputy brian hops in and says that he thinks tai might have a point, which eventually leads to letty just getting a warning from ben. kind of a funny interaction but also shows brian on top of what's happening

deputy brian was honestly one of the better parts of the first half of the day




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for those who missed this kinography earlier
I'm not even really involved in this but she's had to have talked to this guy and likely met up with him at this point. Not saying she's fucking anyone just that she's leaving out details and doing things to intentionally piss her fans off.
>Won’t make that mistake again
Wanna bet?
accused crew of giving her a sedative then raping her. doesn't remember it but somehow remembers vance crying during it.
Poor Tay, she looks so unconfortable and unable to sleep
>Drone footage of the Taytriot compound (June 26 2024, Colorized)
I can't believe that retard Jon it's raw dogging the floor. I respect it becuase its real nigga shit but he is going to get fucked up by the bugs.
No joke I got up from my computer and had to stare at myself in the mirror for a bit lol
Can't wait to buy the deluxe OST CD
Hey guys Jet here

Sam says we have to put in more content to appeal to his fetishes, so get ready for Fishtank's first 'DIAPER CHALLENGE' tomorrow
With Josie and Vance gone, who is running autocam this time? Bex?
Her staying up all night tweaking was a staple of S2.
She has family in KY
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I wanna see Betty and Taylor take BBC together
nigga calm down
Yeah it happens
Fat tank
camping in the woods for more than 4 days is taxing on people who actually camp in the woods. they are going to fold within a week
That was me. I got you riled up, bitch.
yeah waking up Jimmy or Jon with a guy holding a sword is probably fine
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>Poor Tay, she looks so unconfortable and unable to sleep
Especially since New England is the center of Lyme disease
Queen of Clubs = Bex
Queen of Spades = ?
Queen of Hearts = ?
Queen of Diamonds = ?
Wait Jon is sleeping outside his bunk on the floor?
This fucking retard lmfao
This is all 100% true btw, former taytriot here (embarrassed to even type that)
Reasonable. the worst part of fishtank is arguably how Jet and ben forget the rules of their games and end up throwing cool ideas out the window. If Brian can help keep them on the rails then I welcome it.
This is Q and he's about to decapitate Tayleigh
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On the dirt
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>gropes letty
>reveals mask
>its jezza
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No. Her brother she visited was in Ohio. Mammoth Cave is 5 hours from Ohio.
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So true
Fishtank 2.5: Part 2: Qs Revenge
Using his Bible as a pillow, clasic
they deadass need it ong
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jon filleted
like a fish
dont come to vegas
Jon please attack Xavier
this xavier fellah is bad news
He did really well desu. I hated him on s2 but he was excellent today
literally nothing happening
hes too docile
leave Taylor out of it, only Betty is reserved for BBC
Dont have to flip between cameras because everyone sleeps in the same area.
Bunk tank is a good choice.
gay. not even doing anything. he could kill them all and just......doesn't.
>so much happened in a short period of time that people have already forgot about Jon and Jimmy snorting lines of cocaine off a bible
Xavier should take a shit on the deck next to letty’s bed so she steps in it when she wakes up
Its a multitool bible
Sometimes you need to lock in and remember it’s just the computer
That’s fair
they are allied retard
>he could just rdm them all
shut the fuck up failrping NOOB
Queen of spades = Betty
Your silence is deafening.
Hey guys Bex here

Jet just said that since I'm team Mommy I should read everyone a story and tuck them in (Including him) and then laughed awkwardly after a few moments, he was just kidding right?
He looks drunk as fuck and testing the waters.
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where is hausbomb? i hear he is behind LETTY
It's been confirmed production lurks. The s1 Willy Wonka ending was predicted during the camping arc. The séance was predicted by multiple Anons within the first week. Waifu wars was predicted within the first week.
Any of you Anons can will anything you want into a reality if you meme it and talk about it enough to get productions attention.
i think the bit is xavier is crushing on tayleigh from the first meeting, he just left her a note
this bitch should suffer for treating us like she did
Where are the poker links?
Someone start a lobby, I'm bored
i know the larping is cringe and lame but this shit is so funny im sorry. it's obvious that they're self aware and some people here just don't get the joke

Hearts = Josie (The most popular female fish)
Diamonds = Bliccy (She makes me diamonds)
Can Valve sue them for this L4D shit?
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>nigga calm down

I was promised rapetank for season 2.5
It was in one of the investor calls
Tell Jon to sleep in the tent and quit being retarded. He's going to stress himself out and snap again.
even though it was only powdered caffeine it def sends the wrong message, especially for a "businessman" like jon. yikes
how did BRIAN get so fucking fat in the span of a few months, he looks like a redditor
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ah, rdm. stands for random death murder, if im not mistaken
In the great outdoors a man only needs his bible
I swear to you I was comparing the s1 fish to the characters in wonka mid season, they lined up perfectly for the most part. It blew my mind when they actually did that ending.
Tomorrow I am going to start a copypasta as to why production should feed information to Jon about Tayleigh because it would be divine retribution for what she did to Airsoftfatty.
Jon and chip too
Ben confirmed it when the post said "ben here jets not teaching them poker right should i go up" and then did like 2 minutes later.
Also frank literally said to the camera "i am laughing at the threads" to a post saying thats what he was doing.
This, for those of you who don't know she lurks /bant/ and has admitted to it several times
Manifesting TJ resurrection.
They should add another closer bunk cam cant see shit
he's european
Wait was that not the Xavier guy? Looked like a different outfit
He got a new girl. Probably actually feels a sense of hunger and relaxation now that he's away from that vampire CK.
explain the joke. this is either production posting or some serious cope
would be good when shit is dead
I change my posting style and opinions on a dime to try to rile people up
When's S3 meant to be starting?
winston circa 2015 colorized
I've bought hundreds of dollars worth of tokens for TTS messages.
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If jet really wants a "lore reset" he can ruin his relationship with all the contestants one by one because none of them matter after this.
Name a single more retarded and mentally ill fanbase than Fishtank
It'll happen but probably during peak hours.
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trish delish my favorite fish
all she needed was better communication
oh shit spin move
It probably really was caffeine but Jimmy started actually acting like he was on coke. His eyes got fucking huge, he was pacing, and kept doing that thing coke heads do where they rub their teeth their finger.
well she'll find out later that only 4-6 max taytriots remain so good luck to her kwab threw it all away and for what, a fling? will that dude really move to Texas
pls tayseethe
Groupers and BAPtards
What did Tay do wrong to fatty?

I am a fairly popular, big name streamer and I LOVE Fishtank but I'm worried that acknowledging that on my streams will affect my channel's popularity negatively due to some of the content on Fishtank
Get in here, faggots
xavier has the most fun at the show
h-he is so powerful
kill yourself kike troon
wtf was the point of rushing out this half-assed spin off season. just focus on making s3 good niggers
said sam was using him as a prop and personal lolcow (true)
k, same cringe entity bullshit from s1 where nothing happens. see you later guys
this is gay as hell
>How do they know she fucked a fan? How tall was the fan?
She went to Kentucky to see a famous set of caves and they're cuckposting about how she fucked a guy that purchased shit from her. She lurks the 4chan threads from time to time and became aware of the seethe and made fun of it just like the last time there was a round of cuck posting during her 1920s dressup party.
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mysterious swordsmen wilding out in the schitty right now
if you're seeing this dude dancing with the katana on the Schitty cam and you don't find it funny then idk what to tell you
So who at funnyjunk is getting fired over giving money to this retarded concept?
Jazz general.
Is Basecamp the only cam working atm?
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I didn't appreciate jimmy enough last season. I thought funny nip boy who couldn't understand the language was funnier. Now I realize nothing can beat the weaponized autism and I see that jimmy IS the content.
love when i hear a ben laugh
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Xavier only reveals his sword when he needs to
So Xavier is the night shift tard wrangler?
yup, that sums it up.
That would be kino. Luring all these dorks in and thinking they're just going to have a fun little silly camping trip but slowly making them snap one by one.
>latched onto a rich girl
Peter W
i make facetious posts about controversial topics with enough passion behind them to make people think i'm serious
oh shit he has input counters. they're fucked
whenever people use the word content i immediately think they’re retarded
Post the guy who cucked the simps
>boss appears at a certain time only
Same 3 anons who are apparently ex-taytriots that will delete their folders any time now really latched on.
Xavier is above the chessboard, winking his butthole at us.
I already feel weird enough browsing these threads about watching a lame Internet reality show and then these fucking freaks regularly show up making it even worse.
there's more to it but
I fell asleep before Jon arrived, what I miss?
because jet is a fucking retarded faggot, guarantee it will get delayed into another xmas fishtank again
Not even 1% of his power btw
Xavier Ravenblood runs this shit
it was caffeine for sure, that wasnt the point.

as a self proclaimed christian businessman trying sell an image its not a good look to be snorting a white powder off a bible. you know how social media can spin things. poor decision making all around.
She completely broke him by telling him that the MDE crew isn't really his friend and they're just using him for content. He was emo and mindbroken for like 5 days straight after that.
Jon arrived
None of these are even close
Makes me think of gacha games which is just combining porn addiction with gambling addiction so that might be actual competition, vtuber fans too
>well she'll find out later that only 4-6 max taytriots remain
Thats probably a good thing if you retards throw a tantrum because she is seeing a dude.
>but she cried!
So? You are a gullible faggot that threw money at a woman that cried, retard.
the entire autismo surrounding that interaction was amazing. tai just randomly remembers that he's also playing a game and that letty is in his party, decides to consume a charisma potion to assist his party, announces to the NPC in question that he has consumed said potion, then brian steps in and basically he wants to now listen to what tai has to say. tai was on one today but tai also got assisted by one of the production members most into it
jimmy cringe
jon sperg
jon sperg 2
Xavier mogging
>Xavier is active at night
>Duke during the day
>Duke is the vampire tho

We know it’s you hasan, just admit it already
It's time: Best fish?

This is absolute cope and you should feel bad. She joined his space last night. Fucking kill yourself
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If this was true why would she run to Jet and have him block tts about it? You're delusional, dude.
yeah. i guess im not so easily amused
so far the best fish this season are jon and tai. everyone else is either being too nice or being kind of boring
He just had a completely different outfit on than this one lol
She lurks /bant/.
Shes a woman where her peers abandoned her and they're getting attention. I get it, it sucks for something you were never told in life was gonna be a problem and got you excluded. At some point shes gotta move on and find something else because they seem pretty firm on their Betty stance.
>morale maxxed out
yea nah, the tts got to some of them. will jons ego even let him endure it for more than 2-3 days
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i just want to put her in an krgasm3 induced coma and tell her everything's ok <3
Costume is perplexing, what the fuck is this supposed to be?
I simp for girls I don't even like cause it get me (you)s
What did Shinji mean by this?
Haha imagine Bex taking off her cargo pants after a long day and she's all sweaty and icky haha wouldn't it be funny
>go to our t-shirt website to by t-shirts with advertisements for our t-shirt website on it
What retard would ever buy these
bex designed it
he meant TRVTHNVKE
>If this was true why would she run to Jet and have him block tts about it? You're delusional, dude.
Delusional headcanon
I fucking love this guy
Ben is trying to convince John to sleep in a bed
Xavier Ravenblood, Lord of the Night
who is taling to jon>
Has anyone Clipped any of Jon's shenanigans?
I'm only 2 hours away
/ftl/ eternally blown the fuck out by based Shinji
in season 1 i caught myself getting dressed in the corner of my room so the cameras couldnt see me
Hey guys, Bex here

Jet has been in the crew portapotty for an hour, I'm scared to go in after
It's a lot deeper than that, man. She's in a legitimately shitty life situation. She lives in a super rural area, can't drive, only has one single real life friend and only sees her a few times a month, and lives in a single wide trailer with her mom, step dad, and like 5 animals.

Then she's miraculously given a golden ticket. Her dinky little crochet business suddenly gets hundreds of orders. She gets guys who want to shower her in money just to turn on a webcam and talk to them for a few hours a week. She could have completely changed her life, but she threw it all away.
blackface ben
To add to this, she lurks far more than she let on. She was aware of Brian opening a markypost on stream WEEKS after the fact. Likely saw the webm.
Correctly warning about the toxicity of developing parasocial relationships, ESPECIALLY if you are lonely.
They hate to see a man conquering the wilderness. Making him soft with the comforts of a bed
Damn Josiefags won hard
I literally don't understand when Ben sleeps, I feel like he's always out there late at night and early in the morning and everywhere in between
in season 2 i made tea after a fishtank allnighter and thought about knocking on b2 to see if trish wanted some
Trish is who all Tay’s fans thought Tay would be
she's not the best decision maker
this sucks
Can somebody give me a qrd on Xavier? What is his power level? The sword, is it a masamune?
what was jon trying to achieve by sleeping on the ground?
are there any recaps out yet?
these interval creepy high violin notes remind me of read dead redemption undead nightmare
during S2 he seemed to sleep during the very specific stretches where Jet or Sam were upstairs for awhile taking up screentime. Supposedly when he fought Greg, they had to wake him up to go do it and then he went right back to sleep after.
Based jap
dominance over the crew
Sometimes I’ll be doing some task around my apartment and think to myself “wait am I sweeping/washing this dish in a way that looks weird” and try to do whatever in a normal way, can’t tell if that’s schizophrenia or just Christianity
>full lore reset so we'll never see Xavier make a cameo on any future seasons
it hurts
They're using the Left 4 Dead 2 OST for those. They should use some Undead Nightmare though. Here's an idea for you Jet.
He slept on the couch and floor exclusively during s1. I think he believes it makes him seem stoic and monk like
is the mic going to hiss for the entire show?
some literal who is getting paid to "dance" around in the town so you will say this is kino cause nothing else is going on
It’s almost 4 in the morning
Who’s portraying Xavier. Is it taxcin?
Doesn't it fell draining watching fishtank all day during the first couple of days?
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post em
join the poker game, nigga
Wasn't taxcin fired?
fishtank is an incredibly mentally draining experience but there's nothing quite like the dopamine that it gives
it makes him look mentally deficient
taxcin is a gassed out nigger who is 5minutes from k-holing himself at any given moment. No thats not taxcin.
I don’t know. Who else could it be? Alex Schultz?
you cant cater only to the audience in the timezone
yeah and they already have one that has similar guitars to this too
allegedly jan rankowski, although i'm skeptical because he hasn't worked on any MDE projects since the great war.
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currently debating if the Tay/Jon fight counts as a truth nuke.
Tax can barely string a sentence together since he's always barred out, no way he could have pulled off that long ass monologuing.
Are they supposed to all be awake 24/7 then?
don jolly
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Join, boys
if you missed Xavier's actual introductory scene earlier, it's not someone who's actually from MDE because he's actually talented
wait do we have a game goin post the link fucker
Whoever he is, he's saving this shitshow. I was genuinely impressed by his performance earlier
no, i won't defend it at all. in fact i'll criticize the fish who are all asleep at this time. i swear we'd have around 3-4 fish awake at this time during s1 and s2. fish probably should have been made aware that, like a video game, there are unique "encounters" that are only experienced around certain times. wake them the fuck up
deaglenation never dies
seething aussie detected
I think he has to be some sort of actor because there's no way some random fucker was able to remember that entire script the way he did.
Based inner focus Shinji
he asked chatgpt what jon would say
not me
Damn I missed it…where are all the fishtank clippers? I just checked and there’s zero coverage of this shit in yt
close, only about 8000+ miles off
Any time Fatty shows up on cams they need to queue up the Boomer cue music from L4D2.
>but also prease donate to me because i was scammed on racist reality show
shinji is such a fag
>No scanlines in your screenshots
>No troll popups
>keyboard controls for: mute [M], fullscreen [F], autocam [, or .], and cams [1-6]
>(More in readme)
I hope Trish and Tay will settle their beef this season, there’s DEFINITELY some unresolved tension and resentment still leftover
Liquid TJ
no not at all but like they are trying to sell this simulation with vampires you would think someone would be awake at night when you know like vampires are awake. maybe im being too critical. enjoy your slop
It was fucking kino
i wonder if the rural internet ruined it or not. her parents didn't want her to run cables and let her get starlink which made the technical issues even worse.
Don’t use this script it’s a keylogger
they hung out and did a few streams in texas already im pretty sure
who gives a fuck
this is a RAT don't download it
>>but also prease donate to me because i was scammed on racist reality show
Wait really? They didn't pay him?
lol btfo
They will both come together to call Jon gay tomorrow
what happened with vance?
someone link clip
>he doesnt know about the post season 2 shinji lore

boy you are in for a ride
I lost so much sleep during S2 that I developed brain fog for awhile after it ended
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no he's just retarded and claims he got scammed because he didn't win much and handled his money like shit
I still find it hilarious how Tay denied so hard she was ever into TJ and she ends up fucking some bootleg version of him in the end
i think he was raped
Taylor and Trish is another weird one. The Greg stuff is just her thinking he’s fucking annoying and him being oblivious. The real Taylor drama is over being bff with dunye and the rights to suck tj cock.

Just as he was about to go onto the set, he started crying uncontrollably

Noone knows why

trish indirectly saved her from some creepy date rapist
Supposedly he had another concert gig come up and it was higher paying than fish tank
she's never been honest ever. at least on camera
Qrd on the tayleigh fan fuck allegation please.
i have a feeling that in terms of cohesion, this season might be pretty good since it's kind of clear that production and players are going to be on a specific sleep schedule. essentially, they're all going to, in part, become to submissive to nature.

but, honestly, this shit needs to end faster because then we'll just be 1 week away from big brother 26
a mexican raped me
now i'm a nazi
my name is tayleigh
TJ paypalled Duanyay for his services btw
It's been confirmed. She ran to jet and made him censor tts. Too late to give a proper qrd
The middle has to change if vance isnt even going to be there. Thats suppose to be the free block
Is making it as shit as possible part of the bit? I’m watching earlier clips and there’s multiple LARP scenes where Jet just walks in and cuts them off to say some stupid shit
3 more seats
not an allegation, it's true, see previous threads
kek what a goober. Fear Factor paid $50k in 2001 dollars for 3 stunts over 3 days, and only the day 2 stunt was ever actually bad. I can't believe anyone would go on Fishtank for the money.

It's a technique known as 'jetting it up'
benji? are you back
almost definitely
each time jet came in during the night, obnoxious sfx was queued for the exact moment he started speaking
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Josie's up
gonna take them a couple days to learn and get really into it (if they even do)
>Guy buys chicken plushy from tayleigh
>he lives in kentucky
>she disappears from streaming for a month
>posts photo of her in a cave, autistic giga simp of her figures out that the cave is in kentucky
>chicken guy posts on twitter "the cat is out of the bag"
>/bant/'s nickname for tayleigh is cat
>chicken guy does a twitter space last night and tay is caught listening to it
>tonight she said "shout out to my cock buddy"
>tts came through saying something about her fucking people who buy her plushes
>she immediately ran to Jet and seemingly asked tts like that to be censored
>nobody got a clip of Xavier's incredible introductory monologue
i would've hated to have missed that
the samurai spirit returns to shinji
I'll try to do a QRD
>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being autistic, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc like crazy for her. Trying to turn her into the next Boxxy
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, then the next stream she adamantly denied it
>Greg stops visiting her streams because she calls him gay
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey.
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders and visit friends and family out of state
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>tweeted a few photos of caves it was tracked to be mammoth caves in kentucky and people put it together
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt and she followed him on twitter when he uploaded the video
I just read that apparently someone sold Jimmy YuGiOh cards. Which cards?

Great to still see Sylvia around, she genuinely seems a lot happier since she got pregnant with little Dongus
Yeah that shit was amazing desu
Fucking grim
haha that would be so schitty hahaha
imagine sniffing her musky sweaty ass
>Craigslist meetup to sell stuff
>buyer is actually a rapist
>Tayleigh is understandably upset
>people blame the victim
So typical
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in case you needed any foreshadowing on tomorrow's events
see >>200507611
Dunyae being gay (or at least gayly bi) made it inevitable that Taylor would befriend him. Her old insta photos with guys were all obviously the most flamboyantly out of the closet fruitloops you've ever seen. She's clearly a faghag.
wow.... duanyay glazed TJ??
>taylor and trish
lol i haven't considered duanyay being the reason they're so awkward with each other even during collabs, i just thought it's their timid personalities not vibing together. have their s2.5 interactions been weird or something?
>>tonight she said "shout out to my cock buddy"
It was "Cock, buddy". Rape victims often grow a phantom cock in order to cope with the painful memories of being raped, it's a way of taking the cock back.
>I'm alweady dead
>>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
the storms.......... the storms bros i swear.....
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the babies name is lil freddy durst LOL
why did you post this twice and why didn't you refute me
Jet pls start gathering a Fatty OST. Get the boomer music ready for his arrival.
i didnt watch season 1
whats up with this Jon dude, he seems like hes sperging out for no reason at all
it's sweet how enthusiastic silvia still is over the show, seems very eager to cheer on
I'll try for you.
>Claims he barely made any money at all for fish tank
>Claims the golden beetle was worth nothing
>Claims all of his fish tank money was instantly swallowed by late fees at Cal Berkley
>briefly tried livestreaming
>got banned because he was watching literal porn
>made a new channel and streamed call of duty games and wouldn't even interact with chat and barely talked
>had a complete mental breakdown
>made a buinch of butthurt posts about mde and fish tank
>opened a gofundme begging for money
>uploaded a video of him literally on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness for the posts he made about mde
>did a livestream of him wearing joker face paint and now constantly talks about incel shit
I have a feeling Trish will play wild card for Letty like how she did for TJ. Remember how she fucked over Tayleigh and Shinji in the Swamp Olympics finals?
she was talking with mauro a lot too lmao
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he's a wetawd
No choice but to stan queen taylor
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What was TJ thinking when he saw this pic?
kek, and he actually seemed like one of the more stable ones at the start of S2. Sam breaks men.
she looks like she is holding her breath
>no camera please
josie is so sigma not responding to anyone in chat
Dumgay pulls off his costume well
>shout out to my cock buddy is actually a reference to the infamous taycock edit
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Can Betty be saved?
pls post the tai rebel flag pics i missed them
he's gay, you retarded coombrained niggerfaggot
>didnt watch the only season worth watching
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What's that gunfire?
why is jimmy barely yapping this season? he's barely provided any content
insecure whiteboy lol
That painting is very symbolic, it’s a cry for help
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retarded closeted homosexual andrew tate fan with actual autism who was groomed by a gay chinese man on season 1
no its not youre coping hard
night one and /ftl/ is this grim
he didn't mention not watching s2 though
he got some yapping in but bedtime is stricter this season
you forgot that all of his youtube money was accidently donated to save the children
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That's my pwesident
We aint getting the late night chain smoking kino like last time
New wallpaper
How is that possible?
I heard that dude crash did it accidentally
have the ftl niggas planned a raid yet
The prevailing theories are that his friend Crash who got him on fishtank in the first place has either been stealing from him or secretly hates his guts.
if season 3 comes out it'll probably be during Christmas again, won't it?
fellas, how did the Simmons situation end? Did he ever sue Sam? I remember last year reading some shit about him wanting to sue him and many people backing him. I've seen him appear in some weird shit too
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For me it's Scott Sullivan - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
she's gonna make some melanated individual extremely happy some day
reminder potbelly scott is 29 (10 years younger than sam)
i spent 5 months making a playlist for tayleigh pendleton
Jet said they're aiming for August. im assuming they already have the house and we know they finished the casting already. considering the size of the team this season it's believable that they have people setting it up concurrently to running 2.5
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>mfw when i first read she fucked a fan i thought they meant a literal wind fan
and he's black
>Fuck off
and stole $40 from a fellow /bant/ friend
Has anyone heard from Q recently
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Post the original photo
I always figured he was mid to late 30s. He's basically Jimmy and Brians age. Isn't Bex like 30 something? She was in college back in like 2012.
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a happy little accident
lol yep, insane to imagine. dude looks OLD
wasn't his last post the one where he reverse image searched and found out Tay was getting lucky in kentucky? poor guy lmao
that was him?
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Is he coming back?
Yes lol

Her biggest simp and psychotic fan was the one who figured it all out.
Damn im older than that fat fuck?

Remove vance and make jon/letty fight the middle square
holy based
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Trish so delish
If he doesn't show up, he refused to take action and its a cross off anyways.
he's dead i'm afraid
I think I started the Fishtank waifu wars or at least played a part. There was no rivalry between Josiefags and Lettyfags at the start of season 1 until I started making unnecessarily vitriolic posts aimed at one while pretending to be the other and the flames kept growing from there. I did the same with Tay vs Josie in S2 but I think both would’ve happened organically anyway
He took action by saying no to this dumb shit
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Do you ever feel like Oppenheimer
You guys still simp after the blacked stuff?
i was the one who started the lettyjeets theory and things were never the same after that
grim grim
Nah, like 60% of the people hated letty from day 1. It was a natural conclusion when the fan favorite and the most hated were the finalists

I'm a Fishtank crew member and I post in these threads a lot
no wonder tay likes him he looks like a girl
One night I was in a weird mood and when I was having my nightly conversation with Betty on /bant/ I ended up writing her multiple paragraphs telling her about all the ways I want to fuck her.

Just a few weeks after that she made the infamous post about her masturbation disease. So there's a good chance I made Betty goon.
giving trisha little hapa chipmunks!
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He'd fare well to lose some weight as a start.
she's a straight up retard to throw it all away, she's also made herself unemployable for any job by saying nigger and seig heiling like a pickme sperg, that isn't pumping gas in the shithole town she lives in, which is probably what'd she'll have to do after her attempted return to streaming happens. What's even worse is she didn't take the money for the beanies upfront, so most of the fans that ordered them will probably just tell her to keep them lmao
i've made private character.ai characters of several fish
tayleigh is a pedophile
what a fucking sico
it's the reason these freaks simp to begin with
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Bitty's Nippies
it's a smart insult because literally no one wants to reclaim being called an indian, saying that as someone who supported letty during season 1 and still supports her. people on here are fine with calling themselves fags and niggers, but calling yourself an indian is too disgusting and distasteful. you run from that label, you don't embrace it.
I requested a pepe frog plush from her because I was impressed with how tough she was in season 2 and wanted to support her. But at this point if I ever actually get an invoice for that I'm going to tell her to fuck off.
>Welcome to the family Tayleigh!
people simp for tay and she looks male while cucking her "fans" and spitting on them every chance she gets
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and on top of all of that, her head was shaved for no reason and she won't have a presentable haircut for a year minimum
when he was 16 she was 20
tayleigh is such a sick fuck
taylor still doesn't like greg huh?
pic is from 3 yr ago btw
nazi gang from breaking bad lookin ass
honestly she fits right in there.
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post yfw tayleigh shaves her head again because she thinks it'll help her win the level up for the day
>train noises
Ok how long until dox?
Jordan's mom is a alcoholic/druggie, just like Tay
I don't think she ever did, just tolerated him because he and TJ got along and also because she could keep him at a distance. He would always shit up her stream chat and make himself the center of attention. Then he started trying to raise money to come to Michigan and that basically forced her hand at the time.
yellow shirt looks like he could be megamind clayton mayo's father
it's not out yet?

I'm a popular singer/songwriter and I'm a fan of Fishtank and Sam Hyde in general but he's such a thoroughly problematic figure I can't mention it, I once saw Jet in public and wanted to talk to him but had to just walk on by
Greg/Taylor beef might be sick because he is into the RP and she'll probably ditch it
How much was Tayleigh selling her plushies and crochet for? I want to know what her rate is for when she inevitably resorts to sex work/prostitution.
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we've had it for over a week at this point
fucking gross dude
that's so fucked up
Not even coping, but it all falls too nicely in place to not be preplanned, even someone noticing the cave so quickly. I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out Q is part of production by now and this was part of his "arc" to hype his appearance in 2.5
Truth or fake, you should NEVER buy into the kayfabe as hard as the freaks at /bant/ have been doing it. Just watch the show/streams and chill.
>they bonded over both living in homes on wheels

I just got laid off and the government will be paying me up until September (Europe) so I might as well waste my life watching this shit 24/7.
hi matty
if i would have scammed bald earlier to buy a plushie and facedoxed tay would have been postings pics of caves in canada instead, oh well
>I'm ready to grow up now
>is in her 40s/50s
A trailer park love story. Not even Gorans masterful work on the TJ/Taylor love arc could top that.
seriously that's so fucked up he clearly sees his mom in her and she takes advantage of it
fucking sickos make me sick
how much you want to bet goran is illegally wired into those power lines for free power for the site.
why are are tayleigh simps doxing this guy and his family just because he's dating their tankfu, that's downright psychotic lol
i love when my waifu basedfaces to the camera ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶ ٩(ε)۶
So did Clayton.
You are such a pathetic faggot caring this much that some ugly dyke fucked a dude. Get over it.
My favorite post in /ftl/ history was the one about Bad Ideas hitching up to Tayleigh's trailer and towing he away while she's live streaming. It still makes me laugh just remembering it.

Just wait until young milennials get to 40-50.
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they're ugly inside and out just like her
he was a cocky shit about it all
this will be tay in 25 years
I’m going to bed, let’s try to have a better day tomorrow please. Goodnight.
Fishtank fans are truly horrific
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Trish is made for breeding
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If you don't join my poker game, goran will fuck jimmys hole.

hahaha i chuckled
He asked for it, anon. He rubbed it in hard yesterday.
can't agree, she genuinely liked him at first, she soifaced hard whenever he'd appear in her chat and modded him instantly. nigga was just too weird
i aint buying shes cool with him now
maybe taylor will get into the rp but she seems very timid
I wanna squeeze them nips until he squeals like a pig
Just wait until zoomers get to 40-50.
oh wait you guys probably wont lmao
Its just like winston stuff of season 1. Only winston had much better opsec
She's so hot. If she didn't have the tats she'd be even more-so.
jet here, we are putting a warn on your account
what we gooning to tonight, boys?
inseminating trish the dish!
imagine simping for some methead skeleton ass dyke bitch when this pinoy goddess of fertility is right there.
I don't take estrogen
trish? more like world's best fish (and a delicious dish)
so far tai's mogging by a landslide
welcome to dating, anon
it could be true, Q has been MIA since the chickenman stuff, part of me thinks Q is gone cause he's getting set up to be on S2
or that the whole thing was elaborate character
why target his family though? what did his mom do to you?
Sheeeit idk maybe she really did at one point, but I agree about her not liking him now though despite the post he made (and do note that it was him that tweeted the pic of them supposedly being cool again).
Jordans a good guy for voting for his bro, he'll make a based trad gay husband for tay
Speaking of, did anyone get a good screenshot of her ass earlier?
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Dam this girl is so attractive
>the last surviving cucktriot
everyone point and laugh
The older I get the more I realize that thing about every man secretly wanting to either fuck or murder his mother is true.
grandma titties. makes me laugh that her fans thought her stuffing her face with whataburger every day was gonna make her hotter and now she just looks like a frumpy middle age lesbian
ahhh this post made me wanna rewatch women in love
I felt like it
>fucking tay from the back
>slapping her bald head
>aiming poorly and getting spunk on the chicken plushie
That is actually a perfect list of how entertaining people were on day 1. Tayleigh's drama surrounding her and screaming at Jon might put her a little above Letty though.
Lemme know if I missed anyone

nah freud was on meth when he said that
Padded bra, we've seen her "tits".
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Letty brought the goods that Tayleigh can't however
at least you don't contest that it's psychopathic behavior. hopefully now you know not to let yourself become that attached to a random woman online who will never date you.
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she's gained 20-30 lb since s2
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stink queen smella! <3
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If Tayleigh has million fans, then I'm one of them.
If Tayleigh has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE.
If Tayleigh has no fans, that means I'm dead.
tf rong with this nigga?
bro...come on.
And still looks like dude, at a push maybe a frumpy old woman. Idk what to tell you man.
I have no doubt that Letty will end up being better than Tayleigh in the long run. Letty just plays the long game in manipulating and fucking with people so she was never going to be entertaining on day one.
he snorted coke off a bible at midnight
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you'll make a good sacrifice
And Tay and Jordan think it's funny making references to it even if it's not true. Meanwhile Tay has to run to Jet to stop negative TTS coming through about it.
gregbros.. does this mean we still can't spam her chat begging for a twitch raid. friggin bitch
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please refrain from pooping on my perfect brpwm cute navajo goddess wife
its mean and uncalled for
How long ago was S2.... Maybe the baby gag wasnt a gag
demons have taken ahold
He still has time for his revenge. He may never get to see her irl again after this. Will he take action, or is he too docile?
kentucky cock bro hit it and you won't lol
There was a brief period of time when she was really fucking cute, man. When she straight up had really short boy hair, was gaining a little weight so her ass was fat, and had a better mood so she was smiling a lot. For those fewe weeks she was a cutie.
if eating jordans hillbilly cum outta her cunt is what it takes il do it!
I was so embarrassed when my bottom lip wouldn't stop trembling when I read about Tayleigh's boyfriend. What is wrong with me?
Woh holy shit 9 people!? No fucking way!
Another poll

Are you Frank Hassle or the infamous cock buddy?
that is not even remotely a response to what i said. i assume you didn't mean to post that as a reply. either that or the idea of this is torturing you so much that you can't even think straight. very strange.
someone with a brain make a decent fucking thread template like we had in season 1 please.
I can't deny it. It's weird but I became smitten with her and that has absolutely never happened to me before with a streamer girl or celebrity. I legitimately dreamed about her a few times. The boyfriend thing doesn't hurt as much as her just revealing herself to be a nasty person in general though.
does anyone have a full clip of jon getting triggered over gay tts?
delusional and obsessed.
Get a hold of your life.
Her parents' genes are cursed. The woman never had a chance.
I love tayleigh and her new bf jordan, if she wants to stop streaming and crocheting to satisfy his nice juicy cock then that's absolutely fine.
>Greg below even Tay
Guess people really got tired of him
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>if she wants to stop streaming and crocheting to satisfy his nice juicy cock then that's absolutely fine
she's so fucking gay for that
Have you seen how her brother looks? Fucking chicken little looking ass nigga, she inherited the best genes from her parents yet shes fucking hideous
I miss garage ghost :(
He was a real one.
>page 8 without hitting image limit
Its so over
fucking over fans and sucking hillbilly cawk is so punk rawk
i believe the party decided not to purchase the deck that was offered. apparently, multiple YGO cards have been found throughout day 1, and, when the party encountered xavier for the first time, xavier surrendered a pile of YGO cards to them. they were told they can defeat xavier by beating him in a duel

whoever is in charge of this bit probably knows something about YGO because the top card on the deck offered by the merchant was mannadium prime-heart, which is a card memed into oblivion by the western YGO community as it was a card heavily pushed by konami but is a synchro 10 requiring specific materials for an, essentially, worthless effect, and you can just make generic synchro 10s. mannadium decks don't play prime-heart, no matter how marketed by konami and no matter how forced into a high rarity position it was
Tayleigh looking at her last fan
damius must return
Voted Cole but bringing back Summer with Jon there would be funny as fuck
here you go 'non
I want that chigga on 2.5
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>My daughter has a Cock buddy
if you mean based and trad then yes you'd be right, I think about his superior cock and I just know that it had to happen with him and not me.

thank god.
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Gave birth to him.
The taytriots are psychotic permavirgins who knew
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Thanks for that rundown
>whoever is in charge of this bit probably knows something about YGO
I believe Big God said during Season 2 he used to play YGO so it makes sense
with mondo megabits, it was pretty clear that someone from the crew plays YGO, MtG or both, probably both.
my nigga up early reading and shit

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