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>has millions of dollars to pay for as many streaming services as she wants
>has very little free time compared to most people on /tv/ because she's a full time working actress with all kinds of things to do like shooting films, meeting with all kinds of people in person and online, staying in touch with her agent, publicist, reading scripts, preparing for roles, doing publicity tours, traveling all over the world, making public appearances, etc and yet she still has enough time to be aware of illegal streaming services that grown men who sit on the computer all day are not aware of because they are too busy jerking it to porn
>is literally working in the industry and it still means nothing to her to watch pirate streams
>she's a big titty bimbo in her 20s who is generally considered an airhead and she still has more common sense than grown men on /tv/ who buy Blurays
She has all the reasons in the world to pay for her media and she still doesn't do it. You're out of excuses, /tv/.
Blurays and dvd have director commentaries and deleted stuff though, so if you're REALLY into a certain movie it can be worth it. But yeah other than that PIRATE EVERYTHING
>Blurays and dvd have director commentaries and deleted stuff though
That's all on private torrent trackers.
>text text text
What is this, the transcription of a tranny's newest political cartoon posted on twitter?
I'm more offended by that ugly as shit ceiling fan
How do they know she's pirating?
That's not VLC or Plex
Way more interested in how that tv is mounted. What is it hanging from? What is that board attached to? Am so confused
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Sweeney knows the hard life of earning a dollar
Truly /ourgirl/
It's a disappearing tv that pops out of a sideboard when you need it, the board is attached to the top and becomes the countertop when the tv is down.
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Oh my god, she's really an ideal woman
>making her pirating go viral so that everyone hears about it, getting her in trouble with Dick Wolf
You fool!
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that fan probably cost more than your car
>Pay to pirate
>How do they know she's pirating?
>That's not VLC or Plex
She's using an illegal streaming site that uses a recognizable web video player, anon.
>Sweeney knows the hard life of earning a dollar
She knows more about cars than the faggots on /tv/ who can't even drive.

Private trackers are 100% free, retard.
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Those are full of Internet AIDS.
Hopefully her porn pics get stolen
Except in this case the tranny isn't standing in front of you, you just started thinking about one out of nowhere. You retard.
>Those are full of Internet AIDS.
It's just ads, anon.
Learn to adblock
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>l-look, I said tranny! that proves I'm not a tranny!!!
>Those are full of Internet AIDS.
just adblock or use Cloudstream
>white women
>talk like retarded negroids

I hate america so much
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Fuck those retards. They ain't paying and then they say we shouldn't pirate but they do it as well kek
I wish they all became broke, they don't deserve what they have
I doubt it, that's a pre-fame fan.
>every thing we want to watch is on 8 services
I think you're wasting too much time. Buy one service, and watch one show. One show that is 8 seasons long, should take you over a year to consoom. For instance, I've been watching Gilmore Girls for over two years now. Still not on the last season.
When you think it's not possible for Sweeney (and her girls) to be more lovable, she always comes around
>Fuck those retards. They ain't paying and then they say we shouldn't pirate but they do it as well kek
When did she (as "they") say this kek?
Just because you're rich it doesn't mean you have to waste money, that's more of a poorfag logic
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Looks exactly like the player Hulu uses.
>Looks exactly like the player Hulu uses.
No, it doesn't. Even women are smarter than you.
Imagine being under the cloak of anonymity and obtaining the ability to express yourself freely, honest to your one true self, and you choose to be an ironic memeing hipster.
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nta, and I don't use hulu, but that is an extremely similar interface you see on piracy sites.
he's right though. you're an idiot. that's clearly not the hulu player.
No doubt she knows more about cars than us. She has been entering cars in car shows since before she was famous.
She also has a buisness degree and dates some finance guy.

In 10 years she is going to have some job like Kathleen Kennedy.
And legal streaming sites. But you feel like you're a part of the human collective, joining in giving your two cents about what's in vogue. You're at bliss. But it's fleeting. Ahhhhhh. Hell has come to me. Make it stop. One more like.
Anon, what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm talking about you being a little lab rat hitting the button to get a pellet. Just how retarded are you.
>Mrs Sweeney
When did she get married?
Always has been.
Anon, we're on 4chan. Twitter is a different website. You are the retard saying this looks like the hulu video player. I don't have hulu, I can't post a screenshot. Just post it, and I'd retract my statement
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Yeah man, whatever it takes to keep bumping your thread: https://youtu.be/pdz5kCaCRFM?feature=shared
>pirates movies instead of paying for streaming
>uses android instead of apple
I hope her influence can change the prevailing culture. HDMI cord users and green bubblers are the most oppressed races
She just like me fr fr fr
Don't mind him chuds have a sexual fixation for things tranny.
Exhibit A
Yeah, now that you mention it, it does look kind of dumb.
Like since birth?
>zoomers so dumb they think streaming is pirating
>270 million subs x $20 a month = 5.4b a month
yeah i'm happy pirating
I wonder how much info those sites sell overall since they're not really operating under any privacy laws or anything
the only way i'm ever paying for watching movies and shows is if it becomes something like steam where it has almost every movie and show in existence and i can download them on my own pc so long as i pay the monthly sub or whatever
i can't believe people watch anything on streaming, the quality is fucking awful
everyone always says site/app/whatever is selling our data but no one says who is buying it
>it has almost every movie and show in existence and i can download them on my own pc
so basically private torrent trackers....
> Global Digital Marketing Market ize was valued at USD 780 billion in 2023
i mean, yeah? that's what i'm saying
if they can't offer a service that competes with what i've already got, why would i ever pay them?
you also get nothing when you watch a movie on one of these services, no behind the scenes, no extras, why would i ever fucking bother? they literally offer NOTHING
they're only half-decent if you watch stuff on your phone and/or have great internet on there
>private torrent trackers
This is better than anything I have ever used and it's totally free.
Yeah, but have you considered getting a life.
i have more time in my life by not having to bother cancelling and renewing a million different subscriptions
It's not even about money any more
It's about being pro-consumer
If the consumer has to manage 8 different services of course they are going to get annoyed and question what the point of the system is
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But that won't last. You're promoting the decay of society.
its one of the 123movies clone sites the filemoon server
why wouldn't it last
besides i have everything that i'd ever really care about seeing stored
i'd really not watch anything at all than watch netflix tier 1080p/4k - literally worse than youtube lmao
don't worry anon they're combing them all into one service for $100 a month i think they're calling it cable
>just spread your ass and admit I am a superior being so you can join muh cool kids club
No thank you. Gonna go download some 480p movies.
Come on now, Netflix's quality is bad but it's not Youtube-level bad. Youtube's 1080p in H264+audio is around 700 MBytes/hour, give or take (depends on the video, but not by much).
It shouldn't take a genius to see that adults being greedy toddlers that can hardy be busy for a third of the day and needing two full days off makes people dumber and weaker. What you consider virtuous, does not create a civilization that lasting the sands of time.
>What you consider virtuous, does not create a civilization that lasting the sands of time.
nigger you're talking about a method of distributing movies lol
>car girl
>pirates shows
>10/10 feet
She was sculpted by God and im not changing my mind
No, I'm talking about you needing to sit on your ass for more than two hours a day doing nothing.
>be aware of illegal streaming services that grown men who sit on the computer all day are not aware of because they are too busy jerking it to porn
Everyone knows what 123movies is you absolute fucking retard
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was she warning us?
Not healthy people that have fulfilling lives.
tell that to every retard confused by what a torrent is in every thread mentioning one
>Tighten or loosening bolts
I'd rather you tell them that you're an addict. Because that's the first step to healing yourself, and society. That is what you want, right. That's what you always complain about. Society is shit. Well let's fix it. By starting with you. Don't be scared. You can take my hand if you want.
you don't tighten a bolt wearing full makeup an outfit and an entire camera crew?
you gay nigga
Dig a little deeper, and you'll find out that they are also confused by what a "file" is.
No, I'm just tired of hearing your bitching. You're the reason why society sucks. It's filled with lazy moronic addicts just like you.
You take a nap and wake up in the year 2063. How easy or hard is it to find every movie from Sydney Sweeney's filmography for free in at least web-dl or similar quality?
i doubt we live in the same society you gay nigger lol
go vote for trump bitch boy
That's a sweet bronco
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Im something of a boob man, myself
Please, keep proving my point addict.
suck my toes gay nigga
that want you want? you here for some foot action? little faggot?
No, I'm here to bring you closer to rock bottom.
This kind of "data" is meaningless trash without dates at least. No one particularly cared about asses (apart from people with a pronounced fetish for them) in the "western" world until the 2010s.
Yeah, but it got you to click post.
Iceland? what the hell
ancient genetic memory of being starving peasants on a frozen hellscape has made fat women being seen as attractive
Ever heard of Brave Browser, anon ? or even just a basic adblock ?
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>Completely white clothes
>A whole day of working on the car
>Clothes still white and spotless
>omg she's so hot she's so beautiful she's so perfect
so are we just intentionally ignoring her face or am i sharing this thread with a bunch of pajeets that pretend every dopey looking white girl is the hottest shit since sliced bread?
she's attainable looking faggot
>has millions of dollars
her time is worth so much that she'd be basically losing money while watching ads on shitty streaming apps
uhmmm, MEN on TEEVEE told me that WOMEN are ICK'D by PIRATING????? was that wrong all along?
durr. all girls pirate. they don't give a shit where their kino comes from.
>hurr durr just pirate everything
No you fucking idiots the key is to not watch it at all.
you think black people were proud of stealing and reading "dont let them sit in the front of the bus"-posters during jim crow?
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>has very little free time
I'm sure her life is quite hectic. lol
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hunty pays because she can afford it :-)
I’m confused; how did people tell it was pirated?
>Mrs Sweeney
shes not married, so it should be Ms Sweeny right?
Listen to me you stupid poor - I buy Blu-rays for my personal collection. I pirate shit I haven't watched before, TV series that are ridiculously priced dvd upscales, and anime (also often ridiculously priced).

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