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$60 or flowstreams.pw/fishtank
She's so fucking ugly
not sure why you left out donjolly.com
quit it with these low effort threads. someone else bake
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baesie mogs
Shitty bake but we’ll take it
get over it little babby
What's with the taycuck bakes? someone make a new one this faggot is a retard
Thanks flowstreams btw. Imagine paying for this shit.
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y'all niggas postin' in a Jimbo thread
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will jimmy save the group from jons weadership?
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post this cat
"How are you doing little kids, playing with my cock?"

- Jimmy
Can someone with high functioning autism make the next bake?
only if Jon is the one who spergs out first
I hate this guy glad he has not been on cam so far this morning
Jimmy/Jon 2028
Make Wetards Gweat Again
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Ugliest thing I've seen people simp for.
This is how you tell a joke
these threads suck so fucking bad what happened, they were really funny during S2 even when the show sucked
Thanks for not keeping up with the gay ass info template
Jimmy has been just as retarded, but with no aggression. What happened to him? Did he get prozac’d?
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Jon has been hilarious so far and anyone who can't appreciate his retard kino should watch something else
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grow up retards.
>wah wah wah wah pbbbbbt
she is so fucking pretty.
When Jet thought of Bloodgames he didn't think of Letty smearing her period blood everywhere
He is intimidated by Jon and is just doing whatever Jon tells him to.
tayjeets drove any interesting or funny people off with their nuclear grade cringe
low hype for this shit and autists are still asleep
give it a couple of days
why are you sperging out
Jimmy/Jon is the ultimate kino link up
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I think that's exactly what he thought of.
TJ destroyed him
anything happen this morning? at work for another 5 hours
Wait did he really fuck a fan? That bought a plushie from him? Thats..I cant imagine fucking a ftl fan…..
I think now that they have sharp objects and actual gruesome accidents can easily happen he's aware that he needs to remain his chill intact
tayjeets are energy vampires
Jon hitting on girl
she is the peepee poopoo queen
When's your beanie going to arrive?
Jimmy carrying the show so fucking hard.
Jimmy would make such a good husband.
>he will never cook for you
>he will never rant about mormon pedophiles to you
>he will never beat you
>he will never make eggnog for you as an apology
>you will never be his wife
Feels bad sisters.
I kinda miss TJ guys…
Jimmy needs time to rev up.
Jimmy successfully felled a rotten tree with his hatchet, I was sure that someone was going to die.
the cuck puppy
>he will never beat you
That's a fucking lie lol
this but with cole
He didn't do anything
Taylor spotted
yer such a f@ggot
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So cute!
TJ died, Tai confirms
fishtank is still a thing? I watched like the first two days of season 2 and stopped after that. how bad is season 3 compared to season 2?
You misinterpreted it but I guess it does kind of look like that.
Yeah, if I was a tranny
imagine this but with Cole
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such a princess...
same he would be incredibly kino
he won season 2 and just left... is it autism or is he just that stoic?
Letty Taylor stream needed
I want to see the Jon kino. Any clips?
TJ was a puppet. An empty vessel.
How did they manage to have better audio outdoors than indoors? Is Jet... Learning?
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I've was rooting for Tay back when people were calling her a fragile tranny at the start of s2 and I don't intend to stop now. Pic related was my prediction
said no one ever
niggas in his own lane
>these threads suck so fucking bad what happened, they were really funny during S2 even when the show sucked
Josiepedos fucking the thread up trying to force retarded Tay drama into it instead of allowing people enjoy the pure fucking cringekino that is happening.
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She is!
this is Bloodgames it's a mini season, 3 starts late august
Its on right now, the first day was yesterday, its 2.5 faggot btw
by the way jon needs to stop tard raging he's so fucking annoying snapping at people constantly and saying obviously wrong things or just breaking shit like an incompetent retard
i wanted jon gone in season 1. other anons called me retarded since he made it interesting. they were right, he is gold.
Brian time
tayleigh lyme disease confirmed on twitter by jet
If Walt were alive he'd fire all the jews fucking up his company out of a canon.
glad you see the light
khazar milkers
He was going to use a wooden mallet to bash the brains in of a small beautiful innocent sweet girl less than half his weight for touching a toy that was not even his
lol he is just putting on a good face but that monster is who he is
So has Tayleigh confirmed she's a whore yet? Jet blocking any negative TTS to her I assume? Figures...
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i was surprised at how happy i was to see letty again
>director couldn't take Jimmy's woke disney rant
damn who is the big titty bitch !!!
im happy for your personal growth
Are there going to have eliminations or Jet didn't think this through yet?
damn i missed the beginning with everyone arriving :( any vids on youtube? my feed isn't spamming me with fishtank clips yet
how much money do you think fishtank pays Hiroshima for Jannie protection?
Jon runs this shit
retards are the engine that drive this show
this larping bs is soooo cringe
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Brian is much better RPing than as a contestant
FailRP Jon
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she needs to show her princess tummy more
actually she has a little JordanJunior cooking up in her uterus right now
Aight Abi bet


nothing gets past this retard he knows its all a LARP
Knights of Brian we RISE
Holy shit you are an obsessed nigger with no self awareness
>Citizen 1
this dude's Morrowind NPC shtick is gold
This season is better than 2. 2 was the worst thing I've ever seen
Tayleigh isn't sick, she's a pussy because she can't face criticism
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Jon is the energy vampire this season
where the fuck is Tay?
she icky pukered again?
someone needs to explain what roleplaying is to Jon - my fucking sides
>Jon is trying to convince the npcs its all not real
need a rock to fall on this dipshit
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I said this yesterday.
Jon is the alpha male of Fishtank. Even Sam kneels to him. When Jon is around, he's the Top J.
Brian won
facts, I believe him as a corrupt deputy
TJ will return as a vampire
We finally made it out on top
He is fucking a fan, he will be back
Based Jon starting shit with the villagers
There are few fishtank people that are entertaining just going about their day. Jon, Tai, and Letty for the most part work.

Tayleigh is pretty boring most of the time. Jimmy needs his tard rage. He shines but in very short bursts.
He is fun but he can become an obstacle to anything happening that he doesn't like.
lil windexdurst lol
we're called peterphiles actually
feels good
This soundtrack is so fucking good

Love this retard like you wouldn't believe, Pelech did the same during the Great War
someone needs to ask Jon how he would feel if he didn't have breakfast today
you dont "test" fire extinguishers you retards. they have to get a new one now
Why is the sausage so thick?
that's fair
The Tai / Letty duo is unstoppable content. And Jimmy can carry Tayleigh a bit with his antics. Good pairings here.
Ok this is comfy camping kino.
I understand Jet’s vision for outside friendtank now
jimmy has never been to a nice restaurant
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my perfect wife :)
he didn't display any aggression during the first day of s2 either
'cause I know that's how you like it bb ;)
>This soundtrack is so fucking good
minecraft vibes
I hope an accident happens, like a tree branch falling on someones head, someone crashing the dirt bike etc. Not because I want any of them to get hurt but because it would be only way to make this shit interesting.
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>bunch of unseasoned meat, eggs, all just mixing together in a pan
Im on to sowmting. All these dewd citiwens but thew cant name any of wim
This is just camping with Jimmy at this point lol
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I cant believe I stuck up for her, I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart!
the Brattleboro Burger King is top-notch
what camera do we need to see taylor? all i can get is that schitty camera
The music really helps. Great job for whichever wigger came up with ost idea
That's what she said
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>Jimmy has been just as retarded, but with no aggression. What happened to him? Did he get prozac’d?
Tay successfully tard wrangled him into a permanently docile state since the show ended.
She's not attractive
she's such a fucking pussy, went crying to Jet because she can't handle being called out for being a cunt
letty looks like a BUG with her glasses on. many are saying that she should TAKE THEM OFF!
TJ brand
RIP Citizen 003, You were like a brother to me.
The fat female npc is is low key kino
Don’t need seasoning if it’s good stuff
you're not attractive
what cam is jon?
They really should get some stabilization for the camera
imagine two THICK BIG BLACK DICKS fucking Betty in the ASS and the PUSSE all at the same time
streets are saying she eats dust
That’s what Betty said about her dildo
What the nutsack is this shit?
He's more handsome than you!
That was fake btw
I have the Jemmy set but I don't wanna get banned for posting it.
i swear ive seen her at the ren faire
yes she is. her fat milky white tits says otherwise.
The worst thing that happened S2 was a cracked rib, possibly stepping on glass, and you want worst?
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I have also heard such rumors
but even farther
Bro I thought you died wtf
Letty mentions porn a lot. I think she might the most goonbrained
Jesus christ Jet you fucking retard, get them their individual cameras so we can see what Jon interacting with Brian and the other NPCs
hm :/
>Letty arguing that pegging isn't gay
this bitch is a FREAK
Letty getting bug eyed when talking about bussy as it switches back to Jimmy
letty is being so nonconfrontational, so unlike her. saying "I respect that" to jimmy is something I would've never expected.
Unironically she will get to the point where she finds random homeless guys to do this with
need jon to put on the camwa armor we're missing kino here
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I'm gonna lose to letty holy shit...
Wtf I'm a Lettyknight now
I think Tayleigh is starting to regret throwing down an easy $5,000/ month sidegig for some Kentucky Fried Cock. She looks miserable and extremely irritated
letting your girl peg you isnt gay
Lmao TJ's rib was bruised not cracked. He was whining about nothing.
cannot come soon enough
She is extremely goonbrained. Are you unfamiliar with Fishtank S1 lore?
like dontarius?
she has a sissyfication fetish, this has been known since the first days of season 1
She's the type of girl who will say that shit but if you ever let her peg you she'd never see you as a man again and cheat
The individual cameras were just a demo for the premiere, they're gone now, or do you really think those deadbeats will care enough to recharge them or switch for fully charged nows every 3 hours?
She's a Jimmy fan.
I watched all of it. Its just funny how she acts like shes above it
She's doing it on purpose like she did on S1. She's playing the villain again. She argued that some females have penises, and now pegging isnt gay. She wants you to hate her so she can be the gross bitch piss queen again
mutts law
shut the fuck up you fucking kike troon
Yeah but it makes you a submissive bitch that will lose all respect that your girl had for you
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Charls would be great as a vampire or some other npc but seems like he doesn't want to be a part of the demonic humiliation ritual that is fishtank
upload it to gofile and link it here
He is a boring maybe he gets vampirism and gets killed off??
Been out of the loop lately. Betty's a gross mudshark whore who sucks on nigger penis now?
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jon is familiar with this lore
Why are there no cameras on Jon
You ever had bruised ribs faggot?
are you telling me jeremy went insane because of sissy hypno?
Post wedding ring
I love letty now
Tayleigh is back
Oh god here he is…
Yes and tommy
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>She wants you to hate her
LMFAO, she can't trick me. I love Letty!
>bullmic person mysteriously gets a vomiting sickness
>nobody else has it though, just her.
Yeah but he's ok with being on Sam's stand up tour, there are no hierarchy on the wicked and demoralized
>Tay puking again
We're missing a good view of the Jon/Brian/Taylor/Blacksmith interaction. Fucking Jet
the amount of girls i see making fun of ther exs wanting to get fingered or pegged made me always think the pegging shit is a trap
Tayleigh is a disgusting skeletor looking bitch
Tay you fucking retard you need to EAT SOMETHING

>erm I'm sick because I didn't eat anything
>erm I won't eat because I'm sick

>stays outside for 12 hours
>is already dying
if anything,its Tayleigh who is a closeted BBC lover
>people already getting sick

>This is my fucking town now
Kek, Jon laying down the law to Brian
Tay going home first
I hid between the porta parties during attack and just faked my death. Also you're looking great, loose weight or something?
jesus christ I hope she just dies of lyme disease or something
Tay with the excuses

Rip Tayleigh
>Tay keeps puking her water

Bitch has rabies.
I think this bitch has zero sexual energy, unable to get aroused
i was surprised by that too. maybe she started reading a self help book.
Phew he is gone
It’s funny because Brian hated him in S1
you should listen to that instinct
TJ wailed like a baby bitch after getting thrown around by jimmy. Keep simping lubecooch fag
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Tay reminds me of Leslie from bridge to terabithia with her overalls
Tayleigh morning sickness?
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>waaa waa i keep puking all the water waaaa
imagine the sex
writers deserve an oscar for this one
>letty didn't put on deoderant yet
When are they going to wear the cameras?
>feminism smells good
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On paper this group seemed like shit, but we have it all with this group.
>Tayleigh is in a free fall rn and doesn't understand why she came here
>Jimmy bringing the retard cringe kino
>Jon is absolute Top J and doesn't understand larping
>Tai clowning on everyone around him
>Letty being the piss queen
>Greg is pathetic as per usual
Maybe KFC got him pregnant?
............. I..........I just realized....... they will wake up early because of their exposure to sunlight.......
This.........this sucks bros........................
ngl I'd let letty sissify me
Lmao you must be the only one left who cares
>Letty trying to sissify another asian man
She can't keep getting away with this!
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Thank this man for carrying this shit show.
projection pure projection, you are a discord troon kike who wants to believe that because it makes people who oppose your ideology feel defeated because you define your existence on hedonism and postmodernism, rope around the neck
tayleigh puking like she does every day of her life
He was warned before the show starts to not be crazy
>Letty trying to get some man on man going again
the fuck is this bitch's problem
That faggot got 50k for no reason. Fuck that weird nigger
Sorry Jet, you'll have to wake up before noon now
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>dude I said I'm sick and you still want to fuck? That's gross man, make it quick
Letty discussing her goon material...
average lettyfag
This is perfect.
Nature will keep them to a schedule because Jet cant.
>no deodorant
female porn addicition
>tay quitting already
thank god. get her and her 3 simps out these threads. bye you cunt.
Tai too strong for Letty
Jimmy talking about Let The Right One In
>Tayleigh eliminated on Day 1
Imagine her return stream
Jimmy titties poppin' off fr
she looks like Gruntilda in this pic
them talking about movies is FAIL RP
whenever jimmy talks about pedophilia he's so obviously projecting it's embarrassing, he's a closet pedo. "They should go to prison for writing erotica!" yeah because it would make you too horny if you read it jimbo
You can hear Jon interacting with the NPCs kinda on the merchant cam but you can't see him. I don't know why the fuck the director cam isn't on him since the basecamp has its own camera anyways
She realized she’s nontent
kys pedo
a clever ploy.
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Im so glad im not an american and dont share such retarded mindsets lol
>only Jimmy knows about Let The Right One In

these nigs are plebs
Are they doing tick checks? They make outdoors in new England pretty much unusable. You basically have to strip naked and check every part of your body then shower every time you go outside or you risk having aching joints and fatigue for the rest of your life.
>Oh you don't like that thing, that means you must LOVE that thing!

Shut up
Thats what happens when you break up a lesbian couple and send your daughter to conversion therapy
the cams are so shit. its so hard to follow the contestants around. fucking brilliant jet, we are missing jon fail RPing and all its glory.
the camera isnt on him because he's exposing the business
Shut up Letty there are no movies in Neo Romania 2081 A.D.
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how long are the npc's gonna last? i dont think they signed up for sitting in a shitty plywood stall for two weeks for a couple of bucks
Jimmy knows a little bit of everything.
Tay doesnt have a TJ to punch down, shes the biggest loser in there so she doesnt know what to do
He's projecting because he's been caught acting sexual towards minors on his discord.
I don't think pedophiles deserve a safe space. All child sexual content, fake/drawn or real, should be illegal.
el CHILEano
Go to market cam to hear Jon haggling kino
>thought crime.... LE BAD
he's constantly, and I mean constantly virtue signalling about pedophilia. he can't help but remind everyone he's not a pedophile
Ok redditor
sign me up nigga
sit around and get paid
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kek Jack is a sociopathic drawf, you tell 'em Jimbo
>All child sexual content, fake/drawn... should be illegal
retard alert retard alert
Jet you fucking retard, why are you making us miss Jontent?
Trish looks hella bored, they must’ve paid her well to stick behind a stall for 8 hours a day
Didn't lyme disease get debunked recently?
>If you like fishtank, you'd love twitter
The twitter screencaps in these threads prove it
I think you're a retard who can only think in terms of a dichotomy of contradicting points and project that onto him, theres nothing inherently congruent about the left and right wing in america, FUCKING KILL YOURSELF FUCKING KILL YOURSELF
This is better for Europeans as well. Makes it actually possible to watch at least most of this live. If i were to watch S2 live i would have had to go to sleep at like midday. Caused me to pretty much give up at one point.
>sitting in a shitty plywood stall for two weeks for a couple of bucks
i think trish is perfectly fine with this.
Pedophile detected.
she would be more aggressive to jon but jon doesnt take it like tj did
> Are all his friends online / from Funnyjunk?
checking his FJ account, he havent responded or posted anything about this leading me to believe its just another thing he lies about or just too afraid to respond on people shitting on him
Based match thread enjoyer
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>pegging is straight
>there's a g-spot, or whatever, in the prostrate

>Jimmy doesn't like pedos
>this one anon takes offense
yes it is very overdiagnosed
cant hear shit

thanks jet

missing out on taylor brian jon npc interaction
Market cam audio kino
FUCKING KILL YOURSELF, there is no contradiction except in your brain damaged kike mind.
why was jimmy looking for trannies then?
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Also "allergy" to red meat for the rest of your life.

Lyme disease is a leaked biowarfare weapon that's why it's in the north east predominately. Leaked from a lab intentional or otherwise.

MORGELLONS is also real.
do you think fictional depictions of bloody violence should be illegal
did jon just fire off a round and accuse blacksmith's wife of being a vampire? someone shot something
She makes a persuasive argument.
This yellow dress NPC is a pro
Jimmy's favorite place is Tranny-silvania
Blacksmith's Wife is really enjoying the RPing
That is the natural environment for her people, she is in her element
nothing can repell mosquitoes
I've fallen in love with this morrowind tier npc
still in shock with Jimmys weight gain in a few months
jimmy needs to shut the fuck up
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>a pedophile says as he projects
I know its hard to tell cartoons apart from reality because of your severe autism though.
Jimmy you gotta do something about those tits man, you're killing me.
Blacksmith and his wife are pretty funny
Letty only wants to peg men to kill two birds with one stone, exercise some feminist anti-male fantasy and also have men compromised by having the fact she did butt stuff to them on record (she'd wanna film it).
you’re a pussy and your soul cries out in pain
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blacksmith camera?
Not before knowing his business idea

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youre an ironic lolicon lol
There's more people watching the restreams than the actual site
>moist and well oiled
>cavity swelling while in proximity to Jawn
>extremely fertile and current horny
>acrid and pungent
you are right theres actually a tick on lettys thigh i saw it just now
He’s on a lot more meds now and that doesn’t help
you guys ever think like if Trish and Taylor would go to the mall for their lunch break off camera
the actual site fucking sucks
>All child sexual content, fake/drawn or real, should be illegal
Dude I didn't even think of Duanyay and Jon interacting
what little dicked reason to hate a man
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>bro you don't understand bro just because I jack off to drawings of children doesn't mean I want to fuck children
no but now im getting hot just thinking about it
>they "may or may not" have sprayed deer piss
The more deers there are, the more ticks.
Yeah they’re gonna get subway
>missing out on primo jontent because jet doesnt want to charge the phone batteries
why does jimmy have tits
town brothel whore
Imagine being scared of ticks. Fucking city slicker pussies.
Greg only showered once last season. There's not a chance in hell he showers this season
No he hasnt you retard. Are you mixing him up with greg?
Blacksmith's wife is doing a great job of actually moving around and doing repeated animations as if she were literally a video game NPC
All the possible interactions make this kino
>Jimmy shaves his chest
Abi and Bex as town sex machines
>...did you shave your chest?
>yeah, Mr. Lahey says it makes me look younger
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oh yeah? what are you gonna do about it?
anime doesn't even look real, wheres that picture with all the people with your opinions turn out to be actual pedophiles with real child porn, like dr.pizza etc, it keeps happening because you see actual children when you look at cartoons. lol
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>demands salt
>trader says he's closed
>bangs the hammer at him
give her some chips jet
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>Letty doesn't have a towel
Letty, Tay, and Jimmy are in a secret alliance
Extremely ignorant person here: does Rhode Island have bears or is it not mountainous enough?
They sprayed the entire forest killing all of the bugs. They mentioned that last night
For me, Greg's autism is the most tolerable out of the autists.
and betty
>bex is just production and doesn’t have a dual character role
So annoying
She is genuinely the prettiest girl in the fishtank universe anyone agrees ?
>almost 11
>Nobody has POV cam
what a pretty princess... I can be her towel...
yeah there are bears
too much goyslop, not enough exercise
I figured that they would have powerbanks integrated in the vests? Would be a lot easier
Guess she has to air dry naked
This is probably her dream job. LARPing and getting paid for it
Where's Tayleigh gone, puking again?
the hair kills letty for me
everything about her is so sexual and sensual like a succubus but the pit hair and unkempt snatch are such huge boner killers
>were missing Jontent because Jet is a retard
God damn it
>Jon is accusing the blacksmith's wife of being his the blacksmith's Mom
>Brian is explaining what "Mrs. Blacksmith" means.
theyre both submissives so there would be a lot of giggling during the lez sessions
someone post a pic of the blacksmith wifes face.

Is she my new love or not, I have to decide
wow that's a very intricate cope, now please face the wall
She shaved her pits recently
>missing out on Jon with NPC kino
>instead just see Jimmy, Tai, and Greg talk about how gross their bodies are
I'm assuming production is armed just in case?
they unironically should have consulted ice poseidon, I'm interested to see how his hunger games compares

he was asking if he could reasonably shoot people with a compound bow he bought if he replaced the tip with foam
She's one of the vampires
what about her sasquatch crotch
She's actually the horniest out of all of them
which cam?
i couldnt hear a thing with the merchant cam or the schitty cam
She’s average but she’d pop out 5 kids for you easily
>the pit hair and unkempt snatch are such huge boner killers
low test unironically, get on trt like Sam
Bush is hot
he's not that fat, I have basically the same build
i was listening in on merchant cam cause its close to the blacksmith
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lookin ass
She can suck my cock if you know what I mean
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jimmy fucks pug mixes
Jet It Up
Running list of birds I have heard in the background audio:
>Chipping Sparrow
>Pine Warbler
>American Robin
>Northern Cardinal
>Black-capped Chickadee
Miss Delaney
Shut the fuck up. God I hate bushfags. Actual nigger-tier.
>How are you today?
>Better than y'all
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I think taylor would dom trish desu...
Lmao you’re fat as fuck
its time to bury Jon alive
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very cool anon!
>I'll take a sausage
we know Trish, we know
based bird spotter
she would eventually take the dom role, yes
every time I see trish it's like a breath of fresh air
I did not appreciate her enough in S1 ;_;
Duane is ruining the immersion. Black people dont camp. Fishtank has gone woke
Black people don't fuck wit no pork chops
yellow teeth
taylor could dom me
Landing strips are patrician-tier
Hottest girl poll updated to include blacksmith's wife

dunyay is breaking my immersion >:(
why is Dumgay dressed for Mortal Kombat
woah cool keep us posted!
No they aren’t, anything else is better
oh so we'll have at least one gruesome death.
he is gay django
He's the town mayor.
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I wanna creampie this little mexi-squaw like you wouldn't believe

lots of french kissing too
What do you like?
This isn't an argument. You're fucking disgusting, women should have zero body hair. End of discussion.
when does it get interesting?
Lmao you fat fuck
Jon, Jimmy and Greg the triple threat
Why Jimmy bulking?
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I don't think you could handle her...
when Vance finally shows up
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Please reply to me if you're an unbiased fishtank reporter.

Have tayleigh said anything about kentucky saga?
trish lookin good
Trish lookin' like a snacc
Overweight cunt, lose weight, fatty.
This. Maybe in the 1950s you could call that fat but in 2024 that's damn near anorexic I guarantee most of the posters here are fatter
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>4 hours of LARPing (it will mostly be tard wrangling Jon who won't go along with it)

>20 hours of fish tank camping edition
when Vance speeds in on a dirt bike with Josie riding bitch, unloading paintballs on them in a drive by
She said ‘I don’t know what they’re talking about’
She's a stupid whore and nontent
U rite
shits buffering like crazy
failRP 24/7
yeah, well... sh-shut up ;_;
Where did Jon's party go I can't follow anyone
she said she would do it again if she had the money
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When Vance returns
she quit
this is very comfy desu
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Jimmy is finally waking up
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i miss him
Is kentucky banned from tts? thats all you need to know about it
Where did he go?
still in his coffin
got tummy ache and quit
she has rabies
boy I forgot how much I really didn't miss that sound at all
shes got bad morning sickness
Vance is boring af. He just a regular dumb dude
>no josie
told jet to put kentucky and jordan on the no fly list
There’s bears all over New England. Florida even has bears, but they don’t compare to the ones up north.
skinny Jon > roid Jon
Please tell me he left already
Thought it was the RE save track for a sec
Mauro is laying in his coffin reading a softcover book called Mass Effect: Retaliation
During summers in NE they gas everywhere. I remember waking up to seeing a truck fogging the streets one time when I lived on Cape Cod
she lost
yeah he was up until 2 A.M. ranting about Israelis
>"allergy" to read meat
That's alpha gal syndrome not lime disease retard, it's very rare outside of a few southern states
Unironically this is a good cast, even the NPCs (Except Mauro and Tayleigh)
vance fans are friend tank fans
He is not yet losing the game or being mocked by women.
yeah but theyre pretty rare in ct, RI and MA. maybe in upstate MA in mountains but this is probably a small section of woods between some suburban lands
Cole in Rhode Island check instagram
my dick could handle her heavy bosom
ran to jet crying at the first mention of it and its been banned from TTS since then
also shouted out her "cock boy"
taylo luring brian into the woods for sex?? what a bratty succubus
audio down for anyone else?
Jon leading his merry band
What’s the current betting odds on Mauro making it to day 14 without quitting?
Who the fuck have Jon access to steroids
theres still time to not be fat as shit bro, believe in the you that isnt a fat fucking bitch tit muffin top like jimmy, or do you wanna look like a fat autistic loser who's into hugging porn and trannys
Wtf is with the helicopter noises?
why do i hear a helicopter at the gulch water station
taylor seems like the type to be attracted to jontent
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how would you 'handle' her?
chillll bro chillllllll
Where are these guys at. Some anons suggested they were in near the MA mountains or in NH. Jealous if the latter, I love spending summers there.
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how do you get director cam on the website?
I just tried using it, I've been using flowstreams but I can't find it at all on fishtank.live
Can anybody plz help?
New website layout isn't that intuitive :/
don't get my hopes up
Jimmy is such a prankster
okay, jimmy, that was a god tier prank. got to admit.
what happens in hugging porn?

is it dudes just jerking off while being hugged?

doesn't sound so bad I could get down with that
This is settled. I'm in love with npc chick. She'll be my wholesome chungus wife. Make her Season 3 contestant
specifically designed and constructed for BWC
what happen
what happeend?
his firefighter or bus party pals
either they are taking a drone off or they are gaslighting us with helicopter noises until the real helicopter shows up for the grand finale
Top right corner it says director mode. Click on that shit.
got a kentucky fired fetus in her
lmao enjoy poverty and meth forever now
size queen taylor is attracted to whoever has the biggest dick
Bottom right
It's intuitive if you are literate.
Is that a helicopter?
Refresh, it's the default cam>
Blacksmith's wife still does her NPC animations even when no one's around. Gotta admire her dedication to the part.
I’d like to see more of the NPCs, the weeb Xavier ravenheart was kino
Hoping they follow up on the yugioh duel plot point
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he honked the horn in Tai's ear XD
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She's a fat comic convention theater kid pig. Pure Goybride
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bottom right between chat and exp bar, click "director cam" square button to enable it
If you were Jet how would you instruct the Blacksmith's Wife NPC to act?
Bruh u missed such a kino moment, are you fuckin nuts??
my chungus wife
what did vance mean by this?
how many will leave week 1 in season 3?
me so horny. me love you long time
she can't resist BWC
Aw man I missed the tree actually falling down
nvm kys fat pig
>fishtank all stars
>they're all boring and not even attempting to participate in the LARP
>Trish's back fat hanging over the corset
Black bears aren’t that rare there, I’ve even seen them in suburbs
And you KNOW these guys are leaving foot outside, it didn’t even occur to Jet to leave a trash can in the main hub - he just said ‘leave cans on the ground’
The wigger crew and Sam are NOT outdoorsmen
why use the site at all?
Hey pal thats my wife you're talking about
Everyone including (You)
she has bangs so she's a 7 in my book

bangs puts any girl up a solid 2 or more points
sexpat greg living like a king in the Philippines in the late 70s
I hope they do that thing they've been talking up for years where they get like 14 fish on the first day and dispose of the dead weight in a first day elimination
Big Wietnamese Cock
it was a tense moment, I was sure someone was gonna die
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I hope my girl Tayleigh is going to be alright
I'm not the fat anon you were talking to I'm just curious what the fuck it is
Jemmy set
I had to click the pop-out video to get the director cam to actually play
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>Jimmy is not allowed to use weapons
She's fine she's just pregnant with another man's baby.
she's not, she's forever humiliated fuckint a stupid poor kentucky faggot at his grandma's house
she basically confirmed she's dating the kentucky guy when that tts came through.
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forgot how ZESTY dumbgay was damn
You guys just like her because she's easily attainable. The kind of girl who gets married early because she has never been pretty and knows she will only look worse with age
sweet wholesome lovemaking
>Jon has been walking around with Brian and Taylor and we can't see any of it because Jet won't get the fishes their individual cams
Greg x Trish would be the funniest and most wholesome couple
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She's just making up excuses for her bulimia
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would they have been neptunian?
>bangs puts any girl up a solid 2 or more points
Further evidence: >>200519382
>y'all know black people don't play around with no cake
I still don't know what he meant by this.
Hey guys AB here.
My first daily recap episode is premiering live on YouTube now.
Please check it out, a lot of work has gone into it.
You’re not going to find a better source of information for all things fishtank.
Thank you.
>my girl
jordans girl
damn wypipo really do age like shit
^Letty jemmy set
if you know, you know.
i'm gonna goon until i can't think anymore
Here's your (You) failed e-personality
Ok thank you :)
Not even the MDE fans stuck around in season 2, I doubt a bunch of aspiring actor normies are going to outlast them.
Alison Aryans we run this shit
any kino today? I had to spend time with my horrendously ugly gf
Tracey is gonna eat them all, bitch looks like a ghoul
Looks like Sue Lightning lmao
Enjoy ;)
Does she shit on your face?
>missing out jon tarding out because jet didnt want to charge the batteries
Why is there no camera on fucking Jon in Schitty
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Jon is messing with the npcs but they are focusing on the boring convos at base camp instead
stream is buffering like crazy for me anyone else?
Jon mad at the blacksmith lmao
Jimmy cut down a tree, now post pics of your horrendously ugly gf.

don't talk about your sister like that
Bex just tweeted
nice thanks Anon.
Whatever became of Jeremy anyways?
>a payment of only $50 dollars to fuck Tay
not sure if worth
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Wow what a successful business! Everything is out of stock!
>all you needed to fuck her was 50 bucks plus shipping and handling
i remember when she talked about having low prices because yarn was so cheap
alison my beloved
this is 10% of what he posted
it was for me at first but if you leave it on for a while it stops
He’s on probation I think, don’t think he’s allowed to use the internet (he still has posted a few times within the last month)
If YOU were on live tv and had to hit a duck with an airsoft gun or start a fire, would (You) succeed or embarrass yourself?

$50 to fuck her?
Everyone told her to raise the prices…
bitch fucked the first guy who bought her shit
Whoa, Blacked Betty, bam-ba-lam
meadow would've been s tier
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then it turns out he fat mexican friend is the one who actually makes them. LMAO!
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Thank You Brvthers. I massively appreciate it.
we found out that Jimmy shaves his chest
>literal shareblue mossad thread
die mutt die mutt die mutt
i missed this lore when was this revealed
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ok the ads are getting good now
Yeah sorry thought I had way more but I guess not. I habeeted all of my /ftl/ folder except for the Letty newds.
>the fact that you’re on there
>the fact that you posted that
>the fact that you linked it
Jon started shit with the npcs
the gulch, home.
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I want to fuck the piss out of Josie.

Literally fuck her so hard that when she climaxes pisses herself.
>goblina mentioned
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>all you needed to fuck her was 50 bucks plus shipping and handling

Honestly, if this is true and NOT a huge coincidence, that she really started dating the VERY FIRST person who bought something from her store I might die of laughter.
She deserves to never hear the end of it.
Really fucking a fan after 20 days of knowing him.
I should have bought that plushie when I had the chance.
hope this turns into a last man standing paintball match
It only took them fucking 30 minutes to move the camera over to Jon. Nice job, Jet
porn addicted freaks, anon.
Why the fuck do they not have the bodycams on? They should be forced to wear them the second they wake up
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He needs some kind of face gear or gas mask to give off true detective vibes
kys troon
jon fail RP
Jon is not having this carny SHIT
For me? It’s the Cave
I can look at it and feel reassured that the preparation time was well spent
Jon's road rage is wild this season
whats wrong with being trans ?
>Jon still thinks being a man is bitching, sperging out and being louder than everyone else
need fanart of Jon in the retarded SAY WHAT I WANT shirt

what happened to all the /ftl/ artists there were so many drawings in season 1
is jon colorblind?
I bet Jon could take Brian, and I hope he does.
I hate jon now. a retard on steroids shouldnt be on the show.
>Blacksmith's wife stirring the pot

they should've made his character not have a lisp
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jon has realized he can use the npc's for ego boosting
It’s rude to lie and embarrassing to demand people play along with something you both know are lies
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fucking hell cant believe we missed 2 hours of jontent
no, but he never learned his colors
It's no different from season one. All he did was sperg out when he didn't get his way.
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They were all troon porn furry artists who tuned in because of Josie
/ftt/ fell off and I'm pretty sure Josie is what attracted the artistically minded who then had overlap drawing other characters as well
I know, I missed him :D
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lol he's not on steroids
npcs and jon interactions are too good
>jon coddling session

strike 3 and 4
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>he fat mexican friend is the one who actually makes them
does she get paid at least?
lol is tay a slaveowner now or is this basic pimp exploitation?

They're going to coddle Jon worse than they coddled Tayleigh in S2
might draw the duke and actually put effort in to it this time unlike when i drew judge during s2
he looks really cool.
Jontent baby
>Jon gives it back immediately
Kek, what a god
>Ben not in western garb
immersion broken
Not sure if that's possible
>a retard on steroids shouldnt be on the show
sam bros...... our daddy is catching strays....
jon was late so he has to get through his intro quest of gathering rocks to get 10 silver but now hes failing the tutorial quest
>Jon be coddled for the second time and it's only day 2
He doesn't even vape KEK
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okay sorry
autistic ginger guy is mad funny best NPC
kek that girl rules
Blacksmith's wife is a champ
NPCs wondering what they're getting into
Need more Ben kino
I can't believe the cast is so shit Brian seems cool
he did it on powpose
>did it on porpoise
>Jon spends an hour arguing about the vape
>gets the vape
>immediately gives it back
unbelievably kino
Jon gets to act his narcissistic power trips.

Dude is in heaven.
>soon you fuckin wetard.
>Jon threw a 30 minute tard fit over not getting a vape and then immediately gives it back and says vapes are trash when he finally gets it
This guy is too good.
brian was always cool, sounds like the incels convinced you otherwise. stop being a faggot and think for yourself
>Ben cucks the only morning entertainment
Like clockwork
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The blacksmiths wife is the sort of girlfriend who tries to get her partner into fights
See how she slapped him on the back of the head and keeps stirring the pot even when everyone else is willing to disengage
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>2 weeks of coddling Jon who will refuse to participate or pretend or rp
I legitimately didn't even realize the Arthur Morgan accent guy was Brian because of the voice+longer hair
I hope someone beats Jon's ass this season. We got close with a vampire last night. If they didn't coddle him he'd crack at the slightest bit of pressure
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>missed 1h of jontent autism kino because jet is still nodding on xannies and cant force them to wear cam vests
we missed 90% of jons argument in the morning because they didnt give him a camera
bravo goran bravo
Jon would whoop your fat monkey ass
I kind of want the drumstick
It would've been goronian seeing as they're mostly mugshots
Can somebody fill me in on why nobody is wearing their bodycam? I thought that was the whole point
bruh jontent is undeniable.
Without him this shit is unwatchable.
This is coming from a hardcore lettyknight.
It ain't even close.
I wish jon a million dollars.
Rackets style.
Jon and DumbGay?
unstoppable combo
He's a loser but at least he's not a retard
Jon and Dumbgay fight please
Can I get paid now?
He did not gain 40lbs like he said
this but its under her skirt
Jon is 5'1" and raped his entire life. Anyone can take him
would be funny if Sam comes in and beats the shit out of Jet in front of everyone
>he thinks it'll be 2 weeks
sadly jon will leave before when his feefees gets hurt in spite of the coddling
Why is the audio pitched down on the handheld camera?
Not enough image posting
someone else make a thread fuck this early bake faggot
Jon carried season 1, Jimmy carried season 2, and both of them are carrying season 2.5
has to be in full costume with The Crow makeup too
>imagine this season with a faggot who makes funny faces at le camera
page nine 750+posts is fine. shut up
Egg hogger job
Page 10 or 150 images then new threads get it right
Coddwe tank is back because Jon's fragile ego can't take any push back
because shockingly their tech infrastructure couldn't handle them
Jet said they don’t have to wear them at the bunks, and Jon does what he wants
It took one day to realize that battery mounted cameras require constant battery changes
Jon is worse energy vampire than Brian and Worse sperg than Jimmy
Tay is going through cock withdrawal pls understand
Brian is much better at playing a role than trying to be interesting as himself.
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Tayleigh and Jon are already here
note: they would have realized this long before if they had done even the least rigorous form of testing ahead of time
Why do none of the pov cams work?
Did Tay wander off or something
>Blacksmith's wife talking about lynching
Did you include Tay crying to Jet and getting TTS censored?
Who is the dude with the deep ass voice?
They all have deep voices because the audio is fucked
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>Tay: I'm not a slut like Letty!
>Also Tay: fucks a fan after he bought a plushie from her and knew him for 20 days
surely this would have been like one of the first considerations when they came up with this idea lmao
how the fuck do they not understand the usage of powerbanks?

literally every IRL streamer in the Cxverse is acquainted with the idea of keeping a supply of powerbanks

literally just ask ice poseidon for advice
energy vampire
Bitch is nasty but her pussy is so fat I wanna chew on it like a steak
send that over TTS if you'd be so kind
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