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barely watching at this point Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200533278
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ella thread
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jon is a fucking asshole faggot
Tayleigh dying of heat stroke in 2 days, screencap this post
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Did they EVER reference Blood Meridian with the Judge character in the end?
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>I'm taken, I have a boyfriend.
what did she mean by this?
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Jet enjoys looking like a clown "ironically"
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i think tay is doing the office face so much because she drank the coolaid from the bant cucks that said
>the best thing about tay are her facial expressions! she is so emotive!!!!!!
so she cranks up the jim face to 11 and has stupid faces to just about every single thing.
Xavier Gay fucks nigger birds
So, what's going on with the Taytriots today?
who's that dude next to the hot chick?
>jimmy grabbing all the food with his poop smeared fingers
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This fucking retard is trying to follow Old Testament dietary restrictions that don't apply post-Christ
Does Jon realize only jews follow the no shell fish and pork rule?
Gayleigh Pendleton
If Vance doesn't get here soon this team will fall apart
Kill me if I ever get mogged this hard

Let the humiliation begin lmfao
xavier and duke are cool
jon is a turbofaggot
shes just an unfunny retard actually
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tay in high waist jeans
Jon the type of guy so insecure he can't even pretend to be inferior to anyone even in a fictional situation
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Duke it up
>Does Jon realize
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there's absolutely nothing there
He reads the Bible by opening it to random pages and reading passages without any context
Any watchfags ITT? What the fuck is Jimmy wearing, it's driving me mad. It's obviously some vintageshit.
Jon doesn't know what he believes. He follows Muslim rules too if Tate has mentioned them
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it's like no one told her they only work if you don't look like shit kek
He wasn't even cleansed by the blood lmfao
her fans told her not to go because this would happen lmao
Severe lack of Plump Trish today. They trotted that dumb slut Taylor out instead but the council demands the Fat Flip Queen.
simps are absolutely seething after finding out she has a boyfriend even though they all claimed they would NEVER fuck her during season 2
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She's just not funny, I don't know what to tell you. She's never made a single joke that I've ever even chuckled at.
letty is so fucking hot when she's next to taylee. god i want to sniff her jewess shit hole.
Also idolizes a "muslim. Jon is...not smart.
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Just wait until Xavier busts out his tactical scythe
Hoarderman’s antique, hard to ID
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A taytriot's take on the subject
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waiting for the beach episode patiently
Sam didn't make it more than a day without reminding her she fucking sucks KEK
the hardest I've ever laughed at Tay was when TJ punched her in the gut and she went "HNNNNNNNGGG"
>jon takes one minute to eat one egg
looks like "letty faggots" are the new taytriot boogeyman lol
Rest now, Xavier.
Hey anon that said he was going to clip Greg eating shit while running, you got that yet?
It's then likely a fucked Timex, at best a Bulova.
does Jon know that cooked eggs are more bioavailable than raw ones?
based jimmy using his stealth skill
She was here this morning
>stealing in self defense
Jon knows nothing.
>Jimmy says he's only back because he stole things from staff
>stealing in self defense
I had the same reaction when I heard tay fucked that dude it’s ok bro
Jimmy is such a liar
>does jon know ....
The taytriots are entering their denial phase
He didn't get over Islam or Tate?
yes please the clippers suck this season
Same fag is seething over Lettyfags and Josiefags
Why did this retarded dyke agree to come back?
boys I really need a qrd for the day,, I missed everything from the tree cut down til duke came by with the gaggle of late ninetys emo kids.
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whats this schitt head doing
>jet yelling at jimmy over the speakers
xavier kinda sounds like martin short
Jimmy is a fucking faggot Jet needs to trample more of his bits
letty needs to show her pits again
What are they on about? What was a bit?
post the picture of sam heiling the hitler
Jimmy did not get "fucked over" in season 2, and everyone else is gay for letting him say that.
The first thing Vance says to Letty when he gets there better be "Wait... are you Jewish?"
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I can do you one better, I've missed everything since the start of the season and have no idea wtf is happening
What did he say? Couldn't hear him
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Taytriots have overtaken Tony as the frontrunner for KWABOTY
I’m pissed she shaved them
Xavier Gay fucks Dumgay and birds
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self defense is when you feel wronged you can do anythin you want to make it even
Doing what he knows best: thinking about food, from chocolate pizza to 10lbs hamburgers
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Go easy on them my man they've had it rough the past 24 hours.
Why don’t they use solar powered cameras?
What did they get for finding the blacksmith's wife?
Duke is the funniest shit in a while. The kawasaki is so hilarious. Please post more Duke kino.
I want to do some fanart.
that's kino to you? that wasn't funny the first time he said that shit
He should confuse her with Betty
He was doing his faggot ass "I was in the freakin walls I stole a freakin watch because they teased me" bit
>betty mentioned
I made this. Thanks for the save.
jon showed up.
they stayed up till 2am and tayleigh called jon a huge fag for walking away from the camera when tts calls him gay. jon sperged a bit.
next morning, tay got dehydrated and bulimic threw up and was gone till like 2pm.

they cooked some breakfast eggs and pork chops, jimmy being the fire keeper. generally a sense of them working together as a team. Also jimmy cut down a tree near their beds but tried to push it over at first.

ben rally'd the fish at noon to the town. the town was in ruin after the vampire attack with a few benches and tables flipped. the npc blacksmith lady was on a NPC loop all morning crying and wanting to repair the town but the fish were too retarded to notice or ask about it.

ben made a funny speech where he was interuptted by brian for calling the vampires zombies, so ben raged at brian. He explained they needed to wear goggles when adventuring out with weapons and vampires / them gotta yell PVP to flag up and start shooting. Tai was in the shower so Jet made them do the entire scene over again.

The blacksmiths wife went missing so the party had to go on a quest to find her but they were all retarded and tired so a lot of them wandered away and split up. They went with Greg and Xavier (yellow sammurai). Shot some vampire minions and tried to find the blacksmith lady.

The merchant caught letty stealing last night by using CCTV magic, so she owes him 10 silver. Jon haggled on her behalf and said if they dont pay 10 silver back by sunset they can pay 30 in 3 days instead. He did this without letty's consent while she was standing 3 feet away watching
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>dude just let KFC plap me. i was never your boyfriend anyway why do you care? ill let you watch sometimes though man.
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OMGHISA. Looks like that meximuttjak lmao someone post it
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I can't believe she shaved
>Tell the truth Jimmy. That's not what happened.
Lmao Jet like the voice of God out of nowhere
He's still a Tatefag. He also often praises random Muslims on x
I kinda felt bad for Xavier lol
why does jon get called insecure when jet couldnt let jimmy lie about stealing his watch without seething and breaking the intercom
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I'm in love
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why arent they larping anymore
Those hot dogs are gonna be fucking raw, they need to be boiled

Becaause they're in the forest
>Duke is the funniest shit in a while.
So was Jason and the Judge. Sam carries this shitheap franchise.
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imagine letting this cute chud piss you off this much
>that wasn't funny the first time he said that shit
I only got back a few minutes ago, I didn't know he repeated
It was absolutely the most interesting thing that's been said in the last half hour
Wish Jon was aborted.
Vance did irreparable damage to Tayleigh with the onions tax bit lol the fishtank chat just spams it
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fucking jet shouldn't have cut jimbo off and let him tell more made up stories since jon was buying them
Also, Xavier - Tay alliance
Sam bullying Tay
Jon battle with Xavier
jimmy is doing that thing where he sucks
what the fuck is jimmy talking about
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jimmy has a crush on bliccy?
Based Vance
This sounds genuinely gay. What happened to Sam?
If you think Jimmy is funny you are lower than dirt to me unironically
We're bringing an old friend.
Stay tuned. Tonight, 6:30PM EST
>bliccy is jimmy’s waifu

pick one retard, they're all pre-cooked
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yeah im fucking wacky
yeah im fucking unpredictable
yeah im fucking powerful
beanie when?
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press F for the armpit hair
then why are they cooking them, moron
thanks ben <3 love you you're doing great as the sheriff
that was only a thing in the first place because the chat was spamming it
Should see her arms
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/f1/ owns 4chan
whats the tax bit
Jon can't even conceive the idea of "irony" and "lies"
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>Jimmy is speaking
Have you ever done anything with another guy before and if not do you want to
Based Ben.
absolute champ thank you
thank god we saw her titties
too bad jimmy thinks shes white
Nifty niggers… we’re back
Jon is crazy manipulative
>Letty puts ketchup on her hotdog

FUCK Canada
>guys is TTS on?
to eat them warm? who wants a cold hotdog?
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>actual "comedian" with a weird form of charisma is the best part of a show compared to the literal retards he's standing next to
you dont?
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To not eat them cold
They need to add a Jim Halpert tax
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you forgot taylor bouncing tits
i do this and i'm american kill yourself you freak faggot
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Please kick Tayleigh and Jon. Thanks Benjamin
shave your head bed that bald spot is fucking horrendous, my 70 year old father has a better hairline give it up man
when something isn't cooked it called "raw"
Ketchup is childish
my wife :)
You’re doing great Sheriff.
Jimmy has canonically jerked it (likely not to completion) to Bliccy nudes
How did TJ win her
Bliccy is pretty based desu Kohai. Him explaining "waifu" to Jon was far more cringe.
fuck mustard
Shut the fuck up bald homo
Last season everytime she did something cringe he came up and took some game currency from her saying
hey vance here, see you then
it's so weird that people care what people put on hot dogs or burgers. ketchup is good on both, who gives a shit?
it is literally pre-cooked, therefore not raw dumbass.
please stop posting this gross slut and post Trish Delish instead
Jimmy and Letty are gonna hook up, you read it here.
this is so fucking funny
you have the mind of an infant and a penis to match
Coleburners... let the legend come back to life
lol ur dum
except when they're precooked you fucking stupid nigger
all hotdogs are pre-cooked
eating them cold isnt eating them raw
it just sucks
its funny seeing Xavier put up a master class of role-playing while Tayleigh just stands there and makes faces at camera
Thanks princess
Trump wants to abolish abortion rights so we have to deal with retards like Jon......................
who the fuck is bliccy
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I agree. /tv/ is a bliccy board.
Fuck i can believe I missed this
When was this?
Would make it even better
if tayleigh keeps fucking whispering I'll show up there and slap her face
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I need to see trish oiled up like this first
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>I will be a good tranny
who is the MC
why isnt abi there
This dude thinks cold cuts are "raw"
she was never cute and shes not a chud.
Too expensive for Jet
>bring back "fan favorites" to make the most money
>one of them lost almost all her fans right before the show starts
>have to censor TTS so now she brings in absolute nothing
>she is also the worst at playing along and ruins every bit
torture her until she quits please
tayleigh for some reason
Trishs body isn’t nice like this though
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
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abiphobia runs rampant in the fishtank community.
What did scott just say to tay?
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need some big booties in 2.5, STAT
That's Voodoo Mama Juju
I would fuck bliccy to the point of physical exhaustion
I'm honestly not rooting for any of these retards. I want Tay and Jimmy to suffer
i need to see those failrp clips again
some mde girl who came on for the fatty date show bit then got drunk/fucked up and passed out in the s2 attic with like no blanket and her tit popped out
why did she lose her fans
>I'm gonna goon in your butt, jon
Was a really weird turn desu
Clip? Lmao
will that retard PLEASE post the clip of greg eating shit
Somebody should send this to @stopantisemitism and give them her address. Fucking pick me nazi bitch
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>tayleigh restricting food
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>aaaahhhh, Xavier... we meet again
>up to your old tricks, i presume?
>you haven't changed a bit these past 300 years
im being lazy and doing guess and check to make the clip and doing it slowly sorry
give me a few more minutes please the last attempt cut off before the full clip
Fly out thw tayjeet from Canuckistan to try and marry her and you will get your wish.
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After Sam's 1488 comment it's slowly dawning on her that all her fans were right when they said Sam hates her and she shouldn't go back. She hasn't gotten a single positive TTS and made them censor negative ones
You forgot
>Got turned down by the biggest cash cow
Coalburner boogie
Please more Letty im jorkin rn
actual princess
Why does Jon always put himself in extremely gay situations?
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Retard dong and retard cake
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>An IV you say?
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I wouldve just picked her up and ran with her back to my quarters
what did she say?
he didn't. she basically lead him on the entire time she was on season 2 then used his winnings to gamble (and lose all his prize money) while simultaneously fucking some guy in a band she used to post pictures with before coming on the fishtank. she took advantage of tj and all the simps on here for her genuinely make me sick
Whenever Tai eats, I have to stop watching. I like him but I don't understand people who have so little self-awareness to make those disgusting sounds
Faggot Jimmy: Hey Tai no homo... *didn't hear* Hey Tai NO HOMO
yeah imma need sauce on this
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so true bestie baka
>letty lowkey dunking on tay
holy fucking shit lmao
If it isn't Cobes then something bad will happen. That's not a threat, it's an advisemrnt.
Finally. We need someone to balance out the retarded nature of the current group.
taytriots really didn't learn after getting cucked by frank the first time, huh
Sam probably feels like his greatest achievement is bringing retard TJ and retard Taylor together
He's gonna officiate their wedding
kek if this is actually true because i saw that coming
christmas example
thank you sir!!!
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finally, I think he'll actually be pretty good
Stop anti-Asian hate
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Hey guys Jet here

Do you think it'd be funny if Bex walked around in her underwear? I'm trying to convince her but she isn't interested haha

God I miss Josie
Coletrainers we're so fucking back
Are you fucking for real? Holy shit lmao
So much for the kino trees.
And TJ deserved it all because he’s a huge faggot.
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Just send the bulimic dyke home and bring in emergency fill-in MALIA
Fresh wood is going to produce a lot of smoke. They should be using the deadwood lying around But I really don't expect them to know that.
loool jon chopping that tree
She literally moved to Michigan to be with him.
wedding WHEN, they've been going strong for half a year now tj gotta put a ring on that
>swinging a hatchet towards his open toe sandals
thats what they teach ya in the wildland fire service
gregheads where did greg go??
he's gonna chop his foot off
>Chinese SFX
>camera pans to Tai
KWAB. he is one of two remaining taytriots in the bant thread btw, even her most ardent defenders have jumped ship
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holy shit guys
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w3stt.c on insta
Jon's gonna chop a toe off
Vampire proposal S2.5 finale
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Tayleigh looks like she wants to go home :/
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>falling for bait this obvious
do better nigga
Jon is chopping right towards his feet in open toed shoes
coleburners... we are redeemed
his lazy ass in the ac
why is no one doing tts this season
Kek that’s how I know someone isn’t Christian.

St. Paul clearly teaches we are under the law of Christ, not the law of Moses.
This isn't entirely true but it is true that she tries to play up the clueless autismo girl angle for the simps while probably being a hoe. As for Teej, I went back and forth on it but I've settled on the conclusion that she is indeed likely not a loyal gf to him. We must pray.
Oliver Gay?
Is that the same guy going on about muh "leftist troon letty antifas" or whatever? what a retard
my nigga
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so what if she looks a little weird, chuddy? she is a princess.
Who is ready for /comfystorms/ tonight?
do you nerds work for osha or something
I'm not gay but I would kiss Ben after he tells me one of his touching parables from his past
Tldr; she played us all
Originally I thought Cole would be good for 2.5 but now I feel like he would just have a sensory overload
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qrd? last i saw they were sleeping. any notable tay TTS?
Because Jimmy would have tried to kill her already
this bitch genuinely creeped me out. very dark aura. probably a sociopath.
Someone do me a solid and do the same for Letty and Taylor s'il vous plaît et merci bien.
I don't want one of the funniest people on the show to have to leave because he was too retarded
I thought the forecast said it was supposed to be dry for the duration of the show
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The prettiest and most perfect one!
you look like your name is raymonddd
You look like your name is Raymond
i think he would do a good job. he liked playing a role in s2 and hanging around retards like this is what he wanted his fishtank experience to be
I'm correcting the record "nigga"
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>"Hey Jet, can you make sure TTS is on?"
Why do none of these faggots know how to use an axe? Someones losing fingers by the end of the season
>1488 Tayleigh! 1488!
>swings at his toes
>then swings at his fingers
How has he loved this long
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good she will go back to nothing
Weather changes
Allegedly it may rain tomorrow
yea, well...everybody loves raymond
How long till Sam falls off the bike or runs over someone
did he just.. not see that giant branch on the ground?
I would mommy dom so hard with this bitch.
we all know that someone will be jon
he's gonna shove it up his ass?
they rejected mine
Why IS Tayleigh?
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Here you go.
No she cried to Jet to block anything related to Jordan or Kentucky from TTS, but Sam broke character to shit on her
Hey guys, Bex here, bad news

Jet is back up to strike two :/
you sound like tayleigh when she was carrying around all her shit on her back and having a schizo attack
Sam doesn't give a shit about TJ (noe does Taylor) that's why he brought his girlfriend out to have her tits bounce around on camera in front of thousands of people lmao.
He's a lover not a fighter
Jon is going to shove that stick up his butt in the morning?
are they in Providence?
yes even in her streams she is manipulative. she is ontologically evil
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This show needs a vtuber in the corner as a sort of "sports-commentator", but is a shrieking retard, like Chibidoki, so all of you faggots are annoyed.
kek I fucking love greg
Just feel like things are getting too intense and hard to track for him
Good taste.
No he vaulted over it and fell
>How has he loved this long
the lord jesus christ
those posts are just (you) farms copypasted every thread litreally nobody believes that shit
>I own that exact crossbow
you’re pathetic
Tunnel vision in the heat of battle
Letty be sucking down them dawgs
Many have pointed out that his coattails are hanging right next to the back wheel’s spokes and Tai has also left traps (branches) in the road
Chibidoki is unironically a whore irl
KEK Thank you!.
It's on, over.
Jon’s pretty jacked now hella natty gains
pippa is needed
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Holy mogging
But that's us, we're the vtuber in this scenario
this clip is kino as fuck. looks straight out of a video game
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he's fat as fuck
Seriously. Get her off the show, Jet. You're making no money with censoring the tts
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>yfw Vance shows up with Lance
you're kidding me. are they really trusting jimmy to handle their food?
Ketchup + Mustard + Caramelized Onions
This is the best snag you will get at Bunnings.
NEW QUEST: Letty must eat an entire hot dog while making eye contact with the camera
Not even trying to bait man it's true. They specifically brought her closer to the Schitty camera so people could see better when the chat was complaining about the view and not having the director cam there
why do you say that
Greg kino is back on the menu

Did he start listening to mark rippletoad
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It's time bros....
>Ben showing up without the Sheriff act
What the fuck, Ben?
She's throating that glizzy
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Team Gormedious

Team Xavier

Team Greg
point stands
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kek letty makes tay look like an ugly malnourished little boy
These kinds of le so randumb le class clown girls always are.
What did Letty do?
They don't have a choice
im gonna try to remake it for /wsg/ i didnt know the file size limit before but i think this one works better with sound cause you can hear his footsteps and stuff
The more this has went on i can see it all coming together nicely.
no way johns staying there for his birthday
jonathan quarters
lol and then they hid her out of camera view by the end just like chat wanted, get a grip schizo
>can't even break 7k viewers
lmao no
Is gormedius the ginger?
>Not introducing himself as Jontent
It's over...
Greg cannot stay on two feet if his life depended on it
isn't it like a 7 hour flight from washington to prov??
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I like mayo on mah hawt dawgs. Anyone else?
sam's character
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Food poisoning arc will be interesting
they gotta stop teasing taylor and give us a trampoline cam. im dripping.
>when is was thweatening to kick peepo's asses
someone find the clip pls
>L to tay: You remind me of my sister!!
>Tay: really?
>L: Yeah... she is 19... and she is like dorky... but in a cute way!
>T: oh.... thanks.... I guess.
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for me its mayo, fried onion, hot sauce, (cheese), bun
>doing the confessionals live
we need this in all future seasons honestly
I've been leaking pre ever since I saw her in that red dress
yeah lots of people are gay
I feel like the wetawds speech actually degraded over time.
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that's his speciality
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>me and my jimmy was exploring
>and then they cum
It doesn't. I like TJ and these guys are basically just mocking him because they know she'll do it and that people will make fun of him over it because of the type of audience they have.
judge sucked
How hot is it where they are?
Never tried it but I would. Can't be much different than a fried bologna sandwich with mayo.
fucking gooners sort yourselves out
not remotely how it happened lol tay giggled about it and seemed to take it as a compliment
Jon's most enjoyable part so far is thinking about Brian's cock.
Any blood or games yet?
>Jon favorite activity is flirting with brian
who the fuck is Gormedious
In a week jon will be back in bend
I hope he constantly soitaxes her when he arrives
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low t faggot
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she wants you to cum. do it for her
Who is the hottest Fishtank girl? Can Tayleigh climb off the bottom?

>Be Jon
>talk about dick
Many such cases.
They've both gotten pretty plump over the past few months. Two fat homos arc incoming? Get Mauro in there too for the diversity quota.
It's Dragomir's third name.
This is going to sound gross to everybody but unironically a PB&J hotdog is shockingly good.
I like how the camera freezes a few seconds before he hits the log like a 'yup, that's me' freezeframe.
Mariachi band, home....
I could not imagine a worse platform to campaign for a political office than on Fishtank.
>Xavier might be a vampire
This nigga reaches new innovative levels of retarded every minute
wowte fow me to get abowted
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>Jon running for political office
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cute chudette!
Tay new cringe kino about to drop
>they put the tts speaker right next to the microphone
jesus eugh
He walks like a gay man
everyone seems like they're having so much fun except for tayleigh
We need more blacksmith's wife
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Like a scene from a documentary about Appalachian incest families
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plap plap plap sex with abi
2.5 seasons of never learning
they probably think it's funny. they were right next to each other last season too, people bitched about them from the very beginning
City council I think. He's a fucking retard but he do be buying into that "dream big" shit.
>Tay about to proclaim how all men are pathetic cattle, except General Zod
Tay lookin fucking beat
if she didnt wear that shirt under the overalls it would be so kino
22? damn
>Oh shit, I'm sowwy.
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*munches chicken wing*
like get the fuck out of my ear
*chews loudly*
like fuck off
Unreal that there was (and I guess still is) a very dedicated group of fags that simped aggressively for this thing.
This is the only time ive actually gotten fomo from fishtank, this looks fun as fuck honestly.
Sum up Tayleigh in 3 words
How would you advise Tay to looksmaxx?
Fucking Tayleigh pick me Nazi bitch somebody please send her nazi videos and Hitler salutes to the CEO of ifunny. iFunny is not an antisemitic website is it? They don't promote antisemites I hope?!
She looks awful
Vance is on his way
cringe annoying boy
Nice roll Gregster
Propaganda. There's beautiful women in them there hills. Not Tayleigh
boring ugly annoying
Y’all just lurrve to hate
1488 tayleigh 1488!
commission money thief
Grow out her beard a little, every man looks better with some stubble
Never ever allowed to dress herself, the all-black femcel metalhead look needs to go.
get tits/ass implants. Do anything to distract from that face
female to male
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>thought jon or jimmy would go home first
>it might actually be tay
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>tay calling someone else a narcissist
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>i only called Jon a faggot because people like seeing him pissed off
this tyler guy is really shit at this
Retarded fucking cunt
Pickme nazi bitch
prone bone
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lefort 3
>narcissist in gay denial
Tayleigh = Jon
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ugly ahhh bihh
It for sure needs sound. Thanks nevertheless.
fuck off pick-me
>Ok guys Vance is here and we're pleased to announce he'll be replacing Tayleigh
>Also new rule Bex has to walk around without any pants on now

How would you react?
why is everyone dressed like king cobra? just got here
turbo bogging
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ugly closeted lesbo
Unfortunately still alive
Can't wait for lettys interview bros
the projection is crazy
she dated a girl for more than a year lmfao
How is this bitch 22, holy shit.
Is this what toilet MDMA does to you?
god I fucking hate the way her upper lip moves
Where’s my beanie
she's ugly therefore she's a bad person
JET please replace tayleigh. You are losing money
would suck. vance is nontent.
>tay preparing rape allegations
Jon is pretty gay though
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i made some bagels, bros
she thinks xavier is Q lol
Vampire Hunter D, Van Helsing shit.
demand they give taylor a trampoline
Tayleigh and Jimmy
>Thats what windex does to you
kentucky fried cock
Xavier is Q
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Everything they’re doing is from a long post I made at the end of last season. It’s so weird I wrote to give them magic cards as prizes and then make them battle, told them to do a fantasy vibe, and lots of other stuff, and now I see the show like this and it’s scitzing me out a bit, but very cool. Also yeah being there for this would be fun af and they should have a larger event like this eventually, like a real LARP event.
>tay accusing another man of being a creep
Never change, kay
Do you have a crush on me dude
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goontank but only curvaceous mutt women
it doesn't help
finally the season will be good

Maybe they should know about this Nazi whore Tayleigh sponsored by "ifunny.co"
LMAO this is literally the diablo town music now. i just played it like a year ago.
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>when xavier held my hand for a split second it was really creepy man like it wasn't a big deal or anything he's an ancient being or whatever dude but it was just like really creepy im not accusing him of anything though
Sam's family would be proud
gonna mute the stream and pretend im having a conversation with her
instabuy 10 season passes
The Office Jim faces she makes are very upsetting
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Those look good, can I have one?
I’ll let you have some of my cream cheese (Philadelphia brand, original flavor)
>"I don't want to be his girlfriend or anything"
tay really needs to stop contorting her face like that, its not doing her any favors
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My dick nigguh
Looks delicious anon!
$50 chicken plushie
if you shoop a red hat on her she'd look like sneed
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Why are they interviewing some random kid? Why does he keep making cartoon faces? Shoo shoo, go play Playstation sonny
I couldn’t even begin to imagine how horrible my life would have to be to watch this shit
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where the fuck is the birdspotting poster? how the fuck am I supposed to know which birds have appeared??
looks nice. are they hard to make?
you don’t know anything but assume the worst. it’s weird because it’s fun for you.
i feel like tayleigh is just aping letty's beef with jon, but letty and jon's beef is entertaining because they really love each other and love pissing each other off. there's complexity to their relationship that you don't get from her screaming "shut up faggot!!!!" at him.
what a fuckin sick bitch
I like Tay and I don't care what anyone else thinks.
lmao the taytriots are gone bitch
Wherever I am, I must also be raped
Shout out cock buddy
>real LARP event
Wouldn't work. Half the fun is the contestants being idiots that are incapable of playing along.
Buying a season pass
I need to save this bitch from her mexican Shrek boyfriend
>she thinks there's still taytriots left

That smile at the end is adorable. She needs to smile more often.
>shout out to the taytriots
>tay describing jon's closetedness in the exact way that she's also closeted
>i don't know about any of that BIG CITY stuff, but down here int he south we do things a little differently
Adorable. Jimmy is evil for throwing that mallot at her.
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Such beautiful cat gyatt eyes
>upper lip
kek what upper lip, its literally a fucking line no lipped bitch
They're arent any anymore you dumb cunt
no, they're really easy to make. it's just basic dough formed into rings and then you boil them before baking them
no fucking way, that's brutal
>she thinks there's still taytriots when she hasn't gotten a single positive TTS
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When is the witch showing up to kill them?
legitimately offputting
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tay's been trying to be letty since the first moment she opened her mouth on this show. but letty is actually good at it
SgtPen and Jordan are still out there. the two remaining taytriots
Some gay guy I went to highschool won a city council in my town. I think it's achievable but I would vote against jon
Built for Big Beaner Cock
beaneating WHORE
ok, gotta try them once i'm done with current loaf
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>it's been a while.... Brother...
Emiru as freeloader?

Just to mog all these cave trolls to oblivion while being a boring princess.
never your piss drinking eslut is blacklisted LMFAO
>cole declined
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Back to >>>/bant/
they tried to get Cole to come back
It's not a direct rip. More like a tribute or homage.
this. she simply has no charisma, no rizz, negative aura. at least taylor is hot to look at even if she is boring and retarded, but tayleigh looks like a 40yr old jewish man.
Is Trish an NPC or something? I've seen images posted of her there but I haven't seen her one time
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that's a princess. actually.
>cole was supposed to be here but he declined

The Downs cam is comfy, the branch the camera is attached to isn’t very strong so you can see the shot away with the wind a little
my wife
i want an arc where xavier gaslights jon and accuses him of trying to steal her away
Letty is effortlessly alluringly bitchy
Tayleigh could never
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Ziltoid looking ass nigga
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>Cole declined
who said?
floogerville texas
>only one of them left
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i used to think their love was a tragedy, but now i realise it's a comedy
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the only ftl girl that doesn't look dysgenic
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says who??? cole is ABOVE this shit
>cole once again mogging production
holy based
Making sure KFC doesn't get jealous.
Wild how much better a good camera makes this shit show
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Betty cuter
I think if you started with 40 people and had a competitive elimination, like 3 lives only, or something, and you’re out, it’d be cool to see the social dynamics of people who stay and who rises to the top, also with Larps you can have actual power differences and you could have rules for night raids and other stuff.

This is still pretty cool and we’ll see how it goes, just wanna see more cast.
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Tai out here dropping bodies
letty said
>do you guys know cole was supposed to be here but he declined
and jimmy said
>yeah i've been talking with him a bunch lately
letty just said it on basecamp cam
lmao is he sneaking a beer in during work?
Looking delish like trish, good job Anon. What do ya take with your bagels?
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What particular characteristic are you fond of?
I’m not disagreeing, just curious
what's all this about
I gotta say, this series is showing the MASSIVE difference between Tayleigh and Letty (Letty is better ofc)

Season 2 in shambles
and you're just going to keep the birds you've seen to yourself? selfish fucks round these parts.
Please get BMJ on season 3 holy fuck
>everything bagel
I'll say It For What It Is. The everything bagel is the worst thing to ever be invented. The fast food workers never change their gloves so if someone orders an everything bagel, they cross contaminate their order with their garlic and onion gloves onto your plain bagel, or bacon egg and cheese sandwich.
love how blunt letty can be
God damn it Tai clear your throat before speaking
It should've been zombies instead of vampires and they should've cast hundreds of fishtank fans and simps as the zombies.
tai cough that shit up
She knew exactly how to rile Jon up and based on the shit did with exposing Greg on twitter, she's a lot more devious than she lets on
Not even trying to shit on her but those smile lines make her look mid-30s
letty even mentioning cole is very funny to me
>jet mogged by cole once again
oh no no no no...
cole is smart enough to know they would just humiliate him endlessly if he ever came back
>Xavier, enough of your tricks!
Letty drowning the baby, and Simmons being kicked out is what broke Jon permanently.
on the everythings; cream cheese or butter
on the cinnamon sugars; cream cheese or peanut butter
tai's gargle cracking me up
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>Cole too scared to actually face Nina
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im gonna-ohhhh-im gonna fuck a dude, man
That’s just how viets sound
That wouldn't be fair, they'd all try to grab Letty
Tai is effortlessly funny. Watched every season and I never get tired of him
I mean he's dumb as fuck and that speech impediment ain't doing him favors but you never know. With politics these days that might be an advantage.
who would resist the urge to clear their throat. while being interview no less
>least favorite NPC: Mauro
based Tai
go back to hasan's stream, twitch drone
coal knew he'd get called out for posting about blacked on /pol/. little faggot bitch.
Mauro bros….
yeah, been making all my own bread for like a year now
cole is just too autistic to understand why she wanted her name to be letty, she could easily convince him
Tai's least favorite NPC is Mauro lmao. MY PRESIDENT.
are the endorsements not showing up for anybody else?
Basecamp cam is unwatchable because the wiggers put the speaker near the microphone of the cam.
My fucking president.
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based, it's a fun hobby
how did taylor rile jon up?
I would face Nina right between her cheeks
She's an NPC yes. She's doing the Voodoo fortune teller thing again.
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Tai's favorite NPC is Greg. It's happening, folks.
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Wow, 23.7k viewers?
now were gonna get mauro interactions and its gonna suck lmao
yessir. mayo ketchup mustard and onions
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>fishtank "all stars"
>mauro comes back
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Proof fishtank is satanic
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Pic related is Cole talking to Jimmy trying to relive his fleeting glory days when he was (briefly) on fishtank.
that hoeflation has reached critical levels
Solid choices. You ever make a breakfast bagel with the everythings?
she didn’t this guys being a nigger
19 year old computer science major? who tf is that
no he skipped work to drink and streamed it
>computer science ma...
>computer science major
Suggesting that he was in the gay furry community, but in her coy Taylor way
remember to go do some different shit while watching this show. read a book for an hour or practice an instrument
so they just kinda gave up on the bodycam thing?
a psycho simp from /bant/ lmao
some faggot ginger on /bant/ that tripfags and simps for the dyke
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Where is Summer?
most of the actual stars that people would like to come back would never come
Tay's biggest simp
She doesn't even realize how beautiful she is. She should NOT be with a fat beaner.
the tay gigasimp that found out about the whole kentucky thing in the first place
Who is Q?
What is this Q drama shit? 19 year old computer science major?

What’s the qrd
you're on a glorified twitch chat faggot. seek help
Yeah but that's not fishtank. Maybe watch the thing Kai Cenet or whatever the fuck his name is doing.
I miss the first time I watched this slop ;_;
that’s the threads
just read some of this evil shit
do we have summers feet
I mean to be fair he is an amateur comic bordering on pro, the guy is naturally a joker.
yea, with scrapple, egg, and chhese mmmmmmm
PA niggas ww@
Jimmy would actually be attractive if he lost like 50 pounds and wasn't a schizo. No homo
Not in use while at base camp
No, retard

newfags go home
im 'majoring' in computer sciene but I suck at it. im not 19 if yiou know what i mean. what should I do
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In a padded room being raped by invisible men
oh no my sandwich has some garlic and onion on it!!
get over it autistic faggot
>i wiww EAT that MWEAT downt youw wowwy abouw dat
Some retarded friendless /bant/poster who has been obsessed with Tayleigh for months, he was the one who figured out Tayleigh was in Kentucky getting her chicken fried
someone post the poem Q wrote for her so people who aren't initiated will know how cringe he is
Hey guys, Jet here

How can I make Josie come to S2.5? I need her
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buddy you have no idea
i stop watching after 2-3 weeks every time
big if true
dont speak about the prophet Q like that
Hell yeah nigga

Maybe a wawa sizzli if I’m on the road
Are you good at math or bad at math
Taylor is a legit manipulator, she makes Tardleigh look like the 86 IQ retard she is.
Tayleigh referencing Q is a last ditch effort to save what's left of her "streaming" "career." She's fucking done and there's no coming back.
Do you want to meet up with doctor disrespect and have sex?
uncensor TTS and let the scorned simps drive tayleigh to leave, then beg josie to fill her place
It ruins it completely. A plain bagel shouldnt have that on it. Everything-bagel enjoyers violated the NAP. You're only free to enjoy your bagels when their existence doesn't threaten mine.
kys faggot
Does Jon really look like he's on roids? He looks like shit and not aged (or vascular) at all
i dont even know math its just easy to cheat. im smart just not good at math
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Should be easy, you convinced her to live in a basement with you for 5 weeks
if Xavier was actually Q it would be the most neptunian chemo ever
can't believe I missed the jace and countkino today. clips anyone
Lettys head is so square never seen anything like it
This season hasn't been bad but I don't get why production did all that bitching over the black guy doing hunger games, this is nothing like hunger games at all
>Betty = cutter
Stop replying to yourself
LOL that was the only TTS she has gotten that wasnt negative or censored.
streamed where
You know summer and you were meant for eachother, you were in love jet.
Literally only Josie.
get into infrastructure orchestration. it's mostly scripting and in high demand. kuberntes, docker, IaaS/PaaS concepts, learn about cloud provider offerings. dont be a code monkey it wont work for you
Vased floridaGOD
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Classic Q miss dat nigga
they should have made taylee stand next to her for the confession so she looks hotter
what an unfortunate looking little boy
I hope they bring him on in some way
explosive moment............ explosive... magic...................................
How does anyone unironically think Konosuba is funny? Serious question
bon apetit bro looks good
-ing my meat rn
The way Letty talks still annoys the fuck out of me, I don't even hate her it just triggers some primal rage in me
who is Darkness of Season 2.5?
Letty rules
If you want to be a code monkey you don't really need advanced math. Most smaller jobs are just CRUD with a twist. The hard part is figuring out what the hell the users actually want
>t. 30 year old code monkey
letty finna peg and domesticate the jonster. J-Army... our thoughts?
letty is terminally coombrained
>really sweet
and Christ said that all food is now okay to eat, as it is not what goes inside a man that defiles him but what comes out of a man. i.e. food won't harm you (as long as it's not rotten or whatever of course) but your sins will.
Letty manipulation master class
she says no with her mouth and yes with her eyes. slut
>but then he told me that he's a capricorn
I think if we shot everyone who has ever said anything related to zodiac signs in the head we would be a utopia right now
who the fuck is scott again?
well it would get rid of 95% of sheboons so yeah
the ginger karate guy
ginger boxer/mysterious stranger
It's harmless and pretty funny when people bring it up.
don't ask. it's /bant/ sissyfaggot drama nobody cares about
wow i haven't seen him yet is he playin some vampire hunter or something?
it harms me
For one generation, then our species would go extinct due to lack of women
you're not the same species as me, nigger
Post hand
his whole character is him being mean and mysterious. pretty sure he's an actual vampire, he has some kind of history with xavier and/or the duke
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did he bring the mat and sparring gear?
>casual antisemitism

kys. Fuck the kikes, white power.
Jimmy is the bad kind of autism
Shut up goy
We know that, it's just funny to watch him explode at the smallest things
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There's no fucking way Greg is 6'2 right
Chuddie goycattle meltdown LMAO
no those are Vance stats
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smella mogs <3
That's just Vance' stats with Gregs name temporarily on there
she's in the production shed. vance just touched down and cried when he saw her getting gang raped by the team.
When's he arriving?
>he declined
He posted a photo of a plane an hour ago saying "omw" so probably later tonight or tomorrow. I would guess tonight though.
>Jon trying to get Jimmy to 'endowrse nick fuentes'
i'm 6'2 195lbs and i'm built nothing like that guy so no way

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