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Jet Wins Edition


>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200537347
TJ Won
mommy milk
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the simp rebellion has begun
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Jet's boyfriend is on! Holy shit, he finally came out!
Big man Don Jolly on campus
shitty op made by a fat irrelevant mexican
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KFC Dyke
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smella smogs <3
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>content is happening
That's not funny...that's no-
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
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Who else here escaping the Matrix?
No he didn't his whore girlfriend is out getting punched around by Sam while bouncing her tits around in front of thousands of people.
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Goranian vision and execution
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Gooning to Josie.
Pumping load after load of cum into Josie's fertile pussy.
Seeding Josie's Indian burial ground with my John Smith seed.
Why did they never give Tayleigh a weapon?
Has Tayleigh eaten a drop of food this entire time?
Lettychuds, is this bitch still into edgy shit like the Brainbombs?
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The rest of you (who don't post on /bant/) are learning how insufferable Tayleigh's fans are
there is no such thing as coincidence
Here is the full magic tutorial so you remember how combat works, an airsoft instructor came by after to explain how not to get hurt

Who is the worst returning cast member and why is it Mauro?
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2.5 is a prime example of what happens when you let notoriety and money go to your head. they should have waited until s3. they're tarnishing their reputation.
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I don't remember what her socials are
Mauro is not worse than Sensei Potbelly.
she's still all filled up from the KFC she ate before getting there.
lol jon's bible in the trash
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>bring back "fan favorites" to rake in money for S3 (mauro is absolutely not a fan favorite but whatever, you're desperate)
>one of them loses almost all of her fans 24 hours before the show starts because they find out she's fucking a fan that bought a $50 plushie from her
>cries to you in private to block any mention of him or fucking him on TTS
>somehow even worse at playing along than jon, ruins every bit by jim halperting to the camera
>is gone for the entire day and literally nobody notices or cares and the show is completely unaffected
Jet, no bullshit: kick Tayleigh off and cut your losses. You are making no money by censoring TTSes for her and there are no simps left to shower her with praise. She brings literally zero value to this show.
When is the next season? Is Jose going to return? I gave him $16 one time to say my mothers name and j showed her but she didn't really get it.
>we tested this
>audio is shit
channing you should just post yourself choking on dildos if you want attention
Congratulations Vance
right on the money
Did they say it was coke?
Seems about right, maybe swap Jimmy and Tai on the X axis.
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Tayleigh nudes
I can't believe Sam signed off on this. Its giga cringe and there's no fucking way they're making money.
They sucked in season 2 and after stewing for a bit they became much worse, I dislike them even more as burnt tayseethers. That bitch sucks because she's ugly and unfunny, not because she fucked some Kentucky faggot.
none of them roleplay at all except Greg
stop shilling norway cuck
Gregorian lore
Minecraft skeleton sfx if Tayleigh tried doing this
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>choking on dildos if you want attention
jimmy very explicitly explained to him that's it's caffeine powder that's advertised as meant to be snorted, i.e., coke larp
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will they ever invite him back?
Jimmy clarified it's not coke it's caffeine powder and they're a legit company (by reading the container, thread said it was something called "Bump"). Jon did the mouth test (on his tongue) and deduced it was not cocaine.
>It wasn't me but your bible is in the trash
Sam is a theater kid with too much money. This is right up his alley.
>Jon’s Bible in the trash
Oh fuck
Why is Greg the only one putting in any effort to make a character?
Why did they not explain to these retards what this is?
>getting mogged by chug reservation rat
Kek your mom got dabbed on
Jons absolutely going to think it was Letty
Who put the Bible in the trash
he's literally there right now
Why should I watch this after the disaster that was season 2?
yeah like 6 times at this point
i hate when tayliehg looks at the camera but every time jon looks at cam its fuckin hilarious
all the /bant/ simps are seething they spent money on her, lmao
>someone touched jon's bible WHILE he was wearing the "don't touch my bible shirt"
oh no...
yeah walk away while jon is doing something
And here you are and will remain here until the show is over complaining 24/7 at a near constant for (You)'s.
Every season, I swear. There are plenty of MCU threads ya fag, take your pick.
>"Don't touch my bible" shirt
retarded coomer nigger
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Has anyone in FT torpedoed themselves as hard as she has?
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Not looking good, Jetsisters...
He's about to have an autistic meltdown
>not even 10k people watching
>not even 7k
letty in that top im finna coom
he left
Imagine eating BBC loads out of those holes
jet is on coke
>there's no fucking way they're making money.
yeahhhh. s3 is gonna suck on account of muh no money
thanks for the update viewer tranny
any chance they let damiel show up while letty is there and there's portapotties?
where is this shit located at?
why is letty so excited about vance coming
>one time that vest cameras would be useful
>they're off
Wow didn't take long for them to completely abandon the body cams
I actually think I'd feel nauseous if I saw tayleigh do this
So he touched his bible? We have the camp camera
water is wet
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>The rest of you (who don't post on /trant/) are learning how insufferable Tayleigh's fans are
fucking hell letty
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cause he's goated
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hollywood producer high life
>Letty's running off solo
go back to hasan stream faggot
probably because she spent 6 weeks straight with him one time
Vance is single now so she wants to get her claws in him
why are they ever off? the only time they shouldn't be wearing them is when they're asleep
>hits 6666 viewers right as jons bible is thrown in trash
fuck this show im out.
He's being hyperbolic. They've made 700k on day one btw
Anyone who was here during s2 knows how annoying they were
stop it my shins are already bleeding from kneeling
I watched season 1 and loved it
I bought the season pass for season 2 and didn't love it

Both seasons I wasted a crazy amount of time watching and being unproductive for weeks so this season I said I would avoid it. I've went to the site to see what's happening and I'm kinda glad I didn't tune in. From what I see it looks even more scripted than season 2 did and I haven't really seen any interesting clips pop up on Twitter/X since the season started so with all that said

is this mini season they're doing with vampires and shit actually good?
Is he really?
I haven't seen a single one yet
outside where
wym? it's good so far
there's drama, cringe, humor
the tech is somehow holding together
That's the whole issue. They take so much bandwidth for a few uses while the camera man can almost always cover them way better with great sound.
in the woods
did tay ever get her iv?
boss baby life
jon gay confirmed
godddd im gonna goon to this until my brain melts
TTS wasn't even on, that's not possible
mauro doubters eat shit
>tay yelling with her annoying dyke voice
wait, if directorcam and trail cams are SP only
does that mean the whole season is paywalled atm?
Ow my freaking ears!
Tay raped my ears
in the woods where, like what state
>Xavier told her to find Caine
>she misunderstood and is calling out for Cage
I already disliked Tay for her inability to do anything and being a cunt to Cole. Her fans just made me hate her more.
Idk, someone in a previous thread said it
I dont care enough to bother finding out if it's true so I'm just gonma repeaf it
can tayleigh do something without immediately looking at the camera? im getting annoyed now
my left ear just got raped
>tay screams louder than greg
>looks at the camera as if she just did something badass
someone throw a rock at this bitch's head please
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apparently because the signals converge and fuck each other up when they're gathered together

but also because Jet is a fucking retard who should have asked Ice Poseidon about powerbank setups and shit
The batteries don't last very long and they're competing for bandwidth with each other
bodycam status?
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Potbelly tensions rising
director cam is free
That voice is FUCKED.
You're not getting our location
rhode island woods
they keep paying Wes to do nothing and their website can't handle having them all on at the same time
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Will Jet be held responsible for his crimes after something goes horribly wrong this season?
yeah they're as annoying as the rest of you simp cucks. There is cuck and there no cuck, no inbetween. No gray areas here
>fish do something
we're already at this stage
Scott rolling up like Napoleon.
Everyone who watches the last few weeks of season 2 already knew
director cam isn't SP only
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>Cage, I implore you
booty mama juju?
>tom pettiness
Tayleigh has no rizz
lmfao trish
his name is Cage now
shots like that one where there's something happening and then jon just walks by in the background with his own subplot going on is what will make this season kino
Kino alliance
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i already got the drop on you nigga, you're done goran
greg is fucking kino holy shit
Absolute kinography
Based Greg
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tay is badass
She's so fucking hot and trashy. I love her.
*everyone claps*
This, a blunt, and beachfront in Manila.

let's fucking go!!
Greg is literally the only one that understands what is going on and hes getting replaced with Vance.
She’s showing us her life when she reaches senior citizen age
he actually understands the assignment
I wish TJ didn’t break his arm so he could have been a contestant instead of Tayleigh. He absolutely would have been better at RPing than anyone there besides maybe Greg. During the swamp Olympics he was the only one to roleplay along with the NPCs. Tayleigh is atrocious at this, Letty doesn’t care, Jimmy and Jon are too retarded to play along (in a good way though), and Tai is funny so it doesn’t matter.
Scott is just happy he isnt going to have to fight again
>letsch fuck up dat dook
Lol Jon walking by pissed off with his sword
no it wasn't nigger
I clapped. I cried. I got up out of my seat and shouted.
gr8 b8 m8
>vampire hunter has to work with the vampire to take down the bigger vampire
Greg chose peace. That act of friendship allowed him to turn an enemy into an ally. Pure kino.
Replace Tayleigh ffs
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me on the right


why the FUCK aren't there bodycams right now? jon and letty are both doing things right now
letty nudes bros point me in the right direction i cannot take it anymore my coom brain sneeds
Greg is made for this
buddy, i hate to tell you this but no one is watching this shit show to see actual larping.
I’m just surprised he’s not back in some way.
>Greg dives in for a second hug
>Scott visibly flinches
Greg is such a fucking weirdo
Tayleigh is so up her own ass she can't let loose for five seconds and just have fun with it. Meanwhile TJ loves the RP acting shit. His stream where people paid him to do impressions was fuckin #KINO.
jimmy's larp coke... I am speechless
At this point Taysimps are just memeing support.
her plump tits are good
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is jimmy doing coke
Forgot how into it he was with the Trish character lol
she cried the hardest when he left on season 1 cause he said she was like a little sister to him
>Tay now thinks Xavier is her real life stalker
>the only person who was doing his 'quests' is now trying to avoid him
Disappointing but hilarious
>greg saying "come back, talk anytime" like he did scott a favor
how does greg's brain work? does he just repeat random phrases he's heard before?
How do you mistake cage for jimmy
>time for my wake up caffeine
is jimmy doing lines of coke in the woods?
he would have been doing voices, and been cringe while his human basedjak fans clapped like seals. i said no thank you.
So is this shit even a reality show anymore or is it just a bunch of former contestants role playing? I don't think I can get into this shit
if you haven't noticed they're ALL fucking weirdos
Tj is going to be one of the core npc's, probably Duke's right hand, and is going to wipe the floor with the rest of them when it comes to roleplay
they're being charged for tonight
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The Duke will not allow Mauro to leave again.
yeah it sucks. faggot vance aint gonna do shit.
He will be. Hopefully after he's revived by Taylors character, he will kill her whore ass off and send her home while he takes over and delivers us some vintage TJ kino.
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That whole Greg/Cage thing was a scripted event but I don't know to what end. I think just to say that the crossbow has the capability of damaging Gormedious?
Now that the dust has settled: do Americlaps really?
Yeah dude they hired all these actors and designed a story and rule systems just so we could watch oblivious retards walk around the woods.
Totally thats why they keep trying to explain things and chide them for failRP constantly
"Welcome to the resistance" seemed like he heard that in a movie.
He's got a vial of pure caffeine powder he paid too much for. He and Jon did a line off his bible last night
If you look at it as a video game where they’re all npcs everything makes more sense
It's literally the latter and was advertised as such.
He always fucks up the lines it's the best
I think he has to show up in some capacity. I hope he’s already there and will get brought on the show soon. They might just be waiting for him to show up because of his arm but he has to show up at some point.
2.5 is one big gmod RP server but in real life
vance is good at roleplaying at least
hoping they just keep them both
I was away any clips of greg kino that just happned
he and jon did lines of it off the bible last night

its supposedly powdered caffeine
why are some many of them obese lmao
What? They hated eachother and he broke her glasses before he left
None of the contestants deserve to get paid to be honest. Piss poor perfomance. Couldnt stick to a larp if their life dependet on it. Hey Jet, hit me up. I can larp as a young knight setting out on an adventure to lose his virginity to a fair maiden. I would stick 24/7 to it. Hit me up leyij34845@mposhop.com. I can be there from thrusday next week to the end.
Konichiwa GOOK
It was too kino to not recognize
I don’t like this side of TJ’s fans. He probably keeps as private as he does because of you freaks.
is snorting caffeine a good preworkout?
Jimmy likes doing fake cocaine way too much, he's gonna leave this season and seek out real cocaine and develop a problem.
Abi has a stink fetish doesn't she
What compels a man to snort caffeine?
wtf is jimmy doing hhahaha
More people in the US are obese than of a healthy weight. Statistically.
Okay, I'll hit you up
Be prepared to suck cock, tho, bro
how did TJ break his arm
it was never really a reality show in the tradition sense to begin with. its always just been production jerking off onto their "contestants"
post bank account europoor
why is jimmy snorting caffeine powder is he 12?
Tai, Jimmy, Jon, and Letty are based.
being extremely gay
To the BBC store.
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what makes you think that?
At this point I just want TTS to mention him so the others maybe discuss him.
Too low charisma to get through a cocaine buy without aggroing the drug dealer.
mentally yes
Fisting taylor
It's a terrible idea in general, especially in the amount Jimmy keeps doing. Fucks with your heart when it's so concentrated AND in a pile
he keeps things private, but Taylor sure doesn't!
if taylor is going back to michigan soon for her 24 hour stream then he's not showing up
>forcing Mauro to give out quests

Mauro is there???? Fuck off!!!!
thats why she dates fat beaners
okay zesty mauro giving quests is pretty funny.
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He didn't leave!
Dude lmao
It's specifically marketed to be snorted like cocaine: https://www.wantabump.com/

But yes he really likes it because he's mentally like 14 and thinks he's cool doing it.
you can do this
>he's getting replaced with vance
nooooo. is this real??? why can't they keep greg in the party? having both greg and vance will make up for the others' lack of RP skills
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tai and jon are carrying.
Yah im hoping hes gtg fr fr
Mauro is such a shit NPC. How is he going to tell Jimmy to find something and not even elaborate on what it is?
Jimmy is nontent now. I want woman beating Jimmy back.
>more said than done
Get me that bloodroot and rice you BITCH
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>bettycord still lettyseething and projecting
move on guys
Okay but what are their socials?
Is the pass worth it
Is tonight going to be kino, bros? I'm getting ready to take a shower and then i'm gonna strap in and be here all night
Is Betty ever gonna post a video riding that BBC dildo?
I make $120 a day and can spend at least $40 a day on TTY. Can anyone match me? Take out a loan if you are poor or steal your moms credit card cc
Greg: I've been tracking the Duke for centuries
Tai: Oh, I see him almost like every day
that was the funniest moment yet
tayleigh just took her pants off at basecamp
Sam should have been a vampire hunter.
Mauro is actually epic but you have to have a solid understanding of homosexuality and Mexicans to really get him and grasp the deeper lore
oh man i can see the cutting scars on his face.. first letty, now him.
It was the original plan but the way things have gone I sure hope they replace Taytroon instead
Jimmy was riding the white pony with the deftones guy right there
Your taxes pay for my tendies and I spend $0 a day on fishtank.
if you think the girls on the right are too fat you are gay
>you have to have a solid understanding of homosexuality and Mexicans to really get him and grasp the deeper lore
And Halo.
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that's so fucking retarded and gay lmao
this looks like a star wars fan film from 2005
Tai is hilarious
I need a based jacket like that
we're missing all of letty's quest because no vest cams
he's a dhamphir and certainly hunting vampires
Based retard Jon
she's already been bullied into choking on it so yes
This fucks really wearing a jacket with BASED written on the back
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>greg is just a belmont vampire hunter
fix the fucking director's mic you god damn wiggers
>Greg walking around in humid summer heat in a leather trenchcoat and a felt hat
how long until this nigga has a heat stroke
this nigga thinks that shit is real
Imagine not being a Jimmy and Jon enjoyer. Yes, they are annoying, but they are a net positive.
She never did anything wrong either. I’ve heard some of you taylor haters in spaces and you all genuinely sound low IQ. Not sure what the correlation is but it’s curious.
>my political campaign
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>I have a team of 40 peepow
haahhaha it is a crypto scam though
>Based wetard gang bwaybe cmon less gaawwww

Oh jons running a crypto scam lol
I'm so excited
Jon stop promoting your retarded Jeffrey Dahmer looking friend that's using the shit out of you.
I don't want to understand either of those things
christmas example
it's wild how that's become her whole thing now. except with her simps, all she's known for here is being into bbc stuff
>Jon getting into powitics
Good God, man. Jon is such a liar.
wice wersa
where does jon get these weird jackets
Wtf I've donated at least $6,000 to Josie this year . you are poor lmfao
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they did a great job with his makeup he looks really horrifically scarred i wonder how that will tie into his character later
has anyone tts'd jon about summer saying he fucked her up the ass yet?
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that looks like the jacket from cyberpunk
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Jet looking more fucked every season is kino
money laundering?
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Why did he even come?
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any crypto bros know how to check these wallets?

full vid of this?
what is she supposed to do, lop her tits off?
wear chest bindings? never go outside again?
holy shit imagine this retard on your city council
This nigga is so slavic
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same with cole KEK
in fact he's probably the one BBCposting about letty
based jon naturally uses classical latin pronunciation
excuse me
>The republican party in Bend needs me more than I need them
I wish I had the unwarranted confidence of this retard
>yeah fuck you guys if you want to help me
free food
How do people have the patience to tolerate jons ego
Jose looking chug
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The Sniper is on his way
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If they got all the tech shit working right (all fish cams are killed so we miss out on a lot of stuff like what Letty is up to now) this would be pretty good.
Give it just a little more time man. She's getting more comfortable with her grift and it'll all be obvious soon enough. TJ is a private guy who should be in a quiet relationship with a private girl.
correction, from cyberpunk: edgerunners
unironically climbing waterfalls with his buddies
Can someone give me a qrd of what has happened so far after they found the blacksmiths wife?
He actually looks better than in s2
politics and jon has personally verified the tardwranglers on his team aren't going to rugpull him with his totally legit crypto fund
because he's a retarded clown
oh no
about betty*
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>Crypto for political campaign and charity
Being a Vancel always pays. Let's go.
i think its a bam margera situation where they're siphoning somehow
>"based retard gang LET'S GO"
>2 minutes pass
>"yeah I'm running for city council in bend"

someone had a super sneaky one mentioning the meg orbiter who jon cucked. but he had no idea what it was talking about (even if he did rape summers ass he wouldn't know what it meant)
baby boy lost some weight
>6 million
To be fair most city councils are comprised of retards anyways
The stagnant garlic odor is enough
how is jet still so ghostly pale after spending months in the sun working in the woods shirtless
greg and jimmy were just in schitty doing something but all we could do is listen to jon talk about stupid bullshit
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Weakness on the MDE crew's part
He has literally about $15 in crypto across all 3 kek
Not much. Greg made an alliance with potbelly sensei or some shit.
A whole 5 dollars a year, holy shit
how does jon get sunburnt if his skin is swarthy. first time i've ever seen anything like that.
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he doesn't have a reason not to. almost have to admire it in that way
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i'm sure site like this gets millions in donations, dripping trustworthiness and professionalism
sam you look small on that camera
that camera makes you look small
you look small on that camera
you appear tiny on that camera sam
you dont look big on that camera
that camera makes you look not so big sam
Had a dream I was pumping load after load into Betty
fuck dunye while letty and taylor watch
Any good recaps a wagie can get his fix. Can’t dedicate the time I did for season 1/2 now. Which is a shame because the cast is filled with the best retards and cunts and not nontent bores
I'll toss him a $5 or $10 every now and then but I really don't care. I gifted a $20 stack and he didn't even recognize. Gonna stick to $5 dollar and $10 dollar
how did we never decode this fully
siss miwillon
it should habve onwy been 200 tousand
Kek. nta but please do the eth and sol too.
Jon and Greg are the content kings.
any miladyGODS ITT?
i had sex with a pawg this afternoon, what happened lately?
hes the kinda white that probably gets red/blisters. brian could tan, for example
Unironically glad the show isn't a disaster this time around
woodewn dows
he hasn't said any real policies or anything
try tts anal sex and cnc without mentioning summer
had a dream i was dom and she was jolly
>Jon goes into politics
I doubt he can fuck bend harder that it's already been fucked. He's also from Cali so him throwing stones is rich.
what is with the psychopathic hate this board has against almost every female in ftl?
He didn't actually break them. It was a bluff.
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Taylor was dressed like Cammy from streetfighter sparring with Sam and Scott and her big tits were jiggly the entire time. And Tay said she has a boyfriend. And Letty wants to cosplay as some underage anime girl.
The cast is carrying, but the technical fuck ups are embarrassing.
(It is a crypto currency scam)
i did eth has about $10 and 0 in the sol
She was just fat, not a pawg
You think Jon even remembers who he was before he became Top J?
> a pic of him with JLP and the ft crew

incredible stuff
Why even donate at all
this is four chan dot org anon what do you expect
>not private
Are you retarded?
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I went frame by frame on the original video (an instagram live from octavious) and it's never more clear than that. The first word might be Beans but otherwise it's just not legible.
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We love Letty and Taylor
so he could leave again
Who does Jon think stole his bible
Are we watching the same show? The evidence?
hot... i'd be pumping and stroking the moment i woke up
post laney nudes
This is a prostitution ad
do you have a clip for that?
Rewriting history. He broke them and she had to wear her spares for the rest of the show. Go back and look, she has smaller oval glasses in the beginning and in final stretch after Vance leaves she has larger round glasses.
idk why this is so fuckin funeh to me broo



bro has tim heidecker delivery naturally
thin waist, big ass
Well that party just loses elections so it may be true
He was born that way
Doubt it
we love taylor though outside of the incels

tay is insufferable
Put Frank in a sasquatch outfit and have him abduct Mauro mid-LARP
longcat is long desu
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so true! <3
She had a big dick too
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Where did jon and the titcow get the hat and jacket?
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give me some updates baby
I will not be satisfied until Trish weighs as much as Meg did. Minimum.
i would swap tai with letty honestly
She's an Internet streamer to an audience of exclusively men. She immediately went to retweet the clips of her shit bouncing around as Sam smacked her about. By private I mean a girl who isn't actively courting an audience of simps on the internet.

Fuck it though, it's TJs life. He hasn't lost yet.
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I think part of the problem with Tayleigh is that she doesn't have an easy target to punch down on like she did with TJ. She tried to do it to Jon last night, only Jon isn't a spineless pussy like TJ is and just yelled in her face back at her. She's the easy target now - the biggest loser of the group. And she's starting to realize it.
Post ass first
because most of the ftl women are shit
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Tai already found the broken meta... Huge bwain
Sasquatch frank is actually a good idea. It would he funny to see him not doing his regular and tired shtick of hassling
Subscribe bb ;)
You are quite literally hallicinating. They only ones getting hate so far this season have been Tay, first and foremost, and Letty just because of the angry pajeets from S1.
Just let it go Anon, Tayleigh fucming sucks ass.
is a fag
we need the nudes of laney the goddess
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>the biggest loser of the group.
What about Jimmy?
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lickable letty
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Jimmy having a job and being able to hold it down automatically makes him less of a loser than Tayleigh.
this shit sucks so bad you basically have one cam you can watch, the director

what a massive failure
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ultimately, who was in the wrong here?
Imagine this guy railing your mother while you jerk off two times in a row. Based
This game has fucking nothing going on, they put together a "town" and got a bunch of NPC's and we're just watching people sit on their beds and chat
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kek good one
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>blasting his face with cancer spray
trvth nvke
Qrd on the last 30 min pretty please?
Jimmy gassing himself with that DEET spray, what a retard
>he doesn't know about bliccy
literal succubus
>Jimmy bathing in the bug spray
it's part of the game
it's just game
had to do it
it's just the game
>only event of note today was Xavier shenanigans with Sam
They could've just done this as a one-off larp stream on Sam's channel and it would've been 100x better
it's not just poison fow bugs!
It was not, to be fair, the name of the game
(The game is called ‘Fishtank’ not ‘steal chips’)
Stop being a cheap whiteoid cucklord
Jimmy just retardmogged Jon LOL
Here is the full Jon moment

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jimmy and letty are surprisingly funny together i was expecting much more conflict
>We love Letty and Taylor
No we don't.
fuck tay, Im fully dedicated to the blacksmith's wife
more betty butthole when we're lobbying for laney nudes
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Kimmy is a massive loser but atleast he's retarded enough of a lolcow to say insane shit that is so ridiculous it's funny. He himself isn't funny, like his jokes and bits arent, but the absurdity of how stupid he is IS funny. Kay on the other hand is as pathetic but doesn't have that lifeline of being retarded enough to say outrageously stupid shit the way jimmy does
>Jimmy just blasting himself with OFF and using almost the entire can
>even Jon tells him to stop wasting it
>Jon has to walk off because his eyes burn
>Tai complaining his eyes burn
>Letty and Tay coughing
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ah HA

the only real queen of the fishtank
i love letty, taylor, trish, bex (sex), and the blacksmith's wife.
yeah they are big and obese uns
Both of them for repeating themselves 50 times
is letty trying to break jimmy's heart?
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Based retards.
I'm based Mexican u gringo fuck hole
the bible i brand new. it has never been read
Tayleigh because she half assed a lot of challenges. Why would TJ even be in the wrong if he lost?
She knows he will not hesitate to physically wreck her if she pushes too many buttons
That mirror shot is ludokino.
hopefully his opponents edit this with clips of all the people saying nigger and fag and puking and assaulting each other in the tanks
Jimmy can drive and has a job. That's more than most of the Fishtank contestants.

and yet you are here. curious.
Truly amazing how tayleigh became KWABOTY. I didn't really expect that. Just imagine the shitstorm she's coming back to. And if she tries to stream, LMAO
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fas family
Letty should invest in invisalign lmfao
Are they able to shower? I remember Jet mentioning it last night but I never heard exactly what the situation is for that
I snowted caffiene off it. It was pweshowhs
This nigga has had like 20 seconds of screen time total LOL
someone has to be critical if you want something better. you dont just ignore it and hope it fixes itself cause retarded simps like you are entertained by literal slop
>not public
your boyfriend roped too, you must be devastated
I love how it feels like the regret of coming on is finally settling for these people. Tai looked like he was questioning life.
So Jon
>Works 2 jobs
>Runs 3 businesses
>Does modeling gigs on the side
>Founded 2 non-profit charities
>Manages a team of 40 people
Who does this nigga think he's foolin?
yeah they all took turns going to one behind the town
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need more xavier
turn it on public mode
literally just popped on camera lmao
lol he showed up the second I saw this post
whenever xavier comes on screen I mute.
shinji cosplay
>Has anyone in FT torpedoed themselves as hard as she has?
Shinji had the biggest meltdown of all the fish, bar Summer.
The firefighting, bike business and party van business are all confirmed already.
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Potbelly playing both sides?
what are these two up to
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i love him
They should at least have him in some sort of samurai style skirt thing. Roaming around in cargo shorts makes him look like a mall ninja lmao
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OK now I'll donate more to Josie. She's so cute I want her to say my name everyday. Based!!!
nice audio
Treacherous worm
Xavier kino incoming
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Xavier Gay
Xavier is the best fish of all time and he's not even technically one
slop has devolved to mean "wah wah I don't like it"
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Silly sexy Betty
>what is with the psychopathic hate this board has against almost every female in ftl?
It's only Tayleigh bruh. Every other girl has fans.
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goranian audio quality
when is jon and jimmy gonna start praising russia?
I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about Xavier. I’ve been away every time he’s made an appearance.
The bike business is just him flipping shitty Chinese e-bikes for 60% markup, I doubt he's ever sold any.
also forgot to add:
>Several close "mentors" with net-worths in the hundreds of millions
Can we please drop the fucking sound effects
If you can't even be bothered to get new ones every season, just don't have them at all.
Not that I wish to imply they were funny in the first place.
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>gulch camera looks like its night time
>its not night time yet
Puke dyke bitch
when tai praises prussia
god damn I missed this
they both did last night
He could host a season honestly
>Kino scene incoming
>Random technical problem ruins it
This is like Cyberpunk all over again
LQ its over nigga do you really think shes firing up streamlabs lmao
universally loved by /ftl/
majority loved by /ftl/
>letty (recent development)
50/50 opinion by /ftl/
>josie (recent devlopment)
majority hated by /ftl/
universally hated by /ftl/
>betty (recent development)
Jon just randomly gets bored and asks Jimmy his opinion on political subjects, so probably later tonight.
This is tayleigh hiding her bulimia right. no chance she actually stopped puking
Is Xavier the deagle nation guy?
Xavier is trying to get Greg closer to the mics, but he doesn't get it. Why isn't the cameraman filming them instead of the fish doing NOTHING.
everybody hated trish last season, I was in these threads defending her with my life
Tayleigh pregnant
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>Discussing the young boy in overalls
who tier
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the best files are betty squirt and betty toy btw, betty toy has a lot of downloads but betty squirt is pretty good!!!
you fucking faggot didnt put cole in.
It's literally one fucking guy
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Xavier Gay fucks birds.
>blacksmith's wife
>muh russian bogeyman
Holy shit. You cannot stop can you? It's in your head no matter what. Even In fucking fishtank.
>trish (recent development)
Trish was always over-hated. But Tayjeets were at their strongest then and they're weak now naturally propelling Fat Trish up to the heights she deserved to begin with.
thanks there's a few in there i didn't have. she's so fucking hot.
Xavier is effortlessly kino
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i love bitty too!
It's Fatty's
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are you implying jon doesnt have a strong opinion about russia?
>xavier is acually a taytriot
I like that xavier wants to fuck tayleigh, it makes him seem completely insane
not bulimia, this stupid fucking whore got knocked up by the fan she traveled to and fucked in kentucky because he bought a 50 dollar plushy from him
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>Scott refuses to believe Tayleigh is woman
Even after she put that nigger dildo in her mouth? Eeeeewwwwwwwww
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she is the one that is the most like us and she is hated for it. fuck you chuds.
>Where is that young boy in overalls?
>I was supposed to meet them after dinner to train her.
Tayleigh L

>'Pretty sure that was Tayleigh'
>Xavier felting him for accepting the mix up of Caine and Cage name
gentle reminder that sucking your own cock feels less like sucking a cock and more like sucking a cocks cock than sucking cock cockc covk
>deagle nation guy
Put some respect on THE COMMANDER'S name, dammit
Yeah you gonna have to move Josie up. Otherwise breddy gud
>what is your appraisal of tayleigh…is she worth my time?
>she’s…uhh…a person? I suppose…
Holy shit, it really is Q
grim, has to be samefaggotry
no one likes sylvia
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vance status?
we still have around 30m of light in the east coast.
Xavier carrying this dogshit show
shes a larping cunt.
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>ella (who)
there's at least 3 of us who love her, and 3 people who seethe over that, so 50/50 it is
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>failed mma fighter turned coach
>now playing a childrens cartoon villain in a internet show run by hairless bosnian retard
I wonder if Tayleigh is in on this bit
>most like us
>complete whore cunt
>mocks her devoted fans
>goes to kentucky for a month to get railed daily by some simp fan who paid her 50 dollars for a plushie
>might be pregnant by this loser
>does the office expressions at the camera constantly
she's not like me, maybe she's like you because you're a faggot idiot
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Lining up the shot
man I miss those memes
good intentions anon, but some niggas just have to learn the hard way
xavier getting frustrated with them lmao
thnx fren
yeah but the gulch looks like theres a dark filter over it
old friend? or did they just meet
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>this conversation is becoming tiresome with you and I must take my leave
Scott just can't win
What, and guarantee she fucks it up more than she has?
>this twin peaks ass music
whoever scored this actually deserves to be paid more than ben
>Tayleigh missed sword practice
Run her through like the dog she is, Scott
she's majority hated now, it was 50/50 last season. she should be moved down.
its just music ripped from video game OSTs
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>laura palmer's theme intensifies
Don't worry, if she's preggers she's gonna murder it
>don't fucking touch me, you dirty NIGGER
what on earth did vance mean by this?
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I'm kinda liking the twin peaks OST and vibe
Of course not
not even close to angelo bandelemnte or whatever. get some new ears. it is good though
tf this nigga doin
betty still has cucks. but generally correct.
isn't this from fucking diablo 1 or 2
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CAWniggas we up
this nigga whimsical
ok dunye on a pogo stick is pretty kino
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pogo sticking his DICK up yo ass white boi
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She's a princess!
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Tay's body count= lowest in the cast
I think it's time to admit that 2.5 is the best Fishtank production yet.
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it sounds like Tristram, but not quite
duanye drunk on a pogo stick is probably more hazardous than the fish not wearing goggles
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I cant believe people unironically like vance lol
Bruh this is Q's "summer project to win Tay's heart" lmao
smug bitch
>dunye brought a pogo stick for taylor
its diablo you stupid fucking cunt
Tay has confirmed had sex with both sexes. No one has validated any of Jimmy's sex
>what’s going on?
>duanye is on a pogo stick
>oh that’s gay
>it’s actually pretty cool, he’s going really high
>ohh…ok I might check it out
It just samples the guitar from the Tristram theme
>twin peaks music
Holy retard.
Casual antisemitism is not funny that's strike 3
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i'm pretty sure it's not a straight rip blizzard would never allow it. but has to be inspired, maybe sampled
My favorite part of Xavier’s elaborate outfit is the cliche tan cargo shorts that atheist weebs love to wear.
Tai doesn’t realize attacking deactivates invisibility
Zesty hours
I will literally stop all my donations. Keep politics and whites out of fishtank
>cool it with the antisemitism
Xavier's theme song link???
Whoa that wouldn't be very heckin 1488 based of her to abort a white baby.....
jon does not really strike me as the politician type
Where is the goblin
Taylor and Brian nowhere to be seen?
Did you guys hear Fortnite is dropping a limited run Xavier skin tonight? I already pre ordered it!
these people don't realize how incredibly derivative this music is of, in this example, diablo, only distinct enough to not get them sued because this thread and most of this show's viewerbase (and most of its producers as well...) were born in the year 2000
Jon literally looks like a gay porn actor
what's your take on the bbc dildo?
Mexican ex forced her tho, Tays not slutty but she does need a fat retarded twink cock once in a while
Naw that title goes to Jimmy and Greg. Nice try though, turbo simp.
>a weight loss pill
>what does that do
it was clearly a nod to laura's theme
>Sam comes to camp
>Everyone bored and doing nothing for hours
>Sam goes into control room
>Jet is doing whippets and rubbing himself through his pants
>"Strike three!!!"
>Sam turns Jet into a fleshlight
Anon one of the songs they use is unironically inspired by TP
Greg gone too it seems. The NPCs apparently start dipping out late in the evenings
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It's not fucking ripped music. They'd get sued. It's an homage to Diablo, UO, FF, and other Wrpgs and Jrpgs.
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There's something very unhygienic about everyone on this show
>its real
hot as fuck lol, I added it to a new BBC splitscreen comp
Xavier is pretty based. Toss his an Andrew Jackson or two and he will literally be your best friend for a few minutes. Based
OH YEAH WHY ARE YOU WATHCING GAU PORN YHOU FUCKING GENTLE REMINDER SUCKING YOUR OWN COCK IS MORE LUCKING THAN SCKING A COCK its more like getting a girl to suck her own cock than sucking a cock if you know what i mean. pardon my french.
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he's only exercising his shoulders and arms btw
Tay already preggers with Jordon's lil fred Durst
Jon wants to be big. THE BIGGER THE BETTER.

two hundwed pounds by the end of dis yewa
I read that last part as “>Sam turns into a fleshlight”
a lot of it just sounds like OS Runescape
I think Megan was genuinely the most repulsive female to ever be on fish tank by far
post it
Jimmy fingers tho hes low inhibition

Gregs yeah
Fat Trish tried pogoing and immediately gave up
>That's not you Jon
You realize what board this is right
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letty pussu
>noo you can't enjoy things
Sorry to ruin life for you but the vast majority of people are dirty fuckos and unhygienic as unwashed ass
If you take a shower every day, you're in the top 1% of cleanest people
Betty simps are actual bbc posting fags?
jon is permabulking
this show got twin peaks vibes fo sho fr fr no cap in my ass sucking a cock is more like getting a dick suck than having a girl pay to have your dick sucked if you catch my drift
He looks like the kind of chug nigger you would find on a reservation in South Dakota
the site has him listed as 152lbs. he's gonna be fat as shit if he pushes to 200lbs at 5'8" before the end of the year.
What's the reason for Greg not being a fish? Is he afraid of camping?
>17% bf

Doubt. Seemed fatter when he was shirtless
She was one of the most attractive in the pictures of her before she got fat......
I will suck the period blood with a fucking Panda Express straw
if he worked more on his chest, he'd be good.
it's cole
post one
was that the hunter sound effect from left 4 dead
>Zoom on Tayleigh
>Left 4 Dead Witch musical cue
he's just here until vance gets here
>The witch from l4d sting

they're getting sued
I think he's only temporarily filling in for Vance during the day. He was supposed to just be an NPC.
someone try tayseethe TTS again pls
she's 14 in those pictures.
Yeah and that music is just homage to the games I mentioned. Runescape came after all those.
the faggot zoomer board who never saw twin peaks before?
I feel like Tayleigh's heart skips a beat whenever the TTS sound plays
>I'm only 17% body fat at 190lbs so that means I'm 145lbs of just muscle.
This is some Steiner Math
Is it true Cole is the guy who makes all the bbc threads on /b/?
No she wasn’t, she has an ugly face
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if she's 14, call me Sam Hyde or the Two Time
Dude im starting to think Tay is just not there mentally, in general

Of course Sams gonna put her on blast but damn that gotta feel bad
summerxjon tts
top geriatric
>tts lubecooching jon
She has no idea if the next thing out of those speakers are gonna be "kentucky" ot "jordan"
right but i'm saying they could just be using runescape music. they wouldn't get sued for that.
I'll extend an olive branch and instead of calling Taylor a whore again I'll say MAYBE she's learning to box so she can beat up all the people who were mean to TJ.
>the face she gives you before she milks your cock until dehydration
whooooaaaa chudwife knows internet lore. shes freaking awesome!
put some cucumber and lemon in your water for a sugarless and refreshing way to hydrate. also sucking your own cock feels less like having a cock sucked and more like convincing Jon to become president and then getting him to suck himself inside the oval office
Maybe true
why are bettys feet so perfect, bros?
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Trish Delish my favorite fish!
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Josie is a biological woman
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donjolly.com thread NOW NOW NOW
Lubecooch mentioned but not TJ. Nice.
Summerfag, all the anon said was the music matched Laura's theme and you're sperging out for no reason.
Thats gross as fuck
People are disgusting
if they are making money and playing entire copyrighted tracks, yeah maybe they could
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repeat poast more
because bitty rocks
Need snack delivery fish toys for her IMMEDIATELY
is it dark enough there for them to get attacked yet? I know it's further east from me.
>tay interrupts her fake laugh to jim halpert look at the camera
she can't help herself
Where are the chest cams this is boing as fuck. II rather watch them pogo stick desu
She knows she fucked up bad. Was probably waiting until she 2.5 to announce the bf, if ever. It came out at the WORST possible time
>baby noises to make letty lactate
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Letty is being naturally chill and whatnot, but she hasn't really committed to the scenario as much as expected. Whatever Tax did to cause her arm scars has really touched her deeply emotionally.
they fear him
OSRS music is free to use.
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Hawwy Potow?
Her jimming the camera is making me unreasonably mad
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Someone twit Sam and tell him he needs to make Zombie Jim a Boss for Tay.

Hire someone that looks like him etc etc
>Was probably waiting until she 2.5 to announce the bf, if ever. It came out at the WORST possible time
dude it was her and her bf who exposed it
i see, probably also helps that the composer and sam have something in common
guys andy ruse is xavier
i believe bros..
black semen keeps them nice
I agree she's a retard but what's a warlock then
Only after Q found out and exposed it on /bant/. She lurks there
They better get ready. There has to be an attack going down soon.
Warlock traditionally means oathbreaker in those circles, it's not about being a magic user. Wizard is a made up word from like nerd RPGs.
3 people out of 420million nice.
Tayleigh is more cringe than Greg, Jon, and Jimmy and that's saying something.
ohhhhh ok cool thanks
ah yes most definitely. flowstreams doesn't seem to have that filter. and there's a bug where you pull up a menu in mobile mode and it gets rid of it.
this is quite the show. lot of thought went into this pile.
I have a theory, now hear me out, I think tayleigh would be less cringe if she had a cuter voice. To me, she says a lot of dumb stuff but that’s just because she’s a girl. I think the tone of her voice and speaking style makes her seem like dorky.
Jimmy hiding his power level kek
everything tay does is wrong
Remember when Letty got Vance to admit he posted on /mu/? Can't wait for more of their night talks.
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Trish, my cute retarded brown asian wife
Trish sweating and fucking up her scripted lines awkwardly while nobody is listening
retard Trish kino back on the menu
hardcore projection
I love that bitch Trish.

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