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Umbrella milf edition.

Prev thread: >>200566379
gonna start whirlwind after dreaming of a freaking fairytale
>Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president, who colludes with powerful family owned corporations called chaebols, and change the world of politics. Jung Soo Jin is the deputy prime minister for economic affairs. She confronts Park Dong Ho and a fierce political strife ensues.

Why is Samsung allowing this to be made
The Whirlwind is basically House of Cards S1 as a k-drama. A kino over the top battle of wits and wills between smug assholes and manipulative cunts. Go watch it.
I will just wait for Rain's drama next week.
I will add it to my list. Both descriptions sound cool. Also the qt from previous thread is in it >>200626319
That one sounds like K2 with a cougar with a bodyguard.
The fact that this is allowed to air in Korea just means there's nothing in it that's controversial enough to threaten the power of chaebols. When a movie or show gets denounced or banned there then we'll talk
>4D chess
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If you guys can refrain from spamming character names for a bit it would be good if we can discuss if kdrama will even be around in a few decades with the way South Korea is going.

It's not politics.
ep 1 is insanely clipworthy
You want to discuss korea not kdrama.

"whether kdrama will be around"
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go away you disingenuous fag
Spam more schizo
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Okay I'll play you clickbaiting fuck. Singapore has 5 million people now and they still make their own dramas. There, now go away.
bot thread
>That's why it's kino. They were put in every romcom trope for you to see and have a laugh.
I hate you faggot so fucking much. they put in every romcom trope because it's a generic romcom with an AI generated script, and "you have a laugh" and think it's ironic because you are retarded.
>I am eating poop but it's ok, I cope saying it's ironic poop!
shut the f-
ok you're right, let it die
it goes in all field
you don't seem to like old k-dramas
cdrama schizo having a meltdown rn
Nice try, the post I'm replying to is talking about sloppy runner (2024). and every 2024 romcom is some sort of post-ironic trash where they do the exact same thing as before but idiots are lapping it up because they're supposed to be making fun of those tropes you see, where in reality they are just doing exact same thing as before period.
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kdramas have been trope slop for forever so you can either take the stick out of your ass and lighten up or you can go watch western slop, either way shut the hell up
You know one of the Samsung family members funded Parasite, right?
Whatever happened to kimchi slaps? Do I have to watch weekend dramas to see them again?
but they were genuine about it, not masking it behind a cowardly pretend parody. go back to your mdl subreddit if you want a fangirl echo chamber, because I'm sure not gonna shut up about it.
lovely runner was a sincere romcom though
Lovely Runner is overhyped slop that is only popular because of SEA. Look up the ratings for it compared to QoT
Queen of Slop!
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>only popular because of SEA
Kimchi slap was from a daily drama IIRC so you can try those if you are strong enough. They've got all the ridiculous tropes (truck-nim, amnesia, birth secrets, cartoonishly evil antagonists, etc), but you have to wade through loads of boring shit to get to the fun bits

>cowardly pretend parody
Spot on observation honestly. Perfectly describes the last couple k-romcoms I've tried this year
Do you guys prefer serious or makjang dramas?
I find makjang dramas to be more addictive and bingeable, while serious dramas are better for savoring. Both are fine for me so long as I'm entertained.
Between those two, serious - and serious that stays that way. Eve was great until the last few episodes went full-on makjang in the extreme. Spoilt my enjoyment of the whole series.
I prefer slice of life
There really isn't any good shows on. Midnight Romance at Hagwon was a complete letdown
House of the draogn is bretty good
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My Sweet Mobster is the only good show on right now
Unnies, you are my chingus
good thing theres 1000s of completed shows you can watch
I don't watch shows made before 2014
I've seen them all
Keep coping that C-dramas have been mogging K-slopas for the last 3 years cat lady
why not 2013
Kdramas made a colour grading change around 2014 where not all dramas looked like weekend dramas.
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well that's just silly
so you like cool colours
What other slice of life should I watch if I liked Misaeng and Black Dog?
idk what that means but look at this pic. You can just tell its an older drama
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>gf hates anime
>loves kdramas

anime is cartoons
she has a healthy functioning brain.
>finally watched squidwards game a couple months ago
>looking for something new to watch, algo is filled with kshit afterwards and the preview and plot summary of misaeng was interesting
>after finishing it i looked up best netflix kdramas and literally just finished my mister
I kneel. I only ever watched City Hunter before these like a decade ago because a friend's girlfriend recommended it which made me groan and I was only going to watch two episodes to be nice but ended up binging the whole thing in a couple days but never cared to watch another kdrama again.

I wish J dramas were better. I liked GTO 2012 a lot but overall the quality of their shows overall iseems a bit subpar but Japan is more my thing.
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the only bad thing about having just finished my mister is you're going to spend the rest of your life trying to find something else that hits that good. rip dead mister.
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I have some bad news for you...
I heard about this when it happened and did see Parasite a few years ago but I didn't like the movie. I didn't realize it was him until halfway through My Mister when I looked up his name on google. Definitely added another layer. I don't remember all the details but the whole shame (avoidance) aspect of his character was like damn. I was still able to finish it without thinking about it much but was reminded at some points.
even the real weebs on /tv/ have moved on to kdramas because these shows have endings unlike anime
so is cape shit and porn
he's literally obsessed lol
can't blame him
What show are we looking f forward to after My Sweet Mobster?
i watch anything without love triangles idgaf.
brb white truck outside, says hes my friend
>this post was brought to you by Subwayâ„¢
red swan
sweet home 3
light shop
Mr. Plankton
I hate love triangles. The immature male pissing contest in front of the girl, the girl wagging her ass in front of both so of course they would be confused and in kdrama they take it to the extreme for too long and few korean male and female actors can fake it enough to be believable if there is less chemistry between leads. I see it all the time the FL is way more into the second guy and it shows and it seems forced when she is with the intended.
Kimbok joo 2
Queen of tears 2
I'm not telling
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Is mask girl good or is it the typical netflix slop?
>kim ji-won will never cave your skull in with a bat
why even live?
I'd rather she ask me to worship her.
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we all would, but that's even less likely.
sequel 2: the squealing
started watching happiness

Is this meant to be some comedy romance with a zombie setting? The acting is terrible
The ML and FL are the only good part of that show.
I need a drama thats similar to Hot Stove League and One Dollar Lawyer
Did you guys like this? It was highly rated but it was boring as fuck for me
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we cant be friends
We /tv/ don't like Korean movies and dramas.
go back to your marvel thread this is a no fags zone
>We /tv/ don't like Korean movies and dramas.
Korean cinema simply eviscerates Hollywood shit.
What's it about? Aside from JUST haircuts
tell us what you /tv/ likes so we can laugh at you
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>implying Korean movies aren't /tv/ approved
lurk moar, newfag
She's gorgeous in the show
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I really enjoyed hot stove league so I went to look up what else the wirter had done and check out more of their work, turns out that is literally the only thing he's done.
It had some funny scenes but everything outside the prison and the 'drama' parts fell flat
Why does pepe have kimchi on top of his noggin?
Remember, only the lead writer/s of the whole team get credited. The rest of them don't.
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i watched 39 of them gotta pump that number up
Where do you stream kdrama?
The usual places: Netflix, Amazon, and Apple.

The sites that focus only on asian content are: Viki and iQiyi
Amazon Prime video has viki and kocowa addons
Huh? Are you talking about the Android apps? You don't need Prime for those.
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it's good
Based glitchbro. Very underrated by /tv/.
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Gonna watch some CDramas. They also have a lot more Older woman/younger man dramas
why would I watch old women that's gross
unnie you don't like young and hot oppas?
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Do yourselves a favor, it works great.
noona wae???????????
unnie bitchysaw?
Which one are you gonna watch?
Gonna finish up Step by Step Love
unnie please recommend some completed chinese romcoms
Which are the best that you can recommend to a newbe to milf cdrama?
Gross. Now some older man/younger woman... now we're talking.
>love triangles
all of this bullshit could end in less than five min fist fight or a mortal combat, winner takes the whore. ez
real life doesn't work like that anon
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Misaeng (2014) >>198135022
Tokyo Girl (2016) >>198138839
Goblin (2016) >>198139065
49 Days (2011) >>198140126
Bel Ami (Pretty Man) (2013) >>198144435
The Veil (2021): >>198028234
Mother (2018): >>198027389
Dream High (2011): >>198044068
Pinocchio (2014): >>198051881
Uncontrollably Fond (2016): >>198051975
Mouse (2021): >>198449929
Reset (2022): >>199156935
My Love from Another Star (2013): >>199201431
Legend of the Blue Sea (2016): >>199464516
You Are My Destiny (2020): >>199466035
Anna (2020): >>199673145

Almost Che (2011): >>199748301
My Little Bride (2004): >>199811906
Bounce Ko Gals (1997): >>199958425
Castaway on the Moon (2009) >>200343226

search the archive for the dead link post number to get the magnet link
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mother still holding out against groomer, but how much longer can she last?
They've got those too. Nice thing about cdramas is that they've got a good variety of niches covered. Downside is that many are absolute ass
I know. Dating in the Kitchen was a good one, also The Forbidden Flower - not sure how the censors let so much pass through the edits in that one.
Nice thing about Cdramas is that China is so big that they pump out tons of dramas
oennie waaaaeeee
I'm guessing its a sub 5% rating
sweet mobster is like the best drama since lovely runner
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>the best drama since lovely runner
thanks for the laugh.
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Whats most popular right now torrentchingu?
mental illness
look one post above
Ah thanks
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Her feet look gigantic in ballet flats in Angel's Last Mission.
Whore of Jeju?
It takes place in Seoul.
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Are there any other shows with based characters like the bully from The Glory?
I'm about to watch kdrama for the first time and I landed on Mouse. Did I right? What am I in for?
You made a good choice. It's thrillerkino.
no, watch goblin
it's alright, the lead is not a very good actor, but if this is your first kdrama you might not really notice.
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It's a good starting point for k-thrillers imo
Saving this thread
With trucks!
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And Yakult
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Meet Me At 10:06 was a great Taiwanese time travel show. Are there any more like it from China or Taiwan? I also enjoyed Reset. The Chinese sure can make a good time scifi series.
why pinocchio so underdownloaded?
it's 10 years old, on netflix and viki, probably not that much demand to pirate it, everyone has seen it. that being said, I don't understand why love from another star has raced to the top.
for me it's:
"c-drama, cdrama, chinese drama, taiwan, t-drama, tdrama, taiwanese drama, j-drama, jdrama, japanese drama"
It's not on netflix, at least not in the us
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well not since you've posted this, schizo is just going to misspell everything so we can see his retard posts.
it is here, thankfully I'm not american.
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Bros, /kdg/ is the only reason I even visit /tv/ anymore. What went wrong?
it's the only regular thread that isn't full of american politics, culture war autism and zoomers. apart from a couple of schizos, these threads are comfy like /tv/ 10+ years ago.
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>these threads are comfy like /tv/ 10+ years ago.
I miss it so much
which is hilarious if they do. because every time they did that it is with the knowledge they have to because we all hate their guts.
zoomer autists literally do not understand watching a tv show and talking about it, they'd rather just watch a youtuber tell them why they should be mad at it, then make 50 threads wihout actually watching it themselves. it's insane.
he won't care, schizo has no self awareness, people have been telling him to fuck off and kill himself for months, he showed a glimpse of it a while back and actually started wearing a nametag so we could filter him, but it only lasted about a week.
Would you vote for a president who vapes?
pre-2016 election tourist invasion, /tv/ was the best.
A combination of bots, newfags and discord trannies propping up their own shit threads nonstop. And also there's not really much good new western shit coming out either. I don't even know what else is coming out for tv shows this year. I'm looking forward to Longlegs and The Shrouds for movies, that's pretty much it.
sure why not
You've found the only two (or at least the best two). Time travel in the modern era is rarely depicted, and the story focusing on the time travel aspect even rarer still. It is far more common for the lead character to transport to the past or transmigrate into some story, and when they do it's just an excuse for another romance story. The best / closest match I can think of would be Someday or One Day.
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That's disappointing to hear. Thanks anyway.
No worries anon. I did just remember The Heart of Genius which is worth a watch, not time-travel exactly, but similar with parallel universes. There are also rumours about a planned sequel to Reset but that will be years away, if it happens at all.
>The Heart of Genius
Sounds interesting, will add it to mydramalist. Thanks again.
You're applying the concepts of logic and shame to generalfags. All they do is ritual post and pretend everything is an in-joke. It's actual insanity. The ONLY way to stop them is for the general to disappear.
whos the hottest k-actor right now
feel like eating pizza after the last episode of dreaming of a freaking fairytale.
I've got some pizza right now but haven't watched that drama yet.
I don't own a single streaming account because I know what torrents are
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those teens use the same terms over and over though. Easiest wordfilters of my fucken life
Is the ending decent? I fell behind and am trying to decide whether I want to bother finishing it or not
happy ending
by appearance
>Lee Jae Wook
by popularity
>Kim Won Hae, we need a: ______ man
by nepotism, because they clearly can't act
>Song Kang
It is a good show because it is only 10 episodes long.
Noona. I get mires at the gym from women but from the thin Korean QTs. How do I Song Kang mode?

t. 175 cm / 155 lbs
but not from the thin Korean QTs*
This guy is based in everything he's in
>How do I Song Kang mode
book an appointment with Dr. Kim
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this depends on a few things.
>do you have a beard
>do you still have most of your hair
>have you ever entered goblin mode while still in the gym
>do you smell like soft cheese
>is my desktop from 2004 rad or not
>"Skitzo anon. The punishment for skitzo posting is suffocation by face sitting by your Noona."
yes i have a relatively thick beard but i trim it down to zero.
yes i have my hair, it's medium long.
what's goblin mode
OG desktop feels

pic not rel.
>yes i have a relatively thick beard but i trim it down to zero.
i have some bad news
>yes i have my hair, it's medium long.
this is promising
>what's goblin mode
so is this.
you have a chance, if you shave it off. azn men struggle to grow anything, and the ones that do are associated with gangs and criminals. it lowers your chances, not just with koreans
like i get hungry glances from the chubby asian qts ( all asian women are qts ) but no mires from the rail thin pale asian qt wearing the baseball cap at the gym.

i may have caught her looking once i dunno. cant be sure.

/end blog
i know. Korean women HATE my beard. i buzz it down regularly to stubble/skin.

welp it's time for my 3 day vacation. Love you, KDG!
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Who is the Korean equivalent of yamaken and what show?
Is it just me or are Kdramas getting shorter?
outside of netflix yes
is midnight romance in hagwon good?
Park Bogum weirds me out. His smile is so forced and creepy
im still mad at him for reply 1988
Yeah, there's a lot more <16 episode dramas now. I don't really mind, some dramas definitely benefit from shorter episode counts
>some dramas definitely benefit from shorter episode counts
I would say most do desu, the amount of times that kdramas lose the plot and go haywire in the final third is too damn high imo
My Sweet Mobster is the only good show on right now.
gonna start miss day and night
The premise sounds stupid
Comedy mystery romance is a hit or miss.
Everything is a hit or a miss you fucking retard
New to this. Started watching K2 because of this pic. On episode 4, I'm liking it so far, my expectations were very low but I'm surprised how much I'm invested in it now.
Can anyone suggest something with similar pairing?

releasing next week
Watching Signal. On episode 4. I like it so far, but some of these cop show tropes were annoying me, so I did a bit of research.

There's no statute of limitations on murder in the US, so I was rolling my eyes at all the drama of trying to catch the murderer before it expired. Thought it was just for TV, but turns out South Korea actually did have statute of limitations for murder up until 2015. Makes me wonder how many others of these tropes are true in worst Korea.
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if you could only watch one kdrama genre for the rest of your life which would it be
Slice of Life
slice of wholesome
are you real unnies?
so what?
believing Parasite is a rip at the upper class is a laughable take.
Parasite is basically a remake of Viridiana; neither of them is a criticism of the upper class.
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gonna admit that Hidden Love was the sweetest love story I've ever seen.
what a fucking delight that series is.
FL was kinda mid tho ngl
And what if I want to support the industry? Ever thought about that?
so there'll be no s2 of Doona then?
going to have to watch it again to understand
Western media went woke.
vaping at all is pathetic
but anyone over the age of 15 who vapes is just sad af
They are dating secretly. The opening scenes of the last couple of episodes show them meeting in a field in Japan and at a railway crossing
Thanks but got any that are completed?
angsty old shool melodrama
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i don't like kissing scenes much but the Koreans outdo everyone.
the French did it well decades ago but that's long past.

imagine a country like Korea keeping alive the dream of romance.
boggles the mind.

i guess the rough soil yields the sweetest tomato
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Waiting for Doona season 2 still though
Secret life of my secretary was pretty good
Yes and much better than Sec Kim
You'll be waiting forever.
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Then I shall wait
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yeah it was a happy ending, lots of people too busy looking at their phones not paying attention got upset over it for nothing.
what a sad life you lead
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IM SOL......!
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Mousy sec is mogged by sec Kim though
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Me in the back.
What are the best jdramas according to /tv/?
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Your streaming account actively destroys the industry, and not just for kdrama.
A limited access catalog means its not your money that decides winners and loses, its the tiny group of catalog owners.
Until we get a GoG for video files, pay per ep, cuts going to platform upkeep and the rest to the creators directly, quality will continue to decline.
Oony you can start that business and make a lot of money
I'd you're looking for older woman/younger man try I Hear Your Voice.
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forgot image
That's a lewd poster. Do they show them fucking in the drama?
Not explicitly. Plenty of implied sex though.
Lots of skinship too.
hate this shit why can't they just keep they're dirty hands off shows and just release shit as it was made?
>they are dirty hands
unnies I swear I'm not retarded
Which drama is this? I need to know so I can avoid the Amazon rip.
because it's costs a lot more money to get the rights to rebroadcast some licensed material.
It's kvariety, which suffers from this scourge even more than kdramas a lot of the time. I watched a show called Camping Vibes and remember some of the Viki episodes being upwards of 15 minutes shorter than the Korean web-dl version because of content cuts.
just started this wish me luck
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>english overlay text
One girl wags her ass in front of two men. Both guys fight over her. One guy wins, because he cries over I don't know what, the other gets friendzoned. The End
Love triangle dramas seem like real cuck shit.
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I'm watching Mask Girl right now after you guys recommended it, but I hate how the subtitles switch everyone's names so that the family name is last instead of first. It's stupid. Do they think westerners call Kim Jong Un instead Jong Un Kim?
Turns out the Cdrama actress I like is divorced and has a kid. Its fucking over
Modern women are like this all over the world though.
that's netflix for ya, I just try to generally avoid them unless there are alternative subtitles
Bros, any k-dramas with a hint of supernatural or fantasy?
Zhao Liying or Yang Mi?
Yang Mi
In asian dramas the man that treats the woman the worst is the one that gets the girl. To put up with so much shit and hang in there proves she loves the guy and worthy of him finally smiling at her. And what girl can't help being shit on then smiled at. The guy thats respectful and helpful and would never do anything to hurt her LOSES. Sometimes the ML is such a horrible piece of shit to the FL he should be considered the antagonist not the love of her life.
Why her?? She's old (and looks it) and can't act.
this is kdrama romance
>ML I'm tall, rich, good-looking and a narcissist all the girls want me
>FL uh hi
>ML god you're ugly, stupid and wtf you talking to me for bitch
>SML oh FL don't listen to him his head is up his ass, lets go eat something and grab a movie
>FL uh ok it will be nice to relax and enjoy something with someone that enjoys being around me
>ML you goddamn cunt come here, how dare you make me like you and run off with some decent human being
>FL wah, why, huh I know you don't believe I'm a cunt because there must be some deep hurt you suffered because you are rich, good looking and tall.
>ML why yes, boohooboohoo. My mom promised to feed my hamster one time when I was 8 and she didn't boohooboohoo
>FL come here I'll blow on it
>SML wtf is that all it took
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This is depressing
Because of her drama.
You virgin basement dwellers who have never even talked to a girl irl trying to discuss how relationships work is fucking hilarious.
it's not 2007 anymore unnie
Is there anything fast-paced?
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Playback at 1.5x speed.
Whats Wrong with Sec Kim and there is more
Weak hero class
a shop for killers skips along pretty quickly, decent action thiller only 8 episodes, business proposal is a quicker paced romcom, 12 episodes with very little filler.
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unnie are these as good as my sweet mobster?
i haven't seen them unnie
might try them because of the headline tho
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Korean men are not all chaebol heirs. I had a 8hr layover at Inchon airport so I took a 4 hr tour from the airport. When we boarded the bus we were warned to not assume privacy in the ladies room, stay close together and watch out for each other when Korean men got too close. The warning was because up-skirt/down blouse and hidden cameras wherever a female disrobed is a constant threat.
avistaZ unnies have awful taste
And piracy saves it? How?
If streaming didn't make money they wouldn't do it
unnie what's your favorite korean phrase?
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Good bye
unnie wae?

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