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Betty you are pretty
Jon is too stupid to understand the rules Ben.
Ben laying down the law
jimmy cam is up
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Jon kinda looks egyptian

what if it huwts
if jon and jimmy weren't on site they could probably use real guns with blanks and shit.
get fucked JON
>if that bitch bad then i take her to bucky
tay cam up

jimmy calling letty "mary melons" kek
i like that nobody is including dom's shitty site in the op anymore, based
i don't think you know what coddling is
the music cutting out right as ben started yelling at him was so good
Half egyptian half italian
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any significant taylor cams today?
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Why do people waste money on TTSing Jon when he never reacts? Better off trying to gaslight Jimmy. Or make Tay seethe.
Also this list is objectively correct.
Its necessary to drop Jon from his egotrip once a day
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Jon was paying irl money for items from npcs just like paypigs do for this show.
the fans are so fucking lame
>stop trying to find loopholes jon
literally who gives a fuck. it's fun to see someone doing that especially if they find success in it
Half European (accent)
Ben sick of Jon's shit already and it's not even lunch time

How does this faggot keep losing his life bands? He really has no idea where they went? They just evapohwated? lol
His facial structure makes him look so mysterious
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do you guys think I can pull her off if i shower her with money?
this bitch needs to show her feet on screen already
Will Letty ever remove the fake nails?
anyone has the synthwave version?
Because the whole point of having gold and silver is to force content by having them do quests to get gold and silver
what happened to that black guy, major? only saw him day one
Finally we get the bodycams
how does betty and damiel feel about letty being there?
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>Why do people waste money on TTSing Jon when he never reacts? Better off trying to gaslight Jimmy. Or make Tay seethe.
Jimmy is the one that would seethe, Tay hardly ever gets affected by TTS. The one and only time she got mad at TTS was when she was being dogpiled and she just called them retarded for actually spending money on such ineffective insults.
xavier is damiel.
no jon hears, he's too dumb to ignore things
It's almost as if... the paypigs are autistic retards...
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The whole Jon gay arch has stalled
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The BLOODGAMES is a tournament to earn the CRYSTAL CLUSTER - a component for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. The blood games was won by GUNSLINGER.
>This night, one of the HUNTERS will be slain, as prophesied by VOODOO MAMA JUJU, and join the VAMPIRESS.

Secret Quest:
Tayleigh has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve as bait for her dark masters plot against THE DUKE
By donning her patron’s mask, XAYLEIGH can cast BAT FORM. Tonight she has stolen the CRYSTAL CLUSTER for her dark master.

That was an obvious Jet tts
that's only a real issue if they're all doing that, it's just jon
can't believe they used yugioh as a core part of this. is it just because some of these retards sorta know how to play?
chigga had the creativity and charisma of an eggplant
Has vance done anything this entire time? I forgot he was here
Lore accurate
why do you always reply to the first three posts?
Vance is just Vance in the woods.
Really the only ones actively larping are the NPCs. The contestants are using their own names, clothes, voices. This is what is breaking immersion and why there’s a disconnect.
Brian saw people praising him on twitter and is going too hard on the voice now.
he played peekaboo with the camera which was pretty good
jimmy like little trash panda
>cs188 shoutout

Jimmy is an OG, I'll give him that.
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Qrd on this spaz?
Not really screens Jinny sexually harassed her earlier though
>routinely fucks around and breaks rules
>constantly trying to find excuses to not play the game he signed up to play
>when his retard plan to hold the game hostage failed and he walked off the property, soda man had to personally talk him down like he's suicidal
Something is just off with 2.5, I'm not even talking about the quality problems that come with shooting outside. That creative spark isn't popping this time. I think Jet and the gang are worn out, 3 seasons in 14 months is too much desu
hoping it’s just completely incomprehensible by the end of it
She seethed over tts about her boyfriend and ran to jet to make him censor it
He looks mummified
They have to treat him with kid gloves or he'll throw a fit. Sam is one of the only ones that can tard wrangle him successfully
$2,485 for the entire 12 months???
I don’t think anyone can deny at this point that Tayleigh is nontent compared to the rest of the cast
beavis phenotype
It's not even the jim face, it's the literal ANY face tay does at the camera. Why the fuck does she do that? You're not supposed to just look at the camera as if it's a person, the others are barely doing that, if at all

Really? I feel like production is having a blast this time in comparison to S2
Nevermind I forgot the autism lisp hamburger bit thing that was funny
KFJordan is a price!
-yellowy ball
he was legit worked here lol
Average fishtank fan.
>, Tay hardly ever gets affected by TTS.
>stops streaming for an entire because TTS made her seethe
honestly we are watching fishes try to rp for entertainment. i never expected them to go all in. What was really fucking immersion at first was jon sperging out at every detail. he still does, but at least he does it on character.
True we need someone with fresh energy to captain this ship, we need Don Jolly
Yea I live in a closet under a bowling alley
They’re only half immersed so Jon is confused. Everyone is using their own names, not the names of fantasy characters. Why couldn’t they come up with funny fantasy type character names for each of the contestants? Limited vision or a desire to not fully commit? It’s only cringe if what they’re larping isn’t tongue in cheek.
they should put a mic on taylor but no video
Something is just off with Something is just off with, I'm not even talking about the quality problems that come Something is just off with That creative spark isn't Something is just off too much desu
hiring a twink freeloader to constantly rile jon up by flirting with him
Vance, like if this guy had an ounce of personality he would be huge. He just cant do anything. Look how big Cole got in like a week.
Nearly everything feels like an improvement, but I think the cameraman fucks up the dynamic of some of the downtime conversation
I don't think it should be a 24/7 thing
>vance talking more in 2 days than the entire first half of s1
>people being more attentive but conversations feeling more artificial
>tay jimfacing every 3 seconds
It is very different since it's just returning cast goofing in the woods but i am having fun. Only thing in your post i agree with is that they should probably slow down a bit. I think one season a year would be fine
>Something is just off with 2.5
I feel it too. I'm getting some real satanic vibes from it.
They srsly need trannies in there is that simple

dont revealed for even more fun
when the fuck is jimmy gonna lose it on jon?
they will do this but with gay bear frank
this faggot: https://x.com/AndyjackV
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the wiggers always have fun spending Sams money, that doesn't make this season enjoyable to watch
When Jon starts to fuck around it will reach a point where nobody is able to do anything so its kinda necessary for production to scold him from time to time.
That’s Duanye job
i figured that was what kevin was going to be
It’s the opposite idiot
Production actually did a good job this time, its just that the contestants are all either low energy or retarded.
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Call luna she's down for sure
that's pretty good.
I played that game for the first time on hero mode and it made it my favorite zelda of all time
who's kevin?
a really hot one so jimmy and jon hit on her unbeknownst
What are they smoking in the pipe exactly?
It's not toby, but it should be
They NEED tobuscus to bring the skitzo burnout energy
Like a male delaney
Tobiscus needs to be on fishtank for all of our sakes
Yeah we need some qts to simp for
What are they talkin about?
Not really. They didn't test the body cams so they don't work when everyone is bunched up together and the director doesn't have a steady cam or night vision
Also they crashed their one and only drone
jimmy is a tranny coomer already
2.5 is mostly a passion project for production since they wanted to explore larping more after they got the idea at the end of season 2, and it's a testing ground for new tech for s3 so post-production can go by easier. The reason why it feels off is because the ppl who are on camera the most often arent the ones larping and they're all ppl we're familiar with so there is no sense of surprise.
that guy replying is such a white knighting faggot
Every other sentence from jimmy is about black people
based and Jolly pilled response, stay Jolly
How much they wanna fuck Xavier.
how much they want to double dom submissive looking men (me)
thats american culture as a whole
Were the contestants given a proper introduction to the elements of larping? They were clueless day 1. The only larpers are the NPCs
they already have Tayleigh
dicks, sizes and shapes
i wish we knew. if only jet didnt set up 10 useless trail cams and put them in schitty, the area where people spend most of the day in.
what does she look like today?

no joke captcha: HRMAX
Jimmy and Tay are friends because even horny creep Jimmy doesn't consider her fuckable, so he doesn't blow it with her.
have you guy noticed how Vance is the only person Jon doesn't scream at
Jimmy’s goofy bad boy energy has got them hot and bothered
Do you watch this just to straight up masturbate or for the friend simulation?
Holy shit you're right
He's after dat bussy. But it's reserved for jet
a guy who showed up, said he was sent by the new england patriots, acted zesty, ate a bug off jimmy's wrist, and then has done nothing since
Vance is chill
because Vance is bigger than him
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Sams DSLs

and she was the protag
lmao Tai is so done
i'm entirely convinced vance was brought on to help tardwrangle jon
I have chronic pain it fucks up my brain I can't even read or do anything when it flares up
He's always really loved Vance, I think Vance is so neutral that he can't help but like him. I understand completely, every retard or normie I've ever met has loved me because I'm a goofy neutral pussy
And I just remembered Jimmy tried to fuck Nifty.
your instincts are and always were correct. nothing good will ever come from r9k, that place and the people there are mired in evil
their friendship is cute. fuck off
Probably like a dude still idk
He trusts Vance
This wouldve been perfect for Nman gaming
Isn't Jimmy banned from using guns? REPORT HIM REPORT HIM REPORT HIM
i thought he was just being nice but that makes more sense kek
They’re all using their real names instead of made up fantasy names that are funny to reference
People think Tai is invincible but real fans forget when he had a breakdown S1 and started spitting tobacco on the floor and calling everyone racists. They memoryholed it.
Xavier's asian bulge.
you need to decompress those discs bro

t ive had sames
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This is where babies are made
So friendsim.
that doesnt look like a dude to me. if you look at that and see a dude you might be gay
He got drunk yesterday and talked with an indian accent so much that Jon started doing it too
They give u oxycodone? Hook me up anon
Viet fisherman physiognomy
Vance is the uncle tom of fishtank. Yes he doesn't have much personality but he was a good self insert for a lot of the millennial fans of s1, then vance let it all go to his head after getting a cameraman job on s2 and even put "fishtank producer" in his bio. He thinks he's "in" with them and that he is above the rest of the fish, especially the s2 fish. Jet and Sam are okay with this because they need subservient uncle tom vance to work the cameras again on s3 or do something else and ironically his lack of personality is what makes him appeal to Jet and Sam.

Meanwhile Cole had a hell of a personality but part of that was starting drama and being combative which is not the type of person that can last a long time on a show like this.

It's the same reason why Trump doesn't pick loudmouthed VPs. Trump picked a quiet subservient VP mike pence to just stand in the back and let trump always have the floor. In this analogy Trump = sam/jet and vance = mike pence
That was only after the cancelling lie where he thought he lost his comedy career and started day drinking because of it when he realized his biggest accomplishment was being voted president in fishtank.
Uhh your troondar is broken my friend
jom is rage lifting. chimp out imminent
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Jimmys not horny his shit dont even work
>both vietnamese
is tai secretly Vothana?
you type like a faggot and the way your head works is autistic/embarrassing
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Charls won.
I try to post in threads early and then it takes me 60 seconds to post
It doesn’t really matter who I reply to with my summaries
Has Vance literally done fucking anything since he got there? Not even memeing. The only things he did were drink water, eat a hamburger, and say "yeah"
Retarded wigger babies.
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Reminder: Evil Kevin was brutally raped and killed in the summer of 2024 on Fishtank 2.5.
Tai, like Fatty, is a weed addict and he chimps out after a few days sober.
that was based though
>women who sit around all day on discord and eat like shit have 10/10 bodies like this
It's not fair bros. Why did I have to be born a man?
Do you not see the massive man jawline?
>Body count: 29
>Has Vance literally done fucking anything since he got there? Not even memeing. The only things he did were drink water, eat a hamburger, and say "yeah"
He sucks compared to Greg who was filling in.
>don’t revealed
It’s obvious with movement and speech and extremely obvious in person
Source: I worked in SF and Thailand
yellowy heart of darkness
He listens
womenly shaming tactic
I share your opinion but they need one every 6 months or the pay pigs would start canceling their subscriptions and they want that cash flow rolling in regularly.
You know what to do anon.
I can tell you didn't watch her streams.
I'm a man and I eat nothing but garbage and never exercise and my body is tight like Letty
Her eyes don't point in the same direction.
And that's what no one else did
He had a meltdown in S2 as well when he got drunk and thought Ben was being racist to him.
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sex with this cat
yeah but make it canon theyre chicks
What is every contestant's role? The site doesn't say
youre probably in your 20s. if so ill forgive you but the way you think is embarrassing to read
Why would I?
KFJordan evolution into Jazz 2.0 when
You have loose stools and don’t absorb nutrients properly. It’s not a flex
why is jon just sitting there staring off at nothing?
Also Jon's behavior keeps on escalating until he's told off and he will derail the whole show with his bullshit.
I'd rather commit suicide.
Kentucky Fried.
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would be a terrible punishment
Jimmy really calmed down
Or maybe they told him he better be chill this time
Fuck I want Letty to sissify Sam so bad and make him suck BBC. It would be so fucking hot if someone could make a deepfake edit goon sissy hypno of Letty doing that to the wiggers. Does anyone take commissions?
>falls for an obvious bit
oh sweety ...
the vampires aren't real either btw
how does xavier speak japanese but can't pronounce "kitsune" correctly
>pup form
looking quite male
He's not wrong
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glad she found a new face
I do not have loose stool. Fuck you loser HAHAHA
Lmao Xavier talking shit about Tay's stupid faces
Can't believe they let Jon back on after he banged summer and denounced mde and marky posted on xitter
Xavier... What a renegade angel...
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He speaks ancient Japanese.
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We're only at like day 5, and this time he's outside and not in a stinky prison.
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She needs to start eating a lot of gelatin to grow her hair out fast, it was saving her
Do you think we are on livejournal? Womenly shaming tactics don't work on an anonymous board
>being here in your 30s
kek thats way more embarrassing you fucking low iq
i cant stay on tayleighs cam for more than 30 seconds she is so fucking annoying and cringe
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literal sex with xavier, no homo.
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Is there any particular reason why people think Xavier is Jan besides his autistic commitment to a character?
Based SeXavier
He'll have this bitch on a lead in a few days
This thing probably would have been better suited for a week to maybe 10 days instead of two full weeks.
>What doth... The bloodgames
Please Xavier make her wear a KFC bucket on her head.
lmao. It must be a rib. There's no way he doesn't know.
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Call Vinny. He's crying.
Wouldn't work. He'd just keep cracking up at her crazy eye
bro why can't she seriously play along a single bit, fuckin' retard
Tayleigh is ugly and boring and cringe but she would definitely be submissive, during sex and just in general
>Tay: "i think he's trying to turn me into a furry"
>Greg: "d-do you like it? i think you need to bark like wolf"
>tayleigh gets a furry form
>greg immediately shows up and tells her she needs to bark

Pup play tay
Height, body proportions, slanted irish eyes, voice, norwood 7, body hair
Would it kill Tayleigh to act AT ALL ?? ? ?
>I-I have to d-do what Sexavier says
Tay puts on pup costume and Greg immediately runs over and says “do you like it? I uhh think you have to bark like a wolf”
Imagine being mogged by airsoft fatty
And you're a frail, weak, sad excuse for a "man" with twig like limbs that no woman will ever be attracted to. If you want the male equivalent of a 10/10 body, you need to spend more money to increase your calorie and protein intake, spend more money on supplements, spend money on a gym membership, and spend at least an hour every day working out for the rest of your life. You also might need roids too which will age your face,, make you bald, shrink your balls, and shorten your lifespan. Shit is fucked these days. Oh, and you need to be tall too. If you aren't over 6 foot it's already over.
insane amount of bbc posting this season
You are pornsick, get help.
Greg got turned on? I didn't see any children.
XAYLEIGH’s humiliation ritual continues

‘Awooo’ - Pup Xayleigh to her lord, SeXavier
Those ears were probably lent by Greg.
He's sulking because Ben told him off.
That's a shame. Vinny is a good guy.
the fat guy on s1 who wasn't airsoft fatty
Also calling the anime girl "Asooka." Gotta be a joke.
Dude shut up lol
fucking lol Greg jumping on the furry stuff is hilarious
Blame betty. She does this shit on purpose to derail threads. She's still mad they won't accept her apology and bring her back on
Fat fucking loser. Constantly replyguying everything related to Fishtank just because he was there for like 10 minutes of season 1. Disgusting corpulent freak of nature
nice what did ben say? i love the when ben reprimands them bit

this is not funny. be more funny.
Let me guess: you're actually transgender for real.
It's equally plausible that Xavier is played by Nick Rochefort.
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> i've proven myself enough
Yes in how disgusting you are
that one always makes more sense, if you watch dubs (like a faggot) they pronounce names wrong like that all the time
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sex with this pup
He knows as much japanese as someone who got bored and decided to study it for a month or two before giving up.
Did he really markypost?
Thank God for not having a problem with pornography or fat women. Thank you thank you thank you
there has been like an 80 percent increase in gay shit compared to season 1 and 2? what's going on?
Why did ben be mean to him?
delicious Letty
You're a frail, weak, sad excuse for a "man" for typing all that out. Faggot.
>Brian spitting at the thought of furries
Maybe. I don't pay for this stuff but do whales need time to regenerate?
Jimmy's porno brain is certainly something else
>lighting that pipe like a crack pipe

beat ass bitch.
>t. retard
Jimmy and Tay are fucking insufferable together. Are they even capable of talking about shit that doesn't involve internet culture??
>he's a babyfur

It's the Betty haters who derail threads with their BBC obsession you fag
The entire conceit on this season is that it's solely gay shit
her tummy is so supple.....
he imitated jon
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It's like she's wearing her shirt backwards
it's don jolly
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Yon, youre not wearing your camera.
this whole show revolves around internet culture you fucking cretin idiot
>Jimmy going James Sunderland mode
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Sam fucks men and gets fucked by men
why does tayleigh keep acting like she wants to cry?
That's how he played most of S1 as well, percussion aside
Hey told him to stop trying to pay npcs with real money and make loopholes all the time, he also keeps losing his life bands over and over somehow and they're running out now.
What the fuck is wrong with Jimmy
Hear that? Jimmy's not fat, he just breathes through his stomach
We don't cotton to masked freaks 'round this schitty
need to get the fortune teller to shrink me to like half an inch tall and letty to swallow me to digest in that.
Jimmy is manually breathing all the time, interesting
No shit. She does it for the reaction from them
she's incapable of roleplaying and is scared her bf will be mad that xavier's character wants to fuck her
can someone reup the betty gofile???
Why won't Sam force Jimmy to start lifting? His tattoos would look way better if he were jacked.
blame jet for hiring a mentally ill girl on purpose
I've seen like a half dozen of these now, can't wait until Jon makes it back to Twitter and sees them
nice, thanks
Yes but other people can talk about different topics
Jimmy and Tay, together, only talk about internet shit

Is that video real??
Genuinely makes me want to stop watching this fuckin freakshow and stop browsing here lmao. I need to go fishing or something and make better use of my time tbqh
I will never understand how betty/betty haters who spam bbc think it's an "own" to shit up threads with that stuff. Like, they're the ones who have it saved on their computers. They are the ones who bring it up out of nowhere and when you try to call them out for it they just say you like bbc for looking at what they post. Fucking infuriating
what is she afraid of, she likes getting beat up...
Video is 100% real. I saw it happen live.
you mean dom jolly right?
no, not until you stop asking for 4 hours. everytime you or anyone else asks i reset the 4 hour clock
it disturbs me that even jon can comprehend the idea of roleplaying better than her. no idea why she even agreed to show up, she seems to hate everything about this.
The fishtank subscriptions just charge the credit cards every 6 months, so if there isn't a show or one coming up soon people would start to question the expense more.

Maybe whales do need time to recharge? God knows, fuck paying for this shit.
Blacksmith and blacksmith wife are based
I hope when they turn Letty she has to be a Lifeforce-type vampire (Tay is definitely going to be a Nosferatu-type though). She has the bush for it.
Just do it already. S3 won't be any better.
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>I hate when people overact. I can't take it.
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This shit makes me sad. I wish i had dorky friends i could ride dirtbikes and shoot bows with in the woods.
visit donjolly.com to cleanse the pallet
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>putting her in cat ears

pure fanservice but I'm not going to complain
He was thinking with his dick again as usual
Don't be sad nigga just be a solo nigga, nigga
She thinks it’s funny to look at the camera and do the “umm…awkward?” Schtick instead of playing along.
autism or something idk
If you were there you would just be another jon or jimmy
the crew printed out a picture of it and showed jon, he laughed
i can't help it. betty awakened something in me.
True. It pisses me off how she constantly tries to brush situations off with soiface or the disgusted look and never follows through a bit
that's why if you come on a show like this you should have no family and/or gf/bf or have one that's 100% ok with you crossing a line for the sake of entertainment
nothing else will work
>Letty accepts her
most people here would be tay desu
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this bug
long hair and makeup do wonders for her wow
is jon benching 115 or are there 2 35s
It's never too late to make friends
I'll go dirt bike with u in Sam's backyard
none of those people are friends
I'm tired of being a solo nigga.
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It's her schtick, dude. She knows if she makes silly faces people on /bant/ are going to turn them into memes. She just doesn't realize everyone on /bant/ actively despises her existence now.
Most people here would be Mauro
4 25lb weights.
Be the change you want to see. Even boomers have SCA and reenactment groups.
shut up tayfaggot no one likes her
What a good spowt
What do you mean. They're all friends with jet. This is how he regains his childhood.
Do you think theres a chance of a misunderstanding?
guys i have no friends once 2.5 ends can we sneak into sams backyard and recreate season 2.5 scene for scene ?
taylor is so bored she is sitting by herself thinking about cock
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>think myself a Vance
>deep down know I'd be a Tayleigh
then why do they all hang out and talk like friends
she's the one that's into it and posting it lel
Jon also says he's 190lbs 17%body fat btw.
summer is somehow more insane than betty, jet is going to get everyone killed
She's always thinking about cock.
This is the correct answer. She's trying to make reaction images because she lurks /bant/ but doesn't know they all hate her now
no i'm saying all of you would be cringe and only useful to humiliate
Yes, but no one in the crew will tell her because they enjoy watching the humiliation ritual.
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Looks like that but decides to hook up with pic related. Women are beyond saving.
Or just be somebody who's not a cringe fuckin loser. I'd be way more fine with my gf doing goofball shit on camera than being as cringe as she's being. Plus, they wouldn't have even started the Xavier plot if they didn't have her weird insecurity and inability to rp to home in on
>none of those people are friends
most of them will also probably never interact ever again after this aside from occasional mentions on Twitter.
You would be a jon or jimmy
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I wonder if Sam and the crew will come up with more ideas for season 3 besides boxing, working out, and karate
She literally told them she would kill herself in her audition video
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Lets do it brother.
that's what they're getting paid to do
>Tai as muscle

Are there any contestants who are not cringe and are good for other things besides humiliation?
Brain has completely redeemed himself from S2. He's like a different person
that's actually kinda funny, they wouldn't be able to browse the /tv/ threads because they only exist while they're on the show lol
>Why'd you drink a less charisma potion?
>So, I could chill out
Thinking about cockbuddy?

only fat retards complain about sam working out in the background
I would understand this point if she did it a couple of times, but she literally has no other reaction. Even when prompted by SeXavier she did the same and was all defensive
>Can't believe they let Jon back on after he banged summer and denounced mde and marky posted on xitter

Yeah Jon is back, Jimmy is also back
But those two guys were popular. Mauro wasn't, and yet he's there too so they must've invited him.
This puts Betty, Summer, Abi, etc. not being there in perspective.
I guess that the travel was too much trouble? Abi would've made a good forest elf character
they should have put NORTH POLE and SOUTH POLE on the direction sign posts
>Jimmy imitating Tai again
it's pretty obvious she does these faces uncontrollably because she's a very anxious and cringy person
Just tuning in
Anything happen since they went to sleep?
Brian stop spamming your shit here
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SAY HER NAME!!!!!!!!!
Sam is so cool and strong bros
he has more kills than anybody and kicked ass in the bloodgames last night, it makes sense
jimmy's just playing irl elder scrolls
I still hate him. You can tell he thinks he’s the best and his deputy character is annoying.
I've literally been depressed since season 2 I hate my life lol
Mrs. Xayleigh Ravenblood
don't forget the EPIC stream collabs to 50 people from /bant/
The music on the director cam makes it feels like the part in every Red Dead 2 mission where the gang rides their horses and banters on the way to the heist.
lol jon is still sitting there sulking

Ludwig van "Beat"hoven
same person, unless you have autism
why does the map look like a limp cock and balls?
It was retarded to have your production friend be a plant on the show. In the end they didn't kick him in S2, they exfiltrated him.

Brian should have been production/character from the start, like Ben or ginger sensei, at the very worst a freeloader.
Xavier made Letty look at pictures of anime girls and also gave Xayleigh some furry ears and a tail that will give her an extra life and she has to call him Sexavier.
reminder that they got this guy because he is fat
By now I've come to accept and expect working out and boxing to be a core part of fishtank. If they'd work on the audio and make better challenges that'd be the biggest improvements.
>Brian rolling his eyes everytime Jimmy interrupts the RP to say some inane bullshit
lol i thought they were buddies
he's one of the tjaylorseethers lol
for the "joke"
he got his ass handed to him by 100 pounds.
Abi maybe could’ve gotten on if she was interested
Betty and Summer are BLACKLISTED
It's a bicep with a fist
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>threads are actually positive and not filled with hate filled obsessive Marky posters and Tayleigh stalkers
It feels good to be awake during these hours bros
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I'm gonna fuck that bug
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Chip kino
"buddies" as much as any of these retards are. Brian is just trying to push things along and doesn't wanna dick around with Jimmy's stupid sidetracking
>letty and taylor are going to be yu-gi-oh battling
hell yes
Sounds like you need to watch Sam hyde's self help advice videos
hope he tries to lift again and with no brian to spot him.
Jimmy is mentally grating after a few days I imagine...
Of all the waifu posters, you are the least annoying

Goblin posters are also sometimes funny
she owned sam and jet with this awesome face, it really reflects the cringeworthiness of the roleplaying game she willingly signed up for and took part in ngl.
>Tai use your mastery of the English language to convince him
Thanks for the recap
It's the weekend. Shills and haters have the day off.
Just shoot chip
what happened to the little brown girl? is it literally over?
He is just watching him. I liked him as much as the next guy last season, but that was only while he was freaking out or getting into antics like when he was caught for his codewords. Literally every other waking moment watching him do things was torture
After the fish go to sleep and there’s nothing else to talk about, the marky/tay posting will resume
I always thought summer had a court case claiming jet knew she was ill and hired her for that very reason. all she has to do is harm herself or someone else and Sam lets jet got to prison for 10 years
can i join the discord where youre planning to recreate 2.5 after the show is over on sams property?
I feel bad for her. She's so naive she thought they would think she's cool for shouting 1488 and shit but they grilled her hard on that
that's definitely not how that works
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What was her endgame? Why did they cast her in the first place?
Agreed he's been great
Yeah someone needs to Screencap all the good hate posts about her here
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>long hair and makeup do wonders for her wow
She knows that she looks awful with the short hair, but its just too impractical to wear the wig in the outdoors.
taxcbros i really don't feel so good
Some people tried to convince her to do that but trying to herd people like Summer, without getting wrapped up in her bullshit yourself, is a difficult feat
You talking about Xandaya? In the green dress? Her and Lex went back to iraq. They were only there for one day as part of a make-a-wish event.
Nah if there was she would talk about it
Sometimes when she takes her meds she has brief moments of clarity and realizes she wasn't actually raped
Should've added the Khazar milkers.
To divorce rape some fat whale and never work a day in her life.
Yeah but she has zero self-awareness and will never let herself realize that. She didn't last season, got the wrong idea about showing up here, and now is getting grilled for it along with her stupid faces and unwillingness to play along
these two looking a bit sun burned.
Vance wept
She’s retarded and Jet thought she was gonna be a mixture of Letty and Josie
oh yeah i forgot about lex too
Xavier wears a wig everyday
are tay simps back to simping after their brutal cuckening?
>what happened to the little brown girl? is it literally over?
The girl Lex is "Creature" that follows Sam around.
She was supposed to be letty 2.0, but instead she ended up being genuinely bat shit crazy.
I don't get why she would go back on if she knows they think she's cringe
Wouldn't she rather hang out with cockbuddy??
>Yeah someone needs to Screencap all the good hate posts about her here
I hate her enough to do it but I'm too lazy to give that much of a shit
The Protector > Ong Bok
Anyone make that AI kissing video of gregg x duke yesterday?
Xavier is above the chessboard
>Why did they cast her in the first place?
Jet cast Meg because she trolled kids in roblox so probably some bullshit
Lmao Taylor made Jimmy use another potion
It falls off nonstop though and he isn't "on set" 24/7 like the fish.
taylor is a BITCH
I second this, I was hoping to see it posted here.
Yeah, but Xavier is on a whole different tier than Tay can ever reach. You can't compare Tay to Xav's professionalism.
creature is not lex

kek jimmy cant walk past taylor without talking to her. remember when she threw hotdog bun at him and he tried to head butt her
tard whispering is an art
You misunderstand, she DOESN'T realize that at all. She thinks they're just poking fun of her quirks, not that she's only there to be an annoying dyke for people to hat eon
jimmy has ZERO social skills
Little red bouncy tits
If I was summer I would definitely try to get my sugar daddy to sue but I think she just wants to forget everything that happened. Probably feels silly for having a freak out.
Her fans warned her ad infinitum
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Creature is a different girl. She’s bigger and has curly hair
Man taylor does not want to be anywhere around jimmy
why does jimmy say he's not a homewrecker 12 times a day
Can’t wait to watch Taylor diie
this bitch failing rping DO WHAT JIMMY SAYS BITCH
Because we aren’t face blind autists and it’s easy as fuck to recognize him
He's not a homewrecker
What was Jimmy apologizing to Taylor for?
No one does. He's annoying and ugly and awkward
He gives her the ick but like 100 times worse lmao
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Genius Jimmy with the ancient GI flashlight.

I wonder if he saw the artwork of the players and thought they were gonna be 24/7 in Nam gear.

That would have been kino though, to be fair.
But I'm assuming cockbuddy wanted her to go maybe he's just as clueless
its some sort of cope as to why he's a virgin. he wont hit on women because he doesnt want to be a homewrecker
he just learned the word for the first time probably a week ago
>you should apologize to TJ
Calling her Little Red Bouncy Tits
that had nothing to do with her, he was just being a whiny bitch about the hot dog eating contest and that was the last straw. It only got personal afterwards when he went into psychosis and was convinced that she was the camp counselor who raped his sister
Source: my ass
That's what they're called? I thought they were called pipe flashlights
To be fair he did nearly kill a small girl with a wooden mallet over a kids telephone. I don't blame her in the least for being standoffish.
He's gay idk why he won't just come out of the closet I mean him and Mauro were together randomly when they were on separate seasons
>Her fans warned her ad infinitum
You retards are failing to understand that she literally has no self-awareness and is stubborn as fuck, she simply will not let anybody change her mind about anything
because he's not a homewrecker but he really wants to wreck rn.
They planned for her to be their new Josie. They had a bunch of dolls in the basement they were going to charge people to give to her like they did the plushies with Josie.
does this happen before or after she sells her cunt to old boomlenniels?
They shouldn't have let her stay in the doghouse for so long without her meds
If she even brought them
>brings play pretend cocaine and obsesses over everyone doing it
If you were summer your thoughts would be a jumbled mess of rape accusations, cute cat cartoons, and vague feelings that you ought to start a fight with somebody on Twitter

Note that her black boy friends family hates her because she (summer) tried to molest her boyfriends young sister
The source on this is her own story - and why her gay straight alliance friends dropped her
A time bomb that nobody would associate with if she wasn’t cute
They have a ton of names, being around since WW2 and being used by the militaries of half the world since.
newfag, he said that last season a hundred times around every single woman who was in a relationship
no he said it a bunch in s2 too
He really is a middle schooler at heart still.
Is there a webm of Greg bodying Xavier from yesterday
when you put it like that, it's so fucking crazy that he managed to rehabilitate his reputation and come back lol. i thought he would be blacklisted like simmons and betty.
>What was her endgame?
Getting raped in the basement.
>Why did they cast her in the first place?
To rape her in the basement.
doin fake drugs is juvenile
Idk but good luck to that guy in vegas if they ever end on bad terms he's gonna get rape charges
never let your kids watch anime (I like anime)
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I will fix her
Fuck it I have nothing to live for anyways
If that's true that's fucking hilarious and makes perfect sense
*Does a bump*

>very nice
Jimmy is 27 and thinks snorting caffeine is cool
Crazy what being an lolcow can do for you.
Yeah they openly admitted it during the season
If I were you, I would go pursue a woman that wouldn’t inevitably try to get me jailed
If I was summer I'd be pedo baiting on onlyfans so hard betty would be jealous
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>taylor around brian and chip
>laughing and smiling
>taylor around jimmy
>stone cold
Poor guy
>Little Red Tits is a better name than unidentified Jane Doe, better do as he says
if you guys remember, Jimmy was doing that snortable caffeine last season too every time he was about to go be a menace
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someone in rhode island should call the cops and say they're doing cocaine in the woods
I dont remember it at all
well no shit he charged at her last season
kino incoming
He's a lolcow they can milk for money
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she wasnt even likeable lol. god these niggas is retardit
Are we sure it's caffeine and not something else
He has done nothing, is doing nothing, and will do nothing, except sometimes say "Yeah" when he isn't "...". And that is why he has the most fan endorsements
They're all just snorting drugs in Chip's rape shack lmao
What are they snorting? lol
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It’s extremely cringe
Caffeine already digests quickly, the only reason to snort it is to larp as a cocaine addict
disagree there, brother. it's far more fun than i had during s1 and s2 esp. s2
was this all jimmy's idea i haven't been watching
How do I get a gf like this? Genuine question.
Jimmy said it was and everybody took his word for it. It’s probably meth dust
brian is so annoying
While shooting guns and playing loud music :o
crack shack
He did it when he went rogue with the code words, and I remember there were a few vids on /wsg/ where he'd do a line and then a bunch of colors would show up and he was dancing to snake eater and the other songs on his cds
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Taylor looked at little too practiced at snorting that dust
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go on a racist reality show and act like a harmless retard
Is this actually snortable caffeine? Who's the target audience besides Jimmy?
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Punch Tayleigh
Prevents bad breath

sadly i think
Go on a reality tv show and get the producers to force a relationship with her
It was self defense you lying cunt
now jimmy is gonna pretend he's high the rest of teh day. "man i took too much of that nose sugar"
Yea idk sniffing random white powder is a really smart idea
This is so fucking funny lmao
>Ben is sad they didn't invite him to do drugs
she swung at him and he disarmed her and tossed it aside.
taylor loves ben's act kek
Pretty sure that was adderall, he was crushing it up before doing it those times
Imagine Sam not being aware of this and someone sends him a clip lmfao
Ben kino incoming
They let a TJ TTS through fwiw.

They rejected my TTS about the guy from bant who's always relaying his DM convos with Jimmy who offered him his Taylor goon folder and Jimbo took him up on it
Is this proof that arranged marriages are superior?
This threads about to get jolly folks
Taylor's having a great time when she doesn't have to deal with Jimmy
I'm not supposed to believe Taylor has never snorted coke, right?
Poor Ben :(
Why are they so mean to Ben?
>That creative spark isn't popping this time
LMAO. There has never been any creative spark. They have never had any ideas. Fish tank historically has been 90% nothing. If anything this season is the most well-planned yet and they are actually trying to keep them busy with activities
jimmy and jon's idea of roleplay is just copying the accent of whatever npc they talk to
What was it?
It's Day 5. Is it good yet?
No it doesn’t
The bad breath caused by caffeine is a result of caffeine being a diuretic, the drug causes the body to retain less water and the saliva issue causes worse breath

Source: I have a bottle of caffeine powder on my desk
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Imagine literally being this guy.
do zoomers even do cocaine anymore
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Cute cutaway
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Jimmy needs to get prescribed this.
no never. Coke at a party in Florida? Ya right! Taylor is a good girl. She just had a phase bros it's over now she dresses differently thats how you know.
Jimmy was doing it in S2 too. He kept copying Judge's accent when he tried to suck up to him and impress him
No that's literally just autism, a bunch of those retards code-switch when talking to people
is that true lmfao
They need to put Jimmy back in an institution I'm sorry to say
Yes, a lot. But it's all shitty and barely coke
Some cast members are good, others are annoying
Todays lack of cameras limits my ability to escape the annoying ones
damn she really is fetal alcohol
what did they say?
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Need chubby barmaid wife
TJ probably got an OK from the doctor to go to 2.5 so now they are teasing his return
big X back on the bench
nah the stench comes from the coffee bean mixed with saliva

also caffeine doesnt dry you that much you need a super high dose
When did he actually do that? Can't find a clip of it. Just after in the tent with Letty and Sodaman.
I love the Blacksmith and his wife always applauding whenever someone does something even remotely entertaining in town
yeah same when he talks to tai and jon for too long
I'm willing to bet more than 60% of people between the ages of 20-26 have done or actively do coke, its crazy.
jolly as we are
That was some nice camerawork from the pup.
kek what a pro
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Xayleigh Williams Ravenblood-Blessitt
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Delete this anon!
Taylor isn't that kind of girl...
the mutt*
What TJ TTS?
the fact that he couldnt pick up on taylor being disgusted by him and he drank two potions so that she would think she would get into trouble for not doing it is fucking insane.
Just started watching, anything happen today?
yon is bwuilding a fwiar
What is Jimmy powder
Why is Tayleigh Xayleigh now? Did I miss something?
You don’t know what you’re talking about and now you’re moving the goalposts to discuss dosage
I trust Taylor alone with the wiggers and Brian she's definitely not horny all the time for cock nope that was just a phase girls that get hot after high school definitely don't get super slutty
she became Xavier's consort
>Letty supports the CCP
she is Xavier's acolyte
he picked it up he just could care less

no one cares about Taylor shes the female Vance
She's becoming nonbinary
She's SeXavier's pup
as opposed to what? it's an ai video of her sucking a big black dildo?
She’s been Xayleigh for two days, since she accepted Xavier as her patron
Today, he granted her Pup Form, a spell that gives her one additional health and transforms her into a wolf (she gains furry outfit ears and a tail)
Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It Bless It
xavier out of character
I can't believe you people are this gay
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thats dark
Elliot Page
god damn lettys a cutter too?
she only started doing that stuff after you FAGGOTS make your excruciating insecurities known
Why do retards think people that like taylor think she isn't cool and does drugs? No ones is saying she is the wheatfields virgin bride, just because thats your particular autism doesnt mean its theirs
>You should ask Jon how to pronounce it
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>no one cares about Taylor
All MDE women are
Do equal dose i guess of powder and just coffee and the stench with the coffee will be insanely higher
What was he getting her to say?
Sexavier has a secret subquest to haremize Xayleigh, Xetty, Xaylor, Xoodoo Xama Xuju, Xlacksmith's Xife, and Xex
So Jon doesn't now they were all doing drugs
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Taylo isn't
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>I dress like a sitting building and feel good about myself
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>god damn lettys a cutter too?
no one who doesnt want to fuck her*
it was just caffeine
Girls love it. I don't know why.
brian nearly just got crushed on bench because greg forgot he was spotting
do zoomies even do coke nowadays? usually they do noz and other cheap shit, especially if youre poor.
bro shes cute but shes not there who cares

youre akin to a Kpop enjoyer
She says something like "i am a bitch"
damn i missed that earlier
what a fucking retarded
Nah bro Taylor is super faithful everyone just has cuck Fantasies she's like wholesome and trad and lovestj. Brian is definitely not a scumbag that cheats on his gfs either he's a good dude.
Sexo with Xexo
unfortunate trvke
I don't get it.
It would be the perfect gaslight
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real dallasheads factcheck this as true
as you can see in this very thread with how weirdly prudish everybody is, they're terrified of drugs and think it's the worst thing anybody can do
she's still the one doing it and wearing vixen merch lol, where there's smoke etc
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It was a quest dumbass. They made him spend resources.
Xavier will return the crystal if the group can get greg to say "nigger"
Yea probably. They think it's a party drug like mdma
greg is heeming that punching bag
lol i just realized they covered the business info on the portable toilets
Now Taytay? thats a real woman right there

Real men get tired of pretty women and go for cool chicks only
When you realize a lot of the anons here are prudish as fuck over everything it makes sense
clip of sodaman bringing up tj or tj tts?
thats just 4chan in general. if you go to parties and have a social life youre scum of the earth. id gladly take taylor over most zoomer chicks. no tattoos is basically a catch nowadays and her not being too interested in party politics bullshit is a plus. just someone to vibe and chill with.
I want Taylor to start cutting. I want to Taylor cry. I want to see sad taylor
>All MDE women are
Taylor, Tayleigh, Trish and maybe Megan as well have not cut. Tayleigh was just really disturbed by the lesbian slicing herself up during her trauma dump.
potions don't stack. and some difficulty checks are too high even for a potion. they need to learn actual rules before doing this shit or its just watching a live action ed edd and eddy fan video
>thats just 4chan in general. if you go to parties and have a social life youre scum of the earth
yes, cry faggot
whoever is handling director mode is fucking retarded. why would i want to watch anything else besides xavier
Shark pull that up on the screen
Maybe a shitty translation of "built like a brick shithouse"
send some tj tts
Zabiru = Xavier
Letty is saying somethink like "i am xavier's bitch and i am offering my body to him".

Damn if I was 14 I'd be all over that
sarcasm aside, that’s very ungodly of you of you to assume the worst about these people you’ve watched for 8 months
Most zoomers are on xanax or Adderall tho
Any /jp/ bros catch the first part?
Their accent is so bad I can't tell the second word or ending
Something about "my body"?
jimmy, the trapper and sodaman are ed edd n eddy
lmao jon trying to cook eggs
or taylor telling jimmy to apologize to TJ?
greg kinda got a gyatt...
Nah xanax is basically dead with them, definitely adderall though
is it just not worth watching today? this shit's dull
Brian is a pos. Taylor seems to be reformed but unapologetic of whatever happened in her past
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>they're terrified of drugs
For good reason, every major city is full of fucking zombies now.
remember in s1 when jon was just hungover and needed a burger and anons genuinely thought he needed to go to the hospital and was dying?
who could forget the throne king porta potty rentals.
Something about offering her body to Xavier.
taylor telling jimmy to apologize to tj sounds completely fake. a tj tts or sodaman mentioning him i can maybe see.
Xavier x Letty interactions are funny, I wish he had chosen her instead of Xayleigh
that fire is way too big to be cooking on lmao
nigga get it together, life sucks get over it!
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i think the eggs are cooked
That food is going to be a black, charred mess.
Jesus fucking christ, Jon.
BAHAHAHA that fucking insane fire
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fucking Jon kek
Lmao Jon, cooking on that fucking fire, shit is 100% burnt.

nowadays it's fentanyl
>everyone just has cuck Fantasies
they unironically do, its one thing to call her a whore but to imagine that she is sucking every dick under the table the second she is off screen is definitely what i would call a cuck fetishist
specifically slave, she's saying 奴隷
i'm half deaf and missed part of the second but it included 出し so >yjk
Nah, humiliating Tay is much funnier
Dude lmao
i did so much low quality coke between 2014-2018. every normie does it.
god i wish jon had his cam on so we could see how mangled those eggs are
I don't see a fire extinguisher in frame and it's making me nervous.
he was refusing to drink anything and getting dehydrated too. i swear i was the only one who realized that. people thought he was concussed or some shit
This is a cooking fire? Lmaoooo these fucking retards never cease to amaze me
Amazing how none of them know how a campfire works.
I think Jet talked to him about coming up and mentioning Taylors tits and he was like "I apologize again" and there was a TTS saying" this is TJ I'm on my way to kill you or something like that"
Xavier is playing a dangerous game. Her Khazar powers will soon overcome him.

or when they thought TJ was dead. baka, damn losers up in here never went out drinking once in their lives.
Jimmy is a legit retard that gets increasingly annoying to listen to even when I have the luxury of simply muting it whenever he's on cam. I can't imagine actually being around him for days on end.
creature and blacksmith wife kino on shitty cam
Nope it was on Jimmy cam. He then said "hey, he knows im not a home wrecker and I certainly dont flirt like that"
can confirm the apology. jimmy apologized to her when they were walking to the trapper but she said she should apologize to tj instead
this image is powerful
Xavier was told to choose Tay.
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I think videogames taught people that you cook food in chest high flames. Just set your steak in there and wait until it turns brown. Listen for the audio cue!

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There's one here
jon owning a restaurant is looking more likely
Whats the qrd on this?
What do you expect her to prostrate in front of a camera? Get over it, man.
Lol tnx
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lol TJ was actually decimated though tbf
How the fuck did I miss that.

Now I just hope that if there is a fire someone like Vance grabs it first, not someone like Jon or Jimmy and SOMEHOW only make it worse.
What did Jon cook is that just like 8 scrambled eggs or something? The pile looks huge
Yeah, he put a bunch in the pan and scorched them now he’s eating them out of a big plastic lid
>hey wanna go into the forest and do this play pretend cocaine with me later tonight
>come on
>no i dont want to
>its not really cocaine
>*drinks a charisma potion*
>now you have to
>so lets go out and do the coaine now
>no i dont want to
>but you said
>*drinks another charisma potion*
>well you have to
>no i dont want to
>well then its fail rp then
>she gives up and follows him
then he starts talking about how he called her little miss big tits earlier
Letty getting those implants was a great decision
>people unironically think this is true
in her leaks they are both bigger and smaller at times

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