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Book soon i promise edition
previous >>200658300
blacksisters, where is the cunt of dragonstone???
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Rhaenyra cowering in a corner
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Rightful Queen has been usurped, why should she be here?
The book isn't coming out. You were all really mean and now you get nothing.
Man, imagine how nice the world would be if time traveling Bran didn't make Aegon V kill himself and his whole family.
“Both of them are broken,” Grand Maester Munkun declared in a letter to the Conclave. The girl had witnessed the murder of her twin brother at the hands of Blood and Cheese. The king had lost all four of his own brothers, then watched his uncle feed his mother to a dragon. “These are not normal children,” Munkun wrote. “They have no joy in them; they neither laugh nor play. The girl wets her bed at night and weeps inconsolably when she is corrected. Her own ladies say that she is eight, going on four. Had I not laced her milk with sweetsleep before the wedding, I am convinced the child would have collapsed during the ceremony.” As for the king, the new Grand Maester went on, “Aegon shows little interest in his wife, or any other girl. He does not ride or hunt or joust, but neither does he enjoy sedentary pursuits such as reading, dancing, or singing. Though his wits seem sound enough, he never initiates a conversation, and when spoken to his answers are so curt one would think the very act of talking was painful to him. He has no friends save for the bastard boy Gaemon Palehair, and seldom sleeps through the night. During the hour of the wolf he can oft be found standing by a window, gazing up at the stars, but when I presented him with Archmaester Lyman’s Kingdoms of the Sky, he showed no interest. Aegon seldom smiles and never laughs, but neither does he display any outward signs of anger or fear, save in regards to dragons, the very mention of which sends him into a rare rage. Orwyle was wont to call His Grace calm and self-possessed; I say the boy is dead inside. He walks the halls of the Red Keep like a ghost.
"rightful queen" is self-contradictory. there is no precedent for having a queen on the iron throne, therefore there is no path to a queen being "rightful."
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I know nobody cares but when Otto removes his hand of the king badge and throws it to Cole the shot is focused on Coles boots at first and then the focus shifts to the badge as it enters the frame and stops. But for some reason they keep refocusing and the badge goes out of focus for the last half second of the shot. I genuinely dont know how they mess something like that up. Either cut the shot half a second earlier or do a retake.
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Now she my only princess!
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>their kings
Rhaenyra was the rightful first Queen, why would she be on a list of kings?
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This season has, so far, been a boring joke.
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Oh uh
a womans place is birthing male heirs. and she couldnt even do that, she gave birth to bastards and lied about it because shes a disgusting, repulsive whore.
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Let us drain our cups in memory of the more based long boi thread
I'll personally go piss on his grave if that fat fuck die without finishing it.
Will we ever get the tale of Myles Hightower? Did he get to keep the gold?
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my cup is filled with STRONG drink
Based now azor Arya is the true canon and fag targ Stan’s can eat dirt. No chosen one special bloodline prophecy for you
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My interest in the show has lessened considerably. Every new leak and interview and showrunner statement just kills it step by step. And now the news that after only 8 episodes we'll again have to wait two years for 8 more in 2026... I'm tired boss. The great cast of actors is unironically the only thing holding my interest in HOTD, that and my autistic love for ASOIAF.
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It was a strong thread anon.
>she gave birth to bastards
best thing she ever did, actually
>a womans place is birthing male heirs. and she couldnt even do that
remind me again which kid and trueborn male heir sits the iron throne after Aegon II?
Ryandal Condal had posited that Aemond would murder Aegon in Chapter 4, after intentionally attacking him with Vhagar. His idea was that Aemond would finish him off when he was crippled on the ground.

Sara Hess asked him in front of everyone if it was a joke. She left the room laughing and told him to go fuck himself. This was changed, but Aemond's murderous intent remains.
Because to unite the Greens-Blacks in the regency it was agreed that Aegon II would be considered legitimate. However, note how thereafter women were considered when deciding who should succeed to the Iron Throne. Daena the Defiant was passed over in favour of her uncle because she was basically locked up for a decade, had a bastard, and had no skills to govern. Aelora Targaryen was named Princess of Dragonstone but died prematurely.
Who cares, his role is as a king, not a broodmare like rhaenyra
...rhaenyras children would have ended up on the throne either way, because the obvious right move would have been to marry aegon ii to rhaenyra.
Yeah this is just to hold us over until Dunk & Rgg
Ryan Condal has toyed with the idea of Rhaenyra still being alive at the end of the show. Sara Hess wants her to die and also eliminate Daenaera and give her plot to Jaehaera. She wants the viewer to intuit that her children with Aegon III are the ancestors of Dany and Jon.
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>Who cares
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Glad I couldn’t sleep, these writer leaks are quite fun even if they turn out to be fake.
This is not the own you trannies think it is
Aegon III wasn't a bastard tho
I mean you care, because it’s your one and only cope, but literally no one else cares I promise you
When you think about it the Dance was just a massive waste of time and effort.
Viserys being a dumbo causes a succession crisis, his heirs start killing each because screw diplomacy, their exclusive superweapon dragons die for nothing, every Targ directly involved dies and eventually the next male Targ in Visery's line gets the throne.
Its a wonder their dynasty lasted as long as it did.
Who the fuck does this much think she is?
Sarah secretly based?
THE RATCATCHERS AEGON - Otto said calmly
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>Sara Hess
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To Sara Hess being /ourgirl/ all along. She put up a strong fight against Condal in the writers room.
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>you can't just hate both sides you have to pick one!
Hess is based, she made Rhaenys a mass killer while making Aegon a sympathetic rapist.
i miss when these threads were 50% mentally ill women.
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Surely best wife haunts Daemond's Harrenhal nightmares this season.
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Cute and canon!
Just go to Tik tok or twitter or something they are abundant
They’re not?
>mentally ill women
Aside from a few morbidly curious booknerds is there anyone else who's still watching this show?
There should be plenty on other social medias.
women when I say “hello” to them
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Can't recover from this
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More bees your grace?
just give him some boar
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>pretends to like asoiaf and the spin offs
>...also extremely mean and frankly cruel to the man who created it
What is wrong with you? How are you a fan if you HATE grrm?
blacktrannies will never be real women
go get the beehive stretcher NOW
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Thanks for the reminder anon
Some of you are okay. Don't come to /got/hotd/ on the last day of season 2
I don't hate him but I feel rightfully entitled to him finishing his own work, his magnum opus, that I have been interested in on and off for 10 years now. I have bought his books, even his gay little worldbuilding books, I have the audiobooks on my audible account, at one point I had a cool little print of a map of westeros, I have a House Targaryen mug from when the show was airing. The fat man is living large off of millions of people like me funding his lifestyle and the least he could do is finish what he started.
this man is a fat cynical coomer retard and his creations not worth attention
If Rhaenyra and Alicent do not fight ep3 I officially expel them from Blacks (Greens) and sentence them to walk of shame
Do you think he considers the black Velaryons of the show to be an improvement upon his writings? He is big on social justice causes after all.
It’s a love and hate relationship, the human heart in conflict with itself
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Any man who must use Omegle to simulate sexual encounters is no true king.
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Balerion was also losing it by the end.
>Oh, you want to go home little girl? Sure I'll take you home.
I have no idea how Viserys had the guts to ride him.
Based dyke
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Here's some leaks for S2 you might not have heard yet:
>Harrold Westerling, the Lord Commander of the KG from S1, will return soon to serve Rhaenyra
>Viserys will appear for a flashback scene soon
>the major riot in King's Landing will happen in episode 7 against the Greens, 90% that Hugh Hammer galvanizes other commoners into it
>Rhaena's sole dragon in the show will be Sheepstealer
>no Nettles
>there's no actual story ideas for Daeron in the writing room yet, just a vague idea - he was mentioned in the show only because of the negative fan feedback for S1 having no Daeron
>episode 8 will 100% be the Blacks capturing King's Landing and it'll be a much bigger battle than sack of Duskendale (ep3) or Rook's Rest (ep4)
>Hugh Hammer will claim Vermithor in episode 7 and fly in the KL battle just as Addam will with Seasmoke, but Hugh will NOT betray the blacks in the show
>Battle of the Gullet will take place sometime in S3 so AFTER KL is captured, couldn't be in S2 due to budget issues
>Mysaria will be a prominent fixture by Rhaenyra's side in the upcoming episodes
>Otto will return to KL by episode 8 it's unclear whether he'll meet his book fate in S2 or S3
>Sunfyre appears in episode 3 or is in the opening scene of episode 4, not 100% sure
That's all I got.
Best wincest pairing?
Dragons simply become senile in old age. Cannibal probably got lost and died mid air from starvation.
Thank you for your service anon. If we are getting kings landing falling this season maybe we are only getting 3 seasons after all.
Aerea's death was one of the creepiest and most interesting pieces of the story
>there's no actual story ideas for Daeron in the writing room yet, just a vague idea - he was mentioned in the show only because of the negative fan feedback for S1 having no Daeron
Fucking kek
>but Hugh will NOT betray the blacks in the show
What's the fucking point then
>hugh will not betray the blacks
So no Jon roxton and No caltrops plot? Gay
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I don't understand what Aemond means by regretting his "business" with Luke. He wasn't really mad at him and it just like "teaching him a lesson" all this time? Not real hatred?
People accuse him of being butthurt and competing with a kid. It seems like he never took it THAT seriously and just did something stupid impulsively one time
You lost.
I dunno I told my guy exactly what you're saying now but the current plans are for Hugh to remain loyal, only one other character will do the "dragonseed betrays the blacks" thing and you can probably guess which one.
Also the Sesame Street names for the Tully family won't be in the show, the only name I've heard is Oscar Tully.
Alicent x jaehaera
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I'm calling bullshit. You guys did this the other day with Daeron.
Does Aemond get to Harrenhal at all this season or is he just on the way?
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this guy is pure reddit but man I do enjoy his videos
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Hug's plot is bad. It was rewritten 10 times and Condal came close to removing the entire plot from Dragon Seeds. There is a point at the end of the show where you honestly don't know why he makes a certain decision.
>no mention of Dreamfyre
>it took fan backlash to get Daeron into the show
>Hugh not betraying the Blacks

So let me get this straight. Rhaenys is going to have her big moment ruined because Aemond was having a pissing contest with Aegon, and now Adam’s big moment has been nerfed it Hugh doesn’t betray the Blacks. Why are those moments problematic for the showrunners?
>>but Hugh will NOT betray the blacks in the show
>What's the fucking point then
Anon, the writers clearly want you to side with the Blacks. They are being given the moral high ground at every turn. Hugh will not betray the blacks because they don't want him to be "evil." Its that simple.
Right. He's probably the skeleton in the Red Waste.
Whatever got a hold of balerion and Aerea had to be some eldrich levels of no no. To put the fear of God in something like Balerion, to the point that he went STRAIGHT BACK HOME.
It's getting very tiring. I don't remember GoT being like this, this is approaching S8 levels if true
He's probably lying again anon
Call it bullshit if you want but you'll see. If Daeron does get a proper POV in the show it'll be some rushed nonsense or very different from the book.
From what I know he doesn't have Harrenhal scenes in S2. He'll be in the battle of KL in episode 8.
Cannibal is on Skaagos being worshipped by the Skagosi. The people on Skagos are not "cannibals." They worship The Cannibal. Hundreds of years of repeating this tale and scarce sources for maesters to report on end up getting it twisted into the inhabitants themselves being cannibals. Rickon is going to ride into the battle atop The Cannibal with an army of direwolves, unicorns and skagosi.
I'm watching episode 2 of first season now does this show turns out to be some gay ass girlboss slop? I already got burned out by last four seasons of got.
yes, its designed for women to self insert as the main bitch rhaenyra because they are as morally deprived, entitled and cunty as she is in the story. the entire thing is just modern ethics and standards slopped on top of a fantasy world.
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Also forgot to say expect Gwayne Hightower to be one of the better received characters in the show.
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the last thing Davos sees before being eaten alive by Rickon, Shaggydog and the Cannibal
>her virtue?
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You such faggots. Why do you hate women?
There are moments when it's kinda good but I'm afraid that for the most part it is in fact gay ass girlboss slop.
Any word on what aegons injuries look like? Does he have any screen time post episode 4?
Unicorns are just sheeps with a horn
>acts unbecoming of a maiden
So, when will youtube Asoiaf channels admit that there’s something bad going on with the writing?
Says the tranny
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Why are Targ such shits? Lannisters cooked up a fuckup vastly above any Targ just with one generation of inbreeding
the DISARM HIM of season 2
>Any word on what aegons injuries look like?
You can expect them to be toned down for the show. If the show tried to follow the book's account of Aegon's injuries then Tom Glynn-Carney would be forced to sit in the makeup and prosthetics chair for an eternity before filming a scene and it's just not feasible.
>Does he have any screen time post episode 4?
Yes obviously, it's just not in trailers because the showrunners want Rook's Rest to initially be a big shock to casual viewers.
>Aemond and Vhagar in the battle of kings landing, how the hell is this going to play out? I guess that’s why they kept Hugh loyal as this wouldn’t be believable without Vermithor on their side.
The women of the hotd fandom for the past 2 years went full mask off and showed how awful they really are to be fair
Rickon will skinchange into Cannibal thus waking dragons from stone.
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>Sorry Robb, but I had to make a business decision, and you are a shit leader.
Don’t start R9K conversations anon, asking a question like that is obviously not going to end well.
they cant because most of them are progressive shitlibs and since HOTD threw them a couple bones with blacks and queers in the show, if they criticize it they would be seen as attacking the protected status of the cast members. preston jacobs is the strongest example of this who would nitpick every tiny book-to-show change in GOT, but since theres some kangz and homos, he can't say anything negative about HOTD.
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I dreamed i was an old man
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Why did they cast a biracial actor as Rhaenyra's son if he's not supposed to be Laenor's?
What do you mean?
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More boar your grace?
quins ideas used to make good game of thrones videos but he does not even hardly upload anything anymore. I also think he was too black pilled on the entire series after how shit the last GOT seasons were.
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>wew i think i've shaken him o-ACK
I think Preston is just glad there's any ASOIAF content to talk about
nothing personnel your grace
How about stopping with "team" shit for one thread?
Quinns Three Body Problem videos got me so hyped, I immediately read the series after watching a few of them then was really looking forward to the netflix series. Of course it ended up being complete slop.
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When we seeing him again?
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His (not)death was epic
Can’t blame the man, even for normies those seasons were ass but for a book autist like Quinn it must’ve felt like torture.
You saw him last episode and you'll see him in the next one.
Is he really mixed?
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Magic penis
yeah that was a fucking let down if there ever was one man and I was hyped for it too have you tried the China made version?. I think watching his dune history videos is what actually got me into dune years ago. the guy has a creepy way of presenting lore in his videos something about it is just ominous maybe has to do with his monotone voice and music he plays.
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Presented without further comment
what if dany is actually the mummers dragon
>Bran will rule whatever is left of Westeros from the Isle of Faces with Harrenhal as his seat
>Jon will be King Beyond The Wall and impregnate Val to cope with Ygritte and Dany losses
>Rickon will be King in the North, Lord of Winterfell and will go back to his ancestral Stark roots instead of the pussy Neddard morality
>Sansa will never return to the North again and will rule the Vale
Arya is the only one I have absolutely no idea where she will end up.
the HOTD seasons are actually better then thew late GOT seasons but it seems as if Quin is refusing to talk about it out of spite lol
he's white, anon
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My King....
Poor Quinn had to watch D&D fuck up asoiaf and three body problem.
she will probably sail west and presumably discover that you can sail west and reach essos like elissa farman
Condal is a great wall for people who want to follow the ideas in the book. He is arrogant to everyone and wants his fanfic to be the real version of the story.
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>Hugh will NOT betray the blacks in the show
Yeah, this is bullshit. Hugh and Ulf doesn't betray Rhaenyra until after the fall of King's Landing so how could you possibly know about something that doesn't even happen in season 2?
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Broken Dany far sexier than those broken hags
>Poor Quinn had to watch D&D fuck up asoiaf and three body problem.
lmao I forgot those 2 goofs were working on 3 body problem no wonder it was so shit it was almost unwatchable I gave up after 3 episodes
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season 2 was peak
That’s s3 anon….
oh. well regardless, missandei is the most attractive woman on the show. I would crawl across a mile of broken glass just for a chance to sniff the cocoa butter scent emanating from her clam
Missandei is #2, behind snektits
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>oh. well regardless, missandei is the most attractive woman on the show.
I was always a Ygritte man myself
>A broken Aegon crying for a broken Sunfyre
>this starts playing
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that's not how white guys look like, it's not just the skin colour it's the facial features, he is biracial
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The Essossi prostitutes + most girls in the brothels in general were top tier. It's always the nameless background characters...
Let's go again with this Mediterranean Chad vs uncivilized blond orc meme?
>this man is a fat cynical coomer
>and his creations not worth attention
maybe. i'm too much of a retard to be able to judge if other people are retarded like me or not.
>haggard and disheveled
>still mogs every woman in HotD
I don't understand this. By medieval standards, It's not even a succession crises. Also the crown would never pass on to a daughter when there is a brother. Matilda came to the throne in England because she was the only option. Henry I had to fight his brothers for the throne, his sons tragically drowned, and Matilda was the only option. George is not as clever as he thinks.
this woman was remarkable
he looks Greek
he looks like a homosexual
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Me. In the middle.
But Viserys explicitly wanted rahenyra on the throne, and rahenyra has the widely known and respected prince Daemon supporting her claim
You joke, but if they let Trump have the Presidency we will 100% get a blog post that we do not deserve Winds of Winter. He has already cried about how "dark" the days are in his recent blogs.
The bitch queen of bastards
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You mean season 1
Dude used the Israel/Palestine conflict as an excuse not to write so yeah I could definitely see that fat fag doing something like that.
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>Vizzy I obsessed with lego
>Prince Viserys loved to talk about dragons to anyone who would listen
Why is everyone with the name Viserys autism incarnate
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I also find it unconvincing that so many would support Rhaenyra when the type of lord who would feel bound by their oath (honourfags) would find her reputation of birthing three bastards and killing her husband to marry Daemon the next seriously damning.
He is not even a Jew or an Arab. I understand people who are upset when the country of their birth is at war but come on
at least he's Christian and not a fucking Jew
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Blacks be like poopoopoopoo
Greens be like peepeepeepee
She pretty but evil
There's a few Jews who make good White people in make-up and blond wigs
Yup. In a realistic scenario, Rhaenyra would not have a single ally. The crown passes through the male line. Its that simple. Blackfags can't get it through their thick skulls.
Poop is stinkier than pee, and pee is golden like sunfyre so yeah blacks are gay
who cares he's hot either way
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Imagine unironically expecting that to be anything but shit.
Dany is a maniac
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What no inbreeding does to a mofo
i could fix her
I can change her
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Is it really that hard for a show with the budget in the millions to give targs purple eyes?
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i can feed her
It doesn't matter who the King wants to succeed him. That matters to a certain degree, but end of the day it is the church and nobility who decide who gets to be King. Once again, George depicts too much of a separation between church and state because he is of course a hardcore atheist/progressive. The church in ASOIAF is weak AF. This whole thing about worrying about the common folk like killing rat catchers to punish one traitor is not really that shocking and I think most nobility would approve. People love the stories George comes up with because they think it's just like real history but in a lot of ways it misses the nuances.
didnt they say in Game of thrones that they tried some lenses and it didnt look good in camera?
doing CGI in a characters eye as soon as they are on screen is gonna run up the cost, especially in HOTD
We need asoiaf anime.
I love the stories George comes up with because of his vivid descriptions of women defecating.
Daenerys and her brother Viserys are canonically malnourished
Anon the targs have flying, multiple use nukes, of course the separation of power is more important than in the real medieval world, because in the real medieval world the king couldn't defeat all of his vassals alone.
In ASOIAF dragons mean that they can get away with being absolute tyrants, and its only when they lose the dragons that they collapse after being tyrants
Yeah the show can't even sell the fact that her children are bastards because they made the father black. Ned Stark got all concerned about the hair color of the Baratheon children when this cunt straight up made it the most obvious thing ever by having white children opposed to a black husband. But this is Westeros and there is no morality.
I can breed her
I'm expecting shit but hoping for something decent
Dragons are useless with the banners to support them. The conqueror didn't win just because he had dragons.
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DEI is more important than lore and consistency chud!!!
And as such it would be easy to make them fat
He literally won just because he had dragons.
>In ASOIAF dragons mean that they can get away with being absolute tyrants,
Yes, Sherlock Holmes, but the problem here is that the two sides at conflict both have dragons. So maybe you should settle the matter in a proper way, with respect for custom and propriety, rather than have the two groups with living nukes use them on each other and everyone else in the way.
I really do think an asoiaf adaptation would work best if it was animated and I have no idea why it hasn't been attempted.
Yeah but seeing that plump and delicious dany ass in S1 was so much better.

Please someone post it.
>be my bannerman or I burn you
>uhhh ok
It really is that simple anon

My point anyways is that even if some amount of land troops are still needed, it should be obvious a targaryen kingdom is more centralized than your average feudal kingdom, because the king can fly and burn you any time. It's not a hard concept to understand, after 4 targ kings westeros has grown accustomed to kind of following whatever the targs do.
What the fuck is this still from the most recent episode 3 trailer?
this is ai
it always looks bad
watch Underworld and you'll see
that some ai slop
The point is that the lords are used to following the kings word has law much more than in a historical medieval kingdom, because the king is more powerful that he would be.

So if the king declares an heir, that's the hair in the mind of many lords. Remember they accepted incest too over years of targ rule.
Saying "historically this didn't happen" is absolutely fucking irrelevant. So what?
It was only Viserys who was meant to be malnourished guys, plumpy Dany is canonical
Lol no, I promise you the Kingdom of England from the Normans to the Stuarts were the most centralized kingdom in the world. They were so politically and fiscally advanced it puts anything George describes to shame.
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This dude is like Matt Damons cousin or something right?
What dud blud think was gonna happen calling the Princess a whore in front of the King?
Like Alicent he thought the king was suddenly going to care and bend to their whims
Centralized was the wrong word, I didn't mean administratevely centralized, I meant with the king holding near absolute power in case of a civil war
Also as I said, lack of historical precedent does not make a story bad. There is no historical precedent for the armies of mordor either. What matters is internal consistency in the setting itself
True it doesn't have to have historical precedence in fiction but I'm bothered by people who like fantasy more than history and act like it's some kind of genius when the truth of history itself is more interesting.
You don't have a point, retard, you're neglecting the actual reality of the scenario. Both groups have dragons. Both groups declared themselves the legitimate successors. The old king is dead. Your argument is essentially that might makes right, and the words of a corpse aren't might.
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>centralizes your penis
Nothing personnel
>Church in ASOIAF is weak af
the faith militant would like a word
anon the blacks dont have the brain power necessary to comprehend anything you're saying. they just see the libbed up talking points fed to them by the shows writers and yaaas kween along with the smug cunt of dragonstone. you are thinking about it way too deeply for them
>You don't have a point
Oh wow owned
>Your argument is essentially that might makes right, and the words of a corpse aren't might.
Actual braindead retard, I specifically pointed out how 100 years of targ rule would shift the culture of westeros towards a more absolutist one, of course might makes right but I'm discussing the consequences of being ruled like this for a couple of generations
Nothing I said even remotely supports the blacks, I'm just stating why I think the story's premise makes sense, you deranged tribal retard
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He had low impulse control and inability to understand the concept of consequences for "some unknown reason".
playing into the writers equivocation of the two sides makes you a black supporter by default
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the faith militant is a joke though. That's not how power from the church actually works IRL.
If you don't even believe in the premise of the story you can't be a green, because you refuse to even engage with the material, retard.
You are a moron. The very prior generation had what was essentially a vote to decide on the successor by the consensus of the nobility. Jaeharys was a fair king who reigned for a long time, and was succeeded by Viserys, a weak king whose illness led to most of "his" decisions in the latter years being made by his Hightower queen and Hand. So the many decades leading up to the succession war are essentially the exact opposite of the tyranny you describe.
cant believe im saying it, but im liking sara hess way more than ryan condal.
They know that if it was put up to a vote again between Aegon II or Rhaenyra, Aegon II wins handedly. They can't accept that.
blacktards btfo as usual
Cats don't have allies. You're thinking of dogs
Anon the targaryens forced the church to submit, does Maegor ring a bell?
They managed to force an anti incest culture to allow for them to incest freely. Just because one king rules justly doesn't mean that the crown wasn't more powerful than in your average feudal kingdom

I don't get what's so complicated about this for your peanut brain or why you are so angry about me stating the obvious
to add to this, maegor was an example of targaryen tyranny and his memory was reviled. so no, westerosi culture was not supportive of this blackcel delusion
Can the story even work if Aegon dies at Rook's Rest? Is Aegon II being alive after the battle Green propaganda?
>2 years to produce 8 episodes
Wtf is wrong with the world?
And yet incest was allowed forever afterwards
stop embarrassing yourself
>no argument

I'm just going to ask you a simple question
Does a targaryen monarch with dragons have more or less power in his kingdom than a feudal king with a couple of thousand soldiers?
Answer this, and you will know who has been embarrassing himself
dude legit seems schizo pilled he seems to ramble a lot and make huge jumps in conclusion, especially when it comes to symbolism.
for the nth time, both times have dragons, you subhuman mongoloid. you are so stupid, i get the sense you may be an unironic indian
I bet you wear slip on shoes
One family practicing incest is not the unbridled tyranny that you were dreaming up earlier, but it's natural that you felt the need to move the goalposts. I accept your concession.
They're called slippers you esl retard
>still missing the point
First of all both sides having dragons supports the fact lords can go either side, so I don't know why you keep repeating this self own

Second of all, its a non sequitor, its absolutely irrelevant to my point about how westerosi culture has changed unter targ rule, how they view the throne and the crown.
But still, after so many posts you fail to understand this simple, straightforward argument and then have the gall to call others stupid after such an embarrassing display of illiteracy and poor comprehension of cause and effect

I would pity you if you were not so incredibly annoying with your insults used as substitutes for actual arguments
you don't get it, targs fucking their sisters = autocratic power over a country rivalling stalin
What he is saying is that both sides have dragons so its a mutually assured destruction. To avoid mutually assured destruction, the obvious answer is to fall back on precedent and tradition, which would be to continue the male-only primogeniture, which was reinforced by the Great Council called up by Jaehaerys.
One family practicing incest is proof that as long as the targs have dragons the way lords approach their view of law and the throne is different.

This is where the goalpost has been since the beginning, it's not my fault you are missing it
>my point about how westerosi culture has changed unter targ rule, how they view the throne and the crown.
Your point that has been disproven by Jaeharys and Viserys not having fostered the kind of culture that was remotely similar to what you described. You have fewer working braincells than you have fingers in one hand.
Are there any naval battles in this story?
slippers are for inside the house. you just outed yourself as the actual ESL, kek
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if ever there was need of proof of complete blackcel retardation, this guy is it
Yeah, but clearly one side with more than half the dragons doesn't want that, so its war. What part of this are you missing?
I have already said it, I'm not a blackfag, I'm not arguing rahenyra is in the right, I'm arguing its only natural she would have some supporters.
anon he is part of the greens.
My queen
How did they build 1000 ships in a week on islands with no trees nor the other necessary
resources to build a ship?
nettles when?
battle of the blackwater is pretty good naval battle in clash of kings
Viserys literally did by naming a woman his heir anon
You keep blundering yet still call me names and accuse me of stupidity
1/2 of the kings you mentioned disprove your argument and yet you are still being arrogant
Slippers are for wherever the fuck I want, sanjay
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>Another falseflag
Just like last time, you lost.
blacktards are too stupid for words to convince them. perhaps a crayon picture would do the trick
you are getting btfo on every front first succession and now footwear. just stop.
Again, I'm pro Aegon, not one post I have made would indicate otherwise, you guys are deranged.
HOTD s2 worth starting? Also where could I get a good recap, I can't really remember S1.
dont worry about it

no nettles, shes getting merged with one of the black daughters from daemon
S2 is really boring because they are building the setting for the next part of the dance.
But they already did that in the other show. It was one kamikaze ship full of green napalm. Does the story for this show have any naval battles? The Velaryons are supposed to be epic sailors.
i'm a "greenfag" because they have all the characters who actually make shit happen. the black side is morally superior but boring as shit with the sole exception of daemon. i'm not here for moral superiority, if i used my real morals on this show i'd support total targshit genocide.
Mysaria hurts to look at desu
Only incels are obsessed with boats, no such thing needs to be done, would only bore out the audience
she was hot in Ex Machina
That wasn't me. Try to keep up, habib.
the battle of the gullet is the only relevant one, it's pretty funny
There is only one naval battle but it will happen next season.
You are of such tremendous lack of intellect, it's actually a sight to behold. The object of debate is whether Viserys committed acts of tyranny, i.e. forced unpopular measures by means of violent suppression. When he made Rhaenyra his successor, he did it at the behest of his council, in order to prevent Daemon, his violent brother with a penchant for tyranny, from succeeding him. This is, in fact, the exact opposite of what you are describing.
>and rahenyra has the widely known and respected prince Daemon supporting her claim
Daemon being her consort is like 50% the reason half the realm goes to the greens
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>"Oh, me? I'm a GreenCHAD simply because they are cooler."
>The object of debate is whether Viserys committed acts of tyranny
No, the object of debate is if the conflict is unrealistic because Rahenyra and the lords that support her would just surrender
That was the original discussion, you missed it completely because you were busy calling names

Anyway show viserys WAS a tyrant by the end of his rule (IN THE SHOW WHICH WE ARE DISCUSSING), keeping the bastards a secret and threatening anyone who dared question the OBVIOUS truth. Vaemond was killed at court with no real trial and his family just had to take it, and give out their property to a bastard not of their blood. This is tyranny.
When his fucking son got his eye gouged out his first worry was to murder whoever dared to spread the "saying" that the boys were strong for fucks sake.
Is there a battle next episode? How can I find the full leaks so far?
Your Grace, I believe you should marry my daughter, the ethereally beautiful Myrielle Peake.
it's just going to be endless rhaenyra and alicent handwringing, crying and other boring shit
*cockblocked by cregan and benji*
Accurate except I think Sansa will rule Riverrun and either Sweetrobin will survive or the Mountain Clansman will have their way with the Vale
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What are you talking about? Look at the map. Baratheon isn't blacks only because Luke couldn't offer him anything.
Daemon's reputation did not have any negative impact.
>No, the object of debate is if the conflict is unrealistic because Rahenyra and the lords that support her would just surrender
No, the object of debate is whether Viserys committed acts of tyranny, because you insisted that the culture had changed to one that accepted Targaryen despotism and cited Viserys naming Rhaenyra as an example of such. Now that you have once again been proven wrong, you are once again changing the goalposts.
sweetrobin has always been depicted as weak, sickly and now close to assassination so i think his odds of survival are actually really high
there are 10x more houses and people in the green than in the black
"The silent sisters were sent for, to prepare the corpse for burning, and riders went forth on pale horses to spread the word to the people of King’s Landing, crying “King Viserys is dead, long live King Aegon.” Hearing the cries, Munkun writes, some wept whilst others cheered, but most of the smallfolk stared in silence, confused and wary, and now and again a voice cried out, “Long live our queen.”"
Stopped reading right there, you accused me of moving goalpost yet you refuse to acknowledge what the goalpost was from the start
You just want to keep climbing mirrors to have an excuse to insult instead of trying to see if the original goalpost is met or not
No? Check the belligerents part.
The Strongs are green?
if Daemon never got ousted as heir, sooner or later he would kill his wife to marry Rhaenyra, the second Viserys died, Daemon would reaffirm Targaryen exceptionalism and marry Laena too, it's also likely he would seek woman with valyrian blood to add to his harem, in order to breed more dragon riders.
After a few years of this, he would probably try to take Dorne and get no-scoped by a scorpion bolt.
"When Prince Daemon sent forth his call to arms, they rose up all along the rivers, knights and men-at-arms and humble peasants who yet remembered the Realm’s Delight, so beloved of her father, and the way she smiled and charmed them as she made her progress through the riverlands in her youth. Hundreds and then thousands buckled on their swordbelts and donned their mail, or grabbed a pitchfork or a hoe and a crude wooden shield, and began to make their way to Harrenhal to fight for Viserys’s little girl."
Larys Strong is green.
My dear little retarded friend, you brought up this point yourself by arguing Viserys was tyrannical, and then instantly pretended you didn't say it the next post. Your humiliation is entirely self-inflicted.
the Dance is already kinda shit, who would have thought HBO would make it even worse by warping it into a feminism simulator
Right. And he's the only one left.
"“The false king and the whore queen shall be cast down with all their works, and their demon beasts shall perish from the earth,” the Shepherd thundered."

=False King=
>le good guys black
>le bad guys green
It's HBO
No there are other Strongs (they are in charge of harrenhal) but he is the only son of Lyonel at least for now some idiot will wipe out the others out of anger and fear.
The fourth she shat out after three bastards. In show lore that is also a bastard btw as Leanor is alive
“Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.”
> Chapter 4
Favella monkey
What did she eat?
With this
we can say that Rhaenyra was the Rightful Queen for smallfolk, lords and even cultists who hated her.

Add to this Aegon's words about stealing his sister's throne. This is not real conflict "king's word" vs "tradition" when majority of the population SUPPORTS king changing tradition.
Shepherd won, Targcels lost
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My hero
Ser Chud.
Don’t blame them they weren’t always this bad it’s just the crazies are running the asylum
The fact that most of those aren’t even that bad until the Jews demonized them with their word sorcery
How many daemon hours before next episode?
25 hours 45 minutes
I never pretended to not say it, I just said that's not the main point of contention
Yet again you lie like the sniveling coward you are
Most of the actors outside of Daemon are shit on team Black
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honestly in shock at the size of this lad's chin
never seen anything like it outside of a cartoon
Thanks fellow greenie
NEW thread where
You're a retard who brings something up in the context of a specific question and then pretends he was talking about something else. You must feel very humiliated, I pity you.
Post the new thread already
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Where's the thread
this is it
the last ever /gothotd/
we're finally free...

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