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heir for a day edition
prev >>200662303
Here is to another STRONG thread.
>obsessed with having a son
>kills his wife for one
>then has three and doesn't care
>>kills his wife for one
He didn't exactly have a choice. What could they have done to save Aemma? The only thing they could have done is attempt to save the baby.
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My only king shall be Aegon Dragoncock, the untamable beast
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>realizing mistake and giving care to daughter
nothing wrong
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The most hated stars
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Want sex with this character
>Best character
>Barely given any screentime this season
>Soon to die in a dragon fight
I really hope they stretch out the story just for him. He steals every scene he's in
It's funny how Cersei is the same as Rhaenyra yet her detractors love the dragoncunt.
Anon come on, not even this season
Very weak performance in season 2 to be honest. It was "fresh" in season 1 but now it's meh. Aegon looks better.
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The man has the morals of an alleycat
what was actually inside?
Rhaenyra such a bitch to him. He's not even obligated to help her
Isn't that one of the last events of the whole dance?
>kills his first wife
>tries to choke her
>gets a toddler killed, diplomatic incident ensues
Yeah, what a bad evil woman chastizing a perfectly stable and sane man
The funny thing is, the Rhaenyra fan girls love cersei and seethe about Alicent. They’ll say the same excuse “omg I wish she was like Alicent in the book and she had more agency omg” but you know for a fact that they’d cry if Alicent says BASTARD BLOOD.
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He's here....
His first wife was killed by a horse.
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daemon has a long face, but I wouldn't go that far
>The only thing they could have done is attempt to save the baby.
i call bullshit.
there is no way they couldn't kill the baby and save the mother back in the day.
man wtf is up with Aegon's armor? they went all out making Daemon look like Maegor reborn but Aegon's armor fit looks like it was made by indians IRL
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What exactly her problem? Rhaenyra didn't want husband like Laenor and chose Daemon because he's like that. Now she gets mad when he just does things his way. It doesn't make sense. Without Daemon, her son will never be avenged
>there is no way they couldn't kill the baby and save the mother back in the day.
What are disagreeing on? She was fucked either way. The choice they made was to at least save the baby.
Daemon spent more money on his.
his armor was made during the production of season 2, and they probably slashed the costume and props budget since they already had plenty of shit from season 1.
Women like bad boys in theory and then realize its a terrible idea only when they get the ol' black eye
Alicent plays "bastard's blood" and victim at the same time. Nobody likes a whiny villain
She says what her problem is during their argument over Daemon killing a baby. She thought she could change him but finally realized that was a childish fantasy of hers.
>What are disagreeing on?
whether the knowledge about saving the mother and killing the child was available or not in the middle ages.
This isn't the middle ages, though. It's Martin's retarded version of the middle ages.
She fucking spelled it out, you mong, she was young and thought she could "tame" him, now that she is older, she realizes he is never going to change and is going to keep fucking up and grasping for power.
Women like bad guys until they do bad things that actually result in consequences for them personally (and not just those around them)
w..what would it feel like if monke gave you a footie bros?
The whole of the ASOIAF world is actually about the conflict between Blackwoods and Bracken
They are the only two factions that matters, everyone else is just an excuse to beat the shit out of each other
Then she's stupid, it's not Daemon's fault. Daemon did things right and best he could.
In behind the scenes commentary one of the actors or directors will say something along the lines of "Aegon's armor not fitting him is an intentional choice to visualize how ill suited he is for this" screencap this.
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My Prince.
>woman is a woman
Don't die bro
She’s right though.
she wants to have her cake and eat it too. she married him precisely for the shit he's doing for her but still wants to act like a holier than thou cunt.

imagine if daemon were in essos like he said he was going to be before his wife died. rhaenyra would fold like a wet napkin without him.
Martin described Aegon as "a non-warrior type." This is canon.
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Was adding a shield that looks like John the Fiddler's, AKA Daemon Blackfyre II, shield to Elden ring intentional or just a coincedence?
>Sending amateur assassins to murder toddlers
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I'm no footfag but I received a footie once
benis was pleased that night
We have reached the point of content drought that we are looking for any fucking excuse to speculate, aren't we.
Aegon being a non-warrior type means the smiths in King's Landing deliberately get his measurements wrong and fuck his armor up?
I understand that her arc is to realize that she's wrong about him. She must not be "like Viserys" with him if she wants got his help. And his arc this season is admit his sins.
Sounds good, but how they supposed to break up again at the end of the war? Nettles not there.
Every King Aegon after the conqueror is a "Non-warrior", Aegon II is as you said, Aegon III is a melancholic shut in, Aegon IV is a fat sadistic hedonist, Aegon V could possibly be a warrior, but all we know about him is his childhood and his death.
He had the choice to not impregnate her. Impregnate a fertile young blonde servant and pass it up as Aemma’s simple as
Whats happen(ed)s here?
yes, what the Shadow of the Erdtree can tell us about the release date of Winds of Winter?
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Daily reminder that Jace x Baela is the healthiest non toxic ship and you should like it too.
are crannog sluts described as cute in the books?
>Oh nooooooo are we killing heir of our enemy?!
Once war began this was inevitable if Rhaenyra wanted to give her children safe future.
>and pass it up as Aemma’s simple as
Anon... I know you probably don't see women too much IRL but basic knowledge about how pregnancy works would be nice
>It's Martin's retarded version of the middle ages.
CONdal's retarded version of Fire & Blood
Thus did matters stand in King’s Landing late in the year 105 AC, when Queen Aemma was brought to bed in Maegor’s Holdfast and died whilst giving birth to the son that Viserys Targaryen had desired for so long. The boy (named Baelon, after the king’s father) survived her only by a day, leaving king and court bereft…save perhaps for Prince Daemon, who was observed in a brothel on the Street of Silk, making drunken japes with his highborn cronies about the “heir for a day.” When word of this got back to the king (legend says that it was the whore sitting in Daemon’s lap who informed on him, but evidence suggests it was actually one of his drinking companions, a captain in the gold cloaks eager for advancement), Viserys became livid. His Grace had finally had a surfeit of his ungrateful brother and his ambitions.
Once his mourning for his wife and son had run its course, the king moved swiftly to resolve the long-simmering issue of the succession. Disregarding the precedents set by King Jaehaerys in 92 and the Great Council in 101, Viserys declared his daughter, Rhaenyra, to be his rightful heir, and named her Princess of Dragonstone. In a lavish ceremony at King’s Landing, hundreds of lords did obeisance to the Realm’s Delight as she at her father’s feet at the base of the Iron Throne, swearing to honor and defend her right of succession.
>race mixing
No. Summer islanders should stay in the summer isles
He was given shit lines
>they teased me because I was different
what retarded AI writes this cliché shit dialogue
we honestly don't know shit about crannogs
the other one is cuter. the nose on this one is a deal breaker.
This is not documentary. Aegon needs to give "not a warrior" vibe. Best way to do it is visually.
I don't remember how she was described in the books but meera in the show is a cutie
>Then she's stupid
She basically admits as much. The whore spy with the stupid accent admits being stupid too which is why Rhaenyra ultimately frees her. They bonded over their stupidity.
>Forgets about Maegor
>Forgets about Daeron I
>Forgets about Maekar
you know he is talking about aegons right?
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If I wanted to read that much I would have bought the shitty book.
>Every King Aegon
>King Aegon
*brings up luke's bastardy out of nowhere*
she's a fucking bitch.
>your son dies
>so you kill….the guy who killed your sons….nephew

Why does he look like retard?
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She's based
He's british, it's just how they look
kek I googled meera book art
>your son dies
>so you kill all the Greens and take your crown
That's right
he is in the walls
you can just listen to it.
What kind of fucked up artstyle is that
That's women 101 for you
No, thanks, George. Finish the other books and I'll give you some money.
How does killing a toddler help with that
Aegon and Aemond are those that end the war if dead
Jahaerys is not going to do shit if raised by the blacks and given a shitty small dragon
Damn you are dumb. Do you think Megan Markle carried her kids? Royalty even today is not supposed to show baby bumps in their dress code, look at the Japanese imperial family for example

Aemond is literally me
She was 25 when they got married lol
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In the books, Euron is an overpowered supervillain that has way too much to do. He is very much just a plot device to tie all of the scattered stories together toward a definitive and unified end.
He is the valonquar that will marry Cersei and then kill her (probably turning her into a white walker), he will be the equivalent of the show's Night King, bringing down the wall and flying dragons.
It will probably be Theon killing him that concludes the story.
The Starks and Targaryen plotlines will just meander and not really have any great bearing on the conclusion of the story

I think this is roughly what the showrunners were shown and probably why they decided to just make him a funny evil pirate instead so that the main cast and story to that point wasn't entirely pointless.
and their scar
What is the point of watching it if you know it's just gonna be a green humiliation ritual
she eventually cucks him for BBC
"Toddler" it is Aegon's heir. Greens chose war of extermination when they killed Luke. Rhaenyra would be fool to leave a single Green alive, it's a direct threat to the future her own kids now.
>kills the best girl and her poor children
>riots break out
>your fault so they attack the corrupt goldcloaks
>take your dragons but they all swarm the pit
Imagine a Game of Thrones anime complete with canon sex scenes
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It's not that bad.
you should check out twitter you'd fit right in there. also you will never be a woman.
It really is funny how many ESLs and women want to see dead children and dead innocent women just flick their beans over Matt Smith.
The thing is Aegon’s armour generally looks like actual armour, unlike Daemon’s armour which just looks like a LARPers plastic toy “armour”.
Do you lads think we'll see anything interesting tonight or just more political intrigue?
Anon the toddler didn't order a war of extermination
If they don't agree with that, they're just stupid. Daemon did Rhaenyra's dirty work, she shouldn't yell at him for it
You don't know that. Toddlers are wantonly destructive.
Sara Snow is coming...
What? No episode?
Anon sara snow is not real...
Ah no I'm a retard, it's Sunday night
So? You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Leaving Aegon's heir alive is a political mistake that will kill her children later.
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Two Daemons?
Matt Smith is so ugly jesus
Anon you do realize the war ends with a green and a black getting married right
There is absolutely no need to kill the kids, the war ends when the adults die
You take that back
If Matt Smith was playing Aemond I promise you they’d start insulting his looks as much as they did with phia and ewan.
Sara Snow is going to appear this season. They already got an actress. I said it before in other threads too and posted her picture.
Do you think Larys is secretly gay for Daemon? His face is literally a foot.
He's supposed to be inbred so it works
Reason Rhaenyra had problems was taxes + failures in the war (traitors, Daemon's death), and her stupid decision to arrest Corlys. After Blood and Cheese people of KL were glad to have her back. They didn't give shit about Helaena
Also, wine and tarts.
I’m sorry but GRRM also mentioned Helaena being loved and Rhaenyra wasn’t. Sorry bro.
The greencels on twitter are hoping for something like this to happen because they want to prove that Jacaerys is disrespectful towards Baela and unfaithful.
Go back.
I would if she was white like she’s supposed to be.
It's Greenstans these days, pops.
>war ends when the adults die
Rhaenyra has to die so that Aegon's children can live? Rhaenyra's heir is Jacaerys and he already has Baela. Any world you imagine Aegon's heirs is a threat.
The adults of one side, dummy
And not even all of them, Haelena for example was not a threat and would have not raised her kids to be a threat
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Never forget what they took from us
Because of taxes, bro.

>Neither Aegon nor his brother, Aemond, had ever been much loved by the people of the city, and many Kingslanders had welcomed the queen’s return…

This is after Blood and Cheese.
I don't believe this kind of shit after all the shitposting desu
for highgarden!
So, was Cregan on the Wall and Jace had to fly there after looking for him on Winterfell, or did Jace meet him on Winterfell and spent 3 weeks riding with him to the wall?
Did they even know Rhaenyra was accused? I feel like this was a “someone killed the prince oh nooo” and then someone spread rumors that Rhaenyra did it and that’s when they went “fuck you cunt”
Can't wait for this chad to show up and remind southshits who really runs things.
Larys spread that rumor
The show didn't make it clear
But it doesn't work, dummy. What do you think will happen when Jaehaerys, Maelor, and Jaehaera become adults? Leaving them alive means risking another war for your her children. Reasons to do that?
>Haelena for example was not a threat and would have not raised her kids to be a threat
After their father is killed, who will guarantee that? Who will guarantee that lords from losing side will not influence these kids?
How long were they supposed to be together?
Are there any leaks for the rest of the season? What will be the big event of episode 8?
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He's the most idiotic targ of all time. Not because he was stupid, but because he actually had a good head on his shoulders, but decides to do dumb shit anyways.
Ok and they believed it. There’s no proof that he did anyways. All they know is that she raised taxes, started to become a paranoid bitch and then apparently murdered the nicest lady.
They knew but just like "She would never". But when she raised taxes they lost love for her and it changed to "it's definitely she".
Why does Alicent sit on the small council?
>What do you think will happen when Jaehaerys, Maelor, and Jaehaera become adults?
Absolutely nothing, as they would be raised by the blacks and hopefully with their mother playing along
I remind you, the dance ends with a black and a green getting married
> Who will guarantee that lords from losing side will not influence these kids?
Keeping the kids in the red keep until they come of age will, and by then they will know better than to start a civil war over a 20 years old feud.
Hard to forget. They gave us "muh Wall" "muh White Walkers" fanservive for the GOTfags and completely cut their storyline.
>he actually had a good head on his shoulders, but decides to do dumb shit anyways.
That's Aegon V, he was raised on the road by Ser Duncan, was a great king, everybody loved him, and he nuked himself and most of his family right before the war of the nine pennykings.
Agreed. You can explain away a lot of the other Targs one way or another but they didn't cost the House the Kingdom.
>they knew
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>Maiden's Day Ball
>Egg 3.0 just picked the most beautiful 6 year old in the world to be his wife
>Unwin Peake silently seething with rage while peeling turnips
>all of a sudden the hall doors are flung open and everyone looks to see who is the last maiden
>Unwin is speechless as his turnips drop everywhere
>Egg can barely believe his own eyes
We don't actually know what happened there, it might have not been his fault, or maybe he felt like he didn't have a choice, or maybe the incident was unrelated to him
Did he know that Jacaerys was a bastard? Wasn't it risky for him to help him?
Hey I read a fic about this lol. Kinda.
Anon... everyone knows... just look at him...
I'd like to read it.
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Do the Austin Powers movies hold up?
Man, fuck Unwin Peake.
I bet if Aegon had House Powers on his side, it would have been a complete sweep.
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I forgot what it was called. I think it’s called “a heart for any fate.” Jaehaera survives the murder attempt and Aegon iii tries to connect with her.
Finish the fucking books instead of watching spy comedy movies, you fat fuck
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Are you implying something? You need to be more specific.
I think so too
I already finished them both. I'm not going to release them though because you were mean to me just now.
the resemblance is uncanny
They should have added Cole too. There was a time everyone thought he was his son.
This reminds me that Rhaenyra is a whore!
>Absolutely nothing
You are a naive fool if you believe this. Theon was raised by the Starks and how did it end? You want Rhaenyra risk her kid's lives for Aegon's kid's. Hope that they will be faithful. Wtf.
>dance ends with a black and a green getting married
Want to marry Jace to Jaehaerys? Not free to marry (c)
>Keeping the kids in the red keep until they come of age will, and by then they will know better than to start a civil war over a 20 years old feud.
Three dragonriders meet Lannister and he says to them: "Boys, Jace is a bastard, he killed your father and took your heritage. Let's make this right!". How can you be sure that these children won't "pull Theon"? Why would Rhaenyra believe that?

This is war. Rhaenyra has to protect her children and their future. She doesn't have to give a shit about any Greens.
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If you ask me, I think the Hoares have the upper hand.
The tragedy at Summerhall was most likely a sabotage job, Aegon V saw the visions but he wasn't stupid.
>Theon was raised by the Starks and how did it end?
It took his father ordering him around to make him do it, his whole family saw theon as a traitor
While in this case, the blacks are the greens family.
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So will based Dalton show up or are they going to cut one of the very few ironborn who doesn't job in a war.
They are probably going to appear briefly
>Cut Jace's storyline in Winterfell
>No becoming bros with Cregan
>No Sara Snow
>Just so we could see muh wall and remind everyone of the white walkers that Azor Arya is going to nothing personnel.
Thanks I hate it.
This happened because Theon never felt at home among the Starks even if they treated him well. Starks did not kill his entire family as the Blacks should have done even.

We can talk endlessly about “what could have been,” but the fact is that no one guarantees a good outcome from mercy. It's okay if Rhaenyra loves her children more than Aegon's.
briefly seen or mentioned in passing, the only fight that would matter in the very most western theater would be Red Fork where Jason Lannister dies and there aren't even any dragons involved
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>Sorry Robb, but the game was rigged from the start
That's the most important riverlands battle
Sacking of Lannisport would be worth showing as well
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You’re not wrong. People give Tywin and Robert shit for killing the targ babes but they really didn’t do anything that bad
i just don't think that the showrunners will dedicate time and energy to secondary characters and literal whos in the eyes of the average normie especially if it's a battle without MUH DRAGONS
But it was a kino fight plus its northerns saving the day
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Heterosexual sex is immoral, and it is ILLEGAL.
Is there more to their story in the book besides these two sentences?
Also Joanna Lannister is a genuine girlboss and having her on team green might send the wrong message with psycho dalton on team black, so just scrap the plot line probably
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Honestly the children fighting pits were a big mistake, its obvious they changed their mind on what Aegon is supposed to be as a character but you can't just pretend something like that didn't happen
The book is a history book, not a proper novel, so not really
Yes, there's more and that's why many anons here mention Sara Snow, Cregan's bastard sister.
She is not real tho
Mushroom fanfiction
>he fucks his bastard sister
>he gets mad
>but he gets over it
Also child fighting pits are a fucking stupid and corny thing to have in your world building in the first place and out of all of mushrooms fables that was the one that was like obviously 100% an outlandish fabrication that likely didn’t even exist outside of his fucked up degenerate midget brain. Condal really thought that would be SHOCKING GAME OF THRONES MOMENT. “He watches CHILDREN fight to DEATH?!!” *gasps, clutches pearls*
If they skip one of the biggest battles in the entire war what would they even bother showing. There's not that many dragon fights to cover 4 seasons.
anon, leanor was fully aware of everything
Manner in which it was done gives reasons. But in people don't even understand why Robert wanted to kill Daenerys or why Mirri Maz Duur did what she did too. As if they've never heard that politics is a dirty business and there's little justice in war.
His child fighters are the best fed child fighters in the pit. And their teeth and nails are filed with a proper file from a blacksmith, not random coarse stones like the other children.
Who gives a fuck about Jace, he accomplishes nothing and dies unceremoniously. The less time spent on Jace the better. I hope he dies this season.
We can spin Dalton as a good boy. Somehow. How do you spin mass rape and 25+ slave salt wives of questionable age anyway?
Jace is shit but we lose out on Cregan by cutting him out. Unless they plan to have Cregan march south with the northmen straight away he's going to do nothing except show up at the end of the war now.
>I hope he dies this season.
kek you should wait until two more years for that, he's not going anywhere this season, keep seething
He'll unironically become my favorite character if he tells Rhaenyra to her face how stupid she is.
You don't need to spin it, Lannisters are evil.
>Who gives a fuck about Jace
You'd be surprised
>what would they even bother showing
Rhaenyra and Alicent catfighting/trying to figure out how to out girlboss each other
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Mhhh.... not bad
Name a single evil thing committed by a Lannister.
They are the villians of got nigga, the audience are not going to let that go they are tainted forever.
making the coolest castle in Westeros a fucking aquarium
The lannisters were way more kino than the starks though, the starks were all retards
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Built for BBC (Big Bracken Cock)
Jaime fucked that fat chick and then took off immediately after without even leaving his phone number.
That's not the point tho
Arya leaving westeros was the only intelligent decision a Stark made in the entire series.
Reyne little shits shouldn't have overstepped their boundaries.
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>there’s never lived a stark who has forgotten an oath-ACK AHHHHH WALDER NOOO IM SORRY ILL MARRY YOUR DAUGHTER AAAAAAAHHHHH
They fought against the Blackfyres
>Greens don't read books again
Dalton is a morally grey character compared to JoHanna Lannister.
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What have you done... the thread of prophecy is severed... restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
>They fought against uppity rebels who chimp out every 5 minutes
Can't rebel against an unlawful usurper, only put him in his place
Daemon Blackfyre was Aegon's firstborn son, the other one was also a bastard of course but not his.
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Tyland Lannister commits tax fraud.
a dead baby
they respected him for saying it
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Why are you seething? Does Jacaerys Velaryon, Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, bother you so much?
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Seething about your son?
Fact number one: he's not a Velaryion
Fact number two: he's not the rightful heir of anything, as he is a non-legitimized bastard
>I already finished them both
both? by my estimation, its going to need 8 books total. I have suggested fitting in "A Time For Wolves" in between Winds and Dream.
He bore the sword! It was his turn!
the strong boys deserve something
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>You can't just shoot at me and my sons from far away, that's dishonorable!
Problem Shitfyre?
Viserys legitimized him.
No one cares about you albino bitch. Go sit on your cuck chair.
Meant for >>200676846
the only people upset at this are unironic homosexuals and should start trying to pray their gay away immediately
>he's not a Velaryion
Corlys accept him as one
>as he is a non-legitimized bastard
Viserys legalized him
based bloodraven
and he paid for it
based child molestor
Nope, viserys pretended to not know he was a bastard, he never issued an official legitimization (which was fully in his power to do btw) because he never admitted to the truth. Therefore he is an illegitimate bastard
Fact number three: you are a raging faggot
uh oh the trannies are here
Sure, you can, and then persist in the doomed world you have created.
blacks are objectively in the wrong. you faggots have the entire rest of the internet to go swoon after blacks. please give it a rest or fuck off.
This is not your thread, fuck off.
They’re the biggest part of the fanbase and they still act like victims
He said that Rhaenyra's kids were her rightful heirs and anyone who said differently would have their tongue cut out. They're legitimate. Legally. As far as westeros has any laws.
Not your safe space faggot
They’re gonna mess up his adaptation too, aren’t they?
I think if your daughter, the supposed heir, breaking a century of tradition, is such a raging whore that she gives birth to the most obvious shitspawn the realm has ever seen, and you have to resort to taking peoples tongues out for pointing out obvious truths, you have probably lost
Nope, they are still called velaryons which they are not. Legitimizing them would mean making them either Strong or Targaryen, instead he is keeping up a lie about their heritage
Illegitimate bastard as far as westeros has any laws.
They are not adapting the blackfyre rebellion for a while because George is currently writing a trilogy about it

Trust the plan
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you wouldn’t 1v1 me pussy, you soft as baby shit, go head and shoot your bow, lil Blackwood boi doesn’t wanna catch a body! You wear darksister for the fashion nigga you ain’t gonna blow I know you a bitch nigga I get study on your block you ain’t gonna do shiiiiitttt! what a nigga gonna do to me? Nothin, I take your eye and walk off like a G FUCK YOU
Jaehaera literally named her dragon Death. And GRRM killed her off. Fuck you.
Rhaenyra is the rightful heir and you know it. When she thought she was dyin giving birth to her daughter, she called Jacaerys and told him that he's her heir and that every claim she has now passes to him. Aegon ipwas never Viserys choice, it was Rhaenyra who immediately gave her claim to Jacaerys.
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22 hours and 30 minutes bros.
That's irrelevant, until they are officially recognized by the crown as the children of house Strong they cannot possibly be legitimate

When roose had Ramsay legitimized he took the name Bolton, not the name Stark or Manderly or Lannister, because he was a Bolton
something something muh weak pussy king said so
I can't wait until Aegon puts Bittersteels golden skull on the side of the iron throne before he sits on it bros. 2 more weeks for the book... just 2 more weeks...
>Bayle the Dread
You tell me.
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Can't wait
if we're lucky we'll get to see the Red Kraken tell the Greens to fuck off and Lannisport sacked this season
You are arguing with godless homosexuals who have no concept of tradition. They are hedonists who respect nothing, hold nothing sacred, and admire the morality of liars and whores.
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what was his problem
He's so cool...
Yes, he said that anyone denying their Velaryon heritage would have their tongue cut out because the King had already decided the issue long before. They're legitimized by his decree which their grandfather, Lord Corlys agreed with. If westeros had any kind of legal system their legitimacy could be questioned. But it doesn't. It's laws are whatever the king says they are.
>Missing a leg so he curls his tail on his disabled side to balance
Metal as fuck
too based
Product of blood magic, Visenya was never supposed to have a child.
there is literally a title called Master of Laws specifically to deal with the layers of precedent and laws set over time and by formal decrees in the past
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I’m glad you are using my pics anon I feel like a crazy person being the only one to post them in a sea of Harry and jaceposting.
Anon you can't legitimize someone into the wrong house, you silly goose, it would be looked as an act of ignorance or worse, of tyranny, forcing someone as the heir of another house's wealth and land
>had any kind of legal system
It does
>It's laws are whatever the king says they are
This retarded mentality is what leads to the civil war, the end of the dragons, and eventually the destruction of house Targaryen
Layers of precedent and decree isn't a legal system, it's a mess. Their lack of actual written laws, that even the king has to follow, is why this war is happening in the first place.
Visenya is supposed to have all the children she desires you stupid cunt
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The Gods made the whore barren for a reason.
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I am the one sane Aegonsister anon.
Because she would birth the chaddest of sons if allowed to. Proof? Maegor thundercock the maester slayer
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I like you. Don’t go to Rooks Rest next week.
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Bittersteel truly was the better man.
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It's unavoidable.


Aegon's armor looks pretty nice. The armor has been pretty great in general.
too soon
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But early innit?
What, 5 posts too soon?
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Some are making fun of him. Pussies. Can't wait for best boy Sunfyre.
Newfag Blackfyrefag, the bump limit is 310 and it’s courteous to wait until page 6
>and it’s courteous to wait until page 6
And it's honourable to meet your enemy to duel on the battlefield instead of shooting from afar like a faggot but here we are.
A screenshot of the tripfags leak just popped up on Twitter for me.
I suppose Blackfyres aren't known for being particularly bright or patient.
Didn’t even wait for bump limit, total Blackfyre death
>saw 5 seconds of the brittany broski/ewan interview.
I couldnt get past the first few seconds. love them both but I got massively embarrassed for the both of them and myself for whatever reason
finish this thread
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Aemond reminds me of Stevie Janowski with that chin.
where is this from?
A TV show called House of the Dragon.

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