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Thread of prophecy edition
prev >>200670886
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Post them
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My sad wife
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Reminder what they took from us.
>no mistress
What kind of faggy alternative is this?
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Otto is literally me
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For those loyal to their waifu
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This show is for women
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Otto said calmly
Sadly, you will never be one.

Lmao the pic rel
So are the Blackfyres the designated redditor faction?
Preston Jacobs was right the Mountain was actually framed by the (((Tulleys))) and other Riverlords (probably Blackwoods) at the beginning of the War of the Five Kings, he never committed by war crimes in the Riverlands, in fact he never committed any war crimes at all.
Redditors root for dany, not for faegon, you plebeian.
Is Aemond gonna have more than two minutes screentime tomorrow? Gimme my boi
The trailer seems Daemon focused
Definitely. The show adaptation will probably have his claim derive primarily from Daena and attempt to paint Viserys II as a usurper.
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He will be only shown going against Aegon. Because god forbid we have united Green front! Unity and fraternity is only reserved for the Blackcels in this show.
Remember the crab gang? Those were the times...
Daemon and Ser Gwayne duelled, with both men using their Valyrian steel swords. The duel is said to have lasted nearly an hour before Daemon gained the upper hand. Corbray was wounded and Daemon dismounted to prevent Corbray from being trampled. He commanded that Corbray was to be taken off the field


The episode is about daemon rallying the riverlands and TOTAL BRACKENSHIT DEATH
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No, but atleast that 2 minutes includes nudity to soften the blow.
They look like they fucked
The Mountain during the "Sack of King's Landing" in 283AC.
Gods this is so sad, he literally dindu nuffins.
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I forgot they're going to include a brothel scene. I am tired of that shit.
how do you know?
also, im starting to think ewan is unironically gay, which is based, but must be weird considering his career launched off the backs of fangirls more or less.
The only saving grace would them arguing in high Valyrian and us seeing Aemond's d
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mike.s.miller. Reminds me of EVS, Tennapel and Miller feuding, War Campaign, funny shit.
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I hope not. I hate fags and women.
They all give me bi vibes, like prob most actors you need to be a bit fruity
We have had the leaks for a week for the entire episode. No I don’t think he’s gay lmao.
the twins def, ewan and aegon actor seem gay to me, coles actor seems pretty damn straight.
I can cure Tom. He said he has a farm. All he needs are like 10 kids and we good.
are you sure? maybe hes just really nice?
spoon feed me the leaks pls.
Pretty sure Fabien has a gf
isnt fabien the brown haired one? yeah i said hes straight.
Stop gossiping about the actors sexuality like some fucking schoolgirls and lets discuss lore like grown men
What THE FUCK is bloodraven doing in ASOIAF, what his fucking endgame
He is going to expose the blackfyre fucking shits obviously
Bloodraven is what you would get if you put Reddit into filter and distilled it down to 99% potency
go back to ttrpg seething bookfag.
How fucking petty of a bastard you gotta be to survive more than a houndred years just to spite your half brother's descendants
Nothing petty about saving the kingdom from faggotfyre usurpers.
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Anon they're trannies, what do you expect?...I miss /got/
Do they have internet in Rio de Janeiro?
>he thinks he did it to save the realm
Bloodraven did all that just so he could watch shierra be fucked by dornishmen. They were outlawed at the time
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I don’t understand why if a guy doesn’t fit a specific mould of what society thinks a man is supposed to be life that it makes him gay. A man can be sensitive, quiet and alternative without being gay. Straight men are not all grug cavemen clobbering each other over the head with clubs and fighting each other at soccer games.

It’s a lot of work to type out and I don’t have the screenshots so I’ll just tell you about the Aegon and Aemond scene. basically Aegon goes looking for the brothel madam (he’s at the brothel drunk looking for a whore for his squire). He finds the madam with Aemond and there is full frontal nudity of him shown. Aegon makes fun of him for only sleeping with one woman his whole life and Aemond tells him his squire can have her. He’s secretly seething about it and is going to deliberately try to kill Aegon in rooks rest in episode 4. /
Daemon was the firstborn son of Aegon, everything else is cope
Ok but now show tits
Bunch of Blackfyre shits coping itt
Ehhh i wish Aemond and Aegon did some brotherly bonding instead but I guess only blacks can have good things on the show
no i completely emphasize with this, im sorry if im perpetuating stereotypes but I dont mean it in a disparaging way, sincerely. he just kind of has a certain way of presenting that sort of vaguely seems like he might be into men. he also could just be good ol bri-ish boy.

sounds kind of stupid honestly. I feel like the full frontal is to appease fangirls which makes me feel guilty but its not the first time weve seen his dick.
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Kys grug
Had they been alone he'd had butt fucked Luke, wouldn't he
He not only tried to wipe out the Blackfyres but he’s even had Targs assassinated. He’s trying to engineer the bloodline for some purpose. It’s why he’s based.
They never bond in the book.
why so much blackfyre posting these past days?
I wish Aemond and Aegon would DP me
More like beat the shit out of Jace
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>im starting to think ewan is unironically gay
That's unfortunate, he's too ugly for me to care. I wish a pretty boy was actually gay.
HBO shills trying to force targ anthology series.
but honestly not sure. blackfrye bullshit has always been popular itt.
Because showfags can just skim the wiki and watch a couple of videos and be briefed on virtually everything we know so far about the Blackfyres. Very entry level.
Aegon commissions a 100 foot statue in gold to aemond, he obviously cares to some extent, glib idiot
God I want to bully Luke
Oh another faggot obsessed with Cavill
How original
He was trying to bring dragons back. Watch Preston Jacob’s “Genetics of Dragons and War”
the Daynes have purple eyes
Blackfyres will retcon Season 8
eh, hes just average like most people on this planet and probably you, statistically speaking. the internet has really poisoned people in terms of beauty standards. hes a guy so its not like it really matters anyway.
The Stone Dornish are all white but the Daynes aren't even really Stone Dornish, they're a precursor Empire of the Dawn race like the Hightowers.
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Speaking of Preston what happened to this weeks FUCKING video?
He’s moving to the Dominican Republic
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Ummmm based?
love this guy and otto so much bros. underrated character.
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It's fine, we'll make the blacks pay for them.
I luv me otto
They missed a chance to have him become more likeable by walking it holding a kitty after bringing in a bunch to replace the Ratcatchers like in the books
Imagine a world where Otto understood Aegons pain and covered for him by getting cats. Otto doesn't give a fuck about some fucking rodent jannies. He'd understand the rage of a king who lost his son
The good timeline..
>Empire of the Dawn
arent those the guys that got destroyed by the dothraki
The mogging is fatal I’m afraid…
No that was sarnor, empire of dawn got fucked by ice zombies and meteors
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Bloodraven won, get over it
i honestly think otto is already pretty likeable but it might just be me. I love antagonistic characters that are hyper competent, calculating, scheming bastards. he reminds me alot of tywin who i also love. his lines and acting were great last episode and i want to see more of him, and i wonder if him and charles dance were ever in anything together. would love to see that!
R8 my attempt to write like ASOIAF
>He broke his fast eagerly, devouring his pease and porridge like a man of ten-and-four. His spoon was as useless as nipples on a breastplate, for he slurped directly from the bowl. Any attempts by his nuncle to get him to slow down were futile, as their words were mere wind.
Just one of many BR dubs
And the grease dribbled down his chin and into his beard
He’s basically a poor man’s Tywin but saved only by Rhys’ acting because the writing for the character has only gotten worse
these threads are so damn slow. is it over... does no one give a shit anymore?
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>writing for the character has only gotten worse
mmm i mean some of the writing was kind of on the head these last few episodes, ill admit, but i think hes always been ok desu. what makes you think this?
The show is mid, the only people around still are like 5 asoiaf autists, a handful of trannies and a Brazilian or two. Improve the quality and the anons will come
He fought like The Warrior himself that day....
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There are at-least 45 anons coming to the gen.
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>this summer
I'm still not buying the books.
>we know memes
Holy fuck you bloodraven fags are legit ESLs lol.
>less than off season /ewan/
its over.
If quickfinger had just not been caught stealing those dragon eggs….damn you quickfinger…
That's stupid. He should be eating cherry tomatoes and have tomato juice dribbling down his chin instead.
good for him
BASED. aegon will 100% give you a std tho.
Why did Peter Jackson even make that scene?

Why'd he add fan service Legolas and a love triangle nobody wanted to the Hobbit?
grim ending if he bounces onto that fence
Nobody wanted the Hobbit. Nevermind three of them. Adding the love triangle was like sprinkling corn onto a freshly squozen loaf of shit. It's still shit.
It a kiwi thing you wouldn’t get it.
I'm sure that his wife or girlfriend is watching from the house to make sure he's safe.
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Maybe he should have commanded like a competent general instead. Not trying to dive into the fray with all his heirs and 1v1 people with enemy archers on the field.
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>Daeron II was a weak push over manlet King with little martial ability nor ambition
>Was probably Aemon's bastard
>Aemon was as honorable as he was skilled as a warrior
>His own father never disinherited him but he would make comments about him being a bastard after Aemon died
>Despite all this Daeron made all the right political moves beforehand with other lords that despised Aegon to set him up for a potential civil war


>Daemon Blackfyre who was a great and skilled warrior, highly intelligent, honorable, better looking and ambitious man
>Was actually the son of Aegon the previous king
>Aegon "The Unworthy" was one the worst kings of all time on top of being a piece of shit
>Despite his father, he probably would've made for a better and more impactful King

Targaryen genetics are weird
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It’s hard to know, off season /got/hotd/ewan/ averaged between 90-100 posters per thread. We have no poster ID counter anymore, I’m basing the 45 from the 45 votes that were on a poll the week. But there could be more here that didn’t vote in it.
prepare for some very Strong sons
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>IP grabbing link

I Shan't
My thoughts exactly anon. I’d say 50% of posters would be like you, too suspicious to open the link let alone vote. So we probably have the same amount of posters as the off season gen still.
Daeron II was not a bastard.
>no id counter
lol when did that happen? I legitimately havent been on this garbage website since /ewan/ died. Place also seems like its getting nicer. its strange.
The story is more interesting if he is a bastard tho
I hope one of you save the poll because i dont have it.
I love my pregnant wife so much :)
And Daeron had Baelor who probably would have made a good king as well. Maeker had Aerion though who was pretty much Mad King tier.
whatever since the thread is dead anyway, i saw saltburn a few months ago (not for /ewan/, just because i wanted to see what the hooplah was about) and he was only in there for 5 mintues and didnt get a lot of screen time. makes me wonder what hes going to do after HOTD. hoping hell pivot to theater instead.
I think he's going to be the next james bond villain, at least that's what I was hearing.
cant tell if you are being serious because i dont know or care enough about james bond. isnt he too young for that?
>type casted as the one eyed villian
I am being serious
And eh, not really. Raimi Malek was the last one for example. They can make it work
its kind of sad desu.
Also George is petty and likes to extend the bloodline of the main book characters to his favorite historical characters, so it wouldn’t be surprising if he wanted the future line of kings to decend from the dragonknight and not Aegon the unworthy
It’s a fun archetype to be typecast in albiet
my favorite character in all of a song of ice and fire is Aegon
For me it’s Brandon
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I hope you mean based Aegon
completely missed that poll
no, the other Aegon
It's up for debate but all the signs point to him being Aemon's bastard. Aegon waited till Aemon died to talk shit about him being a bastard. He never disinherited him because he was a filthy piece of shit that didn't really give a fuck about anything outside of fucking and eating or maybe he was mad and wanted chaos to ensue. He knew exactly how people would perceive him giving his 2nd born son Blackfyre. He legitimized his bastards on his deathbed to ignite chaos as I mentioned or in his mind it was a good willed attempt at making everything right.

Yup, they were great leaders but got fucked over. Aerion was legit insane.
i guess thats ok then. seems like a pretty big role and its nice considering his journey thus far. still holding out for him being in more grounded, artsy projects though. that jockey single father film going belly is such a damn shame. i wonder if theres any chance of it coming back.
Why does everyone hate Aegon so much
I mean this Aegon
I would definitely say it's a bit of an unexpected and large jump up, but not unearned either
I also have no idea if it's actually true, but that's what the rumors are
no god damnit the other Aegon
That's the bastard son of Ashara and Brandon.
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I don't. He's my King.
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Rhaenyra cowering in a corner
Two wives Aegon or depressed Aegon?
i like aegon.........when he suffers
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This y'alls Queen?
they made him bet on his own children participating in child fights last season
luckily most normies don't even remember that or connect the character/face/name to the child fighting event, and for me, I simply disregard as what it was: mushroom lies
There was also the king raping the young bedmaid or whatever but who cares about that, a king needs cunny

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But we all love him? He earned his spot in history with blood sweat and tears against all odds
wait. what poll?????????

they better include this line I swear to god (or at least a derivative of it)
>bloodraven manipulated the dance into happening because he needed to kill a dozen people so Daemon's sons could ascend the throne
Screencap this. Condal will do it.
>those spoilers about the fall of KL
this is going to suck
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>The "Good" guys have the writers on their side
>All the actors are shit outside of Matt Smith and the guy that plays Viserys

>The "Bad" guys have the writers actively working against them
>Nearly all the actors are great

Aemond himself mogs everyone on Team Black. And he's not even their best.
Rhaenrya when I approach her respectfully and tell her I'm a nice guy and that she should go out with me.
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Just like GOT. Everytime a bad guy died the shows quality dropped.
>Hugh blames Aegon for the blockade and incites a riot against him
>So he joins the person who decided to place the blockade in the first place

Bravo David
Season 8 tier writing
Aemond is shit. The actor is a fag and he's written like an anime character.
Calm down condall.
he dun wannit
I can’t even begin to guess how cringe that video must be. If you try to act like Tywin and you aren’t independently wealthy, you probably just come off as a gay autist.
Part of his charm is that he's an anime character
Ok how badly will they tarnish my guy...h-he's going to be ok right?
That wasn’t Bloodraven that was George.
>The fall of King's Landing is apparently a huge battle
Is it going to be Vhagar vs everyone else? Doesn't sound very exciting tbqh.
That’s a girl
Maybe Helaena hops on Dreamfyre
He probably won’t die right there, what would be the point of that scene
>haha we jumped you 5v1 were so badass
It’s probably raylon rivers who fights them off until dragons come and he bends the knee to save his family
What do you think this word means?
Ehhh nah he’s cool. His aesthetic is so good he’ll be badass no matter what they write for him
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I can’t remember when exactly but it’s been months and months. I think it was done to hide how few people are still here from advertisers.
What did you think of it? I still listen to the score, it’s great.
It’s allegedly between him and Freddie Fox (who is playing Gwayne this season of hotd). The character will be similar to Sean Beans one in Goldeneye. A rogue agent of sorts.
It was just “who do you hate the most from team green and team black” poll. Nothing that exciting.
If they are true I don’t understand how they are going to take the city if Aemond and Vhagar are in KL?
>he's written like an anime character.
Is he?
I think you're falling for a meme.
>how they are going to take the city if Aemond and Vhagar are in KL?
Because they'll probably have
Baela dies in a heroic sacrifice and injures vhagar during the battle or some shit I’m guessingz. I just have a feeling their gonna kill one of those twins
That's the point
His character is what if there was a real person trying to be an anime character, what would happen
it's so funny and perfect
You have one nuke to drop on Planetos. Iron Islands or Dorne?
They shoot him with a crossbow bolt and it panics him and makes him flee.
I know it's pointless but I am literally Aemond
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Why is the bracken/blackwood feud so much more comfy than blacks vs greens?
Iron islands. Dorne are just fuckboys. Except house Wyl. FUCK THEM
King's landing
Who else /green/ but also /blackwood/
> Syrax
Kek that’s a good one
Daemon is Baelor's son, it's why Baelor killed himself by fasting and why Daemon is the incarnation of the warrior
Daeron is Aegon's son, why do you think both of them are fat
Anon I'm sorry but they'll 100% have Rhaenyra fighting this season.
That’s a pretty based headcannon I’m stealing it
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A crossbow or a scorpion? Do they bring it with them to KL?
Why did you do it Aemond?
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Me but bitter steel is a great meme and I like him
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Cry more faggot
Man shut the fuck up, you won't do shit but walk away with your eye cut out.
Iron shits or dothraki
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What the fuck was his problem
Who the fuck is baelor?
The best Targ king.
I think the point is he didn't know they were his children.
Who plays him on the show?
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Why does Aegon get the silly turtle armor instead of the /fa/shionable one? Was he too drunk to get his measurements taken to make one and they just gave him any old armor they had left over?
Because it's gone on for so long it's become ludicrous, like a part of nature that everyone just exists with because they're powerless to stop it. They don't even remember why they feud, and every peace is just them taking a break from butchering each other long enough to breed so they can do it all again. And unlike other such tales, getting to know the how and why of it actually would spoil it.
He's not born yet
Based book enjoyer
Because they don't have dragons.
>why does a member of team green get shit on by the makers of this show
>genius dabid….aegon….le bad and pathetic!
Because he's inadequate etc etc
His actor recently said that they intentionally try to make Aegon ugly
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Aegon gets very nice clothes usually. It has to be on purpose to make him look like he's not prepared for this.
I also like that theory but it doesn’t fit with Baelor’s characterisation. Besides, if he was actually Baelor’s son why wouldn't Daena claim as such and try to reinstate their marriage?
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joke's on them the more pathetic Aegon looks the more I want to give him a hug and I'm team black even
It's almost like they forgot what they said about good warriors =/= good kings as long as they can shit on the greens, funny how it works.
Will Aegon cut himself on the Iron Throne?
Even ghandi was tempted by lolis. Also gives a cool motivation for him fasting to death other than he’s le crazy
>why wouldn’t Deana admit to it?
She probably loved Aegon and he was a jealous man so she passed the kid off as his
where are these King's Landing spoilers? is this from filming next season?
Right resembles actual armour.
Left is just a plastic toy suit.
It’s a mix of things an anon claiming to be an insider posted a couple of threads back and leaks posted to reddit. Go check the green subreddit for them, apparently they were posted there.
Tom must be 5'7 at most. I think the armor wouldn't look that goofy at him if he was taller, but I guess they want him to look incompetent
coz it’s retarded headcanon, like the 500 other “theories”
Gurm coded him as gay probably anyway
daemon is Aegon’s and so is Daeron. Viserys 2 is real, Daenerys is real, Faegon is real.
>but all the signs point to him being Aemon's bastard
Except, you know, every single detail related to the characterization of Naerys and Aemon.
The hem of the skirt part is way too low on him. When. Will. They. Learn.
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The armour is custom made for Tom by the props department so it’s a deliberate choice. More likely they have made it sit low and large on him to symbolise he is incompetent for the job. Not enough to fill his father’s shoes.
>he believes the songs and romanticized histories
Uh huh. Next you’ll tell me you believe in grumpkins and snarks?
100% Dorne.
I don’t like Ironniggers, but I must do my duty to the realm and finally rid Westeros of those mudslime heathens and make to make Westeros white and pure like it was meant to be.
no, the facts of the situation that you couldn’t be bothered to read despite it being a paragraph
>Naerys had notoriously difficult pregnancies
>Aegon famously denied her a life of celibacy
>yet Aemon who were supposed to believe loved her like star crossed destiny or whatever inflicts a pregnancy on her
>Aemon famously so devout and honorable he dies protecting aegon
>account even says “some sources said there was no romance”
those are facts, but you’d rather believe le tragic fairytale love story. holy projection
yeah to be fair the logical and reasonable thing to do if you were Aemond facing that would be to run
when does house of the nigger s02e03 come out?
I hate this show, just expensive cosplay for untalented jews
they did Vhagar dirty in the show imo, which is no surprise.
Theres no evidence dragons turn decrepit and tattered and saggy. Balerion had scars and was overly sleepy toward the end but that’s explained by his vacation.
instead the clues point to dragons getting more armored and tougher until their deaths. Slower? Sure, but that also happens with sheer size.
Vhagar should be a heavily armored beast, instead just looks a bag of bones. you can see it taking on a young/small dragon, but not a prime meleys or caraxes, let alone vermithor.
6pm PT
I am jewish, fuck you very much
every Sunday at 9pm
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thank you brahs
Cant get over how freakishly ugly and cheap that targ armor looks, not to mention most other armors in hotd and got
you are a fucking worthless palirat, gaza will be bombed to shit you terrorist piece of shit.
Can we keep politics out of the general please.
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>I am Jewish
>they will fuck up the fall of KL
why is anyone surprised by this. After intentionally ruining every single other portion of the book with their braindead rewrites, how did anyone think the Fall of Kings Landing would make it out unharmed?
watch scenes/trailers from period pieces from the 70s/80s, even 90s in some cases, with the level of artistry, practical effects, framing, etc and tell me we aren’t living in a dark age.
it’s like when antiquity ended and all the art got sloppy and cartoonish looking
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Is one of those Blackwood lads Ben?
no one is surprised when x is fucked up. they’re surprised and disgusted by how much worse it is than even expected and how easily avoidable the mistakes are.
it’s hard to have a bar low enough not to be phased by this show. after the demo script leaks between alys and daemon you would think otherwise, but no.
it’s as if someone wants this show/franchise to fail, but my gut tells me they’re in earnest about their choices. Just like the shockingly horrible s4 of td.
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this guy
>Joins the person who placed the blockade in the first place
>Betrays her later because of some prophecy that actually he should be the king
They didn't think this shit through when they moved him to Kings Landing and gave him some sob story to try and garner sympathy for the character. Oh, and that's not to mention how the fuck do they let people keep travelling to Dragonstone from Kings Landing after an assassin come across to try and kill Rhaenyra?
> Oh, and that's not to mention how the fuck do they let people keep travelling to Dragonstone from Kings Landing after an assassin come across to try and kill Rhaenyra?
they want to show this idea that castles are hardly impenetrable fortresses and smallfolk and servants can easily be subverted or weaponized, like an overlooked world below the eyes of the nobility.
now tell me you think they have 1/100th the talent to properly depict that.
Can someone screenshot and post all the kings landing leaks so we can fill in the confused anons?.
>Dem hoe's need Muh BBC
>now tell me you think they have 1/100th the talent to properly depict that.
I won't tell you that because I don't think that. The second Hugh Hammer was in the first episode I already knew they had fucked that up.
it just feels like a cheap telenovela that South Americans or Turks watch
so they're doing fall of KL before the Gullet now? I guess it makes sense because Otto hasn't sold out to the Triarchy yet and he's not there right now
she's so beautiful it hurts
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you can just imagine her lecturing you about why it doesn’t matter Joe Biden was literally leaking brain fluid on live national television and how it would be better if Kamala took over anyway because it’s Her Turn.
khm sweaty it’s they them
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literally muh wife
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Yeah, this season will end with fall of KL and battle of Gullet will happen in early S3. I dunno how they can make this work.
A Song of grape juice and Watermelon kek
>Vhagar and Dreamfyre vs every Black dragon
There's two minor battles between the Gullet and Kings Landing, one of which they can't this season because no Daeron. I don't really see a major issue of flipping the placement of Kings Landing and the Gullet. I haven't seen these spoilers though so I don't know how retarded it is.
jace better get naked by then. fucking sexy little manlet tease.
and Jaehaera on a mini dragon
I mean they can. The Gullet happened because the Triarchy attacked and Aegon barely escaped/Viserys got captured so someone had to fly there and fight. If that's not the case yet then the plan was to take KL, they just meant to bait Vhagar out of the city first. Some scenario where that doesn't work but they already have the dragonseeds so they go for it and Aemond can't fight all of them so he runs away would work. And in this scenario they have Vermax and possibly Moondancer so their odds are better.
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>Doing anything
Good one.
>Daemon takes Harrenhall
>Aemond chimps out and goes after him not realising the strategical advantage of a big fuck off dragon defending Kings Landing
It's not hard.
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Is this a spoiler for ants?
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It's okay greenbros we have 20 good men
>helaena having any other job than being the best qtpie autist queen of westeros

She is the best at it
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But the Boltons are on Cregan's side, who could lead them?
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Roose Bolton did nothing wrong
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Cannibal bros there is hope.
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Yeah but then you can't have le epic dragon fight scene that the audience is watching the show for.
Luckily a spot on the Kings(Queens?)guard has opened up.
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So Harrold will have a Barristan role and equally underwhelming death?
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>Viserys returns for a flashback scene
Surely this means Monke returns as well.
Will die as one of the seven who rode I'd assume.
The Riverlands pulling armies out of their ass after Aemond performed an ethnic cleansing is stupid. I hope they just retcon it into Cregan, it would also make him not useless
>all these spoilers

manlet leakbro detected
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>Maelor is Corlys bastard
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im not reading them
>Killed by a swarm of peasants while collecting Joffrey's corpse
Well it beats what happened to Selmy at least.
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well personally I'm fine with KL happening first because it means more Jace
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I don’t know what that means. I’m an Aemondposter, I’m just sick of anons not knowing what other anons are talking about and nobody filling them in so I’m reposting the reddit screenshots.
Ok you had me invested for a bit there, but now I know these leaks are complete shit.
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In his defence, a swarm of peasants also kill like three dragons? So it's a high honour to require such a force!
it's one guy sneaking his stupid meme into the other anon's leaks
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I’m not doing this again. Anons are on their own to figure out what the other anons are talking about from now on.
thanks for posting these, anon
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No problem Anon
Thanks, I really love thumbnails.
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No worries anon. I don’t trust any leaks at the moment outside of the ones for episode 3 and 4 though so take them with a pinch of salt.
I don’t know what you want me to do. They aren’t my pictures.
I mean just stalk huckleberryfair596 on reddit and you get infos.
kek cheeky anon
yeah but it does make sense that they want a huge spectacle of a battle instead of them fairly easily strolling into KL because Aemond was a moron again
Someone should make a new thread
Yeah, but if they take the Dragonseeds... This is basically Vhagar vs Vermax, Moondancer, Vermithor and Silverwing?
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no, nowitens.
Oh fuck gwayne is gonna replace daeron isn’t he
no, libtard, her pronouns are my/wife
But she's British.
Was surprised to see nowytends pop up in Nocturnal Animals as one of the rapist murderers.
this is what I don't get, would have made sense if they changed it to have Vhagar, Dreamfyre and Tessarion but if they have Daeron away because he's too young and Helaena doesn't fight then it gets way too one-sided
or if Vhagar runs away when all the dragons show up that takes away from the battle
>getting lectured by a woman
I can throw her over my shoulder and haul her off to bed and she'd be powerless to stop me
your wife is a tranny
New >>200685983
Gwayne dies this season so probably not
Or you have Vhagar fight, realise it's a losing fight and leave... In which case the other four just let the other side's single most powerful weapon just escape?
>personally not a fan of mixed timeline choices
>wife is pretty meh aside from the potential alliance
>meh castle
>meh maester (sam was just arbitrarily better and asking common sense questions that no one else at the college of the Citadel would ever ask apparently)
>bodyguard known as "Brokenbones" who will try to cuck you
Room for improvement
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