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You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her name, Khaleesi of the Great Grass sea, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, The UnBurnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons edition.
Previous: >>200694929
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We love phia.
in what episode does this season get good?
asking for a friend haha
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Jace and Aegon
sexo white women
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>Daemon would never have a young child ki-.....
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love Jace
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is there a torrent for this shit

or has anyone even watched it? Is it just a 22 hour shitpost?
When did Daeny visit Driftmark?
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They really nailed Aerion
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>does nothing wrong in your path
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He is one and only king.
>pays cutthroats to do it instead of doing it himself

Pussy ass bitch ass cracka ass nigga
This is why green is superior.
If I still had my wojacks waving green flags from the first /hotd/ threads I would be posting them right meow
>Tanselle Too Tall is black
They are giving Dunk jungle fever, also, i bet she doesn't just leave and never meets Dunk again like in the stories, that bitch is sticking around for the show, for sure.
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Hey, its /ourguy/ from TD
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I think it's implied those two are related somehow
>kills his dad and covers it up
>is fine
What a sociopath
Why is no one using faceless men? Aegon has the coffers of Kingslanding, and Rhaenyra has Syrax shitting out eggs every other day, just give the faceless brother and egg to kill Aegon, simple as.
I think they are referring to the fact that they were brothers in arms
best boy
I want to give Aegon a warm cup of mulled wine and tell him everything is going to be okay
He achieved /td/ status
Jace should have accepted those lessons, Aegon just wanted to help.
He fought for rhaenyras claim instead of taking it for himself
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She doesn't deserve him. Too deep for audiences to understand.
So I guess Lukepedos weren't a meme.
Are you telling me all those users posting horny Luke imagines/fanfic aren't teenage girls
how was it though?
got ended 5 years ago
>30 votes
come on dude
nah you can vote and change your IP to vote again it's not hard
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Why it bother you? He left us and took the best thing about this show. Let it go.
>She doesn't deserve him
You want him for yourself?
nvm I am retard thought you wanted pirate site for hotd
His hair was so fluffy
I want fair treatment for him.
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The stars are aligning for a Winds of Winter release at worldcon later this year
Trust ze plan
>Least obvious bl-ACK! falseflag
George is going to announce Winds AND Dream of Spring release dates. It came to me in a dream.
Are Mattfags blind? He looks like a fucking eggplant
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>Because of the fanged steel behind, it is impossible to lean back on the iron seat of the Iron Throne. Aegon I intended for it to be uncomfortable, believing that "a king should never sit easy"

>The Iron Throne is known for being dangerous to its occupants. King Viserys I Targaryen cut his left hand to the bone after stumbling, and Maester Gerardys had to remove two fingers to save his life.

>According to Septon Eustace, an armor-clad Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was seen with cuts on her legs and left hand after sitting the throne for the first time, which led some to believe she had been rejected by it.

>King Aerys II Targaryen was cut so many times that he became known as "King Scab"

While Aegon II casually lounges on the Iron Throne drinking cold ones with his boys. What more fucking evidence you need?
Are you rereading all the books? Its been 10+ years but it feels like a waste of time
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Someone make a cover of Danzig's "Mother"
But change the lyrics to be about BROTHER
Sure smelled lavender...
Glidus could do that easily
Really I think Aegon was still trying to be bros at that point, he was teasing him but hoping Jace would banter right back and they could be friends again.
He's just used to having swords up his asshole
Faceless men hate valyrians, dragons, and all that fire stuff.
Also, their price is always what is most precious to someone, it's not related to wealth.
Are burned half molten and fused swords even still sharp?
Reminder that he did nothing wrong.
in F&B, does Rhaena ever go into battle atop Morning?
A dream you had in spring, i shuppose....
Only if he actually announces winds.
If he does I'm instantly starting a reread and timing it with the release of the book
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Emily and Harry are friends with cute chemistry. She should have been Sara Snow. I know Sara is Mushroom's bullshit but she is real to me and maybe I want an excuse to see Emily again.
damn whys he lookin so zesty
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Cast them
Threadly reminder that Rhaenyra is a fat piggy.
the (((maesters))) go in at night and sharpen parts of the throne so the targ kings cut themselves >>200698317
Correct, and announce an 8th and final book, A Time For Wolves. In fact, book 7 might be ATFW and the final novel will be A Dream of Spring.
Whats the explanation for those colors?
Blacksissies, what's our cope for this one?!?
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Sire, as you know, your wife, the queen, is quite the gardener. Last year, for her name day, you allowed her to construct her own glasshouse in the castle godswood. As it happens, one of the plants she grew, specifically for you, was sourleaf, but something strange occurred. Due to whatever cross-pollination occurred, the sourleaf grew somewhat differently. When men try it, they go into an almost euphoric state of relaxation that lasts for several hours. Your own heir, who was never one for sweets, tried some and spent the entire afternoon snacking rather than training as usual. What should be done about this strange new plant?

Also, we have a legal case that needs your attention. A wealthy trader in King's Landing has been selling what he says are treasures from Valyria, which he claims to have sailed to. As you know, it’s still technically illegal to travel to that blasted region, so we arrested him. There’s no proof that he actually went, but falsely advertising your goods as something they are not is also illegal. What should be done? If he really is selling artifacts from Valyria, they might be cursed.

And speaking of ancient artifacts, the Valyrian steel and ruby crown of Aegon the Conqueror has finally been found! It turns out it was on Dragonstone, hidden within the Painted Table itself. It turns out there was a secret compartment for such things. What should be done with this priceless artifact?
No. She does ride it, including wanting to accompany a royal progress at one point but Aegon is a sperg about Dragons on account of the whole watching his mother get eating alive thing.
Honestly I missed that part
It's really mindblowing that you people are able to walk and feed yourselves.
valyrian steel
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BEFORE or AFTER decay?
I think he will go this way too but that will destroy the 7 symbolism, what do you guys think?
Jace was just stubborn because Aegon embarrassed him in front of Baela.
>the pig
why would the Pink dread do that?
>cute chemistry
You know she's a lesbian, right?
My take is you don't get cut if you're just chilling, there are ways to sit on it that are comfy. Everyone who got cut did it when they were angry or stressed out, probably unironically because they were gripping it too hard.
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>Blacksissies can't handle the banter both in the show and irl
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holy cope
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Confirmed Bloody Ben?
wtf I love Aegon now
and? she's also an actress, she can act and pretend
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My King.
Screw Sara, Jace is for Baela. Only greenfags want Sara Snow in the show for obvious reasons.
If this doesn't convince you that Aegon has been selected by the spirit of throne then I don't know what else to show you.
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So the brackens canonically join the blacks after next episode. Do you think brackentwink will join the lads?
No they get completely destroyed.
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Cute and canon!
If jace is still alive, will they have the balls (cojones) to have aemond duel him and have jace lose?
>Daemon would never say the N-wo...
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It's cute when Jace recovers after that and gives Aegon that playful punch on the arm and does the toast and Aegon rolls with it. I think they could have salvaged that friendship if everything didn't go to shit immediately after.
maybe someone saw that Rhaenyra was gonna take the Throne so they went and sharpened the blades really quickly
>mom after she yells at the black principle saying my son would never skip school after I told her I didnt skip school
You already know they are going to cut this line.
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I don't really buy into the throne superstition but Aegon sitting on it like that is adorable.
If Aemond and Luke didn't exist, Jace and Aegon would have a better relationship.
rumao even
Brackenshits are going to get what they fucking deserve.
The Mandate of Heaven is upon him
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Probably, or if Aemond got a (non-Vhagar) dragon and some friends of his own. Luke with just Aegon and Jace would have been fine too.
Now that you mention it, are the brackens even mentioned after they bend the knee to the blacks? Amos rivers just disappears from the story iirc
This but completely unironically. He's the rightful king, who had his place stolen by Otto who was just seething over Daemond being ten times the man he is. Did he kill Otto in revenge and destabilized the realm? No. Did he throw a bitchfit like everyone else when they lose their claim to the throne? No. Did he make the best of the situation? Yes. He's a true leader of men.
Daemon captured the remaining brackens.
What are we eating tonight for the watch party? I'm thinking of ordering pizza
>In the mood for comedy shows
>Watch old MTV sketch comedy show called "The State"
>Actor called Michael Showalter who I can't help but feel looks just like the Aemond actor in certain scenes

I can't get Aemond out of my mind
>Even the conqueror got cut once
Aegon II...the prince that was promised
I think he (she) should marry Ben and end the feud with the Blackwoods once and for all
>can only watch it tomorrow because euro
feels bad man
You need to special order a giant turkey leg to pretend to be royal
>tfw when I'm having an actual watch party since a future episode falls on my birthday
can't wait!
A pig to honor Aemond and the pink dread seeing how he'll be going full school shooter soon
dont think he has much of a choice, theres too many plots to wrap up, unless he decides to break each of the final two into two volumes. I could see that too.
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>Is she the stupidest dragon?
>Glidus considers this the most disgusting scene in all of GoT
it's also funny to see GURM get super defensive over this scene too
https://www.suptv dot org/billystream streaming last week's episode at around 7:30-8:00pm EST
whoever was the tard who posted to reddit last week and blew our viewer count up is a faggot
we jumped to almost 400 viewers before getting whacked
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Anyone else noticed this in the previous episode?
That really sucks. It starts pretty late for me as well as an Atlanticuck
Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal are collectively the stupidest for being dumb enough to ignore the supernatural forces compelling them not to cross the Wall.
stop giving it out then
Why is there a never ending stream of LotR games, each one worse than the last, but not a single ASoIaF game?
and no, Elden Ring doesn't count.
she was the reason as to why Greens won
>or if Aemond got a (non-Vhagar) dragon
Or maybe the little shit could have not cut out his eye
I thought they closed this one last week?
I think you're reaching pretty hard to try and make the writers seem smarter than they are.
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Which Targaryen has the hairiest pussy? My money is on Helaena.
Dont fall for this
This dude has been streaming shit for YEARS and it never fails to be laggy as fuck

Not worth it, wait for a pirate website upl,oad
while Lotr gets lots of trash games, GOT gets a lot of golden Mods.
>giving gurm another distraction
top kek
what if he destroys YOUR lego set too
>4 kids ambush one in a dark alley
>1 kid is unarmed and 4 kids bring a knife
>1 kid gets upper hand despite the 4 beating on him
>4 kids pull out a knife
How is it even possible for people to pretend like lesbo cunt actress' kids were in the right?
He did it to save Jace so he did nothing wrong.
In the book Viserys was going to take Aemond to get an egg or a hatchling and Aemond got mad and wanted the biggest dragon instead.
>female dwarf
Anyway its quite obvious, asoiaf is a medieval sim, not really a fantasy adventure. CK2/3 mod is the only way to make it work without making a kingdom come deliverance clone
I'm very disappointed that we've seen alicent in the bath twice this season and don't have any idea whether she shaves her pits or not.
Post the livestreaming links
Anon they fucking attacked him in numerical superiority
Show Aemond is a complete retcon from the books
Besides claiming Vaghar is completely within his right

I want to watch it with my /tv/bros
>watch Superman and Lois with wife
>Superman has sons
>One keeps reminding me of Luke
it's the hair probably
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I go out of my way to report every single stream I see posted here. You can pay for it like everyone else.
but its fun to watch with you guys :3
we have backup channels prepped. I just switched to another and finished streaming
not putting a gun to your head just making the offer.
dropped less than 100 frames last stream though so if its laggy its on your end
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Blacksissy btw
jace and luke only got involved after he punched baela and they got thrashed pretty easily because they're smaller

>not putting a gun to your head just making the offer.
>dropped less than 100 frames last stream though so if its laggy its on your end

I havent watched on that stream in like 1+ year so maybe it got better
Are you a Targaryen dreamer? what else have you seen dream-anon?
What happened?
they are bad people anon. its that simple.
I bet that Alysanne had that rainforest pussy, and that all of her female descendants have to shave down south every day.
And it was her eggs that hatched (Jace, Luke,Baela, Rhaena and Joffrey)
Summerhall was all one big misunderstanding.
it's so stupid they'll have to change everything about it
she gets joffrey killed and then gets herself killed by a mob of idiots on foot
I have no words to describe how much I despise you
You think I can't just pirate it from my usual website the day afterwards? The only thing you are stopping is having a fun watch party in the general
Based dickhead
Shota Luke cannot do wrong anon
>after he punched
She attacked him, he threw her off. That was the end of it but the simp crew didn't like that. Weren't they older than him?
I'm worried Our Girl won't be a good Supergirl
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>tfw you don't pick a side and cheer for everyone to lose/die.

imagine being a teamfag.
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Is he bigger than Balerion at the time of the Dance? What about if he's still alive in the era of the main series, how big are we talking?
kek. get a job and order HBO.
No, he was older. Idk how it is in the show but in the books he was like twice Jace's age and Joffrey was a toddler.
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Which one greenblackman?
>We’ve had a hundred peaces with the Brackens, many sealed with marriages. There’s Blackwood blood in every Bracken, and Bracken blood in every Blackwood. The Old King’s Peace lasted half a century. But then some fresh quarrel broke out, and the old wounds opened and began to bleed again. That’s how it always happens, my father says. So long as men remember the wrongs done to their forebears, no peace will ever last. So we go on century after century, with us hating the Brackens and them hating us. My father says there will never be an end to it."

Never gonna happen
Aemond has done nothing wrong and is worth rooting for
No he is not that big.
but anon I'm streaming it off of hbo
I did pay for it
Gods be good that's too much Starkwank even for me, hopefully he picks a less terrible name
is he Vhagar sized at least?
As I said, you don't change anything, I have other websites that upload it in 12 hours max, the only thing you are ruining is the /got/ watchparty
That's weird in the show it's implied he's at most the same age but likely younger than Luke or Jayce I don't bother learning the fags names whichever is older. The actor that had really creepy comments about the younger actor.
Melys was the coolest dragon.
>special order a giant turkey
>Special order
or just go down to Safeway and buy one for 5 bucks
Manifesting a cute Luke lookalike bf
No. He wasn't close to those ancient dragons but still big.
Then why do you care if someone's reporting?
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Viserion, now and always
>really creepy comments about the younger actor.
Spill the beans anon
Not by the time of the dance, but by the time of the war of the five kings he is

Expect faegon to ride him, a dragon as black as the blackfyre sigil
Seasmoke is really pretty
I dont know what safeway is but I would not get a turkey leg from there, might as well get a hotdog from 7 11
I'm not trying to change anything. I'm just laughing at you for complaining about someone making it slightly more difficult to pirate.
because I'm streaming it off hbo to watch it with other people
Its clear you know little and less about writing, coz. My nuncle was an great writer, who taught me much and more about how to write more interesting posts than this mummers farce, which is about as useful as nipples on a breastplate. When i was Nine and Twenty i learned i must needs teach my child, almost a man grown now, or near enough to make no matter, to practice post a half a hundred times, until the hour of the wolf, to be sure, you are not wrong.
I thought Aemond was older but the gap was a bit smaller. In the book Aemond was 10, Jace/Luke/Joff were 6/5/3 and no Baela or Rhaena.
He is not making it difficult to pirate, he's making it difficult to shitpost with /got/
That's Arrax, the pic has it wrong
Does anybody actually watch the scenes with the prostitute? She sounds like she's reading her lines for the first time every scene she's in and why do the characters pretend like she's important when she's literally just a prostitute? Fuck she's somehow worse than Shae during the trial episode.
It's a supermarket chain that sells rotisserie chickens and other cooked meats in addition to regular groceries.
Why did noone ever take Balerion and Vhagar to kill the Cannibal if he was constantly raiding the hatcheries??
>getting blinded by a preschooler
Kek, I wish they had kept this element of Luke being a little deranged fucker
Vermax is a cutie I want to pinch his cheeks
Whatever. You're still a bitch.
Anything other than Sunfyre or Vermithor is wrong
Cheesiest crap the fat fuck has ever written
has informers in the red keep and city who she could possibly still access for rhaenyra (as shown by daemon getting blood and cheese from her)
she is bad but she isn't as bad as she was last season
they had her tone down the accent a ton
I will miss the jokes with my wife going “Arryk! No, Erryk!” And other such dumb conversations whenever they were on screen.
look at those soldiers lmao
So the queen doesn't have guards now all of a sudden? But they made it a big deal to point out how sir hispanic was up allicent's ass 24/7 after he was made "queen's guard" I guess they just sort of forgot about protecting the queen or her children? I guess they just said "hey let's stick her in the farthest corner away from everything there is, normally you can't take a peak out the door without seeing a guard but tonight let's just sorta forget we have guards and turn King's landing into a maze.
Reminder that the same poison they used on him to kill his children is the same poison they eventually used on the dragons to weaken the offspring they created as well and what was done to him is foreshadowing of what would eventually be done to the Targaryen dragons themselves.
Why is Phia so fucking cute bros...
Which prostitute? Daemon's whore with the ridiculous accent or Aemond 's mommy whore?
Give me 1 reason why the north isn't based.
Sir Cristen is the commander of the guard, he told them to fuck off so he can get hawk tuah'd in peace
it's a super market. they sell giant cooked turkey legs

what the fuck I did NOT type this out or respond to that users image. I was responding to Dunk casting post >>200697951
The Boltons in general are cheesy af. Any sane Liege Lord would have had their house wiped from the face of the earth at the first chance they get.
That scene of her going off "we little people rule you" as if they actually captured Aegon and he didn't actively seek them out to run away made me hate the actress. I hope she never works in the industry again.
Vhagar incident in the books, basically two kids trying to fight a kid twice their size for pushing their baby brother into dragonshit
>The prince had hoped to mount Vhagar in secrecy, but as he crept up to the dragon a boy’s voice rang out. “You stay away from her!”
>The voice belonged to the youngest of his half-nephews, Joffrey Velaryon, a boy of three. Always an early riser, Joff had sneaked down from his bed to see his own young dragon, Tyraxes. Afraid that the boy would raise the alarm, Prince Aemond shouted at him to be quiet, then shoved him backward into a pile of dragon droppings. As Joff began to bawl, Aemond raced to Vhagar and clambered up onto her back. Later he would say that he was so afraid of being caught that he forgot to be frightened of being burned to death and eaten.
>But when he landed, Rhaenyra’s sons were waiting for him.
>Joffrey had run to get his brothers when Aemond took to the sky, and both Jace and Luke had come to his call. The Velaryon princelings were younger than Aemond—Jace was six, Luke five, Joff only three—but there were three of them, and they had armed themselves with wooden swords from the training yard. Now they fell on him with a fury. Aemond fought back, breaking Luke’s nose with a punch, then wrenching the sword from Joff’s hands and cracking it across the back of Jace’s head, driving him to his knees. As the younger boys scrambled back away from him, bloody and bruised, the prince began to mock them, laughing and calling them “the Strongs.” Jace at least was old enough to grasp the insult. He flew at Aemond once again, but the older boy began pummeling him savagely…until Luke, coming to the rescue of his brother, drew his dagger and slashed Aemond across the face, taking out his right eye. By the time the stableboys finally arrived to pull apart the combatants, the prince was writhing on the ground, howling in pain, and Vhagar was roaring as well.
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Green is for cuties
Black is for monkeys
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lol its blood magic you dimwit its real as fuck
its implied criston was supposed to be on duty but was busy blowing alicent's back out
Daemon's, so far the mommy whore at least isn't some Varys/Littlefinger wannabe
My bet is that it happens quite differently in the book.
My idea is that Cannibal is unironically on Skagos, perhaps in a dormant state. Bran learns about this somehow, maybe because he's stalking Rickon.
When Jon gets in trouble beyond the wall for whatever reason he goes there in the books, Bran learns about it because he also stalks Jon, thinks of a way to help, and decides to skinchange into Cannibal, thus crossing the Wall despite dragons normally being afraid of doing so.
Skagos certainly is much closer than fucking Dragonstone.

This makes sense as further elaboration on the arc where Bran slowly turns into a treecomputer by first stopping to try changing the past when the Hodor thing goes south, and then by stopping trying to protect what is left of his family when that backfires by giving a big fucking wight dragon to the Others. (Quite bigger than Drogon and his siblings anyhow)

That, or maybe the Wall just has a fuckhuge ice dragon sealed inside and blowing the horn wakes him up.
are her wrists sore from giving larys his hourly handjob
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Why did they cast a biracial actor as Rhaenyra's son if he's not supposed to be Laenor's?
Wait so no guard for Allicent then? During a time when they know the enemy wants them dead? Any other time they show the castle the walls are littered with guards everywhere. Then. Suddenly. For dramatic effect. The castle turned into a maze and nobody could be found anywhere. Pretty convenient isn't it?

>no locations near me
instant recollection of alt shill X ignoring this scene even though he autistically analyses the tiniest detail and covered the concept of "throne rejection" in previous episodes
it's tiring to be a greenchad
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What a qt3.14
the strongs are not white
What a bunch of fucking CUNTS
They literally can not help themselves
What are his races?
Imagen creamping season 1 Dany
When Jace started quoting malcolm x it really took me out of the scene
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beautiful eyes
damn she must do the patrick bateman routine
>Aemond is worth rooting
the war hadn't progressed to open conflict yet
criston ordered the guards away
it was the dead of night in the middle of the red keep which has at least 3-4 layers of guards to get past so maybe they were a bit lax
its a little stupid but not THAT stupid
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he wrote a lot before game of thrones
unknown but just look at him, he's definitely not white
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She looks like she is made out of porcelain
Is he black?
Vaguely Spanish with some Moorish blood
why is he looking down at me like that?
Looks like some assort of Mediterranean and Semitic.
She looks like the one family member who doesn't have fas.
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Literally a painting.
why do people feel entitled to dragons? nobody "owns" a dragon, its first come first serve and if the dragon likes you it lets you bond. the little half breeds are not entitled to Vhagar.
House of the Worm is total Kino.
Still hoping for more stuff in that setting.
hi Preston
I read it as bisexual and then I saw Laenor and I thought you meant something else
whats the QRD on georges thousand worlds setting?
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she is an ethereal beauty
It's just more unfinished business from him.
>still get BTFO
>pulls knife
I like Aegon's foreshadowing the best personally, can't wait to see punished Aegon
>hoping for george to write more
anon the entire black faction can be boiled down to entitlement
>Shoves a toddler into dragon shit for NO REASON
>Mad his brothers retaliate
He literally doesn't understand the concept of brotherly love
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It's cool, has that post-apocalyptic flair where people are constantly confronted with technologies they can't understand or the ruins of a greatness Humanity has long since lost.

Also the eldritch remnants of Alien Empires Humanity has fought against before their fall. It's all full of potential.
'ate anglos so much.. dragons please burn westeros to the ground
Wish we had more Targs having guetto level fist fights, change the names and it'll be hilarious.
Is he Brazilian?
I wish
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Wow what a faggot
I'm firing up CK2 AGOT.

Recommend me a character I should play as. I can rig it with console commands to play as pretty much anyone that's not dead. My only thing is I want to play as a Targaryen AFTER the dance.
I hope the spoiler about Aegon and Aemond arguing in high valyrian in the brothel is true.
>full of potential
That was never and will never be realized. Seems like a theme for him.
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>Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her name, Khaleesi of the Great Grass sea, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, The UnBurnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons edition.
Daeron the Drunk
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>Greenchad this
>Blackchad that
Everyone needs to shut the fuck up, and realize who the real king is.
lol this meme never gets old
I dont expect George to ever touch it again. But he could give out some notes and outlines to young and motivated Sci Fi Mystery writers to expand the Universe and Setting.

Which the fat slug will never do, but oh well.
why the fuck are they still running that account lmao
bear island loli
My fucking sides
it's more that the greens had shown up to team black territory for the funeral and to joff seeing aemond sneak around to the dragon stables at night to mess with the dragons felt like bad news, and after that aemond hit him so it became more about that
Seeing that post is like hearing about one of those Japanese soldiers who was still fighting in the jungle decades after WW2 ended.
>Hugh doesn't like Aegon's tax policy so he joins Rhaenyra
>In S3 he'll see that Rhaenyra's tax policy is even worse so he'll betray her
Did you like it?
>@the KOQ
I don't think you get how big a 10 year old is compared to 6, 5 and 3 year old kids. Luke pulled the knife because it looked like Aemond would just beat Jace to death at that point.
That's somewhat fair but the idea they wouldn't put up their guard after assuming the crown and killing her son just seems ludicrous to me. Otto would know Daemon's a freak and would likely try something. I think part of it was how it was filmed, it was done in a way to make it seem like help was so far away when it should have been a rock throw away.
>My eye is getting weary
>My back is getting tight
>I’m sitting here on his throne
>While my brothers burnt tonight
>But I don’t care cause all I wanna do
>is ride vhagar and burn some people too
>cause baby all I know is that this sword is in my eye
Or someone could steal what could be a pretty good idea. But don't call it theft, it's inspiration. George's IP inspired you to copy it and actually do something with it
pure cope. if a dragon decides to hang out on your island you don't own it.
A true Velaryon, really.
He could also just sell the license for games or films to be made.

A House of the Worm dungeon crawler hacknslash would be absolute Kino with Darkness and Light being core mechanics.
it does have the retro futuristic vibe of spacemen in decrepit future tunnels fighting monsters with swords.
it was in the stables not off somewhere on the island, just seems like a dick move
though in the book it was more the pushing joff into dragon shit that did it not vhagar
I don't really like Daemon but I'm kinda looking forward to his subplot in Harrenhal.
amazing set design there
Does he have more black children in that subplot
If what I've heard about hotd not shying away from all the typical mysticism and magic dreams and what not from the source material (unlike got) and Daemon having that sort of thing in his storyline then it could be pretty cool
So Alys is supposed to be some servant to the strongs and she gets mistreated
There's no way that they are going to cast a busty and hot actress for Alys Rivers.
It's impossible to cut yourself on that ridiculous rubber throne
Im going to sleep and when I waek up I can watch House of the dragon for free

Sucks to suck
L8ter nerdz
Imagine looking good from that angle...If he was taller he'd be unstoppable
holy shit
I hope the rumor about her having a pet goat is true
He could do a lot of things. The thousand worlds is a cool idea that could give you an almost endless selection of genres.
If you want the real answer, cooling major arteries is to prevent heat exhaustion and they shot those scenes in spain during late spring/early summer.
Gayle Rankin plays Alys, she's apparently a good actress.
>Gayle Rankin
Boobs not big enough.
Are there any busty and hot actresses that they could cast? The dorm fridge body seems to be the most prevalent in fim and tv these days.
My Brazilian king...
Why would she have a pet goat?
>she's apparently a good actress.
And astoundingly ugly
Because she's a witch of course
Christina Hendricks? Dye her hair and give her some makeup.
I understand Jaceposters now
Oh nononononono
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It's okay...
don't mind, he cute
Did Cregan cut Larys' clubfoot off with Ice or did he get a saw for that?
>Then he'll go crazy and want to be king himself, ultimately getting killed in some shitty tavern rather than going out in glory on the back of Vermithor
What's his feet status again?
Hendricks is almost 50 and Alys is supposed to look young even though she is 40+ at least. The best option would be Eva Green, who is busty, a good actress and can pass as 30-35.
short kings!
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Blackbros I don't feel so good...
unknown unfortunately, I think he knows and that's why he's not showing us, he's doing it on purpose
>not even a wikifeet page
Yep its over
Otto best character
I love Melody Marks too

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