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muh religious queen edition
previous >>200731917
FINALLY some hot DRAGON ACTION next episode
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What's he thinking at this EXACT moment?
What the FUCK
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He comes....
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>Rhaenyra dressed as a septa is going to be starring in Alicent's kinky dreams from now on.
What are you confused about?
>there's still hope for Elmo and Kermit
He said the C-word.
Mashallah! Sister Rhaenyra has reverted to the path of Allah (swt)
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Nobody respects Cole and it's hilarious
What would you do if you were Aemond?
Every single week I get disappointed. If you would skip the first three episodes with the remark that the baby was murdered you wouldn't miss anything. Why are they wasting my time.
>He gets to be king and he won't even let me have mommygf in peace
CunnyCHADS, is GoT finally /ourshow/??
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It’s an old fashioned word for vagina.
Gwayne will respect him soon enough and then we'll have the slightly homoerotic relationship that was promised
>leaves sept
>win with no more dead sons
Can no longer suspend my disbelief for this shit
Ah... It's no use... Jaehaerys... forgive me...
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>The exact moment alicent knew, she indeed fucked up
rhaenyra muslim???
This show only makes sense if you consider the fact Rhaenyra and Alicent are deeply in lesbians with each other but too stubborn to admit it.
Don't mention that Qohoric religion in this blessed thread
>Aegon reminds his kingsguard members of their chastity vows
>Takes them to a brothel anyway
That was for his squire not for them. They are just guarding him.
They're off duty, it's fine
Aegon the Magnanimous is a king of the people, if they want to fuck then they're allowed to fuck.
Good thing Daemon didn't trigger the boss fight with Harren the Blackflame by walking in there
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Are we witnessing another sisterfucker?
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Unironically love these type of shots, Condal does too apparently because he does it in every fucking episode
spoiler for the battle a rooks rest, avert you eyes if you want to remain a virgin
Criston and Gwayne are attacking the castle when Rhaenys arrives burning the whole shit down. Gwayne goes into shock mode but Criston says it’s all part of the plan and tells the guards to “give the signal”, revealing it’s all a trap.

Meanwhile Aemond is hiding in the forest with a sleeping Vhagar when he sees the signal in the sky. He gives Vhagar the order to fly but at that same moment he sees Sunfyre in the sky and tells Vhagar to wait.

Aegon wasn’t supposed to be there. He went there on his own accord to prove himself. Aemond purposely lets Aegon go 1v1 against Meleys.

Meleys rips Sunfyre’s belly open. Sunfyre almost falls from the sky, and his screeches and cries are harrowing. Both dragons entangle themselves again mid air, Meleys bites Sunfyre again and in response he bites and rips one of Meleys’ horns off, but he is clearly losing the battle.

At this moment Cole is like “Where the fuck are you, Aemond?” and then Vhagar shows up and here comes the “plot twist”.

Aemond goes full dracarys on Meleys and Sunfyre still entangled mid air, fully aware he is going to burn Aegon as well. Meleys manages to dodge and the full force of Vhagar’s fire goes on Sunfyre and Aegon. They both fall from the sky.

While Vhagar burns Sunfyre, Meleys not only dodges the fire, but gets really far away from the whole chaos. It is clear Rhaenys could have fled if she wanted to. There’s no obstacle keeping her from flying to safety. It feels like Aemond isn’t even interested in fighting her, he was really aiming for Aegon. But then she looks back and decides to attack Vhagar. It feels by the look in her eyes she knows she’s going to die, but she wants to fight. It basically feels like she’s sacrificing herself.
Is this show as hilariously goyslop girlboss racebending and really horribly written as it sounds?

It looks fucking awful. Even the actors are diverse and actual trannies. Is this really even based on something GRRM wrote
There’s a pretty regular non-consequential fight between Meleys and Vhagar, until a point it feels like Meleys won and Vhagar disappears among the clouds. We don’t know if they fell, if they ran away, Rhaenys looks all around and can’t find them. She then turns to the sea and that’s when Vhagar shows up from nowhere and rips open Meleys’ neck, killing her. Meleys and Rhaenys fall from the sky to their demise. In the show Rhaenys doesn’t burn. The fall kills her.

The episode ends with Cole finding Sunfyre all mangled and crying on the floor. We only see Aegon’s motionless body. Those who haven’t read the book will most likely think he’s dead.
in the fellatio scene was the guy uncut or not?
One would've thought that the rubble will be removed at the moment.
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Now he can execute them whenever he wants for breaking their vows
What was up with the prostitute extra sucking the life out of that prop penis?
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No, only Targerians have weird customs.
It threaded a fine line last season, like you had scenes with Daemon choking the fuck out of Rhaenyra and telling her to mind her place, but now it's completely pozzed to the point the women look like utter retards to people who aren't Twitter feminists
>Meleys rips Sunfyre’s belly open. Sunfyre almost falls from the sky, and his screeches and cries are harrowing.
yeah they made rhaenyra a sympathetic girlboss Queens get it done. when in the books she's depicted as being pretty evil like Maleifacent
>Beria has just joined the Blacks
And you guys tried to convince me they were the good guys
Sounds kino, this makes more sense than Aemond plotting the entire thing knowing Aegon would be there. He’s just seizing an opportunity that presented itself.
>throne usurped
>son murdered
>target of assassination attempt
>infiltrate king's landing in broad daylight dressed as a septa to plead with stepmother who is the mother of the 'usurper', who conspired to get him on the throne, who currently holds no formal political position, who just had her grandson murdered by your supporters and who hated you for 16 years to please please please stop the war
What was her strategy here
It's a show made by and for women. They love porn outside of pornography.
Who even wants that? It's like the opposite of why people liked early GoT and why it got popular, lmfao.

Hollywood is hilarious

harenhall looks so good, i will be rewatching a couple of times, only the hl bits
In the books she doesn't do anything but stuff her face and get chased away by peasants
>ill stab you if you try anything
>actually go ahead and leave first while I stare dramatically into the camera for a bit to end the episode
Didnt he just betray the king in front of witnesses though? Where the fuck is it going then
Does anyone else quite like Criston’s new haircut? His previous made him look like a fuckboy. Now he looks Romanesque
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woman moment
>Who even wants that? It's like the opposite of why people liked early GoT and why it got popular, lmfao.
That's what people wanted Daenerys to be and were assblasted she went insane. Normies haven't read the book or care about the prophecy. They were mostly pissed about Daenerys.
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Fabien blew a big bubble with bubblegum and it popped in his hair so they had to cut it out. I’m not memeing it’s what he said happened.
Has the tranny general showed up yet?

His name is apparently Sharako Lohar. I don't watch goyslop
>they made rhaenyra a sympathetic girlboss
I thought girlbosses were meant to be depicted as competent, yet Alicent keeps making dumb decisions and now Rhaenyra thought up what might be the dumbest plan in the show. It's weird how the show wants to remove all their agency to make them more innocent while somehow causing them to be the source of more problems through their naivete
where is TAOOBA poster?
I think he looks pretty good now. The hair kind of reminds me of the official artwork from F&B for Cole. Combined with his more competent character this episode it is like the Cole we should've had from episode 1. I would've preferred all the sex scenes cut and instead we simply got the exchange in this episode between he and Alicent with him asking for her favor.
Source lol? Probably for the best. He seems like more of a commander now
yeah he looks better
Busy rewatching the scene of Aemond's very own TAOOBA over and over again
Died from seeing the small weenus.
Makes sense, really in the book it also read like Aemond roasted them both while they were fighting, it just makes Aemond more culpable for waiting at first. Rhaenys part is dumber but fuck it, at least she finally dies.
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Cute and canon!
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>where is TAOOBA poster?
i dont know but i do have some BOOBA
it was adorable when they all burst out laughing
so is this basically a show for women now? I dont get it
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They would have flipped the entire script just to have Rhaenya and Alicent be the last ones standing and duking it out on the iron throne if they could. But the last time they went off script it netted them the worst season and conclusion to an IP.
Yeah same with The Boys and Star Wars, you have an okay season 1 to get males to watch the rest out of the sunk cost fallacy while you are free to make propaganda for women in seasons 2-4.
>Rhaenys part is dumber but fuck it, at least she finally dies.

that was my take as well, the number of girlbosses needs to be seriously reduced in this show, any scenes without them are an unironic >8/10

unfortunately i know that baela, rhaena, lady arryn will pick up the mantle and drown the show even further
Oh well, I think I'm okay with not watching anymore. I'll just catch the webms people post in these generals, see the general discussion of events and that's it. I no longer have any desire to watch this GoT S5 onwards tier shit.
Aegon has no redeeming qualities
You're supposed to freeze it and chip it out.
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Yi-Ti women when they meet the BWC
Vaghar is weak as f
ice picks are useless man, chewing gums gotta be chewed out
You’re supposed to put peanut butter on it
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muh wife
>westerosi incels be like: I prefer yi-ti cuties to westerosi whores
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They're dead but I want to ship them.
>the first instinct is sucking
That's only if you have a dog.
uhm how about no, that's my boyfriend on the right you're talking about
he loves his (male) children
I have no great love for Brackens but he was pretty based.
[Spoiler] I fell asleep playing with silly putty in bed as a kid and it went all through my hair. Tried to freeze it out but it didn’t work. Had to cut like 10 inches off. /
need me a tavern wench wife with a big arse
Your wish will be granted, but she'll be black and unfaithful. Do you agree?
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You need to use the spray, not ice cubes
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Same energy
nah man I put batteries in my smoke detectors fuck that
Thanks, I’ll buy some more silly putty and try it out.
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I do not like the implication that Baelon the Brave was unfaithful
to Alyssa.
>disgusting random dot on face
Why was she startled? Shouldn't that happen all the time?
this had to be the worst episode in the series, besides Harrenhall it was a snoozefest
I'm sure security is usually taking care of these kind of pricks.
because last time someone took their liberties with her she was raped by the current king, had to drink baby-killer tea and lost her job
She has ptsd from Aegon raping her
This episode he was literally shown to make time out of his busy schedule to treat a lowly squire of his new kingsguard to a day at the brothel while giving free alcohol to all the peasants and lovingly praising his brother's favorite whore. He also was the only council member to acknowledge the Brackens for defending his good name and offered a promotion to a disabled man.
was it a prosthetic? any cock experts itt?
Aegon's night out was cool too.
Because she's le innocent gewrl rawr
> this iz Gonna B so Kino
Besides Harrenhal and Cris horse galloping nothing happened. All three episodes felt like complete filler so far.
>nothing happens
The Show
>tfw no cock merchant available when you need them
Is she the same one Alicent exiled from service?
Which one? Aemonds was real and the blow job penis was a prosthetic.
Then why would she work there? She has to be doing this on purpose. She's probably a plant to tarnish Aegon's good name.
they them is very believable, they them is not acting
>promotion to a disabled man
Criston Cole?
>has a shoving contest over cattle land
>ten minutes later the land is ruined, covered in corpses, and everyone involved in the tiff is dead
Riverlanders go hard
>Then why would she work there?
Everybody needs to eat
No neetbux in Westeros
That was last episode. This episode he wanted to promote Larys 'the Clubfoot' Strong.
She's actually Shierra Seestar aka Quath aka Danny's Mom aka Bloodraven aka Varys aka Ned worged into a pigeon
>Rhaenys kills 100+ person when she ruined Aegon's coronation
>Rhaenys blames everyone else for starting a war
WTH was that
We got cheated by the showrunners. We got brothelshit and council meetings instead of the fucking Battle of Burning Mill.
>local mentally disabled guy asserts himself as the king's right hand
He kind of looks like Alfie Allen in this shot
>rhaenyra has jetpack
Smallfolk don't matter anon, unless they're Ratcatchers
>all the good guys are righteous and wholesome and have heavy plot armor
>all the bad guys are dysfunctional and pathetic and don't even believe in their own cause
>also men bad women good
Was this REALLY the best a top dollar HBO/GRRM production could come up with?
The girth size makes it look believable if it was fake but the size when flaccid confirms that the cock is fake...just no way man as talla s Ewan could be that small, my experiences concluded that it was a fake D or C
Baela is great though
Next episode will be different. They can't lie to us every time.
Makes slighty more sense that Aemond outright trying to kill Aegon on purpose
was aemond's real? the whole thing jiggled when he got up are they really like that lol?
>Then why would she work there?
Because Aegon's bitch mother fired her, where else is she suppose to work at?
>what you gonna do, stab me?
I missed Otto this episode.....
We see here literally on the boat.
>B...but Luke started a war 10 years before it actually started
Yeah forgot about him being the new spymaster
That whole exchange was basically an I Dare You game.
>small folk don't matter!
>*rat catcher kills the heir
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Anyone else spot Larys in the background? It'd actually be a pretty neat visual easter egg to have him be in multiple scenes, skulking and watching the other major players
His prowling for feet is ceaseless.
my issue is with rhaenys getting away and only coming back for contrived or stupid reasons, its highly likely that she will come back to "break" up the fight between aegon and aemond or something similarly stupid and get punted for her troubles, thus 2 black dragons lost to good intentions and helpful nature
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killing 100 randos was an attempt to scare the greens away from starting the war, dummy.
I see the vision
Shit! You are correct! I noticed the shadow as well, could be Vhagar or Dreamfyre or Sunfyre flying above them
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What did he died for?
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Good girl
>Alicent started a war by birthing Aegon
>Rhaenyra started a war by naming Criston Cole to the Kingsguard
>Daemon started a war by impregnating Laena for a third time, allowing Aemond to claim Vhagar
>Laenor started a war by being gay so Rhaenyra had to make do
>Viserys started a war by choosing to save Baelon over Aemma so he had to remarry
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Is this how Women think men talks in bar Introduce themselvesin bar ???
westeros is a skill-based economy.
those ratcatchers were the equivalent of elite neurosurgeons today.
Shitty fanfiction
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Guys, I saw Aemond's penis today.
What's the point of Helaena's character if they're not gonna use her
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Since the episode was pretty lackluster, let us name the things we liked about it
>Daemon playing Dark Souls in Harrenhal
>His vision (likely more to come in the next episode), good use of monke
>Cole and Gwayne
>Aegon and Larys
>Aegon's and Aemond's night out
>Aegon's cute maid getting her ass slapped
>Septa Rhaenyra being UBERcute
It’s the exact same as when we saw it in high life. It’s Ewan’s. He already said in the interview he wanted to do it nude as it’s important for the character.
Yes anon, when they aren’t hard they bounce around a lot.
How many schlick, sis?
any hope of viserys coming back for a dream sequence?
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I hope you're right, because right now I feel very much lied to.
I don't know ask George, he's the one who has her do nothing the entire time
You do realize that some people are basically just as large when flaccid as when erect, while others are smaller when flaccid but becomes substantially larger when erect
>What's the point of Helaena's character
Lust bait, girl is damn fine
I thought Helaena was supposed to go insane.
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god i would plow that bracken twink so fucking hard
George is still on it? It feels like he has left
it's outrageous. I pay exactly $0 to torrent this show, and this is all I get? disgusting!
No idea but would be nice
This reminds me Jace dies because he has to take the lead in a risky battle and try to save his little brother while Rhaenyra sits on her ass and then Joffrey dies trying to save the dragons while Rhaenyra sits on her ass. They've made Luke's death even worse than the book so I expect the same for Jace and Joff.
>when they aren’t hard they bounce around a lot.
Well mine don't...what do, dick shaman?
>lots of good things

I'm okay with this.
That's just Green propaganda, she actually was already neurodivergent and the greens just used and abused that fact to unfairly tarnish the reputation of the saintly septa Rhaenyra.
My favorite scene of the episode was Baela's scouting, if that's Baela anyways. The rest of the episode was quite boring.
>a-aemond is a cuck now!
And he wasn't before when he was dating a hag prostitute?
wasnt GRRM crying on socials before season 2 aired because the writers thought they could change his story and make it better than he wrote it?
Jump up and down.
Ryan looks better with longer hair imo
>400 year old witch x 19 year old young man
How is this okay?
b-but it isn't penis inspection day!
She's autistic I wonder how Aegon managed to fuck her
>Viserys started a war by choosing to save Baelon over Aemma so he had to remarry
There was no saving Aemma. I don't know why the writers framed it as a morality issue and then repeat it with Daemon and Laena. They could let the baby and the mother die, or attempt to save the baby while killing the mother in the process.
Also, Laena murdered her own child and is burning in the seventh layer of hell.
Just wait until Aemond does Helaena in front of Aegon to produce Maelor.
This episode was written by fucking gooners i swear to god, where is my extended cut of Lord Benji the Based going berserk on the Bracken cunts?
Yeah, thought about that too. Just another sob story created by the green to garner more sympathies
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Stop with this nonsense. She's already taken
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Reminder of what I've told you before this season started:
Ryan Condal believes just about everything related to Sunfyre is "Westerosi historical propaganda." That's why one of the most important dragons of the Dance hasn't even been seen in the show even though Rook's Rest is about to happen. But hey there's a lot of time for Seasmoke and Syrax, well done Ryan!
you don't understand, before we could only assume that Aemond's prostitute was doing yoga and studying for her PhD when he wasn't with her. now it's confirmed that she actually has sex with other men! for money!
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Post EP 4 leajs
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During the Harrenhal vision was Monke singing the same song that Daemon sang to Vermithor in S1 or was I imagining things?
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Where do you think he went to after the brothel scenes?
Can't show violence in this medieval fantasy show

Here's 30 more scenes of cockshots and cunnilingus
Aemond will fuck up Aegon and his dragon on purpose.
>the 5 seconds Blackwood/Bracken scene
>all of Daemon and Aegon's scenes
>Baela chase scene
that's it really
Rhaenyra being et was already foreshadowed in season 1 by a cutaway to Sunfyre during her last birthing scene.
I don't even like greens but it's silly how we've seen most of the other dragons but not Sunfyre (no, a 1 second cameo doesn't count)
Alicent and Aegon awkward conversation before he went out to join the others in the war
That wasn't Sunfyre you fucking retard that's Syrax
It’s just a very hopeful but delusional Helaemond shipper anon.
Small cock bros this is our time! Next episode our Idol will do something to aegon.
Finally no one will mock us now
the cut to the aftermath was kino though, it directly showed how massive bloodshed can start with something small.
It was part of her psychology studies. She works in a brothel as an intern.
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I'm more worried about the prosthetic dick being sucked on camera.
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also, was I tripping, or did the first phrase
>Always coming and going, aren't you?
not sound like Milly, and more like Aemma (Viserys' wife)? Would be neat if it really were that
Now lets see how many emotional scene you missed
>Small cock
What BBC porn has done to a motherfucker's brain...he's big enough you coombrain
New dicklet cope just dropped
Can't tell. Would be very cool if it is:
Us small cock folks shouldnt fight among ourselves. We already have enough insecurity like our idol. Please stop
>You smallfolk are alright. Don't go to Rook's Rest tomorrow.
I get that's what it was illustrating, but I'd have liked it done in vignettes where they interspersed fighting scenes throughout the episode, to show what was happening while everyone else was dithering and whoring, with the shot of the trashed mill and the carpet of bodies as the last shot of the episode, terminating with the bodies of Davos Blackwood and Aemon Bracken dead on the field they picked the fight on.
Aemond being a small dick chud makes so much sense character-wise though, I bet the Dragoncock is truly massive
2 of my ex bf are grower, it's not too uncommon anon
Aemond and Helaena never interacted you delusional freak
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>Time to go full medieval Columbine on everyone. My brother for first.
Is there a single likeable character in this show?
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>Helaena is NOT pregnant before RR.
>Alicent is the one that allegedly gets pregnant w Criston’s baby but takes moontea in 2x04 given to her by Orwyle
>Rhaenys suicide
Some guy uses it to talk about Arya in ACOK too when she's in Harrenhal
That small dick will enter Helaena and Alys soon, so I don't see what's so chuddy about that
Harrenhall was literally the most boring part.
God nogs are so fucking ugly
That would have been cool. Interlace the relative indecisiveness of the two councils with the actual war starting without their will.
They wont feel it though
Moondancer is gorgeous. My favorite dragon design so far.
> Sounds kino
Does it? Really?
Season 2 as a whole has been a snoozefest so far thoughbeit
>bigot thinks only women can have a bf
This is July 2024 not 1824
>Girl power Rhaenys wants daughter to inherit
>Corlys is just thinking about his bastards
Why would Aemond fuck Halena
Season 1 had its moments and its fun to shit talk with my tv bros
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>black person on screen
>press fast-forward
Looks like he wanted to fuck and make more heirs
And yet, they were too enamored of bitches talking to do that.
These two have great chemistry
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who is the rider? i forgot her name
I forgive you too, /tv/
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> Aemond balls deep (not that far desu) in Haelena
> Aegon comes in
> Aemond turns to the cameras and winks
> "I guess your moniker will be Dragoncuck now"
She's like 60, that part of the scene was totally nonsensical
They lust for each other since s1 and child Aemond wants to marry her and become the king
Forgive her for what
There are a few anons that want Aemond and Helaena to be together. They are going to be very disappointed with the little interaction they will actually have this season.
But youre still not a woman :(
her sins.
Modern liberal women think the biological clock is some chud men fake news to force women to stop fucking around when young. They think they can get pregnant at any age
>GRRM's original concept of the Targaryens were pyromancers with dragons only as a symbol, his editor suggested the dragons be more literal with them riding dragons, and GRRM changed them to be dragonriders instead
Would the Targaryens being firebenders have been as marketable as them being dragonriders?
He doesn't care about her. He only said that because he's jealous of Aegon. You're so stupid.
Thats just because of viserys
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I don’t forgive you anon.
Whatever bullshit goes through retarded bitches' heads.
Thats a wyvern retard
Starting a pointless war that will get them all killed.
I need to actually see him proper to say for sure, anon. Even then, Sunfy IS supposed to be beautiful. All we knew of Moondancer is that she was pale green, has and yet they made her look so unique with her multiple crests and patterned wings. I love it.
GRRM can't write for shit, yet another proof of it is that he thought 3 people with fireballs could singlehandedly bring down 7 kingdoms
Dragons are like most of the appeal
everything supernatutal or fantastical he put in his political medieval melodrama has made it worse.
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Close enough... Welcome back Lucerys Velaryon.
>doesn't care about her
>he's jealous of Aegon
Why would he be jealous if he doesn't care? Speak plainly, anon.
Do you guys actually still think this is happening or are you drawing it out for a meme?
Isn't Sunfyre supposed to eat Rhaenyra? Or does he survive?
His editor saved his dumb book because who the fuck would take Dany seriously if her only thing was throwing fireballs.
no and there would have been no final dragon birth in GoT so the books would have lacked a big dramatic motor.
fucking the person who was supposed to protect her son.
>Lucemond is real
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>least violent day in Riverlands
>Harrenhal done right for once
>Simon Strong
>Milly jumpscare
>based Ulf, thought they'd cut him/merge with Hugh Hammer
>Rhaenyra learns Vizzy T kept his word

Ep 4 looking to be more eventful with at least the kickoff of Rook's Rest
Nope,Dragons bring the X factor.
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Add in psycho incest sister played by Grey Delisle too
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>Here's how three siblings with flamethrowers took over an entire continent single handedly.
George is dumb.
Explain to me why having a small pecker is bad
He keeps getting injuried in all the dragonfights but still surviving up to late war.
By enemy dragons bodycounts alone he's actuall the overall best dragon in book version of the war
It’s not small.
Not bad per se, Aemond compensates by not being a manlet. Still acts like an edgy 14yo, and that's no coincidence lmao
Dicklet cope is real
You don't think it's funny that after all the big talks and bullying, Aegon ends up getting cuck by his own brother as a revenge?
He's jealous that Aegon is going to be king and not him
I didn't think it was that small, was it really his cock or prosthetic?
>>GRRM's original concept of the Targaryens were pyromancers with dragons only as a symbol, his editor suggested the dragons be more literal with them riding dragons, and GRRM changed them to be dragonriders instead

never happened, grrm has been introducing weird hybrids in his book since his earliest works, the house of the worm has humongous blind worms scientifically designed to hunt the foes of humans, its not inconceivable that is what dragons are, the old valyrians were simple shepherds, something happened to them and now everytime they are in labour there is a probability that an animalistic progeny would be birthed
Masshalah, sister Rhaenyra will bring jihad to the greens
Sunfyre jobs in every fight he has but somehow survives through sheer dumb luck until he dies of a rotting infection.
What was the jumpscare?
It's not small, just flaccid. You don't think that dick is hard for 24/7, right?
it was fake cock
Air power is a game changer. Air power that can lay waste to fortresses, cities, and armies is an auto-win button if you don't have a response to stop them.
Its actually a plus if youre a warrior since bigger dick gets in the way. It makes sense for aemond to have a smol penor
Mine is tho?
I thought the AliCole scene in this episode was cute. Much better than all the sex scenes.
Early you fool
Its not small if youre asian. Thats like below average in the west
So that's why Summerhall burned down. Targaryens trying to rekindle their firemagic. And that's also why one tried to drink dragonfire. This all makes no sense when they are just dragonriders.
No, because I don’t think it’s going to happen. I don’t think that Aemond cares about Helaena or her children. Aegon is flawed but he loves his kids, and he has grown to care about Helaena in platonic kind of way.
Anon, here we discuss cocks. Not the episode.
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mayhaps he wrote the Targaryen's history first, before was a man grown (or near enough), then once many summers had passed and he had half a hundred attempts at writing to practice that he finished the writing
>Aegon is flawed but he loves his kids, and he has grown to care about Helaena in platonic kind of way.
He cares like when he went to brothel 2 days after his beloved kid's death?
Yes, because he is an alcoholic and he uses alcohol to cope. He was not there for himself, but for his squire to get deflowered by the whore aemond was with. Aemond has spent basically all his screen time at the brothel and hasn’t shown an ounce of care over the death of Jaehaerys. He’s flattered by the fact Daemon sent assassins after him and is playing with the daemons coin throughout the council meeting. Have fun with your ship genuinely, but don’t be dishonest about what we have actually seen happen this season.
for eating the last slice of pizza
People cope in different ways anon...!
It was a very good scene. Criston looked absolutely pathetic but also confident.
>I have no way to enact my white knight fantasy without looking an absolute pathetic mess but I'm prime minister now so who cares
English has never been your forte...
pizza doesn't exist in this universe, silly anon.
>The og Hand of the King necklace is back
Condall is a retard but he's one of us
why are you worried?
it does. it exists in Oldtown I saw it once
What did he mean by that?
>"move your rocks"
>everyone dead
to mark his territory
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>doesn't just tell the guards to kill Rhaenera when she gets up
What is this stupid gay shit?
Aegon is a total bro but show insists he's a bad guy.
Is that geralt?
Goth Queen.

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