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He comes....
This meme is getting old
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Cute and canon!
How anyone can support the blacks while the greens have those two is beyond me
helaena is an autist who can't handle a dick
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next episode, leaks confirmed
It will be relevant as long as midwits keep hyping that nonsensical scene up as some epic Tywin vs Joffrey takedown.
>drinking non diet coke (or any other soda)
Lord Corlys will teach her.
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Monkee baited them to the wrong side
Shes cooling her wrists like alicent is doing
Its unopened, look at all the facts before you slander m'lady
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Okay, so this show is definitely now dead in the water. All of the normies on Reddit and Twitter have turned on it, complaining about the writing. All of the bookfags abandoned it during S1. How did the showrunners fuck it up so quick?
>when mommy tells you that you can't marry that boy from the North
>Aemond hates Aegon
>Alicent hates Aegon
>Tyland hates Aegon
>Otto hates Aegon
>Helaena hates Aegon
So how come Rhaenyra doesn't win already?
Skipping major battles in favor of women talking and brothel jokes is not the way to keep viewers.
>How did the showrunners fuck it up so quick?
when they thought they can improve on the source material
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>you see this nun approaching you with a knife
What do?
Cole doesn't hate Aegon.
>All of the normies on Reddit and Twitter have turned on it
Really? They finally noticed?
I wonder if the tv audience is going to get really butthurt when they bring the invisible / barely visible other targ kids into it
This is what happen when you rely more on PR than Content
Isn't he a eunuch?
there have been no major battles yet retard
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what did otto mean by this?
>Show based on trash book is trash
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Alicent and Halena don't hate Aegon.
I want to like HotD so badly, but it just sucks ass when you try to hold it up to the first two seasons of GoT. Everything about it feels so much cheaper and less stylized. The writing was so laughably bad this episode. We’re back to instant teleportation around Westeros. If they’re going to write a half dozen girl boss characters, they can’t all be infallible. Some of them have to be wrong, have flaws, make mistakes, etc…. They can’t all always be noble, justified, every decision the most tactically sound and righteous. It’s getting past absurdity.

Really considering dropping this show and I’ve read all GRRM, all Tolkien, I really love the genre.
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Her win means they lose their heads. Alicent was right. There's no stopping this anymore.
Burning Mill was one, read a book.
you think the guy with 2(4) kids is a eunuch?
It won't be milly's sadly so no point
>All of the normies on Reddit and Twitter have turned on it
I belive it when I see it, they will eat up anything as long as Rhaenyra remains a serviceable self insert character for them.
Bad actors: Natalie Dormer, Kit Harrington, Nikolaj Lannister, Maisie Williams, Robbie Stark, Emilie Clarke, Emma D'Arcy
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Have you not seen the latest episodes? They are childish, cold, insufferable and heartless. So a accurate depiction of women desu. Still nowhere near as horribly bland as the black characters though.
major battles, a feud between 2 houses that have been feuding for hundreds of years is not important
After the memory holed that became of S08 you would think they would learn something... I guess as long as it prints money, they are alright with jt
ep 3 was supposed to be a major battle (rooks rest) but they are stalling and dragging this shit out 3-4 seasons
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a big bush with a fat clit
You have diabetes
I thought you were talking about the dude who licks Alicent's feet, my bad. Why do you want Colys to fuck Helaena? They never met.
Blessed by the Old Gods and the new
Incorrect, I'm just not a fat fuck like you
Reminder that Laenor survived only to get killed now by some random hobo in Braavos or a Dothraki raid
im not the corlys fucking halaena guy
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Give up bro it's over...
they actually really showed a giant fake dick
He's going to yell at Rhaenyra and literally call her useless.
and a small flaccid real cock
I wonder if growing her hair back means she's growing out of her non binary phase
No, YOU give up!
they are going to FUCK
No, episode 4 was always rooks rest you just didn’t read the leaks properly.
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It wasn't from all the STD's and rectal issues he got from being a faggot?
how can liberal women be so old and still act so stupid? this is like having a teenager phase in your late 30's
They did better in Gen V. One of the craziest scene I've seen in an actual hollywood production.
Typical Blackwoods getting too sexually aggressive. Horrible. I can't imagine how it must have felt to have his hands on that Brackens chest! Rubbing and feeling.. Utterly horrible! hah.. ha... sigh...
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A big reason GoT worked so well is you had different plotlines in different locations, so some plotlines could pick up the slack while other plotlines waited for the narrative to move forward.
>hmm okay Jon is just doing training at the Wall and its dreary and he’s unhappy. huh, riveting…
>but what’s this? Daenerys has just walked into a cool new city called Qarth? and Stannis and his brother are facing off below the walls of Storm’s End

Meanwhile in this show, it’s just people waiting around in (poorly lit) King’s Landing and (poorly lit) Dragonstone. No cutting to the salt-washed cliffs of Pyke, or the greenery of the Riverlands, or the oriental splendor of Essos, or the imposing mountain passes of the Vale…
The writing in the early seasons was pretty good, but it was also the location scouts who did fucking great with finding the real-life equivalents of the Iron Islands, the Vale, the Crownlands, etc.
That dude has a kino face. It's like Dafoe or some of those British actors that seem to be the product of incest and radiation of the worst kind but always give kino performances. I hope we get to see him shine.
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the tension... that's hot
>All of the normies on Reddit and Twitter have turned on it
That's not true and I'm kind of disappointed. But we will get there. It's not even Team Green vs Black anymore, the show is going in some bad direction. Maybe some need the whole season to wake up. The truth is, people be eating big moments up while ignoring the consequences of the writer's choices.
i didnt read any leaks, and how is that even relevant? they are dragging it out.
>I wonder if growing her hair back means she's growing out of her non binary phase
That's the current popular man hairstyle.
it means she's growing her pubes too
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>the product of incest and radiation
The hell?
>How did the showrunners fuck it up so quick?
By approaching the Dance with the mindset of "F&B is anti-Rhaenyra anti-woman propaganda and it is our job to correct the record" - nearly everything shit about the writing stems from this mindset.
No anon, I can't do this anymore... Riverlandsbros we're up to some shit.
i want to see some pussy pics on this show!
If you look like that, I'm sorry.
I'm convinced majority of you have mommy issues because why would you ship a son with his mother?
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>And then they showed his flaccid cock
They dont want to give "incels" even a crumb of pussy through digital images
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earlier, s2 had 10 episodes planned but that got cut to 8, not because of the budget, but because they did not have enough material to write s2 for 2 additional episodes and that they experienced a lot of slack in the middle, the current season is a more tightened version, if that can be believed
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Reminder that Houses Blackwood and Bracken have more land and field larger armies than House Tully, so if anyone in the Riverlands is up to some shit, it's the Blackwoods and Brackens or someone involved with either.
I want to see Haelena big butt
the big rat that makes all of the rules will claim the throne now
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The Rat Catchers prevented the return of the Rat Cook. Now there is no one to stop him...
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Could you though?
Not when they destroyed each other's forces in this single episode alone, I fear.
>everyone talking shit about Grover Tully
The Elmo-Kermit payoff had best be worth such slanders,
Then only thing you will see is more penis and bare male ass. This show is made for women and faggots and thus it caters to their fantasies.
Don't worry, the riverlanders respawn endlessly
They will never disappear
id prefer less episodes in a season, instead of having filler episodes where absolutely nothing happens except ridiculous fan fiction (the whole sept scenario)
You could probably write for the show.
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Boars and rats will reign Westeros
why yes i would like to have 6 separate plotlines advance 45 minutes each every season
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Why are the writers trying to convince us Viserys II was a good king?
>Glover is the only one who wants to support you
>talk shit about him 2 episodes straight
Maybe they had it coming...
Instead of 3 episodes worth of plot stretched out over a full season?
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I meant Viserys I sorry.
I love my cockroaches of Westeros.
Hey Buddies, how's it hanging. How did the FC score at the footie?. btw, did I ever tell that I was a Targaryen bastard? Yes, it's true. I shouldn't even say this, out loud, in here. Because people would kill me for this. So, where was I? Ah yes, Did Blackwater FC score some fakkin goals?
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He comes...
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When the fuck are we getting a battle?????
Next episode is rooks rest.
It do be like this.
next ep
we got one today
Because Viserys was team #ImWithHer and didn't want his trump-lite chud sons or their maga mommy anywhere near the throne.
That's at least 3 episodes of progress towards something. Game of thrones was fucking GLACIAL due to the spread of plotlines, i'm sure it's much better in book form but at the time even slop like vikings was more enjoyable simply due to things actually happening
Strategically speaking, how is Aegon in the wrong for trying to get the war going as soon as possible? Not like they have any other options.

Also, how was he in the wrong for hanging the rat catchers?
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There were no wars, the kingdom wasnt in debt right? He lived his whole life out without being killed by a usurper or being insane and murdering randoms... compared to every other king we've seen (In the shows specifically) hes the best one by far

>how was he in the wrong for hanging the rat catchers?
Have you watched the fucking scene? Holy fuck anon, pay attention. Otto spelled out everything
Not even close to their respective strengths. Those were just the people in the area rushing to the brawl. What made Burning Mill so devastating a battle for both Houses wasn't the number of casualties, but who was part of them and the subsequent Bracken retreat losing their base in the absence and being forced to surrender to Daemon.
>"Because he's a white male" - Sara Hess
Why did no one mention the ratcatchers in the brothel?
Weren't people regularly killed on the spot during Daemon's police raids? And everybody cheered him for it. Like Aegon in the tavern in this ep.
>Also, how was he in the wrong for hanging the rat catchers?
Because the writers wanted a "Tywin scolds Joffrey" scene, simple as that. There have been much more egregious examples of nobility harming commoners (and other nobility) in the show but those were ignored, Aegon hanging ratcatchers was a big deal simply because the writers wanted it to be.
>how was he in the wrong for hanging the rat catchers?
We were told by writers its bad
I think Aegon and Cole were absolutely right. Neither sides were assertive enough, it was moment to advance and gets an advantage. From the leaks it seems it only failed because Aemond is treacherous cunt.
It's funny the show keeps telling us Aegon is in the wrong when objectively speaking he's not
They would have gotten Baela too if only they had sent Vhagar
>Otto spelled out everything
You mean the guy that committed a cull against the nobility 5 days before this?
Because he was
>From the leaks it seems it only failed because Aemond is treacherous cunt.
Apparently tho Aegon showed up unnanounced and Aemond just waited a little to have Rhaenys distracted so he could nuke her during the Meleys/Sunfyre meele
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Did he move those border stones?
Was The Battle of Burning Milll based as Fuck? Haven't seen this episode yet, but where does it rank among the other GoT battles?
He is pretty much on target, at this point the situation of the 2 sides is thus:

Blacks-north, vale, fleet off KL, more dragons

Greens-west, not complete reach as Tyrell lord is a child, crown lands and maybe stormland

It is essentially viral that riverjands be made to turn green, that will stop north from coming in, age can also keep the vale in check from the north and west, vale can always attack by sea
Was he a girl?
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Oh no
The show did it a huge disservice. It's the first battle of the war, and it culminates in the capture of Stone Hedge by Daemon Targaryen and takes House Bracken, the only Green force in the Riverlands, out of the war.
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Bracken 4 eva
BitterChad > Bloodcraven
Underdogs will always be more interesting
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As epic and legendary as the Wishpering Woods Battle from season 1 of GOT pal
Battle in the Whispering Wood tier
Technically that was off-screen in the books as well.
Same with the retaking of Riverrun.
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Maybe they shouldn have bullied him for years? Maybe something like this could've prevented treason?
Because all the white men are supposed to want war and everyone else is trying their best to prevent war for…reasons.
Where is the taking of Stone Hdge?
blackwoods are GRRMs ''nerd defeats bully'' self insert fantasy.
>yeah you are stronger, but I am dark and mysterious and I use magic to defeat you and win the girl
>oh and I can see the future and warg into animals too, I use special magic arrows to vanquish you
You mean the next episode fucking preview at the end of last night's episode.
Yes. At first, he denies that, then started appealing to some local court decision.
But isnt Daemon (the first one) the actuall favorite character of Martin?
>all the white men are supposed to want war and everyone else is trying their best to prevent war
sounds pretty based actually, white men get shit done while the rest bitch and moan
>this contigent
>a large sized army
>a host
>our numbers

jesus fuck why are they avoiding spelling out military sizes so hard?
it sounds ridiculous for episodes centered around military campaigns
I mean the episode 4 leaks about his conversation with Rhaenyra. I'm sure you saw the leaks already.
Happens during the Battle of the Burning Mill. While the Brackens were off fighting, Daemon flew up with an army and captured the castle. When the Brackens marched back home, there was a dragon leering down at them from the top of the gate and the lord of the House was a captive hostage.
Really? I'm really enjoying season 2. What is so bad about it? I've not read F&B
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Im just a viewer and I want war, we wasted a good half hour this episode on a chat in the church and a fever dream daemon had.

There was a whole season of lead up which ended in the death of the queens son and to add insult to injury they skipped the blackwoods absolutely dunking on the bacucks at the battle of burning mill
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GRRM was so fucking efficient in the early books.
>2 battles that completely change the war in Robb’s favor? yeah I’ll just describe in a few throw-off lines when someone reports back to Catelyn
>Catelyn makes a daring journey to Renly’s camp, cutting through Lannister-controlled country? you only get 1 line and it’s basically Catelyn complaining how she’s sore from all the horseback riding!
Meanwhile in the new books:
>Arianne traveling from Sunspear to Storm’s End? hmmm yes I think I will need 2 chapters, including 3 sex scenes
he is. but when it comes to ''right vs wrong'' in ASOIAF you can tell who george thinks is the good guy by looking who blackwoods ally themselves with
I knew this show was going to be bad in the moment they cast that tranny phylosophy tube to play a lesbian
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put me in the screencap
Black mens and black girls want war too.
It is really bad. I just watch it as guilty pleasure.
The acting is sometimes 'really good' but sometimes so fucking atrocious, its so weird.
women can't into military matters
>skipped the blackwoods absolutely dunking on the bacucks at the battle of burning mill
It wasn't that harsh a dunking, it cost them their Lord's life on the field. His heir is 11 year-old Benjicot Blackwood, future murderhobo.
>Im just a viewer and I want war
This is you. When you see this dumb warmongering face, you are looking in the mirror.
The return of monke :')
unironically i think that's the reason we haven't seen much of it

>>Oh, there's no woman in that military campaing? Then we will skip it
But he is right. It is actively detrimental for them to delay this war.
The greatest trick GRRM ever pulled was convincing the world he is a good writer
It's bad, but it's hard to believe that it's bad enough that the masses have turned on it. The acting performances are generally very good and the production value is fine.
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But they can?
I love how people complain about having too many black people when in GoT there's barely any, but have someone stop to think in how misogynistic westeros got too?

Like in house of the dragons there's a lot of competent women and it seems there's some kind of equality

but in got, not even catelyn could take any military decision because she is a woman.
I meant more that females are too retarded to dwell into war logistics but yes, that too
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>the actuall favorite character of Martin?
It was obviously originally Sam but then he was clearly upset and blackpilled by women on his own forums so he created his "grey" chad fantasy self insert that is Daemon.
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Blackwigga's 4 lyfe

hes been saying hes going to war for 3 episodes now and hes done jack shit, how can you be a war monger when you pussy out like he did this episode and go drinking with your guards instead of murdering your enemies, they built nothing this episode except the part where the blaks and braks killed eachother and that allicent is now aware shes in the wrong and is doubling down on her son even though she knows itll lead to thousands of deaths
Which is impressive because given his most famous page of writing is about a women shitting in a a ditch.
>Everyone is still afraid of using dragons (of which Blacks have many more)
>Greens have much more men and armies ready to war, while the only two major house that sided with the Blacks at the moment (Starks/Arryn) will take months to even Reach the Battlefield for logistic issues

There is litterally no reasons for the Greens to end the war ASAP aside plot necessity
>Show's timeline is less than a month in the course of events after Viserys' death
So we had 30 years condensed in to 20 during S1. Now we're actually in the dance. How long does the conflict last in the books? People saying they're rushing through it so I'm wondering whats the timeframe in the books.
ASOIAF is solid.
Fire and Blood is a joke, that his fans are either too buckbroken to criticize or that they actually enjoy because they’re “muh world building!” retards.
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Should we tell him?
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*To not end the war ASAP
any new Helaena scenes at all?
Swords are expensive, you just dont leave them on the battlefield
By surrendering, because that's what you do.
>aemond and actor super popular during season 1
>spend 2 years for season 2
>here's 2 scenes so far doing nothing
it's like showrunners do this on purpose so people don't enjoy things.
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Very brief scene in episode 3, won’t be in episode 4 at all apparently.
He is. And also a talented world builder and character developer.
grrm is a good writer, tho dance of the dragon was a shit book
I haven't read the faggot books but isn't aemond like super badass. They're Homelandering him because the audience enjoyed him and are just making him a little faggot now. Lmao
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Wow, literally unwatchable.
>Hound is 28, Sansa 14
>But its hot and romantic for women as long as the man is attractive. If hes ugly then hes a creepy pedo.
In the book Rhaenys wanted war with dragons and Daemon wanted to be more cautious.
The smallfolk collect them and turn them in at the lord's castle for coin.
What a flip. Never got that by reading the wiki. Maybe I should get the book...
Okay they're purposely just doing shrek scenes now this is fucking embarrasing and not funny.

Don't tell me, Burlington Bar thinks it's hella epic
In doing so they are accidentally making Aegon more and more based/chuds magnet as a replacement tho.
Capitalism at its finest.
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They certainly milked him for the press tour that’s for sure. I thought he would be getting 10 minutes of screen time an episode at the very least.
>taking corners with a sword like it's a rifle

This bugs the living shit out of me
S1 by now had two great episodes (E1+E2) and one slow/nothingburger episode (E3), but still carried by Paddy's performance. Meanwhile S2 has two mediocre episodes and only one good (E2), what went wrong?
Dude Meleys is a litterall tribute from the Shrek she-dragon. They are doing that shit since season 1.
that's how you wield a tactical sword
you'd think after a few generations they'd at least try to sweep all that shit up. strong slobs
Catelyn was completely unhinged. She desperately wanted Ned to go south because she was afraid Bobby would kill him if he refused to be his hand, then she completely goes 180 and begs him to stay because Bran gets injured.
The most hilarious offender is when she prays for there not to be a war, before single-handedly starting a big fucking war a few moments later, in the same chapter, by abducting a noble from one of the most powerful House in Westeros.

She was crazier than Lysa. All Tully women are insane.
bros, i swear i feel like i'm watching 20 minutes worth of content, but then somehow an hour has passed

literally what the fuck, where did that hour ago? all i remember happening is daemon walking around harrenhall, some dick and balls, and the sept of baelor scene
I can tell you've never wielded a sword in a haunted, dilapidated castle at night by yourself by the way.
>Mount and fly their wild kin, and we will number twelve, even without Stormcloud,” Princess Rhaenys pointed out. “That is how we shall win this war.”
>Lords Celtigar and Staunton agreed. Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters had proved that knights and armies could not stand against fire and blood. Celtigar urged the princess to fly against King’s Landing at once, and reduce the city to ash and bone. “And how will that serve us, my lord?” the Sea Snake demanded of him. “We want to rule the city, not burn it to the ground.”
>“It will never come to that,” Celtigar insisted. “The usurper will have no choice but to oppose us with his own dragons. Our nine must surely overwhelm his four.”
>“At what cost?” Princess Rhaenyra wondered. “My sons would be riding three of those dragons, I remind you. And it would not be nine against four. I will not be strong enough to fly for some time yet. And who is to ride Silverwing, Vermithor, and Seasmoke? You, my lord? I hardly think so. It will be five against four, and one of their four will be Vhagar. That is no advantage.”
>Surprisingly, Prince Daemon agreed with his wife. “In the Stepstones, my enemies learned to run and hide when they saw Caraxes’s wings or heard his roar…but they had no dragons of their own. It is no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer. But dragons can kill dragons, and have. Any maester who has ever studied the history of Valyria can tell you that. I will not throw our dragons against the usurper’s unless I have no other choice. There are other ways to use them, better ways.” Then the prince laid his own strategies before the black council. Rhaenyra must have a coronation of her own, to answer Aegon’s. Afterward they would send out ravens, calling on the lords of the Seven Kingdoms to declare their allegiance to their true queen.
>“We must fight this war with words before we go to battle,” the prince declared.
That's exactly how I do, though.
Battle of the burning mill was still important retard.
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that's why you should use two
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Imagine how easy it would've been to gaslight her into Jon being her son.
I said the same thing, I literally said to my self : man I need another hour of that to feel satisfied
You've been instructed to insert a 20 minute original filler scene to buff the season out a bit. What's your pitch?
Alicent and Rhaenera meet in secret again to have lesbian sex just like the olden days
They ultimately end up queen and queen ruling the kingdom
Interesting. Another evidence of hack writing by the show, I guess. Thanks, anon.
lmfao that last post about sam
george is fucking pathetic no wonder he's a fat feminist
Contrarian cope
This but Alicent and Rhaenyra secretly sneak onto the Triarchies Fleet to have hot lesbian sex.
Show the fucking battles.
perfect breeding cow
20min scene of Aegon going with Helaena to the dragonpits after B&C. Seeing Aegon bonding with Sunfyre, and Helaena with Dreamfyre. Finish it off with Aegon flying around King's Landing as the people look in awe at their King.
Daemon exploring Harrenhall.
>All Tully women are insane.
Oh brother, take your Tully madness theory back to Westeros.org so people can make fun of you there.
To be fair this was completely out of character for Daemon
I wonder how many people die building shit like this.
I don't really see how that would work but not revealing to her that Jon is Lyanna's was definitely the right call considering how nuts she was

Aegon the Elder actually getting drunk, whoring and having MMA fights with children fighting. If I remember correctly in the books the death of his son made him inconsolable and yet in the show its as if he forgot it happened.
We looked for you on the catalogue.
aemond is unironically a good boy who dindu nuffin and wouldve made a better king
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*poisons Aegon*
20 minutes of monke flashback sexo
I would rape her. I don't blame Aegon the Generous for donating his cum to her gash.
How often is she being raped at the tavern?
She does look incredibly rapeable to be fair
Not in the very opening days of the war, you need to rallying armies before you can fight with them.
We weren't there.
Woe to the ratcatcher OP if we had been.
we know you would. its been noted
>Aegon and his wife slept separately thereafter, and Queen Helaena sank deeper and deeper into madness, whilst the king raged, and drank, and raged
Aemond infiltrate Harrenhal disguised as a ratcatching nun and has a small talk with Daemon.
Probably thousands, that's for sure. It took 40 years to be made and it still seems little, so I guess they dropped peasants by the numbers to get it done.
I would want the immediate aftermath and reaction to Aemond coming home from storms end in the first episode. He obviously played it off as deliberate, but I want to know the words he used to explain what happened. I want Otto’s line “you only lost one eye how can you be so blind”. I want Alicents disgust. I want Aegon’s drunken glee over it all. I want to see Aemonds silent contemplation when he’s alone where the mask slips, and when he puts it back on to permanently become someone people fear.
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>Next episode is rooks rest.
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Spoken like a true tranny.
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Daeron in Oldtown before the war in beatiful Oldtown. He cries when he hears of his fathers death and is conflicted until he hears Blood and Cheese. Flashback scenes with mature Aegon, Aemond and Daeron hanging out. Include Daeron interacting with Rhaenyra in a meaningful way.
alicent and larys footjob
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Aegon Bobby B would be kino
Why did he do it, bros?
Vaegon doing maester things and Saera doing whore things in Lys
he had to get it on
Evil cannot create, only corrupt and destroy
They were being a bitch.
Amazing how Aegon was sad for only one episode (same with Helaena).
okay this is epic
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They wouldn't surrender
he once knocked over a drink due to the massive harrenhall model crowding his war room table
whats this supposed to be
Why do all normies support Rhaenya's side? They're objectively more morally reprehensible
>behead 2 year old
>cheat and betray their spouses
>openly insult the king by having strong kids
>always abandon any responsibiltiy to go off chasing their own pride

What bad has the greens actually done? Is it just that foids get the ick from Cole while Rhaenyra is muh strong womyn?
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20 minutes of advertisement for the brothel, showing the ladies and their skills.
I agree, though we might still get some of his contemplation and regret because he hasn't been shown much yet and clearly has issues.
they tried so hard to paint rhaenyra as an innocent, peace-loving woman that she ended up appearing utterly incompetent, indecisive and unfit to rule, probably far worse than her father
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imagine the smell
Aegon The Conqueror being a hothead to Harren The Bl
BIG career if she ever embraces what she's been hiding this whole time.
But she's a woman so it's OK to be retarded she was just being "feminine"
Anyone got the drawing of Daenerys going mad flying over King's Landing with the "BING BONG BING BONG!" going on in the background?
Rape of House Hoare
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Rhaenyra in the books: Power hungry fat bitch who takes war decisions that will lead to her demise
Rhaenyra in the show: le peaceful woman who suffers from everyone around her not listening to her
Normies hate the misogyny of skipping over women as heir so they will always see it as her right. Plus Aegon is blatantly a 'bad guy'
She might become a new Maitland Ward, who went from one small young actress nomination to established star with numerous best actress awards.
>Your Grace, I have a matter I feel compelled to to address.

>The Prince Aegon was spotted in the hour of the owl, beyond the Red Keep... at the gallows. He was there with the King's Justice. They were engaged in executions unbecoming of a Prince... of the heir to the Throne.

>Must I say it, Your Grace? Prince Aegon and King's Justice were seen together... in the bowels of the dungeons beneath the Red Keep....


>Hanging the rat catchers.
So that's 3 episodes. More than 3 hours. Almost half the season done
And only two things of note have actually happened

Matt Smith went off to Harrenhall
Alicents dad was replaced as hand of the king by Cole

When do things start to happen?
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> his contemplation and regret
You think? I don’t think we will ever see any regret from Aemond from now on. We basically saw his heart turn to stone permanently this episode.
Next episode
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Because the show encourages and demonstrates applying modern values in the universe. Women support all the things Rhaenya does fuk tradition nonsense etc. Rhaenya's whoreing consequences and Aegon's much stronger claim are never even brought up or demonstrated.
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>how was he in the wrong for hanging the rat catchers?

He did it without asking Otto's permission first. And then when he found out about the cockamamie "lol pretend to be your twin" sitcom scheme it just clenched it.
i want to marry her right now
If in the book Aegon's rights are stronger, why did he receive much less support?
What snappy clapback will rhaenyra give to aegon before she dies?
>the cockamamie "lol pretend to be your twin" sitcom scheme
but it was a good plan

hell it almost worked, they just got unlucky
Also how the fuck was aemond in the wrong with the whole kids fighting scene?
>well established that dragons aren't inherited but claimed by those who they deem worthy
>nigger mom claimed Vhagar in the exact same manner Aemond did
>Vhagar belonged to Aemond's grandpa, his claim is the exact same
>nigger girl still chimp out together with the bastards and attack him
>defends himself 1v4, keeps restraint just hurling some insults
>bastard chimp outs and pulls a knife
>king still puts more blame on aemond referring to them as bastards than the attempted murder

Was an obvious case of injustice
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Gods be good.
Get in line.
The king shits, the hand wipes. Otto should have managed those small problems instead of throwing a hissy fit.
>Have a book that's basically a historical account
>Do an adaptation of said history and insert modern LA politics, demographics, and gender issues to it
Can't even have escapism anymore
That's what you said last week
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Not milk of the poppy
where the heck has he been?
>Whatcha gonna do, kill me?
It was THEIR mother's dragon, not his.

oh easy answer: they didn't bend the knee...
Flashback of Aemond being bros with Daemon and them together showing the obvious mutual admiration they had for each other but both knowing full well one of them was going to have to kill the other at some point, to buildup God's Eye
I'm 100% sure Rhaenyra's death is going to be an accident, either she decides to die instead of living in the shadow of aegon, or his dragon disobeys him and devour rhaenyra on its own account
20 more minutes of Aemond letting it hang
I think his story is going to be portrayed more as a tragedy rather than a cheesy villain manically laughing to his death. It won't be blatant or spoken regret
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Viserys naming her heir, making houses swear oaths etc did a lot of damage obviously but Agegon was pretty clearly backed up by stronger claims (customs, laws, precedence). That gave him enough to gain a lot of support himself even as a underdog. .
He gets the Baratheon, the Lannisters, and the Hightowers
Not bad
She survives and escapes together with Alicent
I'm at work, asshole.
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>hehe let me see what's inside your head
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>Had I a daughter, the dragonslayer could claim her hand as well. Instead I will give him one of Tully's daughters, or all three if he likes. Or he may pick one of Blackwood's whelps, or Strong's, or any girl born of these traitors of the Trident, these lords of yellow mud.[4]
He was bit of a cunt. He wasn't missed.
"I strapped your mom."
Not just lords. People of KL thought that Rhaenyra would be queen after Viserys' death.
Are you female?
I like that, I hope you are right anon…
He was obviously holding himself back with the rock too, using it as a deterrent.
>Coin purse dropped in flea bottom
>Shadow from a dragon puppet over the top
I think it's going to happen bros.
All this Targaryan bullshit and all I want is to see Rhaegar get his chest caved in.
Obviously kings can't just name anyone they want as heir and disregard the laws of succession. Even if rhayneara wasn't a retarded whore with bastard children she still wouldn't have a legitimate claim over alicents children. The whole story is retarded.
She will return as a Fire Wight in Game Of Thrones... 2.
imagine the seethe on /tv/ if laenor had been white and harwin strong black lol, the whole plot point being rhaenyra not being able to resist that BBC producing three black children
no but /hotd/ 24 hours ago wont stop talking about it and they actually like looking it at

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This might be copium.. but I think we'll see the battle from the perspective of a few Blackwoods later in the series when they introduce them.
This show is still quite decent, even with women and minorities in prominent roles, what's their secret?

she's supposed to come back during the last episode of Jon Snow series
No one threatened him, he went straight to Jace who was already defeated.
>Fire Wight
GRRM is probably going back on that one, him saying Beric is an actual zombie with no heartbeat is the most retard shit, Beric is full of scars from the times he died, how are his cells multiplying, how is his digestive system working, but his heart is not beating?
Fire wights is an idiotic idea, just say priests of R'hllor can ressurect a few select people and be done with it.
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Somehow, monke returned
just play a total war game if you want to see medieval battles. idc about people swinging swords about, the battles are so overrated, it would be nice to see but at the cost of character development and story it's secondary
i'm never going to recover from this, i hope there's more androgynous hotties to appear in this show
But the Hound is deformed and ugly
they showed how it started and showed how it ended, do you really want to watch some retards whack each other with sticks for 5 minutes instead?

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