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Here's your 2000's burger ad bro..
Mindless consumerism used to be so heckin wholesome and pure
This is what the leftards took away from us ;_;
compelling great depression themes
This, you can only let your freak flag fly if you are LGBTQPOC now
nah it was always predatory but at least it advertised to its customerbase
ad people must be fucking insane or they're just too big to fail
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Peak America before the SJW era
>Americans "leftists" seething
>actual hot chicks
>this provokes meltdowns among the mutts because it reminds them of their inability to put down the fork
Why do McDonald's buns always look so dry and tasteless?
That's not McDonald's but where the fuck do you live that McDonald's isn't familiar to you?
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the blonde was on attack of the show. Does anyone have that webm?
The cure for racism
Attack....of the show?
with jessica chobit?
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holy fuck, I just looked it up and she's 46 now
>Knows how to have fun
>Cthulu shirt
That's a keeper.
McDonalds is fast food. It's not exactly known for it's quality.
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>Being horny at a burger ad is wholesome and pure

In the church of the latter-day coomers?
They really ought to have been sued for false advertising with those bullshot burgers. Literally three times the size of the real thing.
They're not even real burgers. They are foam props.
The only real burger is at 00:05 and that one is also a prop, just not made out of 100% foam.
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>don’t admire pretty women, that’s a le sin!
Only faggots like you hate female beauty and the female form, fuck off back to your hiv monkeypox infested community, retard
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Here's the mid 2020s version
>(and that's a good thing)
She does talks in front of audiences now telling people how this clip ruined her life. Now she's an ultra-feminist she says this oversexualised her and made people treat her like a piece of meat. So she tells women to beware of having any fun whatsoever and something as silly as a fun little tit-jiggle can mess your life up for years to come.
This commercial first aired in 2013. Let that fact sink in.
File deleted.
This is the Mexican btw
Replying so anons later in the tread can find the deleted post in the archive
Based. Expecting my ban soon.
To be honest, this is much more realistic portrayl of what eating fast food does to you.
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>isn't it great how massive conglomerates used to convince us to eat poison by making all the blood rush out of our brains and into our cocks
actually no

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I think that old man Adam sessler was on it. Idk I was born in 2003 and while I like old movies like Napoleon Dynamite and all I think newer kino like moonlight is just more relevant than old gamer shows and even thats kinda old now dated but I liked it cause I'm old. Idk why did you people watch old guys on tv instead of YouTube or whatever you had computers and phones lol who cares all those people are old or dead now
Filename checks out
You should look up her ted talk where she victimizes herself over this.
you dont get fat from eating fast food you fucking retard. jesus christ how stupid are you. you get fat from consuming large amounts of calories
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>18 years ago
good lord i miss the aughts
that sort of thing is partly what caused the SJW era. ugly/non-white women were seething about advertisements and beauty standards
Open up your borders goy spics totally aren't 90% obese goblins
>Oh and buy our slop!
You people are characters out of Idiocracy if you think this was a good ad just because it was pornographic
Her calves are not very well developed
based double entendre-r
someone post the ice cream bbc
I want to see - whats her name? It's definitely not Chobot
She would suit a Diet Coke ad more. Hand it to you through the screen..
That europoor commercial?
that'll make them fat!
>wide shoulders
>square, angular face
>bolt-on tits
That's literally a man.
Veronica belmont
yeah, post em
>>bolt-on tits
Anon...it's embarrassing that you believe that.
My cock is going to fall off from giving myself blueballs
I'm talking about how it looks. Ad food is always prettied up, the burgers usually _look_ delicious, but the buns always look like the shittiest bun you could possibly eat. Why are they incapable of making buns look appetizing in commercials?

>That's not McDonald's
It may aswell be.
Except sex actually DOES sell stuff. But only sexy sex, not fatties, homos, darkies, or D: all of the above.
I like a skimpily clad girl as much as the next guy but how do you not cringe at this
Like imagine the whole family is gathered around the TV watching a football game or whatever and this comes on while you’re sitting next to your mom or grandmother.
>mom or grandmother.
they're both imitating and dressed like the bitches on the screen... wat do?
She did playboy too just google Sara underwood playboy
Ignore her OF stuff though she’s wrecked her body
People like to shit on fast food but you're right. One bad meal won't meal you fat it's consistently eating way too much that will do that.
>mexican players aren't squat disgusting aztecs
still propaganda though.
>To be honest,
libtard snake speak
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>That's literally a man.
most people would laugh at it and that's it. only puritan americans would get offended or uncomfortable by it
>Battle Tits
imagine the whole family is gathered around the TV watching a football game or whatever and this comes on and the entire family is laser focused on shitty product commercials enough to give a fuck.
Project 2025 wants ban porn… what right wingers took from you
Porn is evi so that’s basedl, stuff like OP is healthy though and exactly what we need back.
It’s literally soft core
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For me? It’s yippee yay ay, mini sirloin burgers
41, but we appreciate you trying
Open the border right fucking now.
I really need to have sex desu senpai
I feel bad for Kara, she would've been as big as Kate Upton if they didn't destroy the culture of appreciating hot women like her. Still peak overall even after like 8 years lol

Shit I remember that song all these years later

Way Out West (Way Out West)
There's a story told (story told)
Bout a bunch of cowboyyyys

Tiny and Bold (Tiny and Bold)
Riding tall (Riding tall)
Tall in the saddle

Herding cows the size of schnauzer but they're cattle

Yippee Ki Kay, Mini Sirloin Burgers
Yipee Ki Yo, Mini Sirloin Burgers
Yipee Ki Yay, Mini Sirloin BURGERSSSS

>peak America before Donald Trump made the wall higher
FTFY. We could be playing volleyball with Latinas across the border right now
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replacing stereotypical hotties in advertising with uggos didn't do anything to help young women's body-image because girls just shifted their attention to social media where the potential for body-image anxiety is much greater
No, but at least it wasn't fucking gay.
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feminists would say he-man represents "toxic masculinity"
Insanely based, thank you anon
On roadtrips I like to go to Hardees (Midwest version of Carl Jr.) and get a Mushroom and Swiss. Normally decent, but this time the burger was so flat it looked literally like the one Defense had in Falling Down.
Man this shit REALLY brought out the redditors L M A O
I miss 2000s early 2010s blondes
This but unironically. Nobody wants to look at hideous giant nostril big lipped apes in every fucking commercial. We get most Africans lack the cognitive ability to self insert as anything but a black or ape in movies. Everyone else can though.
Of course they would, totally missing the point and making it about themselves. Typical.
Everyone is retarded and if you ever had these conversations one on one, everyone feels retarded when it’s finished no matter who thinks they won. The internet has made conversations that would be completely retarded irl slide into main stream.
Why do blonde girls like japanese culture?
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This is no better than the grubhub commercial.
Every woman thought you could eat that kind of slop and look like that, so now every woman is a miserable sexless hambeast and all the zoomers "men" are having gay "straight" sex with each other.
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"Everything is sexist, everything is racist, and you have to point it all out."
it's consistent though. they believe both toys send the wrong kind of messages to kids.
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Yeah, burger ads used to be based
This is the issue, it wasn't that long ago that all women had tiny waists. They must have all looked so much better (subject to fashion at the time) than women do now. The ugly pool would have been comprised of butterfaces only since all women were slim and healthy. They would have obviously been far less jealous of TV women for this reason.
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It's so much better now.
>watching TV with my family
>Magnum ice cream advert comes on
>My family: shocked Pikachu face
>mother and sister puff up
>mother casually mentions that magnum is also a brand of large condoms that African American men use
>I laugh awkwardly (I'm 34 yo MGTOW so it doesn't phase me much)
Now you have blacks, trannies, goblins, and fags. I'll take my obvious pandering with hot girls over that any day mr sheckleberg
Maybe consistently crazy, because boys that watched and played with He-Man toys generally didn't have problems with their self image, they were just being He-Man for a time.

There's a Lego research paper on how boys and girls play differently. Boys would get a Batman toy, and play as Batman. Whereas a girl would get a Batman toy and impose her self-image onto it, dressing up, playing house etc.

And back at the time of the He-Man and She-Ra cartoons, kids didn't have a problem with the toys and could play together. Supposedly a lot of girls watched He-Man and that's why they made She-Ra in the first place.
>chud minority hands typed this
Wow this post is skibbity rizz
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I watched a music video back from the 2000's where a relatively thick girl in the crowd was throwing kisses at the lead singer, and his reaction was one of revulsion. That chick would be considered "thin" now.
>because boys that watched and played with He-Man toys generally didn't have problems with their self image
that's assuming the feminist claim would be that he-man caused boys to have unhealthy body image thoughts. It could instead be that playing with he-man caused boys to "internalize toxic masculinity" which lead to them being aggressive, violent, toxic etc....
>noooo not the hecking familyrino
>btw abort all kids and troon out all teenagers :^)
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>senior year of high school, going to college in the summer
>oh cool a new cowboy movie came out
>let's watch it all as a family before you and your sister go to college
>out of nowhere random scene where samuel L jackson says he made a white guy suck his huge BBC
>mom and sister keep smirking, looking at me and dad
>still think about it to this day and it pisses me off so much
Did they?

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