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>"You know, New York is really the main character of this story too"
I busted Manhattan for a week during Christmas so I could take my wife to see the tree shop etc. its a cool city to walk around in but after a few days you start to get agitated being around so many people. It’s no wonder the people that live there are turned into monsters.
>its a love letter to hollywood
>"I'm walking here!"
you can just smell the garbage in the air!
I'm not exactly sure how people, you know, live there. Like, how the fuck can a barista afford to live there? Or a schoolteacher? Or anyone working one of thousands of low paying jobs?
city people aren't real people, they're like actual video game NPCs. everyone knows major cities are just places you visit for a day trip.
Heh. More like Jew York.
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they commute

I've been trying to figure that out too. I don't see how how I can live there comfy without a 6 figure job
some people commute from like an hour away. Like imagine commuting for 2 hours a day
It still looks cool, from my unamerican outsider's point of view. I remember watching Koyaanisqatsi in which the scenes of NY skyscrapers are intended as a disapproving comment on man's transformation of the natural world, but I thought it made the city look impressive.
watch Ackerman's News From Home if you haven't, you might enjoy it
What does "rent controlled" mean? They say it in Seinfeld sometimes. A rent controlled apartment. What is this? As a housechad I don't know.
Everyday, I dream of the day both California and New York are nuked
Are New York "people" the worst example of making your location your personality?
Thats just something flyovers say. There are bad people in New York but there are also some of the coolest people youll ever meet
>There are bad people in X but there are also some of the coolest people youll ever meet
Wow its literally like every place ever across all of time.
Rent controlled means they can't spike the price of your rent out of nowhere. At my apartment they can only raise my rent a small percentage per year
Landlord chads can just raise rent anytime they want, rent controlled means the price you first rent it at is the price it remains
Why are only some like this? I seem to remember George and/or Elaine freaking about how rare it was.
I'm a euro and I've never seen so many homeless, drunks, and straight up insane people in my entire life as I've seen in just 2 weeks in New (You)ork.
>inb4 shouldn't have lived in Astoria
I've been all over the place, >20k steps a day, everywhere you go except for midtown you see these people, I don't wanna imagine what it's like in tier 2 cities if (what essentially is) the capital looks like this
Yes which means people fixating on new york in particular just seems like cope
wait until you see San Francisco
It might be required at some building as a way to ensure affordable housing for people. Could be a state mandate of some sort. My building qualifies most likely since it was built in the 50's
I went on a school trip there in 2004 and we didn't even get to enter the statue of liberty because the security measures were taking too long. How fucking long does it take to post some guards there? Fuck America.
You would like chicago back in the day. It was highly segragated and the white parts are beautiful. Theyve been integrating more recently and the blacks will go downtown more, but the mexican neighborhoods are safer than youd expect, if you see a latin king crown spraypainted its a decent neighborhood. If you see a pitchfork, keep your eyes open.
I'm not looking forward to that, the only reason I might ever come to America again is the national parks and nature in general and maybe unironically Miami to larp as a GTA 6 npc.

I'm sure there's plenty of nice little communities etc but if your prime city is a such an unequal hellhole I don't wanna see what some lower COL cities are like. Chicago looks interesting tho. I dunno I might visit someday still, I'm just saying it looks awful to live there if you're not in a millionaire bubble.
>You would like chicago back in the day
Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking. I still believe America is a fascinating place, it's just too extreme for my liking, back in Europe no matter where you go it's kind of nice, even the poor and rundown areas are nice. We don't have the apps that show you the nearest gunfights.
>(what essentially is) the capital
No one in the US considers NYC representative of the US to that degree. You're delusional.
What's the best US city then
New York is not the capital you dumb fucking euro
Its ok we dont want you here
The cold wind is blowing and the streets are getting dark
I'm writing you a letter and I don't know where to start
Learn to fucking read el 56% goblino
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This but Baltimore.
"Best" is subjective. Different US states offer different things. You people forget that all of the states are different and live differently. We aren't a monololith nation

If you like warm weather, you might like Cali, or Florida. Want cold weather? You want to live in the mid west. Want to live the country life? You want to live in the mountain west. Want to be an urban faggot? Live in the most populous states which have the largest cities
Best for what?
You may as well ask, What's the best European city?
Let's circle back to your definition, the "representative of the US". I had no ill intentions calling NYC "the capital", it's just the most populous, and most famous US city. It IS representative to us outsiders. So I just asked what might be the face of the US in your opinion. No strong feelings.
>Best for what?
What are cities for?
>You may as well ask, What's the best European city?
Moscow and it's not close.
Way back in the 70's or something they froze the rent on apartments as long as they aren't renovated. If you've been squatting in an apartment since then it could be worth millions to the landlord to buy it from you because the rents have gone up so much since then.
New York
>I wanted the score to feel like just another character in the film
Can anyone think of a single reason to visit New York? I can't.
Miami is getting pretty bad
Unironically le skyscrapers, the funny neighbourhoods of Harlem and Brighton Beach, and to see where the movies and games like Die Hard 3 and GTA IV were set.
Everyone I know here who works one of those jobs like barista/bartender is has 2-4 roommates and plans on getting a real job after college, trying to become an actor, or is just a deadbeat.
Akschully GTA IV was set in Liberty City
>What are cities for?
All sorts of different things. Cities are places you visit to do things, and each city has different things to offer. Only retards actually live in the cities.
My bad I don't even know what the capital of the US is
>Only retards actually live in the cities
The absolute state of the US cities I guess
This solitaire building is pretty cool.
Ok, cool. I still don't need to go to NYC to see it because I just did.
>The absolute state of the US cities I guess
It's no different in Europe, you just aren't given other options there.
It's your favorite cartoon character. In CGI. In New York!
The east coast is a miserable place. Too flat, no mountains, winters are cold and wet, all the land is privately owned and there are people everywhere. Nothing depresses me more than old brick buildings surrounded by trees in fall colors. God I hate that place.
Can always tell who lives in NY vs. Who is visiting based on you fuckers waiting for a god damn light to tell you its ok to walk. Pussies the lot of you.
Its boring here theres absolutely nothing to do you are right. Its all overrated and you are right theres no reason for you to come here. Would appreciate it if you actually stay far away.
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I am going to wait until it is perfectly safe
>lives in New Jersey
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>surprised at over-the-top security measures shortly after 9/11
So no traffic for blocks on a one way street and you gotta wait like minutes on end for a light to give you the illusion it makes you safe
Fuck jersey they aren't fit to be our jockstrap
>It's no different in Europe
It's pretty easy to live well in a city if you commit to living like a bug person. I know a guy who lived fine in Brooklyn off a part time job before covid off the following set up.
>part time job stocking at whole foods rakes in 1400 a month
>6 people in a two bedroom apartment. 2 in each bedroom and 2 on fold out couches in the living room. Rent was still $600 a person
>entertainment consists of videogames, free concerts, and hanging out at parks/bridges smoking weed
>never left the city so no car or car insurance
>and it's as easy as that
Now you understand how everyone in a city is poor as shit but is still able to find money to waste on coffees, tattoos, and weed.
They either live in run-down cucksheds, live in very cheap apartments with rent-control, or (most of the time) they're from a wealthy family, moved to NYC and daddy sends. If trust fund babies were a city they would be NYC, although most of them will deny it and pretend to have it tough until you get to know them better
Roommates are a hard no for me unless it's a girlfriend who sucks my dick regularly.
Why Moscow?
Doesn't upstate NY have mountains? Nothing compared to the Rockies but mountains nonetheless, and at least higher than the Appalachians.
Understandable, although roommates can be great if they're desperate. I stacked cash out of college by rooming with a convicted pedo. Shared a 3 bedroom house with free rent and utilities because his family thought he was gonna off himself if there wasn't another person around. Only shitty part was his gross dog and general slobbishness.
Youve never been to the east coast and it shows
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Its high point is mt. Marcy at 5340 feet. I can drive that high around where I am. Real mountains don’t start until 10k feet. Pic related is where the real terrain is.
Fuck you and your fucking mountains dude.
Hungarian here. my wife and I are going to be spending 10 days in NYC in the beginning of October but still don't have an accommodation booked. which is the least nigger-infested part of the city that's still somewhat affordable?
Oh I have many times. NYC, Philadelphia, DC, Richmond. All fine to visit, but I would absolutely hate living there.
And actually, no place east of the Mississippi River is even remotely livable
Why do all Europeans visit NYC? I really don't get it, there are so many better places to visit. Is there some policy in place that forces you to stay in NYC?
>Why Moscow?
The 24/7 perfectly digitalized stupidly convenient highly competitive turbo capitalist service industry, the quality of amenities, and the transportation network. It's outstanding. I've never been to Asia but I'd imagine the Chinese/Japanese megacities are somewhat similar.

Also the sheer amount of cultural value both in your usual attractions like architecture and museums, as well as the venues and the events; and stupid amount of business and networking opportunities although London might be on par or better in that regard.
she's been dreaming of visiting the city ever since she was a little kid plus Vampire Weekend are going to be playing a show at Madison Square Garden.
It would be a shame if...
You buried an ace?
Uh oh, flatty mcplain is angry!!
Jewtropolis fingers typed this post
they drive
I know it's now a shithole but I'm still jelly of people that grew up and lived there.
Californians got it beat
I wasn't asking about "bad" people.
I haven't heard people in flyover states professing how smart or tough they are on a scale anywhere near new yorkers do.
Pair that with it being an actual shithole for the most part, and it makes for a horrific personality.
For a dead end retail job too. Unbelievable. But oversocialized people will do this and worse (ie live in a van with no prospects) just to be near people and concrete.
Bro it's so fucking garbage here with these homeless people
like i get it, I do feel bad for the ones who you can tell got fucked in life and have to survive on the streets. But FUCK these old bums who get mad when you say no to wasting your money on them. FUCK THEM FOR TAKING UP AN ENTIRE SUBWAY CAR BY SMELLING LIKE COMPLETE SHIT AND FORCING EVERYONE TO CROWD THE OTHER ONES
sorry had to vent
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This. is. everything.
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apparently Ann Arbor, Michigan has the best quality of life in any city in the US

That's nice, I like Michigan
the bitches are fucking hot
especially the lower manhattan women
I’m Canadian and I can’t help having a fantasy about Venice Beach. I listened to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography so many times while lifting or doing tedious work and sometimes I’ll just listen to his early California days repetitively.

I know his version of 1960s California is dead but it lives within me. I almost don’t want to go there because it will extinguish a fantasy I want to hold onto.
I hate how we have exported so many movies about New York. There's a whole entire country outside of New York City.
My cousins live in Michigan.
It's quite nice.
can someone translate this from snarky Hollywood speak to snarky 4chan speak
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Also subletting. I know a chick who (pic related) who is a puppeteer and lives in a closet for like $900 a month. This is how this bitch lives and she turns 50 this year.
It's because New Yorkers are arrogant. The entire rest of the country exists, including every city that isn't New York. New York is just too dense. Even if our country was laid out like Europe, i wouldn't want to live in New York. Like if i moved to England, i would not live in London. Fuck that. A smaller city or town with good public transportation and living in a large dense city isn't neccesary.
living in a van is all fun and games, until someone has to empty the shitter
my favorite are the fuckers who get into a subway in front of you and just STOP
just fucking STOP FOR SECONDS before moving somewhere on the car
and when I do find a seat some fucking bastard has to squeeze in NO YOU STAND TOO DON'T FUCKING SQUEEZE INTO ME I'M ON THIS CAR FOR THE NEXT 40 MINUTES YOU FUCK
Fuck off, Ann Arbor is filled to the brim with faggots as is
>find the stores that don't overcharge you
>don't waste your money on shit you don't need. Food, Hygiene, Phone, and some clothes and you're good
>find cheap studios or basements in Queens or South Brooklyn or Staten Island
>commute on subway and bus
The rest of the country vs you
filthy new yorker hands typed this
Christopher Nolan was interviewing Michael Mann about Heat and he asked him if the city was a main character. Mann shut him down and said no.
I'm a Michigan native and yes Ann Arbor is filled with faggots. It's the where the majority of lefty faggot hipsters live plus you have the UoM faggots as well which adds to the cancer.

It's mostly women. They are a bunch of dumb cunts who want to go to outwardly expensive looking places to take pictures for their social media and show off their fake status, even American women especially younger ones from flyover towns do this. They take the most basic bitch pictures in some touristy spots in Manhattan restaurants, cafes and clothing outlets on upper west. They are mostly just a bunch of status seeking working class dumb cunts who never understand the amount of taxes and bailouts that these unsustainable pockets of New York city require from time to time to give that look of "poshness". Of course anyone who has traveled the world knows that actually wealthy people vacation in the Caribbean and cayman islands or the Mediterranean islands.
If you want to see the real America you should go outside the cities - the Rockies, the upper east coast like Maine, New England, Vermont, and on the entire strip of Florida and it's Clearwater caves etc etc. Only uneducated uncultured poor people posing as "rich" want to vacation in New York.
michigan has a lot of nice cities as long as you stay away from detroit (ignore the detroit revivalists, its still fucking dangerous if you take 2 steps outside of the pearls)

ann arbor and east lansing are both very nice, lansing proper is okay but its south side can be a little sketchy but old town and the capitol district have a lot to do, and michigan avenue has some fun bars. traverse city is very nice but a touch expensive. mackinac is a fun tourist town, luddington is a popular beach town. if you like camping the huron national forest in the northeast of the southern peninsula has some great camping with hiking, biking, and boating, and its near oscoda which has a nice beach or two and a road out of oscoda that rides the coast all the way up to the bridge. the UP is fun but a lot more rugged, its like alaska-lite basically. a couple towns, lots of woods, cliffs, some waterfalls, more woods.

southern michigan is basically just dead industrial post-nafta hell though, very skippable. and the middle section north of lansing and south of traverse city is mostly just all farmland, not much going on
San Diego
>Small village
Ann Arbor, like that other anon said.
>125k residents not counting all the university students
>small village
Psh, whatever.
Impossible, it snows there.
thanks for the rundown, I would actually like to live in Michigan when i get older, it seems like a good place to spend my golden years
but for now i gotta settle down in Brooklyn since family is here
positives of snow
>looks beautiful
>fun things to do with family like building snowmen or snow angels
>if you have an outside job like construction it's a free day off!

negatives of snow
>shovel the driveway
>shovel the porch
>shovel the snow off the car
>if you have a day off your ass isn't getting paid
>if you don't salt that bitch immediately you WILL have a bad time in a couple hours
>Gemmi sum kwoffee ova heee
I’m also from San Diego. The San Diego zoo is literally the best zoo on the entire planet, and balboa park is the largest urban park in the country.
Gentrification is a good thing and you can't change my mind
People from New York City talk about it way too much. They think they're better than everyone else. They're always yapping about the city. They're loud, annoying, and sound dumb. The accent is retarded. It's a cool city, but i dislike having to interact with people from there unless they haven't lived there in a long time. They speak in an arrogant way and it comes across as though everyone not from NYC is unimportant. It's them vs the rest of the country. Every person i meet from there will tell you they're from there and sounds like a douchebag.
Positives of snow: nothing.

The cold weather required for snow has literally nothing good going for it. If it were up to me, it would literally never get colder than 70 degrees ever. Thank god my grandparents moved to California from upstate New York back in the 60s
>rent controlled
A massively destructive policy that 90% of economists agree destroys cities.
It's a big reason rent is so expensive in big cities and there's a lack of new housing.
Half the people who live in rent controlled units are rich as fuck exploiting the system.
baited a thread and asked if they watched capeshit. "cope and seethe" then another >you,
"based and kinopilled".
Love you, /tv/
Walked into /tv/ and asked if they posted comfy simpsons. "Sorry, no" but then a pause, "How much do you sneed? Just chucking dinner?
how do you stop predatory price gouging then? people have to live somewhere. My rent can only be raised about $20 a year currently and I'm thankful they can't charge me more. The building I live in is doing fine
I live in New Hampshire and while snow itself is absolutely horrible and the winters are miserable, that's exactly the point of living in a place with them: it filters the people who can't cut it. We've still got poor and homeless and junkies but that hasn't taken over entire counties the way it has in the south and midwest.
you kinda don't
it's going to fuck over American in the long run too
what will solve the problem then, charge everyone a fuckton more for rent?
Bragging about how you tough out the shitty weather every year isn’t a flex. It’s not about an inability to ‘cut it’ as you say, I simply have no desire to.
Always amuses me how these fags whine about high rent but scream bloody murder if you suggest to them to live somewhere less expensive because not living near the city is absolutely "unquestionable"
>If it were up to me, it would literally never get colder than 70 degrees ever.
Not even a nice 50 degrees for a brisk fall afternoon?
No. If it were up to me there wouldn’t be fall or winter either.
Asking someone to leave their careers, friends, family, and lifestyle is a pretty big deal, yeah.
Yes, allow the market to decide. People who can't afford to live in the city simply shouldn't.
My job and roots are in the city.
Sounds like hell. Changing seasons is important to human mental health.
Well yeah, I’d be totally down for a subtropical/tropical rainy season - dry season dynamic
Why is it always New York? Why never Boston or Philly? They are great historical NE metropolises too.
i agree
cities need poor people so what do you suggest they do?
That never happened
Dont show them that.
Need to keep the rest of the country out.
india has a pretty good caste system is all im saying
The rest of the country loses everytime.
>kingdom hearts tattoo
i'm disgusted
Cry about it. Go back to your backwoods no name jobber town you came from.
>cities need porn people

Lmao. Getting rid of the poor in cities would simultaneously solve urban blight, crime, and rising property values
How are you going to get rid of them?
Leave em
>prefers overpriced, overcrowded cities overrun with immigrants and crime because somehow it's ok because everyone has heard of it.

something is wrong with you
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New York is okay.
>everything at your finger tips
>slow moving ugly bitches with no drive. Nothing to do nothing to see.
Spoiler alert I live in Long Island just frequent the city.
New York as a whole is better than place you live only during the pandemic could people act otherwise
Prevent more from moving in and let the rest kill eachother
>everything at your fingertips

I have it too, it's called Amazon. I also live in a cheaper, safer, neighborhood as a bonus
you are what's called deluded
He's not talking about shopping, idiot
I doubt your neighborhood is safer than mine. The only murders that ever happened were domestic disputes and maybe your occasional body dump. You live in your boring area where you have to wait on amazon or settle for the same garbage food from what little selection you have.
What state you live in?
I live in a nice city with a lot of rich people. Guess I got lucky. I'm staying here for as long as I can.
Life is not a video game retard. Either (You) are retarded or (You) are baiting for (You)s
Why would anybody want to make that
I think NYC gets the hate on here because its a clear representation of what the average shitposter is incapable of.
>I doubt your neighborhood is safer than mine you see because we obly have "these" kinds of murders


>your boring town
I live in a small area where everyone knows eachother and we host all sorts of group activities like hunting and fishing.

>same boring food
Had some grilled coon, rice, squash, and corn, Good eating. Caught a few rabbits yesterday and already putting them in a stew. Enjoy your McDonalds though.

>waiting for Amazon.
Still get 2 day Prime delivery like everyone else kek without having to worry about porch pirates
What's the difference between living in California and New-York? How would you describe for a Euro who wants to live there because he likes it in the movies
Who will do all of the jobs that don't involve wearing a suit?
In my lifespan a couple of dudes killed their wives. They were all white.
Look where I come from had a 10k population while I grew up and as of the mid 2000s it was 97.Something percent white and the other 2.somethings were minorities.
Even to this day its white majority minorities cant afford to live there.
McDonald’s sounds better than grilled rabies
You can't even go inside Lady Liberty anymore.
Automation. One of thenthings preventing more industries from being automated is because poor fags cry about being put out of work when it happens
>muh rabies

Yoy do know cooking things kills those kinds of viruses and bacteria right? Oh cityfag, your ignorance is so amusing
It's beautiful for the two weeks it does snow and is cold enough to sit on the ground. The two months before and after where it's just constantly 40 degrees and overcast is just fucking dismal.
That is not preventing any industry from automating.
>Oh we were going to increase capex by $x to save $2x on opex but the poors were whining so we didn't
t. no CFO, ever.
New York has more water and cold weather. California is hotter and has no water. Otherwise they're the same leftist shitholes
God damn I've been trying to remember what that movie was called for a long time. Thanks anon.
Look up Ceaser Chavez
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>how do you stop predatory price gouging then? people have to live somewhere
how do you stop it in any other market?
Increase the fucking supply
abolish zoning laws and other housing regulations that prevent building
abolish central banking and fractional reserve banking which prints money and pumps it into the housing sector, increasing prices

We need a free market

>My rent can only be raised about $20 a year currently and I'm thankful they can't charge me more.
Congrats on excluding other people who would be willing to rent your unit. You're fucking other renters over.
really??? that's so dumb
i guess they don't want homeless people setting up shop kek
>Either (You) are retarded or (You) are baiting for (You)s
Wow your struggles really impress me
when you say "roommates", they don't all live in the same room, right? not american
Still didnt say what state you live in you bitch
"Roommate" refers to a flatmate, though it's not uncommon to actually share a room with 1 (sometimes 2) of them in areas with more ridiculous costs of living.
Do New-Yorkers behave like in Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies?
I live across the river from NYC and can see it from my windows at all times and it's probably my least favorite place in America. I cannot be compelled by any force of nature or man to step foot om that shitty island ever again. I have been successfully avoiding that den of scum and villainy for almost 20 years now.
t. seething wop
Holy based
There is no way you guys feed eachother. I mean literally what do they eat? You all just eat bagels and shit from local stores yeah fucking right what do they all make 9 million bagels every day I mean what’s the deal here you maniacs
Oh well I guess I'm benefiting from the system
Fuck em
Good for you, man. Keep it up.
Kino but only if you are supremely rich or supremely poor (homeless), everyone else suffers
Warmer weather even if you're not
More diversity of nature
You still have to be rich but not as rich to live a kino life, especially if you don't live in or very near NYC
Nature is pretty good but less nature diversity compared to CA. Less touristy outside of NYC area.
Both states are declining though btw.
For me if I had to choose, I would live in New England or thereabouts. Decent nature, nice villages and towns, and the best cities in the US to visit. Also I can't be too far from NYC because I love theater and that's the only city in the US that does it properly, and you can't pirate it like film and TV.
Most of this board would prefer the PNW I'm fairly certain. It does have relative isolation, kino nature, and /tv/ approved ambiance.
Yet its you country bumpkins that always complain about New Yorkers, no one talks about you from the city
New Yorkers huff their own farts.
That's just asking for a plane to hit it
They make more money working there.
Which makes them richer overall when the price of most retail goods are the same everywhere.
So the real question is why don't you move to the big city and make some real fucking money?
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i thought NYers huffed the smoke from all the cars
I live downtown San Diego, very close to the zoo and Balboa. While the zoo is awesome, the one in Omaha is better.
Some people make being from NYC their whole personality and there's countless shows and movies of them jerking themselves off
Life in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens is not really that different from life in any other large city, nor much more expensive. That's where the baristas are living even if they work in Manhattan. Staten Island is kind of all to itself.

Then there is Long Island which is isn't actually pat of NYC even though they claim it is.
doesn't help that Hollywood sucks NY's cock at every chance.
Woody Allen masturbates to the tri state area every day...after fucking his step daughter
Not a whole lot other than climate. At the end of the day they're both still the United States and have near identical customs from the view of a foreigner.
Baltimore is the only East Coast city after Newark that I consider to have a legit personality.
Staten Island isn’t even a real part of nyc either
Why do people from New York think people who aren't from New York give 2 shits about New York?
New York worship is absolutely rampant in american cinema. Who the fuck cares?
You mean New York Jews that moved
What a horrible existence. Spending 2 hours or more of your day on that.
>Otherwise they're the same leftist shitholes
Confirmed to have never been to California.
The state has the most Republicans of any state in the union, and large swathes of the state are red counties. It would be very easy to live your whole life in red California and be hours away from what you think of as a "leftist shithole".
Current day Philadelphia is closer to the New York City you saw in the movies in the 20th century.
This, I grew up in the central valley shooting guns and hunting, my grandma also called every non White "colored".
Tell me you live in Iowa without telling me you live in Iowa
I'm moving there with my wife who makes about 45k a year wfh and I'm thinking we're gonna live in a tiny apartment in the cheapest corner of queens. I'll probably work in queens and then we'll just commute on weekends to cooler parts of city
>my grandma also called every non White "colored".
Still not sure what the difference is between this and calling every non-white "people of color."
>I'm moving there
>old brick buildings surrounded by trees in fall colors
That sounds like paradise, if it weren't for so many places being no go zones I'd probably live in a city. I love NEast weather and nature I just don't know if I like the idea of NYC being a prison to all who live there
>if it weren't for so many places being no go zones I'd probably live in a city.
This isn't real. Your friends at /pol/ made it up. Detroit and Chicongo not withstanding
Apparently you've never drove around the countryside seeing small towns that look like fairy tale dreams. I don't hate on NYC and in moving to a city soon for my career but the dream for any sensible person is 3-5 acres outside or within the woods with a nice house in a rainy but not too snowy state. I live in PNW and I'm more envious of the property owners in nature than anyone in the world
As if that's remotelyimportant ay adult cooks 90% of his meals and I love cooking. I live in an oregon city but one day I wanna live in rural oregon so I can be one with nature, also driving is a blast so doesn't really matter that things aren't always close to home
Looks very Lutheran.
you call that personality? that shit just looks depressing
Wife works in advertising and she's trying to get a better career in the field and unfortunately living in the city is price to pay to get connected. Personally I just wanna live in 5 cornersof the USA before I retire in the PNW. We actually really wanna live in New orleans but I'm not comfortable until we can live in a borderline gated community there
Stop being poor, maybe?
It is real if you consider daylight. It's hard for me to accept avoiding places at night or even sunset because where I grew up you'd be anywhere at any hour as long as you're not female. I'm more worried about my wife than anything
>that shit just looks depressing
That's how we like it there. Don't like it, take your ass to New York.
to this day
NAACP is still called "colored"
it's just americanism
same with "negro"
anything from the past you think was cool, most likely was. Anyone who says differently is coping with how shit everything is now
>t. Homar Jay Simpson
>I live across the river from NYC and can see it from my windows at all times and it's probably my least favorite place in America.

So you live in New Jersey. Your opinion means nothing.

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