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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

The best director of the 21st century edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>200756852
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Who is this dude?
mcdonalds arthouse pandering to westerners.
>The best director of the 21st century edition
Can't agree with that. Not even close.
Il Dono - 3/5
Le Quattro Volte - 5/5
Il Buco - 3.5/5

Michelangelo Frammartino
Michelangelo Frammartino, the GOAT.
Thanks for the info

oof, Yang would never.
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You can wear any brand you want, as long as it's Balenciaga.
Only American movies can be McDonald's arthouse, newfag.
Define McDonald's arthouse for me guys
“Says nothing” = the new “pretentious”

“Boring” = you’re just a filtered zoomer with ADD

Movies and our reaction to movies are complex system (black boxes) like Neural Networks if you've been keeping up with the discourse about AI.
Anger is a much more active emotion so it's usually easy to spot what in the movie is making you angry.
Boring is much harder though because you had no reaction, the movie failed to register, none of it stood out to you. That's what boring means, and it's a very common reaction.
Says nothing = meaningless, pretentious, obscure for no reason

Boring = boring, insipid, redundant
Who is the most boring and the most says nothing /film/ director ever?
Terrance Malick, easy!
American movies made for people who feel they are above Hollywood studio trash, but still refuse to watch anything that is too unlike what they're used to. McDonald's arthouse is usually highly influenced by Hollywood studio films when it comes to camerawork, editing, and narrative structure.
Commonly produced or distributed by A24 / Neon / Annapurna Pictures.
Everything Harmony Korine ever touched.
Days of Heaven and Badlands were kino, though probably his best work is Dirty Harry's script doctoring
can you be more specific? how is the camerawork of these films similar to hollywood?
A24 is cool. McDonald's arthouse sounds racist to me
I see the supertriggered I hate murica sperg is off the meds again
Neither tells me anything about the film, only about the viewer. TikTok tier critique.
No one disputes that. The viewer can't tell you anything about the film because it completely failed to register.
But this is a casual conversation about cinema not Cahiers de Cinema.
>because it completely failed to register.
Likely due to a lack of braincells.
Most likely due to the fact that the viewer didn't give a fuck about what was happening on the screen
This. It’s saying more about the viewer than the art itself. The film isn’t boring, it’s the viewer who was bored. The film isn’t meaningless, it’s the viewer who failed to find any meaning.
Are Cahiers de cinema worth it?
Because of the lack of brain cells
I don't know, I don't read them, just felt like namedropping something pretentious.
People who enjoy arthouse/classic cinema are smarter, more sophisticated, and generally just better human beings than those who don’t. I pity these subhuman worthless pieces of shit.
Ok you've gleamed from this piece of casual conversation that said movie didn't register and you have formed the opinion that that's due to my lack of braincells.
What should we do next? how does the flow of conversation continue?
Because of your lack of brain cells
I'm gonna read them just to bash them on /film/
>People who enjoy arthouse/classic cinema are smarter, more sophisticated, and generally just better human beings than those who don’t
this is true unless you have a letterboxd account, in which case you're worse than the general population
On the part of the viewer, no, on the part of the filmmaker, yes

I've had trouble, am I regressing?
>People who enjoy arthouse/classic cinema are smarter, more sophisticated, and generally just better human beings than those who don’t.

Exactly. It's sad that it had come to this but sophisticated taste has become my go to test to separate subhuman cattle from actual humans.
It's just sad that actual humans are often insufferable to be around.
cope for pretending you don't care about breaking even
products that are old enough that you can pretend like you're so above the industry
Most classic cinema is not even arthouse
Lots of “pretending” accusations being thrown around, projecting much?
And that's a good thing!
That post never makes the claim that they are.
I never said it did
Any director who labels themselves as arthouse is definitely a big fat phony.
burn local
This is something I’ve thought about, especially concerning posts in these threads.
A film that doesn’t qualify as arthouse, if released today, would be off topic of course. But after 50 years, it would qualify as “classic” and therefore be on topic
I think the threads should drop “classic” and focus solely on arthouse. These films are simply better than a mere “classic” piece of fucking shit, absolutely worthless garbage that nobody should waste their time watching or discussing.
I would say, yes
>But after 50 years, it would qualify as “classic” and therefore be on topic

No it will not culture and aesthetics are dead and have stopped evolving. Nothing after the 2000s will be a classic.
Strawman fallacy- where did I claim filmmakers called themselves that, or discussed any who did? Also, name several filmmakers who actually do this.
Again, you’re projecting. The only phony in here is yourself. You’re pathetic.
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I just call whatever I like arthouse because you can't prove it's not.

The 50s were the cutoff lil bro
see here >>200817985
this is something completely culturally and aesthetically alien to our modern sensibilities. You can't have that with anything made after 2000s
the adults are talking.
>Strawman fallacy
No it's not. Also if you wanted a debate you should have defined your terms to start with.
>An Arthouse film, also known as art cinema, is a type of movie that strays from the mainstream commercial path to create a unique artistic expression.
Pretty easy to argue something like Avengers is not arthouse.
If we dropped the "classic" tag these threads would be turbo dead. I don't even watch that much arthouse desu, but I can pretend that I do because I've watched almost all of Lynch's films (not arthouse btw, at least not for the most part).
>No it’s not
You lost the debate, kid. You continue to humiliate yourself. Leave these threads forever.
Is Poor Things arthouse?
Avengers was new grounds for the industry actually.
I didn’t watch the piece of shit, no clue.
It strayed from the mainstream commercial path? I don’t think so you dumb fuck.
Raises good question. What definitive arthouse film made the most money?
Is A Clockwork Orange / Lolita / Full Metal Jacket / The Shining arthouse?
Parasite? Oldboy?
I don’t watch Kubrick baby-tier trash, no clue.
Yeah, nobody has ever attempted an ambitious crossover event in film before. It changed the industry. Others followed in it's path but it didn't take one that already existed.
Blair Witch Project
Foreign does not equal arthouse
>Blair Witch

Made with the intent of being as commercial as possible (I think) how is it arthouse? If it is arthouse, then Chainsaw Massacre is
If those are arthouse, then so are Ridley Scott films.
You are literally retarded
Blade Runner is definitely arthouse dude.
But are they arthouse? Is Drive My Car arthouse?
you have to realize tho that Resident Evil movie franchise and the films of M.J. Basset are as much arthouse as Goodbye Dragon Inn or Sicily!
this is true enlightenment
Original TCM is arthouse but it didn't make anywhere near as much as BWP.
I thought it was grindhouse. Stalker / TCM double feature?
>then Chainsaw Massacre is
it literally is
Nah, you don't need to cover up your shame by calling them arthouse, they are kitsch and camp and I would concur that knowing to enjoy camp is a sign of enlightenment.
Not for me

I'm with you
>M.J. Basset
lol had to look her up. Dan WISHES he could ever come close to looking like her.
Because? Cannibal Holocaust arthouse too?
Arthouse = I know it when I see it
>But are they arthouse?
Why would they be? They are shot and edited like big studio films (which they are in Korea) and the narratives pretty much follow the same basic structure as any Hollywood joint.
>Is Drive My Car arthouse?
Haven't seen it.
Grindhouse just describes the kind of theater something might be shown in, it doesn't describe the films because it could mean anything from nazisploitation to spaghetti westerns to literally just normal japanese films to hong kong action to indie horror. TCM was shown in mainstream theaters.
Lmao at people who think they're superior for liking the "better" versions of one of the lowest art forms.
If you don't read literature and listen to classical/jazz egularly you are actually the subhuman.
kek emmanuelle was like a running joke on peep show
Kindness and humility are signs of enlightenment. so whatever you think is not the correct approach.
fucking retard trying to tell us anything, lmao
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>how is the camerawork of these films similar to hollywood?
Are you somehow not familiar with the visual language that Hollywood uses? Look at films by huge Hollywood directors like Tarantino, Nolan, PTA, Scott, Cameron, Fincher, Scorsese, Eastwood, etc. Obviously all of them have their own stylistic flourishes and working methods, but they all follow the same technical playbook. Why? Because no one's going to give you 50 million to make film if you shoot and edit them like Michelangelo Frammartino, Shuji Terayama, or Kenneth Anger.

Read Bordwell's The Way Hollywood Tells It: Story and Style in Modern Movies if you want an in-depth look at how Hollywood films are constructed.
Music is the lowest art form. Best fit for supporting superior mediums like theater and film.
Where does arthouse begin? If Chainsaw Massacre is arthouse, this tag means nothing. It's kinda like saying "art rock" and thinking OK Computer
Absolutely agree with you, HOWEVER
OK Computer is art rock
>"art rock" and thinking OK Computer
Bravo, should be in every OP from now on
drive my car was utyer dogshit

actual smart people have challenging, engaging, worthwhile interests as vocations and hobbies... like scientists and such... film buffs are midwits not intelligent enough to engage in these difficult fields but too intelligent to be satisfied with dross... they want to be in the higher tier of intelligence but they cannot so they fabricate this make-believe critical field full of artifice and soft shit to pretend they havr some mastery over something technical.

when really

film is just horseshit

all of it

anyone who watches "/film/"

is a big phony
Basic ass alternative rock, just as Chainsaw Massacre is just a b-movie proto-slasher
Has a form of art been spit on and demeaned more than music?
Reduced to a fucking background afterthought while you do something else, paid no attention.
Drive My Car 9/10
>If Chainsaw Massacre is arthouse
No, it's grindhouse.
> this tag means nothing
It means exactly what it is. It’s a descriptor. It sounds like you’re attributing some kind of extra weight or prestige when it never meant that. Maybe you’re just one of those people who get tripped up by the word “art” and think it can only mean high art and comes with some sort of prestige
That's my thought
true. only by some randomness recently have i rediscovered the joy of just sitting down and listening to music, focusing on it and not being background

beggars belief
>actual smart people have challenging, engaging, worthwhile interests as vocations and hobbies... like scientists and such

The smartest mathematician of all time is an anime fan.

intellect != wisdom/refined tastes. So many 140 I.Q+ people out there who are very empty and out of touch with humanity.
Yeah its the most abstract & requiring of imagination. Fucking useless in a culture of goddamn dopes who need to have a message written out for them and spoonfed to them by relatable models acting it out for them.

Music > Imaging > Literature > Theatre > Dance > ….Movies.
Nope, you're just trying to psychoanalyze me. What does arthouse mean, really? Just films that try to be different to the commercial movie industry? Then arthouse can be found in Hollywood, hell, even Tarantino is arthouse
yeah because genuinely smart people are interested in genuinely technical fields. they dont need to make horseshit up to gratify themselves intellectually. they are satisfied and challenged in real true intellectual pursuits and leave watching film for its original purpose... superficial enjoyment
>Are you somehow not familiar with the visual language that Hollywood uses? Look
i was looking to see if you could coherently string together observations and comparisons based on fact. evidently you can't
>Fucking useless in a culture of goddamn dopes who need to have a message written out for them and spoonfed to them
Funnily enough music does that more than literally any other medium. Lyrics were a mistake.
Slashers already existed prior to 1974
Movies > Music > Paintings > Literature > Dance > Theatre

Theatre the complete pleb's choice

t, literature major
First real slasher is usually recognized as Black Christmas
I'm not going to waste my time by writing an essay for you about how Hollywood film language operates when you can read my recommended book to learn about it. Remain filtered, remain seething.
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these threads are too fast now
You mean Peeping Tom
Why is he into anime though? if he has gold why is he searching in a pile of shit.

Clearly he seeks spiritual connection but he doesn't have wisdom, he doesn't know where to seek it. Every great philosopher in art has stressed the impotence of art.
How do you guys stop yourself from jerking off to dead actresses? I feel like I’m losing my mind
That's how they are supposed to be. My life's work.
do you somehow refuse to believe many american "arthouse" films are strongly influenced by hollywood movies?
No, we just happen to be having a “discussion” right now (although it’s filled with 40% bait, 40% shitposting, just a bit of genuine thought)
yeh.. sometimes you occupy a general for months... years.. kinda slow, kinda comthen suddenly. iy blows up
filtered by what exactly? your seething about a nebulous made up genre?
Not a slasher, just barely a proto-slasher
>Piating >> anything

no one actually believes this. What a pseud take. No one looks at a painting and is moved beyond words

Music >= film >literature fuck the rest.
>stop yourself

jodie comer
How is it not a slasher?
i know they are. but when i read some bullshit reference to the "camerawork" apparently cribbed from hollywood i can't help but laugh and wonder if the anon has any idea what he's talking about
It’s Hollywood/mainstream industry that historically steals from the avant-garde/experimental/independent artists who pioneer technique, technology, etc
True slashers are way simpler, more violent, colder, less plotting, more emphasis on the murders and graphical violence / gore, emphasis on the chased victim vs the chaser, killers are usually supernatural or perceived as very strong, last girl trope, not usual to see the main character as the villain. In general, they are colder, more commercial, more violent and have a distinct style of brainlessness violence that eventually gave birth to the murderdrone genre, aka. the slasher reduced to its core foundations
>halloween isn't a slasher
The pipeline goes:
Arthouse -> Hollywood -> McDonald's arthouse
historically yes. but i hesitate to say that hollywood today has any artistic influences. it's all dictated by the constraints of the lowest bidder VFX company.
Pleb take. I travelled to Mexico almost exclusively to see paintings, they were beyond based. I saw Monet there. Paintings are secretly the patrician's art, but they are only for the elite, film and music are for the masses, even literature is to some degree, to see paintings you need money
Has all characteristics I just numbered
You took the bait
Now you must wait…
Not really, but you've probably never actually watched it and are just shitposting.
I don't think I can do it. It's so fucked up. But I'm so horny its driving me insane.
Very true, fair enough
In a way it’s even worse than pedophilia.
>to see paintings you need money
> I travelled to Mexico almost exclusively to see paintings

You see you just further prove that you are a poser.
If it was about the art, none of this would matter, seeing it on your laptop would suffice.

But you're a dumb bourgeois kid and u use art as an accessory. You were not moved you're lying to yourself.
I'm not joking, anon. I'm really struggling with this. How do you convince yourself its okay? How do you live with that?
>Boring = boring
u don't say
I've watched it many times. I'm a horror enthusiast, I know what I'm talking about
I never said I was moved. I just saw some paintings, many were amazing. I never have been moved by nothing in my whole life. I maybe have even cried because of relating to art, but never an ecstatic "moving" experience

Seeing a painting on a laptop is akin to seeing a movie on a smartphone screen
Tarr is an impotent libcuck
NTA, but who cares dude, just fap and top thinking about if they are dead or not. It's not worse than pedophilia btw, it isn't even bad. I masturbate to piss porn and I'm alright
>I never said I was moved.

You see my bourgeois friend. Unlike you I was moved many times by films, felt like my spirit was leaving my body.

To me if it doesn't move you like that, leave you at a loss of words then why even care?
It's better than the pain that I feel 24/7. I'm a sick man, I've got no choice
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>Seeing a painting on a laptop is akin to seeing a movie on a smartphone screen
What pain? like a physical aliment?
Is there a torrent site specifically for classic films? I feel like it shouldn’t be this hard to find Doris Day movies with seeds
Inland Empire raped his career
Yes, my head hurts every single minute of the day, I feel pressure inside it. My stomach hurts too, I feel powerless and without energy. I can't work, kino and art is all that is left for me until I run out of money and an hero I guess
How do you not think it’s disrespectful? Or just plain odd? You don’t think about the fact they’re dead while you’re jerking off to them? You can’t imagine having sex with a dead person
Robert Towne is dead
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>I travelled to Mexico almost exclusively to see paintings
Yes my child, yes…
Don’t you see, children? He has planted many seeds, and watched them grow. Then he was able to harvest and enjoy the delicious fruits of his labors, true joy, enlightenment.
Plant the seeds, children. You all must plant the seeds…
I usually don't watch porn from dead actresses because I find it odd, but only if they passed on recently. Classic porn of dead women is indifferent to me because there is no familiarity, they were dead even before I was born, so what is the problem? Just enjoy yourself, there might come a time when you can't enjoy fapping anymore, believe me, and you will miss it
sad to hear my friend. It's all bullshit, I am physically fine but I've experience so much emptiness, I wish I was dead every day, prayed sincerely multiple times that I wouldn't wake up the next morning, still here.
>Grindhouse just describes the kind of theater something might be shown in
So does arthouse.
Transcendental reply. Enlightened words
I also hurt inside, emotionally, even today I was a few steps away from just doing it, but I never can do it, I think of the pain that I would feel when I open my vein and it paralyzes me and makes me take a step back. I hope that someday I can be healthy again and enjoy like I did before, I am a writer, and I want to share my experience of pain with the world, but I can't do it in this pitiful condition, it's just too much
>look up arthouse cinema
>it's showing hollywood movies with the occasional french film sprinkled in
I only watch vintage porn shot on film & remastered like those by Vinegar Syndrome & a few shopsin europe. All the actors & actresses are either dead or 75-90yo at this point. Doesn't matter, porn is supposed to be a fantasy. In our case the fantasy is that we’re there in that time, whether 1920s or 1970s, with those gorgeous natural beautiful women, partying with them, fucking them silly. The new porn is so stark, sterile & clinical it lacks beauty or any element of fantasy or romance, and is just grossly biological made for psychopaths
That's how I feel. How about these distinctions: 1-Commercial cinema, 2-Alternative cinema, 3-Arthouse cinema.

I'd say commercial cinema is that made within a provable "meta", a formula made to be accesible and achieve monetary gain, ie. James Cameron.

Alternative cinema shares many of the same characteristics of commercial cinema but tries to be less formulaic and more "different", for lack of a better word, ie. A24

Arthouse is kino that comes from pure emotional and spiritual expression, is generally free from formulae and doesn't care about reception or monetary gain, ie. Vincent Gallo
New Phoenix Marie scene was kino though
arthouse means nothing
>I only watch vintage porn shot on film & remastered
Fucking based. Recs?
I hope you recover man, empty words of sympathy and all that but I really do. We all deserve our shot at happiness.
Why would I stop?
>ie. Vincent Gallo
Are we still pretending Vincent Gallo doesn't wish he was commercially successful?
I know you are sincere. It's rare these days. Hope you can be happy someday too
One of the better threads in awhile
Never saw a film by him, I just saw bait potential
>Never saw a film by him,
You don't need to. He's just Gus Van Sant but a sexpest who never got out of his tricking arthoes into giving him blowjobs phase.
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Never saw Gus too. Based that he didn't grow out of the art hoe phase, I wish I was him but without the shame and humilliation
Btw, young Chloe is one of my biggest crushes ever
>what is X vs. Y?
Name 1 that had 5 movies specifically leading up to it and not just something thrown around late into a franchise
A Bay of Blood?
I'm not talking about porn, you idiots, this is /film/. I'm talking about actual mainstream actresses. I want to jerk off to Doris Day and its killing me.
Vintage porn is /film/.
Nah, it's pretty over for me. I am the kind of broken nothing can fix. Don't wanna overshare but it's the only sincere thing to do.
The cause of my damage is complex and probably goes back to childhood (parents divorce, typical loser teenagerhood with bullying and all that) but to me the sign of my complete emptiness is that I just don't care anymore, I didn't care when grandma died, found it weird at the time, didn't care when mom went through surgery and found it weird at the time, now I understand, I see the writing on the wall, my parents will die one day and I'm just not gonna care like I how I don't care about anything now and I am gonna go through the motions of living.
Wish I could give you my healthy body so you can make something out of it, though I'm pretty ugly, but you're not a position to bargain, lol.

At least I hope it's a little consolation that we're all suffering.
>gave birth to the murderdrone genre
I've seen a bunch of 8mm stag films and while none seemed to include anything illegal and were made by what appeared to be an actual studio they all had a very evil feeling to them. Maybe people in the 70s and 60s were just a lot more gross and fucked in the head. Lead poisoning? Who knows.
Goalposts stay where they are pls.
You fucking moved the goalpost by saying something that's not the same thing is that. Stay on topic retard.
>ambitious crossover event
Fuck you and your whore mother.
Well, what made them feel so evil?
Making a vs movie for your 20th movie long after the interest in your franchise has run out of ideas isn’t ambitious
>200 posts in less than 3 hours
What the fuck happened?
Films shown ONLY in arthouse cinemas.
Retards arguing about the definition of arthouse again.
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Jodie is underrated as fuck.
>Verification not required
I still don't see where the issue is...
Stag films from the 70s?
New Samsung shot looking ass Hong slop dropped (no subs as of now)
>old white hag instead of a korean qt
That's a skip from me, dawg.
It's over. I ruined it.
it is never over
Put some respect on that sexy hag’s name, bitch.
That being said, shit looks ridiculous
Good night, /film/
Good night, /film/
That’s not it :(
Night?! It's morning!
That's why the several hours when burgers are asleep is the best time to be here.
that's Shitmonsts L'Empire yes
this is the third time the TG channel admins fuck up the link
here's a proper one
Thank you for this, I’m not a fan of his films but I always watch his newest releases just to marvel at the shit he gets away with lol
Plus my wife always thinks his films are comfy, whatever
its over
>inane arguing about the definition of arthouse
Worst thread in a while.
>wake up
>scroll through this new thread
>most posts are made by obnoxious sons of whores that I want to stab to death
Is this what they call 'American hours'?
>>most posts are made by obnoxious sons of whores that I want to stab to death
/tv/ in a nutshell
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Because of this thread I decided to finally make a slasher chart. Would really appreciate more and artful horror discussion in these threads.
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Alternate version. With special mention to Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth and Hell Night.
Human intelligence averages and plateaus everywhere, in every sphere.
The crucial quality of midwit is that he doesn't consider themselves one.
Just like the crucial quality of inability to understand is the inability to understand the inability to understand.
That's why the jump to the "smarter, more sophisticated" level is qualitative, and the quality of the level is the recursive self-reflexion of self-reflexivity that crushes all levels and brings the true melancholy of loneliness and despair of oppression, not the loud, apish signalling of narccisstic exceptionality.

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