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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

previous >>200816057
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I want Ben and Brian to kiss
Vibes are record low
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>surely google analytics will save my show
>the scroll that summons the companion for an hour summons the black prostitute from season 1, a "companion"
>the scroll of negromancy does the same thing, the same black prostitute, duanye being the assumed titular negro is a red herring, too obvious to be true
calling it now
Letty needs princess carried to bed
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Chris will always be king of the tank
I denounce the Talmud.
Jimmy has my full support.
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muslim rapefugee vampires
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tayleigh's soul sucking presence has all the other fish except jimmy (soulless) near death
Glad to see some people are finally realizing Jimmy sucks. He's only interesting when he turns into a violent sociopath.
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Damn this is pretty grim bros
Is there any path to saving this season?
>letting in random letty seethe TTS
>not letting in Tay seethe TTS
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Fatty on screent
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They kicked off Evil Kevin because Ben didn't like how he was beating him in popularity polls.
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Mixing some vodka with these bad boys to get my veggies in.
Nina is doing her sulk around to bait simps to shower her with praise and attention act.
Chris now worried people aren’t clothed around him
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When Neptunetank ends and Goraniantank begins thats when Tay shines.

S1 babies are in for a ride. Just watch
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Only Evil Kevin can save us now
SEX with Letty
>Fatty posing for the camera
What a sex machine
>Letty would you ever do a fucks a fan contest
>*shakes head*
Letty has kinda been irrelevant this whole season. Her and Tai have regressed to an inactive state way beyond Vance
>letty won’t do a fuck a fan contest
it’s over
Letty can handle tts
Tay cant
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take control over your fucking show jet.
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By media, very very often, or Gormet, feeds, very very often, or Through the media, very often.

We have to take him for his word, that he is 400 years old, which places his creation at around 1620.
Guys, Gormedios Sehrsehroftz is using Sam’s media presence to grow in power.
this is COMFY as fuck
Jimmy is a reminder that /pol/ types, even if they are right about everything, are not fun to be around

That gook wanted to quit and still won second place
pay tayleigh 50$ and she will
if they kicked off Tay in an extremely humiliating fashion that would turn things around in an instant
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yeah, I'm thinkin' you're based
What do you expect? She's eye candy.
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She's probably cost them a lot of time and money having to monitor her TTS/SFX whenever it's enabled, having to ban people for negative TTS towards her, people doing chargebacks, etc. And she wouldn't even play along with the Xavier questline and fucking attacked him because she's retarded enough to think they'd bring her /bant/ stalker onto the show. If they didn't hate her before somehow, they definitely do now.
And cock buddy said he'd "sell his first born" to get on S3. Lmao.
That being said
>That being said
That being said
>That being said
That being said
>That being said
That being said
>That being said
>push buttons every 4 minutes
>call yourself a dj
Have you'll told your families yet?
A fuck a fan contest wouldn't be dissimilar to the Tommy/Jezza situation. Just saying
Letty is one of the best characters this season simply because she has played Yu Gi Oh, supported Jon, and insults Jimmy.
this is friend tank
Why is Letty so sad and defeated now?
yuup. it sucks that she was gone for a day and we got to see what could have been
Whenever I'm reminded of the concept of "fuck a fan" videos I instantly recall that one bogged bolt-on-tits British porn star lady that got the skinniest nerdiest zoomerest zoomer to ever zoom, freshly 18, as her winner of her fuck a thon contest and the first thing the twiggy little four eyed zoomer did was eat her ass like he was starving.
The jew stuff he was quoting earlier was barely half-right. This guy isn’t researching anything he just parrots tweets and shit he half remembers
has tai done anything today?
Duuh. Letty does porn, Tay played baseball. Figures.
literally havent seen a girl do that pose since high school
greg farted
Who has the lore on the gun charges that is somehow connected to betty ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkDjpIIn8sg Sexavier
he perked up when sam was there
your mother
>all the cast in one spot
>TTS stops working
>refund messages
>they test, it starts working
>some messages come through
>it breaks again
>instead of refunding, they play all the TTS messages that were queued
>the messages step on each other and the cast can't react

Do Sam or Jet realize how much money their amateur technical issues have cost them over the seasons?
We finally get a season where the cast are in one place instead of a dozen different rooms, and TTS is less functional than a 1995 web server
He's done with this show. His backstory was funny and probably the best of the fish, though.
>I'm just in one of my moods...
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Did they make a good decision bringing her back?
was today the worst yet?
>Letty isnt an option
Heres a real one, letty-fag
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This was the last time the show was good and everyone was having a good time.
why did Sam make Fatty pull his pants down and start fondling fattys balls and making fun of him, kinda gay Sam
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How are you enjoying the Tay and Jimmy show?
The truth is uncomfortable.
No such thing exists. Jet wants his friend simulator, but he can't resist the call of hell house
the way he called her a dumb bitch in front of everyone was awful but it worked lol
I'm not
Someone go get this girl some candy dammit
the eva bit was kino...but otherwise yes.
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>kills your whole show
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Letty needs to get LAID
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Only Tayleigh fucks fans. A $50 chicken plushie for her pussy
This pic cracks me up every time. Most iconic fishtank image.
Might just be me, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan of these two
>I have mood swings when I don’t get enough candy
cute princess
Just go to bed Letty ffs
No. Any rep Tayleigh had before this season is gone. She went from mildly cringe to completely insufferable
I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with my coins, I was trying to be sneaky yesterday with TTS and everything I tried was getting rejected. Users were getting banned for some pretty tame TTS directed at Tay too. It's a really gay situation, hope they've learned their lesson and this is the last we see of her.
She really needs to stop smoking weed
>People unironically like jimmy
Why is Jet grooming young girls on this show?
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The cast is fucking shot through and giving up. Only Jon and Jimmy have the energy to continue and Vance is dead space.
anyone got a torrent or dl link for JimmyCraft?
Letty needs razer blades and candy.
It's supposed to be comedy
Literal JC Denton facial proportions.
Jimmy should be an option, and while I loved Cole I think he should be too. Jon was by far the most coddled though, everyone voting Tay is just living in the moment instead of remembering all the shit from season 1
Emergency dick ration for letty
Jewish Reddit Joker Jimmy carried it
>hehe I need le candy to control my mood swings i'm such a little girl teehee
because of their small vagines
Jon's wetawd cawk can saev hew
What’s up?
They’re literally the only content makers in this shitshow, chudwife especially.
>m-muh jimfaces
PJfags don’t deserve opinions
a chigger bit his penis foreskin
>tomorrow morning
>Jet comes into camp
>"This whole roleplaying thing has been incredibly gay, we're changing the rules"
>turns it into hunger games where the last person standing gets all of the prize money
Anon you're spamming TTS with the same message hoping one of them gets through and you're surprised you got banned?
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>assemble the army
>I just like randomly have mood swings
run as quickly as you can in the other direction
She's so pretty...
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Letty kinda showed up today by trying to start quests and stories with Xavier, which no one else has done yet.
Nah she has been much funnier all around. Her cam is also fucking hilarious. Watching her pov makes me grow neurons on how to combat witches. She's playing her corner very well.
it's negative content. it's ear rape. he's an energy vampire.
>Josie isn't #1 most coddled fish of all time
Yeah ,none of you fags watched s1 or your just blinded by tay rage
you guys are so gay lmao
next season should be one autistic guy and 9 women
yesterday felt grimmer to me
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No. She's not even fun to hate, I just want her to go away
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I enjoy jimmy I enjoy jontent I don't hate anyone
>the prize money
anon, i...
u stole this from another anon in the last thread
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i love twix
letty loves twix
i love letty
>Voodoo Mama Juju is a reference to The Office
>Tayleigh keeps him facing to the camera
What could it mean?
he really got the heebs seething tonight
based. same.
apart from tay
Yesterday was awful. Tay was preventing any Xavier action around the party.
yesterday was worse
Ben here. We've heard your criticisms about some of our contestants and we are playing to rectify this after the fish wake up tomorrow morning we will do what we have to do. We already have their replacements ready and I think y'all will be very happy. In the mean time we'll give them the rest of the night to cool off and enjoy themselves.
Thanks again for all the support and stay tuned for more certified kino moments in the future.
Is Greg still asexual?
What does this season mean for Tayleigh's streamer career?
Don't have anyone else to tell but I just got a basilisk jaw at 220 kills
minion is the goat
best possible outcome very satisfying I kneel
strong feeling jimmy demanded tayleigh be here for him to be here and jet loves jimmy
I see no other reason to have this human drain slumping around basedfacing
jon was hard carrying tts in s1 99% was messages of retard jon when you couldn't even say that sylvia was fat
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Jon went hard but his body couldn't keep up so he's been power down all evening
He isn't a /pol/ retard
He has obvious mild aspergers, which is a genuine struggle to communicate like a normal human being, his spergers is just part /pol/ regardless the jews did it and his autism lets him hone in on the true enemy kys
I actually am ready for new fish desu
By being cringe and unfunny
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Why is the entire production and cast consuming copious amounts of illegal drugs? Someone should contact the DEA.
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based fish tank enjoyer
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Alright fine. She's a pretty princess.
11 12… and back to 1
wow ben you're posting while you're also on the screen
The high-IQ opinion. Even if someone is unlikable it means content. The problem with Tay is that she's being coddled, it's not Tay
pretty sure they just bring whatever pack of smokes the production person smokes and has on hand

someone thought they switched to american spirits but a different production person brought marlboros earlier and ben just brought american spirits
The fat TTS messages eventually came through, but I'd have to weigh the TTS blocking vs the continuing to bring Jon back and let him skip on challenges (for awhile)
No, I was trying variations of different things, some completely unrelated to her meth abuse, sexuality and gay bf. They've really gotten wild with it, like you can't even use the word grinder, and I'm not banned yet.
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nah you are

True that describes PJ

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since tay has come back I really just haven't been able to get into it

how does she make it so much worse? I don't understand? I don't even hate her that much. Just when she is there the vibe fucking sucks and it's not enjoyable. HOW
he's painfully unfunny when he's actively trying to be funny and it physically hurts to watch
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letty right now
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>tai completely checked out
>letty frustrated that nobody wants to work together and is also in the middle of checking out
>tayleigh is an anti-content energy vampire
>jimmy has a desperate need to yap and make himself the center of attention, is never funny when he tries to be and is only funny when he isn't
>vance is vance
>somehow jon of all people is the only one that cares about the RP
Bloodgames status?
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Yes he is, idc, idc, he's cringe and unfunny kys
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Yesterday night was the best night. The red light was kino
I mean they kicked him out in the end so I wouldn't say that he was coddled.
Whos that little boy
J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J fat
Yesterday was the worst day so far
Her "rEsTraInInG OrDeR" against Xavier yesterday was the last straw for me. Shes unhinged schizo dyke
>>letty frustrated that nobody wants to work together

lol jon plays alone and she works for both sides
Goranian nights
yeah that was great but the day time was excruciating
fucking hate that bitch with the passion of anything I've ever had
I can help with that.
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Glownigger here, we will look into it.
kek i almost forgot about that
seriously have no clue what he meant by it
>oh shit! jimmy is out there getting fucked!
>no one else even looks up
jon based retard holy shit
I don’t know how many times production has to say that they don’t support you fags fucking with their personal lives before you get it lol
Nothing you’re trying to TTS is even humorous.
>oh hi Mark
>umm aspergers people aren't allowed to talk because when they talk it offends me
Seriously take a hard look at yourself because you're going to get killed by a real sperg when you don't just let them be
Jimmy is dead
I hate how they leaned into the bit of goblins, it was never funny and just created by a un funny faggot to feed his fucked up self interests, he should kill him self TODAY
Jon wants Letty so bad
Jimmy needs to come back as a vampire in Joker paint
They can't go to bed yet.
I did not hit her I did not
It's literally over. She can never stream again. Too many angry ex fans
xe's nonbinary now
We're sick of him (besides retards), just imagine how they (besides Tay (retard)) feel
>awe u and jimmy dating?
>ew fuck no absolutely fucking not
like I get it Jimmy is Jimmy but... you're literally fucking a meth head, tayleigh
wait wait wait wait who is this i've been away
if this is a guy, he's very cute
I think I'll be fine
Yesterday had lots of great stuff in it, and gave us this kino: >>200818548
tai is bored of this shit
>I feel numb
Me too, Tai.
Nah I think production liked her as well. I remember Sam got choked up last season when he announced that she lost. With the reaction to her this season though, I dpubt will see her on anythong fishtank related again
>everyone in camp except letty said they're feeling good
>they all look dead inside
>t. Tai
Why this has started sucking
>There are no stakes that we know of
>There is no tension or drama
>TTS blaring so loud you can't hear what the fish are saying
>Combat is boring to watch
Go back to your containment thread, Canadian.
Petty flirting with jon
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great friend
>Jon to Tay: Are you and Jimmy dating?
>Eww no, absolutely the fuck no
Can she at least try to be nice about it when friendzoning someone? Jesus christ
Letty just needs the Merchant to fuck her in the back of his shop to cheer her up
Dr.Disrespect is a fucking great get. Doesn't he have allegations on him though? How did he get on?
tay responds to stuff like "do you think he's cute" the same way 5th graders talk about their crush at recess. how do people just not grow up
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>I wish a chigger was biting my penis foreskin right now
>Do Sam or Jet realize how much money their amateur technical issues have cost them over the seasons?

Probably first weekend of Season 1 after not taking up Graf on not-doing spaghetti fucking code (or stress testing beforehand). Easy money marks lets them be sloppy. And dumb liability luck.
Vibes were off. The day sucked minus jon becoming a vampire and various Xavier antics, of which there were few
Has she even finished all the orders she received yet?
They are soulmates who got a little side tracked because Letty is a bit of a whore
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Jet is getting Letty addicted to cigarettes. I hope he dies of lung caner.
Yeah, the director cam and the stationary shots are giving us really high-quality clips to work with immediately.
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>how does she make it so much worse? I don't understand? I don't even hate her that much. Just when she is there the vibe fucking sucks and it's not enjoyable. HOW
She is schizoing out over the dox/harassment. Have her on the show in the state she was in back in March/April and she'd be a top performing fish, she was extremely upbeat a few months ago when the contracts and feelers were pushed out for contestants.
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>letty frustrated that nobody wants to work together
she just wants to hang out with jon and avoid the other losers which is completely reasonable at this point
go dilate nigga
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What anime should I watch?
I watched the first ep of Azumanga daioh and made in abyss a couple days ago but not sure if I'm feeling them
Jon too, which is super funny
you're on the money
Has she really had that much surgery?
Tay and Jimmy don't realize it, but they're made for each other. I feel like her fans wouldn't have got pissed if she was dating him.
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I missed today, what happened? Quick rundown please
that was a fucked up story
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Nothing happening so have a Bex
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I miss my nigga evil kevin so much
Tay and Jimmy are made for each other, same with Jon and Letty
minion is in this music video

nvm i didn't realize that was letty, wtf.
her jawline is great. never noticed her perfect her nose was either.
Its funny how Tayleigh is the Brian of this season where he was the most hated in season 2 but now Brian is actually well received this season as an NPC
Maybe the mistake was making it a team effort. An RPG is usually individual and it would provide opportunities to team up but also grief each other
What would he have said if he had heard her?
vance it doesn't fucking work like that....
this desu
Sam & Jet's greed will lead them to hell.
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she was mind raped by a 19 year old compsci major
how did that firepit get so fucked up? i only saw the duke push it over once I think

they said chris did something to it? what did he do?
Vance seems like a chill dude you'd like to hang out with
What are the fishtank toys this season? Can I order trish an extra large pizza, just for herself?
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Totally not wife vampire tearing up town
jfc stop goonin
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he flipped it over and stomped on it and beat it with a stick
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Jimmy has been running this camp. Has anyone else even started a fire?
i think he didn't shine as a fish because he was too stressed out. this role he can dip his toes in when he feels like it. i've been enjoying his presence on my screen for once
would actually like them both more if this happened.
When you force brian to not be himself he's acceptable
Nah this is based
Letty will become much cooler when she wakes up from the nicotine daze, she should go to bed
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Vance is the type of bro you'd ask to be your best man
>(fake voice) OK.
Why does Tay just sulk in bed the entire time? She did the same thing in bunks in s2. She is so boring.
This. Streaming ruined her by boosting her ego and making her too deliberately performative. Also I suspect her and Jimmy have spent the time since Season 2 bonding over /pol/ memes and now they're uniquely insufferable when they're in close proximity to one another. They really are the Bevis and Butthead of unmitigated autism and it's not nearly as entertaining as one might think from that elevator pitch.
Yeah I got banned for sending one saying her streaming career is over
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>only man left who can save the tank now
Jimmy and Letty beefing, the plot to assassinate Jon, Jon's eventual meltdown. Yeah, it was more meanspirited than what this season had offered before, but that's fine. Just because season two sucked doesn't mean things can't be dark sometimes.
It’d be really hard to inhale on that cigarette to light it while I was cumming and nutting so hard from her lighting it
same with me and Summer
>dude what if we convinced jimmy that he was super funny and everyone liked his shitty youtube poop random quips?
>entire show becomes unfunny monologues from a 30 year old fat sweaty man with aspergers
She already has a ton of issues. No need to add one more addiction to the list.
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When they're smoking cigs it looks like the very first time they've ever smoked in their lives.
He saved season 1 remember?
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scott posting has been ill relevant sense his MMA career
>An RPG is usually individual
Literally not...
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Bitty is unbanned
*baby crying sound effects*
jimmy is kino
kek based Sensei Scott
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She doesn’t even inhale
friend tank is gay
Blacksmiths wife practicing fucking shit up on Schitty cam
I love that Bitty
yeah hes not so bad when hes not acting like a poor fag
>this will literally be the last time we ever see Letty because she’s too lazy to stream
I’m gonna miss the piss witch
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I'm watching schitty cam and she's providing more content than anyone at base camp
WTF is this cunt's problem?

That was super cute imo
I want to drink a few beers with Vance and just chill out maybe run my fingers through his chest hair
I'll see her in my wet dreams
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>"They just can't contain me"
jimmy is michael scott if michael scott wasnt funny or charming
He can get another hooker for thaddius. Or wood nymph
all thats on her mind is meth
Arby’s platter would be more appropriate
bro it's just a few jew jokes, don't lose your kippa over it
She has been lately though... Maybe not all the time but has been doing so more and more every time she get's a new one. Same goes for Jon and Vance who aren't smokers as well.
.... why the fuck did you post some stupid fucking taylor and tj meme in response to a summer poster?

fuck off already you fucking mindbroken retard fucking tumblr nigger god I fucking hate women so fucking much I KNOW YOU'RE LITERALLY IN THEIR FUCKING GAY FAGGOT FAILED TWITCH STREAMER DISCORD I'm literally going to kill her and him if you keep doing this
The camp is looking comfy right now
In the same way that libtard humor that is just saying points and the audience agreeing with it isn't funny, Jimmy isn't funny either
I haven't watched all day

Why is the mood so low now?
Just remembered we get the season 2 episodes after this is over
someone TTS this chat!
To double-down on the RPG nature of it:
No, I think the PVE nature of this mini-season is intentional, they don't necessarily want inter-fish tension.
But if they're going to do PVE they need to actually Dungeon Master the encounters, they need to have clear progression and goals. There needs to be some consistency for them to work towards.

What the fuck are the fish supposed to do? I don't even know.

I think individually production has been doing really well, obviously it's a huge "cast" but there's a lack of direction that makes for a wasted effort.
Take it easy man
>this will literally be the last time we ever see Letty
t. doesn't own a pair of high-powered binoculars
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Yeah, if they're gonna be coddling that soft bitch so hard you can't even talk shit to her there's no reason to give production money. I'll use the few coins I have and go back to full on observer status.
Bitty rocks
Tay and jimmy are there
>Jimmy and Tayleigh were whispering last night that they're tired of it and they think they might have been set up
>Vance just seems bored
>Tai has seemed depressed for days
>Letty seems just desperate for them to give her something to do
>Jon had his heart broke by Vance and his leg is literally rotting off
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Why did they managed to get Jack Nicholson to go on Bloodgames?
jim it up
Tayleigh and Jimmy
Jimmy able to not talk about pedophiles: IMPOSSIBLE
but Jimmy is funny and charming
nah you're just a tranny fag
shut up jimmy
>>somehow jon of all people is the only one that cares about the RP
how the fuck did it come to this?
Bad sleep, Jon crashes around this time, Letty is sulking about fluking her OC story challange and Tai has been dead since for about 2 days
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Ummm what did jimmy just say
I wish they'd implement something where you could control the cameras like IP cameras
you have aspergers
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>bro you dont fucking understand this place is hell bro they made me count fucking RICE on the FIRST DAY
>they keep fucking giving me free alcohol and fucking cigarettes bro FUCK
>i had to drive to the fucking airport
>they fucking paid a girl to give me a fucking kiss dude
>and then i fucked her in the bathroom bro
>then they flew in my fucking ex to give me a fucking 1 hour long backrub then we fucking fucked in the fucking bathroom
>they gave us a fucking xbox to play, it's torture bro
>you have no fucking idea what i've fucking been through
>inb4 tayleigh hops on the marky bandwagon after being fired from the show
>Jimmy Tells a weird joke
>Nobody gets the joke
>Jimmy goes on a 10 minute long terminally online redditor ramble to explain the joke
Every time
She hasn't even shipped any custom orders LOL only like 7 pre-made ones. Lazy cunt
It's cause he probably is one
>jimmy returns
>instantly starts talking about child molestation again
goddamn please stop
>Tay's referencing Rick & Morty

My how she's fallen.
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Reminder that Tai got hooked on cigarettes during his time in S1. He wasn't a smoker going into it.
So when's the Letty, Tayleigh, Creature, Taylor, Bosie, Blacksmith's Wife, Goblette, and Bex squirt competition?
if shes posting in bant again we need to get her in these threads and away from those psychos
you will never be a woman
Tai starts them better than Jimmy but he doesn't give a shit and has only done it like 3 times. It's okay gives Jimmy something to remind everyone he does multiple times a day, every single day
you are clapping along to Jimmy like a seal when he says jokes not because they are funny but because you agree with them
notice how they were all laughing when tay and jimmy was quiet than when tay chimed in only letty fake laughed
Her eyes are so bad. It’s crazy how even though everyone of her other features are good her eyes bring her down
>Capitalizing Jimmy but typing everything else lowercase
You might as well troon out right now.
he wasn't even racist too just a goofy comedian trying to make a dime
sensei scott has resulted in more kino shots than i would've predicted.
To the contrary, she thinks /tv/ is psycho and considers herself "bant's little sister"
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Has she been a grifter all along?
You know, I actually was gonna reply something different, then I remembered that meme, but it didn’t go with my post, but I still wanted to reply to you, and figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.
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it's the Jimbo Show, deal with it
Tai over here regretting going on s1 to begin with
Tai wondering what he's doing there instead of being at Bucee's right now.
Working on the AI capabilities now
creature mogs easily
actual onlyfans hoe
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lol fuck really? I don't remember that at all. That lil nigga loves his cigs
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It just occurred to me that Jet was making Instagram stories while in the S3 house months ago lmao
she'll get to experience the joy of waking up and immediately feeling like shit until that first smoke
Thank you iFunny
He went off the deep end when he thought he was canceled
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>Why did they managed to get Jack Nicholson to go on Bloodgames?
>being this autistic and gay
seethe about it fag
Take her to bucky
Is that why it fucking sucks?
That was before it became the tay show. I was about the say the same thing as him desu.
Jimmy has been awesome in combat, you're complaining it's not 24/7 perfect content
low IQ filter
Looking at that moment in retrospect knowing now that he's part of the Austin comedy scene and literally competes on shit like Kill Tony makes it legitimately so much funnier.
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Will Jet ever fix the fucking camera problems?
letty should glue those sunglasses and never take them off
Youre such a fag lol
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tay seething has got to straight up deranged levels at this point. Hottest heat I've ever seen. All she has to do is look at the camera and it makes hundreds of little boys' face turns red with rage.

I bet you fags are tayseethers too
letty has been down since her story flopped. she spent so much time working on it only to get denied
retard Jimmy playing Minecraft
lol always makes me laugh
tay and we've been keeping htem up all night with sfx for two nights in a row
he's playing jimmycraft irl
The first half of today was top tier, too bad it fell apart so hard
Been that way 24/7 for 7 months now.
sucking on ben's cig stained fingers
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Energy is low because the bunks stink and are a mess because production can’t help themselves fucking with fish during the spinoff rp
Jesus Christ Ben
He'll never be your boyfriend bro
People hating on Tay/Jimbo remind me of kids that hate organ meat and veggies
Did he break into the comedy scene before or after fishtank
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It’s all a psyop from pjaylor subhumans. Love this cat
Absolutely, Tay is literally homosexual.
Fun fact: The mood will be fixed if Jimmy kills one of the fish. This is backed up by science and the bible.
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>smoker's fingers
git gud newfag
he was already an aspiring comedian in austin before he went on fishtank afaik
>timeline errors
Figures, a jump like this can’t go down without some interference
>food reference
Hi fat fuck!
Too bad he won't kill the one that is actively bringing down the mood
>haha le boring show ruining character is actually...
Kill yourselves loser faggots.
wait, what?
Sam & Jet will get to experience a fate worse than that for leading people astray.
I love jimmy , he’s so funny
I wish I was sitting by the fire with them
Aight, lil niggas, time for a campfire story

no but we could be bros IRL
Holy spastic
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Days 7 + 8
i think that's it. its clear this is just jimmy tank now. see you all season 3. i'm tapping out
I like jim mostly but when he is "nice" around women it's really fucking gay how he grovels to them, like he does with tay
I hate Jimmy , he's not funny

Organ meat is literal goyslop, don’t compare chudgang to it.
100 kgs
>only soda tent cam is up

nice job jet
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>mfw the finale of this all will be decided by Jon's allegiance

>LE HOLY X!!!!!!
Kill yourself faggot.
this but totally unironically
did this retard just say "whispering eye"
is this going to be a joke or does he not know that phrase
I have them the tank playing through surround sound and have my led lights on fireplace mode so i'm basically there. Not gonna tell u which of their hands i'm holding.
Campfire ASMR
why were the NPC's doing a jesus pose?
We heard you the first 50 times you've posted this
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What if we’re holding the same hand?
hey frank
Post Day 5 please
comfy campfire jimmy hours
She whined about being abused by a gf endlessly last season.
Dumb ESL nigger
worst collection yet
He's extremely funny, just not when he's trying to be.
jimmy is not funny
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bugged ai
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uh vance w much?
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All you need to do is close your eyes and dream. We will all be by the fire soon.
because it mogs and breaks the contestants
animations not loaded in?
10/10 Jimtent and I'm not being even a little ironic
How many Tays, Summers, Delaneys are out there IRL like chicks you can talk to for real
Combat is the worst part of the season
God I wish nukes were real
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We finally found him after 100 years... the last tayjeet cuck buddy
She was tricked into dating a girl for a couple years. It happens to the best of us.
please vance, interrupt him again
which bant refugee is this?
aight bring him on
Anyone have a clip of Sam telling Tay she can't Jim face anymore earlier? I missed it.
what if we're holding each other's hand?
No it doesn't.
>le epic T Pose sooo hecking epic!!!!
Jon used his mod powers, not a joke
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last two days were pretty rough i got/took the best screencaps i could
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The NEET (and comedy) lifestyle doesn't normally involve being outdoors for 2 weeks, it makes sense that everyone but Jon is demoralized and done by now (even with proper food and drinks).
Things that happen to Jimmy are funny, he himself is not funny
a thousand goblin stare
If a creature this beautiful disgusts you just because it has a penis, it's because you're scared you'll find out that the penis is your favorite part. No exceptions.
Embarrassing post. Be better.
>I wish I was at Buc-ees
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reminds me of that time Jimmy read his genius stand up act for like 47 minutes
i'm holding jon's cock :)))
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I feel for Tai. I hope the best for him.
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:) Tell me what you see by the fire, tell me what you see in your fishtank dreams.
A deafening curse would be a blessing at this point
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Jon was completely stunlocked earlier when all the NPCs gathered around him and started doing it
que cara de pija tiene
That was a girlfriend?? I thought it was just a friend who was a girl.
I mean if I think about it doesn't change anything personally for me, but weird how i didn' t pick up on that.
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Who are some celebrities that they can realistically get on Fishtank?
>Things that happen to Jimmy are funny, and he himself is funny
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Does anyone have pictures of TJ during the stand up sets?
I’ve seen the porn. Imagine taking someone’s shopped and filtered social media posts as to what they look like. It’s a man with a bad boob job

all latinos should love tay btw i hope you endorse
what dealing with 8 days of tay and jimmy does to a nigga
Damn Brian's not looking so good.
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Love vampire Jon
Kenny vs spenny want to go on, if that counts
>he himself is funny
Wrong. Bad things happening to him is funny. His faggot comedy isn't. Kill yourself nigger.
i'm white
Jimmy is actually an amazing Sam Hyde parody
>the moral of the story is don't do crack
>and black people need to get their fathers back
common Jimmy W
A similar vain to this guy is Lillo Brancato jr
bam margera
As much as I love Tai, I knew that him coming back for this was a huge mistake on his part.
Damn jimmy hard R like that? I was a fan man…
white white or Taylor exes white
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Haha… how much time do you have?
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wesults awer in
He's been on every season you stupid faggot.
>paying money to spam
how do these people exist?
we don't sign our posts here
Kevin Spacey
Soon AI will be powerful enough to make Fishtank into an anime.
Lobster should have been his last day (and the show’s)
Fuck him and his safe space
Why does Jimmy keep calling everyone a nigger
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based protag
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yesterday sucked and was still better i dont give a fuck
I don't think Tay was the most coddled but I voted her any way because I hate her
Getting washed up celebrities for pennies and gassing them up as the hottest shit ever would be significantly more entertaining than most of the time filler shit they came up with in season 1 and 2.
Yeah and he was able to leave whenever he wanted before he completely checked the fuck out like this, you stupid shithead.
because it's peak comedy or something idk
chat is this real
Kill yourself loser faggot.
Is he wrong?
seethe harder faggot
because he's literally me fr
Duanye gave them all an ebonics lesson and the nigger pass today
He thinks it's epic right wing comedy to trigger the snowflakes
whisper tax
unaware s1 baby
Well, Kenny wants to go on. Spenny never wants to do anything but will be easily bullied into going.
because he's the living embodiment of reddit circa 2012
Anything interesting happen today? I wasn't watching, I was playing DS3 instead
when someone says something so ifunny you gotta give them the mulatto stare
because he's based, you nigger
He said the nigger pass would arrive tomorrow...
Wonder what Jon whispered to Jimmy regarding "no homo"?
Jon is so cool and alpha always begging other men to cook for him like a baby
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white mediterranean
Just saying it on it's own isn't funny, when used right it's one of the funniest words out there. Jimmy does not know how to use it right
Sam made a Summer reference, jimmy called him a cocksucker for it
>ok so Jon has age regressed
this show needs more Ben
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>CK I know we've been through a lot together trying to stay afloat financially while you work as a waitress at Ihop to pay my bills and I go on Games Shows unemployed but WE CANNOT FUCKING BE TOGETHER OK? YOU NEED TO FUCKING LEAVE. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT
>Just saying it on it's own isn't funny
Yes it is. Kill yourself dumb nigger.
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Will you miss Bloodgames one day?
They're not letting any hostile TTS through retard. Jimmy, Letty and Tay would be getting torched 24/7 like always if this was the case. There has been basically zero hostile TTS in general beyond some gay stuff on Jon.
Andy Dick
hehe its le ebin SFX time
So nothing then
I made the right choice
>DS3 instead
if you got fucked on before a boss gate it was me
Argie? you guys have the greatest bands ever
>Just saying it on it's own isn't funny
Yeah but did he gain traction before or after the show
>when used right it's one of the funniest words out there
ugh i le know when it is used for le epic punching up and not against le marginalized folx? that is when it is le hecking epic AND LE FUNNY!!!!!!!
Like my childhood I will probably forget that it was 99% boredom and only remember the 1% good moments
Not as much as my money.
Did I miss anything?

Did Anyone call Letty out on getting Cole canned from S2?
maybe for one day ya then i'll get back to having a life
I'm already missing it...
Yes this was one of the funniest streams so far I've ever seen
Most streams bored me into closing them
It was an interesting idea that had potential with a good first few days but it quickly went downhill and it's as grim as Week 4 of the normal show.
Also Jet is a retard for trying to do an "All Stars" special after just two fucking seasons.
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yeah nothing really happened plot wise I think Jon and Xev are going all in against Tay
Tai is cooked
i miss when it was good. it felt like ages ago (3 days ago)
so brown
Letty raped Fatty today unironically
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I’m already about to start pre-grieving
Nah I started a new game and I died 3 times to Gundyr
KLR 650.

I want one myself.
i'll probably only ever miss s1
What the get them on S3. Is Jet and crew worried about being upstaged
>Jon asking Jimmy to come tell him if his leg looks bad (no homo)
Yeah. I find it more consistently funny than S2 was.
Sam’s car and motorcycle fascination is the gayest thing about him
How is Jimmy supposed to sleep tonight without Creature to cuddle in his bed? Jet, get Creature back in there for our boy Jimmy.
I feel nostalgic for
>Fishtank S1 first two weeks + camping
>S2 first seven days + week 4
>S2.5 first six days
S3 I expect someone to meltdown and half the contestants to leave day three, maybe a good freeloader period around the halfway point
nah it was about when jimmy said NO HOMO to minion because shes actually trans lmao
ER doc here, Jons leg looks bad it likely needs amputated
This is how both previous seasons were, the best part is posting here or in other chats. It really is a “virtual friend simulator” because the best thing to do is leave the show on and tune in when it sounds like something good is happening. This makes you almost feel like part of the show, and many anons have reported phenomena unique to this type of long form live stream.
Just now realizing how comfy the camp looks
I forgot Vance actually names his cat Jit. It was on his first stream out of the tank
It's hard not to be funnier than S2 desu
If I was rich I'd probably buy lots of cars and motorcycles too.
Kill yourself faggot
I'd say 2.5 has improvements over the other seasons, but the last two days have soured me a little. Only because while it feels like production planned stuff ahead of time, they never took in account for the dumb shit they'd inflict on people and now have derailed stuff as a result.
I forgot Vance existed
Sure would be a shame if the creatures from the woods show up..
seethe harder bitch
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>Show is so bad, people are already reminiscing about when it was less bad (like 3 fucking days ago)
It's time for sleepy sleeps, Anon. You're cranky.
this is the shittiest opinion on Sam.
What was S2 week 4
S2 was pretty fucking funny sometimes it just wasn't consistent.
u mad
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towkeys a supa eazy to kiw
When will we reach Neptunian singularity?
>S3 I expect someone to meltdown and half the contestants to leave day three
Yeah I have no idea how they're gonna make the show work by relying on a casting agency
>w-what?! no, i want to leave!
Would you eat food prepared by Jimmy (that he's been dripping sweat into)?
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Just realized that I don't have to watch this show since I'm not really enjoying it that much anymore
Jon's leg will be rotten by the morning. Check these dubs
Peak dumbgay, frank intro + bed building, bliccy, tay freakout
all the peak hell house stuff before they realized the show was about to end if they didnt tone back
Im thinking about Bex jumping in me in my sleep naked and wet and pulling my blanket and pants off and fugging me till I coom then kiss my head and sleep next to me.
How was Josie coddled in any way
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Six weeks
Six fucking weeks
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It's a complete joke, I swear none of you have actually met rich people because his humblebrags about vehicles are nothing compared to what you will see a rich American or Russian woman liquidate a 20 year old man's existence for
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Nice freudian slip. It's okay I feel that way too
they glow in the dark
I wouldn't eat food prepared within 10 feet of Jimmy
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I hate how she doesn't interact at all and keeps cucking herself out of everything. Bitch come hang out near the fire are you dumb?
People who talk about Trey Davis need a bullet in the throat.
happens to the best of us
vibes status?
>it was like Trump something something plague
>and I can't remember the rest
fuckin' love Jimmy
so jim is like an irl /pol/poster
frank wasn't allowed to beat her to death so shes coddled. sorry
oh god I bet Tayleigh is obsessed with Terry Davis
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>they never took in account for the dumb shit they'd inflict on people and now have derailed stuff as a result.
Xavier constantly referencing Tay's stalker was a dumb move and making Tai wear those goggles for most of yesterday just killed his interest in participating. Now they just did a retarded thing with Letty where she spent all day doing something for zero gain and now no longer gives a fuck. Sam keeps smashing their stuff and weapons so everyone is just assuming that a fish victory is going to be impossible so they're just phoning it in now and playing camping friend tank. They just keep going back to basecamp and just want to hang out and talk and abandon the show.
It’s a weird line to cross. They’ll probably just recruit fans again. No well adjusted person would last a day in some of the worst portions of the last two seasons.
Can we all agree that the Ben & Brian chemistry is pretty great?
negative and/or creepy tts constantly being rejected
youre scaring me anon. I dont want to wake up to jon's obituary
he's got money, he needs to get a KTM dualie
Yes why do you think he's half spic.
the problem is it could be fixed if they kicked out one contestant
>All of da joos
>Fwom isweal
Hey man, that's the name of the game
>all the jews
>from Isweaw
Did anything good/important happen the past two hours? I stopped paying attention after Jimmycraft started
ALL da jews

from israewl
theyre both socialized yeah
more jew talk
based ifunny
The morale bar reflect audience sentiment as well
>Jon and Jimmy schizo-off
You havent seen her cringe terry sunglasses-esque pic?
never happened
anon was raped.
>Trey Davis
yeah that's why we love him
They work really well together, can't believe I'm saying this but I would love to see Brian on staff for s3. I would also love to see them kiss each other and maybe go further if they're comfortable with that
Tay got very worked up by the Meth head insults
>jon hangs out with roger stone
>thinks trump is a secret mason
what is his endgame
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KLR 650 is a great, dependable bike but it would make a terrible supermoto.
Source: I own a gen 1
>i know guys in s secret club and they all told me(a retard) that these things are true
i can't wait to see if vance will do anything tomorrow
it happened to me, how dare you tell me my experiences.
>Did Anyone call Letty out on getting Cole canned from S2?
Isn’t this disproven now that both Letty and Jimmy said “Nina” out loud yesterday and nothing happened? I think they even let Nina tts through.
That just means they were correct.
you know who I mean
he's like 1/4 Chilean, that's basically white
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is jimmy a trannyfarms user?
also why does jet block any tts saying "joshua moon" or "null"?
jimmy bringing up consent all the time makes me think he raped somebody
>may I kiss your legs m'lady
You think when Jon dies in his sleep, Letty will regret not telling him how she feels. And she'll remain alone forever
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this. my theory is spurned tayjeets from the S2 days. I actually like her now. she literally does nothing and all I see is REEEEEEing. Fucking bizarre
Yah it's way too heavy. I do love dualsports though. I went out of my way to grab a RE Himmy 411
Is that yours? Looks fuckin sweet
she does bumps on weekends nothing to worry about
I literally made this image and I hate her now. Stop posting it
my favorite thing Jon said in season 1 was
>Isweaw was made up by da iwwuminati
one drop rule
Tay misses her meth pipe and vibrator. She completely forgot to smoke the stem and she's fiending like crazy.
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Which outside the tank subplot was the best?
>S1 Jeremy, Tommy, and friends
>S2 Summer and her voicemails
>S2.5 /bant/ and Q's shenanigans
him bringing up pedophiles constantly makes me think he's a child rapist
>everyone is just assuming that a fish victory is going to be impossible
It kind of is at this point.
>constantly losing items
>all down to low health
>killed a party member and alienated him into serving the duke and xavier
>keep telling xavier to fuck off when he is their key to victory
>all sit around and don't interact with NPCs, which is how xavier won the election
>have done absolutely nothing about the duke and just let him destroy their weapons
I hope we get a "Xavier Wins" ending and he just shits all over everyone by carefully explaining all the ways they went wrong and how retarded they were before using his powers to enact the "reset" Jet keeps talking about for S3
Jet has openly said that he hopes all kiwifarms users die.
summer voicemails were fucking genuinely deranged but hilarious
michelle obama is a tranny was way better
Jon Snow
Star Wars
Diet Shasta
JC was the only ever casting agency contestant and she was the only one willing to fuck everyone over the first week... I guess she thought it was an actual competition and not just a gay humiliation ritual endurement contest
yes "we" as in the goyim

she doesnt smoke at home tho shes a fucking shut in loser where would she even get gear in nowhere texas
Summer, easily. The other two were just annoying schizos
>beating women
It's like always one of these
>why does jet block any tts saying "joshua moon" or "null"
jet hates kiwifarms and josh makes fun of jet for being a loser which hurts his ego
You have become death, destroyer of worlds.
There's no undoing now.
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>the last remaining taytriot samefagging Pathetic. If this was organic you would be posting in bant but the only one defending her there is one Canadian which is probably you
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Summer is kino
Tom and jerry for sure. The way they would pop into threads and dump tons of new pics was hilarious.
does anyone have the clip where tay admits she tried meth?
>raw pork infinity worse than raw chicken
he just keeps getting more retarded
Who are we endorsing for S3? I'm thinking Meadow is gonna make it all the way
that only applies to jews, retard
>null calling anyone a loser
that's rich
There is no prize this season, they’re just getting paid to be there. I haven’t even seen them give a mini-prize out in awhile, the last time they did Sam was worried they weren’t making enough money to make it worth it. Anyone who cares about the plot is being silly anyways.
I don't know about Jimmy
I think Tay had an onionfarms account
that nigger has a mental illness
the summer voicemails were kino and felt like an ARG
This This This
I hope it’s as fair as Jet claimed when he said the team can lose before the show ends.
Letty, I just think you're really pretty and want to squeeze your milkers, no homo.
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>he doesn't know
Stop having a melty
Goblin win incoming
Taking over the entire town of schitty and making the fish go to Catholic mass
time to log out
two origami flowers walk into a bar, fuck you kike nigger lol
kek TJ has Jon seething
get ready for another night of ai sfx blowing out the speakers for two hours
Summer would be literally perfect, voicemails and all, but she's a coalburning zoomer whore (many such cases) who apparently banged Jamal Ginsberg, so it's like "fuck off and die who cares".
yea I caught that too, the fuck is he talking about?
I don't think we're ever gonna get a subplot as insane as Summer, that night was one of the wildest nights I've experienced online
Summer is probably the best because it was so insane and unbelievable that people genuinely thought it was an ARG that was apart of the show
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Q because he is canon
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I will never turn my back on this cat
Why doesn't Jon like TJ?
another keep your clothes on you look better bitch
Summer's voicemails still haunt me, should be a fucking PSA about the dangers of BPD girls.
i actually wanted to hear what they thought about TJs oc but once again Jimmy ruined it
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>>keep telling xavier to fuck off when he is their key to victory
They are convinced that if they work with him he wins and they lose. They are so stupid it hurts
what did he say?
I definitely did lol
My posts on /tv/
raw chicken gives you salmonella and whatever else, like food poisoning shit, raw pork will give you fucking brain eating worms
he has a nice chick I would give him the stinky eye too
i forgot to mention Summer also gave us "I was raped" and "Vance cried"
Yep, the voicemail shit was wild.
it was boring as shit anyways
sam collects damaged schizo women like he does useless zoomers
I really hate Tay, but I respect your commitment.
Because TJ claimed Taylor before him
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>want me to use your legal name?
>you can use it, i don't care
>my name is nina

badass desu
He wouldnt cook
i think a 450 is probably the upper end for a supermoto. Powerful enough for highway shit, but still somewhat light and maneuverable.

A 250 is probably best for "urban shit" and general tomfoolery, and, if needed, can still hit 80 mph and barely handle a highway in a pinch.
Hoes Mad (x8)
Jon is based and TJ isnt. That simple really
she called you a basement dwelling virgin and despises you, thinks you're a creepy autistic loser.
>raw pork will give you fucking brain eating worms
yeah if you live in fucking somalia
germans eat raw pork all the time
the wolf suit
damiel being there should remind everyone how fake fisthshit is. this show will never not be a fake mess..
TJ's OC sucked, get off his nuts.
I barely notice her, but apparently people are hyperfocused on her for reasons. There's so many different things happening everyday. Between all the fish, NPCs, various quests, plans, scenarios all over the map, I don't understand how people are getting snagged up hating her or any other individual for that matter.
Jimmy gave us the rape meme first. I was “uncle frank” posting at the beginning of every thread I participated in during s2
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>Summer also gave us "I was raped"
Not even close, pic related, see
She didn't mean me. We're cool.
Every time Jimmy says a lame joke Tayleigh is always the only one to laugh. Can't stand this bitch.
They are both retards who can barely speak but TJ managed to get a qtpie and win fishtank.

strap yourself in bro she's out of her mind
Jon is jealous of TJ's lack of speech impediments.
was great though
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she knows me well
if thats the "most cringe" then the faggot who wrote that never read his own post.
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jealousy I'd imagine. Xavier likes him more
You have to be mentally challenged incel to seriously believe Cole got kicked out for saying Nina.
What was the reference
>tts is the main source of income
>it doesn't work 90% of the time
anyone have the Jimmycraft zip. dont want to give MDE $$$
These are all terrible though
>walks away sobbing her crossed eyes out
Not one of these came from posts here you dumb nigger. You fags love pretending you actually watch this garbage when it's obvious you don't. Kill yourself loser faggot.
that is the jimmy enigma. He is hilarious when hes not trying but when he thinks he's being funny Im tempted to mute
Yeah, it's like your company's billing system going down.
If it happens once you fix it and never repeat it again. If it happens twice everyone in IT is fired. But here it's down like five times a day.
Kill yourself niggers.
I love the time of the night when we are subjected to annoying, loud tts that, in no way, effects the fish's conversations that we are trying to hear.
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I turned the stream off for the night, that shit is torture
Tobuscus is totally possible
how is Jimmy not on the list when they let him back after being kicked off like 3 times?
time to get a job my nigga
I did get one really recently for the first time in like 6 years. I hope it doesn’t interfere with me hosting season 3.
good luck and don't fuck it up this shit is not worth it

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